Mother's Halloween Trick Treats Son v


"That's my son and I'm his mother. We're together, bitch, and three's a crowd. Beat it before I kick your ass and wipe the dance floor with your unconscious body." Never to be seen again, the woman disappeared in the crowd and in the opposite direction.

"Are you having a good time, Mom?"

"Yes. I can see why you enjoy these dances. They're fun and the some of the Halloween costumes are outrageous," she said looking around the room at all the costumes. "Look, there's Spiderman with Snow White, Batman with Princess Leia. Those are weird combinations. Look there's two people in costume as President Clinton and Monica Lewinski. Someone's going to get lucky tonight," she laughed.

"After the dance Mom, they have a suite of rooms, orgy rooms, they're affectionately called, where anything and everything goes. I thought that we could--"

"I'm not interested in that Christopher," she said making a sour face as if she had just bit into a lemon. If she wasn't with her son and if she wasn't trying to be on her best behavior as his respectable mother, she'd give him and everyone else a sexy show. "It's enough that I accompanied you to the dance, don't you think?"

"Most people just go there to watch Mom."

"Don't call me Mom, Christopher. Call me Esmeralda," she said pointing down at her nametag.

"Sorry Esmeralda. Anyway, it's not a mass of people having sex in the orgy rooms if that's what you think. It may be a man getting a blowjob from a woman while others watch and perhaps wait their turn. Or it could be two women going an one another while others watch. Sometimes there are threesomes and foursomes too but those are usually done in one of the private rooms. Most who go to the orgy room just want to be watched having sex. In addition to the orgy rooms, a lot of swingers have private parties. Most swingers leave their doors open in the hopes that other interested swingers will wander inside and take them up on their open sexual invitation."

"Eww, gross," she said when she really wanted to say wow. She looked at him and smiled. "Are you getting enough research fodder for your video game software?" She took his arm and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Not yet Mom, which is why I'd like to go to the orgy room but I'd feel perverted going there alone," he said looking at her with pleading eyes.

"Okay, okay, you don't have to look at me like that. I'll go but if it's nothing but an orgy, I'm leaving."

Staying together and keeping to themselves, with neither of them wanting to mingle, they danced and danced. Acting as if he was a prepubescent teenager, he lightly groped his mother's ass and the side of her breasts while dancing. He was driving her crazy with his light touches. She wished he'd feel her up instead of just teasing her. She figured that if she was any other woman, other than his mother, he would have made the moves on her by now.

Acting obvious to his touches by acting a little bit drunk, every time he touched her, she discreetly moved her body in the direction of his hand and fingers for him to feel more of her. Every time he touched her, as if giving him silent permission, she pretended not to notice his desperate gropes and delicate feels. She couldn't wait to get him alone in their small hotel room.

Instead of becoming swinger participants, watching others having some sexual fun, they more became voyeurs. Being that he was an unabashed voyeur, she knew watching others sexually interacting would arouse him. When they weren't dancing, they were eating, drinking, talking, and laughing. As if they were a romantic couple instead of mother and son, being that they were at a swingers dance, Elizabeth allowed her son liberties with her body that she'd never allow when out in public. Eventually, every time they danced, building his confidence with a couple of drinks, Christopher's hand found a permanent place on his mother's round, firm ass, along with the side of his hand and arm in contact with the side of her breast.

After the dance, they took the elevator to the top floor and followed the crowd down the end of the hall. Trailing behind her son and having to walk through a crowd of people lining both sides of the hall, the room was wall to wall people. With all the women seductively dressed and all the men free with their hands, just walking in the room without being sexually assaulted was a challenge. As soon as she entered the dimly lit room, a hand grabbed her breast and another hand grabbed her ass. Instinctively, grabbing the men's thumbs while still moving forward, she twisted the hands away from her with such fast force that she nearly broke their arms.

Sure enough, there topless and kneeling in the middle of one of the rooms, was Tommy's mother, Mrs. Blake. Apparently, according to what Christopher told her, Tommy's mother was always entertaining the crowd of men with her tits, hands, and mouth. Surrounded by six men feeling her tits and fingering her nipples, she had a cock in one hand and a another cock in her mouth while stroking the both of them. The other four men contently waited their turn while masturbating to the topless sight and sexy feel of her big tits. As soon as she satisfied one man and as soon as one man ejaculated in her mouth, all over her face, and/or on her tits, she moved onto the next man.


"What's the matter? You look as if you've seen a ghost."

"Look over there," he said pointing a discreet finger while pretending he had never seen her in a circle jerk before.

"Is that Tommy's mother with six men? Oh, my God. She's such a wicked whore." She looked at her son with feigned disgust, "And you wanted to kiss that mouth? Eww."

"I know. I'm crushed. I never thought she'd be that much into swinging.

"It's so very disconcerting that she's the woman you been lusting over all these years?"

"Not anymore," he said, "especially after seeing the guy she's blowing."

"Who is that? He looks so familiar. Where have I seen him before?"

"That's Tommy."

"Tommy? Her son? She's blowing her own son?


