Ch 1- The Strange smoke.

Liam, sitting camly at the top of the eagle hill just a bit far from the Regent city was looking upto the sky.

Not many visited this isolated hill. It was filled with common vegetation which painted the hills a beautiful green.

This was a place where Liam always came for the peace and mind and solitude.


Liam watching the burning fireball hung up on the sky sighed deeply.

"Why am I so unlucky", Liam from his childhood was never able to perform magic."

His Cloudhart family was one of the noble families within the Regent city with considerable amount of wealth, status and strength.

The Cloudhart family produced promising mages

through generations,

Liam unfortunate enough to be born to the younger brother of the patriach of the Cloudhart family without being given the leisure to use magic. He always felt jealous to the bone looking children of the same age enjoying magic.

His father did everything in his limits to excite magic in Liam, feeding him precious medication and herbs none to come in aid.

Liams's father Liman loved him very dearly as Liam was the only proof of love between him and his dead wife.

Liman had a very high position in the family due to which Liam was spared from bullying.

Unable to use magic , Liam didn't slack a bit on training his physique and martial arts training hoping one day he could use magic. His built was a bit frail like his mother and he was shorter than average but his looks were meant to reckon with. He had jett black hair , his face was finely crafted without any blemishes adorned by the bridge of his nose which was perfect and thin pink lips. Anyone could mistake him for a cute little girl if not paid attention.

Much time passed.

The sun was about to set.

Liam stretched his stiff body.

He stood up

"time to go, it has become very late".

Noticing it was about to be dark he bid his resting place farewell and started running towards the base of the hill. .

He kept running till he reached halfway to the end.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became very chilly.

Liam stopped in his track.

vapor started being released from his mouth.

"what?? why's it so cold during this time?".

He started shivering., the hair in his body stood erect.

suddenly his vision became blurred as smoke started gathering around him.

"what the hell!!!".

He was not able to consolidate the sudden changes.

The smoke started gathering in a strange pattern .Its started projecting something.

It slowly started resembling a

" A woman?!".

The women carved by the smoke looked stunning. Straight hair falling along here body looked like a waterfall. Her body looked very ...


But it was not the time to admire her beauty.

Liam was totally scared and was about to cry.

"why you look so scared. Do I look so ugly"

"yahhhhhh!!!!, Ghost!"

Upon hearing the smoke talk, he nearly wet his pants.

"How rude , I am not any ghost"

"Yikes! please don't eat me , please don't eat me. I haven't taken a bath today. I have no meat on my bone , you would not find me tasty. please."

He begged while crawling on the ground putting both of his hands on his head cover it.

"what do you think am I, an animal!. if u don't stand up I'm really gonna eat you alive".

The women said with a tint of anger in her voice.

Liam sprang up like lightning and stood straight like an arrow. One could see drop of tears in his eyes.

"I'm not gonna harm you in anyway , relax"

To her words Liam calmed down a bit ,but he was full on guard scouting the woman's every movement.

"what.... who are..".

he said with a stutter. Fear still could be smelled in his voice.

"Hmmm. you call me Lia and your answer to what I am , A magic spirit"

she said with a charming voice and captivating smile.

"A magic spirit.?"

"thats right."

she nodded that the boy infront of her realized that she was not a ghost.

"How come I never saw you till date. I come by here every now and then." He was still a bit suspicious.

"You are acting too cold you know."

"Talking about cold why it is so cold"

"Oh cause' I was a ice mage".

The spirit called Lia mentioned the reason for the chill.

"was??. means you are dead now"

"yes. this projection is just my remaining magic"

"How many years have you been wandering in here? how come no one ever saw you"

Liam asked with a questioning gaze.

"I never showed myself to anyone and I have been roaming around for atleast 5 decades now."

Even though she was a spirit and made of smoke , deep loneliness and sorrow could be seen within those eyes.

"you must have been very lonely right"

Liam sympathized with her.

"How come you showed yourself to me"

"Its because I'm about to dissappear"


Liam was surprised.

"yes. I have only a limited amount of time left with me. I thought atleast to make one friend before I become a memory."

Liam felt very sad .

"you are no longer lonely. From today I am your friend"

Liam declared pounding his chest.

Listening to Liams's word Lia suddenly had the urge to cry.

"really , you mean it"

"you bet"

She suddenly moved forward to Liam and took him in her embrace. Liam was dumbfounded.

"um.. would you mind? you are too cold".

"uhh.. sorry".

Regaining her composure she separated herself from Liam.

"why you feel cold. It ain't suppose to be so cold"


Lia could see sadness in Liam

"what is it. you can share anything with me, I'm your friend right"

" I can't use magic"


She was dumbfounded.

"but I won't give up. one day I am sure I will be able to use it"

She could see determination in his eyes.

"let me".

she placed her hand on Liams's chest .

He suddenly felt something invaded his body.

After 2 min Lia distanced her hand from Liams's chest.

She wanted to say something he suspected.

"what is it?"

Liam tilted his face.

"Liam I'm very sorry but you don't have any magic within you"


Liam hears felt like thunder clapped.

His limbs lost all power and he fell his knee.

"You are lying, you are lying . You are not my friend you just a liar".

"Liam im sorry but".

"Dont!". He interrupted her.

" I guess it makes sense. Not able to use magic at my age , I guess this was to be expected. I will never be able to make anyone acknowledge me anymore. why do I live for then. All these years I worked hard just for nought"

He said the sobbing words while hot tears were spilled from his eyes following through his cheek to the ground.

Looking at the broken Liam, Lia"s heart felt tearing pain.

She was looking helplessly at Liam.

Not able to bear the pain of her friend she made a resolute face.

(I who was lonely for years, you gave a friend. You became my friend and pulled me out of the grief called loneliness. I don't have much to live for. But if it means that you can live happy I will sacrifice my remaining time).

She bent down against him.


She called out to him.

He looked her in the eyes with his own wet eyes.

"Thank you. If I can be born again let's be friend".

She took his head in her hands , slowly she put her lips above Liam's.


Ps. Hey guys hope you enjoyed the first chapter.

I would really appreciate any kind of feedback as I am a Novice writer and your review would mean diamond to me.