Expedition Squad

"So if there is trouble, just give me a stomp. I'll be there in half a second!" The short girl finally let go.

Jake flicked his brows. This girl was serious with that statement. Not an exaggeration.

So when necessary, she's planning to jump through her ceiling?

"It's really fine." Jake nodded. 'My floor says no.'

"Don't be shy master Collins." The short girl leaned forward. "You can also drop my place at anytime you'd like."

Jake flicked his brows. This girl was rather serious with that statement. 'Anytime huh...'

"Can I visit your place?"

"No. Please do not." Jake firmly rejected.

His place was already messy. Jake was not interested in any visitors to be honest. Cleaning up his place felt rather troublesome...

Also, more importantly, isn't this girl still a minor?! Are her parent's really fine with this?

'I could be playing so many games of ranked during this time...'

"Aww... Ok. Say master Collins... Can I just call you Jake?"

"Sure." Jake nodded.

Detector. Master Collins. Jake... It's just a name. Jake didn't care about how people referred to him.

Though... Isn't this girl being a little too enthusiastic?

After a short moment of chatting, a low engine sound could be heard down the road.

Looking in that direction, there was a motorcycle speeding up the hill.

With a screeching sound, the motorcyclist drifted around the front fountain. In a moment, he'd arrived the front stairs of the Rogers 'Mansion'.

Taking a closer look, it's a dude in his late 20s. Slender body type. Average height. Leather jacket and leather jeans. Biting on an unlit cigarette. Taking out a zippo lighter, the dude started to rhythmically flip it open and closed. Overall, this guy give off an energetic and careless vibe.

"Ah. If it isn't our rising star, master Jake Collins!" Taking the cigarette out of his mouth, this dude opened up his arms.

"Just ignore him. The dude is a jackass." Emily Rogers glared at the approaching biker.

"Maybe. Emily." The biker nodded. "Maaayybe. But I'm still popular to girls."

The biker turned to Jake. "Relax a little meh dude. I've got you covered in the realm."

Jake raised his brows. He wasn't sure if he could agree with that statement. An unranked got him, an iron-tier covered? Really now...

"You can call me Arsonist."

A brief handshake.

"I heard you are new in town. If you stay here for long enough, I'm sure you'd hear about my many titles."

"Prince of night life. Shine City Womanizer. The personification of fun. Hot. Ass." The biker tapped his own butt.

"If you seeking for some thrill and fun, I've got you covered." The biker winked.

"Thanks man." Jake politely nodded.

The short girl glared at the biker. Her gaze turned a little dangerous.

Then she turned to Jake. Her expression quickly softened. "Jake. You won't go to places like that right?"

Jake flicked his brows.

Oi oi. Isn't this overstepping a little.

Lightly knitting his brows, Jake took a closer look at this short girl. "Say... Don't you have summer school or something? Are your parents really fine with you entering a yellow-tier realm?"

"I graduated high school recently." The girl stood a little taller. "I'm an adult, so I can make my own decisions."

Jake raised a brow.

Really? Not very convincing.

After all, this girl looked like she was just 16 or 17.

Arsonist looked at the girl up and down, as if meeting her for the first time.

The girl shot a warning gaze at this biker.

Arsonist flicked his brows. His smile gradually widened. Challenge accepted.

"Does graduating two years ago counts as graduating recently? I don't know. If it is, ladies and gentle, I've nothing to rebut. Case closed.' Arsonist bowed around, as if there was an audience.

Staring at the biker with squinting eyes, the short girl grinded her teeth.

"Hey. I'm just telling the truth." The biker shrugged and put the cigarette back into his mouth.

"Jake. You wouldn't mind dating girls older than you right?" The short girl looked at Jake with pleading eyes.

Jake: ???

Are girls this direct these days?

Watching this, Arsonist gave the short girl a nod of approval, as if saying 'Please continue your performance.'

Jake coughed a little. He wasn't sure if this girl was being serious, or she was just messing with him.

At the moment, Jake didn't know exactly what to do.

Just a week ago. No. Just a day ago. No, just ten minutes ago, Jake never expected that a girl would ask him out.

Well... This was new.

'What a magical world...'

"Erhm." Jake Turned his gaze. Looking down, a golf cart had arrived.

A skinny fella grabbed his backpack and stepped out of the vehicle. He looked rather young. 18 or 19 years old. Eye-brow length hair. Looking from a far, the hairstyle looked kind of like a mushroom head. Wearing thick glasses. Holding a tablet in his hand. Wearing a grey mage's robe. He looked rather tired.

This fella took a quick glimpse at the three, avoiding any firm eye-contact. After a quick nod, he sat on the stairs and turned on his tablet.

By the looks of it, this guy was more comfortable with himself. Not a big fan of social activities.

"Morning Pitcher." Arsonist put on a big smile.

"Don't be so cold man." This biker walked over. Leaning forward, Arsonist looked over Pitcher's shoulder.

"So which children's cartoon are you watching this time?" Arsonist took a look at the tablet.

Pitcher took a deep breath... and exhaled. He was not having that conversation again.

"It's time to watch big boy stuff. I've got a few magazine recommendations for you." Arsonist flicked his brows. "If you know what I mean..."

"There are anime for adults too." Pitcher unhappily grumbled.

"For sure my man. For sure." Arsonist's smile widened.

A few steps away...

Emily Rogers waited for Jake's reply for a moment. Staring at the ground, she was a little disappointed with the result.

A second later, this short girl raised her head. Staring at Jake, her gaze became determined.