"Eww, gross, I'm sorry Christopher but this place is depraved. You can stay here alone if you want but I'm going back to the room to relax. I'm feeling a little a little sick to my stomach."

"I've had enough of swinging and I now have plenty of sexual information to finish writing the code for my video game. I'll go back to the room with you Mom," he said taking her arm with the back of his hand pressed against the side of her breast. "We can have a drink in the room and watch some television."

"Okay, I'll watch TV but I don't think I should drink anymore. I don't want you taking advantage of your old mother in the way that Irene is taking advantage of her own son," she said laughing and taking at tighter hold of her son's arm.

He escorted her back to the room by putting his other hand on the top of her ass as if telling all the other swingers that she was his. Once in the room, Christopher turned on the TV while his mother, having changed her mind about having another drink, made them a drink.

"Here you are, Christopher," she said handing her son a drink.

She thought about slipping her son a Mickey but after he intently watched Irene enjoying a circle jerk with her son as the main man, she didn't think she'd have to slip her son anything other than her big tit in his horny hand for him to be in the mood to want to have sex with her.

"They have porn movies, Mom."

"Porn movies? Good God Christopher, haven't you had enough porn for one evening, but if you want to watch that, it's okay with me? Some of those movies are so ridiculous that they're funny," she said hoping the movie, along with his drink, would make him horny enough to make a move on her.

"Here's a Halloween porn movie that's appropriate for us Mom."

"What is it called?"

"It's called," he said turning to look at her, "are you ready?"

"Yes," she said with some impatience. "What's the title?"

"I Love You Mommy," he said with a laugh.

"I Love You Mommy? Eww. I can only imagine how much and in the way that a son loves his mother in that film. I wonder if Irene and Tommy have seen that movie," she said with a laugh.

With him wanting to watch, I Love You Mommy, if ever she was given one, he gave her a not so subtle hint as to what was on his mind. If only he'd summon the courage to kiss her, touch her, feel her, and seduce her. On the pretense that she had too much to drink, she'd give him no resistance. She'd allow him to have his wicked way with her stripped naked body. So long as he fingered her, licked her, and gave her an orgasm first, she'd fuck, suck, and give him one too.

"Written by WmForrester of Literotica fame, the movie is about a son who sexually fantasizes having sex with his mother," he said reading the on screen description. "He marries a woman who looks just like his mother, albeit a younger version. As his mother's birthday gift, she surprises him with a visit on Halloween for his birthday. Only, he misses his own surprise birthday party by going out with his friends and getting drunk. When he finally makes it home, drunk and in the dark, with his mother asleep on the couch, thinking that she's his wife upset with him, he mistakes his mother for his wife and leans down to French kiss her. One thing quickly leads to another and they have hot, incestuous sex."

"Well, if the son was drunk, that wasn't his fault. Obviously it was the mother who wanted to have sex with her son," she said defending the son by throwing the mother under the bus.

While waiting for her son to select a movie, Elizabeth sat on the bed and slowly crossed her legs while flashing her son a prolonged view of her white, bikini panties.

"How about this one Mom?" He paused to watch her mother cross her legs the other way while staring at her exposed panties. "This movie is called, Mom Strips Naked for Nude Day, written by another Literotican, SusanJillParker, but being that it's nearly Halloween, I think I Love You Mommy is more appropriate. Don't you?" He turned to look at her.

"Eww, Christopher," she said looking at him. "Seriously, how many sons sexually fantasize about having sex with their mothers?"

"Mostly all of them, one time or another," he blurted with a laugh. "All sons wish they could have sex with their mother, especially when their mother is as hot as you are Mom."

There again, he said his attraction to her with a compliment. He was weakening. It would only be a matter of time before he'd make a move on her.

"All of them? Really?"

"Sex with your mother, the Oedipus complex, also known as Oedipus Rex, from Greek mythology, has been written about all through history. In Sophocle's play, Oedipus the King, King Oedipus killed his father to marry his mother."

"Tell me this then," she said slowly and seductively crossing her legs again the other way to give him another view of her panties. "Have you fantasized about having sex with me?" She looked at him while running a slow tongue across her full, red lips and fluffing her hair with her hand.

"Sure, lots of times, but I was younger," he said with a laugh while lying.

"Well, at least you won't have to kill your father to marry me, being that I'm divorced from him. Besides, being that we only have the one bed, you don't have to fantasize about sleeping with me either, albeit while wearing our clothes," she said returning his laugh.

Christopher sat on the bed next to his mother while watching the I Love You Mommy pornographic movie. The bed was so narrow that their bodies were in constant contact with one another. As soon as she scooted back her skirt climbed up a few inches. With her legs comfortably spread, if only he'd walk to the foot of the bed and turn to look, he'd have a clear, constant, and continual up skirt view of her panties, pussy mound, and pussy slit.

"Wow look at that Mom," he said getting up from the bed to walk to the TV for the remote. He stood at the foot of the bed while turning to look at his mother, no doubt, as his pretense to stare at her panties. Acting oblivious to her son's voyeurism, she continued watching the movies. "He's kissing his mother, French kissing her while feeling her breasts," he said looking over at his mother while staring at the bulbous bulges her breasts made in her blouse before looking back down at her panties.

