CH 13 - Can't Win Against

Liam was nowhere to be found on his seat. Looking at Kayla getting beaten so mercilessly, a sudden emotion of anger wailed in his heart.

Without thinking anything , he charged towards Bayak.

Bayak was alarmed. His punch paused and his hands felt cold.

The moment he realized this, Liam had got ahold of his hands and neutralized the fire in his hand.

( When did he?).

Though Bayak was unprepared for this obtrusion that was too fast for him to follow.

It was quite obvious. Although Liam was at advance apprentice stage 1 and him being at 3, Liam practiced dragon scale skin that give his physical strength dramatic boost.

" What is the meaning of this , you shit? Have a death wish or something?" Bayak pulled his hands away from Liam.

" What insolence?! How dare you interfere!" Truk looked furious.

Liam carried Kayla in his hands.

" I'm sorry uncle Truk , but that would have ruined her face. You are mature enough to realize it aren't you?"

He gave away Kayla to her father and crying mother.

" Huh! Very good!. You think gaining powers put you above others now. Then let me enlighten you"

" You dare!" Now Liman also was not able to control.

" Silence!" Trek gave out a dominating voice.

Both Liman and Truk felt a great amount of pressure but it was only for an instance.

It was not only the both of them, everybody present there alongside Liam felt an oppressive aura.

This was the power of the patriach.

But the elders Sunid and Laya were unaffected.

"Truk, I fully agree with Liman. These battles were meant to test the individual strength and increase the kinship among each other through sparring. This was never meant for decapitating

someone's future. What do you think would have happened if that punch landed on her face? Her face would have been completely disfigured.

The match ended where Kayla was immobilized, but Bayak did all the things that was not meant to be done."

Trek introduced a lecture to his little brother.

"Do you think in a battle the enemy would think that 'oh what a pretty girl I must avoid her face'

In a battle field there's no place for any outer beauty. If her face would have been ruined that would have served as a blessing in disguise.

She then shouldn't have to be worried about decorating her face and focus on her training more than ever to not let anymore things get disfigured."

The words left his mouth were beyond despicable like there was no human feeling to it."

(Sigh! I never thought, the small child back then would grow up to such a state.)

Trek was beyond speechless along with Liman , Rosè , Liman, Plark and the others.

Digust could be felt from everyone around.

" How does this sound?. Liam intruded the match. As a punishment let him fight with Bayak again"

These words were almost uncalled for.

" Are you crazy!?. It was supposed to be 1 match for everyone. Even though he isn't spent, how can you propose such despicable thing!. The matches were arranged taking the mage level of every children into account. Liam's mage base is at Advance apprentice stage one ,on the other hand Bayak holds 3. How dare you propose such a thing?! You are either planning on humiliating my son or completely destroy him."

Liman almost lashed out on his big brother.

" It's fine father, I accept it." Thunder passed by everyone's ear.

Was he mad?

Does he have a death wish?

This kind of thoughts were the most logical explanation that flashed through everyone's brain.

" Liman! You crazy or what? . Stay out of it !. Let dad handle this."

" Father , it indeed is true that I trespassed where I shouldn't have. I accept uncles Truk's punishment."

Liam still kept on going .

" Liam, I can't approve of this". Trek didn't want to carry this on any longer.

" I don't advise it either son" Plark also couldn't hold back.

( Why is this happening?) Rosè was the one to be the most confused of all.

The peaceful environment that she had hoped for had slowly turned into chaos before her eyes.

" I have decided. Nothing can change my mind."

( Oh good thing! . He is just straightly walking to the pit of his own perishing ) Truk was the only one happy here.

" Shut it. I don't want to hear any single word mor-"

" This fight will take place."

Trek made his decision .

" What is the meaning behind this?" Liman's head was jiggling.

" Although Liman didn't do something wrong , he intruded the match. I think a punishment is reserved for him"

Liman pleaded not to do such a thing.

Trek whispered something that only Liman could hear.

" You think I'll let something happen to Liam. I'll protect him at all costs if the situation demands it"

Liman , even though after listening to his brother was not sure. Liam was the only light of Liman's life. If he were to go away, Liman would become a living corpse.

With great reluctance he gave his approval and nodded.

" It is settled then. Liam due to the intrusion will be given his due punishment. A special match,

Him vs Bayak. Everyone be sitted."

The elders, Sunid and Laya had no chance to intervene and left the decision to the current generation.

Bayak and Liam were standing at each other's throat now.

" So, I know it's late for me but congratulations. You are finally able to use magic. I'm so happy that I'll cry"

Bayak had an crying expression.

" I hope we have a good match, big brother"

Liam had nothing else to say.

( You think that I can be bested by someone like you. This time it won't be like me just playing with you like before, I'll completely destroy you. Both your mentality and your body until there's nothing left).

Licking his canines with a cynical smile. Bayak was ready to destroy his step brother.

Rosè and Liman's heart were already at the edge.

" Both the you. Stop this at once!" Plark said with a scolding voice.

" Do you have so much less faith in him.? Though he is rather impulse and is driven by his emotions, Liam in no way is rash. He accepted the challenge because he believes in himself. Why don't you two spare some belief to him yourself. Even Mr. Trek did."

Plark's words gave a sudden enlightenment to both of them.

(Yes!. I've been worrying needlessly. He is my and her's son. If I don't have any faith in him, who will)

( He's the man I've given my heart to. I'll trust him till death.)

Both of them had their worries drained out.

( Do it!).

" Begin!" Ruk gave the signal.

(I'll pay back everything brother Bayak)

Liam took his sword in the right hand.

"Paralyze!" Like before black some came out of Bayak and covered everything in its vicinity.

Liam stopped the flow of air inside him or outside.

He solidified his legs using magic and jumped with all his might.

The addition of the dragon scale skin bronze stage 2 increased the intensity of jump further.

The vertical jump he executed allowed him to get away from the grasp of the smoke easily.

" What physical strength?!"

Astonishmentcould be seen in everyone's expression including Plark, Liman Rosè and all the members.

They have already seen his physical strength when he blocked Dikson's kick with bare hands and stopped Bayak's punch but this was on whole another level was someone at advance apprentice stage 1.

Did he lie about his cultivation base?

No , that was not it. Everyone could sense the amount of magic inside him.

How could his small body amass such strength? Nobody knew about the dragon scale skin he practiced.

Hanging in the air Liam collected magic in his arms turning it look like a blue crystals

" Deep Hound punch!".

He started landing like a meteorite. He had turned into a flash and smashed the ground with his fists."

" Dummmmm!" The ground shook a bit at his heavy punch.

All the smoke cleared out due to the air pressure.

When it became clear, the ground seemed to have developed some cracks and depression where Liman's fist landed.

" Oh! Deep Hound Punch. Liman, did you give it to him ?" Trek looked at Liman.

" I sure did but I didn't think he could master it and to such an extent."

" He is full if surprises today. Doesn't feel like my old nephew at all. "

" Think you have beaten me. Let me show you the gap between our powers. Beast engross!"

" Is he totally hell bent on destroying Liam ?"

Beast engross was a special ability exclusive to Dark elemental mages.

But you need a certain amount of madness to inherit this power and Bayak had fulfilled the criteria.

( Be alright son) Liman had full belief in his.

Bayak's face started to become darker and darker by every second. Whiskers slowly started coming out of his cheek.

His teeth and nails became more sharper and longer than it was before.

His appearance now was now halfway between a human and an animal.

"Grahhhhhhh!" A peril growl resounded.

Bayak had now only one thought now.
