A Mother's Sacrifice b


"No tricks honey, I've decided to let you have what you want."

"You..." he blinked. "You what?"

"You heard me," I said as I began lightly running my nails down his arm. "I'm here to let my beautiful son show me how much he wants me."

Tommy gasped as my fingers left his shoulder and slid across his chest, just over his nipple. I saw a shiver go through him and I could feel him start to breath heavier beneath my hand. Leaning over, I whispered in his ear, "That's right honey, your Mom's all yours, and we can do anything you want."


"Everything." I breathed.

Tommy started to speak, then let out a sharp breath when I flicked my tongue out and licked his earlobe. I bent my head lower and placed a soft kiss on his neck, before sitting back.

"Really?" he asked,

"You heard me Tommy, now stop playing shy and come show your Mom how bad you need her."

Tommy gave me that heart melting smile and sliding close to me, reached out as I always did to him, put his hand to my cheek. Forcing myself to smile, I leaned my cheek against his palm and smiled. As he had on the couch, Tommy leaned in, his lips parted. This time however, as his lips pressed against mine, I gave in and let him. His lips were soft, but he pressed them hard against mine, I pulled back slightly, and whispered, "Easy baby."

Tommy started to say something, but I said softly, "Let me."

Closing my eyes and telling myself this was the right thing to do, I gently pressed my lips to his. Tommy kissed me back, softer this time, but seemed to hesitate. His hand was still against my cheek and I could feel it shaking. Reaching up, I once again took his wrist and this time paced his hand on my bare chest just over where the robe was closed. Letting his hand go, I slipped my hand around his shoulders and kissed him harder. Tommy released a desperate sounding whimper in his throat and returned the kiss.

I could feel my face begin to flush as I started to slide my lips lightly back and forth. Tommy tried to follow them with his, but I brought my hand up and cupping his chin, held his face still as I teased his lips with mine. Tommy moaned softly, but stayed still, letting me kiss him. In the back of my mind I began to worry this was not going to work, yet I continued. Pressing my lips harder into his I opened my mouth and slipped my tongue out against his lips. Tommy groaned and parted his lips. I playfully flicked my tongue against his lips, then just as I plunged my tongue into his mouth, I grabbed his wrist and quickly, before I lost my nerve, pressed his hand to my tit.

Tommy squeezed my tit and I moaned into his mouth, damn that didn't feel....

Tommy suddenly jerked back away from me pulling his hand from my tit; he looked at me, his eyes wide. His face was red and he was gasping for breath. My own breathing was coming quicker and I could feel my hard nipples pressing against the soft material of the robe. I could also feel...oh my God! My pussy was warm and...wet. Just a reflex reaction, I started to tell myself, and pushing that thought away, asked, "What's the matter honey? You don't want to touch me?"

"I..." he paused, trying to catch his breath. "I...can't!"

It took everything I had to keep from shouting "Thank God!" Instead I looked at him and forced myself to keep playing the part.

"But I thought you wanted me honey?" I shrugged. "Maybe you really don't?"

"No!" He shouted, startling me. "I want you Mom! I really do! I'm just...."

Remaining calm, I put my hands out, "But if you really wanted me then you could. I think that you don't...."

"I do want you Mom!" he was so upset it came out as a sob. "I want you so bad! I...I'm just...." He put his head down, "I'm scared, like you are with other guys, I....I want too, but I can't!"

I felt my stomach sink. He was so frustrated it looked like he was ready to cry. He wasn't stopping because he realized he was wrong, he was just scared. He was nineteen and finally getting his chance to have what he wanted and he couldn't handle it. If I walked out of here now, this would continue and maybe get worse. Tommy looked at me, his eyes full and said,

"It's not you, Mom, you're beautiful, it's me I..."

As he spoke, I had the vivid image of sitting on Jeff's couch and telling him the same thing. I remembered how frustrated I was, how frustrated I still am, knowing that I can't have what I need. Now Tommy was in the same boat. I felt my nerves begin to calm and looking into his distraught face, remembered why I had come in here; to help my son.

"Come here honey." I put my arms out to him.

Tommy looked at me longingly for a moment, and then leaned into me. He was going for a hug, his head lowering to my shoulder. I leaned back just enough to get my face in front of his and kissed him. Tommy started to pull away, but I had put my hand behind his head and held him still.

"Let me honey, let your Mom make you all better."


I cut him off by pressing my lips against his again. As I had before, I slid my lips across his and although I could feel the tension in his body, he started kissing me back.

"Hmmm-mmm" I encouraged him, kissing him harder.

I pressed my hand against his chest and started caressing him as I began moving my lips against his. With a whimper, Tommy relaxed into me and began to work his lips against mine. I heard a soft moan and realized it had come from me. I could feel my nipples stiffening again and as terrible as it was, my pussy was getting warmer and wetter. Tommy was becoming more confident, his lips were working harder against mine and his hand had slid behind my head and under my hair. I let go of his head and sliding my hand down began to rub it across his back.

