Mom Will Never Know b


When I reached the last one, mom was so excited her breasts were rising and falling beneath the lace and my own breath was held while I slowly lifted the sides of the top and pulled them away, exposing her breasts.

It wasn't like I hadn't seen my mother's tits dozens of times while watching her alone and with my father, but seeing them in person was far different. Mom's tits were even bigger than I'd expected and when I cupped them in my hands I was amazed at how heavy they were.

"Oh, yes." Mom sighed as I brushed my thumbs across her swollen rose colored nipples.

The tan lines made her tits look even better and I knelt there as if under a spell as I fondled my mother's breasts, as if part of me still didn't believe I was doing it. I rubbed her nipples harder and mom moaned and writhed on the bed, her feet sliding on the sheet as she bent then straightened her legs and her hips rocking.

I lowered my head and with my heart pounding, flicked my tongue across her nipple. Mom gasped, then arching her back, shoved her tit into my face. I lost control and taking her nipple between my lips eagerly sucked on it.

"Yes, baby, yes." Mom purred, "Suck it, suck that tit!"

Her talking dirty sounded a lot better in person as well and spurred on, I moved to her other breast swirling my tongue around her hard nub, while squeezing the other between my fingers. Mom was moaning and continued to squirm beneath me as I began going back and forth, taking turns sucking and licking one nipple while stroking the other.

I glanced down to watch her thrust her hips in the air and wondered what I was waiting for? Still licking her left breast, I turned my head enough to watch as I pulled the string on her right hip, untying the thong.

I untied the other side and with a quick yank, pulled it from her. Mom gasped, but immediately thrust her hips in the air. I continued to lick her nipples while staring at her bare pussy between her tan, supple thighs.

Still playing with her left breast while sucking the right, I slid my free hand down her stomach and felt her tense beneath me and my fingers stopped just over her mound. I worked them back and forth, teasing myself, but more importantly, causing her to wiggle her hips and whine in frustration.

Unable to hold back any longer, I slipped my hand between her thighs and groaned at how just wet she was.

"That feels so good." Mom sighed, as my fingers pushed between her moist lips and slid up and down.

She groaned when I found her swollen clit and whimpered when I rubbed my fingers in a slow circle around it. Pushing them back through her lips I eased two of them inside her, moaning at how tight and warm she was. Her hips rocked, pushing my fingers deeper and when I pressed my thumb to her clit, she released a long drawn out moan that caused me to rub my cock harder into her now wet leg.

"That's the spot, baby." She whispered, "Just like that, rub that clit and finger me, make me cum for you!"

I pushed my fingers in and out, while rubbing her clit harder than I had before and resumed sucking her nipple and playing with the other. Mom's moans and whimpers, and the way she worked her hips in time with my fingers told me I was doing a good job with her and I wondered if my father was impressed with what he was seeing.

At this point I was so turned on even the thought I had an audience didn't cause me any second thoughts. All I was focused on right now was how good mom's pussy felt around my fingers and how fairly soon it would be her son's cock filling her hot, wet, flesh.

The fact it was her son's fingers making her squirm right now should bother me as she didn't know, but now that I was doing it, I was turned on and all she knew was she was feeling really good and thought it was dad.

I worked my fingers faster and her hips matched my pace, thrusting even harder into them. Mom moaned each time they were buried inside her and her breathing in between was becoming faster and louder.

I pressed harder on her clit and rubbed it faster while squeezing her nipple harder and gasped, "Oh, just like that! Oh, keep going, baby! Please don't stop!"

She lifted her ass off the bed, pushing my fingers even deeper and arched her back, pushing her nipple further into my mouth. I shifted my eyes to her face, watching her lips shape into a soundless O as her hands grabbed the rung of the headboard and squeezed it.

"Oh..oh..." She moaned, "Oh, right there, just a little more, I..."

I jumped when she threw her head back and squealed as her pussy contracted around my fingers and her hips bucked wildly into my fingers. She clamped her legs shut, crossing them at the ankles and pinning my hand between her thighs as she writhed in pleasure.

I kept everything moving, my fingers and thumb as well as my tongue on her nipple and fingers twisting the other. Mom released several loud high pitched noises as her pussy convulsed around my fingers and I could just imagine that around my cock.

With a long shuddering moan, mom's legs went limp and she sighed, "Oh, I needed that."

I removed my fingers and immediately sucked on them, my eyes rolling back at the taste of my mother's pussy. My cock was so hard it was becoming painful and at this point my plan was to slide between her legs and fuck her.

That was until mom had a better idea, at least for now.

