CH-20- Towards Inkul city

Two person were beside Liam , Rosè and Liman.

Liman was a person with an ordinary talent. So the one possessing the divine divine conscience along with him could only be Rosè.

To Liam's surprised look she was standing there smiling at his face.

" Truth to be said Liam, her strength already matches your uncle"

Yet another whack to Liam surprise by his father.

"What stage are you in sister Rosè?"

Liam asked her calling out her name with the sister honorific again. Maybe it will take some time to change his habits.

" I'm already at magus novice stage 3"

she winked.

"!" Now Liam was dumstuck.

Complication was written was written all over his face.

He wanted Rosè to rely on him, even a little but he was still far too weak to walk with her step to step. If any troubles brew she would be the one protecting him from head to toe.

Of course she found got a wind of Liam's thought.

"Liam, even though I have divine conscience my speed cannot be compared to you. You are way too fast in meditation than me or any normal person. It won't be long before we all are left in the dust. Then I have to be the one worried."

" umm." Liam didn't say anything.

(I lost to Bayak and she's way too many levels above me. I will have to get strong as soon as possible)

" Uncle is there anything else you want to say to me?"

" Yes I do. You are going to Inkul city."

" Inkul city. Why?"

Liman put his hands in Liam's shoulder.

" It's time you learn about the world Liam and how it works. I always have been worrying about you and have kept you like a frog in the well far too long. You have to learn many things starting from today. Practical knowledge and words written on books are whole different things."

Liam understood what his father meant. He was too naive on how the things work and his social dealing skills were very bad too.

"What is my purpose there uncle?"

"As you know Inkul city is famous for it's magic herbs and potions. There is a special kind of herb I had my eyes on. I recently got the news that it was found and I paid the price to reserve it. I want you to head to Inkul city and fetch it for me.

Can you do it?"

Excitement was already circulating in his nerves.

(I finally get to leave Regent city.)

"Yes uncle! Sure you can count on me"

"Aren't you too pumped up"

Laughter resounded through the room from everyone's mouth.

"Uncle, Father , I have a request."

Liam had a certain entreaty

" I want to head there alone as a normal person. Not a member of the Cloudhart family surrounded by guards and several carts."

Liam and Trek found it unreasonable.

" why would you want that?. If you name your family you will be well received. Traveling like that would be too troublesome."

Liman didn't want Liam to go through any troubles.

" Thats the more reason to do so father. I really want to know about the world. I can do that only through the eyes of myself alone not through the sheet of out family."

Any normal noble kid would ride through everywhere stating his family name in a domineering manner but Liam didn't have such ambitions. He wanted the world to know him by his own name , not his family or not his origin. Only him.

Listening to Liam , Liman could only sense dignity in himself to give birth to such a son.

( You really have grown Liam. Sylvia I wish you would be here today to listen to our son.)

" Hahah! Well said Liam. You really are a good kid. At least let uncle send a carriage and a horseman with you or do you plan on getting there on foot after the herbs wither away."

"Haha. A single carriage would be fine uncle."

" I am coming too Liam" Rosè broke into the conversation.

" No , you don't have to." Liam denied

" Hmph! I won't listen to anything. Where you go, I go or perhaps now you find me suffocating."

Liam surrendered himself before his wife.

Liman could relate.

( Your mother also used to boss me around like an idiot Liam. At least you are better off with her)

Liman and Trek's worries disappeared with Rosè's proposal. They were worried about Liam's safety but if someone powerful like Rosè would be accompanying him then there was no fear for Liam.

Trek was planning to send one of his personal guards with Liam disguised as the horseman for his protection but now it wasn't of any necessity.

He clearly realized the sudden calmness on their faces which was full of fret before on hearing him going alone.

( They still don't believe in my strength. Just because sister Rosè is coming with me they are totally calm. I swear I am gonna stamp my prowess inside all of your faces after some time)

A healthy anger morphed inside him.

" Do anyone know of this besides us?"

" Besides uncle Sunid and aunt Laya , I didn't inform it to anyone. Why you ask?"

" I want to keep it that way. Tell no one about where I will be going. We will head at night without anyone's knowledge. If the situation demands it tell them I'm gone training for some days"

" If that is want you want Liam, uncle's going to stay quite."

Though agreeing Liam and Trek didn't find the motive behind the request.

" Very well . When are we suppose to leave for Inkul city?"

" After 2 days"

"I am going on non-stop meditation for two days then. I request for no disturbance"

Being said what was to be said and did what was to be done Liam and Rosè left.

After confirming both of them were in not the radius of their speech, both switched their smiles to straight faces.

" Brother , the matter with the Fennican house, how is it coming up?"

" It's beyond reconciliation. A war is inevitable"

Fennican family ,one of the nobles of the Regent city whose roots go back to the time of beginning of Cloudhart family. They didn't have any friendly ties to begin with but in the recent days both the families were each other's throat over the shared territory. A war was already brewing admist the current peace.

Inside the hidden room , Bayak and Truk were at something.

" All things are set Bayak. We just have to wait till the current moment."

"What the hell did you even do?"

Bayak was being restless to know what his father had in his mind to get him the seat of the Patriach.

"The upcoming tension with the Fennican family is the selling point of my plan. If this goes well off without any suspicions we can clear all the thrones in our path. By that I mean Liam and my dear big brother"

"Oh! sounds interesting."

Bayak's interest was piqued.

" Can you tell me in brief."

" Why spoil the fun son. Witness the book as it slowly unfolds.?"

An evil smile emerged on his face.

The Fennican mansion was situated just near the administrative hall of the city.

Inside the meeting room of the house 5 figures were sitting. Various portraits were hung on the walls and the room had a big furnace but empty of fire which will show its glory at night time.

There were total of 12 seats around the round table.

Among the five men , a particular person was present having a square shaped face with thin hair and a big mustache but beard shaved clean.

This particular person was none other than the Patriach of the Fennican house and the other four members were some core family members.

"So Lucan are we going to do it ?" The one who asked the question was the father of the Fennican patriach. He had one prosthetic leg made of wood and his eye shadowed by a patch .

Patriach Lucan made a wondered face.

" Were we going to do anything at all father.?"

Nobody got what he meant to say. An upcoming crisis with the Cloudhart family was at the hand and he seemed to be totally unknown of the situation.

" Do I have to remind you Lucan. The dominance ovsr central market was shared by our family and that family , but now we are going to take full control of it. "

" So what? I don't remember talking about any bloodshed."

" Cut out the jokes brother!" Lucan's sister Maya couldn't take it anymore.

" You think those bastards will let us do what we want without putting up a fight!"

Lucan was still calm though.

"We are going to get our damn central market revenues and we will not have to worry about strife with them either"

"So how you propose we do such a thing?"

" I have all things sorted before hand."

" How so father?" Lucan's son Rand jumped into the conversation.

" Truk."

" Trek's younger brother. What of him?"

Lucan's father along with everyone didn't get any smell of his plan in the slightest.

" He's going to give us the central market."

" What?! He isn't the patriach and why in the hell would he be doing such a thing even if he could"

Maya demanded an explanation.

" He going to kill Trek and Liman for both our roads to be clear."

" What!" Everybody exclaimed in unison.


Ps. Hey guys! Hope you've been liking my work. Let me say that I'm not very proficient in English but still try my best.The way I write is very linear too. I don't know what you think of it but let me know in the comments.