CH-4- Meditation

Liam pinched her butt lightly.

"Ouch! what are you doing. hmph!"

she snorted cutely.

"were you planning to kill me. I nearly lost my breath.

"But don't you like it." She made a cute gesture .As Liam thought , he can't win against her.


" So what are you upto."

"I'm gonna go prepare for the family gathering battles"

"umm, what did you say"

She thought Liam was sleep talking

"Didn't you get enough sleep for the last few days. My lap is free then. hehe!"

"Oh, you think how the magicless me will fight right. Well I'm proud to say I'm magicless no more" he pounded his chest with one hand lightly.

"puff! haha. why are trying to fool me. Did you really not give yourself enough bedtime"

She just laughed out her lover's words.

Liam did not get angry over her words but instead made a sly smile putting one of his hands on her neck.

"kyaa!" she felt a rapid chill on her neck passing through her spine.

"ice!". Shockingly Rosè stared at Liam, who was making a grin.

She looked and Liam with surging emotions, her eyes started to get misty.

She jumped on Liam so hard ,both of their back touched the ground. Gripping him tightly with tears in her eyes, she exclaimed.

"you finally did it. you really did!. I'm so happy that I will not see that disappointed look on your face anymore. It wrenched my heart too much"

He didn't say anything only caressed the head , which was buried in his chest.

3 min passed.

"Hey" Liam called.


"Let's get married after the family gathering battles are over."

She jerked her head and faced Liam.

"Yes. Gladly"

To his confession she gave a yes.

After wiping her tears, she held her face down.

" You are going to train for a month , so we will not able to see each other for that while right."

Somehow Liam listening to her words started to feel a bad omen.

"Then let me eat my fill in advance"

Raising her head with heated eyes, she made a wicked smile.

(Shit!, someone save me, father!!)

He knew that smile. what was going to happen to him was obvious.

After 15 min she left his room with a bright smile and cheerful mood and left in her carriage leaving behind an exhausted Liam.

" Sister Rosè! we are not tied till now as husband and wife otherwise I would have thoroughly tormented you. Making me endure so hard. grr!"

His jaw was totally wet with saliva, face filled with kiss marks and bites ending down at his chest he was lying down on his bed.

" Well let's rest for now."

That day passed with a snoring Liam on his bed extremely tired.

The sun of the next day could be seen over the horizon as it was rising to show its supremacy after the dark night.

Liam with his father was standing outside the gates of the family grounds with a bagpack full of supplies like clothes food and medics.

"You sure son you would be training in the woods alone. You can train in here you know?"

Liman was very worried about his son.

"No father , I want to temper myself in solitude. I'll return having become stronger than ever"

"Atleast let me come with you to watch over you or send some guards for your security."

"Its alright father. I don't want to trouble you more than I have already. You have your own matters to attend to right and I don't want anyone else to know that I can use magic before the gathering other than you and sister Rosè"

He convinced his father.

"If your resolve is made, I won't get in your way.

Let me impart you some knowledge. You know there various elements of magic. Fire , water, earth, wind, metal and obscure elements like void, dark, light and your ice element.

When you awaken your magic for the first time you are able to use magic which you have the most affinity towards. In due course of time as you advance in the stages of your mage level,you can also use the other elements which you have knack towards, not every elements though. There are also magic arts which does not have any particular element and can be practiced by anyone as long as they meet the requirements. You get me."

Liam nodded. He etched every word of his father's into the deepest part of his brain, not wanting to miss a single word.

"Here is the meditation manual of the Cloudhart family. And this is the deep hound punch arts, which I had practiced when I was a kid, hope you can master it. If you can't, let go and don't sweat over it"

He accepted the two books whose covers where made of some beast's leather.

"Liam, one last thing. You have just started on your path. The road ahead is difficult. You have to stay focused and never get distracted. There will be many hardships which you will face , making you want to give up very bad. But turn the pain into dedication and excitement for that is the true power."

His father gave him the final words of wisdom.

He cupped his hand and left bidding his father farewell.

Looking at the leaving back of his son , his face was filled with pride and affection.

"He's starting to resemble you day by day Sylvia. Hope you were alive to see our son thrive into a great man he is destined to become.

Let's see how much he grows before the gathering"

Liam was halfway through the city. He was now crossing through the most busy area of the Regent city, the central market. There were many small shops painted with various colours. Weapon Shops , fruits , furniture, clothes and many other to be counted. He could see various people of different colour and size shopping for their necessities. The central market was different from big rich aristocratic shops and as they sold cheap products for the common people as not everybody were flourishing nobles to afford those great amount. For Liam he was always taken to the great brands to shop from as his father very rich, expected from a noble family.

Shopkeepers were raising there voices calling over the people desperate to make a business.

Liam with a good mood was walking ,making the way to the woods at the outskirts of the city.

He passed by a man wearing black clothes and covering his face with a hood.

Not noticing the person he went on marching forward. Unknown to him the person turned back to look at him. One could see white beard leaking out of the cover of his hood.

"That kid"

He watched the disappearing figure of Liam


The man suddenly vanished into thin air in a gust of wind like a ghost without squeaking any noise
