Words were stuck at everyone's mouth.

What happened was out of everyone's wildest dreams.

Dikson was sculpted into an ice statue in a kicking position.

There was no reasoning found on anyone.

Liam was a bit afraid that he had killed the opponent.

" Liam.... you..." Trek was having a hard time breathing.

Rosè was a bit surprised. She just gave a sweet little smile.

" That's my man."

The referee was freezed but found back his stability. He had known Liam for as long as Trek and Liman knew.

( Magic!. When did he learn to use it).

The magicless boy famous throughout the Regent city icedy his opponent.

" Ice magic." Truk for some reason had a complicated expression on his face.

The referee examined Dikson.

" Dikson is unable to continue . Liam wi...wins"

" Clap! clap! clap! " Plark although surprised bit not too surprised either hit an honest clapping followed by Trek then Rosè and other members who were sitting on the stage except Truk who didn't look too happy.

Liman couldn't control himself and released all his frustration .

" What happened everyone. Why don't you cheer , why dont you hoot like you did before?!"

" Stop it Liman"

Even though Trek also wanted to scream out he didn't, minding his manners as the patriach.

Everyone had their face parallel to the ground.

The other spectators didn't have the right to praise. They have insulted Liam so much that they have already lost the right to cheer and clap for him.

Dikson's mother came in rushing and started melting the ice with her fire magic. Dikson had become a living frosted fossil.

Liam slowly walked up to the stage towards his father.

"Did I do good father?"

" That was real freezing performance". Liman patted his son's head with great affection.

Liam felt pleased hearing his fathers heart felt praising.

Rosè looked over Liam and winked. Liam followed suit. Plark also gave a thumbs-up.

" Did you forget your uncle. I'm very sad." Trek made a helpless face.

" How can I uncle hehe!"

" Come sit." Liam obeying Trek sat beside his right.

" Ice magic is it? When did you manage to activate it."

"When you were out uncle."

"Did anyone know about it beforehand" Trek suspected it.

" Yes. Father and sister Rosè." Liam gave his affirmation.

Listening to Liam Trek looked over to Liman while plark turned his head towards Rosè.

" Liman."

" Rosè"

Both of them turned their respected heads away and started whistling.

" Our family now has an ice wizard in it. We are blessed"

An elderly couples who were sitting alongside Liam on the stage praised Liam. Those two were the elders of the family and were greatly respected within the clan. One was the brother of the previous patriach of the house or Liam's grandfather's and his wife. There names were Sunid and Laya .

" Thanks grandpa Sunid and grandma Laya"

" Anything you want to say to him big brother?"

Liman said.

" What? You want me to praise him over such a petty Performance." Truk didn't have any praising for Liam in his inventory or nor he was happy for him.

Trek like the match before, took off from his seat and went to provide his words to the shivering Dikson who was vibrating hard.

" Dikson , I know you are a promising talent , but you made the greatest mistake a mage could ever make. You underestimated your opponent and that to the greatest extents. That attack could have been easily avoided if you didn't rush and planned out an well played attack. I hope you never repeat this in future. Be strong and become a pillar to support the family".

Dikson felt ashamed of himself.

" And everyone, you taunted Liam thinking he was magicless. It was never made official tha he cannot use magic. But you still went all the way to humiliate him, and I'm greatly disappointed at how you treated him."

All the cloudharts were at no words. They didn't know from which mouth they should apologize to Liam.

" I'm sorry brother Liam, I thought of you as a coward. I apologize" A girl went forward and apologized.

" We are all sorry!" Everyone bent their backs and apologized. Yul and Deimos were also counted in those people.

" Um.. everyone. I'm not angry to begin with. You have no need to apologize." Liam didn't cary any hate in his heart. To him it was a small trivial matter

"Hu! unnecessary farce" Truk said to himself

" Clap! clap! clap!" Yul began applauding. Followed everywhere one by one

Trek nodded with satisfaction and took his seat back.

" Liam, what is you current mage level" Plark asked.

" Advance apprentice stage 1"

Yet another shocker was deployed.

( Meditating for so less days and already at advance apprentice stage 1. Even though he's 16 yrs old, this speed of meditation only meant one thing.)

" Divine conscience"

Trek , Liman and Plark exchanged glances.7 Listening to this the elders were also happy to the brim.

But what did Divine conscience mean?.

" Second Match.

