Princess will protect you

A quick lunch... About an hour later...

A barren hill came into view. Above half way up that hill, there was a small fort. About 3-meters high rock walls. Got watch towers on each corner.

Taking a closer look, there were bandits standing on the front wall. Wearing brown leather armor. Got bows and arrows in hand. These guys just robotically stood still, looking blankly down the hill.

This was the group's target. A bandit's fort.

Walking on the vast open plains, in theory, Jake's group should have been spotted already. However, those bandits just stood there without any reaction.

What could Jake say.

Tsch. Realm monster mechanics.

Walking up to the bottom of the hill, Airhorn raised a hand. They were about 300 meters away from that fort now. (About 3 football fields)

After halting the group, this warrior turned to Jake with a serious face.

"Master Collins, the next battle might be dangerous to you."

"Princess. Oh. Emily will be protecting you."

Jake raised his brows. 'Airhorn is scared of me dying here? He thinks collateral damage can kill me?'

Seeing Jake's 'hesistant' reaction, Airhorn put on a warm smile. This dude might have misunderstood something.

"No need to worry about us master Collins."

"Even with the three of us, this will still be an easy battle for us."

"Though... If there is trouble, do not hesitate to leave us behind."

"Emily will escort you to a safe location. Exit the realm if necessary."

Jake raised his brows further. He highly doubted that scenario will happen.

Though... Jake still appreciated Airhorn's considerateness a little.

Detecting the energy signature of those monsters. Take a quick detection on these guys.

Yep. As expected. Don't monsters didn't even come close to these veteran explorers. This should be a simple battle.

"Stay safe." Jake nodded at his bodyguards.

Airhorn seemed to have relaxed a little. After all, who wouldn't want a rational (sensible / logical / reasonable) protection target?

If Jake wanted some thrill, and insisted to tag along, then this battle might actually get troublesome.

The three explorers nodded at Jake.

Without further hesitations, they walked up the hill.

If there's a problem, Jake didn't mind sending in some artillery fire in support either.

Feeling the pebbles in his pouch, Jake faintly smiled. Can't throw magical alloy all the time right? This should be enough against unranked monsters. Free ammo. Why not.

Also, Jake was pretty confident in his aim now. Through testing, Jake was certain that he wasn't delusional on this one.

Since everything was under control, Jake was rather relaxed with this one.

Dropping his backpack onto the ground, Jake pulled out a bag of chips.

"Want some?" Jake popped it open.

"Really?" Emily's eyes brightened up. This short girl sweetly smiled as if she's so satisfied of her life.

Clearly, this girl might have misunderstood something!

Grabbing a chip out, Emily's gaze became more determined.

As long as you pursue your dream, and do not give up, you'll get there someday! Believe it!

It's just a small chip for her personally. But it's a major advancement in their relationship!

In Emily's mind, she could already see them confirming their relationship.


Wearing a blessed expression, Emily seemed to be enjoying the moment.

Jake: ...

Oi oi. Is this girl's intelligence really ok?

Jake felt ashamed of himself for 0.05 seconds. This sensation of guilt...

It's like he's manipulating a simple-minded girl for some reason...

By simply offering to share his chips.

*Crunch Crunch*

While munching on some snacks, Jake turned to the battlefield.

Those three had pulled out capes from their backpacks. A mixture of yellow and brown patches. Even got some dried grass glued on there.

Covering themselves in these capes, crouching to the ground, these guys camouflaged into the environment.

Inch by inch, they crawled forward. Going from one dried yellow bush to another.

In a moment, they were already within 100 meters of that fort.

Pitcher hid behind a bush. Teal light started to flow out of his eyes. Grabbing a marble, holding it with two fingers, aiming a bit, Pitcher hurled it forward.

A beam of teal light shot right through that bush.

In the blink of an eye, this teal beam had covered 100 meters!


A bandit collapsed into brown dust.

The bandits nearby scanned around with robotic gazes. Seeing no clear targets, they numbly stared forward again.

Another beam of light. Another kill. The bandits looked around. Nothing.

Clearly, Pitcher's attack was still out of their detection range.

In a moment, all 20 bandits on the wall had been eliminated.

Seeing this result, Airhorn made a 'head-forward' hand gesture.

Arsonist replied with a nod. This biker unclipped three of his orb pouches. With a careless toss, Biker passed these pouches to Airhorn.

Even in thick armor, Airhorn still moved nimbly. Carefully catching those pouches, this big fella sighed in relief.

Shooting a glare at the biker, leaving no words, this big fella ran up the hill.

At the same time, Pitcher started to walk down the hill. Seemed like they had their battle plan figured out already.

Out of nowhere, a loud whistle sounded through the plains.

During this time, a new bandit had stepped up the front wall!

Airhorn was only halfway towards the fort! Still got about 50 meters to the gate!

Without any hesitation, Airhorn carefully placed the three pouches onto the ground. Turning back, running down the hill, this knight seemed to be fleeing from battle.

"Is this really fine?" Jake raised a brow.

"Yeah. They'll be fine."

Out of caution, Jake still opened up his pebbles pouch. Hey, can't be too cautious right?

The gates of that fort opened up. Bandits streamed out the gates. Charging down the hill, they looked like a swarm of brown locusts. There had to be at least a hundred of them!

If it's just ten or twenty of them, then Airhorn's group could easily win without casualties.

But at this number! Airhorn's group was in danger!

These bandits moved at monstrous speeds. By the looks of it, these guys could easily outrun cheetahs! It's as if they all had refined bodies or something.

In a snap, they had already covered the 50 meters! They were going to catch up to Airhorn in no time!