A Slim Opportunity

"Sir, do you need any help?"

Jake turned his gaze.

It was a young receptionist. She looked like a recent high school graduate. Wearing a genuine smile. The baby fat on her cheeks made her look a little cute. Subtly twirling the edge of her dress, she looked a little nervous, kind of like a rookie who had just entered the work force.

Jake lightly nodded and thought for a moment.

How convenient, he was actually curious about the market price around here. Maybe the materials were cheaper here.

Buy some materials. Make a talisman and sell it. Boom. Easy starting fund achieved.

"I'm looking for crafting materials."

"You are an artisan?" The girl's eyes brightened up at this response.

"Sorry. I shouldn't ask." The young girl apologetically bowed, quickly throwing that thought out of her head.

After all, Jake looked nothing like a wealthy individual. A poor artisan? Since when did those exist?

"This way please..."

Following the receptionist, Jake headed towards the entrance at the right.

This spacious room was designed like an over-sized jewelry store. Rows and rows of glass display-counters came into view. Taking a general view, it had to be the size of a supermarket.

There was bright light shining down from the ceiling. There was also light shining out of the glass counters. In some sense, this was almost a room without shadows.

"Are you looking for anything in particular sir?"

Jake nodded at the question. "Do you guys sell any equipment?"

Jake wanted to check the market price here.

"The completed items are only sold in auctions." The girl replied, looking a little proud and a little hopeful.

She appeared like one of those salesperson at luxurious sports cars dealerships, yearning to make a sell.

A single successful sell could mean a fat bonus. Except here, completed equipment were usually more expensive than a nice ride.

'It's the same in big cities as well I see.' Jake nodded at this information.

"How about completed talisman?"

"Those are also usually sold only in auctions. However, you can post an offer in our system."

Jake lightly nodded at the response. "You guys do have talisman materials here right?"

"Naturally. For the runic centerpiece of the talismans, we have various grades of monster cores. For casing material, we have a selection as well. From the more common wolf fangs to the more rare radiant alabaster."

"This way please."

Looking at a C - Grade monster core in the display shelf, Jake became speechless.


Out of habit, Jake checked to make sure that his wallet was still there.

Inside, there was 560 dollars, 7 quarters, and 11 pennies... So. Yep.

He couldn't afford even the cheapest monster cores.

'How troublesome...' Jake squinted in thought.

No banks would provide a loan for crafting purposes. The sum involved would never be a small amount. Also, there's simply too much risk and gambling nature in artifact crafting. There's a good chance that the bank won't get the money back.

Jake knew that he had 100% success rate, but how would the banks know that?

In fact, why would a legitimate artisan ask for a loan in the first place! They'd probably view him as a gamble enthusiastic betting everything for a success.

'Looks like I'll have to carry through with plan B then... I've also got battle capabilities now. Get the license. Enter the realm. Sell the drops for my starting fund.'

'However, the drops totally depend on my luck...'

'How troublesome... Either way...'

"You guys have public crafting stations right?"

"Naturally. This way please."

Crossing a few sections, some distance into the aisles of glass counters, Jake was brought to his destination.

The crafting station for artisans looked like an electric stove with four burners. At the moment, a mid-aged dude was occupying it.

Golden framed glasses. A high-class looking business suit. Jake didn't know watches. However, the watch on this dude's wrist looked expensive.

All in all, this guy looked like a successful businessman, or a successful elite in society in general.

Jake didn't know business suits or watches, but he knew artisan markers.

This artisan carelessly placed his marker onto the crafting station . It's a fountain pen with a black metal frame.

Sixth generation, extra precision model, or G6-EP in short. This small article by itself cost six figures.

Taking a glance at Jake, this guy went back to reading his book.

Jake lightly knitted his brows. Clearly, this guy was not using the station at all. He's just there hording the spot.

'How troublesome...' Jake sighed in his mind. 'Hopefully things don't get complicated...'

'I don't have any materials at the moment anyways... My focus for now should be getting money.'

After a nod, Jake headed back to the entrance hall.

Thinking for a moment, Jake still decided to ask about the event at 4PM.

"Yep. Mr. Rogers have been visiting us frequently recently."

"For more information, you would need to type 'Nick Rogers' into the search bar. Typing in Health Regeneration Talisman would also work. Except there would be some further searching needed."

"Using the Artisan Board system here, you can also post crafting quests. You can also set up material requests, trade requests, and equipment offers with your fellow explorers."

"Price search and placing orders can also be done here."

While listening to the receptionist's explanation, Jake quickly read through the quest notification.

There's barely any useful information... It's just a typical request offering to purchase a healing talisman.

"I heard that Mr. Rogers is willing to offer the crafting materials for free? Even if the artisan failed, Mr. Rogers wouldn't request the material fees back?"


"Welcome to Artisan Tower!"

Another group of explorers flocked out of the elevator.

"Are you coming 4PM today?"

"Nuh. Not today."


The edge of Jake's mouth twitched a little.

These explorers... They really weren't kind-hearted fellas huh...

'An Iron-tier guildmaster's struggles' seemed to be a famous show here.

But still... Since when was gaming or anime not entertaining anymore...

"That is correct sir. Mr. Rogers usually drops by at 4PM." The receptionist confirmed this information.

"I also heard that the success rate..."

"Master Harold is specialized in refining materials and ammunition crafting. When it comes to crafting talismans... He has about 4% success rate at the moment."

'Only 4% success rate I see...'

"Thanks for the information." Jake nodded at the receptionist.

"Glad to help."

Having all the information he needed, Jake left Artisan Tower.

An opportunity opened up. However, catching it was not easy.

After all, Jake was not blind. He could sense the cold attitudes from people. He knew that a nice outfit would help.

But then again... 560 dollars, 7 quarters, and 11 pennies... Can't buy a nice suit with this money right?

If Jake stood beside his fellow artisan up there, which artisan would a normal person choose?

Standing outside of the shopping center, Jake lightly nodded, accepting his situation.

'So what can I do to up my odds?'