Mom's All Tied up on Valentine's!


God I was horny! I stared up at the red light urging it to change so I could get home and get off.

I looked over at the red heart shaped box from Fantasy Zone and just thinking of its contents caused me to squirm in my seat. I was so damn wet my panties were sticking to my over heated pussy.

My hand was resting on my thigh and sliding it under the hem of my sundress, I rubbed my pussy and moaned. Goddamn tonight was going to be the hottest Valentine's day ever!

Finally, the good hard fucking I'd needed for months, the one we both needed! I glanced at the clock on the dash, it was five and Dan's flight was due in at seven.

I'd wanted to kill him for agreeing to go on a trip that wouldn't have him home on Valentine's Day. After arguing, he agreed to come home that night which was the best he could do.

Still not ideal, but my laying into him and making him feel guilty had gotten him to cave to what I wanted as a gift which was to celebrate this year with lust over love.

His boss had left his car at the airport and was going to give Dan a ride home and when he arrived he would find a note telling him to come upstairs to the bedroom where he would find his wife, just how he admitted he had always wanted her, helpless for him.

I jumped at the sound of a horn behind me and floored it, tearing through the intersection. I removed my hand my pussy before I got in an accident, but couldn't resist bringing my fingers to my face and sniffing them.

Unfortunately my fingers smelling like my pussy had been a daily occurrence the last few months and far too common the couple of years leading up to those months.

I looked at the box again and smiled; if all went the way I hoped tonight would be a great start to only masturbating when Dan had to travel.

My smile faltered as my mind strayed to what had led to tonight being such a big deal. Starting a couple of years ago, our sex life, after twenty pretty good years, started to falter.

Dan had moved up in the company and was not only traveling a couple of times a month, but working longer hours.

Still that shouldn't have cut us down that much. We'd been a two or three times a week couple and those nights were usually enjoyable times and not quickies.

But Dan kept complaining of being tired, and then it was stress, excuse at all, just coming to bed and going to sleep.

On my part I realized at forty eight, and five years older than me, Dan wasn't a kid anymore and did everything I could to spice things up; new lingerie, trying to introduce toys into our sex life, buying porn videos and even suggested role playing.

Dan had taken offense to all of it. The lingerie was for 'young girls' porn was for 'horny guys who never got laid' the toys became, 'What? I'm not enough, is this what you do all day?" and the role playing led to a nasty argument where he asked if I wanted another man so bad I wanted him to pretend to be someone else?

Each argument led to less intimacy and I was getting more and more sexually frustrated. I loved Dan; he was good looking, a good provider, treated me with respect and was sweet and caring.

In general he was a good catch, a loving husband and great father and role model for our son Kyle. But as of a couple of years ago had seemed to decide sex was of very little interest to him.

It had gotten to a point I had gnawing doubts he was cheating, but anytime he said he was working late and I called he was there in his office. Dan was always where he said he was going to be and when. Even when he traveled anytime I called he would answer and he was always with a co worker.

I guiltily admitted to myself I was a bitch for thinking that of him, but it just seemed like there had to be more than he suddenly had gotten bored or tired of sex.

I considered myself an attractive woman. As a dance instructor I was in excellent shape and took yoga twice a week.

I kept my dark curly hair long the way Dan liked it and although I didn't dress in a slutty manner, I did dress fun. It was mid July and I always wore cute sun dresses or playful skirts and tops.

Some women had remarked I dressed like a coed, but noted I pulled it off because I was happy go lucky and always quick to laugh and smile.

I took good care in every way, weekly manicures and pedicures to keep my nails sexy and my skin nice and soft. Dan had always said his favorite parts of me were my legs and ass, hence the short fun skirts and when not in a dress I favored shorts that were admittedly a little too tight, but I wanted to show off for him.

Seemed I was showing off for the guys I worked with or walked past on the street, because I noticed many guys checking me out. It was flattering and made me feel attractive, especially when it was guys Kyle's age checking me out.

It was a hot thought to think they saw me as a sexy milf, but fact was Dan was the only guy I wanted to notice me and all I had been getting was some poorly veiled, 'act your age' remarks.

The last thought put a damper on my mood. Not so much the act my age comments, but the younger guys looking at me. I had become increasingly aware of a certain young man looking at me in ways he shouldn't be.

Worse, I had discovered some other things that if I dwelled on them, told me he wasn't just looking, but thinking about things best not thought of.

"One problem at a time, Monica" I whispered; get things straight with Dan first and be in a better frame of mind to deal with what might be nothing, but could be something, a big something.

I pushed my thoughts back to Dan. If we stayed off the topic of our lack luster sex life everything was fine and I let that go for awhile until I'd had enough before his last trip and really got upset to the point of tears.

Dan had stuck to he was getting 'past' wanting sex that much and it wasn't me. I wasn't giving up that easy and had told him I was trying everything I could think of and asked what he wanted.

As soon as I said it he had gotten an odd look on his face telling me had thought of something and I pressed him tell me anything I could do that would be a fun fantasy for him, I would do anything he wanted.

After some more tears-a little contrived at that point- to push him to talk- Dan finally admitted there was a time he had rape fantasies, specifically finding a woman tied to the bed and just taking her.

Between the idea of the fantasy which I found hot because it would be my husband taking me and the fact it was something that would inspire him to give me a good fucking, I instantly told him we could do it.

He had looked surprised and even more so when I suggested that seeing Valentine's Day was right around the corner why not make it special? We could make sure Kyle stayed at a friend's go out to dinner and then come home he could live his long time fantasy with me.

That's when the trip had come up and I'd lost it on him. The fact he didn't even consider Valentine's important any more upset me as much as anything else.

Just because we were married and in our forties didn't mean we were dead and that we were beyond acting like a young loving and lusty couple.

Dan appeased me by changing the flight to come home that night, which was Friday and mentioned that because he was just getting back he would have the entire weekend off.

We could take a rain check on a late dinner and just have fun Friday night, then we could go for a nice breakfast or lunch on Saturday, celebrate all weekend. He added that the fact it was a week away would be fun because it would give him time to think about it and build up the excitement.

Now that was what I was talking about! We had sex that night, but it was only a few minutes of missionary followed by me making him let me get on my knees for my favorite, but he barely lasted a minute that way.

I was let down, but let it slide, it was the first sex we'd had in two weeks and I had the promise of something I could use to get him going. The box next to me was a gift set titled, 'prisoner of love' and contained two pairs of handcuffs.

They were authentic looking stainless steel; one pair had a key, the others were safety cuffs that featured buttons for the person in them to release them.

