CH-17- Liam and Rosè (2)

The Rosewood members took their leave. Soon the carriages were out of sight.

" Let's get inside everyone. Rosè ,welcome to the family"

Liman said .

"Thanks father" Rosè was carrying two bags consisting of her clothes.

"Give those heavy things to me" Trek took those bags in his hands.

"No uncle , I can carry them"

Rosè felt wrong but gave up on Trek's insistment.

All of them were inside the house now. Trek ordered the maids to deliver the bags to Liam's room or now both of their child's room.

"I'm heading before. If you excuse me." She bowed.

" No need for such courtesy. Just be your usual self"

Liman gave courage to Rosè.

She pulled her head above and giving a smile to everyone she left.

(She didn't even look me in the eyes).

Liam had already guessed something was wrong with her. Throughout the event she was very quiet and it bothered Liam. The usual self of Rosè was a talkative and blabber mouthed girl, but today she was all quite. The thought everyone had was that she was a bit shy today due to her marriage but only Liam knew that was not it.

Trek grabbed both of Liam's arms.

" We won't take anymore of your time too Liam. After all it's your first night as a couple"

" You should head there soon now son. Wouldn't want your charming wife waiting now , would you?" Liman added.

Both the brothers gave Liam a grin but it had a different meaning to it.

" I hate you guys!" Liam's face was red.

He left to his room frustrated.

Liman and Trek looked and each other and laughed.

Liam was standing infront of the door of his room. His heart was beating really hard.

( Today's the day.)

The room which he felt was too big for him alone would now become a bit more cramped from today.

Liam was in anticipation of what will happen today. Today he will finally have his sister Rosè all to himself

Taking a large gulp he pushed the door slowly.

Slowly , Slowly, bit by bit, the view inside the room became visible.

Liam was stunned on what he saw. Rosè was sitting on the bed silently.

Her natural beauty had almost captured Liam, but with the addition of her beautiful blue dress, her looks was in a completely another level.

Hearing the sound, she twisted her head and her eyes fell on Liam. Looking at Liam with a complicated gaze she turned her eyes away from him.

(She want me to make the first move.) It was now Liam's time to shine. As a man he had to take the lead from here.

He took his time walking to the edge of the bed beside near Rosè and took a seat just beside her.

( Where do I start)

Liam stretched his arms wide and flattened his back on the bed.

" We are now finally married, Sister Rosè"

" Still with the sister I see."

Rosè was looking into thin air.

Liam couldn't take it anymore. He was very worried about her.

" Sister Rosè is something wrong. Did I do something that hurt you"

She swayed her head lightly in denial

" I should ask you that Liam. Is it truly your wish for me to me"

Perplexity is what Liam was suffering from listening to her words.

" Sister Rosè , what do you mean? Why are you saying that"

Tears of guilt and culpability gathered under her eyes.

" It was always me Liam. I always said I love you and I truly do. But I never considered your feelings for me. I always pushed my will on you but I never really thought what is it that's in your mind."

A single, thin stream of water trickled down from her left cheek to the floor then followed by the right.

There was nothing that Liam could think of now. He didn't understand what was Rosè trying to convey to him

" Sister Rosè you have it all wrong. My wish. Its to be-"

Before he could finish her words Rosè stood up.

" I'm sorry"

With two words of apology she pushed the door open and ran away as fast she could.


Liam was staring at the entrance like fool. The bedlam that occured had him totally stunned.

His wife ran away crying on their first night of their life as a couple.

( Sister Rosè. I have to go clear everything and be done with it.)

Setting his straights thought Liam too walked out of his room.

The whole mansion was in alarm. Liman, Trek Sunid , Laya and many other members were standing at the entrance.

" It's miss Rosè sir, she came running towards the entrance . We tried asking her but she just jumped over the walls. Sent two people after her but she was too fast to follow"

"what!?" Everyone including Liman were startled.

"Father!" Liman could hear a familiar voice calling out.

He turned his head to find someone he anticipated to be there.

" Liam , what is the meaning of this? Why did she run away. Did you do anything weird to her"

He looked furious but Liam didn't have the leisure nor the time to argue with them now.

Liam crouched and gathered magic in his foot.

"Whush!" He jumped over his father and the other members who were looking at Liam with a dumb look on their face.

He landed just infront of the gate and ran away too.

"....." Everyone had a question mark hanging in their face.

" What is the meaning of this?"

Liam ran around as fast as he could searching around the whole city. The administrative hall, the drama theater, central maket and what not.

30 min had passed of Liam talking a tour of the city but no luck on Rosè.

He searched all the places he could think of but found Rosè nowhere. The whole city was covered in the dark, illuminated only by the moonlight. Not many people were in the streets either.

( Where could she have gone? It's late night.)

Liam was sweating profusely. He had been running around like a mad man looking for his wife.

He was real peturbed. Although he knew she was strong but her current emotional state was unbalanced and she may not be able to fight back if someone tries anything on her that's why he had to find her.

( Where could she be.) He started racking his brain real hard.

After continuous thinking of 5 min ,an image of a place flashed in his mind for an instant.