Tommy leaned in closer and I groaned at the feeling of my nipples pressing into his chest through the robe. I slipped my tongue out and this time, Tommy eagerly opened his mouth to accept it. I quickly darted my tongue forward and he moaned when it slid across his. I started swirling my tongue around, slipping it under and over his. Tommy wasn't the only one who had relaxed, I had let myself fold into him and my hand was enjoying the feeling of the hard muscles in his back and shoulders.

Tommy's hand was busy as well, running through my long red hair, causing a pleasant shiver to run through me. His other hand had dropped down to my side and was sliding up and down. The side of his hand grazed my tit and I whimpered as it just caught my nipple. His tongue was now sliding into my mouth and caressing my tongue as his lips worked against mine. Damn, he could kiss! I let out a surprised yelp as his fingers curled into my hair and he pulled my head back.

His lips left mine and immediately found the soft skin of my neck.

'Oh damn!" I moaned, oh that had always been a weak spot for me.

Tommy's lips began sliding lightly up and down my neck as his hand left my hair and slid down to my waist. His other hand was now right alongside my tit and I yearned for him to touch it. My nipples were aching and desperately needed to be touched. As if reading my mind, Tommy moved his hand over and began to rub his palm across my tit as he continued to suck on my neck.

"Oh honey!" I moaned, "Look at you, making your mother feel good!"

Even as I said it, I realized how bad it sounded, but goddamn he really was making me feel good! Tommy was gently fondling my tit through the robe and sliding my hand down his chest, I took a moment to linger on his hard flat stomach, before reaching between us and pulling at the tie of the robe. We were pressed so close together, that I couldn't pull it far enough to untie it. I had no desire to pull away from him and whispered, "Oh honey, you're teasing, reach on in and grab that tit."

Somewhere in the part of my mind that was still thinking rationally, I called myself a sick woman and to get the hell out of there. That voice was quickly drowned out by my moaning as slipping his hand into my robe; Tommy grabbed my tit and gave it a squeeze. His lips were still devouring the soft skin of my neck and I became aware that I was rocking my hips. My pussy was wetter than it had been in a long time and I knew that there was no way that I was going to stop. Tommy's lips felt incredible and I cried out as he began rubbing my swollen nipple between his finger tips. Even better than the sensations of my son's lips and fingers was the startling realization that....

I wasn't nervous.

For the past year any time a man had gotten close to me, I had frozen up. Now here I was with the one man in the world I shouldn't be with and I felt nothing but pleasure. Tommy slipped his other hand around to the front and I felt him trying to work it into my robe, but we were to close together. Well I would fix that, pushing against his chest, I pulled away from him.

"Mom, please...."

He started, then stopped and smiled as he saw me grab the tie to the robe and pull it. The robe opened, but I grabbed the sides of it, holding it so that it just covered my tits. Don't do it! That rational voice called out again. I suppose it was right, but right now all that was running through my mind was that I was going to make it so not only my son, but his deserving mother both got exactly what they needed. Completely overwhelmed and feeling totally wanton, I gave Tommy a wicked smile,

"Tell me what you want honey!"

"I..." Tommy paused, then flashing that smile asked, "I want to see my Mom's tits." His smile widened, "Please Mom?"

"Well how can I say no to that?" I exclaimed and opening my robe slipped it off my shoulders and tossed it aside.

"Oh, Mom." Tommy whispered, "Their perfect."

"These?" I asked, cupping them, "You like these tits?"

"Oh, yeah."

He reached out and I groaned as he captured both nipples in his fingers. I began breathing through my mouth and could feel the sweat beginning to trickle down my back. Tommy leaned in and started to go for my neck, when he stopped and glanced down. I followed his gaze and saw that my pussy was just visible between my legs.

"Don't worry honey," I told him. "You'll get there, but come here first."

Tommy looked up at me and gasped when I grabbed the back of his head and shoved it down to my tit. He quickly got over his surprise and I cried out as he eagerly sucked my hard pink nipple into his mouth.

"Oh honey!" I moaned, "Oh yes! Show your Mom how much you like her tits!"

I released another loud moan as Tommy set out to do just that. While swirling his tongue around my right nipple, his fingers grabbed the other and began rubbing it again between his fingers. I arched my back, shoving my tit deeper into his mouth and said softly, "The other one's jealous baby."

Tommy quickly switched off and started sucking the other nipple, I sighed in pleasure, "Oh, you do want to make me happy don't you?"

"More than anything!" Tommy said, beginning to remove my tit from his mouth, "I..."

He was cut off when I shoved his head back onto my tit.

"Don't talk with your mouthful honey" I laughed, then moaned as his eager tongue went back to work on my nipple.