I figured the pair with the key for the thrill of him having to unlock me, those I planned to cuff to the rung on our metal headboard, the second pair I figured I would...

The phone rang, startling me and I smiled when I saw it was Dan and thumbed the wheel to accept the call.

"Happy Valentine's, sexy!" I chirped into the speaker. "You ready to come see your bad girl?"

"Um, yeah." He said with less enthusiasm than I was hoping for. "Getting ready to board in a few minutes so wanted to call and tell you, I love you."

"I love you too!" I giggled, "But it won't be love you'll be showing me later will it?"

"I always love you." He answered.

"I'm playing honey!" I told him while rolling my eyes, "You said you wanted to take me, well you're not going to be saying I love you while you have your way with me."

"Right, it's a game though."

"Of course it is! But I'm going to play it right for you." I smiled, "Want a preview?" I began to whimper and moan,

"Oh, oh, please! Please don't! It's so big! Oh, please don't make me suck it, oh, no I don't want it! Stop making me!"

I blinked at my own enthusiasm and a fresh wave of moisture flowed through my already sopping pussy.

"Wow." Dan whispered through the phone.

"That's better!" I laughed, "All that and more, baby. Just think how good that will sound while you're fucking me and I'm helpless and you're spanking me!"

"I don't want to hurt you, Monica."

"You won't be." I was trying not to take a tone. Jeez, he could suck the fun out of anything these days, "Its fantasy."

"I get that and sorry if I'm not going to talk like a horned out teen ager on the phone."

Heaven forbid I thought, but said, "I don't expect you to, after all this is your night, honey, I'll just be your good little bad girl and make it special for you."

"Well we have to wait."

"Why?" I almost pulled the car over thinking I'd go off on him if he cancelled this.

"I'll be home by seven thirty and Kyle doesn't go to bed until..."

"Kyle is going over John's house for the weekend and he's working on Sunday." I told him with a smug grin as I'd had the foresight to cut off the excuse of what if our son hears us.

"That's a good coincidence," He remarked.

"No, I told him we wanted the house to ourselves."


"Dan, he's twenty, not ten, he knows we have sex and he gets we would like some time alone."

"Still, besides not like we couldn't with him home, just wait until later."

"We cannot do this with him home because I am going to be loud and we are going to cut loose." I said evenly "And it's going to be right when you come home, I'll be waiting for you."

"Glad to hear I have a say in my idea." He retorted.

I was losing patience and was going to snap at him, but he switched gears.

"Tell you what, Monica, I wish Kyle was going somewhere besides Johns." He sighed over the speakers, "Kid hasn't gone out with a girl since Cindy and that was what, six months ago?"

"Yeah, about that." I liked the new conversation even less than the argument the other was heading for; it was part of a problem I was doing my best to tell myself wasn't one.

"What's up with him? He's a good looking kid, he's smart, he's got a great personality, he used to always either have a girlfriend or a date."

"I know." I answered softly, "I asked him and he just shrugs and says there's no one he's interested in."

"Right," Dan laughed, "He's nineteen; girls who breathe are interesting at that age. Christ, I walked around with a permanent hard on, back then."

"Oohh" I purred, "Let's turn back the clock, baby."

"Is everything about sex with you, Monica?" he asked, "Jesus, you're in fucking overdrive the last few months, you going through the change or something?"

"No, Dan, its called frustration. I've always been this into sex, and you were to, at least a lot more than now. Maybe if you get back to taking care of me, I won't turn everything into a dirty remark." Shit, I should have just kept keeping things light.

"Again with this." He sighed, "Monica I'm just..."

"Not interested? Maybe it's a father son thing?"


"Don't take that tone." I was on a roll now. "Dan, I do everything I can to be desirable for you, everything! I can't imagine another guy who turns his wife down when she whispers in his ear she wants to suck his cock, or wants to watch porn or gets in the shower with you."

"Yeah, you know that? You been asking guys if you can suck their cock?"

His words stung me and I drove in silence, stunned that he would say that. I thought he had hung up, but he said softly.

"Honey, I'm sorry, that was a terrible thing to say. I know you're a good woman and I know I'm the only man for you, and you've always been my best girl, my only girl."

"Your only girl needs you." I said quietly. "Danny, you love me. I know it, I feel it. You're affectionate, we hold hands, you say sweet things, we cuddle on the couch, but...honey sex is a big deal I need to get laid."

"I know, I need to work on that."

"I'll work on it for you, if you'll let me."

"We made love the other night," he reminded me.

"I don't want to make love!" I snapped, "I want to fuck! I want to enjoy you and be enjoyed!"

"You don't enjoy..."

"I love making love to you, its sweet. But, Dan we're not senior citizens, I want to have hot nasty sex sometimes! I want to suck your cock until you cum in my mouth! I want to wrap my legs around your head and cum in your face and I want you to fuck me! Hard! On my knees, against the wall, in the shower!"

"Goddamn." He sounded shocked

"And I want you to do that! I don't think about other men, I want you! I love that you love me, but I want to be your goddamn whore too!"

"That's an interesting way to put it."

"Interesting? Christ, Dan, most guys would be hard hearing their wives talk like that and..."

"I am."

" are?"

"I'm not dead, Monica." He laughed, "That"

"Well you can come home and get all the wow you want, honey!" I told him, feeling better. "I'm so glad you told me about your fantasy."

"It's embarrassing."

"No, it's not! I'm going to make you very happy you told me!"

"Okay, well I have to run to make the plane." He said, "When you get home, ask Kyle again, what the hell is up with him, it's a Friday night, he should be going out with someone, not hanging out playing video games with a friend."

"I think you should have that talk Dan." Fact was part of me dreaded the answer I would get if I really pushed Kyle on the subject. "More a guy thing."

"You're right; I just figured well," he laughed, "Kyle's a little bit of a mama's boy, most guys his age aren't as close to their mom as he is with you. Hey, gotta go."

"Love you, Dan."

"Love you too!"

"Hurry home for your bad girl wife, she'll be waiting."

"Be there as soon as I can."

He ended the call and I slouched back into the driver's seat. That was a roller coaster conversation. I shouldn't have pushed, but it seemed to work out.

But for tonight I needed to relax, do my part and let it happen. I needed everything I told him I needed. Just hot nasty sex, I didn't want to be a wife and a mom, tonight I wanted to be a slut.

Dan needed to know that and take me in the way he said he secretly desired. Tonight needed to be hot, but worrying wouldn't help. I patted the box next to me which also contained a fun little outfit to be 'trapped' in.

There was more than that though. The other issue, one Dan had no clue about, had reared its head in the conversation. Kyle. Dan only knew our son, who had never had an issue being without a girl, had seemed to decide he didn't want to be bothered.

