CH-16- Liam and Rosè (1)

Two days had gone by since the battles.

Liam's marriage with Rosè was at the hand. Trek had officially announced the marriage of his nephew to the whole city before even his father did.

The news of Liam being a ice mage had spread around like forest fire. Now the Cloudhart family had two obscure mages. The other noble families were burning with jealousy.

The whole Cloudhart was busy in decoration. Delicious and mouth watering smell of delicious food was painting the air.

Today was the day Rosè would officially marry into the Cloudhart family and both the family will be tied in relationship of marriage.

The Cloudhart family and Rosewood family had great ties but now the relation would elevate even further.

The mansion was crowded with lots of people. Family members, relatives and all the family friends all were invited to celebrate in this occasion. More were on the way, and after the Rosewood members come it would look like cramped temple instead of a house.

Trek was looking over the decoration while jumping around to the cooks to look over the food. He was more excited than Liam over this.

No one knew why he loved Liam so much. Even the person himself was sometimes confused.

Liam was getting up dressed up. He was wearing a red suit. The girls would drool taking a look at him.

" You look just as hot as your mother"

Liam turned his head.

" I'm just short and thin father"

" And your strength knows no bound"

Liman entered the room and started fixing his son's clothes.

"You have grown so much. You are now going to get married now huh."

He was getting a bit emotional.

" If only mother was here today"

Liman hugged Liam.

" She's always with us"

" Creak!" Someone opened the door to the room.

" Uncle!"


It was Trek who entered.

" Now Now, what do we have here. You all are enjoying without me. "

"Yes, so what? He's why son"

Trek looked at Liam.

"I knew red would look good on him". Trek was feeling satisfied looking at his charming nephew.

" I chose a black black one. He would have looked more awsome in it but you had to replace it even before my knowledge"

Looking both the brothers arguing Liam laughed.

More two people entered.

" Grandma Laya, Granpa Sunid!"

" You look wonderful my boy" Laya couldn't keep her old body from going on and hugging Liam.

" Hey now don't ruin his suit" Sunid wanted to separate his wife who was latched to Liam.

" I don't care".

On the other side, all the carriages of the Rosewood were stationed infront of their house , ready to depart anytime.

Rosè was dressed in a beautiful blue dress, which was a bit frilly at the bottom and the end ofvthe sleeves.It had golden lace patterns on it The make up on her face was nearly negligible. Her beautiful face would hide behind if covered by too much accessories.

"You look beautiful dear" Rosè's mother was just staring at her daughter.

"She looks just like dear"

She was laying her head against Plark's chest.

" You looked just as beautiful on our wedding day Saya" Rosè's mother Saya's face was red.

Plark looked a bit sad.

" Father , was is it? Tell me"

" It will be the last day you are gonna stay my little princess. I still remember the day when you were born. I thought that I could have you all for myself but now you are going to belong to someone else, I just -"

Plark didn't want to let go of her daughter.

" C'mon. Don't be so silly. She's always be our little princess"

A tiny little boy entered the room. His cheeks were a bit puffy and he looked extremely adorable to the eye.

Without saying anything he just rushed towards Rosè , put his hands around her legs and grabbed hardly.

" No! I won't let go you sister. I won't"

He was the little brother of Rosè and second child of Plark and Saya.

" I am gonna fight Liam and snatch you away from him. You are mine sister!"

She lowered herself to her crying little brother.

Wiping away his tears she put her hands on his cheeks.

" Don't cry chris. I'll miss you too. I too don't want to part from you"

Saya also couldn't keep her emotions in check and hugging Rosè bursted in tears.

" Please don't cry" Tears finally left Rosè's eyes as well.

Plark walked close and took his little family into his big embrace. From today there will be one less member in the family.

The carriages were loaded with Rosè's family members. A specific carriage was specially designed for Rosè ,the bride to be. She went inside it along with a maid.

They were all set to go ahead to their destination.


"Neigh!!!" The horses were whipped as a signal to start running.

" How wonderful miss! You are now finally going to be with Mr.Liam, you are so lucky"

As the carriage was heading ahead the maid started a talk with Rosè.

( Hmph!. When he was powerless you all loathed him and persuaded me to reject him. Now that his prowess is clear to all, you all started singing his praise)

" Thank you"

" You both have loved each other from a long time and now you are finally going to get together ,how nice"

The maid's words were suppose to be of greeting, happiness and congratulations but instead it triggered something inside Rosè

Her facial expression went pale and complicated.

