[Easygoing. Lighthearted. Fun Read.]
Long hours of meditation and training to get stronger? No thanks. I click to level up!
Years of research and practice to become a better artisan? Naaahhh. I click to level up!
Go through dangerous adventurers in hope to rank up? No no no. I click to level up!
I'm no genius. I just click to level up!
--- Version 2 ---
Jake Collins transmigrated to a parallel universe.
Magical realms, monster hunting, and endless adventures are the themes of this world.
Jake Collins was cool with this abrupt change of lifestyle, until a rather 'questionable' system popped up.
[ Ding! This weak dude just mocked you! Are you just going to let him get away with this? Why? Due to laziness? Really? Seriously? Unbelievable! Time to exercise your taunt skills! ]
[ Ding! Are you seriously going to be this cautious and actually plan things out? This zone is clearly safe! Just shout 'Leeroooy (copyright) Jenkins' and charge into that cavern! Time to exercise your charge skills! ]
[ Ding! This low-level boss monster is ignoring your presence! And you call yourself a melee hero? Tsk Tsk Tsk. That's some melee hero maneuvers. Reaaal fancy. Reaal impressive. You really are just gonna stand here and watch your bodyguards fight that thing. Come on! Time to exercise your shout skills! ]
Jake Collins: Guys. Seriously. I'm actually a low-key person. Really.
* All location names and character names are fictional.
Cover: Kono Dio Erhm... Kono Sett Da!
(Sett is a League of Legends Champion)
Oohhh expexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexp
5 Star for the Cover! 5 Star for the Cover! 5 Star for the Cover! 5 Star for the Cover! 5 Star for the Cover! 5 Star for the Cover! 5 Star for the Cover! 5 Star for the Cover! 5 Star for the Cover! 5 Star for the Cover!
Just gonna casually give meself a five star review here. Nice. Shameless action of day. Done Any whoop, I'm enjoying the writing process. Hope you guys enjoy the read. You see that [Add to Library] button up there? Wanna press it? If you like the story, please press it. Is that enough words? I can post the review now? Yes? Tsk... Noice.
okay so the story flows decently i guess but the mc lets people provoke him without trying to defend himself or telling them to shut up he doesnt show off his power to people at all and stuff anyone that doesnt like such stories like me leave before you feel youre brain dying
I heard you get demotivated by toxic remarks?! So I'm here to motivate you to keep on writing. Heres my beutifull stars that will hug you in your beutifull dreams! Remember no harem. Peace out...
Found this a bIt too late, author already demoralized :(. hopefully author comes back. I got really absorbed into reading it, I really liked it. Plz Come back author i want to see how the mc grows.
The story is pretty good so far. I like the quality and detailed background and all, just MC needs to show off power more, though I get why he's not, reasonable motives. Maybe less buildup, more climax scenes. Or just write more, don't leave us waiting. Keep it up!
Reveal Spoiler
no locked chapters? you get my vote![img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]
broooo the storyline seems really cool and interesting but the writing style just doesn't work out for me at least. Plus about proving to Sam's fam he could have just shown the contract and surely even he could have understood that flauting his position in the guild could improve Sam and Chad's standing plus the ""how magical"" and "how troublesome" bit would have been funny if used less. Rn they just came off as irritating
The MC is powerful so why is he not showing it off to his relatives even when is underestimated all the time .................................................
Let’s give it a test run and then I’ll come back to update this ✌🏼 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 👀
Okay, in your synopsis, you did say that it was a light read. I find your writing style in this Webnovel to be humorous. It got a few light chuckles from me. The system is well built, I will give you that. I liked the character dynamics between Samantha and Jake. By the way, KONO DIO DA!!! -CodeW
Great cover, first of all, love it. The novel is a pretty fun read as well. System novels are rarely well done but this ones really interesting. Fantastic work on grammar as well. Hope to see more of it in the future :)