"Now seriously Christopher, how could he not know he's kissing his mother and not his wife?"

"You saw his wife Mom. Having the same body type and hair color, they look like sisters. Besides, he's drunk and it's dark," said Christopher suspending his disbelief by defending the main character in the movie.

"I don't care if I was drunk and it was dark, I'd know if I was kissing my son," she said.

"You would?"

"Definitely," she said.

"I saw this Japanese game show online where a mother stands naked behind a wall of cutouts with two other women," he said returning to his seat beside his mother. "Her face is hidden from her son but her breast and pussy are exposed. Just by seeing, feeling, sucking, and licking his mother's tits and pussy, as well as the other two women's tits and pussies, he must identify which woman is his mother for him to win cash prizes," said Christopher.

"That's so gross Christopher. You spend too much time watching porn," said Elizabeth noticing and staring at the big bulge in her son's pants. "When I was in Japan, I never rode the subways because they were so crowded and the men were so free with their hands."

"So anyway, after the son makes his guess and he typically guesses right, then it's the mother's turn. She must identify her son's cock in the same way that he identified his mother's tits and pussy. She feels and sucks three men's cocks before guessing which one is her son's cock," he said.

"That's really disgusting Christopher," she said pausing in her response before asking her next question. "So, did the mother correctly guess her son?"

"Sometimes but not always," he said. "Which is my point. I bet you couldn't tell if you were French kissing me or someone else," he said.

"Now how are you going to prove that?" She laughed a sexy laugh while giving him a sexy look. "Are you going to blindfold me and rustle up five swingers from the Halloween party for me to kiss?"

"I could do that or you could just kiss me," he said staring in her blue eyes.

"You mean a regular kiss and not a mother and son kiss?"

She looked at him with the anticipation of a woman waiting and wanting to be kissed. Here we go. It's about time she thought to herself.

"Yeah, a real kiss, a French kiss, and a kiss with tongues," he said looking at her with incestuous excitement.

"Wouldn't that feel weird French kissing your mother?" Twirling her hair around her fingers, she played with her long, blonde hair while looking at her handsome son with seduction in her eyes, lust in her heart, and incest on her brain.

"Weird? Why would I feel weird? You're hot Mom and honestly, I always wanted to know what it would be like to French kiss you," he said with shyness.

A big moment before crossing the line of incest, she looked at him while contemplating the kiss.

"Really? You always wondered what it would be like to French kiss me?"

"Yeah," he said.

"Well, truth be told, I've wondered what it would be like to French kiss you too," she said.

"Do you want to see what it's like?

"What the Hell? No harm done," she said while propping up another pillow behind her to make her more comfortable. "Being that I'm a little tipsy anyway, it's just as kiss, albeit a French kiss between mother and son. We're at a swingers dance anyway and anywhere else French kissing my son would be inappropriate," she said looking at her son while playing with her shoulder length, blond hair. "But here, being that we're alone and both a little tipsy, I'm game if you are," she said.

"Really Mom? I may French kiss you?"

"Sure why not? It's just a kiss and an innocent experiment," she said with a shrug of her shoulder.

She put her drink down on the nightstand and leaned into her son and he put his drink down before putting an arm around her slender waist. In the way they've been kissing for years, first they kissed without tongues. Then he parted her lips with his tongue. He was French kissing his mother and she was returning his French kiss with hers. Then when they continued French kissing, when they really started making out, he reached his horny hand to feel her breast through her blouse and bra. Gently, as if it her breast was breakable, he felt and lightly squeezed his mother's breast. Then, as if her nipple was the magic button to unlock her passion and, no doubt, it was, when he began fingering her emerging nipple through her clothes, she broke off the kiss to look at him.

"Is that what you do with all your dates?"

"What?" He looked at her with innocence while not removing his hand.

She looked down at his hand and noticed the obvious impression of her nipple pushing against her bra and creating a big bump in her blue, silk blouse. Although she wanted him to continue feeling her and although she wished he'd stick his horny hand up her short skirt and cup her pussy through her panty, she was his mother and he was her son. She needed to stay in character and reprimand him for taking advantage of her by feeling her breast and fingering her nipple.

"You grope them?"

"Sorry, Mom," he said removing his hand from her breast. "Your kisses blanked my mind and I thought I was with someone else. I got carried away thinking of Tommy's topless mother blowing him. You must admit, even though she's a bit pudgy, she does have big, beautiful breasts and there's something about a mother having sex with her son that so forbidden."

They remained silent while looking at one another.

"Tell me, I'm curious to know," she said turning her shapely body to face him. "What did you find exciting about that perverse display of depravity? Granted, it may have been exciting for you to see Mrs. Blake topless again, but what Irene did in the orgy room at the Halloween party in sucking off six men, one of which was her son, was beyond disgusting."

"It may be disgusting to you mother but it was sexually exciting to me. Seeing Mrs. Blake topless and on her knees while watching her sucking six men was exciting. Moreover, knowing that one of those men was her son was even more exciting."