Bayak age 18 , advance apprentice stage 3 VS

Kayla age 18 , advance apprentice stage 3"

The next contestants were called out to.

The girl called Kayla jumped on the stage.

" Bayak it's your turn. Get out here" Truk yelled.

" Damn! Can't you turn down you tone a bit dad"

A voice came from a nearby tree. As all the eyes were turned to the tree someone jumped down from it.

Liam very well knew who it was to the core.


Those straight dark grey hair which covering his left eye, a dark shade of green in the iris followed by a dark patch under his eyes.

The look on his face was very eerie, opposite to Liam's face which elevated and warmed the mind.

Bayak's canines were pointed like a carnivorous.

Bayak was the adopted son of Truk. He was adopted by the him 2 years prior of Liam's birth.

The origin of Bayak's birth was unknown. He was found by Truk being taken care by a bunch of ice wolves when he was 2 years old

So basically Liam and Bayek were step brothers.

Liam never really had any feeling of hatred for anyone even if they would insult him or harm him in some way but Bayak was an exception. To Liam Bayak was one of the most despicable person there is.

Bayak was a heavy drunkard, ill mannered and a problematic child since his childhood. He would always find trouble for Liam ,sometimes almost

even gravely injuring him.

One day drowned in alcohol he almost raped a maid and was heavily scolded and beaten by the Trek.

Even Trek and Liman didn't like him at all. They never considered him a part of family to begin with. They initially didn't oppose Bayak's adoption but over the years when he started to mature they understood they have made a mistake.

Rosè had a disgusted face looking at Bayak.

He was reeking of wine so hard that it was hard to miss.

As ordered by his father , Bayak went inside the marked ground.

" what, I have to fight this women? It would have been better if I was off to a brothel"

Kayla felt heavily made fun of and offended.

" You won't know unless you fight!" Her fighting spirit was forced up to the peak.

" Begin!" A horn blew.

Kayla started running towards Bayak with an axe in her hands.

Bayak formed a lotus position with his hands standing. A dark smoke slowly started emerging from his hands.

Having raised up both of his hands, the smoke started expanding and diffusing at an exponential rate.

Soon the fighting ground was full of some black gas.

" Dark magic, Paralyze"

Bayak was an obscure elemental mage of dark.

" I'm not able to see anything, where is he?".

Kayla was becoming restless due to her vision being blocked.

She inhaled some of the black smoke.

Her head started spinning. Her body was becoming wobbly.

Slowly, she started being unable to move, body becoming stiff like a wood.

" Why? What happened?!"

" Thunk!" She let the axe being taken away to the ground.

Soon the black gas cleared out and the two contenders figures became comprehensible.

Kayla was standing there like a stone being unable to move an inch.

" Unable to stand little girl. So sad" Bayak had an disturbing smile on his face.

" Ruk, I don't believe he will do nothing. Be on guard" Truk being worried about Kayla propagated a message to his adviser Ruk.

" I already am sir. "

" Tuk Tuk Tuk Tuk" Bayak started walking to the paralyzed Kayla.

Kayla's father was sweating profusely.

" eeeeh!" She really struggled hard to move but helpless. Seeing the forthcoming Bayak, she started to become afraid.

Now Bayak was now standing infront of her.

" Disturbing my sleep for such a thing. How should I punish you?"

Looking at the expression of his face upfront , she started to tear up. Is she could move, she would be shivering hardly.

"Please. I for....."

Before the word forfeit could leave the mouth she was kicked merciless in the belly.

" Aukk!" She flew away and crashed on the ground. Although she could not move , the pain was felt crystal clear.

She wanted to grab her stomach hard but couldn't. The pained expression on her face was really heart twisting.

"How terrible!" The spectators turned away their head away.

Kayla's father wanted to trespass the fighting and beat Bayak senseless but he couldn't.

She opened her eyes to see a pair of legs thumping towards her and started crying hardly.

No words were able to come out of her throat due to the pain.

Rosè was almost angered to death looking at her fellow women being treated mercilessly to such extents.

Bayak picked her up by the hair.

He raised up his fist engulfed in flames.

" I'm begging you". She slowly lipped those words but no one was able to understand except Bayak.

" Hehe! None can do" He lossened the punch aimed at her face.

" Ruk stop him!" Trek beat his fist against his seat.

But before Ruk could step in, he saw a shadow move at a high speed from his right.