"Bring that dripping cock up here." She said softly, parting her lips and wagging her pink tongue at me, "I want to taste it!"

As bad as I wanted to fuck her, the thought of her sucking my cock caused me to put that thought on hold. Mom turned her head and opening her mouth, squirmed on the bed, "Come on, baby, you know how much I love your cock in my mouth!"

I slid up the bed so I was kneeling by her head and grabbing my cock, guided the tip to her lips. I groaned when her tongue flicked across it, but instead of sucking it, she turned her head, sliding my oozing tip across her cheek.

"Wipe it on my face." She told me, "Get your dirty girl all sticky."

My dirty girl. Even though she thought I was dad, it still sounded damn good. Holding my cock at the base, I pushed it into her cheek, groaning as my sensitive head slid against her soft skin. I left a trail of sticky pre cum along her cheek and as I did. Mom moaned and wiggled on the bed, she really was turned on by me doing this to her!

I pushed my cock against her lips and when she opened her mouth I forced myself to pull back from her. She smiled, then pressing her lips together, lifted her head, offering her mouth to me. I rubbed my cock in circles over her lips, smearing her lipstick on the tip and making them as sticky as her face.

I moaned loudly when mom surprised me by opening wide and my cock entered into her mouth.

"Hmm" She moaned as she bobbed her head as much as she could, sliding her soft lips down my hard shaft and further engulfing me into her hot wet mouth.

I held back another moan when she pushed her head forward and managed to take my cock all the way down. She slid her tongue around the base of my shaft before slipping it out across my balls.

I lost the battle and moaned again when she shook her head back and forth then proceeded to bob her head in a steady rhythm. I remained on my knees, my right hand fondling her breast as she blew me.

I watched her red lips slide along my now glistening shaft and thought of my father watching. I had taught him how to zoom in and out and imagined he was watching his wife devour her son's cock pretty closely.

Again the thought turned me on and recalling watching him and realizing I should be acting like my father, I grabbed the back of her head, wrapping her long hair around my hand and pushing her mouth further down my cock.

She moaned her appreciation and pushing back against my hand, removed my cock from her mouth, long enough to whisper, "That's it, baby, feed it to me, fuck my face with that big cock."

She licked her lips and opening wide, wagged her tongue at me. With a boldness that surprised me, I not so gently shoved my cock deep into her mouth and holding her head still, thrust my hips.

Mom groaned and made a wet gurgling sound as her son's cock, that she thought was her husband's, was repeatedly fed to her. I couldn't help moaning softly as I knelt there fucking my mother's amazing mouth.

She was keeping her tongue pressed to my shaft and her lips were wrapped tightly around me. I noticed red smears of her lipstick on my wet cock and that caused me to fuck her even faster. I'd seen my father do this to her many times and knew she could handle it and began shoving my cock so deep into her mouth my balls were hitting her chin.

Mom was making those gagging sounds that had thrilled me so much listening from my room, but now were so much more exciting. Each time I withdrew my cock there were thick strands of spit and precum trailing from it and it was dripping down her chin and neck as I continued my assault on her mouth.

Mom turned her head in my hand and pulling it back, releases my cock with a wet sound and a spray of sticky slobber.

"Straddle me." She gasped, "Fuck my tits and my face, fuck my mouth until you come all over my slutty face!" She was breathing hard, her face flushed and her words were spoken in that husky lust filled voice that had been music to my ears the nights I'd jerked off to her fucking my father, "Come on, baby, stop holding back!"

This was holding back? Not that I should be surprised having watched them. Dad had said she wouldn't be shy about what she wanted and he'd added he always listened to her so on that note I happily took one for the team!

Swinging my leg over her stomach, I straddled her between my thighs and sliding up, grabbed her big firm tits and pressed them around my cock. I was slick enough that when I moved my hips I easily glided through her soft flesh and I moaned as my balls slid across her chest.

Mom leaned her head forward, and began flicking her tongue causing me to gasp each time my cock emerged from between her tits and she licked it. I moved up further so the head of my cock would slide between her lips and every thrust now ended with her sucking hard on it.

"Harder!" Mom moaned, "All the way in my mouth, take it, make me take it!"

Grabbing the headboard, I lifted my knees off the bed and drove my cock into her mouth. Mom squealed around it and squirmed beneath me, her arms pulling against the headboard as if she were struggling.

But her lips and tongue eagerly worked my cock as her willing mouth opened wide for her son's plunging cock. I was moaning louder as I fucked my mother's mouth as hard as I had ever fucked a girl, period.

