Mom Will Never Know

I looked up from my Criminal Investigation manual and rubbed at my tired eyes. It was only one in the afternoon, but with mid terms next week I'd had my head in the books since early this morning. I had purposely set myself up to study in the dining room so I wouldn't be tempted to web surf or fool around with anything on the computer.

I closed the book and frowned at the three notebooks next to it, debating which one to start looking through next.

"Wow, you're hitting it hard, aren't you, Mike?"

I turned around in the chair to see mom standing behind me.

"I guess so, I didn't even hear you come in the house." If I had the book would have no longer been the object of my focus.

"I know, I've been watching you for a couple of minutes." She smiled and leaning down, kissed my cheek, "Good to see you take school so seriously."

"Hey, if I want to be the best private investigator in the state I have to work hard, right?"

"True." Mom nodded, "Anything you want is worth going after." She looked more closely at me, "Your eyes are red, honey, why don't you take a break, maybe go upstairs and take a nap?"

"Nah, it's early and I have a lot to go through."

"Oh, well you're a better person than me then," Mom laughed, "Because I'm going to go take a nice hot shower and take a nap before your dad comes home."

A shower and a nap? That time! Nowhere near as hot as the nightly shows involving her and my father, but it would be a few cheap thrills seeing my mother naked.

Mom had turned away from me and walked over to the window to adjust the curtains and like I always did lately, I took the opportunity to check her out. She had just come home from the gym and the yoga pants she had on were like a second skin.

They showed off every curve of her well shaped legs and even better, hugged her sweet ass perfectly. I could see the lines of her underwear and grinned that she was wearing 'sensible' panties as opposed to what I knew she normally wore, lacy, slinky thongs.

Her tight sleeveless t-shirt had ridden up in the back and showed off the sheen of sweat on her lower back. I licked my lips, imagining my tongue following that trail of moisture down her back, over the swelling of her firm ass cheeks, before slipping though the smooth lips of her shaved pussy and sucking her clit.

I shifted in my seat as my now hard cock bent awkwardly in my pants. Mom turned away from the window and standing in front of it, reached up to remove her hair from the pony tail she had it pulled back in.

That move showed off her large breasts that were threatening to burst through the flimsy shirt and her flat stomach, that like her back, had a glistening of sweat that once again had my tongue eager to help her clean it off.

Mom shook her head, letting her long dark hair fall down her bare shoulders and seeing me looking, her full soft lips, curled into a smile, showing off her perfect teeth; everything about my mother was perfect, hell, even her damn, feet were sexy!

"What is it?" She asked

"Huh?" I blinked as I realized I had been staring.

"You're staring." She confirmed my point, while looking down at herself, "I have a hole somewhere or something?"

"Oh. no, I just," I decided to go with a little bit of truth. "You look really good, mom."

"Thank you!" She beamed at me, her big brown eyes sparkling, "It's not as easy as it used to be to stay in shape."

"You're doing a good job." I told her, thinking of how when my mother would jog down the street, any guy outside would stare at her as she went past. I winked at her, "Tough for me, though. You know having a cougar mom gets my balls busted."

"Isn't it Milf?" Mom asked, "Because I'm a mom? Cougars are usually single."

"Wow, didn't know you knew your porn, mom." I laughed.

"Your dad tells me all about it. He says I'm his hot little milf."

"Now Dad doesn't surprise me." I told her leaving out I knew for a fact just how hot dad thought mom was because the two of them fucked like damned porn stars.

I had to suppress a smile at that last thought because in a sense my parents were porn stars, they just didn't know it, but it was only for a limited audience, an audience of one, their son.

"Yeah, your father's a horn dog that's for sure." She sighed, "Usually it's the guy who can't keep up."

"TMI!" I pretended to be offended.

"Sorry, Mike" Mom shrugged, causing her large breasts to bounce in the tight shirt. "But you're twenty and so mature, sometimes I forget you're still my son and I can't talk to you like I can other adults."

"You can talk to me about anything." I told her wishing I didn't have to pretend her talking about sex was a turn off.

"That's my line." She told me. "Well, anyway, I'm heading upstairs to shower and lie down for a little while."

"Okay, old lady, get your rest." I yelped at the playful punch in the arm she gave me before she left the room to head upstairs.

I spun in my chair and watched her ass while she walked up the staircase then turning back to the table scooped up my books to take them upstairs. Suddenly laying down for awhile didn't sound bad at all.


I walked past the bathroom door and paused, listening to the hot water running and picturing my mother's magnificent body in the shower. Her skin wet, her long hair plastered to her back and the soapy water running down her tits, stomach and between her thighs.

It would look like a nice big load of cum, like some of the loads I'd seen her take from dad, like the kind of load I wish she could take from her lust crazed son.

I hurried away from the door when I heard the water stop and went into my room. I locked the door just in case dad happened to come home early for some reason or mom popped in before she went into her room.

I opened my top desk drawer and removed the monitor of the wireless Lorax surveillance camera system mom and dad had bought me for finishing my freshmen year at PC with a 4.0 GPA.

The system was perfect for home security, but also would work when following someone if you could find a way to plant a camera inside or just outside their place.

My parents figured it would be a great tool for me going into my second year of Criminal investigation and it was. But I was pretty sure they had no idea what I was currently using it for and that was to spy on their nightly sexcapades as well as any occasion like this when I could catch mom undressing.

Compared to watching their torrid sex, seeing my mother walking around her room in various stages of undress wasn't much more than a tease, but it was still fun.

It had dawned on me I had an obvious voyeur streak and looking at my career choice I could just imagine watching other people having sex while following around cheating spouses.

Then again, would anything be as hot as watching my own parents? The normal answer would be for people to ask what was wrong with me, they were my parents, and this was my mother I was watching.But most guys my age didn't have a mom this hot, and not only in her appearance, but Christ she loved to fuck and suck!

I went over to my bed and stretching out, undid my jeans and pushed them and my underwear down, releasing my fully erect cock in preparation for yet another masturbation session with my mother as inspiration.

This would be the first of two as I was sure mom and dad would be going at it tonight, after all it was a day that ended in Y. I lay back against the pillows, turned the monitor on and holding it with my free hand; watched as the screen came on split into three sections.