My hips began rocking again as the thought of how eager his tongue would be somewhere else entered my mind. On the heels of that thought was that my tongue had been looking forward to being eager for quite some time as well. Oh Joanne, I thought you're a sick bitch. That might be true, but his sick bitch was going to get what she needed and then some. Leaning back, I pushed against Tommy's shoulder and with a reluctant groan he removed my nipple from his mouth.

"Come on honey, let's get comfortable."

I slid up onto his bed pushing myself with my hands until I could lie back on his pillow. Tommy was still sitting at the foot of the bed and staring wide eyed at me. I smiled and made a show of stretching, pushing my tits up in the air and extending my long legs out. I put my bare foot up onto his shoulder and playfully rubbed it along his cheek. Dropping my leg, I slowly spread them open, giving him a look at my smooth pussy.

"Oh my God." Tommy whispered.

The look of absolute lust in his eyes caused a surge of wetness through my pussy and with a smile I beckoned him with my finger.

"Come up here honey."

Tommy stood up and it was my turn to stare. He was wearing a pair of grey sweat pants and his cock was pushing them straight out. Even better was the large wet stain at the tip where he had been oozing while he had been sucking on my tits.

"Take your pants off." I whispered.

Tommy looked down and hesitated.

"Oh, you going to play shy now?" I asked him, then with a sigh said, "Your Mom can't play with your cock if she can't see it."

Tommy immediately grabbed the pants and shoved them down over his hips. His cock was so hard it sprang out and I saw a several drops of sticky fluid fly from it.

"Oh." I said softly, "Oh honey is that all for your Mom?"

"All of it." He said quietly.

"Then bring it up here."

Tommy crawled up onto the bed and I stared transfixed by the sight of my son's long hard cock. He looked as if he were going to try to crawl up between my legs, but I patted the bed next to me. There was nothing I wanted more than to feel that cock inside of me, but he was young and excited and I didn't want to be teased. I also badly need to get the edge off myself. Besides at his age, Tommy would be able to go several times and I was sure I could keep persuading him. This time I didn't even hear a voice telling me I was wrong.

Tommy had crawled up next to me and propping himself up on his elbow leaned down and kissed me. We both parted our lips and groaned as our tongues again explored each other's mouths. Tommy's free hand began to fondle my tit and grabbing it I shoved it down my stomach towards my pussy. I let it go and as I had before grabbed the back of his head and brought it down to my tit. Tommy moaned as he sucked it into his mouth and I closed my eyes and sighed contentedly as my son's soft wet tongue caressed my nipple.

His hand has slid down my stomach, but had stopped above my pussy.

"Go ahead honey, you know you want to."

I could feel his fingers trembling and again I grabbed his arm and shoved his hand down. Tommy moved his hand to the side and began caressing my thigh.

"Don't be nervous, baby, I want you to," I moaned as he began sucking harder on my nipple, "Oh honey your Mom needs you to!"

That did the trick and a soft sigh escaped me as I felt his fingers tentatively caress my pussy.

"Go ahead, rub it honey, see how wet you made me!"

Tommy pushed his fingers down through my pussy and I gasped as he brought them back up and they slid over my swollen clit. He began rubbing his fingers through the soft wet folds of my pussy and I started rocking my hips into his hand. Tommy was moaning around my nipple and bringing my hand up, I started playing with the other. Tommy worked his fingers down through my pussy and paused.

"Inside baby," I told him breathlessly, "Slip a finger in there."

I groaned as he did and let out a soft whimper as he started slowly working his finger in and out.

"Put another one in, I ohhh, yeah!" I cried out as he was now shoving two fingers inside of me.

I began to thrust my hips harder into him and as I did he whimpered again. I became aware of his hard cock rubbing against my thigh as his own hips were moving. I could feel my thigh becoming sticky from his pre cum. slipping my hand down between us, I found his cock and wrapping my hand around it, gave it a squeeze.

"Oh Mom!" he cried out around my nipple.

"Oh honey, you are so fucking hard!" I purred, slowly pumping his cock.

Tommy had stopped sucking my nipple and was moaning as my hand slid along the length of his shaft. When I reached the head of his cock, I squeezed and moaned when I felt him squirt into the palm of my hand. Twisting my hand around, I got it nice and wet and started stroking him again. Tommy was breathing hard and so was I, as I lied there jerking my son off with his fingers in my pussy.

"You like that honey?" I asked. "You like your Mom playing with that nice cock?"

"Oh hell yeah!" he moaned.

"It's all mine?" I cooed as I started stroking him faster.

"I'm all yours Mom."

The way he said that sent a thrill through me. I could feel his hips moving quicker and slowed my stoking to a slow tease. That was not how he was going to come for me. Speaking of cumming my poor neglected pussy needed to get off.

