CH - 14- Beginning of the Devil

Bayak ambushed on Liam with a great amount of blood thrist.

Liam took out his sword

( He's too fast)

The dragon scale skin gives a considerable amount of power but Bayak's mage base was 2 levels ahead of Liam.

He assaulted Liam with a fury of swipes.

It was too fast for Liam's eyes to catch up to. Evasion and dodging couldn't be kept up forever as he was barely able to react to the pounces of Bayak's spike like nails. If it connects perfectly , a pound of Liam's flesh would easily come off.

He was having a hard time parrying his sword with his dagger like nails.

" Grha Grah Grah Grah!"

Bayak didn't look like a human at all while attacking

His behavior was nothing but lethal.

Many scratches were already inflicted on Liam's whole body.

" Ikk!" The cuts weren't light at all.

Blood oozed out whenever he got scraped.

( I have to find an opening)

Liam focused on Bayak's attack pattern.

The moment he saw Bayak swapping at his face, he ducked as to look like evading his attack and placed his unoccupied hands on the ground.

" Freeze Burst!" Ice erupted.

But unfortunately Bayak's reaction was at another level in Beast engross. He predicted easily and jumped back.

( Damn it!, He didn't get caught.)

" Hi hi hi hi!" Bayak laughed like a demon.

He ran to his enemy again.

Liam infused magic in his sword.

One side a beast , one side a human. Who will come victorious?

" Klang!" Sparks flew out as Liam's sword and Bayak's gigantic nails collided . (How hard his nails has become?)

Liam was getting pushed by the opponent no matter how much he put his strength into his sword.

( Think Liam . His powers were already greater than me to begin with, now with beast engross it's on another level. I can't keep expending magic senselessly.)

Even if the disparity in physical strength were made up for by the dragon scale skin, the amount of magic Bayak possesed was far greater than Liam's own.

( He shouldn't not be able to maintain this for long. I gotta wear him out)

Looking at Bayak getting all worked up on pushing him back, Liam took the opportunity.

" Deep Hound kick" He swinged his right leg aimed at Bayak's love handle.

" uuk!" Bayak got thrown away to sideways

" The heck! " Liman and Trek almost stood up from their places.

" Was their such a thing in the manual brother"

"No Liman, there was nothing as a deep hound kick. Liam thought of it at his own and even mastered it. But doing such things with the legs is a difficult task."

"Father, do you see him. He is amazing right."

Rosè was very happy.

" This is how things should be dear"

( Your days of suffering and training has made you so strong Son.)

Yul and Deimos with wide eyes were burning the scene into their hearts.

"Brother , we are no match for Liam at all now."

To Yul's words Deimos could only nod

" First the monstrous physique, then divine conscience, now this. He is proving himself to be more of a threat than I thought" Truk was getting worried over something.

" Hrhhh!" Bayak went back up gripping on the place of impact. The effects of beast engross has been cleaned away and he had gained his normal appearances back

"You shit! I'll not spare you !!!"

Bayak was enraged. He felt a deep animosity against Liam.

Fire started to engulfe his whole body.

His body was pouring our fire magic from every pores in his body. It was like he had become a living fireball.

He looked more ferocious than he did in beast engross.

First he slowly took few steps and momentarily his speed increased.

Bayak was now few steps away from his object to be eliminated.

Liam was fully prepared to strike too.

He raised and striked his sword. It got penentrated deeply into Bayak's flesh and blood flew out.

The pain that should have been terrible didn't suppose to effect him at all.

Bayak had already become a slave to his anger which cut out his sense of pain. All he could feel now feel is the extreme rage.

" You dare humiliate me.!"

A punch landed on Liam's face. He had already sheeted his face with magic for protection.

In the earlier match with Kayla , even if the punch were to hit her face , she could have protected it with magic, but due to the paralysis her magic became unfunctional. If that were to land on her face , she would have been ruined.

Liam didn't fall but got dragged back creating an imprint on the ground. His vision became blurred.

( No, he's still too strong.)

The sword was sticking to Bayak's arm. He pulled it out and threw it away.

" This isn't enough. More."

Bayak then began his onslaught.

He kept going on punching and kicking Liam crazily.

" Grahhhh!"

Liam could only now focus on fortifying himself with magic and minimize the damage as much as possible as blocking was impossible at this stage.

Liam had only discovered one of his magical element and didn't have much time to practice different techniques either. The only things he knew this far was freeze burst, ice release and deep hound arts.

On the other side, with being at advance apprentice stage 3 , Bayak had trained on magic techniques for years.

Liam was slowly started to getting unconscious.

He realised that he couldn't keep up the magic barrier up anymore.

His skin was starting to get charred with each strike

This was not a fight anymore. Liam had become a punching bag to Bayak.