"I don't understand Christopher. Explain something to me. Why was it more exciting for you to watch Irene blow her son than to watch her suck one of those other men?"

"Um, well, you know," he said.

"Is it because when you watched Irene suck her son, you imagined me sucking you?" She put a hand to her son's thigh. "Is that it? Does it sexually excited you to think of me blowing you?"

"Yes," he said looking down at his mother's hand while, no doubt, wishing she'd move her hand higher.

"Well, get those disgusting thoughts out of your mind, Christopher because I'll never suck your cock," she said lying. "That's just so nasty, a mother sucking her own son," she said looking down at his bulging cock that made its appearance known through his pants while making sure that he caught her staring at his hardening prick.

"I wasn't asking you for sex, Mom, just some companionship and cuddling."

"Companionship and cuddling? That's bullshit. You just want to have sex with me," she said. "If all you want is companionship and cuddling, maybe I should get you a dog," she said with a laugh.

"No, Mom, not at all. I don't want to have sex with you. Really, I don't," he said lying. "I just miss those days when you'd invite me in your bed and hold me."

"Before hormones, horniness, Oedipus complex, and erections, you were just a little boy," she said laughing while staring down at his big bulge again.

"Despite hormones, horniness, Oedipus complex, and erections, why don't we get more comfortable beneath the covers," he said taking the hint of her stare. "I'm cold."

"Okay, but you have to promise to behave. I'm a little tipsy from the alcohol and I really don't want to be fighting off my son to preserve my reputation. I don't want to do anything that I'll regret in the morning," she said.

"I promise to behave Mom. I'll be the perfect gentleman and the son you always wished to have."

"Well turn off the light and, so as not to wrinkle our clothes, strip down to your underwear and I'll do the same. I'll warm you by cuddling under the covers. How's that?"

"Okay. Only, can we French kiss some more?"

"Sure, why not? It's just a kiss and being that we've French kissed already, I don't see any issue with us continuing to French kiss, so long as you promise to keep your hands to yourself."

"I promise Mom."

"Only turn off that movie please. All of that screaming with her having an orgasm is annoying," she said.

"Annoying? I find it exciting."

"I guess you would," she said being that you're here with your mother about to cuddle you in our underwear. I Love You Mommy is disgusting. A bit too literal for me, that movie makes me feel perverted especially when I'm about to strip down to my underwear and get beneath the covers while French kissing my son," she laughed.

Christopher turned off the movie and the light. He stripped out of his Halloween boxing costume, boxing trunks, tee shirt, and his robe. Clad only in his briefs, he pulled the covers over his nearly naked body. Removing her short skirt and blouse, he watched the black silhouette of his mother undressing. Even in the dimly lit room, especially in the dimly lit room, she was so sexy.

It was too dark to clearly see anything but knowing that she was going beneath the covers in just her bra and panty while he'd be there in just his briefs was sexually exciting enough. As soon as Christopher was under the covers, he put an arm around his mother's waist and found her lips. With their naked legs intermingling, he already had an erection from French kissing her and an erection that grew harder with the mere touch and feel of her naked back.

"Christopher. What the hell is that poking me?"

She reached down and grabbed and felt his erect cock through his underwear.

"Sorry, Mom, I have an erection."

"Well, angle that thing away from me so that I can warm you with my body," she said letting go of him to scold him. "I don't dare turn around and have you spoon me with that hard thing poking me in the ass," she laughed.

"Okay, Mom," he said angling his body to the side before sliding a hand down the back of her panty to cup her ass. "Gees, Mom, you have an incredible ass."

"Thank you, Christopher, but isn't it enough we're kissing? What happened to your promise about keeping your hands to yourself? Must you stick your hand down my panty to feel my body too? I'm not your sexy swinger date. I'm your mother," she said with a laugh.

"I love touching and feeling you Mom. You have a beautiful body," he said feeling and squeezing his mother's naked ass. "In the way you fill out your tight jeans, I've always lusted over your ass."

"How do you know I have a beautiful body when you've never seen me naked?"

"Well, um, I've seen you in your bikini and you're hot."

"Thank you Christopher," she said French kissing him again.

"You know, Mom," he said breaking off her kiss to speak. "You'd be more comfortable if your removed your bra."

"I would, huh?" She laughed. "Actually, your right, I would be more comfortable and I'm sure you wish that I'd remove my bra but I'm not about to remove my bra in front of you, my son. It's enough that I'm in my bra and panty and French kissing you while you're impaling my belly with your erection and feeling my naked ass," she said squeezing the head of his prick through his underwear with her fingertips again. "What if I did that to you? What if I inappropriately touched you. How would you like it?"

"I'd love it," he said. "C'mon, Mom, I can't see anything. It's pitch black in here. Remove your bra. Please?"

"No Christopher," she said removing her fingers from his cock. "It's not that dark. You can still see plenty. Besides, it's enough that I'm in my bra and panty and French kissing you. Next you'll want me to make love to you," she said dizzy with the thought of making love to her son.

"Actually, I have a confession to make Mom," he said.

"A confession? You do?" She looked at him waiting for him to speak. "Yes? What is it?"