"Use your thumb," I whispered, "Put it on....oh right there!"

Tommy pressed his thumb against my throbbing clit and started rubbing it in circles as his fingers continued to slide in and out of me. I was so wet I could hear them driving into my pussy and started twisting my nipple faster.

"Oh yeah honey," I purred, "Just like that, oh you're going to make your mother cum nice and hard aren't you?"

"Hmm-mmm" Tommy groaned around my tit which he had managed to start sucking again.

I closed my eyes and gasped as I could feel a desperately needed orgasm beginning to build within me.

"Faster, baby, faster!" I moaned.

Tommy's thumb pressed harder into my aching flesh and his fingers began pumping harder. Arching my back, I started driving my hips up off the bed, slamming his fingers deep inside of me.

"Oh...Oh..." I could feel the orgasm starting to get closer and I squeezed his cock harder in my excitement. I could feel it pulsing in my hand and began to imagine what it would feel like in my mouth. Never mind how sweet he was going to taste, oh yeah I was going to so suck on that nice hard cock!

"Oh that's right honey!" I panted. "You make your mother cum nice and hard! You do and I'll give you a treat baby, I'll suck that nice hard cock for you baby, you...oh fuck yeah!"

I threw my head back and cried out as the orgasm that I had been teetering on the edge of, crashed through me. I shoved Tommy's face hard against my nipple and closed my legs, pinning his hand between my thighs. I cried out again and could feel my pussy convulsing around his fingers. Tommy was moaning around my nipple as his tongue rapidly swirled around it. I pushed my hand down the length of his cock and cupping his balls began caressing them as I continued to grind my hips into his hand. I screamed again as the strongest orgasm I'd had in well over a year continued to have its way with me.

Tommy was still pumping his fingers and I could feel him grinding his cock hard against my leg. I arched my back and with a long shuddering moan collapsed back onto the bed as the last of the orgasm flowed through me.

My hand fell away from Tommy's head and I opened my legs, releasing his hand. I groaned as he slid his fingers from my dripping pussy and looking up at him, saw him smiling at me.

"Did that feel good Mom?" he asked.

"Good?" I breathed out, still trying to catch my breath, "Oh honey, that was amazing!"

Tommy blushed and again gave me that cute smile of his. The smile may be that of a shy boy, but there was nothing shy about the hard dripping cock pressing into my leg. I started to say something, then stopped and watched him put his fingers into his mouth and suck on them. His eyes rolled back as he tasted his mother from his flesh and I whispered, "Oh, you bad boy."

He removed his fingers from his mouth and started to say something, but it turned into a startled gasp, as rolling over, onto my side, I pushed him onto his back. I rolled over again, Until I was lying between his legs, propped up on my hands, looking down at him. Leaning down I gave him a long lingering kiss and started rocking from side to side, sliding my hard nipples against his chest. Tommy groaned into my mouth and his hands came up and began rubbing my back.

I roughly pushed my tongue into his mouth, and yelped into it when he slid his hands across my ass and gave it a hard squeeze. Speaking of hard I could feel his cock pressing into my stomach. Gain I could feel my skin getting sticky and removed my mouth from his.

"Oh, that was nice," he whispered, trying to pull me back down to him.

"It is, but I think your Mom knows a better place for her tongue, don't you?"

Tommy's eyes widened and I laughed as he seemed speechless. Slowly I began to slide down the length of his body. As I did I licked and kissed his muscular chest and moaned at the sensation of not only my nipples sliding across him, but his cock pressing into me. I continued to slide down, until I could feel his cock pressed against my chest and between my tits. Looking up, I saw Tommy staring at me, his eyes wide in anticipation and his chest heaving. Smiling up at him, I slipped my tongue out and started swirling it across his stomach.

His hips twitched and his cock pushed against me. Pushing up, I quickly slid down until I was now lying between his legs, propped up on my elbows. I licked my lips at the sight of his long hard cock standing at attention inches from my face. Taking it in my hand, I pulled it towards me, and flicked my tongue out across the head of his cock.

"Oh!" Tommy moaned, "Oh damn, does that look hot."

"Yeah baby," I asked, "You like your Mom between your legs?"

"Yes." He whispered.

"Good, I like being here." I told him.

Teasing myself almost as much as I was teasing him, I lowly worked my tongue around the head of his cock. I ended by pushing my tongue into the tip of hi dick and pulling it back, tacking a line of his sticky pre cum with me.

"Holy shit." He moaned.

I slipped my tongue back into my mouth and sucked on it. It was my turn to moan at the sweet taste of his sticky fluid. Oh, I was going to enjoy this. Angling his cock and starting at the top, I ran my tongue down the length of his shaft, then back up the other side. I repeated this several times and Tommy was now whimpering and thrusting his cock into my hand. I could feel my pussy heating up again as I felt his hard flesh yearning for his mother's mouth. I ran my tongue back down his haft and this time went lower and started swirling it around his balls. He moaned, then cried out as I opened my mouth and began sucking on them.

