Disappointed Meeting Part 3

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Is the first thing Dylan said as the mysterious women left the office, but cole didn't respond to him.

"No, no you don't get to play the same game with me tell me why."

"Why what?"

"You know what, you let her walk out that door. You know damn well that almost, no none of our other business partners have ever stood up to us like that. You just let her walk out." Dylan's voice rising threatening to become yelling.

Making a fist with the paper inside his hand was all Cole could do "What was I suppose to do Dylan? You didn't hear her when she came in she wanted to offer a business deal, and nothing more."

"So we have taken plenty of those." Dylan shook his head not believing how Cole could let her just walk out like that. What had to be going through his mind to make that okay?

"Yeah and how old did she look, hmmmm because to me she looked like a girl with a whole life ahead of her. Even her cloths screamed simple, nobody makes a deal with is without paying a price."

This stopped Dylan dead in his tracks. He knew what Cole was talking about, on the outside looking in they looked like business men, wealthy business men, but business men all the less. If you dug into them and happen to find something, you would find that they owned almost the whole town. Money went along ways, and if you could have it all wouldn't you? That isn't who they truly were either, in order to have everything they did, they paid prices did things unspeakable. They had a name but he hated calling himself it, he was part of the mafia. Not just part, but one of the three alphas in the group, along side him we're Cole and Chase. Every business deal they made they risked the people they made deals with dying. When an enemy of there's thought it would get to them. He understood why Cole was so cruel and pushed her out, but dang how he wished he hadn't.

"I understand Cole but dang." He said this part out loud hoping to hear some sort of feeling come from Cole but there was nothing.