"I've already seen you topless?"

"You have?" Playing her innocent victimized part to perfection, she lifted her head off the pillow to look at him. "When? How?"

"I've already seen you naked?"

"You have? When? How?"

"Promise me you won't get mad."

"I'll make no such promises. Just tell me Christopher," she said already knowing what he was going to confess.

"I installed cameras in your bedroom and bathroom and hooked the live feed to my laptop. I even watched you masturbate last night. That was so hot to watch what you did with that dildo," he said with a nervous laugh.

No doubt, had it not been for the alcohol, he never would have told his mother about the cameras. Yet, now that he made his confession, his forthcomingness allowed her to continue her game as his innocent mother.

"Oh, my God, Christopher. You've invaded my privacy? You've been spying on me? Have you no decency? Have you no shame? How dare you! I'm so embarrassed. I'm mortified," she said playing the part of the victim. "I can't believe you watched me masturbate." They remained quiet before she asked another question. "I'm just curious. Tell me if you don't mind."

"Yes? What mother? Anything. I'll tell you anything and everything. Whatever you'd like to know."

"Were you masturbating while watching me masturbate?"

"Yes, I was, especially after I heard what you said about wanting me to lick your pussy," he said persevering in his perversely perverted, incestuous, sexual seduction of his mother. "I heard what you said about wanting to suck my cock if I made you cum. I heard what you said about me cumming in your mouth and you swallowing me," he said.

"Oh, my God, that's so embarrassing," she said feigning her discomfort by fanning her face with her hand. "Well, of course you realize that those were all just my private thoughts verbalized as excited sexual words in the heat of my orgasm." She punched his shoulder. "How dare you invade my privacy! How could you do that to me? I'm so humiliated Christopher."

"Sorry Mom, but in case you don't know, I've always been sexually attracted to you," he said leaning to kiss his mother again and moving away when she turned her head away from him. "I've always wanted to have sex with you."

Both remained silent until she spoke again.

"Well, I have a confession too," she said.

"You do? What could you possibly have to confess to me?" He looked at her. "I'm the pervert, not you Mom."

"I worked for the CIA for 25 years as an international spy?"

"What? You're kidding?" He looked at her with shock. "A spy? Ha, ha, surely you're joking."

"It's no joke. I was a spy," she said leaning up on her elbow to look at her son.

"You were? Really? You worked for the CIA?"

"I was and I did," she said nodding her head.

"Cool," he said. "Hmm, that's interesting. With you as my espionage and intelligence consultant," he said laughing, "maybe I could incorporate some of your experiences in my video game."

"That's not all."

"I'm not sure what could top that unless you were a trained assassin and killed people too," he said while watching her nod her head.

"I've done that too," she said.

"Wow. Way cool. My Mom he killer," he said looking at her. "So besides being a spy and an assassin, what else do you have to confess?"

She looked at him with a sexy smile while reaching down to feel and fondle his cock through his briefs.

"I knew you installed cameras in my bedroom and bathroom. Being that you're a computer geek, I figured you'd spy on me changing."

"Mom, I feel so used and abused," he said with a laugh while tracing her cleavage with his fingertip. "You purposely gave me a sexy striptease show?"

"I did. I gave you what you wanted and what I needed, a real sexy striptease show of my naked body. I've been as sexually attracted to you as much as you've been sexually attracted to me," she said. "I knew the swingers' Halloween party would be our way to finally bring us together."

"Cool," he said kissing her. "Then can have sex?"

"No, sorry," she said still playing her game of seduction. "We can't have sex. It's wrong," she said while waiting for him to seduce her and force her to have sex with her. "It's one thing for you to see me naked but quite another to actually have incestuous, sexual relations. I'm your mother and you're my son. Exciting before while imagining us being sexually intimate, especially when I was masturbating, now that I more think about it, I can't go through with it. Sorry but I just can't."

They remained silent until Christopher spoke again.

"Then, being that I've already seen your tits Mom, why don't you, at least, remove your bra?"

"Okay, I can do that much but keep your hands to yourself. No getting fresh with my tits," she said raising her scolding finger.


"You promise?"

"I promise," said Christopher.

Distracted while she sat up in bed and turned her back to him to remove her bra, he removed his briefs. Now with Christopher naked beneath the covers, they moved closer together and started kissing again. As soon as Elizabeth pressed her naked breasts against her son's muscular chest, she felt his hard, naked cock poking her in the belly.

"Did you remove your underwear?" She said reaching down to touch his naked cock with her fingertips and pulling her hand away as soon as she did.

"I did," he said.

"You're incorrigible. You're a naughty son Christopher."

"Touch me Mom."

"Touch you? I am touching you," she said running her hand across his chest."

"No, I mean, touch my cock."

"I just did through your briefs."

"Touch me now that I'm naked. Hold my stiff cock in your hand," he said grabbing her wrist and pulling her hand down. "I've always wanted to know what it'd feel like for you to hold my prick."

She took her son's cock in her hand and fondled the head of his hard prick with her fingertips.

"I don't mind holding your cock in my hand Christopher, but I'm not going to give you a hand job, if that's what you want and expect me to do."

