
As the rest of the week went by it was Friday already and bakugou and shouto where getting themselves ready even though they where supposed to head out an hour ago but bakugou stared feeling like vomiting so shouto told him to lay down for a bit ,once they where done Izuku had called him telling him they had changes of plans and where meeting somewhere else and it was fine with them since it was closer to them

shouto looked over at bakugou " you sure you still wanna go ?" taking his keys and made his way to the door "yes now stop questioning me bastard "he heard as reply and shouto just shook his head "guess hes back to his usual self" he said to himself while waiting for bakugou walk out once they where both in the car shouto slid his hand on his coat and smile

seen the lights and the noises coming from a familiar house shouto pulled into one of the parkings "lets go " shouto said stopping the car before stepping out and opening the door for bakugou ,who gave him a nod and was quickly greeted by a red hair guy , making their way insde everyone greeted them and made a huge aww seeing bakugou bump , getting pulled a side by his friends all shouto did was watch how bakugou was curssing them all out for asking to many questions

"seems like they all miss bakugou " todoroki heard the familiar voice and turned around "aizawa " shouto with a smile huged him and saw toshiro there as well once he was done greeting aizawa he went to do the same to the older omega " i didnt know you two where coming to this " he scratch his nect somehow he felt nervous

"of course after we heard that 'thing' i wanted to come so i told shota" toshiro said with a big smile one that gave shuoto more reason to be less nervous but he couldn't help it the thing they where talking about was going to be the last surprise for the night , they all gather around to talk somes would just bring food and drinks for the others and others would just listen and laugh "now lets all do a moment of silence " mina was the one to yell out and all they did was shut up " we all got the same question ,no ?" she ask listing up her cup of white wine "bakugou what gender is the baby " she ask looking at him,

everone gasped and looked at him making him feel a bit uncomfortable but he shut their mouths " you pinky dust , it a girl so i better be having good gift " was all he said for every one to laugh and talk about how they will get kids so they can grow together

a green hair boy walked over to bakugou witch he ignore and acted like he had not seen him " kacchan " izuku said making bakugou look at him and " you dare say that name " bakuguo said who stood up and just pushed him away and looked over to todorki and shook his head meaning he was going outside for a breather , but bakuogu was alone the green hair alpha followed him and took his hand once they where outside"let go "bakugou yelled only loud enough for midorya to hear "but we need to talk " he said letting go of his hand "im sorry , i dont know how many times i have said it before im sorry "

izuku let out a small sob making bakugou look at him , he was trying his best not to forgive him for what he had done but when he looks back at the time of the terrible act he cant fairly blame him , it wasnt all of his fault he had some of it too but he just couldnt help it "i hate it , i hate the fact i cant fucking hate you for what you did , you fucking deku " he let himself cry out right there he knew the only one looking at him was izuku , with that said bakugou walked over to izuku and slapped him as hard as he could " you fucking bastard almost made me lose so many thing just because you couldn't controll yourself " he let out again yet an other sob while looking at izuku , after cussin him out for more that three minutes bakugou finally hugged izuku and izuku hugged him back "and how the fuck you got thus tall " he said after pulling apart from the hug

" heh i dont know " izuku saud rubbing his neck with an awkard smile ,their problem of many month had ended and they where both glad that it has , now they could go back to being , kacchan and deku , likde the old times , but that was what izuku thought , there was another problem now ,bakugou was mad at him now fro getting to tall

who can blame him , since they where kids bakugou was always the tall one the one who was always secretly looking out for izuku ,but now it was the other way around izku was the one who secretly looked out for bakugou even thouth when they had not talked to each other izuku would often ask todorki how bakugou was or he would make kirishima call bakugou and ask him, after their apologies they both walked inside talking like nothing ever had happen between them

even after a long night of lauhing drinking and eating they all grather a round each other and played some board games " you bastard!" bakugou yelled out since he was losing he throw himself out of the game and walked over to todorki and sat next to him as he whispers "homi" was all he said making shouto smile "we can go home in a bit " shouto looked at him , bakugou was tuggin on his shirt for a bit and then stop getting up to talk with the others souto stood up as well pulling momo aside ad they whispered making bakugou a bit jealous as he saw them

"well then guy lets all get together " momo said getting everone attention as they grather around shouto tuged on his poket getting closer to where people was and got to his one knee infront of bakugou making everone gasp and bakugou

"this is cheesy i know but well , you have my child now and well i dont want to part from your life no time soon so , Katsuki bakugou will you make me the luckiest bastard ever ?" shouto said as he looked up at bakugou while he looked at him .

"will you ?"