Dark Tunnel

Cyrus, on the other end of the grove, glanced back at the broken path. Most of it fell apart and would be extremely difficult to traverse again. 'Guess my only option is finding another way back', Cyrus thought inwardly.

He switched his gaze to the twins before yelling aloud. "James, Connor, both of you should explore the nearby area for another way to leave. I'll look around this side."

There was a slight pause from the astonishing turn of events before a burst of laughter echoed from the twin's side. "Hahahaha, I think you can take a little rest over there. Don't you agree Connor."

"It won't be too big of an issue. Worst-case scenario is him having to wait for the instructors, hehehe." James could not agree more while he nodded his head up and down, relishing in Cyrus's plight.

Returning his focus to Cyrus, he replied shouting, "Where going to head back first. If you don't return, we will personally deliver flowers at your grave this day next year. Also, no need to worry about Talia. With a heavy heart, I will take on the enormous burden of comforting her for you!"

Cyrus heard everything they said and only narrowed his eyes. It looked like he was pondering something before he turned around and walked away. As his footsteps trailed off into the grove, he left behind one sentence for the two clowns hopping about.

"Congratulations on becoming the next Jared." Immediately, their pompous attitude died as a feeling of dread gnawed at the back of their minds. Just remembering that disfigured human was a nightmare in of itself. Imagining themselves in the same situation only worsened their present anxiety.

"Scoff, nice try Cyrus. Lets see how you return first! We at least planned to mention your absence to the instructor, but it seems we were too considerate earlier!" James was extremely discontented with Cyrus's arrogance and wanted to strike him down a notch.

Despite his little rant, that figure had already disappeared behind the fruit trees, traveling into the unknown.

"Let's leave. I don't believe he can escape without our help!" Spinning around, he swiftly cut the vine rope and tossed the end over the ledge. He would leave him with no possibility of coming back. His only choice would be to beg them for help.

Clenching his fist, he shouted one last time. "I will come back tomorrow and wait for you to prostrate yourself before me, your handsome, confident savior!"

Connor did not bother adding on and left with James to find a spot to camp. It was late, and they really needed to catch up on some sleep.


Time flew by and the moon's dazzling light dispersed for a rising sun to break open the blue dome. It was a beautiful morning with a fresh smell of grass tickling Cyrus's nose.

He stretched his arms in the air while yawning. His drowsy eyelids only cracked open afterwards. Laying on his thick tree branch, he was about 300 feet from a human sized cave.

Last night, his exploration had led him to discovering this entrance covered in bushes. As it was already late by the time he arrived, he didn't bother checking anywhere else. The deadline for the trial was fast approaching, and this might be the only exit.

There was no time to second guess, but he still planned to wait for James and Connor again. Cyrus's logic was simple. If he had to lower his pride and plea for James' help, he would not mind. Revenge is a dish best served cold. Jared was the perfect example.

Whether they would help in the end would not cause too much of a problem.

'Alight, I should get a move on'. Deciding on his course of action, he quickly hopped down to wait for the twins. If they did not show within an hour, he would leave. Who knows how far he would have to travel in those unfathomable tunnels.


James and Connor had arrived at first light. They had found a hollow tree to camp inside of nearby. And just like Cyrus thought, James was not willing to miss this chance to humiliate him a bit.

"Do you think he's going to show up?" James felt slightly frustrated that they had to wait on Cyrus. This whole ordeal could end up life threatening and the guy was making his would be saviors wait.

"There's no point in being all up tight. We'll give him a few more minutes and if he doesn't show, that's that." Connor was less inclined to bother with this whole debacle.

While waiting, a subtle vibration shook the earth beneath their feet. Rocks rolled down the gentle slopes and amplified the low drumming. Gradually the noise grew with an unstoppable momentum that scared the living daylights out of them.

James and Connor had a premonition that something bad was about to happen.


Boom! Boom!


Peals of thunder followed by a roar mixed with the hissing of a snake drowned out every other sound. That scaley black figure emerged from the dark forest with its sharp snout pointed in their direction. That familiar and venomous gaze seemed to ooze with a determination, to catch, kill, and reclaim its prey.

This basilisk's child like mentality had it bursting with anger after its favorite toy escaped. Now, after hunting down their scent for miles on end, its aggressive nature turned out in full force when he spotted his dinner.

A few miles away, Connor's paralyzed figure froze from the sudden eye contact. Those yellow slit pupils seemed to physically draw his soul into a bloody world full of infinite suffering. His gaping mouth was wide open, leaving him to scream internally from the horrifying illusion.


James, already prepared to run from the start, grabbed Connor, basically dragging him, as he ran for his life while screaming. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU STANDING AROUND FOR! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!"

Connor quickly regained control of his mental faculties and sprinted like his life depended on it. Jetting away, they both dearly wished their mothers had birthed them with four legs instead of two.


Cyrus, hiding in the fruit tree's canopy, noticed the disturbance and quickly departed. That terrifying monster was not something he planned to confront and would let the twins take the fall. 'Seems like I won't need to make any plans for them.'

Lucky for him, they had grabbed its full attention. Also, there was no river to save them this time.

A visible wave of relief washed through Cyrus's body as that invisible burden disappeared. Adding up all the unique situations and events he has been through, showing weakness to an enemy was a big no.

Even then, taking someone's life was something he never wanted to experience again, despite not being conscious. If anything, he felt fortunate that those memories gave the impression of being foreign. If not, Cyrus would have trouble coping with the reality of it all.

Thankfully, it was out of the way and he could head into the cave with a clear state of mind.


Standing in front of this dark cavity once again, Cyrus strode in with a resolute attitude. His compact figure merged with the darkness as he thought inwardly, 'Guess it's my time to shine.'