Each section of the screen represented a different camera hidden in my parent's room. The best one was in the heating vent and faced their bed and with its wide angled lens and zoom feature I could catch all the action that took place there.

Another was masterfully hidden in the drop ceiling, the lens next to the base of the ceiling fan and provided a great angle over the bed to see straight down.

I frowned when I saw there was no signal from the last camera. That one was wedged behind the base board and tilted up to catch action from that side of the bed.

It was a tough angle and small space and I wondered if the lens had dropped and was now seeing just the darkness inside baseboard. I'd have to check the next time no one was home, but for now, the two main ones were working just fine.

I played with the small remote in my hand, making each camera take up the entire screen to pan around the room, before settling on the one facing her bureau where I knew she would sit after coming in from the shower.

While I waited for her to come in, my free hand idly stroking my aching dick, I thought back to a couple months ago when I'd first watched my parents go at it.

The first time had been an accident. My parents had just given me the Lorax set up and wanting to test it out, I slipped one of the camera's between a couple of books on the shelf in my father's small TV room where he would watch football when mom wanted to watch her shows.

Considering the amount of dust on the books I doubted he would see the camera and even if he did, what was the big deal? All I was going to do was watch him read, watch TV or sleep. But it would be a good test of the camera's audio to see if I could hear the TV and play around with the zoom and other features.

The camera worked like a charm! I could zoom in tight on just dad's face as he sat in the chair or expand it to take in just about the entire room opposite the camera.

The sound was pretty clear as well, dad never had the TV on loud, but I could still make out the voices if I maxed the volume.

I'd sat there at my desk, smiling away, imagining when I would be doing this for a living, snooping on people to get evidence that would help whoever they were wronging.

I was getting ready to shut it off, not feeling any great urge to keep watching dad while he flipped channels during halftime, when Mom knocked then entered. I left the monitor on, eager to hear how clear their conversation was.

It was summer and mom was wearing a cute little white sundress that even I realized she looked good in, especially with her tan, and standing in front of dad, picked up his remote and shut the TV off.

"Hey, baby, how about a better half time show?"

Without another word she reach up, untied the dress from around her neck and let it hit the floor.

"Holy shit!" I'd said aloud at the fact my mother was naked beneath the dress.

It wasn't like I hadn't known she was attractive and built like a porn star, I'd been hearing since I was about thirteen how much of a cougar my mother was, but seeing her like this still caught me by surprise.

I was aware my mother wasn't small on top, but was amazed at how big they really were. Not just big, but considering she was forty three they were defying gravity pretty damn well and were perfectly round.

Her tan lines revealed she wore something pretty revealing by the pool when I wasn't home and the contrast of that white skin against her dark tan of the outer halves was hot. Hot? That had surprised me, this was my damn mother after all.

But mother or not, what a fucking body! Her big beautiful breasts were adorned with dark rose colored nipples that were erect and turned slightly upward. Her hard flat stomach looked as good as that of any of the girls my age I'd fooled around with and beneath that stomach I was shocked to see not a single hair.

Mom was completely smooth and her pussy lips, visible between her tanned. Toned thighs, were the same rosy red as her nipples. She put her arms up and after letting her long dark hair down, turned around and shook her ass playfully at dad.

Her ass was as fine as the rest of her. Like her stomach and thighs, it was tight and firm, but still had a delicious curve to it. I became aware of my heart beating faster and my cock was growing in my pants as she turned back around and once again raising her arms up began to do a sexy little shimmy for my father.

"Now this is a show!" Dad whistled as he pulled his t-shirt off and stood up in front of her.

"Uh-huh." Mom pushed him back in the chair, "You just sit back and let your own naughty little cheerleader take care of you."

"I do love that outfit." Dad laughed, "Remember when Mike found the pompoms and you made up the story you kept them from high school?"

"Hey." I had whispered, but forgot all about the pompoms when mom had begun fondling her tits.

Her long nails teased her nipples and lifting her left breast; she lowered her head and sucked her nipple. My eyes widened as I'd never seen that before even in the porn I'd watched. Mom sucked her other tit, then running her hands down her stomach, opened her legs then spread her pussy open.

"That looks good enough to eat." Dad said and mom laughed, "Well what's football without a snack." She'd then run her tongue over her lips and sinking to her knees between dad's legs said, "Speaking of."

I told myself to shut it off, but continued to watch as my mother expertly undid my father's belt, and unzipped his jeans. He raised his hips and mom pulled his jeans and underwear down past his knees.

His cock sprang into sight and recalling how every girl I'd slept with had said I was pretty well hung, I now saw where I got it from. Dad's cock was long and thick and seeing my mother wrap her slender fingers around it and slowly pump him had my own cock throbbing.

Instead of doing what I should, which was shut the monitor off and not be a sick pervert watching his parents fool around, I fiddled with the control on the monitor and zoomed in on my mother with her head in my father's lap.

She was teasing her tongue around the purple head of his cock and as he moved her hair away from her face, a move that made it even better for their unknown audience, she smiled up at him.

"Tell me what you want your naughty wife to do."

"I want my nasty little wife to suck my cock." Dad didn't hesitate, "Show me how much you love being my dirty little slut."

Hearing dad talk to mom like that both surprised me and turned me on. What turned me on more was her reaction. Opening wide, she took my father's sizable cock deep into her mouth. Dad moaned softly, but the audio picked it up perfectly, as mom opened wider and managed to work her lips all the way down her shaft.

"Damn, mom." I had whispered, my hand straying between my legs to rub my cock through my pants.

Mom shook her head rapidly back and forth, then bobbed it up and down, sliding her lips along my father's cock. Dad moaned and wrapping his fist in mom's hair pushed and pulled on it. Even with her mouth stuffed, I could hear her moan as dad used her hair to work her mouth along his now wet shaft.

The camera was so good I could make out mom's lipstick smeared on his shaft as well as the look of absolute lust in her dark eyes as she stared up at dad. She released his cock and the camera caught the long trail of precum and spit flying from her lips and hanging down her chin.

She shocked me by spitting on his dick, then slurping his cock back into her mouth. Dad held her head still and stood up and I sat there now watching my mother, naked, on her knees, blowing my father.

