WebNovelMadam Lu19.09%

Because It Can Only be You

In the back seat of his Maybach, Lu Ye Ze was looking at a pile of documents with a dark expression, next to him the girl was looking down absent minded and trembling slightly.

"You belong to me, you are not allowed to leave this country. Take this document and look at the rules, remember them clearly, if you make another mistake like this, I won't be as forgiving the next time"

Fear crept through all of her being, she was so close to escape and now it felt that she had sank deeper into this nightmare. The man laid the document on her lap and her cast down eyes focused on the rules written on it "1. Party B belongs to me, Party A, Party B will be loyal and not get close to any man or woman that are not employed by Party B. 2. Party A shall request permission for leaving the mansion from Party B and will be allowed to leave only in the company of Agent M. 3. Party B is not allowed to use any communication devices, use the internet, the phone or the TV..."

Jo was in complete disbelief, this was worse than being locked in the tiny hut. At least there she was confined to a small space, there was no temptation, no people to talk to and nothing but a notepad to put her thoughts down. In the mansion there was a large library, people, a garden. The sense of freedom that was offered to her was only a cruel illusion and she felt more trapped than never. Why? Why her... she didn't knew this man nor did he knew her, so why was he so adamant to keep her alive by his side, why didn't he take her life already.

"Why me?..." The girl asked in a soft voice, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Because it can be only you" The man replied.

Tear after tear fell down on the girl's face, she wanted to scream, but what was the point of it, who could hear her, only if... only if she was not so afraid to take her own life, maybe this torture would have ended sooner...

The car came to a stop and the door was opened from the outside, the girl paused for a moment and then she got off the car still absent minded. The documents on her lap fell scattering on the floor and then being blown by the wind. What was the point of keeping hold of the document, the mere first three rules, were enough to end her life.

Butler Gu, while holding the car door, was looking at the dispirited girl with sad eyes, he felt sorry for her.

Lu Ye Ze followed her inside. Dinner was served, both of them were silent. Jo looked at the exquisite Chinese dishes displayed on the dining and table and felt sick, she was so sick of this country.

"Eat, the food its getting cold!"

Jo kept to herself, she hadn't looked at the man since he had caught her at the airport. She was truly scared of him now, how had he caught up with her and knew she was at that airport? Only one possibility seemed plausible, he had someone tailing her and that someone might be actually the Butler. She had to be more careful around him from now on. Jo pulled the rice bowl in front of her and started eating.

The man looked at her intently, he took a piece of meat and placed it in her plate, the girl paused allowing him to place the meat and then continued eating around it. The man furrowed his brows and kept silent, at least she was eating and not starving herself.