
Meandering their way through the crowded streets, they found themselves in a higher end area of the market. You could just tell from the better dressed people and the armored human guards in the area. Even among slaves, there were differences in statuses.

What really caught Cyrus's eye were these human guards. When he was observing them he had that same type of uneasy, pressure like feeling he noticed from those giant demons. However, it was undoubtedly a lot weaker than before.

Turning to his dad, he asked his father, "Dad, are those guys powerful? They seem really scary."

"Yeah. That's what I want you to work towards in the future. These guys here are the lowest level of guards that keep order in the important human zones. I don't know much about them as they keep a tight lock on all that information." Cyrus's father replied.

He continued, saying, "Right now, though, I'm taking you to one of my guard acquaintances. He will hopefully be able to teach you a thing or two and increase your chances during the test."

Hearing that he had an opportunity to learn something new, Cyrus eye lit up with new found desire. He had witnessed those demons and intimidating look guards' powerful presence. Learning anything from them might allow him to reach the stars and fly freely through the heavens.

Already imagining those amazing possibilities, Cyrus had a dazed look as his cute baby face giggled in an idiotic manner.

"Ahh... I should have known this would happen" shaking his head, Raymond continued, "Earth to Cyrus you there?"

Gathering himself and looking back at his dad, he blushed in an embarrassed manner for getting distracted so easily. I mean, just a few hours ago he was mindful of even the rocks on the street, but now he found himself daydreaming after hearing where they were heading.

Raymond forgot how many times he sighed when talking to this son of his. To him, it really felt like he had multiple children when trying to keep up with Cyrus. Reminding himself to just go with the flow, he figured it would probably save him some hair in his old age.

While bantering with each other, they found themselves right outside a modest brick building. It was a simple two story building that had a few windows and a chimney on the top. Even the entrance had a small garden along the walkway, giving off a cozy vibe to pass-byres.

Cyrus almost mistakenly, like a naïve child, thought these nicer looking building they passed on the streets were palaces mentioned in stories by his father. Never having seen something so 'fancy' in his entire life, he was genuinely shocked. Even the streets in this area were noticeably up-kept gravel roads with no bumps or potholes.

To Cyrus, however, the best part was the absent of that god-awful smell. Living in a place where people could not bathe often, had no disposal options for waste, obviously multiplied into something banned by the heavens themselves. So comparing it to this nicer looking place was truly a mind opening one for the young kid.

But just as he was looking around, still in awe, the door opened up on the first knock after their arrival.

It was a big burly man that greeted them. He was a head taller than Raymond and was built like the side of his house. Seeing him almost reminded Cyrus of the 'meatheads', but the similarities stopped there. What stood out most was definitely that giant scar that went from his right side temple to the bottom left corner of his broken nose. It already made him look uglier than he already was, but the thick, gruff beard helped to hide the rest, sparing people from looking.

"John, its great to see you again" Raymond said, as he put down Cyrus and gave John a bear hug.

"Likewise. I see you brought the little guy out. Come on inside so we can talk." with the quick greeting out of the way, John ushered them into his home.

Looking around, it was sparsely furnished in a plain manner and nothing to write home about. The only thing of interest was a grotesque stuffed beast's head. Cyrus mainly recognized the giant tusks coming out of its mouth and the furry face that covered a majority of its face. After that he did not know what he was looking at and gave up analyzing it any further.

Josh led them to a guest area with two catches facing each other, surrounding a table that had tea and crackers for the guest to enjoy.

Raymond sat down and got right to the point of his visit saying "John, I know this was a little abrupt, but I was hoping you could help teach my son a thing or two about the guard test. I know you can't say much, but I think this little guy really has some talent!"

Cyrus could hear the tinge of nervousness in his father's voice putting him on edge as well. So with practiced ease, he pulled out every stop in his adorable arsenal. After being battle tested with his parents, his bread and butter of slightly watery eyes and pursed lips, it would usually work.

Josh's face immediately turned stern. Unlike Raymond, he knew the true face of this world and understood clearly how some punishments could end up far worse than just death.