He put both hands on her head and she stopped moving as he thrust his hips, fucking her mouth. Mom's gagging noises and sloppy sucking sounds filled my room and unable to stop myself, I unsnapped my pants, pulled my cock out and stroked it.

Mom reached around and grabbing dad's ass; pulled him even deeper into her mouth as he continued to fuck her face. Mom's eyes were watering and there were strands of drool dripping from her chin to onto her tits.

The entire time her eyes never left his face and I couldn't believe how much she was enjoying it. Dad pulled his cock from her mouth and grabbing her shoulders, pulled her up to her feet. He put his arms around her and grabbing her by her ass lifted her off her feet.

Mom squealed delightedly as dad sucked her nipple into his mouth as he held her up. Using her hands on his shoulders, mom pushed herself higher up, then let her weight go, impaling herself on my father's cock.

She cried out and wrapped her arms around his neck as he not only continued to suck her nipple, but thrust his hips, fucking her in a standing position.

"You go dad." I'd said while stroking my cock, "Fuck her good!"

My words surprised me, but not as much as what I was watching did. I was aware my parents were both in good shape and attractive and knew they were very much in love with each other, but I had no idea they fucked like this!

Dad bent over and letting mom go, dropped her into his chair. Mom swung her legs over the arms and dropping to his knees, Dad buried his face between her thighs causing her to cry out. I stroked my cock while mom let her head fall back on the chair as she grabbed dad's hair and worked her hips, grinding her pussy in his face.

Mom closed her eyes and moaned through her parted lips and my cock twitched in my hand as I watched her take her nipples between her fingers and tease them. Dad's hand was between her legs, his arm moving back and forth as he finger fucked her.

After several minutes of mom moaning and squirming she released a loud squeal that caused me to jump, then moan myself as I stroked faster while watching her come. Mom wrapped her lags around dad's head and bucked her hips wildly as her mouth shaped into an O and her big brown eyes rolled back in her head.

Her legs went limp and standing; dad lifted her legs by her ankles and drove his cock into her.

'Oh my God." I murmured while watching my father repeatedly slam into my mother's pussy.

I used the zoom and was amazed at the porn like quality of the scene before me, my father's cock, now glistening from her juices, sliding in and out of her. Mom was yelping with each of her thrusts then said something I didn't hear.

Dad stepped back and mom stood up, turned around and kneeling on the chair, rested her arms on the top of it and putting her chin on them, pointed her ass in the air at dad. He grabbed her hips and she squealed as he slammed into her.

I was moaning softly as I watched my mother get pounded doggy style. My eyes kept going from my father's cock plundering her pussy from behind and the look of pleasure on her face each time he thrust into her.

Dad was breathing hard and mom moaned, "Cum for me, baby! Give it to me, you know where I want it!"

Dad gave her several more hard thrusts and whipping his cock out, held it. Mom turned around in the chair and grabbing his cock opened her mouth and jerked him off into it. My cock exploded in my hand while I watched a long spurt of my father's cum spray into her mouth.

Mom pushed it out with her tongue, sending it dripping down her chin before catching the next spurt in her mouth, this time she left it there and taking him in her mouth, bobbed her head as he continued to jerk himself off.

Mom moaned and gurgled and my father was gasping and moaning as well. He stopped moving his hand, but mom kept sucking and I kept jerking, blowing a huge load all over my stomach as I watched my father empty his balls into my mother's eager mouth.

With a sigh, dad slid his cock from her mouth and opening it, mom showed off the puddle of cum on her tongue, then swallowed and showed her now clean tongue.

"Good halftime show?" She asked.

"Karen, you're the hottest wife a guy could have." He laughed, "Not every man is lucky enough to have a wife who likes being a slut."

"Your slut, baby." She told him as he grabbed some tissues from the table and wiped her tits off.

"Hope Mike had his music on up there." Dad said.

"He's oblivious." Mom replied standing up and raising her arms in the air.

"Yeah all he does these days is play with that camera set up we bought him, he loves that thing."

"Yeah I do." I'd said, staring at the puddle of cum on my stomach.

I watched dad slide mom's dress back on then pull his pants up. Dad sat down in his chair and with a giggle mom sat on his lap and picking up the remote turned the game back on.

I'd shut the monitor off thinking how sick that was that I had just watched my mother and father have sex, not just sex, but raunchy nasty sex and that I should never do it again. But hot on the heels of that thought was a stronger one, what would I see if I put one in their bedroom?

What I saw a week later when I did get ballsy enough to hide the cameras in their room was enough to get me hooked. When I had to work nights I would set it to record and within minutes of getting home I would be in my bed watching the night's adventures.

Occasionally there were none, or once in a while it was slow lovemaking under the covers, but most of the time? My mother never failed to put on a show and my old man-who I now respected in a whole new way-gave it to her just the way she liked it, hot, hard and nasty.

When I was home the second mom and dad said they were tired and went upstairs, usually mom first which I now knew was to slip into something fun so they could play one of their little games, I would only wait a couple minutes before running upstairs to see the action live.

I'd lost track of how many loads I'd blown watching them fuck and had taken to playing the game of edging myself and not cumming until my father did, which wasn't easy, the guy could last!

Not that I had any interest in him or any other guy, but my father was in good shape, always hard for my mother and fucked the shit out of her and it was the same thrill as watching a female porn star get it, except this porn star was my mom.

I mind came back to the present when mom entered the bedroom and went over to her bureau. I swapped that camera over to full screen and watched her sit down. She was wearing the old shapeless black robe she's put on whenever I was home and the fact I knew what that robe concealed made even that very 'mom like' attire seem sexy in its own way.

Mom removed the towel from her hair and shaking it loose, began to blow dry it. I watched with the feeling there wouldn't be much of a show except for if she took the robe off before she slipped into bed.

But I was happy to be wrong when finished with her hair; mom stood up and removed the robe. She was naked beneath it and as always the sight of my mother's amazing body had my cock at full attention.

Mom picked up a bottle of skin cream and squirting some in her hands rubbed it over her arms. She squirted some onto her tits and I resumed stroking my cock while watching her rub the white cream into her big firm tits and imagining it was another white sticky substance.