"That's okay. It feels good for you to hold me like that," he said forcing his mother to give him a slow hand job by humping her hand in slowly rocking his hips.

"You have a bigger cock than your father," she said feeling the width and length of him with her fingertips while wondering again what in the Hell was the name of her ex-husband, George, Mathew, Ronald...

"I do?"

"Yeah, you do."



"May I feel your tits?"

"No, I don't think that's appropriate Christopher. Isn't it enough that we're French kissing, you're naked, I'm topless, and I'm holding your cock?"

"I like holding a breast while making out with a woman."

"Okay but please don't touch my nipples. My nipples are very sensitive and--"

"As soon as she gave him permission to feel her big breasts, he was all over her tits and fingering her nipples."

"Christopher, I asked you not to touch my nipples," she said cowering from his horny gropes.

"Why not? You're nipples are so big and so hard Mom. I wish I could suck them."

"You can't suck my nipples Christopher."

"Why not?"

"You'll sexually excite me if you finger and suck my nipples," she said turning her head to look seductively at him. "I may do something now that I'll regret later."

"Something you'll regret? Like what? Are you afraid you won't be able to control yourself from having sex with me, your son?"

"I can control myself more than you can," she said massaging his cock while he humped her hand.

"I see. Then if you can control yourself more than I can," he said with a sinister sneer, "I dare you to take off your panties."

"My panties? I'm not removing my panties. Isn't it enough that I removed my bra and that you're naked while we're French kissing, I'm holding your cock, and you're feeling my tits? Suddenly, I feel just like the incestuous whore that Tommy's mother is."

"You'd never be a whore Mom. You're too sexy. C'mon Mom, I double dare you to remove your panties. Chicken."

"No Christopher."

"Are you afraid I'll make you wet? Are you afraid you'll show me how sexually aroused you are over me?"

"I'm already wet," she said breathlessly.

"Really? You are? I made you wet? Lemme see," he said sticking a horny hand between his mother's legs and cupping her pussy through her panty.

"Christopher Joseph!" She pushed his hand away as if he was an assassin trying to stab her.

"I can't believe I made you wet Mom," he said putting his fingers to his nose to sniff his mother.

"Eww, Christopher, did you just sniff your fingers after feeling my pussy through my panty?"

"Sorry Mom, I did. I'm so horny, especially with you topless and me naked in bed with you while French kissing you," he said. "Don't worry. You smell fresh."

They stayed like that staring at the ceiling and not talking.

"I could give you a release," she said looking at him.


"You said you were horny."

"I am."

"What if I gave you a release so that you'll stop pawing me and go to sleep," she said gently and ever so slowly stroking his cock. "Would you like me to give you a release?" She held his cock a little tighter in her hand while stroking him a little faster.

"Do you mean a hand job mother?"

"Yes," she said. "I can do that for you. After changing your dirty diapers for years, masturbating my son wouldn't be so terribly horrible. We could think of it as a medical procedure and you could think of me as your nurse instead of your mother," she said with a sexy laugh.

"My sexy nurse, I like that," he said. "Only, it would be so much more erotically exciting to think of my mother stroking my cock instead of some nurse."

Christopher removed the covers from his naked body. He watched his mother starting at his engorged prick in the way that he stared at her beautiful breasts.

"I thought you were cold," she said talking to his prick instead of him.

"Not anymore. I'm hot now," he said watching his mother take him in her hand and slowly stroke him in the dark. "That feels good Mom, really good. I love feeling your hand on my prick. I'll be masturbating over the memory of this for years," he said cupping her breasts in his hand while watching her stroke him.

"Being that we're living together Christopher, you don't have to masturbate yourself anymore," she said with a sexy smile, "when that's something that I can do for you."

"Really? You'd masturbate me every time I'm horny?"

"Yes, it would be my pleasure to make my son cum," she said giving him a French kiss while still slowly stroking him.

"May I masturbate you too, whenever you're horny?"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," she said with a smile. "We'll see how this even goes before planning to jump in bed again."

"That's fair enough mother."

"Tell me when you get close to cumming," she said grabbing a tissue from the nightstand.

"I don't want to cum," he said.

"No? Why not?"

"No yet."

"Christopher, I'm not going to give you a hand job all night. Mommy is tired and Mommy is a little drunk, obviously the reason why I'm having sex with my son," she said with a laugh.

"What if you gave me a blowjob Mom?"

"A blowjob?" She pulled her hand away from his cock as if it was on fire only to take him in her hand again. If she was sending him a message it wasn't one of rejection. It was one of seduction. It was a message of her trying to make him believe that she was just as innocent as he was. "You want me to suck your cock after I've made my feelings known about how disgusting it was to see Irene sucking her son?"

"Yes, I do Mom. I'd like to know what it feels like and what it looks like to have my cock in your mouth."

"I'm not going to suck your cock Christopher, especially after watching Irene suck her son. That's just wrong. That's just nasty," she said lying when she couldn't wait to suck his cock.

"So, lemme get this straight in my head. Had you not seen Tommy's mother suck him, you would have blown me?"

