CH-15- Underlying Schemes

The jab was about to penentrate Liam's neck. If not stopped that would be Liam's demise.

" Swop!".

Fortunately the snake wasn't able to dig his teeth into its pray. Somebody had grabbed his wrist again like Liam. Not one but three hands

It was Liman followed by Trek and Sunid. Plark also rushed down standing before Liam.

" What were you planning to do Bayak?" Liman's eyes had more poison than Bayak's hand.

Truk also came down.

"What are you trying to do here you all?"

"Sorry Sir Truk but my son-in-law would have died " Plark replied.

"Huh! Injuries are inevitable in fights"

" You dare call this injury!. That was clearly supposed to kill him!"

Liman's self control was completely out of the leash. Time and time again, attempts were made on his son.

It was easily visible that Bayak used dark magic 'poison jab' to kill Liam. There was no use of any words anymore.

"Liman calm down. I understand your feelings but we can't create anymore chaos of the situation than it has already become"

Trek tried to suppress Liman's anger.

" Bayak ,I'll deal with you later. Thank your luck Liam was not harmed. " He glared at Bayak.

His words alone were served as a warning.

"Tch!" Bayak jumped over the housewalls and left .

" Truk, it's your duty to scold your son not mine. He is getting way out of hand. His actions today were outrageous."

" I don't see any problem here. My nephew's fine , isn't he?"

Trek was having a headache now.

" You!" Liman due to the current situation drank his anger.

"Liman take him and tend to his wounds. Take special care. What happened to him wasn't normal"

Liman picked Liam from ground and went inside the mansion.

" Let's go uncle Sunid and Sir Plark. We still have to witness the other matches. You are coming too Truk, no objections. Ruk"

Trek looked at his adviser and referee Ruk and nodded his head slightly.

" The winner of the match is Bayak"

Bayak was declared as the winner and the all went back up to stage.

" Father ,can I go check on Liam."

" No. You have to stay here till all the matches are over. If you leave now it would be disrespectful. Check on him later . There are only light injuries on him, he will be alright"

Rosè's heart was still worried.

The day went by and the curtains were closed on the family gathering battles. Many other figths took place the day but weren't spicy like the beginning. Yul also like his brother Deimos won by a close measure.

It was night time and the moon had painted the sky with a silver and lazy lustre .

Liam was still on his bed covered up in medicine and bandages. Liman and Sunid were sitting besides him. His wounds had already became non-existent. Expensive medics had been used up to heal him as fast as possible. If some cheap medicines were to applied, recovery would have asked up to a whole week with some burn marks left.

" umf!" Liam's eyelids made faint movement.

He woke up. As gently as possible , he lifted the shutters of his eyes to let the light through. He could see a lantern illuminating the room.

He could see that the lantern was making two faces visible sitting in a wooden chair.

" Liam, you awake?! Are you feeling all right"

" Yes father"

Liam smiled looking at his father's worried face.

"Does it hurt anywhere Liam?"

Sunid took a look over Liam from head to toe. He could be said as the doctor of the family. All the wounds on Liam's on Liam's body was taken care of by him.

" No, I'm already fine . Neat work as always grandpa Sunid."

"This old body is still capable of lot more of things "

Liman and Liam, both laughed.

Liam took the blanket aside and leaned against the border of the bed. He was only wearing a pant.

" Keep laid. No need to push yourself"

" I'm fine already father."

Replying to his overly worried father he slowly took off the bandages wrapped around his body and head.

Liam thought this was way too excessive but the injuries were non-existent now.

Liman passed over a shirt to Liman.



"What happened in the match?"

A tense atmosphere surfaced over. The smiles on Sunid and Liman's face was replaced with a serious expression.

" What do you remember?" The look on Liman's face was heavy.

" I only remember till I kicked Bayak and his beast engross wore off. After that I don't have a recollection of a single thing."

Liam put his hand on the head.

Liman and Sunid exchanged looks.

" Did I win?"

" You lost"

Liam had a sad expression on his face.

" Is that so."

" What's with the look! Even though you are too strong for someone at your level, did you think you can defeat someone two levels ahead of you?"

Liam even after listening to his father's scoldings still was sad .

( I have to get even stronger.)

A wish to get even stronger emerged in his soul.

He started to feel something. Was he literally feeling his determination?

No it was something else.

( What is this? How is the quantity of my magic seems to be increased!) .

Liam touched his stomach and felt the magic inside him.

( Yes it has definitely increased)

' Um.. Father, uncle Sunid"

" What is it?" Both of them waiting on Liam to speak.

"I think.... I broke through to advanced apprentice stage 2"

Both Liam and Sunid were surprised but not too surprised.

( You sucked in a great amount of magic in mere matter of seconds that time) Sunid and Liman's thought were in sync.

( They seem to be normal after hearing this. What happened during our match? What did I even do). Now Liam was eager than ever to find out about what happened that he doesn't remember.

" That's good. Now I have something to give you."

Liman gave him a book. Liam had seen this book with his father ever since he woke but didn't know what it was.

