CH -3- My Kiss Please

"Oh! Sorry I was just so devastated"

He put Liam down.

"You are a mage now huh. Makes me so happy that I would not regret dying now"

Liman was nodding with satisfaction.

"I think you have awakened your magic directly stepping onto the 'Novice apprentice stage 2'


"Father. I can now become strong now right"

Liam said with determination.

"Stronger than anyone son. Even rule this very nation"

He patted his sons head with deep love and affection.

Liams head was totally enclosed within that big hand. The sense of security it gave him was like he would never be harmed by any evils of this world.

" Listen son , even though you have powers now. You have to dedicate your everything in your training. The others of your age have been trained in magic for many years now and have atleast reached the stage of advance apprentice , so you have to spit out extra pounds of sweat. The last thing, never stray from he path of good."

Liman gave his son the words of wisdom.

"I understand father. I'll not disappoint you "

" So what you plan on doing now?"

Liman questioned on Liam's current ambition.

" I will show everyone my prowess in the family gathering battles"

Liman made a troubled face.

"but son it would be too dangerous for you. You just infested your powers and the competition is just a month away"

"Don't you worry father . All my life I have been training my body for such moment. Now I have power I'll show everyone my strength and make everyone acknowledge me"

Looking at his determined eyes and composure Liman felt reassured "

" Okay. Its your life. Shape it as you please.

Go take rest now, you must definitely be tired."

"Yes father . I take my leave"

Bidding his father bye he left the room.

"Sister Lia , i will not disappoint you either"

He clutched his fist hard.

"Thud , thud! thud! thud!"

A carriage arrived infront of the mansion.

It was pulled by two spotless white horse.

At the corner of top of the carriage waved a small insignia.

It was the symbol of house "Rosewood"

The rosewood house was one of the smaller noble faction of the Regent city , not as influential

as the cloudhart family.

The Rosewood family has been contending for power for at least 70 yrs.

In the last two decades they had stabilized their authority in the city.

A beautiful head popped out of the carriage door.

It was a woman with a very captivating face.

Face perfectly toned and built.

She stepped out of the vehicle. Quite tall you could say she was. Adding to her looks, that body which could be defined as a perfect craft gigantified her beauty further.

"Greetings miss Rosè"

The guards wiping their mouth of drool greeted the lady.

The girl called Rosè nodded lightly with a smile.

"Is he home?"

"Yes , Master Liam is home now

They replied in unison.


She jumped of joy , her big balloons jiggling.

As soon as the gates were open she rushed restlessly with a great speed.

The hair of the two guards stood up erect due to wind caused by her speed.

"What does she see in that Liam bastard, I don't understand, I'm thousand times better than him. "

"Who knows. And don't dream of ever having such delicacy"

Rosè was Liam's fiance.

The Rosewood family and cloudhart family had great ties of friendship.

The cloudhart family had helped the Rosewood family from their time being.

20 yrs ago due to the sudden demise of the previous head of the Rosewood family his son, the current patriach of Rosewood's , Plark was throned as the head too early.

It was Liman who gave him confidence and came to his aid, as they were friends since their Childhood.

Plark promised his daughter Rosè to Liam when they were 9 and 10 yrs old. Rose was born year ahead of Liam.

Liman opposed this, saying the girl has her own life and choices and his boy was magicless.

Rosè too opposed it at the start. But Plark insisted to let them meet first.

Rosè's mood was in gutters that day and she was completely ready to reject Liam.

When they arrived at the venue of meeting, Rosè was flagstaberred. When she saw the beautiful little short boy trying to hide behind his father grabbing onto his cloths she thought her heart was shot. It was love at first sight for her.

"That is Liam". Plark said.

She didn't show any sign of response.

" I think your daughter doesn't fancy my son. I think we should let go of that marriage discussion as like I told you earlier."

"Sigh!!. I think you are right . I'm sorry for the inconvenience."

Just as she heard the two adults , she screamed

"No !". Liman and Plark surprised to her sudden response from silence.

"We should try to atleast know each other.

Right Liam"

7 years had passed since that day.

As Rosè entered the house all eyes were focused on her. Every family member, branch family, servants and keepers couldn't take their eyes of this beauty.

She was greeted sweetly by the Cloudhart family. As she was Liam's bride to be, she was always welcome to the family.

She didn't reciprocated their greetings as she was hurriedly running to someplace.

They clearly knew where she was going, to Liam.

" what's so good about that waste of a human. She always hangs out with him."

One of the boy of the branch family, Yul spoke.

the person standing beside him his brother, Deimos replied " He is part of the main family. Moreover the patriach is his uncle who adores him very much not caring about his powerlessness. Hmph! for such a person to get such girl. Truly a waste"

"Young master." a maid called out to Liam standing infront of his room's door.

"Lady Rosè is here".

"click!" He stood up and opened the door.

Infront of him, he could see a smiling Rosè.

She entered the room and Liam sent the maid away.

"Liam I missed you". She took Liam in her embrace without a speck of patience. Liam was short in comparison to Rosè, so she lifted up Liam a bit from the ground while hugging.

"Hey control sister Rosè. I have a good news to share with you"

Liam tried to break aways from the strong hold of her lover.

"Before that, My Kiss please"

"wai ..."

Before Liam could answer , Rosè shutted his lips with her lips.

She sticked her body as close she could to Liam. Her giants milk jugs and soft skin, he could feel it sticking to his chest.

She slowly started sucking on Liam's thin lips and started biting slowly grabbing his hair.

"umhh.. Liam" She took out Liam's name with a moan.

She teared open his mouth apart and invaded his mouth. She started licking his mouth slowly.

His gums and teeth , nothing was spared.

Slowly she entwined her tounge with his. after started sucking on it like sweet sugar syrup.

She with a lustful look on her face sought his saliva. She wanted to devour the man she loves whole.

Her overflowing love for Liam seeped out of her very existence.

"I .. love You...m sou much .hmmhh"

She seemed like she never wanted to let go.

Both of them knew they couldn't cross the line unless they get married , so Rosè always resorted to just kiss Liam whenever the time allowed her and taste his lover.

But this time it was becoming more hard for him.

She was much more aggressive than her usual self. Maybe not able to kiss Liam for a long time was the cause of it

He was starting to fly away by the melting pleasure and wanted to torment her lover thoroughly.

He knew if he didn't let go this instant , he will lose his self control over his lust and even she wouldn't even oppose that.