"That's not what I said."

"Actually it is mother."

"If you were any other man other than my son naked and in bed with me, I'd suck you. I'd blow you. I'd be thrilled for you to cum in my mouth," she said, no doubt driving him crazy with her words.

"If you won't give me a prolonged hand job and if you want blow me," he said feeling her breasts and fingering her nipple while she watched him touch her.

"Yes? If what?" She looked at him mesmerized by the action of his fingers on her nipple.

"Then can we make love?" Switching to her other breasts, he continued feeling her breast and fingering her nipple while she continued staring down at his fingers.

It had been a few months since she had sex. She was horny and he was making all the right moves.

"Christopher, I'm your mother. I'm not going to have sex with my son," she said.

"But you already had sex with me Mom by allowing me to fondle your tits, play with your nipples, and by giving me a hand job," he said with a big smile.

"You do have a point there," she said with a laugh.

"I want you Mom. I really do. I've always wanted you in a sexual way," he said French kissing her.

"I can't Christopher," she said letting go of his prick again. "I just can't. It's wrong for us to be doing what we're doing now. I can't take that final step of penetration whether taking you in my mouth or in my pussy," she said lying again.

She couldn't wait for him to make love to her. She couldn't wait to fuck him. She couldn't wait for him to cum in her mouth.

"Why not?"

"I can't voluntarily make love to you, my own son. It would be so very incestuous wrong for us to have a sexual relationship," she said looking at him through the darkness and remaining silent for her last word to reach his horny ears with one last glimmer of hope. "Unless....

"Unless? Yes? Unless what mother?"

She looked at him as if she was a spy, he was a foreign national, and she making a secret deal for her government.

"Having been required to have sex before, having been forced to submit body to the whims of men, my reluctance to the will of my captors, and having watched men having their wicked way with my naked and tied body, for me to enjoy having sex with you," she said looking at her son with nervousness.

"Yes, mother. Yes? How can you enjoy having sex with me?"

"For me to enjoy having sex with you, my own son, I need to be forced to have sex with you," she said in a quiet voice as if she was embarrassed when she was really sexually excited by the thoughts of her son taking her, abusing her, and using her.

"Forced? What do you mean forced mother? I can't force you to have sex with me. Can I?" He looked at her in shocked disbelief. "Wouldn't that be wrong for me to force you to have sex with me?"

"I can't willingly have sex with you. I can't. I just can't. You need to take me Christopher. You must put our mother and son relationship aside by pretending that you're Kid Dangerous and I'm Esmeralda. Pretend you're a terrorist and I'm a beautiful American tourist that you've captured and having your wicked way while waiting for my loved ones back in American agreeing to pay my ransom. Take me Christopher. Take me. Have your forced wicked way with my naked body."

"Take you? Take you where? I don't understand. Why can't we stay here? What do you mean by taking you?"

"For me to have sex with you, you'd need to make me your slutty, incestuous bitch."

Granted he was obviously sexually innocent but she couldn't believe how dense he was.

"Gees, Mom, I wouldn't know how to even go about taking you and making you my slutty, incestuous bitch."

She looked at him waiting for him to take her, slap her, and ravish her. When he didn't, she helped him along.

"There's a pair of handcuffs in my purse. Get them for me," she said.

"Handcuffs? Where did you get handcuffs and why do you have handcuffs in your purse?"

"Never mind. It's a long story that goes back to my days in Istanbul and Morocco," she said with a laugh.

Christopher stumbled out of bed, found her purse, and pulled out the handcuffs.

"Here you are Mom," he said climbing back in bed beside her.

"Put them on me," she said, "but not too tight and put them close enough together so that I can release them with my fingernails."

"You can open handcuffs with your fingernails?"

"I've opened handcuffs with my tongue when in dire danger and when I had to free myself," she said slowly licking her lips with her tongue before curling the end of her tongue in the shape of a tiny key.

"Gees Mom, now that I know how adept you are with your tongue, I really want you to suck, my cock."

"Make me your slutty, incestuous bitch and I'll do more than just suck your cock," she said grabbing his balls and gently squeezing.

"Really? You'll suck my cock if I make you my slutty bitch."

"Oh, yeah, I will and more."

"I can't see. I need a light," he said getting up off the bed to turn on the light. "Oh, my God Mom, you have an incredible body.

Proud of her naked body, instead of grabbing for the sheet to cover herself, she arched her back and spread her legs wider to show her son more of herself.

"And you have a beautiful cock," she said reaching out her hand to touch him, hold him, and fondle him before pulling him to her lips and taking him in her mouth. She released his cock to speak. "Now handcuff me to the bed," she said, "and force me to do whatever you want me to do."


"Yes, anything," she said with seduction.

"May I lick and finger your pussy Mom?"

"Yes, of course. At the very least, I was hoping you'd give me an orgasm with your fingers and mouth before I gave you one with my hands and mouth," she said with a sexy look.

"May I make love to you?"