Mom continued to work the lotion into her body, down her stomach and her outer thighs. Leaning back in the chair, she put one foot on her dresser and starting at her feet massaged it into her legs.

My heart beat faster as her hands worked the lotion into her inner thighs. She stopped and I frowned; I'd been hoping she would rub it into her pussy. Mom stood up and walked over to the bed naked and I quickly switched to the main camera facing the bed.

Normally mom would slip on a night shirt or shorts and a tank top, but this time she lay on the bed on top of the sheets naked. She cupped her tits and my cock jumped in my hand when she played with her nipples and moaned.

Her hips moved up and down and sliding her right hand down her stomach, she spread her legs wide open, giving me a great view of her always smooth pussy. She ran her fingers through her lips and began rubbing her clit.

She moaned loud enough for me to hear it and sliding her other hand down, spread her lips wide open before slipping two fingers inside her pussy.

"Damn." I breathed as she moved her hips up and down into her thrusting fingers.

Mom braced her feet on the bed and lifted her hips off of it, pumping them as if she were really getting fucked. She brought one hand back to her right breast, rolling her nipple between her finger tips.

She whimpered as if frustrated then, reaching over to the nightstand, slid the drawer open and brought out a long purple vibrator. She positioned it between her legs and sliding her fingers out replaced them with the toy, burying it all the way into her pussy, leaving just the very end of it exposed.

She turned it and even over her moan I could hear it humming. My hand moved faster over my cock as mom stroked her clit with the fingers of her right hand while using the left to fuck herself with the toy.

I didn't think this could get any sexier, but mom made it happen. Rolling over onto her stomach, she drew her knees up beneath her and reaching between her legs resumed playing with her clit and plunging the toy inside her.

"Holy fuck." I whispered, when she slid her fingers from her pussy and eased one into her ass.

Mom teased her finger around her pink rosebud several times before pushing it in and out. She worked her fingers back to her clit, wiggling her ass in the air and pushing the vibrator deeper. Her hips worked, moving her ass up and down while she held the toy still, fucking it while she played with her clit.

She was moaning louder into her pillow and each moan was ending a higher pitch. I'd been watching her long enough to know that meant she was getting close to coming and I moved my hand faster, playing the game of trying to cum when she did and wishing it was all over that incredible ass.

I jumped at the sound of a knock and releasing my cock, tried to pull my jeans up while looking up at my door. I rolled my eyes when I realized the knock had come from the monitor's crystal clear sound and was coming from mom's room.

"Hey," Dad's voice came through the speakers, "You can't wait for me?"

"Hey, baby!" Mom looked over her shoulder at him, but continued to fuck herself with the toy, her ass pointing at him as he entered the camera's range. "I figured I'd warm her up for you!"

"Next time I won't give you any notice I'm skipping work early, I'll just show up and take you."

"What's stopping you from doing that now?" Mom slid the vibrator from inside her and wiggled her ass at dad, who had already kicked his shoes off and removed his shirt.

He approached the foot of the bed and mom turned around on it and remaining on her hands and knees opened her mouth wide and wagged her tongue at him. Dad pulled his jeans down and his cock had no sooner sprung into sight then it was in my mother's eager mouth.

Dad picked up the vibrator and reaching over her shoved it back inside her. He thrust it in and out as she bobbed her head up and down his cock like it was the last time she would ever suck it. He stepped back, removing his cock from her mouth and mom started to turn back around, but he put his hand on her back to stop her.

To my increasing excitement, dad kicked his pants off and went around the bed to get on it behind her. Normally if he fucked her doggy style I could only watch from the side, or his back while he fucked her, but facing this way, I would be able to see mom's face as she got it good and hard.

That only took seconds to see as dad removed the vibrator and replaced it with his cock. Mom cried out and bucked her hips, slamming back into him as he fucked her with long hard strokes. My cock was back in my hand and I almost lost control and came when my father took the vibrator and slowly slid it into my mother's ass.

Her eyes widened and she released a high pitched whimper when he worked it in and out while still fucking her.

"Like that? Like something in both your holes?" Dad asked.

"Love it!" Mom moaned,

"Because you're a little whore." Dad gave her a slap on her ass that made her yelp.

"Your whore, baby!" Mom laughed, "Now how about you show me what you really want in my ass?"

"Thought you'd never ask." Dad with drew the toy and tossing it on the bed, slid his cock from her pussy and shoved it slowly into her ass.

In all the times I'd watched them I'd never seen mom take it in the ass and I had a good close up of her eyes widening and her mouth open as dad shoved his big cock all the way into her ass.

The squeal she emitted when he started to fuck her sent my hand speeding along my shaft as dad fucked her harder and harder. He grabbed her hair, pulling her head back and fucked her so hard she released a sound that could only be described as a howl.

The look of lust and pleasure on my mother's face as she took it in her ass coupled with the noises she was making sent me over the edge. My cock erupted, sending waves of cum spurting from the tip and landing back on my hand and stomach.

Even as my balls spilled the last of their contents, I continued to stroke it, smearing my cum into it as my eyes never left my mother's face as my father was now hammering her ass the way he did her pussy.

With her hair being pulled, mom's face was directly facing the camera in the vent she looked incredible. Her big brown eyes were bulging and her face was sweating and flushed beet red. Her mouth was open as she moaned continuously.

Her big tits were bouncing back and forth and behind her dad had smacked both her ass cheeks as red as her face. Not for the first time it dawned on me that my mother not only loved to get fucked, but roughly, god she was the hottest woman I'd ever seen! A loving mother who was a damned porn star in bed!

In the beginning I had just gotten off on watching her fuck, but after awhile my thoughts had turned to me fucking her, making her scream like my father did, watching her suck my cock and then licking her pussy, playing with and sucking those perfect tits, and fuck having her in every position.

Mom's squeals went up an octave and I swore I could hear her without the microphone from the monitor. Their room was on the first floor, mine on the second, but many times previously there had been nights I had to turn the TV or music up from their noise, but that was back before I knew how hot their sex, and my mother, was.

