WebNovelMadam Lu95.45%


Jo closed her eyes, the pain she felt from her wound was getting worse and the meds seemed to not be working. Also the sound of all those machines around her, were so loud that she could feel her ears poping. 'Ignore, ignore... learn to ignore...' She kept repeating in her head. Jo let out a deep breath and opened her eyes.

She looked towards the doctor that was talking to the nurse. Her eyes focused on his mouth movement. Jo realised, that she could see every particle of his saliva flying out during his speech. She could see it so clearly, her eyes instantly darted towards a bright pink book on the far left shelf. Her eyes focused again and she could read the small print easily, Jo could see, even the particles of dust set on the book. She rubbed her eyes. 'Is my imagination playing up?!' Jo thought to her self, until the doctor approached to speak with her and she found herself drawn into his brown eyes. She could see them so clearly, every vein and blood vessel. This is definitely is not her imagination.

After a while Jo managed to fall asleep, Lu Ye Ze sat quietly beside her, he didn't want to wake her up. Suddenly his phone started buzzing in his pocket.

Outside on the corridor Dong Zai was waiting for his boss. The news that he came to deliver were very unfortunate though.

"Is your information accurate?" Asked the stunned man.

"Yes Sir, we have tested trice! The result was the same! There is no certified antidote, but the word of a certain person called 'Bunny', has gone round it is said that he has developed one... unfortunately no one had tested it and that person is unreachable and his identity is unknown"

Lu Ye Ze rubbed his forehead, his hands were trembling he had less than 48 hours to find the antidote. He reached all his contacts in the medical and science field asking for help, while he put up a reward on the black marked, for the whereabouts of a certain person.

Jo woke up again from the pain, her room was empty. She suddenly started hearing Lu Ye Ze's voice in the corridor, he was speaking with another man about her. Jo kept listening to their discussion in shock. She was poisoned she was going to die anyway. 'Why... why did my father in law did this to me, I didn't harm anyone in his family, why do all of them want to take my life??' Jo thought to herself, she became wrestles. 'What kind of poison is this? Is my body reacting this way because of it?' She had so many questions and there was one way she could get her answers. She turned around and managed to press the call button behind her bed, in the next second her husband with a pair of nurses came in.

"Honey what's wrong?"

"Madam Lu, can we be of any assistance?" Both, her husband and nurses asked at the same time. Jo then asked to be left alone with her husband.

"Darling, what is wrong with me? What was in that injection?" Jo asked her husband who avoided her gaze.

He didn't dare to look her in her eyes, nor tell her that her life was at risk. He wanted to find the antidote first.

"It was nothing, don't worry about it. Just try to rest I am here!" He managed to mumble an answer. Jo was livid, he was going to hide it from her, until when... until she is going to vanish from this world, without knowing why?!... She decided to give him one more chance to tell her the truth and asked.

"Darling my senses are acting very weird, I can hear and smell from meters away, through walls and doors, I can even see molecules with my bare eyes... Please tell me the truth, what is wrong with me?"