I knew her little squeals and sounds of protest were an act, as was her bucking beneath me. Mom and dad played rough at times and I had no doubt she loved it. Totally caught up in the game now I removed my cock from her mouth and shoved my balls into it.

Mom moaned and I emitted a whimper of pleasure as with no hesitation, she swirled her tongue around the, before sucking them into her mouth. I held onto the headboard tightly, groaning in pleasure as my bathed my balls with her tongue.

Even in the throes of pleasure a smile crept across my face as I wondered what dad would think of this move. My cock was twitching and so hard it hurt and as good as it felt having my balls worked by my mother's talented tongue, I couldn't hold back anymore, I needed to come.

I slid my cock back into her mouth and resumed fucking her face. Mom whimpered around me, driving me to thrust even faster and I noticed trails of tears from her watering yes leaking out from beneath the blindfold.

Her cheeks and chin were covered in sticky slobber and her face was now beet red, but she was now moving her head forward into my thrusts, taking my cock even deeper and her hips were bucking beneath me, telling me how much she was loving it.

My balls tightened and my hips moved faster, but with no rhythm as I my impending orgasm caused me to lose control. I moaned as my cock twitched and I fought to hold back long enough to enjoy more of my mother's mouth.

I gasped when I couldn't hold back any more and sitting back, pulled my cock from mom's mouth and with a long loud groan, I jerked it off, sending a long stream of come onto my mother's face.

She moaned then part of the first spurt landed in her mouth and onto her waiting tongue. The rest splattered on her cheek and onto the blindfold. I moaned continuously while pumping my cock and coating my mother's face with a huge load.

Mom whimpered and moaned beneath me as my come splashed onto her cheeks and chin, more went into her mouth, but she pushed it out with her tongue, smearing it onto her lips. When I had nothing left, I decided to give my father even more of a show and pushing the tip of my cock into the puddle of cum on her chin, I eased it back into her mouth.

"Umm!" Mom groaned as she eagerly sucked the tip of my cock clean, causing me to whimper as her tongue worked the now overly sensitive tip of my cock.

I pulled my cock from her mouth and still straddling her looked down at her come covered face. Mom was smiling through the sticky white cum and it was sliding down her cheeks and onto her neck as well as the pillow.

The blindfold was streaked with it and as good as it looked, what was even hotter was the way mom was flicking her tongue out and licking her lips, gathering up as much cum as she could. Her chest was heaving and she was still bucking her hips beneath me.

My still hard cock was just over her tits and a couple of drops of cum oozed out to land on her hard left nipple. When it did, mom whimpered and that soft sound of pleasure, along with the sight of her face covered in my cum and the fact I was still hard as a rock sent me over the edge.

I slid down the bed and grabbing her ankles, lifted her legs high in the air, spread them open and buried my cock inside her. Mom cried out in surprise and I moaned at the sensation of being inside my mother's hot, wet and very tight pussy.

"Fuck yeah!" Mom cried out as I began moving my hips, fucking her with long hard strokes, "Oh, honey, you must love this game! You're still so hard!"

I was damn hard and making good use of it. I put her feet on my shoulders and leaned over, putting my hands on the bed on either side of her. That bent her legs back to where her feet were over her head and mom cried out as I tore into her.

"Fuck, fuck, oh fuck!" Mom called out repeatedly as I hammered away at her now sopping pussy as if she were just some slut from a frat party and not my mother.

But she was loving it! Moaning and yelping as I pounded her helpless pussy. I stared down into her face, still admiring the cum remaining on her cheeks and the way her mouth was wide open as her son fucked the shit out of her.

"God, that's so fucking deep! Harder!"

Harder? I did the best I could, drawing my cock further out before plunging back in. My balls were slapping against her ass and the headboard was hitting the wall as I cut loose, using all the strength in my hips. Mom's cries became higher in pitch and she pulled against the headboard, struggling against her bonds.

"Oh, I need to cum again, baby! Untie me so I can play with my clit for you!"

I ignored her request and instead, sat back, wrapped my arm around her legs and lifted her ass off the bed. I continued to fuck her, but now with short hard strokes and she squealed in delight at the new angle.

Even as my cock continued to plunder her pussy and she squealed and writhed under the relentless assault of her son's lust, part of me couldn't believe this was happening. My mother bound and blindfolded, crying out in pleasure while thinking it was her husband fucking her. Meanwhile, it was me, fucking her after having already taken her mouth and by her request coming all over her face.

To top it off, my father in my room, most likely jerking off while watching his son fuck his wife just as that son had gotten off many times to watching him. The whole experience smacked of a sex crazed, kinky erotic story rather than reality, but here I was.