But I suspected more than that. Over the last couple of months I'd put enough things together to come to the conclusion it wasn't that Kyle had lost interest in girls, but was focused on one in particular. Normally that wouldn't be an issue.

Young men routinely developed crushes on women and would ignore all others during that time. But in most cases the woman the young man was obsessed with wasn't his mother.


By the time I reached home I was back in the sexy mood I'd been in all day. I pushed all thoughts of Dan's hesitation with his fantasy out of my mind and focused on it going as hot as I wanted it to.

As for Kyle? That would be an issue for another day and I would see what he had to say to his father before I pressed further, maybe I was wrong.

I got out of the car carrying the heart shaped box by its handle and as I walked across the lawn to the house noticed Roger, our next door neighbor with a friend, gawking at me from beneath the hood of his car. I turned and waved at them, letting them know I'd caught them.

They awkwardly waved back and I turned back to the door and walked slowly, putting some extra swing in my hips for my admiring audience. I smiled at the image of flipping the short dress up to show off my panties and really giving them a show.

Instead I thought of the show Dan would get, walking into the room to see my tight little ass in the air in the hot new thong in the kit. I was heating up again and even the sight of my recently painted, blue nails on the door handle got me hot.

The bright blue was Dan's favorite and my toes matched. I envisioned them on Dan's shoulders, while I lay on my back, tied and helpless. God, it was going to be an effort not to get off before he came home! I could play in the shower, but I wanted to come quick and nice and hard for him the first time.

I entered the house and stopping in the living room, put my hand on the arm of the chair and leaning over, slipped my sandals off. They were new and the straps were too tight. Had I not just had my toes painted and was worried about smearing them, I would have driven bare foot. I lifted my leg to scratch at the red line on my foot and swore when I dropped my keys.

I bent over and grinned at the feeling of the dress riding up my ass. The dress was short even by my standards, but I had wanted to feel sexy all day. Had I dropped the key in public I would have had to crouch to pick them up, but here being unladylike was just fine. I lifted my head as I began to straighten and saw Kyle in the mirror over the mantle.

He was sitting on the couch and wasn't supposed to be home in the first place. What disturbed me was he hadn't said anything and was staring directly at my ass.

I had no doubt he was getting a good view of my skimpy red panties beneath the dress and my stomach tightened as I remained still, watching him stare.

There was no doubt what he was looking at, his eyes were focused on my rear and he was making no effort to announce his presence. I stood up and without turning said, "What are you looking at, Kyle?"

I saw his eyes widen in the mirror and his face flushed in embarrassment. My stomach experienced another twinge as that removed any doubt. My son had been staring at my ass.

I turned and walked over to him, carefully smoothing my dress in the front, trying to pull it as far down my thighs as I could. Had I known Kyle would see me, I would have never worn anything this short.

"I asked you a question." I said softly. "What were you looking at?"

"Oh, um...just you." He gave me a nervous smile, "I like your dress."

"My dress."

I stopped in front of him and kept my eyes on his, watching to see if they would stay on my face or try to look at my chest. The dress was as low in the front as it was high in the back and revealed more cleavage than usual.

Kyle's eyes, the same beautiful shade of deep blue as Dan's, stayed on mine, and then quickly darted downward. I cleared my throat and gave him the classic line usually reserved for guys with wandering eyes.

"My face is up here." I emphasized my words by crossing my arms over my chest.

His blush deepened and he looked into my eyes this time.

"Oh, sorry, just looking at the dress, is it new?"

"You know, honey, not many boys know their mothers wardrobe that well."

"I guess I pay attention," he looked away evasively, but added, "You look nice in red."

"Thank you." I nodded and wondered if I should push it.

How would I? Just come out and ask 'why were you staring at my ass?' I hesitated just as I had been hesitating for the last few weeks. I needed to confront him and couldn't. Or I needed to tell Dan and let him handle it, but I wasn't sure Dan would handle it anyway but flipping out and I couldn't blame him.

"Wow, you did your nails too!' Kyle leaned forward and gestured towards my hand, "That blue is really nice." His eyes dropped to my feet, "Toes match as always."

"I'm funny like that." I gave him a smiled, and decided to fish a little, "You know Kyle very few sons notice things like that on their mother."

"Not many sons have a mom as beautiful as you." He returned my smiled, his blue eyes beaming.

"You're smooth my boy." I tousled his blonde hair, "No wonder you do well with the girls."

"I do what I can."

"Not lately." I tapped my chin, "Kyle how long ago did you break up with Cindy?"

"This again, mom?" He sighed, "I told you, there's not anyone I'm into right now."

No one you should be, I thought, but said, "Really? You sure about that?"


This wasn't going to go anywhere and I let it drop, avoiding the issue yet again, I switched gears, "Why are you still home? Shouldn't you be at Johns?"

"I'm going." He shrugged, "Dad's flight doesn't land until seven so I figured I'd head out around then."

"I'd like you to leave earlier." I told him. I wanted to leave a note on the door for Dan, maybe a trail of my clothing up the stairs, set a nice sexy scene.

"Why?" He asked, then looked past me to the couch where I'd put my purse and the box.

"Wow, Fantasy Zone! Guess you're planning a hell of a Valentine's Night!" he whistled, "Mom's gone wild!"

He laughed and giving him a forced smile I gave him something to think about.

"Mom's gone wild? Sounds like it should be a porn site." In fact it was, one of many Kyle had bookmarked on his computer.

Kyle blinked and I knew I'd scored a point as he gave a nervous laugh, "Yeah, kind of does." He tried for a casual shrug, "Maybe there is one."

"Maybe. What isn't a maybe is you leaving before seven and not making any more remarks about tonight. Your mother's sex life isn't open for discussion."

"Just kidding, mom." He grinned, "You guys both gave me the talk and played twenty questions with me about Cindy and other girls. I can't play around with you?"

"That's not the way to play around with your mother." I meant it in more ways than the conversation dictated and I hoped he would pick up on it seeing I had just name dropped one of his go to web sites.

"Sorry." He lowered his eyes, then winced, "Wow, that looks like it hurts."

I followed his gaze to my feet, each one with an angry red line across the top of it from the shoes.

"Yeah, the shoes are new and too tight."

"Want me to rub them?"


"Do you want me to rub your feet?" He asked, and patted the couch, "Sit over here and I'll rub them."

"I don't think so." His boldness was amazing! Tomorrow night after a nice day with Dan, I'd have the conversation about what was going on.

"Why not? Dad does it all the time after you come home from your classes."

"That's different, he's not my son."

