
A few months passed since school started. Students were only supposed to learn history, math and other really basic stuff that Dix learned so long ago. He usually just let his clone sit trough the class while he kept practicing his newer abilities especially his sharingan. It was quite problematic to progress with it, considering he isn't part of the actual bloodline, so his own exploits won't make the sharingan evolve faster. Its going to take its sweet time. Dix tried to take a few measurements and understood its around 10-15% filled. He would need quite some time before he can evolve it into the Mangekyo Sharingan. After that he would have to do something with the going blind business, which is worrying to say the least.

So some time passed and it was already snowing. Dix knew there will be a somewhat important event around that time, which already had some impact on the story, so he wanted to participate. It was connected to Hinata, someone who he had a favorable impression of. He wasn't in love for sure, but felt like he wanted to help her out, because she is one of those truly pure and goodhearted girls he liked even in his previous life. Not like he ever had a date or something, but he learned that being around people like her by itself had a good effect on his psyche. Something which he was in dire need of.

So he decided to follow her home from school after it started snowing. He knew that's when she will be ganged upon by a few bullies. He prepared a red scarf, just to recreate the scene from the anime (this actually happened in the movie, but lets call that anime too). With one difference.

He follower her home quite a few times. He felt like a pedophile creep, but he didn't want to leave the event to fate, so he decided to protect her from the shadows, not caring about the moral implications. Days, weeks went by and after quite a while, on one crucial afternoon when school finished and Hinata was walking home on her own, they approached her.

They were 3 simple nobodies, who felt like bullying a girl would give their existence some meaning. Well, considering they never showed up in the anime, they probably died somewhere in a quiet and dark alley. Or at least that's the thought Dix liked to play around with. Well, it doesn't matter, he doesn't have to go that far.

The 3 bullies approached Hinata and started badmouthing her for the Byakugan she had. It made anyone who had it have eyes that are totally white with no distinguishable pupils. It really does look alien, but that's no reason to bully someone, especially not Hinata. Dix wanted to jump at them right away, but he had to pretend he was just coincidentally there and rescues her on impulse. Dix started running towards them in a slow pace and shouted at the bullies.

Hinata was already on the ground, with her hands on her face to hide her eyes. The bullies took away her scarf and started tearing it for some reason.

"Hey, you dumbass, what are you doing?! Let her go!" Dix shouting with audible anger in his voice. All three of the bullies got scared for a second and turned around to see who disturbed them. They noticed its just a kid, probably as old as the girl, so he's not a threat. They were probably around 10 years old, meaning they were all a bit bigger then Dix. That doesn't amount to anything though.

"Heheh, kid get outta here, who do you think you are? Imma let you go 'coz I had a good day. But if you anger me... you will eat snow for sure!" came the retort from the tallest of them. He seemed like some sort of leader for them? Pitiful. Dix had to suppress his urges to behead the kid right there and then. It took him a few seconds, then continued the 'conversation' with a frown and a quite scary face.

"You have three seconds to get out of here before I break your bones." he said in a cold tone and cold blue eyes. He really wanted to activate sharingan to scare the shit out of them, but then he would have to kill them too, and that would be too troublesome. Hearing what Dix said Hinata took her hands off her eyes to see who came to help her. For a second she was worried for the boy that stoop up for her. She didn't want anyone to get hurt because of her and would hate herself if that happened. But seeing the incredible confidence in his eyes Hinata knew that everything will be alright.

The two other kids behind the bigger one got scared when they heard Dix's threat. They never went as far as to draw blood, for them this was only to have some fun after school. But the one in front already had his share of fights and wasn't intimidated. Instead he started laughing.

"Ahahaha, yes of course, you will break my bones. You little idiot you don't even know how much a broken bone can hurt, you wouldn't joke around with it like this." he said, then turned back to the other two. "Lets show him how much it can hurt, come on boys!" he said and started running towards Dix. The other two followed him, they wanted to teach him a lesson too.

