Liam was startled. Lia just suddenly kissed him out of the blue.

She took his lips . Even his tounge was not spared. She parried her tounge against his.

But he was not focused in the kiss as he started feeling cold all over his body. From the exterior to his interior all was but cold.

Layers of frost started gathering over his body.

It felt to him like he would freeze to death.

Lia slowly started disintegrating into air.

The sight looked mesmerizing. She looked like she was infusing within Liam.


There was a slight boom of a Shockwave.

All the leaves and stone surrounding them were propelled away in air.

Liam fell unconscious.

"ummm, argh."

He woke up after some time making a groan.

"what was that?"

Unable to process the quick turns of events he was standing there dumbfounded.

"Was that all a dream? No it was real, Lia was real. I can still feel the chills deep in my bone."

Murmuming with himself he started dashing towards the end of the hill.


He found something strange.

He ran fast. Too fast.

"This". Liam clearly suspected something.

" I can clearly feel something inside my body like never before. , is it?!!"

He felt that he was at top of the world , feeling ecstatic.

"Please don't fail me"

He stretched out his hand and took a stance ,recalling his father's words.

(Feel the magic within you and around you. Feel the power of nature, feel the power within you. Focus every cell of you being.

For that is magic.)


Hearing some sizzling and crackling noice, he felt cold in his hand, not the dreadful one but a comforting cold.

"Heavenss, for real!!!!!"

ice started condensing on his hands.

"haha, I can use magic , I can , I can, . I'm no longer a waster, I can make make father happy now. yay!!!",

He ran round and round , to and fro , crouching and jumping like insane.

"But how come can I use it... wait was that"

Feeling the absurdity of him able to use magic further more ice magic. Ice mages were very scant and nobody in his family from the foundation of the Cloudhart infested ice. One could say it as a particular blood line limit.

Liam deduced the very core of his current situation.

" Sister Lia, in this life I can never repay you"

After making his way to the end of the hill, he made his way to the Cloudhart mansion.

He didn't stop on his path until he reached the mansion.

Infront of the Cloudhart mansion, two guards were standing on guard , securing the gates of the mansion.

The mansion was very eye catching and gigantic in the Regent city. It had stables with various colourful horses, training grounds for the young generation and had a assembly hall were all the important meetings took place. The mansion was painted with luxurious decoration like a noble house should be.

"where is that useless Liam, master Liman had stolen our sleep due to him. He had been worried sick for that waste"

"Shh! silent do you not want to live. Even though he is waste, the patriach is his uncle."

The guards conversed with each other.

"But what is so good about that thing. Not able to use magic even after master Liman had spent a fortune for it. If I had a son like Liam , drowning myself in a cup of water would be a better choice. ".

the guards laughed.

"shh! silent I think I see Liam"

they could see Liam walking towards them.

As soon as Liam reached the gates , both of them bowed.

"Welcome home master Liam, Master Liman is waiting for you within his quarters. "

Liam slightly nodded. Even he knew all this respect was but farce.

They opened the gates and Liam entered the mansion.

"hope he didn't hear us"

Liam entered the Cloudhart grounds.

He could see various young generation of the family sparing with each other, some practicing swordplay and some archery. Infusing your magic with weapons gives a great boost to attack power and strengthens the weapon.

He didn't heed to anything and ran directly into the mansion. Liam had no patience to declare the good news to his father.

"Welcome master Liam"

The maids all gave their greetings.

Liam seemed to have no time for this dashed out of their vision.

"huh! how did he ran so fast"

All the maids wondered.

Every person could use magic but depends on their innate ability if they could become a full fledged mage warrior.

Even the maids were at the stage of "novice apprentice stage 1."

They could have easily defeated their young master Liam in sprinting. But looking at his speed now they were shocked and doubted the fact that they could outrun him.

The mansion had many rooms. It was like a maze. But to Liam who spent his entire 16 yrs of his life had the geography of the house memorized like the back of his hand.

Swiftly he arrived infront of his father's room.

Even he was surprised at his speed.

"knock knock".

Knocking at the door Liam waited for reply.

"Come in".

A hoarse voice came out of the room.

Liam opened the door .

After pushing the door he could see a man looking like in his mid thirties sitting on a maple wood table and chair, holding a pen doing some paper.

He had a large frame , his body filled with muscles radiating menace. His face had a pair of sharp eyes and medium length brown hair.

Liam knew this man very well, his father Liman.

Upon looking at Liman , Liam called out



He stood up quickly like he found water in desert and ran towards Liam and grabbed his shoulder.

"Where were you son I was worried sick you know. You informed it will take you 4 days to return from your training and it is already the 6th .

Liam went out to train in the woods at the outskirts of Regent city for 4 days.

He went to the top of eagle hill on the 5th day for some peace but due to some certain "Events" , it took him one more .

"As I thought, I will send out guards with you from next time. To your request I didnt send any guards till date. But you almost half-killed me this time. You will be guarded from next time like it or not"

He went on ceaselessly throwing words out of his mouth.

"Liam you can't use magic. You have to take care of yourself otherwise if any tragedy were to befall you how will I face your mother."

"I can."

" I know you want to but-"

" I can use magic father"

Liam interrupted

" I know you wish it day and night but somethings are not in our ....

wait, what!!!!!?".

He was breathless listening to his son. Sanity was driven out of Liman.

"what are you saying? Did you have a dream.

Don't lie to me"

Liam gave a light sigh.

He stood on his toes and placed his hand on his fathers cheek.

His father was very tall and muscular contrary to him. Tip-toing was the only option to reach his cheek.

He circulated his magic and condensed it in his hand.

Liam formulated ice in his father's cheek.

Liman felt a sudden chill in his cheek.

He touched his cheek and found out ice sticking to his skin.

His father experienced a temporary blackout.

Suddenly he grabbed Liam by his waist and lifted him on his head removing him from the ground.

"You can finally use magic. Finally!. wife you see he infested magic , further more ice magic"

Liman was laughing out his life and tears from his eyes .

"Stop !put me down. Don't shake, I'll throw up".



Hey hope you enjoying. I'm working very hard on it. Your review will mean everything.