And I had no complaints about where I was, that was for damn sure. All my misgivings had quickly fallen away within minutes just as my father knew they would. Maybe I would feel guilty later, but right now all I knew was I fucking my mother like a porn star and she was laying there with her son's cum all over her face and begging for more.

Having just come I was fucking away with no sign of needing to again and was feeling pretty damn proud of myself as smiled down at my mother, my gaze now focused on her huge tits bouncing around as I slammed into her.

"That feels so fucking good!" She moaned, "But I need to come again!"

I looked down between my legs, taking in the unforgettable sight of my cock plunging into my mother's smooth pink pussy. I'd set the camera's to record this-with dad's permission-and was sure I would be watching it endlessly after this, but nothing was ever going to match actually experiencing her.

On the heels of that thought was that this was my one time with my mother and whatever I had fantasized about I better do it now. Releasing her legs, I slid from inside her and straightening my legs out beneath me, lay on my stomach between her legs and buried my face in her pussy.

"Yes!" Mom squealed as I plunged my tongue inside her sopping slit, "There you go, lick that pussy!"

I swirled my tongue inside her, my eyes rolling back at the taste of her juices and the scent of her pussy pressed into my face. I worked my tongue in and out, fucking her with it and mom groaned and placing her feet on my shoulders; bucked her hips, shoving her hot flesh into my rigid tongue.

I worked my way from inside her and up through her moist lips, enjoying the way she squirmed and tried to push her clit onto my tongue. I kept moving it, teasing her and causing her to whimper in frustration. That whimper turned into a moan when I replaced my tongue with two fingers, thrusting them hard into her.

"Oh, baby, please lick me!" She pleaded, causing my cock to twitch into the bed beneath me. "I want to cum so you can fuck me some more!"

Knowing this would be my one shot, I really wanted to take my time exploring her pussy with my tongue, but knew dad always gave her what she wanted when she begged like this. Besides it certainly wasn't a bad thing to be able to get your mother off quick, now was it? After all as soon as she came I'd be back inside her incredible pussy, fucking her as hard as before.

I pressed my tongue to her clit and moved it in fast circles, making her moan and curl her toes into my shoulders. She whimpered when I added a third finger inside her and pumped them fast and hard. I'd been fucking the shit out of her and she'd loved that so I had no fears of being too rough with my fingers.

To confirm that thought she groaned, "Hmm, you know just how I like it, don't you? Put the other one in!"

I added my pinky, now fucking her with all four fingers as I switched to sucking her swollen clit. Mom worked her hips in time with my fingers, moving them not just up and down, but in circles, helping my lips and tongue work her clit.

"Ohh, I want to play with my nipples! Untie me!"

Crap! I hesitated, then simply grunted "Uh-uh" and resumed sucking her clit.

"Oh, please!" She whimpered, pushing her feet into my shoulders and lifting her ass off the bed.

I ignored her and continued finger fucking her while going back to licking her pussy, flicking my tongue up and down, then side to side across her clit. Mom moaned and whimpered and closing her legs, pressed her thighs around my head. I could feel them trembling against my cheeks as she ground her wet pussy into my face.

"Ohh," She moaned, "I'm so close!"

Reaching up with my free hand, I caught her nipple between my fingers and she moaned as I rolled it between them. She was pushing against my shoulders hard enough, I had to lean forward to avoid being pushed away from her and pressing my tongue tightly to her clit moved it as fast as I could.

"Right there!" Mom whined, "Oh, a little more, honey, oh, please!"

Recalling what dad did to her I pinched her nipple as hard as I dared and gave it a sharp twist.

"Oh fuck!" Mom cried out and clamping her thighs more tightly around my head, went off like a rocket.

She howled long and loud as her pussy contracted around my fingers and clit quivered beneath my tongue. Her hips bucked wildly, but with my face trapped against her pussy, it was easy to keep my tongue working and driving her to further heights of pleasure.

As mom released a series of high pitched squeals and yelps, my hips were moving as well, grinding my still hard cock into the bed in anticipation of replacing my fingers in her hot little box.

That moment was drawing closer as mom's hips slowed down and her moans and whimpers softened. I continued to lick and finger her, keeping her coming as long and hard as possible. But the second her feet slid from my shoulders and her thighs released their hold on me, I slid back to my knees and plunged inside her.

Mom squealed and I moaned as my cock was engulfed by her still quivering pussy. Holding her ankles I opened her legs and as I had before went to town, hammering away at her.