"What's that mean?" He seemed confused.

"I don't think it's appropriate for my adult son to be rubbing my feet."

"Appropriate?" He put his hands up, "Mom, we're talking about your feet, not..." he paused, "Why would you say that? I'm, your son what do you think I would do?"

He looked genuinely upset and I wavered, was I seeing something that wasn't there? Was I just putting a bunch of separate things together and rushing to the wrong conclusion? No, he had been staring at me, not just today, but for months, and those movies!

"Nothing, honey." I said softly, "But some things just aren't proper at your age."

"Jeez mom, what do you think I'm going to do, look up your dress?" Now he seemed offended and I felt bad, "I'm just trying to be good to my mom, is that so bad?"

Depends what you mean by good. I looked into his eyes once more and this time he met my gaze with no trace of nervousness. He'd been embarrassed when I caught him staring at my ass and breasts and flinched at the mention of the porn site. But on the subject of him rubbing my feet he seemed to show no emotion other than being put off.

I glanced at my watch and saw it was only five thirty; I had plenty of time to get both myself and the room ready for Dan. Deciding I'd better be sure about what was going on with Kyle before I brought Dan into it, I nodded to him,

"You're right, Kyle and I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry." He replied, "I didn't mean to upset you."

"You didn't." I answered making note of how concerned he was with my feelings.

He'd been that way for awhile now, not only being affectionate with me, but pretty much sucking up to me and apologizing for anything he did that he thought annoyed me. In general Kyle had been treating me the way he would a girl he had a crush on, eager to please and desperate not to offend.

"I should be sorry." I played along, "I don't know what I was thinking; of course you just want to be good to me." I flashed him a huge smile, "That's why you're my good boy, right?"

"Right!" He exclaimed, far too happy with that remark.

I was playing with fire now, possibly feeding into what might be very unhealthy fantasies, but how else would I find out for sure?

"So how about I take my good boy up on his kind offer to make his mother feel good?"

"Really, you'll let me rub your..." He seemed to realize he was acting too excited and slowed down, "I mean, you work really hard mom, and it makes me happy to try to do what I can for you."

"Far be it from me to hold you back then!" I laughed and sitting on the end of the couch, turned and swinging my legs up, rested my heels on his thigh.

My dress had ridden up as I moved and his gaze immediately landed on my upper thighs. I gave it a few seconds to be sure he was looking and started to speak, planning on asking him again, what he was looking at. Before I could, however, Kyle grabbed one of the throw pillows and dropped it onto my lap.

"Might want to leave that there," he said, his eyes carefully averted, "Your dress is kind of short."

Another mixed signal and again I pressed,

"What's the big deal? You've seen me in a bikini."

"A bikini is different than looking up your skirt." He pointed out, "That would'd you say it, inappropriate?"

"True." I agreed, "You are a good boy, Kyle, very sweet and proper."

"I was raised to be good to girls, remember?" he winked at me, "Get what you give, right?"

"Not exactly how your father explained it, but yes." I nodded, "When you're good to anyone, they will be more inclined to be good to you."

"And you're very good to me so that's why I want to be good to you."

He demonstrated that desire by slipping his arm under my calves and lifting my legs to slide another of the pillows under my feet.

"Yeah, you want to be good to mommy, baby?" That was a line word for word from one of those disturbing videos he had bookmarked on his computer and it hit the mark.

Kyle got an odd look in his eyes and his hands hovered over my feet as if unsure of what he should do. I added to the fire by leaning back and raising my arms over my head. I stretched, arching my back and pushing my breasts out. The tight dress, pulled downward exposing some of the red lace of my bra and I thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head.

I felt like a bitch, if my suspicions were correct I was playing into his fantasies, cock teasing my own son. But I had to know. Kyle mustered a nervous smile,

"I'd love to be good to my mom." He cupped the heel of my left foot in his hand and lifted it, "That's why I want to make you feel good."

He placed his hand on my foot, and as his thumbs kneaded the soft skin at the base of my toes, I sighed, "Hmm, that does feel good."

I'd spoken in a tone better reserved for a different kind of pleasure and Kyle swallowed hard and continued to rub, "You like that?"

"Feels sooo good!" I purred and pushed my foot into his hand, "Look at you taking good care of your mom!"

Another line worthy of one his taboo videos uttered in a very un-motherly tone of pleasure. This time Kyle couldn't seem to muster a reply and simply focused on my feet. He was using both hands on my foot, one lightly caressing the top while he worked the sole of with his strong fingers. It did feel damn good and I relaxed back into the couch and watched my son as he massaged my feet.

Kyle was a good looking kid. The spitting image of his father, his blonde hair and those amazing eyes were a hit with the girls and his rugged physique, built up through four years of high school football and a year of college wrestling didn't hurt.. But unlike many good looking boys his age, Kyle wasn't a cocky jerk or any type of player. He was sweet as he was cute and when he was dating he never strayed from his current girlfriend.

Right now, wearing a pair of faded jeans and a white t-shirt that hugged his broad shoulders and accentuated his tan, Kyle looked damn good. Occasionally Kyle popped in for one of my classes as his current coach felt aerobics were good for coordination and flexibility. When he did I noted with amusement several female students my age staring at him with poorly masked lust.

A couple of times he had come with team mates and I'd noticed them staring at me and Kyle had commented to me one of them said his mother was a 'porn quality milf'. I'd laughed it off, but it had gotten me more than a little hot to think a boy my son's age would go home and jerk off to me. Unfortunately it seemed Kyle himself saw me as a milf and was most likely masturbating to thoughts of his mother rather than someone else's mom.

I closed my eyes and sighed, this time a real one of contentment, as Kyle worked his fingers into my heel while rubbing his fingers into the base of each of my toes. Although it did feel nice I knew this was a bad game to be playing, but used it to think over the situation.

Now that I had recalled the comment Kyle had said his friend had made, it dawned on me that was only a couple of weeks before he had broken up with Cindy. Was his friend's dumb remark somehow a catalyst for Kyle seeing me in ways that he shouldn't? As my body relaxed my mind did as well. I wasn't letting it wander, but was allowing myself to see everything about this scenario from the start.

I knew that was six months ago because Dan had pissed me off by agreeing to a business trip on the weekend of our twenty second anniversary. Our sex life had already been failing and much like tonight, I had high hopes for our anniversary. I'd booked a nice cabin that featured the modern convenience of a hot tub and nothing to do but each other.

Then Dan dropped the bomb about the trip and I had to give away the surprise of the cabin and he had told me to change the dates. I'd exploded and we'd had the worst fight of our marriage. A fight that Kyle over heard because his practice had been cancelled and Dan and I hadn't known he was home.