Dad was tearing into her so hard the bed was rocking and with a loud gasp, he whipped his cock out of her ass. Mom immediately rolled over onto her back and sliding up to straddle her, his hand tightly gripping his cock, dad leaned and came on her face.

I was so turned on, I pumped my cock furiously and with a groan blew my second load within five minutes and as a few small dribbles of cum oozed from the tip I watched my father paint my mother's face.

His cum splattered from her forehead to her chin and into her wide open mouth as he jacked off all over her. When he was done he hopped off the bed to grab a towel on the chair next to it. Mom let her head hang over the side of the bed, allowing cum to drip across her face.

She was staring straight up at the wall where the vent was, giving me a shot so perfect I would most likely make a still of it and save it to my computer along with several of their encounters I'd saved.

Dad came over and began wiping her face and with a smile, mom grabbed his cock and squeezed it, wringing a few more drops from him and catching them in her mouth.

"Damn, you're a pig." He laughed.

"That's no way to talk to the mother of your son." She replied, with a grin as he finished wiping her off.

"Your being a mother makes your being a pig even hotter." He said, sitting down on the bed next to her.

"Can't argue with that." I said aloud as I shut the monitor off and with a sigh stared at the huge mess on my cock and stomach and wishing it was on my mother's face. My dad was a lucky man.


I entered the house quietly, trying not to make any noise. I'd worked until midnight and my parents were usually in bed by ten, which meant asleep by maybe eleven with their nightly fuck fests. I crept past the door to their bedroom

I made my way upstairs and walking into my room, closed the door behind me before turning on the light. I turned around and gasped, "Holy shit!" when I saw my father sitting in my chair which he'd turned away from my desk to face the door.

"Hey, Mike." He said, casually, "How was work?"

"Um, busy." I answered nervously, "What are you doing in here this late?"

"We need to talk and without your mom around so I figured it would be easier to catch you when she's sleeping."

"Everything okay?" My first thought was the cameras after all, it's not like I was doing anything else wrong these days, my grades were good and work was fine and that was pretty much my life right now, I didn't have much time to get in trouble.

"Yeah." Dad nodded, he ran his hand through his short black hair and I noticed his blue eyes were darting around as if he were nervous as well.

Looking at my father was like looking in a mirror twenty plus years from now. There would never need to be a test to prove I was his. We had the same hair and eye color, high cheek bones, were the same height, slightly over six feet, and even sounded alike. Right now the only difference was he was more rugged than me, but I was even catching up with that over the last year or two.

"So if everything's okay, what can't wait?" I asked, taking off my lame Taco Bell visor and tossing it in the laundry before sitting down on my bed facing him.

"Might be easier to show you." Dad turned to my lap top and shook the mouse.

"What is it?" The knot was back in my stomach and I leaned forward as dad went into his e-mails and opened something up.

"It's a pretty interesting movie," he laughed, again sounding nervous, "A movie within a movie really."

Windows media came up and I held my breath as the video buffered. When it came to life, I released my breath as if someone had punched me in the stomach.

The video was shot of me on my bed. The angle was from behind me, looking over my shoulder and showed not only my cock in my hand, but the monitor in my other hand. On the screen, clear as day was my mother playing with herself, it was from yesterday.

Even as I sat there stunned, it hit me what had happened to the camera in the baseboard and looking at the angle of the movie, I turned my head and looked at the small vent just over my bed.

"Yup, those vents are great spots." Dad said from where he was watching the video, "And that camera and monitor set up was worth the money we paid." He whistled, "Look at how clear even the picture on your monitor is."

"Dad, I, uh..." I stopped, unable to come up with anything that made sense.

"Tell you what, your mother can put on a show." Dad was still glued to the video. "It's funny, I've been with her for over twenty years flesh to flesh, but seeing her on a screen? Really fucking hot!"

He shut the video off and turned in the chair to face me. He didn't look mad at all and for some reason that made me more unsettled, something was wrong here.

"Look, dad, I'm sorry, I...I don't know why I did that. It was sick and wrong and...does mom know?"

"First off," Dad actually smiled, "Calm down, you're not in trouble."

"I'm not?"

"Think about it, Mike; am I yelling and screaming and freaking out?'

"No." I narrowed my eyes, "You're really not mad?"

"Nope and your mother doesn't know, that's why we're talking."

"Oh, I appreciate it, dad." I nodded, "I'll stop. I'll never do it again, promise."

"Why not?"

"What?" Okay, had I eaten one too many burritos and this was weird dream?

"It's hot, Mike." He put his hands out, "Your mother is one hell of a woman and watching people have sex? That's pretty hot itself."

"You don't care your son watched you?" I asked.

"You don't seem to care you're watching your mother suck and fuck, do you?" he frowned, "Um., wait. It is your mother you're watching right, not me?"

"Of course not! Why the hell would you turn me on?" I exclaimed so vehemently he laughed, "Jeez okay, no need to hurt my feelings."

"Sorry." I shrugged, "But you know, its weird."

"But you like watching your mother with me though?"

"Dad, are you drunk?" I blurted out; he had to be because this was getting Twilight zone weird that he was talking about it like this.

"Not at all, but I am excited."

"Excited?" I repeated, "I'm lost, dad. I think I'd have an easier time if you broke my cameras and grounded me for six months."

"Right, because that would be the normal reaction." He agreed, "But normal kids wouldn't want to watch their mother have sex now would they? Let alone set up a damn surveillance kit to do it."

"Touche'" I said weakly.

"Mike, this was tough for me to do. I found your cameras three weeks ago and it took me this long to approach you."

I sat there open mouthed at what he just said, "Wait, you found them three weeks ago?"

"Yup, the cold weather's around the corner so when I was home one Saturday while you were working and mom was out I decided to go around and check all the vents to make sure they were clean and clear."

"Three weeks." I said again as what that meant was slowly dawning on me.

"Right." He grinned, "And how many times have your mother and I had sex in that time? Not only sex, but things like the schoolgirl outfit and naughty secretary and yesterday?" he smiled, "I asked her to do that, told her I was on my way home and to let me catch her playing with herself."

"So you knew and it," My eyes widened, "It turned you on?"

"It did." He sighed, "I know it sounds crazy, but seeing as how you're being pretty bizarre yourself I thought we could help each other out."