Tommy's hands had made it down to me and were rubbing my shoulders, I could feel them trembling and his hips were moving even faster as he whimpered. I released his balls and sliding my soft tongue back to the head of his cock, gave it a kiss and smiling up at him asked,

"You want something baby?"

"You know I do." He panted.

"All you have to do is ask honey." I said softly and flicked my tongue around the tip again.

"Oh Mom," he moaned, "Will you please suck my cock?"

"You want me to suck your cock?" I teased. "Now what kind of mother would do that?"

"I.... a good one?" Tommy asked.

I laughed and gave his cock a hard squeeze. I couldn't believe that not only were we doing this, but having fun. Damn I felt good!

"Well I've always considered myself a good mother." I told and with a wink, took his cock into his mouth and all the way down to his balls.

Tommy cried out and I groaned in ecstasy at the feeling of after over a year having my mouth full of hard flesh. I slowly worked my lips back up to his shaft, savoring not only every inch, but the adorable little whimpering noises Tommy was making. I pulled all but the head from my mouth and gave it a good hard suck. Tommy cried out again and my eyes rolled as I was rewarded with a squirt of pre cum. His hands were digging into my shoulders and grabbing his wrist, I pulled his hand up and put it on my head.

Tommy looked down at me, and his cock still in my mouth, I nodded. He immediately began running his hand through my hair and closing my eyes, I began to bob my head in a slow steady rhythm. Tommy added his other hand to my hair and I groaned as he gathered it in his hands so he could watch his mother blow him. That thought should have sent a panic through me, instead it sent a wave of heat through my pussy. I began grinding my hips into the bed as I slid his hard cock through my soft lips.

I slowly took him all the way down and staying there started to shake my head back and forth. Tommy groaned and I winced as his hands clenched, pulling my hair. That excited me even more and pushing my tongue out I teased it across his balls.

"Oh my god Mom!" he gasped.

I slid his cock from my mouth with a slurping sound and whispered, "That's right honey, your Mom loves to suck cock, and this is such a beautiful one!"

His reply was lost in another whimper as pressing my tongue tightly against his shaft I took him down my throat again. I began to bob my head faster and grabbing his cock started following my lips with my hand, jerking him off as I blew him. Tommy's hands left my hair, and sliding between us, found my nipples. I moaned around his cock as he began lightly teasing them and started shoving my hips harder into the bed. I could feel the sheet was already wet from my pussy and knew that I needed to cum again and just how it was going to happen.

I began sucking him faster and harder and his hips were now rocking in rhythm with my sucking. He was moaning loudly and there was a hint of desperation in those moans. I knew he was close and trying to hold back and enjoy as much of his mother's mouth as he could. That was okay, I would take my time next time, but right now I wanted to taste him, to take all that he had. As I began taking him deeper and stroking him harder it occurred to me I had just thought next time. Well why the hell not? Now that the line was crossed who cared?

Tommy let out a long whimper and his hips started thrusting hard into my descending mouth. His fingers were squeezing my nipples harder and I could feel his cock beginning to pulse in my mouth. Slding my other hand down, I cupped his balls and started massaging them.

"Oh yes!" Tommy yelled.

I wanted to yell as well, but all I could do was moan as my son's cock exploded in my mouth. I whimpered as I felt the first warm jet of his cum hit the back of my mouth and flow down my throat. At the first taste of him, I lost all control. I began sucking him as hard and fast as I could, eagerly milking every drop of cum from his spurting cock. Tommy was crying out and his hips were slamming into me. I loved every minute of it and stopped moving, and let him fuck his mouths mouth. I swallowed and felt like purring as his thick cum slid down inside of me. God how I had missed this!

Tommy stopped moving and was lying there panting. I continued to suck his cock and was rewarded with a couple of more drops. Slipping his cock from my lips, I looked up to make sure he was looking and opening my mouth, stuck my tongue out, then smiled "All gone!"

"Oh Mom," he whispered, "Oh goddamn."

"Better than you'd hoped?" I asked,

"Oh yeah."

"That's right, your Mom's better than those little girls you fool around with isn't she?"

"Oh fuck yeah." He breathed.

"Well baby," I said crawling up over him and after giving him a quick kis, rolled over onto my back, "Remember what I taught you, always be good to the people who are good to you."

Tommy looked over at me, and with a wink, I spread my legs open and pointed at the floor of the bed. His eyes lit up like it was Christmas morning and rolling over on top of me, he did as I had and started kissing my chest, teasing me.

"Take your time later, honey." I told him. "This time just get down there and lick my pussy."

"Wow," Tommy said. "Yes Ma'am."

