WebNovelMadam Lu20.00%


After finishing the bowl of rice, Jo got up from the dining table and went into her room, she locked the door behind her and leaned on it, tears welling up in her eyes again. She couldn't suppress her sobs anymore, the tears lashed out from her eyes... they were held captive for a very long time. The girl slid down on the door and laid on the floor sobbing silently without stopping.

Hours later, the night was dark and cold. There was lightning outside announcing a storm, thunders were forming in the sky and erupting louder and louder. The wind was howling and getting stronger every minute, blowing the trees making them sway all the way to the ground.

Bang!! A branch hit the window of the girls bedroom and she stood up abruptly. She had fallen asleep while crying again. The room was dark and cold, she started shivering, maybe if she took a shower she would warm up a bit. Half an hour later the girl emerged from the hot shower, her body was steaming from the hot water and her stomach started grumbling, she didn't ate enough during dinner. It was 2am now, so she put her robe on and went downstairs in the kitchen. She opened the fridge and took out a pot of yogurt, then closed the fridge door and as soon as she turned, she got startled, her yogurt fell from her hand and she froze on her spot.

In front of her the man was sitting very close only an inch away, he bowed his head closer to the girl. She could feel his breath on her face, her big eyes laid on him unblinking. Fear creped up from her toes to her years, the later started to redden. His glasses were sitting on the bridge of his nose, his fiery eyes burning every beat of the heart, he was wearing only his robe and he held a book in his hand. The tobacco scent on him enveloped her, the masculinity of this man made her feel very small and vulnerable.

The man was so close to her, that he can smell the soft fragrance of the body wash, her wet hair and the steam that was still coming out of her body gave him a pleasant surprise. Her big eyes starring at him woke up all his senses, sinking deeper and deeper into her gaze. He wanted to absorb her whole, to mould with her body and become one, a strong desire of wanting her rose from the depths of his soul. In the next moment he dropped the book, bent down and lifted the girl up by her waist and stormed outside. He went upstairs into his room and he threw her on his bed.

Jo finally realised what was happening with her and started struggling.

"No!... what are you doing"

She looked at the man and his eyes were deep and cloudy, he was too strong and she couldn't break free from his grip.

The man pressed her down with his body lifting her hands up. Then he starting kissing her on her neck nibbling at her soft fragrant skin, he used his tongue to arouse her and traveled down to her breasts, kissing them fiercely.