"How?" I asked, "You want me to keep watching?"

"You can do that." He nodded, "But I want to watch too."

"What do you want to do, come in my room and watch mom play with herself?"

"I want to come in here and watch alright, but not her with a toy."

"Then what do you want to watch?" I was confused.

Taking a deep breath, dad looked me in the eye, "Mike, I want to watch you fuck your mother."

***** "What did you just say?" I shook my head, as if trying to clear my ears, because I could not have heard what I thought I did.

"You heard me right." Dad told me, "I want to watch you fuck mom."

"But she's my mother." I was caught red handed watching, but didn't have to admit that.

"Mike, you really going to tell me you've been watching her for weeks and haven't thought of her?"

"No, I..." I stopped when he put his hand up.

"Again, does it look like there's a problem here? Mike I've let you keep watching us, I showed you I know and I just told you I want you to do this, stop acting like you don't want her." "This a trick?" I asked suspiciously, "You just being cool to get me to say that then lay in on me?"

"Okay." Dad nodded, "I'm not telling you enough. Like I said, I'm nervous with this too."

"Still not sure what this is." I admitted, "Shouldn't you just be grounding me and sending me to therapy?"

"No, because I would have to go too." He laughed.

"Okay, here's the thing, Mike. You've seen more than enough to know your mom and I have a great sex life. We love fucking, we love to role play, she likes to play dress up, likes it rough...pretty much anything two people can do we have done it and at this point you've seen it."

"I've seen a lot, that's for sure." I risked a small grin that dad returned.

"That's because once I found out you were watching I really stepped it up. The school girl outfit, the time I hand cuffed her, our cougar club role play, I had you in mind for all of them. Fucking her ass earlier today was the one thing you hadn't seen yet."

"I can't believe she likes it."

"She loves it. She loves it all and I love giving it to her."

"So if you guys are happy with everything what's up with what you said you wanted?"

"Your mom and I are exhibitionists. We love people to watch. Now here, we have to be careful. We have careers and a son and we can't risk doing anything freaky. But when we travel?"

Dad sat back in my chair and smiled, "When we go away for weekends or on cruises? Your mother will dress like a total slut, mini skirt with no panties and she will flash her ass and pussy all over the place."

"Wow." I whistled.

"We have sex in front of open windows, we'll fuck in the car where people can see." He leaned forward and lowered his voice as if someone could hear us. "Couple times we even let a guy watch us."

"Goddamn, dad."

"Yeah they would sit in the corner and watch us fuck, tell mom what to do. Last year we found a couple like us and we took turns fucking in front of each other, so fucking hot."

"Now this is father son bonding." I laughed.

"But there's something else." He began, "A long time ago I got to where I didn't just want other guys to see how hot your mother was, but to experience her."

"You mean you....swapped?" I asked incredulously

"No." Dad answered quickly. "First I don't want another woman; I want to watch another man with her. We talked about it and she said if it really turned me on she would do it, because anything that gets me hot gets her hot, but..."

He spread his arms out and sighed.

"Real life isn't porn stories and it has risks. The question is who? A stranger? Lot of risk, disease, they could be a nut job. Friends? Sure we would know them, but that's the problem, they know us and we wanted it secret. But traveling put us back in the risk of a stranger so it's always stayed a fantasy." He pointed to me

"Until now. You're going to fulfill my fantasy. You're going to have sex with your mother while I sit here and watch just like you've been doing and I'm going to keep the video."

"You're serious?" I took a moment to think about it, he seemed serious.

He certainly wasn't mad and the more I heard about my mother the hotter she became to me. To think she would be with another man to make my father happy was a huge turn on. To think my father wanted her to was as well. And he was right, I did want her, wanted her bad.

"Um, okay." I spoke slowly, trying to figure it out. "I guess I don't have to be afraid to admit I've thought about mom, like you said how could I not?"

"See there you go." Dad looked thrilled, "So we can do this."

"But," I put my hand up, "What about mom? She knows this? She's okay with fucking me?" Please say yes.

"Well," Dad frowned and hesitated, dashing my hopes. "She doesn't know. She doesn't know you've been watching and I never talked to her about this because, well I guess it's obvious."

"Because I'm her son." I shrugged, "Then I don't see how this is going to happen."

"She's not going to know it's you."

"Excuse me?" I blinked, "How wouldn't she?"

"I've been thinking about this. It's more my fantasy than hers anyway, right?"

"If you say so."

"So my thought was what if I could arrange it without her knowing?" he went on excitedly, "You've seen we love to play games, so one night I tie her hands to the bed, blindfold her, then let you come in and take over."


"Yes! Think about it, Mike. You get to do whatever you want with your mother, I get to watch it's a win for both of us and mom will never know!"

"Seems really sleazy." I pointed out because it was, touching mom when she had no idea it was me. On the other hand just picturing her laying there, her hands bound, unable to see me had my cock twitching even with my father sitting right in front of me.

"And watching her without her knowing and jerking off to her isn't?" he asked, "You're already way into sleazy, Mike. So why not go all the way and we both get what we want."

"But that's really unfair to mom." I tried to stick to what was right.

"Mom will never know, Mike. How could she? She'll be blindfolded, I'll be the person to do it then you slip in and take over. You sound enough like me that if you whisper she won't know the difference and you just don't say much."

"And just do whatever I want?"

"She'll tell you what she wants, trust me, she's not shy. Do what you want, but keep in mind when she asks for something I always do it."

"And if she says take the blindfold off?" I voiced the obvious issue to the plan.

"I'll be here listening. As soon as she asks, which I doubt by the way, I'll hurry down there so all you have to do is stall for a couple of minutes."

"I don't know." That was a lie; I knew what I wanted, but what if she did find out.

As if reading my mind dad asked, "So is your only problem mom finding out?"

"Yeah." I answered, "I guess I'm an ass because if I knew for sure she never would, I think I'd do it."

"She won't, Mike. Think about it, I'm running as big of a risk as you. You can't do this without me so we would both be in deep shit, me probably worse. So for me to be sure, trust me, I'm sure. That's why the game is her hands being tied so she can't take it off herself."

"She won't care? She's okay without seeing?"

