CH 9- Deimos VS Simon

All the spectators seats were full , filled by the family member counting upto 60 or maybe more. Everyone eagerly waiting for the matches to begin and witness the power of their young generation. Trek had already took his rightful place up at the erected stage with Liman sitting by his right side. Treak had already made clear his right side was reserved for his nephew. Many made dissatisfied face as to why the useless boy is still considered as a main family memeber, just because he was the nephew of the patriach? It was unjust to them as if their child was born magicless they would have not been of any importance.

A bald man came over took the stairs to the stage and found himself a place at the extreme left. He had a big horizontal scar on his forehead just near his both eyes. "Hey brother, why sit so far?" .Trek called over to the man he called brother. The bald man was the younger brother of Treak and elder to Liman. His name was "Truk".

"I don't want to sit near that stink beside you."

He made a disgusted face pointing towards Liman.

"What the hell did you say". Liman lost his temper.

"Enough you two! Don't start any trouble here."

Trek got fed up and raised up his hand.

Liman turned away his face and Truv didn't say anything just facing forward.

Truv and Liman didn't get along since their childhood. They were always in odds with each other.

Liman originally didn't hate his brother but his cold attitude towards him also broke his like to hate.

Better couldn't be said for Trek and Truk but they didn't make any troubles for each other , so there was no consequences of quarrel between them.

Plark and Rosè also found themselves themselves a seat besides Liman with Rosè in the middle.

This place was to be held by the three brothers uncle and aunt but due to some urgent political matters they were headed to the Regent city's administrative office, so it was given to Plark and Rosè otherwise a different pair seats would have been reserved for them as they were important guests and couldn't not be made to sit with the other family members down there.

The remaining 6 seats were also filled by some important family members.

Liman and Rosè both had a worried expression on their faces.

Liam still wasn't back.

" Uncle Liman , where is Liam?"

"Don't worry, he will be back before we know it. I'm sure of it"

Looking around and finding nobody else was absent besides Liam, Trek stood up and walked forward.

"My dear family , as every one is collected I announce the start of the battles. May we be guided by the good souls and the match may conclude with everyone's satisfaction"

The horns were blown by the servants.

The referee was standing in the middle of the empty fighting ground holding a sheet of paper, most probably the contestants list. The referee was none other than Trek's own adviser.

"First match. Simon, age 16, advance apprentice stage 2 VS Deimos, age 17, also advance apprentice stage 2"

The surname was not called out as it was obviously supposed to be Cloudhart.

The first matchup was between a branch family member Simon and One of the Yul Deimos brother duo.

"This victory is all yours" Yul bumped his fist against his brother's.

" You got it." And Deimos went up to stage where Simon was already awaiting.

Simon's parents were cheering him on. Nobody was there to cheer for Yul and Deimos as both of their parents died on battlefield 4 years ago.

They only had each other to rely on.

Both Simon and Deimos were now standing against each other waiting for the signal.

"Start" A horn was blown as the referee officials began the battles.

" Swish!"

As soon as both of them heard the horn, they rushed to their opponent like a mad ram.

Simon unsheathed his sword while Deimos kept empty handed.

" Solidification!" Both of Deimos hands had turned into rock upto the elbow. This was an earth style magic.

"yahh" He threw his fist hardly towards Simon wanting to finish the match in one blow.

Simon evaded just in the nick of time .

He rotated his body and got around Deimos's back.

Infusing his magic with the sword Simon slashed at the back of his opponent.

"Hmph!" Deimos reacted to Simon by turning towards him and grabbing the sword with his left hand.

"Klang!" The sword broke at his heavy grip.

Simon abandoning the sword jumped back and landed.

"Its not over yet"

Simon took a mouthful of air inside him.

The moment he released it, a blazing trail of flames came out of his mouth rushing towards Deimos.

Deimos joined his hands parallel to each other.

Mud came pouring right out his hands gathering in a form of shield.

He tightened his things and calfs as he met the flames which were rushing towards him like a dragon head on.


The mud slowly started to crumble away and Deimos himself started to get pushed back.

Simon didn't stop and kept raining fire out of his mouth.

(Can't carry this on).

Deimos lifted his right leg and thumped it heavily.

The ground beneath Simon started trembling.

"What?!" A stone pillar raised itself with a great speed from beneath the ground.

Simon couldn't waste anymore time. He cutted of the hellfire and pulled himself back. But it was too late.

The pillar hit his chin hardly.

