CH-8- The Family Gathers

Liam marching towards Regent city was whistling with a serene mood.

"Once everyone witness that I can use magic , the look on their faces would be so comical. hehe!"

He couldn't wait to show off his power infront of everyone.

That was not him being arrogant ,it was just that he was too happy to declare to the world that he ain't magicless anymore and gain the acknowledgement of others.


A deep roar resounded through the woods.

Liam frowned.

"What was that?"

"grrrrrr" The growl was coming closer and closer to him every second.

Liam was all attentive as spacing out can be lethal.

"Sounds like a magic beast. They shouldn't be here, where this one come from"

All the magic beasts were either hunted or captured from this forest for the safety of the city.

Liam could clearly listen and feel a thick killing intent.

He had already stepped into the advance apprentice stage 1 due to which his senses has rose critically. As he practiced dragon scale skin his physical strength and speed was way ahead of any normal practioner of advance apprentice stage 1.

He could hear the footsteps of the beast which was still a bit far from him.

Now he could see and totally feel the look of a deep blood red eyes of a beast. Those eyes clearly didn't harbor any kind intention.

Slowly the thing revealed itself.

It had deep red eyes like a ruby and thick black skin . Razer sharp canines adoring its terror and the claws given just to rip apart meat but missing a tail for itself.

Liam recognized it in the fraction of second when he discovered it.

He had clearly read a it in the beasts manual when he was of 11.

"A stone jaquar".

The moment Liam was seen , the beast's white whiskers moved up and down. Seemingly happy as it found its food.

Liam was part bit scared and nervous. This was his first time with a beast 1 on 1.

Magical beasts also had a ranks within themselves.

'Low tier- Black stage and white stage .

Mid tier- Black stage, white stage and purple stage.

High tier- Pink stage and purple stage and so on it continues .

And so on it continues.

The stone jaguar are normally found to be at Low tier white stage with the cubs born with a base of low tier black stage. The strongest one ever recorded was at the mid tier white stage.

The One Liam was facing was an full grown adult stone jagaur at the low tier white stage. This could be equivalent to a practioner at novice apprentice stage 4.

But with increase in each step meant a power and magic level way off the balance.

While a low teir beast can compare up to novice apprentice stage 4 , a mid teir black stage can easily match up to advance apprentice stage 3.

The stone jaguar wanted to make Liam it's supper.

It slowly started approaching Liam with terrible face.

Though Liam was scared he was capable of using magic now. He steeled his heart ready the face the danger ahead. The last speck of fear vanished away.

Though a beast like stone jaguar contained a very meagre amount of magic without any element affinity , its defense was hard to penentrate thanks to its thick skin and had a good offense.

If it inflicts an attack on Liam he would recieve a high amount of damage which could be fatal.

Closing the distance between each other they were now 2 meters apart from each other.

Liam held a grin on lips. He stretched his hands and made a 'come at me' gesture. Accepting Liams's invitation, it pounced upon.

(I can do this. If I can't defeat even something at this level it would just be better for me to dive into a bucket of water and die)

He closed his eyes. The jaguar was just some inches away from him.

With all power he released his magic and yelled

"Freeze Burst"

As soon as he released the technique the area near him was shrouded with thick ice.

His Freeze burst was perfect.

Liam had noticed that when he was at the 1st stage of advance apprentice he could use the Freeze burst, the exclusive move of the ice scripture. Even though he could use it to some extent, lot of its abilities were still not known to him.

Liam opened his eyes and saw a stone jaguar which was freezed from his top to the belly in the air, its other half of the body left hanging out of the frozen part.

The stone jaguar's expression was dire. Liam could see the part of its body not engulfed in ice shivering.

"Hmmm. Now what should be done with you".

Liam got around the beast and caressed the exposed back softly.

It gave a wimpy cry and making a cute face , asking Liam to let it go.

"sigh! This time I'm letting you go ."

Liam grabbed the stone jaguars leg and pulled it off the ice.

It was shivering weakly , ice still sticking to his body.

"Run away deep into the forest, otherwise you're gonna be hunted if any one finds you. Never let me find you again otherwise I'm gonna eat you"

Looking at Liam making a scary face, the stone jagaur almost shitted itself.

Giving a cry , it ran away at top speed into the forest.

Liam had let it go because there were no beasts in the forest to begin with except small hares and squirrels.

