CH-19- Turtle state and divine conscience

After wearing themselves out through the passionate night both were asleep cuddling. Both of their hands on each other, exchanging each others warmth.

It was already daytime. As soon as the sunshine tickled on their face their sweet sleep was interrupted.

Rosè woke up first. Her big bunnies was sticking close to Liam and his hands were over her back as her's was on his.

Recalling the memories of the last night, there was a crimson colour on her face.

She was about to wake Liam up but to her surprise Liam pulled her head close to his chin.

"Good morning." He sweetly wished the person morning, who he will be with his whole life.

She lifted her face up and gave a light peck on his chin.

" Morning. My husband"

Liam lovingly looked at her and pointed his finger on his lips wanting the same thing in his lips.

" Geez! what a greedy person you are" said Rosè . Still she obeyed him and like a little courting bird and piled her lips on his.

Liam slyly slipped his hands between her breasts and sent his tounge inside her mouth.

She shook a little.

She realised if this carries on they will want to do it again and now was not the time. They ran from house at night without any information. They surely were to be scolded badly. Delay was not an option.

She pushed at his chest and separated their bodies which were sticking close even though she had a dissatisfied face and wanted to fuse with Liam once more .

" We can't. We don't have time for this. Let's head back."

"!" Listening to Rosè, Liam realised the situation they were in.

Running from house infront of everyone at their first wedding night. They were gonna get it good.

Standing up, both of them stretched their body.

Liam couldn't keep his eyes of her curvaceous and well proportioned body which tempted men.

" Hmph!"

Of course she realized his lecherous looks. Though snorting lightly she felt proud of her body and pushed her chest out showing her pride.

Both covered their naked bodies with clothes. The clothes were all wrinkled and it would definitely a see through of what happened last night.

Climbing down from the tree both of them started paving their way to the mansion.

Crouching , hiding , camouflaging , sneaking through small alleys, every way possible to concealing themselves from visions of other made their way to the mansion.

Now both of them standing infront of the mansion were seen by the guards at the gate.

" Master Liam, misses Rosè!"


They wanted to slink inside without courting any attention, but now all their plans were in ruins. There were guards all around the mansion at least at advance apprentice stage 1, finding a loophole was not possible.

Before they could think of an alibi to give to everyone Liman and Laya were already out to them.

" Liman! Rosè!"

Both of them gulped their spit.

The whole house was informed of their homecoming.

They were scolded harshly for an hour non-stop by Liman sitting on their knees. The session would have been for an extended amount of time but Sunid and Laya took pity and separated Liman from them.

After getting an earful they went to their room.

" Damn my ear hurts, father's spit was all over my face."

Liam was on his bed lying on Rosè's lap.

" I am really sorry. It's all because of my stupidity."

Looking at the sorry expression of her, Liam sprang up from her lap and embraced her from the back slipping his hands through her neck.

" The apology is on me. I didn't understand your feeling as your husband. I'm ashamed of myself. Will you ever forgive me."

" No, you should forgive me instead"

Both started at each other for some moments

" Puff!"

Air puffed out of their mouths in laughter.

" I love you."

" Me too Liam"

Becoming lost in the eyes of the other, they brought their faces close to each other.

Liam inhaled her freshly washed hair. A sweet citric smell invaded his nose.

Their lips were milliseconds away from being attached.

" Knock! knock!"

" yikes!"

Liam and Rosè jumped I'm shock and accelerated themselves away from each other as much as possible, sitting at the opposite ends of the bed.

Liman opened the door.

" Father!" Both said in unison with their face held down.

Liman looked over their face which was holding a guilty expression.

His anger before was only for the spur of moment as he was worried about both of them running without any information.

" Liam, Rosè you both okay."

Liman asked in an altruistic way.

" Yes , father!" Seeing the look on his face their minds were elated and both saluted.

Liman frowned looking at both of them in a strange manner.

" Why are you both sitting so far away. Don't tell me you are having a matrimonial quarrel already. Maybe it was a bad decision for getting you marry each other."

" No!"

Both fell for Liam's trap.

" Hahaha."

Rosè's cheek reddened.

" Jokes aside. Me and uncle Trek has somethings to discuss with you Liam."

"Oh" Liam wondered.

" Can I come father?" Rosè asked.

" If you want."

Three of them walked towards a big door and pushed it open. A big rectangular wooden table laid bare with many empty seats. Two giant tapestries were fixed on the opposite walls.

It was clearly the dining room.

Trek was sitting on the seat at the later end of the table.

" You caused quite the ruckus yesterday"

Trek came to them saying.

" I'm sorry"

Both the husband wife apologized yet again.

" Leave that I'm not angry. I called you Liam,so I can inform you of something. All these things were kept away from you because of your incapabality of using magic before but now we can."

" What things uncle?"

" Listen to him carefully Liam" Liman instructed him.

Liam was all attentive to receive what his uncle had to give to him.

" You know, neighbouring to our Regent city , there are 3 more cities .Huin City, Inkul city, Lipid city, and 3 more small towns. "

" uhuh" Liam nodded his head

" There are many more smaller cities and township establishments in the distant places but aren't as powerful and wealthy as ours.

Collectively these all are part of the Turtle state"

"Turtle state?"


Liam wrote every bit of information in his mind.

" But the turtle state is a very puny state of the spade country"

" Puny?! you mean as in terms of area or strength"


Liam exclaimed. The city and his state he considered to be powerful were just powerless fleas infront of the other stronger states.

(The pheonix countries and the other powerful states in it.)

A sudden excitement boiled in him.

'Explore' was the only word dancing in his mind.

It was not his fault. He never was allowed to leave too far from the city outside his family's grasp due to his magicless condition.

All his life he had been like a chained prisoner, shackled by his broken reservoir of magic. But he didn't blame Liman for that as all of these restrictions were to put him away from harm.

But now thanks to the meeting with sister Lia, he had no such bounds now. He was free to do anything he wants. He could like fly like a free bird , anywhere he wants.

" Liam , focus!"

Liman scolded seeing Liam spacing out in his void of thoughts.

Trek resumed.

"Now , the divine conscience. You heard us talking that you posses it. Let me explain that what is it. It's a term used by the people of weaker states like us. A person having divine conscience have a faster meditation rate than the normal masses and can break through easily to different levels as to speak of and you posses you Liam. You didn't practice for more than 1 month but your mage base is already at advance apprentice stage 3. It's a proven fact that you posses divine conscience too."

Liam wasn't too surprised listening to this. Even grandpa Faux said he had a great mediation speed and he himself figured out that his meditation speed was out of ordinary. Children his age practiced for years to reach advance apprentice stage 2 or 3 but he did it in mere matter of one month.

" How many posses it in our city?". Liam wanted to know if he was the only one in city

" They can be counted in hands and maximum everytime someone is found having it they leave for the stronger states to flourish their power agains stronger opponents.

Well but we have one present around here possessing it besides you."

Liam with a shock glanced at Rosè.