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CH-21-Finding an inn

Two days passed by an instant. Liam was on the verge of breaking through to the advance apprentice stage 3.

It was night time of the second day. The moon was on it's full valor.

The moment everyone, would be letting there guard down and entering the valley of dreams and was the right time for Liam to start his journey to Inkul city along with Rosè. Mages didn't require as much sleep as a normal person but would surely grasp some sleep in a peaceful situation to not stress out their body too much.

A horse carriage was at wait just few meters away from the mansion for it's passengers to appear.

Liam and Rosè were at the mansion gates along with Liman and Trek. The guards at the gate were strictly instructed not to leak any information otherwise a cruel fate awaits them.

In fear both the guards even closed their eyes and ears , not wanting to witness anything.

Trek handed over a medallion with their family insignia embedded in it and a parchment.

" Head to the alchemy hall of the Inkul city and give this the one in charge. You will receive the herbs from them after all the formalities. You are to bring them very carefully and make sure not to harm the herbs."

Alchemist were those people who were responsible for brewing magic portions. For to be an alchemist one required certain combination of magical elements.

Fire and water element otherwise ice element and the fire element.

It was a tough job to find a person meeting the criteria. As obscure mages were rare , and an ice mage gifted with fire mage were like finding a paticular strand of hay in a haystack.

So most alchemist were the one with fire and water. And even if one possessed the ability to be an alchemist it may not particularly mean they would be interested in the career. So alchemist were very scant in numbers and greatly respected. One had to be very careful when dealing with alchemists and show no rudeness.

Liam accepted the medallion and the parchment and put it inside his robes.

Both Liam and Rosè were in their travelling clothes. They didn't put on anything flashy and had one one backpack on their backs. The cart arranged was also just an ordinary one as it was requested by Liam.

" We are then taking our leave" Liam and Rosè performing a bow of respect left the premises and stationed themself on the cart.

Liman and Trek headed back inside without invoking any noise.


"neigh!" Upon the light whip on the horse their journey began.

The whole Cloudhart mansion was now asleep but certain two persons were still awake with I'll intentions of overthrowing the current head of the house.

Bayak and Truk were fully awake and were inside the walls of the secret soundproof room.

The two parties awake didn't know the presence of one another and were busy on their own crusades.

Truk was holding a small metallic box with was a red luster.

" What is that?" Bayak pointed at the box.

" Since you lack a divine conscience and we have a very major upcoming of events , think of it as a substitute."

Truk opened the small chest. A little amount of black smoke enmassed inside the box was released from its prison. The smoke rushed to Bayak's nostrils and seeped through his body.

The extreme feeling he got was like the taste of a thousand year old wine to him. He was famished to have more.

" What in the world's name is this!"

He could see a black pill placed in the depression of the cushion fitted inside the box.

It was constantly emitting black light and the same black smoke.

It was resonating to Bayak's dark magic.

" Swallow it and use the powers well. I nearly emptied all my fortune to get my hands on one of these" Truk said.

Bayak even didn't think twice before picking it from the box and placing it on his toungue.

"Gulp!" Upon swallowing down his throat he didn't feel anything.

"Huh! Is that it? I feel nothing."

"You sure"

Slowly heat was generating from around his navel.

" What is this? Grah!" Bayak clenched his stomach.

The burning sensation spread through out his body. A massive flux of magic centered at his stomach spread throughout the whole room. His eyeballs were emitting black flames.


Inside the wrenching pain was a drunk stupor of power he was experiencing.

His screams bounced throughout the whole room, but not a single noise left the room as the walls ate away on all of it. The screams inside was all peace outside.

Inkul city was the neighboring city of Regent city which would consume 30 days to reach by foot if one just slept and walked.

A carriage would make it as easier as 15 days.

At the 7th day of their travel , half of the distance to Inkul had already been shortened.

Liam and Rosè were inside the dull,wooden carriage. One could say it was more like a empty box. It had no seats , just a flat base.

Both of them were sitting spreading their legs and reclining their backs.

It was evening time, sun was about to be devoured by darkness.

Liam and Rosè were sitting quietly not able to say anything.

They were maintaining an awkward silence. Liam raising his head glanced at Rosè then hung his face down. Rosè followed the same protocol.

This was a commonplace for the last three days now. Both of them would just stare at each other and steal their sights.

They were not having a quarrel nor any sort of fight over something.

They were just holding the horses of their hormones as hard as they could.

It has been around 10 days since their marriage and they had only done it once.

That was not enough to calm down the lust of their young bodies.

Both had their breeding mode turned on.

The rapacity for each other was crunching on them.

But their was one guy that was standing as the barrier of two great floods intermixing.

The horseman.