That fight had escalated into my yelling that I was getting more action from my toys than him and how he wasn't satisfying me and didn't seem to care. That's when Kyle had come out of his room, looking upset and asking us what was wrong.

Opening my eyes as Kyle switched to rubbing my right foot I watched his face. He was staring at my foot with a look of longing on his face that told me he was loving what he was doing, but would want to do more. His fingers were moving more slowly than before as if he were savoring each moment of contact.

I closed my eyes once more and saw his knowledge of my sexual frustration as being something that might get him going. Kyle and I had always been close. When he was younger Dan would joke about him being a mama's boy because he was glued to my hip all the time. By his early teens Kyle was into sports and noticing girls, but was always affectionate with me and we talked about everything.

As he got older that affection trailed off in a natural way, after all, at eighteen and beyond most boys weren't hugging and kissing their mother the way they did when they were younger. But after that argument I noticed Kyle becoming more affectionate. I chalked it up to him being worried about Dan and me and maybe trying to show me some attention.

That wasn't so bad, except for the fact I noticed he had started looking at me in a way sons did not look at their mothers. Part of that was my fault. After the fight when we had calmed down and discussed how important sex was to me I'd started dressing sexier and Kyle was taking notice.

I constantly saw him looking at my legs, my breasts and tonight wasn't the first time I had caught him staring at my ass. Whether I was to blame was part of my dilemma, I wasn't sure. Maybe I shouldn't have dressed more revealing around the house, but on the other hand a son shouldn't be looking at his mother no matter what she wore.

But still it might have been a case of just the right time for me to start doing it. Kyle's closeness had gotten to the point he would sit on the couch so close to me our hips were touching. On more than one occasion he had slipped his arm around my shoulder as if I were his girlfriend and when I said something he said he liked being close to me.

When Dan was home he kept his distance and that was what had truly gotten me to thinking Kyle was somehow trying to give me what he thought I was missing. I learned it was a lot more than Kyle just wanting to be close to me two months ago when my lap top had frozen and needing to book Dan's next flight I used Kyle's.

He'd left it on and when I brought up the browser I'd been confronted with a still of a woman sucking cock. It wasn't the video that had appalled me, after all, what kid his age didn't get off to porn, hell I probably watched as much as he did these days. The title above the clip however was what caught my eye. It was labeled "Let mommy do that for you, baby."

I clicked replay and watched as the video opened to a young guy sitting on his bed jerking off. The door opened and an older woman came in and asked what the hell he was doing. I sat through a couple of minutes of absurd dialogue that told me the woman was supposed to be his mother who sat on the bed and moving his hands away from his cock proceeded to play with it.

The son began telling 'mom' how hot he thought she was and mommy dearest then proceeded to suck his cock. I sat back stunned as she stopped long enough to strip naked then crawl back on the bed and put them in a sixty nine position. Mom then slid up and rode him backwards, before getting on her knees for him to fuck her doggy style.

The entire time they were engaging in incestuous dialogue, the mother saying how much she loved feeling her son inside her and the son telling her how good 'mommy's pussy' felt. I paused the video and staring at the screen above it saw Kyle was a member of the site and had a 'favorites' folder on his profile.

I clicked it and was confronted with over two dozen videos, every one of which had mom or step mom in the title. My fingers trembling I went into his computers bookmarks and saw a list of porn sites. With each site title my stomach sank further. Loving Mothers, Mommy blows best, My mother, my whore and mommy likes it rough.

That one disturbed me the most and I clicked on it to see a list videos. Each one had a picture from the video to click on and they were all of women bound to beds, hand cuffed, tied and being spanked. The first one, that had a thumbs up on it, meaning Kyle had watched it was called "Mom was begging for it"

I opened the video to see it started in the middle of the action with "mom" bent over the bed, her hands bound behind her back and the son fucking her. He was pulling her hair and slapping her ass. The woman's ass was beet red and I could see the 'sons' finger prints on her skin. She was begging him to stop and he was calling her a slut and a whore and a tease.

That was enough for me to exit not only the computer, but his room. Since then my mind had been in turmoil. Did he really want me? On one hand it seemed obvious with everything else in play, the attention, the staring, him knowing Dan wasn't making me happy. Hell one of the videos had been named, "My husband won't, but my son will!"

Or...was it just a coincidence and he enjoyed videos of 'other people's' moms having sex? I'd surfed enough porn to know there were countless sites that featured 'incest' and step incest videos as well as milf cougar porn and that many men both young and old did get off on the fantasy, but not the reality.

My eyes opened when Kyle's fingers strayed past the top of my foot and up the front of my leg to my knee then back down again. He was touching me lightly, a teasing caress, one that had it been Dan doing it would have not only felt good, but would have been erotic. Kyle was no longer watching his hand on my foot, but was staring raptly at my legs.

Lying here watching my son look at me as if I were an object of desire rather than his mother the irony struck me that in my efforts to become more attractive to my husband it was my son who had become enamored with me. Having gotten away with me not saying anything the first time, Kyle slid his hand up my leg again, but this time it was the palm and a firmer touch.

His other hand slid under my leg and rubbed my calf just below my knee. I figured he had probably looked up before and saw my eyes closed and had no idea I was watching him because his eyes were glued to my thighs beneath the pillow.

At this point I couldn't deny it. Kyle was no longer rubbing my feet, but fondling my legs and I'm sure if I let it keep going his hands would stray past my knee.

I looked down into his lap and saw a large bulge in his pants that told me I was right. Taking a deep breath, I lifted my leg, pushed my foot against his crotch and was amazed to feel how hard he was. As soon as that thought crossed my mind, I wondered what the hell was wrong with me?

My son had an erection from touching my feet and I was thinking damn, he was hard. Showed it was high time Dan started taking care of things if Kyle's hard on had an effect on me other than being disgusted.

Kyle gasped at the contact and knowing I shouldn't, but wanting to prove a point, I rubbed my foot in a circle, stroking his swollen crotch and making him realize there was no way I hadn't noticed it. To my dismay, the next sound Kyle made was a soft moan at the contact. I jerked my foot back and swung my legs back to the floor.

I sat up and stared hard at Kyle who was now redder than my dress. My dark eyes locked in on his and I raised my eyebrows, silently asking him, 'what the hell was that?' Kyle looked away and ran his hand through his hair, a tell tale sign he was nervous. I frowned when as he lowered his hand he slid it down his face and under his nose. He was sniffing his hand after rubbing my feet, Jesus.

"Um, what's the matter?" He asked.