"Oh my god!" Mom cried out, "Oh, fuck honey! You're fucking me so hard!" She paused and released a series of yelps as I pushed her legs back again before resuming my attack on her pussy.

"Roll me over!" She demanded, "Put my ass in the air and really take me!"

I didn't need to be told twice. Pulling out of her, I wrenched her legs to the side and with a surprised yelp, mom was flipped over onto her stomach. She grunted as her hands pulled against the headboard, but quickly drew her knees up under her, putting her ass in the air.

I took a few seconds to admire the view, taking in her flawless ass and her glistening pussy between her thighs before grabbing her hips and driving into her with on long hard thrust.

"Fuck me!" Mom howled, turning her head to look over her shoulder, despite the fact she couldn't see, "Take that pussy! Show me whose pussy it is!"

I did the best I could to oblige her, squeezing her hips hard and tearing into her. My balls were slapping against her and she was so wet my thighs were covered in her in her juices. My cock was dripping from her and I could hear it plunging into her now sloppy pussy.

Again knowing this was my one chance, and that mom never minded some rough play, I grabbed her long hair and twisting it around my hand pulled on it, yanking her head back as I fucked her. Mom cried out, but her hips rocked back, now meeting my hard pumps and yelping each time I drove my cock into her.

I gave her ass several hard slaps and she emitted a sharp squeal at each one, but her pussy also contracted when I did it showing me how much she loved it. I was breathing hard and had to shake my head to clear the sweat from dripping into my eyes.

Mom was sweating as well, her smooth, well toned back coated with it. Her hair was damp to the touch and her face was flushed with passion as well as glistening from a light sheen of moisture. I found myself wishing I could see her eyes, see them wide and glazed over with lust as they always were for my father. But that was no big deal compared to what I was seeing which was everything else.

I let mom's hair go and grabbing her shoulders with my hands, pushed her down onto the bed and resting my hands on her shoulder blades, pinned her there. Mom pushed her legs out so she was now on her stomach and my cock was driving straight down inside her. Mom was squealing beneath me as I pushed down on her causing her to bounce up and down on the bed and into my plunging cock. Her mouth was wide open, a continuous wail coming from her as I fucked her harder than I had imagined I could. I wasn't even sure where I'd seen this move before, but she was loving every hard thrust and so was I.

The bed was rocking and I looked up to see mom had gripped the headboard so hard her knuckles were white. Something moved out of the corner of my eye and turning my head I saw us reflected in the long mirror over her bureau. The sight was incredible, my mother splayed out beneath me, her arms tied to the bed, helpless as I hammered away at her. The vent was right over the mirror and it hit me that this was the exact few my father was getting.

I focused on my cock plundering her pussy, sliding between her thighs and ass cheeks to reappear so wet I could see how slick it was even in the mirror and the dim lighting. Seeing myself fuck my mother sent me over the edge. With a loud gasp I gave her several more savage thrusts and whipping my cock out sent a long jet of cum across her ass and onto her lower back. Holding my cock, tightly to hold back the rest of my load, I stood on the bed and then let it go, spraying my load across my mother's upper back.

Some of it struck her cheek and went into her dark hair and even as I pumped my cock furiously, I grinned at the memory of mom yelling at dad for getting cum in her hair before, oops, oh well!

"That hot cum feels so good!" Mom moaned, "God, that's a big load!" She added as I kept pumping it, my balls emptying their contents, all over her smooth back. "You been taking those herbal things?"

I had to hold back a laugh at that one and lowering myself over her, I decided to really take advantage of my last minutes with her and stepping off the bed, leaned over it and pushed my still dripping cock into her mouth.

I moaned when she eagerly sucked on it, bobbing her head as much as she could and sucking hard on it, getting every remaining drop from her son's now spent cock. She smacked her lips on the tip, then with a sigh, smiled, "Baby, you fucked this girl silly tonight, now how about you wipe me off and untie me?"

I glanced up at the vent and waved at it, hoping dad was watching and not whacking. I looked around and grabbing a towel from the top of their hamper wiped cum from mom's back.

"My hands, honey, my shoulders are sore." She giggled, "Someone fucked me really hard."

Come on, dad, I thought as I reached down and grabbing my jeans, stepped into them.

"Oh, going to keep me like this?" She asked, "You better be able to fuck me again then."

Mom seemed to be looking right at me as she spoke and my stomach fluttered, but there was no way she could see me, if she could this would have been over a long time ago.

"If you're not going to untie me, how about a kiss at least?"

She pushed her full lips into an inviting pucker and leaning over I kissed her. Unlike last time which had been a forceful passionate kiss, my mother surprised me with a soft, sweet kiss that I found myself enjoying more than the other one.