"Arhggh!".The hit forced him to flip and get thrashed on the ground.

"cough! cough!"

He felt his chin churning from the inside due to the pain.

"It's settled"

Deimos propelled himself towards Simon like a magnet being attracted towards metal.

He clasped his both hands together and raised it backwards like hammer. Over the solidification he applied more and more magic to the hands to increase the damage.

If this were to hit Simon, it would be the end for Simon.

Of course Simon wouldn't be killed though. If it is to be seen that he couldn't block the attack the referee would interfere saving Simon and declaring Deimos as the winner.

Suddenly, wind started dancing around Simon's feet.

Wind magic. Simon's second element

"Whoosh!" .

Simon disappeared from his current place in the ground.

Deimos hit the empty ground.


Dust particles were propagated up in the air.

" cough! cough! thuu!"

He started coughing out and spitting curses as the dust particles welcomed themselves into his mouth.

He whipped his hands crazily to clear away the smoke.

"Running?! come at me if you dare" Deimos intimidated Simon.

Simon started running around in high pace around thanks to his wind magic.

Deimos found it very hard to lock on to Simon as he kept running around round and round around him.


Simon rushed towards Deimos like an arrow.

Deimos didn't find time to react to this sudden rush.

He was punched in the cheek and Simon started his runabout again.

" If you have the guts face me head on."

" And why should Iisten to you?"

Simon replied.

He kept on his barrage of punches onto Deimos.

A punch and we would swiftly step back. Deimos didn't get any chances to counter attack. His face was full of bruises

(I can't dodge it. So be it. I'll exhaust him to death)

"Is that all you got huh!. It doesn't even finch me"

He said the words with blood dripping off from the corner of his mouth.

(Let's see how much can you back up your words).

Simon kept on spending his magic thoughtlessly not aware of the opposing party's plan.

Deimos adamamce was not letting him fall. He had given up on resisting and accepted the punches.

"The kid's got a real toughness. Just like you Liman , ain't he?" Trek commented

" I can see that. He shrouded his magic around himself to reduce the damage and stand firm waiting for the opponent to be fed up"

"The other kid also got some fancy moves"

Plark added to it.

"They are a cloudhart of course".

Both the brothers said in unison.

" Damn it! How much of a thick skin he got,?!. I can't keep on doing this. I am also nearly out of magic. This is it. You are done for"

Simon decided on his final bidding.

He clenched his right fist.

Flames started slowly swirling around his fist.

In seconds fire blazed around his arm ,raging wildly.

" So you are planning to finish it. Bring it on then"

Deimos also peaked his defense. He covered his entire body with mud and rocks.

" Flame fist.! yahhhhhhrgggghhh"

Simon fixed himself for 5 second, half kneeling.

He launched himself leaving cracks on the ground behind.

The moment his fist made it's required contact , air started rippling without restraint.

He pushed back with all his might. This attack was the last ounce of his magic.


Deimos also not willing to admit held his fort.

"Damnn itttt!" Simon screamed.

The flames slowly started to penentrate the defense of the opponent.

Finally Simon's fist made a contact.


A crackling sound reverberated. Deimos had his one rib broken.

He was sent flying in a small projectile and bounced off 2 times in the ground.

The match concluded. Deimos's face kissed the ground.

Everyone cheered and clapped and Simon's parents held a proud face.

But was the match really over?

Was Deimos really down?

Simon looked at the fallen enemy gripping on his right arm huffing.

It was this moment Deimos raised his face and looked straight into Simon's eyes.

"Hmf!" He gave out a smile.

" Danger!" All of Simon's instict screamed.

But it was too late. The ground beneath his feet went fragile

"Shit!" He suddenly sunk into the ground.

"A puddle". The whole cheering audience gasped and went silent. A pin drop silence.

When Simon was busy punching into the enemy, Deimos made his move.

He used earth style to cavitise the ground then he filled the ground with water magic.

A truly smart move.

Deimos , although very weak and tired ,found the strength to get back up on his feet and started to walk towards Simon. His legs were almost jelly and ke kept stumbling.

Reaching near Simon he lost the strength and fell on his knees. He raised his hand and closed the puddle. Simon's whole body immersed in the very earth, only the head peeking out.

The referee smiled.

"The winner of this bout is Deimos."

"Thats my brother for you!" Yul screamed throwing away all shame.

This time the people cheered and screamed harder than before.


Ps- Comment on the fight guys.