He didn't have the single ounce of strength left in him.

Blood was being vomited out from his insides. Some bones were broken too.

Liam was standing there like a frail paper swaying in small angles in every direction.

Looking at his shape Bayak stopped. He cut out his magic as he couldn't keep it up anymore himself.

Rosè had turned her face away.

( If anything happens to him I'll kill you.)

Rosè's mage base was unknown to many. She never really sought to fight. Liman was the only one in the Cloudhart family who knew her true strength.

" What happened? Feeling to give up now. Let me do you a favor as I am in a good mood and you being my cute little brother. Give up."

" Liam , it's enough! Give up" Liman was desperate to bring Liman back to him.

All the family members couldn't look either.

Trek was in no mood to see this either.

" Give up. I'm not going to give up. Not..... to the li....likes of you" Liam was stuttering. Such was his condition. Blood had already reddened his dress.

" Such arrogance. Unfortunately you lack the strength to compliment it."

Bayak grabbed his neck and pulled his ear to his mouth.

" You are just as weak as your whore mother."

" Tuk! " Something snapped inside Liam.

The flow air suddenly got disturbed. There was disbalance in the surroundings magic.


A chill went down everyone's spine.

Even Trek , the elders Sunid and Laya, Plark and the stronger one's present there were not spared either.

" What is this?" Trek was feeling uneasy. It was not only him but all.

The weaker children were having an urge to vomit.

What was the source of this?

Clearing their head, everyone focused on the match.

" Bayak?" Truk could see him shivering.

He had been shivering for some time now. All the hair in his body stood straight.

Dark and cold. The two feelings were infiltrating his body.

Bayak felt that he was freezing from the inside. All the muscles in his body went stiff.

The instincts of his body were screaming.

"Run! Hide!". But he couldn't move a single part of his body. It was like time stopped for him.

Dread , despair , fear and all kind of negative emotions were taking over him.

( Why do I feel scared?. What is this feeling?

Feels like death!)

Bayak's breathing got heavy. He was huffing hardly.

The feeling was like something holding on his throat.

He let go of Liam whose face was hung down.

Liam was standing there motionlessly. The surrounding magic fluctuations were all directed at him.

A big stream of magic gushed inside him at an alarming rate.

He yanked his face up.

The very instant he raised his face, an enormous trepidation of demise and end overpowered the whole stadium.

One by one all the small children went unconscious . The teenagers and the adults barely able to keep their sense in check.

Liam's face went devoid of any expression. His expression was aloof and cold.

His eyes were of a different colour. A purple purple tint instead of his original black. Deep inside of those purples was only darkness.

" Liam. What happened to you?"

Liman also had a fearful express on his face.

( Those 30 days. What did you do?")

Rosè was scared.

( That's not my Liam)

Those who were away from him were already like this. Bayak who was facing him upfront, what could have been his state?


Blood fell down of his nostrils , then his ears.

" Drip!"

" Apologize."

One word left Liam's mouth. The voice didn't carry a hard tone at all nor did it sound warm like Liam either.

To Bayak it was like a whole mountain fell on him.

He fell on the ground in a kneeling position.

Everyone was stunned as to what was happening. Bayak kneeled.

Liam pulled up Bayak by his hair and gazed him.

Infront of that look, Bayak felt naked. The threatening purple eyes staring at him almost burned him from the inside.

" Apologize."

Tears fell off Bayak's eyes and snort trickled out of his nose.

" I'm sorry" Bayak was reduced to a sorry and pitiful stage.

" Just in case" Liam put his palm infront of Bayak's chest.

" Gaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!"

The shreik he gave out almost shook the ground.

He felt like thousands of ants were eating his flesh. The pain he was suffering was indescribable.

" Stop it please!!!"

His prayers were answered. The pain was seized from him.

He thought Liam let him go but that was not the case.

Bayak was alright now. The crushing oppression that everyone was feeling also vanished just like nothing happened.

The surroundings went normal. No abnormality was perceived anymore.

The feeling of dread and death that came from Liam didn't cause anymore trouble because Liam turned normal again.

He fell on the ground unconscious. The look on his face went normal. His purple eyes went black again.

The moment felt like a dream or more like a nightmare to Bayak.

Everyone was feeling just fine right now like the scene that happened earlier was just a fleeting imagination.

A boy just at advance apprentice stage 1, how could he administer such an intent?

" Kill him! Just kill him at all costs. He cannot be allowed to live!"

Bayak heard his fathers voice getting whispered into his ears.

( You think I want something else old man) The message was unnecessary as he was already angry enough due to the humiliation he went through.

Bayak's positioned his fingers in snake style. All his fingers went black.

"Hehe! if the pressure doesn't kill you the poison will"

His fist went like a snake baring his fangs towards the sleeping neck of Liam.