I watched, my heart pounding in my chest and my pussy dripping as Tommy slid down as I had done and eased down between my legs. I shuddered as he gently kissed my upper thigh and his fingers slid through my wet lips. He looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back, thinking that he really was beautiful. Tommy lowered his head and very softly kissed my pussy.

"Oh honey," I whispered, "Please be good to me, I need this so bad!"

"Anything for you Mom." He answered and with no further hesitation pushed his tongue down into my pussy.

I gasped as I felt his tongue slide through the wet folds of my pussy. He reached the bottom and I creoded out as he plunged his tongue inside of me.

"Oh yes!" I yelled as I felt his tongue swirl around inside of me.

I looked down to see he was watching me and as our green eyes locked, I swallowed and moaned at the taste of his cum in my mouth. Tommy started rocking his head back and forth and I groaned and began playing with my nipples while my son tongue fucked me. My nipples were even more sensitive then when we had started and I began breathing heavier as I toyed with them. Between my legs, Tommy had slid his tongue from inside of me and started slowly working his way back up towards my swollen clit.

I wanted to tell him not to tease, but he had a look of pure joy on his face as he flicked his tongue around my sopping wet flesh. I watched, a smile on my face as my son, enjoyed his mother's pussy. This was after all for him, no, this was for us, both of us. Tommy's tongue finally found the mark and I moaned softly as he sucked my hard button into his mouth.

"Oh honey, that is soooo nice," I cooed.

Tommy groaned into my pussy and I saw he was pushing his hips into the bed as I had done. I lay there enjoying his soft lips around my tongue and thinking of how that young cock was probably already hard again. I gasped as Tommy introduced a finger into me and started sucking my clit harder. I began rocking my hips into his face, slowly in time with his sucking. Tommy started sliding his finger in and out and releasing my clit, began swirling his tongue around it in slow teasing circles. Again I wanted to rush him, but held off. He had waited a long time for me and I had waited a long time to feel this good.

I sighed in pleasure as he added another finger and I squeezed my nipples harder. Raising my legs, I put my feet on his broad shoulders, opening myself up even more for him. Tommy grabbed my ankle with his free hand and started lightly caressing the top of my foot. That simple gesture got me even hotter, the way he touched me, so softly, so lovingly, I had thought this would be wrong why? My focus returned to my son's face between my legs and I smiled as I saw his eyes closed and a look of bliss on his face as he continued to pleasure his mother.

I gasped as he again sucked my clit into his mouth, but harder this time. He began to suck faster than before and his fingers were now shoving deeper into me. I moaned and noticed that his hips were moving faster. I felt a fresh wave of heat flow through me as I realized he was trying to get me off, because he was hard again and knew what would be next, that he was going to get to fuck his Mom. I started shoving my hips up off the bed and into his fingers and tongue. I pinched my nipples harder and could feel my thighs starting to tremble as my body drew closer to its climax. Tommy brought his other hand around and spreading my pussy, sucked my clit even harder. I arched my back off the bed and began pushing against his shoulders, my body straining for its release.

Tommy moved his hand and to my surprise, slid a third finger into me. He had eased it in then suddenly shoved all three fingers in hard. I cried out and slammed my hips up into his face as the orgasm began to flow through me. Tommy sucked my clit into his mouth in a hard fast rhythm and I threw back my head and screamed as the orgasm exploded through me. My hips bucked wildly into his face and I locked my thighs around his head as an orgasm stronger than the first one slammed into my body. I pushed my head back further, opened my mouth as wide as I could and let out a howl that the neighbors must have been able to hear.

I lifted my hips and shoving my pussy into his face, felt it contract around his fingers, then screamed again as my pussy convulsed and I felt my pussy gush into my son's face. Tommy was somehow still sucking on my clit as I writhed and twisted on the bed. His fingers were buried inside of me and I swear I had never cum this hard. I released another scream and this time it was as much one of joy as sexual pleasure, oh God I needed this!

I arched my back so far off the bed, I felt it crack and with a whimper dropped back onto the bed. I was panting and my heart was pounding. I sighed as Tommy slid his fingers from my sopping pussy. I looked down to see that he had sat up between my legs and was smiling down at me. He looked quite pleased with himself and the sight of his cheeks glazed with his mother's sent a thrill through me. Nowhere near as big of a thrill however, as seeing his once again hard thick cock standing at attention and less than a foot from his mother's pussy.

Tommy's gaze went down between my legs and I saw him swallow hard.

"You want me honey?" I asked.

"I want you so bad Mom." He said as his hand trailed across my soft stomach, oh how good his touch felt!

"Yeah? You want to be inside of me honey?" I smiled at him. "I hope so because baby, your mother wants you there."

Lifting my legs, II placed my feet on his chest and slid down on the bed. We both gasped as his cock slid though my wet pussy. I started rocking my hips, sliding his hard flesh through the soft folds of my pussy.

