CH 11- In An Instant

Deimos had won. This victory was totally out of the box. His victory was a shocker to everyone present. The duration of the match want counted to be 8 minutes.

Simon was all spent and went unconscious.

Deimos also hit the ground being all tired.

"Creating a puddle at such moment really was a hard task to achieve. The kid got something."

"The other boy Simon also packed a powerful attack. The flame fist he executed even being robbed of all magic, what a tenacity".

Trek and others talked among themselves, evaluating the results of the matches and writing it down in sheets of paper with a feather tip guided by an ink pot.

The unconscious Simon was pulled out from under the ground by the referee.

Both Deimos and Simon were fed magic pills to recover. Magic pill were a sort of medicine which helped to heal, recover magic and many many more miraculous effect. Some high grade pills even let's you raise your mage level or increase your strength but those kind of things were pure luxury to afford.

Both the contenders now were being tended to by the maids.

Looking at his brother Yul gave a smile.

Yul took the bandage from the maid and started spinning it around the chest of Deimos on his own.

" Deimos and Simon you both are very strong and will grow up to be wonderful warriors. Keep working hard. The family will always have your back."

Trek spared a moment of praising and signaled for the matches to be continued.

"Second match. Dikson ,age 16 ,advance apprentice stage 1 VS Liam , age 16, mage level unknown".

" It's his turn already!" Liman and Rosè cried out.

"Puff!" Laughter leaked out of all the family members. They were having it hard to control the urge to laugh. All were giggling uncontrollably.

They started whispering among each other.

"Unknown or no level at all."

" What's the use of declaring unknown. That guy is famous in the whole family chain."

" Hey silence! He is the son of Liman and nephew to the patriarch. We can't offend them."

It was indeed the reason to not let Liam lose face that Trek ordered to not let his advisor say magicless.

But not that it was of any use as Liam was very well known loser. He was the son of Liman and nephew of the Patriach.

Liam was already the fool material, no use hiding it.

The boy name Dikson went forward to the stage.

He had very short pointed hair and eyebrows very thick , looking somewhat comical.

" Liam " The referee called out to Liam but remained unanswered.

Dikson felt irritated.

" Where is that guy? Bring him out"

" Of course he wouldn't come. Who will with the same fate. Haha. He must have hid somewhere digging his head inside the floor."

" If he can't fight, why bothering signing up for the battle. It's just wastage of time. Match Dikson with someone else."

Dikson's father demanded another opponent.

His own family members started mockery about Liam.

To all these reaction Trek was furious but he was helpless as he didn't have any say in this.

( You mock my nephew. what if you all were like him? Would I have thrown you out of the family?)

But he couldn't ) . He wanted to say this out loud but couldn't.

Liman wanted to reveal everything but couldn't bound by the promise made with Liam.

He just gulped down all the anger and hanging his face down.

Rosè started to cry, tears starting to fall off her face.

"Father where is Liam?"

" Don't worry Rosè. He will definitely be here. "

Plark wiped away his daughter's tear.

Plark knew Liam from when he was a toddler.

Though magicless ,he would always give his all and train in martial arts and swordplay , never skipping on the training.

Liam always struggled like a fierce tiger when sparring with the other kids of his same age but due to lack of magic was never able to garnish any victory.

Still he would always put up a fierce fight, while the opponent played around with him not understanding his dedication and joking it out.

Liam always denied on a handicapped match where the opponent wouldn't use magic.

(You are not a coward son, I know. You are just like your father, never accepting defeat. If you were just a coward I would have called off your marriage with Rosè but you didn't disappoint me in any way. Show them that you are not scared.)

Plark recalled the dedicated face of Liam.

"So where is that son of your's little brother"

Truk salted on Liman's wound.

But he didn't reply to his blabber.

Yul and Deimos were also laughing between each other.

"Liam comeforth"

Still no reply to the referee.

" Liam ,where are you my son. Are you alright?"

Liman suspected Liam was in some mortal danger.

The crowd started to make a scandal.

All were going on about disqualifing him from the battles.

Insulting words started to tarnish Liam's name.

There was no other choice .