"Come on, you've seen her, she's into everything. We've done it before, but not recently. She says she gets wet the second the blindfold goes on, she loves being helpless."

I sat there waffling, it was wrong, but a chance to be with my mother. To touch her at will, to feel her and be inside her to taste her, to make her cum and mom wouldn't ever know.

"This is your chance, Mike. A chance to get to do what very few sons ever do, experience their mother as a lover."

"Most sons don't want to."

"And most fathers would kick their ass if they did want to. You and I are in the same twisted fantasy world, Mike and we can both have it." He winked, "And from what I saw in the video of you spanking it? Let's say you take after me enough that she wouldn't notice that either."

"Thanks for noticing." I muttered.

"She won't be as helpless as you think. We've done it before; she'll tell you when she wants something." He gave me a sly smile, "Bet she asks you to put it in her mouth."

"You think?" My mind filled with the image of my cock sliding in and out of her perfect lips.

"I know so, she loves to give head and she loves doing it when she's tied. She'll want you to fuck her mouth. You going to turn that down, Mike?"

"Um...when were you thinking of doing it?"

"Tomorrow night. It's Friday and we usually play something kinky on Friday."

"I work."

"Exactly." Dad clapped his hands, "So she won't even think you're home."

"I won't be."

"You will be, you'll call that girl you said is always looking for hours and ask her to take your shift." He winked, "You said she's cute, she'll owe you a favor, maybe you can get a date out of it."

"Cindy, cover for me while I fuck my mom." I said it with a straight face, then burst out laughing.

"See? How could she suspect something when she thinks you're not in the house?"

"Right, but..."

"I waited a long time for this chance, Mike, but I'm not going to wait any longer." He told me. "So right now, yes or no?"


"Going once." Dad stood up, "Going twice." He began walking towards my bedroom door. "Going..."

"Okay!" I blurted out, "I'll call Cindy in the morning."

"That's my boy!" Dad laughed and clapped me hard on the shoulder, "Mike, you and I are in for the treat of a lifetime tomorrow night."

"Yeah, but mom not so much." I said, still thinking this was wrong to do to her.

"Well then you'll just have to make it a treat for her too." He smiled down at me, "Time for you to do for her, what she's always done for you."

"What's that?"

"Anything she wants."

***** I sat on my bed, nervously watching the monitor. At some point this morning, dad had replaced the camera he had removed from the baseboard and all three angles were working. Right now I was staring at their bed.

It was bare except for a black rope hanging from the middle rung of the headboard and a strip of black cloth on the pillow. I was nervous, but also excited and looking at the screen, I thought of the role reversal about to take place. My father up here sitting at my desk watching me have sex with his wife, my mother.

It was going to be awkward knowing dad was watching, but he'd known I was and it hadn't bothered him. But then again that stuff got him going and he was fucking a woman he was supposed to be fucking, not his mother and with her unaware.

I tried not to think how sleazy this was and focus on the simple fact I was getting what I'd been dreaming of and could look at it that I was helping dad out as well. Plus at this stage it would be hard to back out.

Cindy had jumped at the chance to work a few extra hours and dad had been dead on, she had giggled and said she owed me a big favor. She'd been flirting with me for months now, so who knew? Maybe I would get a date out of this.

To keep up appearances, I'd donned by Taco Bell uniform and left the house at six, only to park down the street and slip in through the back door while dad had mom distracted by asking her to help him go through some junk in the basement for their annual yard sale.

I'd changed back into just a pair of jeans and after trying to force myself to study for a little while saw it was almost eight o'clock. Dad had said he was going to talk mom into an early night and be ready for eight. It was ten past now and I was wondering if something went wrong.

I jumped at the sound of their door and saw mom come in, grab something, from her bureau and then move out of sight. I didn't switch cameras, I would be seeing all she had shortly and this time in much, much closer.

My phone vibrated on the bed next to me and I saw a text from dad.

"Come down now and wait in the hall, I'll be out when I'm ready."

As soon as I read the text dad entered their bedroom and walked over to the bed. Picking up the tie attached to the headboard, he said something I couldn't make out and beckoned mom with his finger. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and pushing myself off the bed, and quickly left my room before I could change my mind.

I was barefoot, but still took the stairs slowly, careful to avoid the one with the creak that had given me away more than once when I'd snuck in late from dates a few times. When I reached the bedroom door, I noticed dad had left it open a couple inches so mom wouldn't hear it open and close.

I could see the glow of candlelight peeking through the doorway and stood there rocking from one foot to the other. A sense of the surreal came over me, was I really going to do this? Was I really going to have my way with my mother as she thought I was dad?

My heart skipped a beat when I heard mom say, "Come on, baby, touch me, don't tease!"

I flinched when Dad pulled the door open, and putting his finger to his lips, stepped out into the hall with me closing the door most of the way behind him.

"Okay, I'm heading upstairs to watch," he winked, "I've given you some good shows, now it's your turn."

I nodded nervously and he must have noticed because he put his hand on my shoulder and leaning close so he could whisper said,

"Just relax, she'll never know the difference. Like I said, she will tell you if she wants something, so do as you feel and as she tells you and it will be fine. Night of a lifetime kid, make good on it."

"But what if, uh, I can't?" I asked softly.

Dad shrugged, "Then you're losing out, but if you really think you can't, just look up at the vent camera and wave at me and we'll switch." He winked, "Trust me, Mike, you won't have a problem, once you touch her, you won't be able to think of anything, but doing more of it."

I started to speak, but he shook his head and turning his back hurried down the hallway. Turning to the door, I took the plunge and entered the room. Dad had set up enough candles to bath the entire bedroom in its soft glow and I'm sure mom thought that was for effect, when in reality, he wanted to be sure the cameras could pick up the action.

Now that I knew he had known I was watching it made a lot of sense he either left the lights on or used candles when he and mom fucked. That thought-and any other that might have been on its heels, was quickly forgotten when my eyes fell on my mother.

Mom was stretched out on the bed with her hands over her head, her wrists bound with what looked like the tie to her robe. The other end was tied around the middle rung of the brass headboard and there was enough play for her to move a little, to be rolled over for instance was my first thought.