"Oh, don't tease." He said again.

"Tease?" I asked. "Trust me honey, your Mom's no tease." Giving him a wicked smile I added. "If I remember your journal said we were going to go hard and fast the first time."

Tommy looked at me wide eyed and lifting my hips, I placed the tip of his cock against the entrance to my pussy. Looking him in the eye, I told him.

"Go ahead Tommy, fuck your mother. Show her how bad you need her."

Tommy hesitated and lifting my hips I shoved forward, pushing him into me. Tommy gasped, then with no further hesitation, grabbed my ankles and slammed his cock deep into his mother's pussy.

"Oh fuck yeah!" I screamed as his long thick cock shoved into my neglected pussy.

Tommy moaned and began slamming the shit out of me! I cried out as my son's cock plunged repeatedly into me. I was so wet that I could hear his cock driving into me. I lay back moaning as he pounded me. It had been well over a year and Tommy wasn't small, nor was he being gentle. He really was out to show me how bad he wanted me. I looked up at him and moaned at the sight of his young hard muscles bulging in his arms and the sweat dripping down his chest. His large hands looked damn good around my ankles, but not as good as the sight of his glistening cock pistoning in and out of his mother's sopping wet pussy.

"Yes!" I shouted. "That's it baby, you fuck me! Just like you dreamed about! You fuck your mother good and hard!"

Tommy smiled and shocked me by spreading my legs as wide as he could and slamming me even harder.

"Oh honey!" I cried out as he was now plunging even deeper into me.

Tommy put my feet on his shoulders and suddenly leaned forward. My ass lifted off the bed as he bent me back until my feet were over my face. Bracing his hands next to me, Tommy raised his hips and started driving full force into me.

"Oh my God!" I cried out.

Goddamn was he deep! As he continued to pound into me I wondered what the hell Lisa had been like in bed that he could fuck like this. Reaching up, I placed my hands on his hard chest and gasped as his cock drove into me even harder. I closed my eyes and moaned continuously as I let my son fuck the shit out of me.

"Yeah baby?" I cried out. "This how you thought of it? Fucking me like this?"

I groaned as Tommy stopped fucking me and eased back to his knees. Opening my eyes, I panted.

"What's the matter?"

Tommy gave me that shy smile and said softy, "I want to fuck you the other way?"

I felt another wave of lust flow though me as I knew exactly what he meant.

"Oh you bad boy!" I chided him. "You want your Mom on her knees? You want to see her ass in the air?"

"Please?" He asked, "Please let me fuck you like that?"

"I told you honey, your Mom is here for you, anything you want."

And it's not like I didn't want it either I thought as I eagerly rolled over onto my stomach. Putting my head on the pillow, I drew my legs up under my stomach and pushed my ass up in the air so my son could take me the way he wanted to.

"Oh. Mom damn do you look good."

I gasped as I felt his fingers caress my pussy, then yelped in surprise when I felt his tongue plunge into me. He swirled it around and I cried out.

"Just fuck me Tommy! Come take Your mother's pussy, its your pussy honey!"

That must have been exactly what he wanted to hear. Grabbing my hips hard, Tommy drove his cock into me so hard, if he weren't holding me I would have gone forward on the bed. I cried out as squeezing my hips he proceeded to fuck the shit out of me. I closed my eyes and squealed into the pillow as my son pumped his big dick inside of me. Tommy reached out and grabbing a hand full of my hair gave it a tug. Lifting my head, I looked over my shoulder at him

"I want to hear you," he whispered.

"You want to hear me scream honey?" I asked in between gasps as he continued to slam into me.

"Oh, yeah." He whispered in between his labored breaths.

"Then make me." I told him.

Tommy slid his cock almost all the way out of me and then thrust into me with everything he had. Lifting my head I gave him what he wanted, screaming into the air as he tore into me.

"Oh my fucking God!" I yelled as he started fucking me faster and harder than I had ever gotten it before.

He was fucking me so hard our skin was making loud slapping noises and I could feel his balls slamming into my pussy. I was howling continuously and I wondered if the neighbors were thinking I'd found someone to give it to me good. One thing was for sure they would never guess in a million years that the guy giving it to me good and hard was my own son. Behind me Tommy was gasping and moaning and he was somehow finding a way to fuck me even harder.

I was beyond screaming now and was letting out one high pitched whimper as he assaulted his mother's pussy. I could feel his hands trembling on my thighs and his moans were starting to sound desperate.

'Oh yeah honey!" I called out to him. "Go ahead, you cum for me! Cum for your mother!"

Tommy whimpered behind me and he squeezed my hips harder.

"Mom." He gasped.

"Oh, what is it baby?" I panted out as his cock pumped in and out of me.

"I...I want to cum ... on you tits."

"Anywhere you want baby!"