I paused, what should I say? "Why the hell do you have a hard on?" Was what I wanted to ask, but as sick as this was, I knew this was a delicate situation. It wasn't just about sex, somewhere, somehow, my son's wires had gotten crossed and he was seeing me as a lover would see me, not a son. If I was harsh with him it could cause problems, but I had to acknowledge it somehow.

"I think you know." I said softly. "Or should I just ask you what that's all about?"

"That?" He looked away again. "I don't know."

"You do know." I spoke in the same soft tone, trying to convey the fact I was remaining calm and seeing what he would say. "I know too, Kyle."

"I don't know what you're talking about." He stated.

"Really? You don't think I know where that came from?"

"Where what came from?" To my surprise, he had a smile playing about his lips.

I was going to reply when it hit me; this was a scenario straight out of one of those damn movies! He rubs mom's feet, she feels his hard on, pretends to be offended, but she's turned on and...I had fucked up royally. Should have never let him touch me.

"Mom?" He smiled, boldly this time. "Where did what come from?"

"We'll talk about this Sunday." I stood up to tell him this wasn't one of his fantasies and we were done here.

"We will?" The smile had vanished.

"Yes, we will. We should have talked about it before and that's my fault. But tonight's not the time. Tonight is a big night for your father and I and unfortunately you know why. So this will keep until then."

I turned away and as I walked over and grabbed my box, Kyle asked,

"Are...are you going to tell dad?"

I sighed, that was a full admission of guilt right there. If he weren't doing anything wrong he wouldn't care about Dan being involved, half the time Dan was easier on him than I was. But in this situation, Dan would lose it and I understood why he would.

"No," I said turning back to him. "We'll keep this between us, okay?"


"Yes, you and I will work this out and it will be our little secret."

"Thanks mom." His body slumped in relief. "I love you."

"I love you too, honey." I gave him a reassuring smile, "I'm your mom, I'll always love you no matter what, but we need to take care of this."

"Okay, we will." He nodded with exaggerated enthusiasm.

"Meanwhile, get your things together; you need to go to John's."

"Yes, mom."

"Your father is playing golf Sunday so when you get home from work, we'll talk."

"Whatever you want mom." He gave me a nervous smile, "I'll do anything you want me to."

I let that remark go, unsure of how he meant it. I walked over to the stairs and as I headed up to my bedroom, I resisted the urge to look over my shoulder and see if he were trying to look up my dress. Fact was I didn't have to; I could feel my son's eyes on me and was sure he was still hard for me.

Un-fucking believable I thought as I reached the top of the stairs and entered the bathroom to take a quick shower, I had to all but bully my husband into his own fantasy, but my son was hard as a rock from rubbing my damn feet. As I stripped out of my clothing my mind drifted to the feeling of Kyle's cock beneath my foot.

Even through the jeans I could feel how goddamn hard he was and when I'd slid my foot along the length of it, it wasn't just how hard it was that struck me, but how big. Dan wasn't small, Maybe a little bigger than average, but Kyle had felt huge!

I stood there naked for a moment and blinked, what was wrong with me? I was standing here thinking about words like 'my son's big hard cock.' Fuck if Dan didn't give it to me good tonight, we were going to counseling because things were pretty damn bad when the thought of my son's cock excited me.

Not that I wanted him, but just to feel that cock and know I had caused that reaction was a turn on. Back in the day Dan would be hard the second I walked in the room, these days half the time I had to suck on him to get him hard and at that point because of my sucking I was lucky to get three minutes of sex. But hard and from just a touch and the look of desire on his face!

I shuddered at the feeling of heat growing between my thighs and told myself I was just that worked up, denying the fact turning my son on had in a sick way turned me on. I reached into the shower and as I turned on the water, stopped and listened. I heard Kyle walking up the stairs, probably heading for his room to get his stuff.

I hesitated and as I heard his steps coming down the hall. I recalled one of the videos on his lap top featured a mother in the shower and her son hopping in to surprise her. I walked over to the door and locked it.

***** "Hey, baby, like what you see?" I raised my arms, taking my hair up over my head and angling my hip, blew a kiss at my reflection.

Lowering my arms I smiled and nodded in satisfaction at my outfit of choice. I was wearing a turquoise thong that matched my nails and was only a string between my cheeks with a little bow at the top. The thong left my firm ass cheeks fully exposed and with the strings which tied at the sides, over my hips, the full length of my legs were exposed.

The front was a patch of flimsy blue lace that left my pussy visible through it. I normally kept a small patch of dark hair over it, but for tonight's festivities I'd shaved and the feeling of the material sliding across my smooth pink flesh had my clit swollen and ready. The bra featured lace cups that gave a clear view of my hard nipples and did good things for my tits.

I wasn't large on top, but my perky tits were round, firm and went well with the rest of my slender body. I had donned a matching pair of fuck me heels with straps around the ankles that I had a hard time walking in, but would look damn good over Dan's shoulders.

I normally wore little make up, but tonight had caked it on, using heavy blue eye shadow and eye liner to go along with a deep red for my lips. The excess make up gave me a delightfully slutty appearance that I hoped would add to the fun tonight, at least once Dan finally rolled me over to see my face.

My hand strayed between my legs and I moaned as I caressed my clit through the lace. I was so damn hot it was everything I could do not to get off in the shower, but I wanted to cum quickly the first time to show him how horny I was for him.

I walked over to the bed and with a smile removed the two pairs of handcuff from the box on the table next to it. The key was in the first pair and removing it I knelt on the bed in front of the headboard.

I looked to the side and took in my reflection in the long mirror over my dresser. I loved that mirror and watched all the time when we had sex, but had to tell Dan to do it, he said he didn't get the thrill when he could just watch me.

I had wasted some time telling him it was about watching him with me, but gave up when he asked why he would want to see himself. But tonight! Tonight I would be cuffed to the bed and turn my head and watch as he took me, watch him spank me and fuck me!

I was hoping to get him to roll me over and straddle my face, fuck my mouth, then put my legs up and I could watch him fuck me and all the while I would be helpless!

I shivered at the thought and clasped one of the cuffs around the brass bar that ran across the middle of the head board. I thought of the top, but it would be too high for me to be able to lie on my stomach if he pulled my legs out behind me.

I removed the pair of safety hand cuffs; each cuff had a button that would release them. I put the chain between the other cuff dangling from the headboard. The cuffs were a few inches long and this would allow me to be able to be flipped over on my back and either pushed down or pulled upwards a few inches.

Unable to resist seeing the scene in advance, I slid down the bed until I was on my hands and knees. I slid back enough so\ my arms would be pulled straight out in front of me and my ass would be in the air with my legs bent beneath me.