Due to the damn horseman both of them were showing the literal meaning of constrainment.

Sometimes , an urge to throw away the horseman into a well came into Liam's mind.

But Rosè's resentment against him had reached such a state that she wanted to slaughter him right their and get eaten away by Liam.

The horseman had been totally appalled. Constant murderous intent was seeping through his skin to his very bones. His clothes were wet if cold sweat. Shivers and creep was petrifying him.

At the 10th day, the sexual frustration they had build up was horrifying.

Gloom and doom was discharging out of their body. It was so concentrated that dark mist was floating above their heads. They had a terrifying grin on both of their faces. It was just to control their state of mind and to show others that they were ok but it had the opposite effect.

All of that was concentrated at the poor horseman.

His state was no better than a rag doll. He just had a severe vomiting last day.

Animal's instincts to sense danger was far superior than humans. That applied to the horse too. The mental state of the horse was no better than it's owner.

In the nighttime of the the 11th day, they were passing through a dark woods.

Soon steps of some people were heard.

Before realization 10 bandits had surrounded the cart. All of them had black masks covering their faces. If it was a flashy cart they wouldn't have had a thought of harming it due to the fear of being by killed away by a aristocrat mage with a power beyond theirs. But this cart was as good as a worn out.

So they had no hesitation on surrounding it.

"Halt!. Strip off all the valuables and leave the horse here." A sword was pointed at the horsemans's neck. He had a despotic look on his face. The robbers thought they scared him out of his wits. But the people , the horseman was scared of was not them but the two people inside the carriage.

"Open the door!" The gang leader ordered his subordinate.

" Dont!" The horseman begged them to not open the carriage for their own good but was hushed.

" creak!"

It was too late for them. The door the insides of the carriage were opened.

As soon as the it was open a suffocating feeling all of the ten bandits neck including the horseman and the horse but soon dissipated.

They threw the felling off as an imagination and called out to whoever's was inside come out.

Two people came out of their carriage with a bright sunny smile on their faces like they were at the top of their mood.

The horseman shivered like standing naked in cold winds. To him eating a dinner with a demon was far too safe than these two youngster's smile.

All eyes were set on Rosè's super fine body. Their eyes were ogling all over her body. Liam was non-existent to them.

" What a fine woman! Today is our lucky day guys. After I'm done eating, you can have some too"

" Thanks boss!"

All the 9 bandits hailed at the kindness of their boss.

" Somebody's hungry Liam."

" Yeah sister Rosè, let's feed them"

Rosè and Liam crackled their finger and with the same sunny smile walked towards them.

" Argggh!"

" Motherrrrrr!"


" Mom save meeeeee!"

" Pleaseee!"

Hair-raising scream echoed throughout the entire jungle.

After 10 mins, the ground was painted red. The whole road looked like a pig butchering ground.

Bodies were piled at the sideways like garbage. Stink of piss and poop were coming from those body. One had a arm twisted like in a spiral, one's whole set of teeth was missing. The gang leader's both the eyes were swollen like a potato . The whole crew had some of their bodily attachments missing.

The horseman had already closed his eyes on the first five minutes of the butchery as he couldn't look anymore. The horse had his rectum empty of shit as it was already delivered to the ground.

Both of them gracefully wiping their fingers and clothes of blood. Looking at the scene , the horseman regretted this trip.

( I have accepted both the travel and the return. My dear wife, if I am not able to make it back home , I want to say I love you) He joined is hands and closed his eyes.

" Let's go." Liam said.

" ye...yes sir!"

Liam and Rosè entered the carriage again and drowned in sleep. Some of their frustration were vented on those guys so their mood was elated for a bit, but the next day it all went back to normal.

In their beating they didn't use a single ounce of magic and only physically thrashed the bastards to transfer some of their frustration.

In the 16th day , they finally entered the Inkul city, and it was night time. Paying the entry toll to the border guards , they step their foot on the land of Inkul city.

Liam's eyes were shining brightly as this was his first time outside his homeland.

The infrastructure of the Inkul city didn't match that of Regent city at all.

Rosè was not too excited as she has visited the city twice and the horseman has delivered many

many people to the Inkul city but this was his first time with such dangerous passengers and first time getting ambushed by bandits too. His bad luck was too great this time.

The clothing and the tradition of people didn't seem too different to Liam .

After reaching the city center the carriage was stopped and they stepped out of it.

Stretching their body ,both inhaled fresh air. Liam rotated his head round and about scouting everything. Those unknown shops, unknow buildings , unknown everything.

" Hehe." Looking at Liam's childish behavior she laughed but it didn't effect Liam at all.

Getting fascinated for some minutes , Liam came to the point.