I'd no sooner said it, then he pulled his cock from me. Instantly rolling over, I cupped my small tits and presented them to him. Tommy leaned over me and pumping his cock, cried out as a long thick spurt of cum exploded from his cock and splattered against my right tit. Tommy cried out again and I moaned as spurt after spurt of hot cum hit my tits and sripped down to my stomach. Tommy leaned further over, gasping and sweating as he stroked his cock and painted his mother's tits with his cum.

"Oh yeah baby!" I moaned, "Oh look at how bad you wanted me!"

Tommy pumped his cock one more time, succeeding in getting a couple of more drops to land on my tits, then with a groan practically fell onto the bed next to me. We both lied there on our backs panting. I looked up at the ceiling and it dawned on me that I was lying here on my son's bed, naked and covered in his cum. The thought hit me that I had just fucked my own son. I let the thought roll through my mind and waited for it to really hit me how wrong it was. It didn't happen. Instead as I turned to look at Tommy who was lying there with his eyes closed and a satisfied smile on his face, all I felt was peaceful.

I hadn't felt this good since Bill and....I stopped and felt my heart race as I realized that I hadn't thought of Bill once during sex. Not that I should have considering who I had just slept with, but lately I hadn't been able to so much as masturbate without thinking of him. I had done this to help Tommy, but now that it was over, it occurred to me that it had helped me even more. It also occurred to me as I smiled at Tommy that this wouldn't be a onetime thing. Why should it be? The two of us had felt amazing together and were just what the other needed.

Rolling over, I kissed Tommy lightly on the lips. He opened his eyes and smiled up at me.

"Thank you Mom."

"Yeah," I nodded. "Just you. I suffered nobly."

He laughed and the sound made me smile.

"No really honey," I gently caressed his cheek. "Thank you, I needed that as much as you, maybe more."

Tommy nodded and sitting up he grabbed my robe and as I layed there smiling began wiping his cum from my tits.

'Oh, aren't we gentlemen." I whispered.

"My Mom told me to always be a gentleman."

"Wise woman." I laughed.

Tommy tossed the robe aside and as he did I put my arms over my head and stretched. Tommy looked at me and whispered, "You really are sexy Mom and beautiful."

"As are you my baby." I told him, then opening my arms said "Come here"

Tommy smiled and lying next to me folded into my arms. He started to lower his head to my shoulder, but I leaned forward and gave him a long deep kiss. He moaned and wrapped his arms tightly around me. We laid there quietly wrapped in each other's arms and me gently running my fingers though his hair. I could feel him relax into me and heard his breathing begin to slow down.

"Tired Honey?"

"Very, I haven't been sleeping much."

"Me either," I said in his ear, "How about a nice nap?"

"Okay." He began to pull away.

"Where you going honey?"

Tommy lifted his head to look at me.

"Well, I figured you... you know let me be with you and now you'd leave."

"You want me to?" I asked.

"Oh, no." he said

"Good." I said and reaching down, grabbed the edge of the sheet and pulling it up to our chests. "Because you feel so good honey, I just want to stay right here with you."

Tommy smiled and leaning in kissed me. We both sighed as we pressed close against each other. I could feel my nipples pressing into his chest and was aware of his cock resting against my thigh.

"Besides honey," I whispered in his ear. "How can we play again if I went in the other room?"

"Again?" Tommy asked. "I...I thought that... I mean I figured it would be once so you could help, you were saying it was...."

"Tommy," I cut him off. "Slide down a little."

He did as I asked until his head was nestled between my tits. As I started to run my nails lightly down his back, I spoke softly,

"Honey, technically I don't think we could have done anything that was more wrong, but." I swallowed as I could feel a surge of emotion well up inside of me. "I...I can't remember anything feeling so right. I loved how you looked at me and even though it was kind of dirty, I loved how much you wanted me and...." I fought back the lump in my throat. "Lying here naked and holding you? Honey I love you so much."

"I love you to Mom." He whispered and I could feel his tears on my chest.

"Then that's what we'll do baby. We'll love each other. We can't tell anyone, but no one will ever think of it. We'll be together and take care of each other in every way. How's that sound?"

"Perfect." He whispered. "Mom?"

"What baby?"

"Thank you for letting me, show you how much I love you."

Hey," I laughed softly, "That's what Mom's are for right?"

He laughed as well.

"Only good ones though remember?"

"Well then I think I'm a hell of a Mom then."

He laughed again and running my fingers up through his hair I whispered, "Go to sleep baby."

"Love you Mom."

"Love you too."

Tommy sighed into my chest and I could feel him relax even more. Within moments I knew he was asleep. I closed my eyes and smiled. As my mind began to drift off into sleep I remembered the rest of that journal entry, about the other way he wanted me. I sighed and fell asleep to the thought of waking up to my son making love to me.

The End