I looked over my shoulder at the view of my ass with just the strip of blue between my cheeks and smiled at the idea that would be the sight Dan would be confronted with when he opened the bedroom door.

I affixed the cuffs to my wrists. They were lined with a soft material and I put them on tightly. I eased back a little more so my arms were straight and moaned, "Oh, please! Please don't hurt me! Please, oh sir please stop fucking me!" I gave a couple of fake yips as if I were being spanked.

I remained in that position imagining Dan moving the thong to the side and sliding his hard cock inside me, slow at first then picking up speed and giving his helpless wife the good hard fucking she deserved.

"Damn." I whispered, wiggling my hips and feeling the thong sticking to my sopping slit.

I jumped when my cell rang on the nightstand and putting my thumbs on the release buttons pushed. Neither button moved and I pushed harder.

"Are you kidding?" I asked aloud as neither button would budge.

Dan's picture was on the phone and I wondered if he had arrived early. I flexed my thumbs and jammed them hard into the buttons. Again nothing and in frustration I yanked against them and winced at the pain in my wrists.

"Shit!" I swore and pushed the buttons so hard my thumbs hurt.

The phone stopped ringing and a moment later I heard a sharp ring telling me Dan had left a message. I pushed the button again and sighed, spotting the key to the cuffs attached to the bed frame on the pillow in front of me I lowered my hands to grab them and came up short.

"Oh, come on!" I exclaimed, as my fingers were inches from the keys. I crawled forward a little, but that gave me no downward slack.

Lowering my head, I managed to pick the keys up with my mouth, leaving a red lipstick smear on the pillow case. Leaning forward, I turned my hands palms up and opened my mouth. The key landed in my palm and with a sigh of relief, I picked it up in my fingers and went to insert them it in the lock.

The cuffs were upside down and rolling my eyes I carefully turned the key around between my fingers.

I was focused intently on the key and my tenuous grip on it with my finger tips and as I tried to ease it into the lock, the house phone rang next to the bed, startling me. I reflexively jerked back and yelped when the key slipped from my fingers, hit the bar across the headboard and fell on the bed to my right and out of reach.

"Jesus Christ!" I stared helplessly at the keys and told myself to relax.

Dan would be home in an hour, worst case scenario I would be stuck on the bed until then. I could stretch out on my stomach and lay there if I had to.

Next to me the phone stopped ringing and I listened to my voice tell the caller we weren't home, "Or Monica chained herself to the bed." I muttered.

The machine beeped and Dan's voice filled the room.

"Hey, hon, I tried your cell maybe you're charging it. Anyway my plane had some mechanical issues and we had to land in Maryland. They say it will be at least two hours before we can take off so I won't be landing until about ten." He paused, "Um, I know you were looking forward to tonight and if you want we can still try, it's up to you, but I'll be awhile. Love you."

He hung up and I whimpered in frustration. How the hell could I stay here for almost four hours? Beyond that by the time he got home I was going to hear the too tired routine and all this would be for nothing. But right now my biggest concern was being stuck like this. I savagely jammed my thumbs into the metal button on the cuffs and pushed until my knuckles popped and nothing happened.

Only I would end up with a defective pair. Then again most people wouldn't do this when they were alone. I blinked my eyes at the sweat running down from my hair. I'd closed the windows and lit several candles in a deliberate effort to make the room hot and cause us to sweat which I thought would make things even sexier and lead to needing a nice shower afterwards. Now trapped on the bed on my knees I was regretting that genius move.

My head lifted up at the sound of footsteps on the stairs. Had Kyle not left yet? I'd told him to get his ass out of the house, but if he were home he could unlock the cuffs and help get the others off. I was going to call out to him when the thought of what seeing me like this would do to his already crazy fantasies about me. Maybe I would just suck it up and stay here.

I jumped at the sound of Kyle knocking on the door, "Hey Mom!"

I hesitated and he knocked again, "Mom?"

The door was unlocked and not wanting him to just walk in I called out, "I thought you were going to Johns!"

"I was in my car ready to go and dad called." He paused and I looked over my shoulder hoping not to see the door opening. "He said he tried to call you and you didn't answer."

"I'm fine!" I yelled, "Go to Johns."

"He said he wanted to make sure you knew he was going to be a few hours late."

"I heard his message." I replied.

"He asked me to have you call him so he knows you're not pissed at him."

"I can't." As soon as I said it I wanted to slap myself, well if I could use my hands I would have slapped myself.

"What do you mean?" He asked from the other side of the door.

"I mean not right now. I'll call him later, now just go and have fun."

"Mom, you okay? You sound upset."

"I'm fine!" I snapped.

"You mad at dad? I don't think it's his fault."

"I'm not mad, just leave me alone!" I shouted and in frustration thumbed the buttons again only to get the same result.

There was silence from the other side of the door and I started to relax then froze at the distinctive squeak of the hinges Dan still hadn't gotten around to fixing.

"Mom, what's wrong, you sound..." He trailed off and turning my head to the side I saw him in the mirror standing in the doorway gawking at me.

"Holy shit." He whispered.

"Kyle, get out!" I snapped at him.

"Damn, mom." To my chagrin he walked right up to the foot of the bed and made no pretense of staring at my scantily clad body.

"Kyle, you need to leave this room now. You shouldn't be seeing me like this."

"Then why aren't you moving?" He asked with a grin on his face, what the hell was wrong with him.

I sighed. "Because I'm stuck, the fucking cuffs don't work."

"Right." He nodded, his eyes lingering on my ass.

"Know what, while you're here the keys are on the bed. I jerked against the headboard showing him my cuffed hands.

Kyle walked over to the side of the bed and picked up the key.

"You're really stuck?"

"Would I be in this position in front of you if I wasn't? Unlock the cuffs."

"Maybe." He held up the key, "Maybe not."

"What?" I asked incredulously, "Kyle, take these fucking cuffs off me, now!"

"Good acting, mom." He laughed as he tossed the key onto the nightstand. "Pretending this was an accident."

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I demanded.

"Nothing at all." He smiled down at me and to my dismay put his hand on my back and ran his fingers across it. "In fact I'm pretty damn happy right now."

His hand slid down to the small of my back and I gasped when it continued down the cheek of my ass.

"Kyle!" I yelled up at him, "Don't you dare touch me like that! I'm your mother!"

"I know you're my mother and I know my mom's nothing but a horny slut who needs to get taken care of."

"What did you say?" I asked, stunned by his words.

"Oh, please mom!" He laughed and my eyes widened when he squeezed my ass, then yelped in surprise when he gave it a slap. "I know your game."