"Hmm, thanks for the great ride, baby." She purred, "Maybe we can do this again sometime, would you like that?"

"Hmm-mm" I grunted, then flinched when I realized dad was standing on the other side of the bed.

He put his fingers to his lips and motioned for me to head for the door. I moved as quietly as possible around the bed and as he passed me to take my place, he gave me a huge smile and a thumb up.

I made my way from the room and when I turned back to look before pulling the door closed and saw Dad leaning over mom, untying her hands. I left the door open a couple inches to avoid making any noise and crept upstairs to my room.

I went over to the monitor and saw dad had left a note on it.

"What a fucking show, Mike! You're a chip off the old block! You made your mom scream so loud I was getting jealous! Before you watch what you did-and I know you will before you go to sleep-put it back on!"

Sitting back, I turned the camera back on and shook my head. My father was straddling my mother as I had been and fucking her mouth. I watched, my tired cock twitching slightly, but too tired to fully rise, as my father slowly worked his cock in and out of her mouth.

He pulled back and as I had done lifted her legs and began fucking her as hard as I had.

"Oh, baby, I don't know what got into you, but I love it!" Mom cried, "You're so fucking hard, again!"

I smiled and watched as my father rolled my mother over and pounded her doggy style for awhile before she sat up and as he lay on his back, she straddled him and rode him. My cock did manage to swell when dad began rubbing her clit as she slowly rode him, while playing with her nipples.

She came for him, squealing and bucking her hips, riding him hard and fast, until he released a long moan. Mom hopped off and grabbing his cock pumped it while holding it against her tits.

"Wow!" She exclaimed as my father's huge load coated her tits, "Honey, what the hell did you eat today? Seriously, that's your third huge load tonight!"

"As good as my inspiration!" Dad laughed, then groaned as she took him into her mouth, sucking him dry as she had done to me.

"Then I have to find out what I did to be so inspiring." Mom replied, grabbing the towel, I'd used and now using it to wipe off her tits.

I wondered what she's think if she knew that towel was now covered in both her husband and son's come as her body had been then that thought off as I now did feel a little bad about what we'd done.

But not bad enough that after I shut the camera off, I didn't immediately go to the monitor and hit play on tonight's encounter. I watched myself on the bed, untying my mother's top and sucking on her tits.

Putting the monitor down on the bed, I continued to watch as I pushed my jeans down, grabbed my cock and as tired as I was stroked it hard and kept going until I blew a small load to the site of me fucking my bound mother.

Shutting it off, I stared at the small puddle on my stomach and the few drips along my shaft and thought it wasn't much, but it would be the first of countless loads I'd be blowing to the tape. Shutting my lamp off, I slid under the covers and closing my eyes, smiled. Dad had been so right, we'd both gotten what we wanted and mom would never know.


I awoke to a soft knock on the door and groaned when I saw it was only seven. I had no classes or work today, why the hell did one of my parents feel the need to wake me up?

"Come in." I called groggily.

The door opened and my father, dressed in slacks, a white shirt and tie slipped in, closing the door behind him.

"Hey, Mike." He came over to the bed, where I had slid up to a sitting position against the headboard.

"Dad." I nodded, then couldn't help smiling, "Thanks for the best idea ever."

"Thanks for the best show ever!" He laughed and clapped me on the shoulder, "Years of fantasies fulfilled and even hotter with it being you." He sighed, "I took a chance having sex with her, I never get it up that many times that quick anymore, but damn I had to have her."

"She kept saying you were surprising her, you'll have to tell her it was those herbs." I winked.

"Hey, I'll try what I can to keep up with that little minx."

"Well, if you need any help." I grinned, "You could always say how much you liked the blindfold game."

"Don't think I haven't thought about it, but we'll wait awhile."

"Really?" I asked, excitedly, "Maybe again?"

"Mike, that was too hot not to do again and end of the day your mom got a great night out of it." He laughed, "And I get full credit!"

"But we need to wait?"

"I'd say so, we don't usually do the same game twice so soon and that's the first time she's agreed to being bound and blindfolded and she'd need both because she would have taken it off last night."


"So what was it like, fucking your mom?" He asked, "You didn't look upset that was for sure."

"It was hot." I told him, "But it was still a little sleazy, it would be hotter if she knew it was me and okay with it."

"You're a good kid, Mike." Dad said, "With your father's sleazy streak. Tell you a little confession, I watch incest vids all the time. Mom son stuff does it for me, so I got a little more out of it than I let on."

"Wow." I whistled, "You are a perv."