( She has to be there)

Liam headed to a certain place he knew and Rosè knew of

The eagle hill was calm as always. The mountain looked beautiful with greenery covering every corner. Just talking a walk at this hour of the day will sooth your mind. The smell of the grass tickling the nose would provide a serene sense of being. This small hill was the idiom of peace and calmness.

The hill had many trees but a certain tree at the upper floors of the hill was the biggest and oldest of all. It had many branches extending out of it and the tree was whole heartedly supporting many creepers. The tree looked very ancient if carefully examined. But it was bare of any leaves due to the winter fall but would have beautiful green leaves coating it sooner.

A small wooden tree house was made at the top supported by many branches and ropes tightly attached to the tree.

From the bottom of the tree , the weeping of a woman could be heard resounding out of the tree house.

It was Rosè. The moonlight entering through the window cavity made it possible to see everything.

Of all the places in the world she came here because this place had certain precious memories attached to it.

This little was house was made by no one but Liam and Rosè during their childhood days.

It was an important memento of their childhood together. Both of them would always sneak into the hill and often came here to play. It had a thin mat spread out on the floor and many old wooden toys and some books were laying around carelessly.

To climb it, they would latch on to the creepers and climb to the entrance of the house.

Inside the very walls of the tree house they had their first kiss together.

Rosè was sitting resting her back against the house walls resting her head on her knees. Her eyes were swollen due to crying. The tears were dried on her cheeks leaving light marks.

She was sitting there silently remembering those childhood memories which she treasured.

A wooden horse was in her hands.

"This horse, we made it together. I was really bad at craft. You were the one who taught me. The serious look on your face when you were carving , made me have a urge to work hard too.

I just....."

Tears left her eyes yet again.

"Just.... things wouldn't be same as they used to be"

"Rustle! Rustle!" A rustling sound entered her ears.

"Someone is coming!"

She was all alert and ready to attack.

After the person climbing up reached high enough his hand was visible.

Her hands were sparkling brightly. If the person had any malice with him, he'd be dead soon.

But all the aggression in her eroded and crumbled away the instant she saw who the person was.

" Liam!"

The moment he came into his view , a surge of crashing all over him overwhelmed her but something held her back.

He didn't say anything nor he was surprised to find her here because he knew Rosè would definitely be here. Carving a sweet smile into his face ,he was just looking at Rosè without saying anything.

" How did you...." She turned her eyes away from Liam, wiping her tears.

" How did you know?"

" You seemed too surprise."

He slowly walked towards Rosè and sat beside her also resting his back against the walls of the eyes.

" Of course, I knew you would be here. I know everything about you, that even you yourself don't know. I have been following you my whole life after all "

She found a grave error in her words.

" No, you are wrong. It was always me. I always followed you. I was always all over you. I always superimposed my will on you. I always wanted you to have you for myself"

After lifting away all the weight inside of her heart, she realized what she had said.

She put both of her hands on her face.

It was flushed red.

( So embarrassing!)

"I am no better"

Listening to Liam, she jerked her face up and looked at him.

"The first time we met I found you strange. You were very cheerful and wildish unlike me. You would always push me around with you everytime. You always had that smile on your face. I didn't think much of it that time. But

one day when I saw you talking with a guy laughingly who I didn't know was your cousin , I felt a deep jealousy inside me. That smile on your face , I wanted to share it with no one, your wildness I wanted to have all to myself. I wanted your everything, nothing spared. Your love, your grief, your sadness, I wanted to eat it all alone."

Listening to Liam she was electrified. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"But I always felt a guilt buried inside me that I wasn't worthy of your anything. I always pushed myself hard just to become someone worthy to be walking by your side. Be someone strong enough to protect you. Even after I had my powers , it was your image I always had inside of me. I am what I am today thanks to you."

All the pent up feeling inside Liam, he released all like Rosè.

" This time let me be the one to say it."

He gently holded Rosè's delicate face with his hands fearing it would break if he used too much strength.

" I love you. Be mine. Forever!"

Both their feelings now laid bare infront of each other. No more secrets. Nothing more to hide.

Liam's confession finally killed all the inner demons she had inside of her.

This time tears of happiness broke through her eyes and fell like a broken dam.

" Umm . I'm yours! . Yours only!. I love you too."

Nothing holding her back anymore she dived into the bosom of the man she had truste her everything to.

Liam tightly held her inside his chest as we

All the tears she had inside of her were emptied on Liam.

Nobody moved for ten minutes maintaining the most blissful moment of their life.

Someone now had to make to first move. Liam felt it as his turn and responsibility to act.

He held Rosè's head between his hands.

Liam started deeply inside her deep blue , ocean like eyes and wouldn't mind drowning inside it forever.

On the other side a totally different sensation Rosè was going through.

Liam's black eyes seemingly like a void was sucking her inside it.

Second by second the distance between their faces was shortened.

Their lips were now few millimetres apart.

Both of their lips slowly interconnected with each other , the moonlight adorning them.

The virgin hormones of two young virgin youngsters barged and broke through all the barriers. An ambiguous heat elevated in the air.