That stone jaguar must have been one of the few that were still alive so Liam took a pity and let it go.

Liam had never killed anyone in his life.

What the stone jaguar did was to just fill his empty stomach. Everyone had the right to survive, that's what Liam thought and didn't harm it.

"I wasted too much time"

Back at the Cloudhart mansion. All the family members of the family including branch members were gathered. Some members who were based at other cities had also come back

The whole back area of the mansion was totally picked up clean and spotless for the battles.

It was a massive piece of land owned by the Cloudhart for generations back just for this very purpose of battles.

The family gathering battles were one of the most important occasions for the whole family.

The performances would determine your places in the family. If one branch member were to perform magnificently they could also be transferred to as a main family member.

The seats were perfectly laid out for the spectators. The fighting grounds were perfectly lined with a thick white colour. A big stage was erected and standing there and covered up from the top supported by four pillars at the vertexes. This stage had 11 seats at total. These places were the core members of the family were to be sitted which included Liam's father Liman. The one at the center was specially and carefully made, and anyone could tell it was meant for the patriach.

All the members were gathered infront of the mansion talking about something with each other.

The younger generations were all fired up for the battles. Some couldn't keep their excitement and started punching and kicking in form of warm up.

Yul and Deimos (Chapter 3 ) were discussing something and laughing out loud.

"Where is that damn Liam. Haven't seen him days"

"Well, it's compulsory for all younger generations

to fight. Maybe he got too scared and hid himself in someone's coffin for not to be found. Haha!"

Apart from every member talking this and that Liam's father Liman was standing quietly not talking to anyone. He was just waiting on Liam to return home. He was not able to get a good night's sleep all these 30 days worrying and thinking about Liam.

"Son, hope you are ready for this."

A carriage of the Rosewood family arrived guarded by 5 horsemen.

2 figures came out of it.

One was of course Liam's charming fiance Rosè, and the other was her father, the head of Rosewood family 'Plark Rosewood'.

They were the special guests of today. Upon their entry through their gates , they were greeted by all the members of Cloudhart family warmly.

Plark looked just like her daughter or you could say she inherited his looks, a true lady killer.

Upon laying eyes on each other, Liman and Plark didn't say anything. They just headed towards the other and hugged. Both of them tapped each others back.

"You good my friend?"

Plark kindly enquired his well being.

"Good as always"

"So where's Liam."

"Umm... Uncle Liman where's Liam"

Rosè looked around but found him nowhere.

"He is coming back soon"

They both gave each other a meaningful look.

Only both of them knew what was Liam upto.

"What you are already searching for him. Looks like you don't love your daddy anymore. You are already his. sniff! sniff!"

"No I love you daddy". She declared loves her father.

"puff!" Laughter left both Liman's and Plark's mouths.

She felt really embarrassed.

"you! I hate you" Rosè puffed her cheeks.

"Know what Liman? Liam has proposed her to marry him after the battles"

Liman had a surprised expression.

"That sleazy guy, he didn't tell me about it. He's gonna get it good"

"The Patriach has come"

Someone shouted.

The Patriach of the Cloudhart family Trek who was gone to the nearby city to attend to some important matters had returned home yesterday.

Trek came out of the mansion all dressed up and prepared. The sharp eyes on his face was just like his younger brother Liman. He had long blonde hair which was tied in a single pony, and his beard was of length 2 inches long.

The moment he stepped out all eyes were focused on him, the most powerful man present.

He held a smile on his face.

Plark went forward and shaked his hands and greeted him. Trek responded in kind.

"All the members of our family , I patriach of the house, Treak Cloudhart declare the beginning of the battles hereby right now. Head to the fighting grounds."

As soon as everyone heard him clapped and started cheering.

Everyone began their path to the back of the mansion.

"Liman , where's my nephew?"

Trek inquired about Liam.

"He will be here soon brother."

"Are you sure?. You signed up his name on the fighting list."

"Don't worry , it was his own wish"

Trek still look worried.

"If something happens to my cute nephew , you are the one whose going to pay"

Trek really adored and liked his nephew Liam.

"Well I wonder whose going to be the one for the injury".


Ps- Hey guys hope you've been enjoying the chapters . I'm working my butt off delivering quality content to you.

Please be kind enough to comment me of my shortcomings.