( Love. Love. Love. Does he really love me?)

A turmoil started inside her.

( Ever since we were kids, I always pushed you around. I always kept saying I loved you. I always got so pushy around you. The first time we met I was captivated by you. You stole my heart.

But what about your heart. Where does it lie?

I never really asked if you loved me.

I always got clingy around you, screaming my love for you. I truly love you . But never , not even once you said those words to me nor did I ever ask you. )

Rosè's soul was in complete chaos.

From childhood she really loved Liam and was ready to give everything for him. But what worried her was what was in his heart.

The marriage was set by their parents. Only her opinion was taken in account if she would like to have Liam as her husband but no one ever asked him if he was okay with. Whether he loved Rosè or not.

This thought started to eat her from the inside. A feeling of guilt invaded her .

( Do you truly love me? Did you just propose the marriage because of the pressure?!).

Liman, Truk , Sunid , Laya , Liam and everyone were waiting on Rosè and her whole family to be present.

" Father, where's uncle Truk and brother Bayak?"

Liam scouted the area but didn't find his other uncle and brother

" I don't know and I don't care."

To Liman it was better if his big brother Truk didn't show.

Trek gave a helpless smile.

" I know you don't get along but he's your brother after all"

" The Rosewood family has come!" A guard screamed.

Everyone could see a small procession heading towards them. After some time it was completely visible. An insignia with of the Rosewood family was wavering in the air proudly.

Upon reaching the gate, the carriages were halted. One by one people came out of it to be warmly greated by the opposite party.

Plark, Saya and Chris came down from theirs after sometime.

"Hope you were comfortable coming here"

They were greeted with extreme courtesy and kind feelings by Trek and Liman.

Liman went ahead and hugged each other, not as members of different family but as the other's friend.

Liam was standing just behind them.

" Oh my you look handsome , care to take another wife."

Saya teased Liman.

" Aunt Saya , don't tease me like that"

" It's not aunt anymore, it's mo-th-er"

Liam felt a bit awkward as he had the change his old habits.

" Mo...mother"

" That's the way" Saya nodded with satisfaction.

Liam could see an angry face staring at him. The look was so intense that he started sweating.

" Um... Why Chris looks so angry?"

" You are taking away his sister that's why"

Plark replied while patting the head of his son.

"Oh! , So u... father where is she"

" Can't wait now, can we?"

Embarrassment could be seen on his face.

All the eyes were set on the one special carriage. Everyone was waiting for the person inside to show herself.

The horseman of the carriage opened the door. First the maid came out.

Then a beautiful figure coverd in blue was in everyone's eyes. The whole area was silent.She looked breathtakingly beautiful . She slowly stepped out of the carriage with elegance radiating with her every moment.

Rosè was now out of the carriage and headed towards where her parents and her new family was waiting.

She stared at Liam, which Liam responded in kind with a smile. She returned the smile silently as well.

Liam could feel something was off with her.

( Why doesn't she seem her usual self)

Liam knew his sister Rosè to her every cell. Her habits, her likes, her dislike, what did Liam didn't know.

He could see easily see that Rosè was not being herself.

The whole function was executed beautifully without any problems. Everyone had a fun time together. Bayak and Truk as expected, didn't show up.

The sun was almost down and the servants now had started washing the empty dishes.

"We all will take our leave then Thank you for everything"

Plark shaked his hands with Trek

" No, the thanks is on us. Thanks for giving my nephew such a wonderful girl."

This time Rosè was not stading with her old family's side but her new one.

Chris went before Liam and raised his hands

" Take care of my sister. If you make her sad , I'll come around and beat you hard"

Liam smiled at Chris or his little brother and bumped his fist against his.

Saya called out to everyone and bowed her head slightly

" Please, Take care of our daughter"

" Don't worry Liam's going to make sure that she doesn't even remember you all"

Liman assured everyone to leave Rosè in their care.

" Hey Plark, let's meet our usual place after two days"

" You have it."

After a bit of conversation all the Rosewood family members boarded on their carriages and left.


Ps. Hey guys, hope u all have been liking my work till now. Next chapter will be our first NSFW:). Comment me for a faster release rate and spicy content.