"As Liam is not present around us, I declare Dickson as the winner and he will he matched with-"

"With me."

A sudden voice vibrated in the air.

All heads were jerked to the source of the voice.

Who was it?

Who was the cause of the voice?.

A handsome, or more like a cute boy was standing in their vision wearing black tights on contrast to his pure white skin. A little short on height and looked a bit skinny and feeble.

"Liam!" Trek, Rosè and Liman called out in perfect sync.

"So you are back." Plark heaved a sigh of relief as the situation was getting out of hand.

"Tch!" Some of Liam's family members clicked their tounge. They didn't say anything else and waited on the match to be over. No one was interested over the fight.

" After such an awsome match, now we have to waste our time watching this useless fight."

"Liam step on the stage" Trek's adviser aka the referee respectably invited the honorable nephew.

Even he was imaging the moments in his mind of how will Liam make a fool of himself.

Liam ignoring everything stepped on the fighting grounds.

Rosè and Liman had an expression like a thristy beggar who found a drop water.

"Liam you really had me worried. You are get punished after this" Rosè's mind was delighted.

Liman just predicting the look on everyone's face when Liam reveals his magic was laughing inside.

Trek and Plark couldn't understand the look on their faces. Liam was going to lose even if he showed up, so why they happy so much?

" Oh so he arrived. Good for you Liman." Truk said to Liman

"Huh! so you showed up. I thought you found yourself a residence with a mouse.

Doesn't make a difference though. I'm gonna show you that appearing here was your biggest mistake of life."

Liam didn't gave to reply to those insulting words nor he was angry.

He just held a smile on his face.

Dikson felt uneasy looking at his smile which was supposed to be one of that of fear and terror.

( What is this feeling? hmph! he's magicless. What harm can he possibly cause me.!")

Dikson casted away all unnecessary thought.

Liam clasped both of his hands.

" May we have a good match." Even after everything he was courteous.

" heh!" On the contrary, Dikson didn't show any manners nor did he returned Liam's call.

( When this is over, you are gonna left crippled for your whole life.)

Trek , up from his seat moved his lips softly not make any noise.

Liam standing below heard something.

"Liam if you don't want to, nobody will force you. You can forfeit"

It was the voice of his uncle. Liam felt touched.

( Thanks uncle but till death I will never backdown or despair ever again).

" Start" Finally the match officially had its beginning.

Liman was getting worried for some reason.

" He doesn't look to be grown 1 inch. His body is still so thin. Did he not meditate and increased his mage level.

No! I have to believe in him"

" I'm not going to show any mercy. Fortify"

Dikson's body slowly started to turn silver.

It was like he was turned into a metal statue. The sun's reflection bounced back off his skin giving

a bright glaze.

Metal magic.

Dikson didn't wait on for the enemy to make the move.

" swaa!!" He rush launched himself towards Liam.

Trek nearly jumped out of his seat to stop Dikson. Liman and Rosè only watching calmly.

All the family members were shocked.

" Is he seeking to completely demolish him"

The referee was fully lock and loaded to rush in and save Liam if any attempt on his life were to be made.

There was a strange sight. Liam was just standing , not moving an inch.

" Is he so scared that he can't move"

Just as Dikson was 1m away Liam , he stopped for an instant.

( Let's destroy your arm first.)

He released a kick aimed at Liam's right arm joint.

Rosè prayed hardly for Liams's safety.

By every second the kick reached nearer and nearer . If this were to hit Liam it would be over for him.

That's what everyone thought but was that really the case.

From Liam's point of view everything was really slow. The kick which was approaching him, he didn't find fast at all. Rather it felt very slow.

( Grandpa was way faster )

The very moment when the kick was going eat its pray Liam raised his hand and caught ahold of Dikson's leg.

The air created swayed his hair.

What happened to Dikson startled him.

" When did he?" He was not able to see when his leg was caught .

"Freeze Burst." Words slowly left Liam's mouth.

Sizzling sound reverberated.

Liam catching Dikson's leg with his bare hands almost made paralyzed everyone , but the next scene that occurred completely silenced the whole ground.

Dikson was made into an ice statue.