The foremost priority for both of them right now was to find an somewhere to crash and release their pent up 'stress'.

Looking around Liam suddenly could feel a powerless pull on his shirt.

" Hey brother"

Liam could see a little girl pulling on his robes and calling out to him.

She had twin braids on her brown hair and was cute like a cuddle doll. Her clothes were nor too shabby nor too good.

" Are you two looking for a place to stay. I know a good place."

"Hey you.! Do you know who you are talking to. They are Cloudharts."

The girl got scared and and tears gathered on her face due to the sudden scolding.

Liam and Rosè glared coldly at the horseman.

" Eek!"

" Hey little girl." Rosè bent down and patted the little girl's hair.

" Show us the way."

She looked at Liam then.

He also bent down patted her hair.

" Yes. Show us the way"

" Follow me then."

The girl with full spirits led the way.

Both of them grabbed the little luggage they had .

" Hey mister. You almost blew our cover. Be careful next time."

" Ok, mam" The horseman nodded hard.

" Station yourself at some nearby stables. We will leave here after 10 days as planned

After talking to the horseman , Rosè followed Liam and the girl.

Soon , they reached a small inn in a small corner. It was like a little cottage more than an inn.

" Although it looks old , it is good as new"

The girl reassured both of them, as not wanting to lose the customers.

Rosè didn't have a favorable look on it but Liam didn't mind. Rather it was perfect for them disguising as a normal couple and not from some noble family staying in some extravagant place.

If Liam didn't mind , she didn't either.

" Thanks little girl . What's your name?"

" Its sasha big brother."

Liam took out a coin and handed it to the girl.

" For you Sasha."

"!" She was shocked.

" An iron coin!.Thank you big brother"

Rosè and Liam remembered their small versions looking at the girl but were confused that why was she happy over an iron coin.

" Come in then."

She opened the door to the cottage. It was a wooden sliding door. It was a single floored inn with only as much rooms as 15.

Liam and Rosè couldn't help but be a bit surprised. The cottage was clean and the floor was maintained well , opposite of their thinking of it being dirty.

" Mother! we have customers"

" Mother!" Now Liam and Rosè understood why the girl pulled them here.

From inside a room, a lady appeared. Her looks were similar to the little girl , only the hair being black. She looked quite cute too like the girl. But looked like aging would affect her soon.

She bowed deeply to the both of them.

" Thanks for choosing this small place. We are grateful"

" No need for such extremities misses-?"

Rosè was doubtful if what to call her

" You can call me Nia"

Liam didn't have any prior knowledge of how to deal with these things so he left it to Rosè.

"Look mother. Big brother gave me this"

Looking at the copper in the girl's hand, her mother scolded her.

" Sasha , it's bad manners return it to him"

" No No, misses Nia , let her have it."

" No sir, this already exceeds our two day's rent"

" What?" Rosè and Liam were taken back.

" Liam , Isn't it just an iron coin?"

" Yes. But it is equivalent to two day's rent, I don't understand"

They between among each other.

100 copper coins were equivalent to 1 iron coin, 100 iron coins equivalent to 1 silver coin and 100 silver coins to 1 gold.

Being nobles, both Liam and Rosè didn't have much knowledge of expenditure of common people. Guess both of them needed time to understand the normal procedures.

" Leave it misses.We would like to take lodge here for 10 days "

Rosè spoke forward.

"Yes of course , two single rooms or one double"

" one double"

" That would he 5 iron coins mam, sir"

" So cheap!"

Liam and Rosè had to work hard to understand the common people.

He handed over 5 iron coins.

" Are you two sweet hearts?"

" Sasha!"

Misses Nia pulled on Shasha's ears in fear of losing the only customers available.

" ow! ow! sorry."

She faked an agonizing face.

Liam's and Rosè's face flushed red.

" I'm sorry. Please forgive her rudeness. She's a child and doesn't know-"

" Please don't sweat it misses Nia"

Liam said.

"Sasha , show them to the room."

" Yes mother"

Following Sasha , Liam and Rosè reached infront a room which was opened by her. The lanterns in the dark room were burnt which illumunated the room. It was a small room with just a double bed in it and nothing more than a table.

" I take my leave then . Meet you both tomorrow morning."

Sasha left to her mother.

"sigh. What a lively little girl. Just like you were sister Rosè"

" Yeah right."

A silence of 10 second was maintained before they threw away their backpacks like a lump of garbage and threw themselves at each other.

The sexual frustration built over the 16 days exploded at once. It didn't matter if someone would hear them now or even see. The restraint finally broke and their reasoning blew away like a scrap of paper.Tonight was going to be a long night for both of them.


P.s.- Sorry for the delay guys. As an apology , here's a 3000 words fat chapter