"Of course, you can make love to me, that is, so long as you fuck me long and hard after," she said. "Now that I'm handcuffed, I'm yours to do whatever is your will. Now that I'm helpless and vulnerable, I can't wait to feel your big, hard, hairy cock in my soft, warm, wet pussy."

"Will you suck my cock in the way that Irene sucked her son?"

"Yes," she said, "only so much better," she said swirling her tongue around her lips while curling and uncurling it as if her tongue was her personal, pink corkscrew. "You haven't had a blowjob until I've sucked your prick Christopher."

"May I cum in your mouth Mom and will you swallow?"

" Mommy can't wait to blow her son. Mommy can't wait to taste her son. Mommy can't wait to swallow her son. Only, don't ask my permission Christopher, just take me and tell me what you want me to do. Besides, it's not a blowjob unless you cum in my mouth and unless I swallow Christopher," she said with a sexy laugh. "Moreover being handcuffed to the bed doesn't give me much choice now does it? If you have a mind to and if you so wanted after you're done licking and fucking me and after I've finished sucking you, you could even stick your big, hard cock up my ass."

"Gees Mom, I never had anal sex before. I'd be happy enough licking your pussy, fucking you, and having you suck my cock. I don't know if I'd want to fuck you up the ass too."

"Maybe later," she said. "Anyway, take me Christopher. Take me. Make me your sexy, cum slut," she said with sexual excitement.

With his mother handcuffed to the bed, Christopher fell between her legs and licked and fingered his mother's pussy. With Elizabeth already so aroused, ready, and horny, it wasn't long before he gave his mother an orgasm with his fingers and his tongue.

"Oh, baby, lick Mommy. Make Mommy cum. Lap up Mommy's pussy juices. I need to cum in your mouth Christopher. Fuck me with your fingers Christopher while licking my clit with your tongue. After you eat me and after you fuck me, Mommy will give you the best blowjob of your life."

Licking her and fingering her, while reaching up to feel her big tits and play with her erect nipples, it wasn't long before she was on the verge of having an orgasm.

"Oh, yeah, that's right. Right there. Right there baby. Don't stop. You're going to make Mommy cum. Lick my clit while fucking me with your long, stiff fingers. Harder. Lick me harder. Deeper. Fuck me deeper. Harder and deeper. Oh, yeah. Oh, baby. Oh, my God! Oh, God! I'm cumming Christopher. I'm cumming."

He stayed like that positioned between her legs while blowing his hot air on her pussy after she had her orgasm. Giving her a moment, he wiped his face of her pussy juices with the sheet and met her lips with his. They kissed and kissed while he touched and felt her everywhere before he mounted her. She reached down and positioned his hard cock inside of her warm, wet pussy. They made love before they started fucking, really fucking. Once they started fucking instead of making love, releasing the handcuffs with a click of her fingernail, Elizabeth rolled Christopher over and mounted her son. With the bed so narrow and more made for one person than for two, they nearly rolled off the bed and on the floor. Now fucking him as if he was a CFNM dancer, she was intent on having another orgasm with his cock.

She humped him and he returned her humps. After having waited so long to have sex with him, she was so aroused fucking her son that she quickly had hard another orgasm. Never has she been as sexually excited as she was now. He had such a hard, big cock and with her patient motherly love, she showed him how to use it to please and pleasure her. After having given his mother two orgasms, one with his mouth, tongue, and fingers, and a second one with his cock, she gave him what he wanted, a blowjob.

She slid her body down to him and teased him with her hand, her fingers, and her tongue before taking him in her mouth. Sucking, licking, and stroking her son, Elizabeth gave Christopher pleasure with her mouth and with her hand. He reached down to fondle her breast and finger her nipple while his mother blew him. She sucked, licked, and stroked him, while he humped her full, red mouth and fucked her beautiful face. It wasn't long before he put a hand to the back of her blonde, pretty head and exploded his incestuous lust for his mother in her mouth. She swallowed all the warm, oozy love juice he gave her before licking him clean. Still sexually insatiable for one another, they rested until he mounted his mother again and made love to her again. Ejaculating a second time they took another breather before Elizabeth mounted him but in the sixty-nine position this time. She sucked his cock to another erection while he licked and fingered her pussy to a third orgasm.

With everything happening for a reason, perhaps if Elizabeth wasn't trying to recapture all the love life she lost with her husband with her son, she may never dreamt of ever having sex with her son. Perhaps if Christopher had found a job after graduating college, he never would have moved in with his mother and had the opportunity to spy on her undressing by installing six cameras in her bedroom and bathroom. Perhaps if it hadn't been for the swingers' Halloween costume party, they may never have enjoyed the incestuous sexual relationship they were enjoying now. Without a doubt, had Elizabeth not had post traumatic stress that manifested in her need to have sex with her son, she may never have seduced him. Had it not been for the lust they had for one another this first sexual encounter may have been their last.

Yet, whatever the reason they were incestuously together sexually, it was all good. Even after Christopher started his software company, they remained living together as if husband and wife instead of mother and son. With him sleeping with her in the master bedroom, they were sexually intimate daily. Happily in love, now instead of lusting over one another, they're having sex with one another. They can't wait for the swingers' Halloween dance next year.