" what can i say thats bakguou for ya , anyways i got to get going or he will get mad , bye guys see you on Friday " todoroki said his goodbyes as he went to pay and left back to his little home
When todorki got home back to bakugou he sighed has he saw the sleeping omega "really bakugou you always do this " he said to himself and walked to the kitchen to put everything away since later bakugou might ask for it again ,once he was done he walked back to bakugou taking of his coat and shoes and got on the bed and hugged bakugou "night katsuki "after whispering that bakugou suddenly hugged back making shouto smile,, as they both fell asleep and the next day came with no warning
"hurry up bastard " bakugou yelled at shouto who was cleaning as fast as he could "im almost done calm down " bakugou had a call early in the morning of his mother telling him she would come a little early since they at night had something important to go to ,so the couple woke up to start cleaning the house well shouto since bakugou was having some pain on his stomach and all he did was yell , once the house was clean shouto stared to cook ,some curry since bakugou wanted some yesterday '' you should change , is your pain gone ?" shouto said holding a towel
Katsuki nodded " the pain is gone by now so dont worry " once he stood up he reached his hand to hold shouto "what do you think mom will say when she knows about the baby gender "shouto had taken his hand and walked over to their room , once he heard what bakugou had said to him he smile " im sure she will be happy ,but for now dont worry about it "showing bakugou a smile and looked for some clothes for bakugou to wear , since todoroki had to take a shower he decided to do it after he was completely done with the things he needed
When everything was done and it was finally lunch time bakugou heard the door bing knocked and smile and made his way over to the door and opened with a wide smile just to be hugged by his dear mother who was with a wide smile as well "my baby " she said as she was hugging katsuki .after she was done masaru hugged bakugou but where interupted by a voice "come in or are you a ll staying there "the voice was heard from the kitchen making all of them laugh and making their way to the table where they were going to have their first meal in a while together
as the time went by and all of them ate and talk it was time to spoil the big knews "so brat shouto told me you went to the ultrasound , tell us how it went "mitsuki siad looking over at his son with a smile and masaru nodded he as well wanted to know ,shouto placed his hand on katsuki shoulder "if you are so anxious to know then i l tell you "katsuki took a deep breath and with a smile said" its a healthy baby girl "he said makig mitsuki let out a gasp and started to shed tears of happiness and gave bakugou a big hug and so did masaru "im so happy " she said
when it was time to leave bakugou seemed rahter sad that his mom was leaving but shouto just rubbed his back saying that they will come by next time and that he didnt had to worry , this made bakugou relax ,"you think the dorks will be ok if its a girl "bakugou said helping shouto clean up a bit in the kitchen "it dont matter what they think katsuki " shouto said , even though he knew katsuki wanted to be accepted by everyone ,but all katsuki needed was him
once they where done they made their way to shower once again and both went together , since bakugou didnt want to shower alone ,while in the shower shouto couldnt help himself and little by little when he could he would sightly rub katsuki nipple , that where all pink and he coulnt help himself , he would lie if he says that he never had masturbate when he flet the need to , and since his rut some how stop once katsuki had five month of pregnancy , then he would be lying as well if he say he wasnt thinking of pervy thoughts while showering "oi dumbass your thing keeps touching my ass "bakugou said as he looked at shouto crotch making him blush "i coulnt help it " was all he said and looked at bakugou "i will take care of it so dont worry lets finish our shower " he tryied to keep bakugou away from his crotch but he didnt budge "lets give oursefl a quick rub"with lust on his eyes bakugou looked at shouto who gulped and smirked
shouto had bakugou against the wall while he had his crotch between his thigs , shouto didnt want to harm the other so he just wanted to get it over with so that he would feel better "rub it faster shouto " katsuki said in moans he felt good even if it was betweenhis thighs he felt good , and so shouto did as he was told
after they where done with all thier little sexy sesion bakugou made shouto dress him up , and like a good alpha shouto did "shouto i want spicy spicy " bakugou said making a pout shoouto already knew what he wanted , bakugou had always a name for each craving he had .and now he was having a craving for spicy spicy and since he had felt asleep yesterday he coulnt eat it so shouto nodded and made his way to the kitchen to make a bowl of some vallina ice-cream with cheetos and hot sauce , shouto would be disgusted by this but well its not the first time bakuogu had this craving so what can he say
When he was done he made his way back to the room with a smile" here " he said giving bakugou his bowl "rub it please " once again shouto did what he was told while bakugou eat his weird stuff and sitting down looking at the tv shout rub his belly with a cream that was givin from his sister yesterday " are you still going to the gradering right on friday " shouto ask but not once he stop rubbing bakugou belly " yes and im not letting you go alone " was all he said making shouto giggle a bit and look at the omega " rember aizawa and yagi will be there so will our friends so we will give them the big news " he kiss the omega cheek and took away his bowl now that it was empty "more " bakugou nodded no as he saw shouto leave to the kitchen he got up and looked for some shouto dirty clothing and threw it on the bed making his little nest
he would do it often when he felt the need to do it , even though shouto was there he just coulnt help himself when shouto was done he walked back to the room and smil e" again bakugou ?" shouto ask but didnt get an answer , so he just turn off the tv and the light and made his way to the bed "may i ?" he ask , even though bakugou was his omega he would always ask for permission before laying on the bed whenever bakugou made his nest "yes you may alpha " hearing this shouto made his way inside bakugo nest as he hug him "thank you bakugou " "i love you shouto " bakugo said , shouto tighten the hug " i love you more "
as they both declared their loved the night took place while both of them fell asleep in each other arms