"Ice mail" Looking upon it Liam was pleased.

"Yes, an ice technique for you."

" Thank you father"

Looking at his smiling face, Liman remembered of the face his wife.

( You really are starting to resemble her every second)

" where did you get it father"

Liam was curious to how Liman got his hands on an ice technique.

" It's from a friend. I requested her to write down this technique for you when you were off training, I was planning to give it to you after you had returned"

" You are friends with an ice mage?"

" What something strange about it"

Liam denied.

" No no. Well obscure mages are rare , and you are friends with someone sharing the same ice element as me."

" What you know about me."

Liman put on a mysterious air around him.

" Oh." Liam smiled looking at his silly father.

" Hey Liam! That kick earlier. You thought of it on your own?"

" Yep!"

" Will you tell me how to do it?"

Liam made a mischievous smile.

( He wants to know)

" I can but I don't thinks your old bones can handle it"

" Stinky brat! You are too young to make fun of your daddy".

Liman pulled his ears.

" Ouch! ouch! . Sorry father. It hurts"

He was knowingly making painful faces.

All three present in the room laughed.

" Father . You were talking about something in the stage with uncle right. Divine Conscience was it?"

" That can wait in the future. You afford some more sleep."

Liman avoided the question.

" We take our leave then Liman. We will tell your uncle you haven't woken up. If he knows that you are, you won't be able to get a speck of sleep. He's gonna chat with you throughout the night."

" Ok goodnight grandpa Sunid"

Liman and Sunid exited the room.

" Uncle Sunid, is there any explanation to what happened to him earlier?"

Liman asked with a serious expression

" In my whole life I never saw something like that. If feels more like a dream than reality. The power that was blasting off of him, I don't want to think about. It was so suffocating and-" He was hesitant to speak further.

" And evil. I know. Let's just hope for the best. The answer to this lies in the future."

Inside a small hidden room in the mansion that no one had any knowledge of, two figures were arguing. No sound could be heard outside as the special walls of the room ate away all the vibrations.

" Slam!" Bayak bashed his hands on a wooden desk.

" That asshole Liam because of him , now it will be even more difficult to become the next patriach."

Truk standing there calmly without saying anything.

" Are you okay with it why don't say anything"

" That was a perfect opportunity to kill him earlier but those three just couldn't stay put"

"So what are we supposed to do then?. The way things are heading towards, sooner or later Liam's gonna be the one to inherit the title of the partriach and you want to me serve him"

" Shut up!" Truk raged on Bayak.

" Who's fault do you think it is?!. You are adopted so my damn brother never saw you favorable to inherit the family and you never had control on your action due to which your image has fallen to the lowest in everyone's eyes!. All because of you my plans to show you as a favorable candidate for the future patraich went down in the sewers."

Bayak without any interest justed received the words from one ear and released from another.

" Cut the crap, what are we supposed to do now"

" My brother always pampered that Liam. Now he has magic, things have gotten out of hands.

Not only that, his physique and powers are absurd and he has divine conscience. Being only at advance apprentice stage he forced you to go all out. Now all the members of the family will look at him like some genius and favor him. It's already set in stone that he will be crowned as the patriach if allowed to grow. We mustn't let that happen"

" Come to the point, what's your plan"

" Let me tell you a secret nobody knows"

Bayak titled his head.

" Liam was to be born when you were two years old as you know. My brother and I never married a woman, so the probability was high that the unborn child of Liman would have gotten in my way of crowning you as the next patriach."

Bayak still was confused as to what his father wanted to say.

" That's why on the day when Liam was to be born I gave the maid who was to support the childbirth of Liman's wife some poison. She perfectly fed it to her as I had planned."

Bayak was shocked. It was his father that killed his aunt.

All the secrets were out.

It wasn't bad health that killed, but her husband's big brother. Liam's mother and Liman's wife , Sylvia was killed by Truk.

" So why he's still alive?"

If poison was fed to Sylvia how was Liman still alive?

"The poison should have killed both the mother and Son but it didn't go as planned. Liman was born alive that day, totally healthy. Sylvia also survived. I thought the poison didn't work so I killed the trader who sold it to me. But later it was found that Sylvia's health had severely deteroited and she died 1 year later and Liam was found to have no magic. Because of that I didn't harm him till date as I saw him as zero threat. It was a mistake from my side."

Bayak thought something.

" Was it a slow poison that was fed to her. If that was the case , Liam should have also died few years later, why is he still alive,"

" Even I don't know the answer to that"

The poison would have killed any normal person but Liam's mother Sylvia wasn't one. Her Moon beauty body regressed the procession of the poison dramatically in her body, that was the reason of her slow death. A very small amount of poison reached Liam stomach through the womb. It was not enough to kill him but totally destroyed his reserve of magic.

The knowledge about the moon beauty physique of Sylvia wasn't known to Truk so he thought the poison was a cheap fake of the original he bought.

" Leave it Bayak. It's not safe to act now. We have to observe for few days and make our move accordingly."