With furrowed brows and a conflicted expression, Josh relented a bit and asked Raymond, "What exactly do you want to know? However, let me tell you, most of the information I can give you will be the bare minimum." There was a type of finality to his tone, like he would not budge no matter what.

In Raymond's opinion, his answer relieved almost 90% of his anxiety. He knew John, and if John said he could tell him something, it would definitely be at least somewhat useful.

"Don't worry John, we won't put you in a spot." Raymond said with a type of solemnity. Cyrus, on the other hand, thought his dad was being a little too serious with the topic but went along with it anyway.

"First off, we were wondering if you could teach Cyrus some basic combat moves to protect himself for the test."

Then leaning in to talk in a much lower tone, he continued, "I also heard that some kids don't co..." As he was just about to finish his sentence, a cough came out of John's mouth stopping him from speaking father. In a situation like this, some things were just better left unsaid.

Being interrupted mid-sentence, Raymond shut his mouth so fast he almost bit his tongue. Cyrus didn't know what they were so worried about being all hush-hush about some simple questions. Figuring he would not get the explanation he was waiting for, he decided to restrain his curiosity and listened attentively.

John regathered himself after contemplating inwardly, "Raymond... I can give him a basic martial arts manual of hand to hand combat and swordsmanship. Anything more and we would stat to be troublesome. You should understand some of the inner-workings of this place, so don't go telling anyone else about this. Understood?"

Seeing them nodding their heads, acknowledging their compliance, he continued before they could ask another question. "I figure you would want to know about the test, so I'll give you this bit of advice."

This time he turned to Cyrus and sternly said "Listen up kid. There are only three things you need to know and also the only things I can mention. First, don't trust anyone when you get in there. Two, follow every instruction to the letter no matter what they are." Stating that second rule even had John, this bold burly man, shivering a bit as if recalling something horrible.

Despite that, he continued on with the last rule "Finally, never reveal your full potential. Not only will they not appreciate it, they might kill you based on you being a future problem."

Hearing that the chances of dying from this test were pretty high, Cyrus's calm visage was out of John's expectations, for a kid. Even he had to appreciate this type of composure when relating it to the fact this kid was just turning 4 years old soon.

Now that both John and Raymond spoke, Cyrus figured he could ask his questions without worry now. "Ummm... Mr. John. Does the guard job let me live in one of these houses with my family?"

Hearing the innocent question, John's perpetual stone like expression softened into a slight smile, although ugly.

"Don't worry, although this place is bad they treat guards better because of certain missions we have to undertake"

Getting the conformation, that stifling feeling stuck in his chest disappeared and Cyrus' expression visibly improved. Raymond could not help but feel a little guilty that his child had to worry about taking care of his parents.

"Sigh..." he could not help feeling like he was useless but just as quickly as that thought came it passed and he said to Josh "Any chance you can help him get a better assignment if he passes?"

Josh just nodded his head and promised to do his best to look out for him. As most parents new, the guard program would last for 10 years with no outside contact. Knowing that, he could not help but ask for a bit of support for Cyrus.

With all the harder talks out of the way, Josh and Raymond started discussing lighter topics and the atmosphere instantly lightened with laughter ringing in the room.

Cyrus, on the other hand, was not that much interested in these talks about wet caves, and holy swords that seemed so interesting to adults. However, noticing the crackers and tea on the table, he helped himself to it like it was his own home.

"Hahahaha, John, I'm glad we came to talk but I think its time to take the kid back. Sadly, I still have work today and barely got this bit of time off for the month." Raymond said after talking for half an hour.

John to stood up and gave Raymond a hug before walking out of the room. On his way back in he brought two dingy looking books, and a crudely made wooden sword. In Cyrus's opinion, though, they were like his dreams coming to real life. Finally, he would be able to set forth on his path to flying like those heroes in the stories.

Before John could even offer them up, Cyrus moved in a whirlwind like fashion, snatching the items right under his nose. John, however, could only laugh at how excited the kid was and speculated that this kid might make something of himself in the future.

With their aim reached and a conclusion of a successful trip, Cyrus and Raymond made their way back home with a smile on their faces.