"Me? Who was watching his mom's homemade porn?"

"Ouch." I laughed.

"So if you want to something tells me, we might works something out again, but be patient, okay?"

"Sure," I nodded, "You working all day?"

"Nah, just until noon." He gave me an odd smile, "You working tonight?"

"No, why?"

"Just asking, maybe we'll all do something tonight, you know some family time."

"Okay." I nodded and as he got up and left the room I chuckled softly at the thought last night took family bonding to a whole new level.

***** "Morning, honey." Mom spoke up behind me.

I looked up from my notebook I had open on the kitchen table in front of me and turned to look at her.

"Hey, mom, how's..."

I trailed off when I saw what she was wearing. It was a red robe that I'd only seen her in on camera in her room before. The robe was so short there was no way she could bend over in it without flashing her ass and the edges were trimmed in black lace.

It wasn't anything she'd wear around the house, let alone in front of me. In addition to its inappropriate length, it was loosely tied, showing off the inner half of her breasts. Mom's hair was down and tousled and she was barefoot.

It looked as if she had just rolled out of bed and more than that, with last night's make up still smeared around her eyes, she had that freshly fucked look, I knew so well from now not just the tapes, but in person.

"How's what?" She asked, walking over to where I was sitting.

"How's uh, how are you this morning?"

"Good." She shrugged "Little sore though," She winked, "Long hard night last night."

"TMI!" I told her, putting my hands over my ears even though I wanted to smile.

"Really?" She raised her eyebrows, "I thought you'd like to know how much I enjoyed last night."

My heart skipped a beat. Did she know? No, how could she?

Mom walked past me over to the counter and as she filled the coffee pot with water, my eyes widened at the sight of the cheeks of her ass peeking out from beneath the robe, Christ, it didn't even look like she was wearing anything under it.

Mom put the coffee on, then walking back over to where I sat, said, "Turn your chair around."

"Huh?" I looked at her, confused.

"Turn around so you're facing me."

I did as she asked, turning the chair sideways so I was no longer facing the table, but her where she now stood in front of me.

"Something wrong mom?" I asked nervously.

"Not at all." She smiled, "In fact, I'm in a pretty damn good mood." She sighed, "Always am after getting a good hard fucking."

"Yeah." I nodded slowly, "You know, I think I'm going to go upstairs and..."

"Oh, what's that?" Mom asked and turning to the side bent over to pick something up.

The back of her robe rose, showing off not only her bare ass, but her pussy peeking out at me from between those amazing thighs. What the hell was going on? Mom straightened and when she turned around, my stomach felt as if someone had kicked it.

She was holding the blindfold.

"Hmm, I didn't drop this, guess you must have. Here you go."

Mom handed it to me and when I didn't take it, she dropped it in my lap.

"W...what's this?" I stammered.

"A souvenir from last night." She said, her dark eyes locked on mine, "Maybe you can use it to jerk off with when you watch your little tapes."

The tapes. She'd found the camera and knew I spied, but she didn't know it was me.

"Mom, I...I'm sorry."

"Really?" She frowned, "That's too bad because I'm not."

"What do you mean?"

Mom laughed, "Mike, put that blindfold on for me, just hold it across your eyes."

My hand trembling, I did as she said, using both hands to pull it across my eyes.

"Oh my God," I whispered, the blindfold wasn't solid, it was some type of mesh and I could see her clearly through it.

"I said that a few times last night I recall." She laughed again and pulling the blindfold away from me tossed it on the table.

" knew it was me." I stated the obvious.

"I did, Mike, after all it was my idea."

"What? But I thought dad, I mean" I finished for lack of anything else to say.

"Your dad and I found that camera together, Mike." She stepped up between my legs and putting her hands on my shoulders looked down at me as she spoke.

"Your father told you a good portion of the truth the other night, but not all of it. He told you how we love people to watch us and how he wanted to see another man fuck me."

"Right." I said softly as even with this crazy turn of events my eyes were locked onto her partially revealed breasts less than a foot from my face.

"All true, and he told me this morning he was going to fess up to liking mother son videos."

"You knew he was going to talk to me this morning?"

"I know everything, we worked it out together. See what he didn't tell you is that I would know. Did you really think your father would let you do that to me without me knowing?"

"I did though." I said glumly, "Guess I'm an ass because I thought you didn't know."

"No, it just showed you wanted me, which we already knew. We checked your room after the cameras, found how many times you recorded us, how much you watched me even get undressed."

"The other thing dad left out is I like those videos to, they get me hot, the thought of a son fucking their mother, but I would have never approached you, it wouldn't have been right and dad would have never brought it up either."