Her legs were free and completely bare up to the hips where the black thong she was wearing tied over them. Part of me had expected her to be naked, but in addition to the thong Mom had on short black top that was laced up the middle.

The top left her flat stomach bare and as my eyes worked up and down her scantily clad body, I noted the thong and lingerie top could both be untied, dad had left me a sexy set up to strip her. Mom's long hair was down and fanned across the pillows and across her eyes was a dark strip of black material.

Her full lips were painted a deep red and were currently parted as she breathed heavily through them. Her breasts rose and fell and my cock stiffened as I noted her equally stiff nipples poking through the black lace.

"Come on, Paul, what are you waiting for?" Her words were released in a frustrated breathy moan that further encouraged the swelling between my legs.

I carefully slipped my shoes off, wondering why I had even worn them and remained silent as I approached the bed, my cock now fully hard and straining to be free of my jeans.

"You want me to beg, baby? Is that it?" Mom released a long whimper and arching her back off the bed, thrust her hips, "Please touch me! Please? I'm all yours! Touch me, take me, use me!"

Use her? Holy shit. Less than two minutes in the room and my father was already being proved right as her appearance and words were rapidly overwhelming my hesitation about this.

"Oh, I get it, the silent treatment." Mom sighed, "Or did you actually leave me alone, you jerk?"

Reaching out, my fingers trembling I placed my hand on the top of mom's foot and lightly caressed it.

"There you are." She smiled, "Hmm, you're shaking, this game really has you excited doesn't it?"

I risked an "Hmm-mmm" of agreement and continued stroking the soft skin of the top of her foot. I trailed my fingers beneath it and she jerked her foot and giggled when I tickled her. Lifting her leg by her ankles I rubbed her foot with my other hand, taking in her red toe nails and lowering my head I kissed the top of her foot.

"I like that." She breathed as I ran my lips along the length of her foot before flicking my tongue across the tips of her toes.

"Oh, that's new." She then moaned, when on a whim, I sucked her toes into my mouth. "Hmm, you getting a foot fetish?"

Crap, dad wouldn't have done that. I did have a bit of a thing for feet, but he didn't. Still, she didn't mind and seeing he was watching he could say he wanted to try it. But for right now it wasn't so much about liking feet, but more about touching her in a fairly safe place and gaining confidence as she responded to me.

I trailed my fingers up the length of her leg, marveling at how soft and smooth her skin was. When I reached her inner thigh she lifted her hips in anticipation of my touching her pussy. I paused with my fingers on her upper thigh, inches away from the black lace between her legs.

I looked down at her face, noting the small smile there as she awaited my touch. I lost my nerve for the moment and sliding my hand past her pussy caressed her stomach.

"Tease!" She moaned, as my hand made its way to the bottom of her lacy top. "You're really going to take your time aren't you?"

"Hmm-mm." I agreed and removed my shirt.

Feeling a little self conscious that my father was watching, I unsnapped my jeans and when I unzipped them mom purred, "Love that sound, you getting ready to take me, baby?"

Take her. I could, she was right here all wrapped up like a gift for me, but as I kicked my shoes off and eased my boxers down, I wasn't sure if I could. My cock however, was pretty damned convinced, standing at full attention and dripping as I sat on the edge of the bed next to my bound blindfolded mother.

I tentatively put my hand over her right breast and she sighed as I fondled it through the silky material. Her hard nipple pressed into my palm and giving her tit a gentle squeeze I was amazed at how soft, yet firm it was even beneath the lingerie.

I caught just her nipple between my fingers and mom's breath released sharply as I rolled it between them.

"Kiss me." Mom whispered, "Seeing you want to go slow, how about a nice kiss from my secret lover."

Secret lover? I felt a moment of panic, then realized to her this was another of their games. As if reading my thoughts mom confirmed them;

"What are you waiting for stranger?" She asked, "I'm here all tied and helpless for you. Don't be shy, take what you came here for." She paused to push her lips into a pout before saying, "Now how about you start with these lips?"

Those lips, I glanced back down between her thighs and my cock twitched, what the hell was I waiting for? Dad was right, she didn't know, she wouldn't know, the only way she would is if I kept acting like a nervous kid instead of being confident like dad would.

Leaning over, I placed my hands on either side of her and lowering my head, placed my lips to hers. Mom kissed me softly, her lips, sliding teasingly across mine and a moan escaped me at the feeling. Mom kissed me again, more firmly this time and I returned it with more passion than I'd intended to.

Mom sighed as I excitedly pressed my lips against hers and returned my kiss with equal fervor. Her tongue darted into my mouth and I released another soft sound of pleasure as it caressed mine. I tried to stay quiet, I doubt my father would be getting this excited over a simple kiss, then again maybe she would think it was part of the act.

My hand found her breast again and this time I was much firmer in how I fondled her. Mom moaned and feeling more confident, I let my lips wander from hers and down the side of her neck. I lingered on the soft skin there, enjoying the scent of her raspberry body lotion and the way she moaned softly as I kissed her.

My lips trailed down her chest and I forced myself to go slowly, to tease her with my lips even as I teased myself. I slid up on the bed so I was now kneeling next to her and I groaned when my aching cock rubbed against her bare leg.

"You're dripping!" She ran her tongue across her red lips, "I can't wait to taste it!"

I couldn't wait for that either and the fact that the only was it wouldn't happen is if I backed out caused the last of my inhibitions to fade away. Dad was right, this was the chance of a lifetime and with that blindfold and her unable to remove it there was no way she would know.

My hips rocked, sliding my oozing cock along her soft leg as my lips worked to the side and kissed the exposed top of her right breast. I sucked gently on her firm warm skin and her breathing became heavier as I trailed my tongue along the edge of the lace covering the rest of her breast.

I was so hard I felt like I was ready to pop, but kept going slow. Dad would go slow and tease her, he wouldn't just go at it. But knowing in the end I was going to get everything I wanted made it easier and the way she was moaning and squirming as I took my time made delaying my really enjoying her worth it.

I moved my head to kiss and suck on the top of her other breast before leaning up and taking the up the end of the black string began to untie her top from the bottom up. My fingers were still trembling as I untied the series of small bows between her breasts, but it was now from pure excitement rather than nerves.