Dix had a huge grin on his face like he was about to go on a killing spree. Sadly he wasn't able to kill them, nor cripple them. They were barely stronger than a twig, and if he accidentally hits too hard they would break in a second. He will have to go and destroy some boulders after this to blow off some steam.

The first one to arrive was obviously their leader. He wanted to throw a simple punch with his right arm, but it was easily blocked, then counterattacked. The kid though his punch will connect and could teach Dix a lesson firsthand, but within a second he found himself on the ground. Dix easily took him down, and with his second move he tried to slap him with as little force as possible. It still hurt really bad, and knocked the kid out right way. The other two were right behind the larger one and barely managed to close the distance by the time their leader was taken down. They tried to stop, but their momentum carried them forward. Dix jumped up and with a circular kick using both of his legs to connect on the side of their heads he simultaneously knocked out both of them. This was the flashiest move he could come up with.

With the bullies out cold (haha), Dix silently walked over to Hinata who still had her hands on her face, but with opened fingers so she can see what was going down. She was too surprised at the sight of what happened a few seconds before, so she failed to properly react. Dix walked over and grabbed her hands and gently forced them away from her face, while she didn't resist at all. When her eyes became completely visible Dix looked straight into them and started speaking with a light smile and gentle voice.

"Hey there, I'm Naruto... You don't have to hide your eyes. Don't listen to those rascals, they are blind. Your eyes are truly beautiful, so don't be ashamed of them." he said while still holding her hands.

Hinata had no idea what was going on. She was just saved by an unknown boy who even said something so nice to her. This never happened before. She was ever only defended by the Hyuga clan, as the daughter of the clan leader and heiress. She was protected by people who only did so to fulfill their duty. But this boy... She had a hard time following the events.

Without know what her thoughts are, Dix knew he was on a good track. He turned to the side to see Hinata's scarf in the snow, heavily damaged by the bullies. He looked at it with slight sadness on his face, then took off his own scarf and wrapped it around Hinata's neck.

She already had a severe blush and teary eyes, but that last action was a bit too much. The heat in her head almost fried her brain. She looked down at the ground and grabbed the scarf on her neck with both hands like it was some sort of treasure. This way she didn't have to see Dix's confident and warm eyes anymore. She wouldn't have been able to endure it for long.

"Your scarf was damaged by those idiots... Here, have this. I hope it will serve you well." he said with a once again smiling face. Seeing the state she was in Dix didn't want to advance anymore. But still, before turning away he thought it wouldn't hurt, so he just asked her.

"Do you want me to walk you home?"

Hinata looked up with surprised eyes. Probably her whole face was surprised, but most of it was covered by the scarf. Fighting with another wave of heat she just nodded.

"Okay, come along then!" Dix said with a cheerful voice. He started walking forward, and looked back to see Hinata also moving. Dix was walking slow to let her catch up, and soon they were walking together next to each other trough the mysteriously beautiful white landscape. Dix was having a great time seeing the beauty of winter, his favorite season, while Hinata kept sneaking glances at him. He knew this, but didn't mind it. He just kept walking towards the Hyuga Clan's main building in companionable silence. In around 20 minutes they arrived to the street where Hinata lived.

"I will part with you now, I'm pretty sure your father wouldn't like to see his daughter being escorted home by an unknown boy..." he said, then patted her head and turned away. "We'll meet later in school, bye now."

Heavily blushing again, mostly because of the patting, as Hinata saw the boy move away she really wanted to say what she had on her mind, but was too timid to do that. In the end she managed to force out only the most important part.

"Thank... you. Thank you very much." she said quietly. That was the first time Dix heard her actually talk, so he looked back over his shoulder and waved while answering.

"Haha, no problem, if you need any help you can call me. See ya!" he said then jumped away with his chakra boosted legs.

Hinata was awestruck as she saw the strength of this 'Naruto' once again. She wondered how she could be as strong as him. She touched the scarf she was given once again, then turned around to approach the Hyuga district's gate.