She surprised me, by turning to the side and sitting on my lap. Putting her arm around my neck she whispered in my ear.

"But knowing you were watching? Mike that made us so hot we had to fuck right then and there, right on the damn floor." She giggled, "We fucked in your bed after watching the tapes you had."

"Holy shit." I said softly.

Her hot breath in my ear and knowing she was naked beneath the robe and her bare ass on my thigh had my cock swelling, never mind what she was saying.

"So we decided to make all of our fantasies come true, but seeing you were spying on us we felt we owed you one, so played you a little bit, letting you think I didn't know and now watching you squirm a little." She sighed, "I should have acted mad to really make you squirm, but baby?"

"You fucked me so good last night and made me come so hard, I had to get right to it."

"You wanted me?" I asked, smiling.

"I wanted to rip your clothes off and fuck you the night you came home when we had found the camera's, but we wanted to make it a game, plus your dad wanted to watch you with me first and I let him have his fantasy while you had yours. I got mine too, but had to pretend."

"You did a good job." I said, my eyes fixed on her chest.

Seeing me looking, mom grabbed the robe and pulled it to the side, revealing her left tit, her nipple as hard as my cock felt. Taking my hand she put it over her breast and I gently fondled it as she spoke.

"Hmm, that's nice." She purred, "Mike, this is going to be so hot, we're going to play all the time, me and your dad, you and me, maybe all three of us at the same time."

"Then why didn't dad say anything?" I asked then groaned as she slid off my lap.

Mom untied her robe and letting it fall to the floor stood there naked in front of me.

"Because dad wanted to string it along, he was going to have you do it again with the blindfold one more time, then we were both going to talk to you."

"But I can't wait, Mike." To prove that point she sank to her knees between my legs and unsnapping my jeans, pulled my zipper down.

"It was so hard last night to hold back. I wanted to say things like how does your cock look in mommy's mouth and tell you how good my son's cock tasted and felt. I wanted to scream at you to fuck your mother, but I couldn't."

"Oh, man that's hot." I whispered as she tugged on my jeans. I lifted my hips, letting her tug them and my underwear down,

"Hmm, look at how hard you are for your mother." She grabbed my cock and pumped it slowly, "I wanted to say that so bad, last night. I'm going to be saying it a lot this morning."

"Anytime." I moaned as she kissed the tip of my cock and smiled through her now pre cum smeared lips.

"But we're not supposed to, the plan was one more time, but I got to thinking." Mom stroked my cock faster and reaching down, I cupped her tits and fondled them.

"You were one up on us watching us all that time without us knowing. Then your dad gets all his fantasies last night. I got mine, but had to hold back and I'm supposed to again, but it seems you guys got it how you wanted it and I'm supposed to wait?"

She took me into her mouth and we both moaned as she bobbed her head several times, before releasing me with a wet sucking sound.

"Hmm, no way I'm waiting so this is my game. Dad thinks nothing will happen between us until he's there to watch, well I'm going to have my fun right now."

She took me back into her mouth and this time she was looking me in the eye as she sucked me. That was far more of a turn on than the blindfold, that and knowing she knew exactly who she as sucking and she had wanted me all along.

"So this morning is our morning." Mom stood up and swinging her leg over my hip, grabbed my cock and slowly lowered herself onto it.

We both moaned as she let her weight go, impaling herself on my cock. She pushed her right tit in my face and moaned as I sucked her nipple into my mouth. Mom sighed as she slowly road me while turning side to side, letting me suck each of her breasts.

She lifted higher, and sliding her legs up so she was now kneeling on my thighs rode me harder.

"That's it baby, just sit back and let mommy fuck you!' She laughed, "God I wanted to say that last night!"

"Say it twice as much now." I told her as I wrapped my arms around her slender waist and pulled her against me as she rocked her hips, working my cock with her incredible pussy.

"I will, Mike, I'll tell my son just how much his mother enjoys his cock and how she wants him to lick her pussy again and how she wants her son's cum in her mouth. We're going to have one hell of a morning, baby. Especially when my son fucks his mother in the shower."

"Damn." I moaned, "But, uh, what about dad? He thinks I don't know you know."

"And we won't tell him, we'll play again with the blindfold and pretend." Hopping off my lap, she bent over the table and wiggled her ass at me.

I quickly took her up on her invitation, grabbing her hips and sliding my cock inside her welcoming heat.

"That's it baby," Mom smiled at me as she looked back over her shoulder, "You go ahead and fuck your mother and don't worry about dad," She winked, "He'll never know."