"Kyle, listen to me." I tried to keep my voice calm even as his hand rubbed the other side of my ass. "I've seen those movies on your computer, this isn't one of them. I'm your mom, honey not some actress. Now get your hands off my ass and unlock the cuffs."

"I know you've seen my movies." He took his hand off my ass.

"You know?"

"I do, I knew you used my computer and I checked the history you watched a few of them."

"Only a minute or two, Kyle, let me go and we'll talk about this."

"Nothing to talk about, mom."

"What are you doing?"

Kyle had grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulling it over his head tossed it on the floor.

"Getting undressed." He kicked his shoes off and as he leaned over to remove his socks, my stomach tightened, he didn't really think he was going to...

"Kyle this is your last warning. You unlock these fucking cuffs or I'll..."

"What?" He laughed at me, "What are you going to do, mom, you're pretty helpless right now."

I began to speak and stopped, my mouth open while Kyle unsnapped his jeans.

"Honey." I did the best I could, not to sound nervous, "I think you take those movies to seriously, they're fantasy; real sons don't do things like that to their mothers."

"The lucky ones do." He unzipped his jeans and pulled them down over his hips.

"Oh My God." I whispered at the sight of the huge bulge in his boxers.

"The ones who have slutty mothers who cock tease them for months then let them fuck them."

"I don't tease you!" I exclaimed as he grabbed his underwear to pull them down "Kyle, don't you dare!"

Kyle pushed them down and his cock sprang free. I knew I should look away, but I stared transfixed by the sight of my son's cock. It was even bigger than it had felt earlier. Long, thick and...hard. The head was swollen purple and there was a trail of pre cum dripping from it. Kyle calmly stepped out of his clothing.

"Kyle, please get dressed, you can't do this, I'm your mother, please don't do this."

"I like that," he said softly, "I like you begging, I like you pretending you don't want this."

"I don't!" I cried out when he stepped up to the bed, grabbed a handful of my hair and turned my head to face the side of the bed.

His dripping cock was inches from my face and I whimpered, "I don't want this! Kyle, please. I'm like this for your dad! I got stuck, I'm not teasing you!"

"I believe that." He said softly, his other hand caressing my back again, "I know dad was supposed to get this nice little treat, but seeing he's late you got yourself stuck so I would find you."

"I didn't even know you were home, I..." His fingers found the clasp to my bra and one at a time he undid the three hooks. "Kyle, no!"

"Well I was. I wasn't planning on leaving. I was putting my car around the corner and I was going to come home and listen to you and dad, then when he disappointed you again I was going to show you tomorrow how a good boy takes care of his mom in every way."

My bra came undone and he slowly slid the left strap down my shoulder. This couldn't be happening!

"Kyle, your father will kill you."

"You going to tell him, mom?" He smirked, "Dan! Kyle found me chained to the bed and he fucked me! He gave it to me nice and hard and treated me like the fucking slut I am and came in my face! I think you should ground him!"

The words came out in an excited rush and he was laughing.

"You'd really hurt me?" I asked, for the first time the possibility my son was going to force himself on me was causing my stomach to knot in fear.

"Of course not!" He shook his head, "I'm not going to hurt you, mom."


"I'm going to give you what you want. Fuck you like the cock teasing slut mommy that you are."

"Slut mommy?" I repeated numbly my eyes fixed on this huge cock, "That's only in movies, baby." "Baby! I love it." He sighed and I cried out when he slid his hand beneath me and pushed the bra off my breasts. "I love when you call me baby and honey." He cupped my bare breast and I gasped when he squeezed it.

"Damn, you have nice tits, mom." He released my hair and grabbed my ass again. "And a nice ass and legs." He caught my nipple between his fingers and gently rubbed it, "You're the hottest woman I've ever seen, and I want you so bad."

"Kyle," I breathed, trying to ignore the fact his fingers had caused my nipple to swell and that it felt...good. "I don't tease you, I...ow!"

I yelped when he pinched my nipple.

"Bullshit you don't tease me. You dress like a slut; you wear those little skirts and show off these pretty little tits of yours all the time!"

"That's for your dad, honey, not you!" I groaned as his hand reached further beneath me and fondled my other breast.

His right hand was caressing my ass and I tensed when his fingers traced the string of the thong along the crack of my ass.

"Know what, mom?" He released my tit, but still stood there with his cock swinging inches from my face. "Let's do it this way."

"What way?" I asked as his finger slid beneath the thong, but remained on my ass and didn't head lower.

"Let me ask you a question. When did you watch the movies?"

"I...maybe a few weeks ago." I told him.

"Right so a few weeks ago you know your son is thinking about fucking you, right?"

"I thought so, but..."

"You thought so, and what did you do, mommy? I'll tell you what you did." He gave me another nasty smirk. "You kept dressing like a girl half your age and kept flaunting your fine legs and hot little ass in front of me. You knew I was looking and you just kept giving me more to look at."

He had a point, damn he had a point.

"That dress today? Christ mom, that's something a girl my age wears to a club to get laid, not what a good mother wears."

"You weren't supposed to be home." I said and whimpered as his fingers slid down the curve of my ass towards my pussy, my son was going to touch my pussy!

"Please. You saw me staring at your ass and you fucking posed for me." He laughed, "Then you come on over and let me rub your feet. You knew I wanted you and you let me touch you! Then you put your foot on my cock and came running up here like a little fucking tease."

"Kyle, stop!" I moaned as his fingers stopped just before they reached my pussy. "I'm sorry, baby! I didn't mean to tease you! I was just trying to get your dad to..."

"Fuck you and take care of you." He gave me a smile that was a real Kyle smile, sweet and disarming and I relaxed a little. "Mom, I heard that fight, dad isn't being good to you in bed and you need that, you're a hot cougar that needs a hard cock."

"Not yours." I said softly as I stared at it, still marveling at the size of it.

"But who, mom? You're a good woman, you won't cheat on dad and I'm glad, I love dad."

"Then don't do this! Honey, I'm not just your mom, think of your dad and..."

"I am. That's why I'm going to take care of my mom, this way you can be good to him and love him and I'll just take care of you in bed. Give you all the sex you need and dad can take care of everything else."

"That's...sick." I told him.

"Says the woman who thinks a good Valentine's gift is to be chained to a bed in a slutty thong." He laughed, "The woman who's staring at her son's dick like she can't wait for it."

"No!" I turned my head away from him, my face flushing with shame that I hadn't looked away immediately as I should have.

"Don't deny it mom, you were cock teasing dad and me and I'm the one who wants you." He leaned over and kissed my cheek softly, "I love you mom and don't worry, this will be your best Valentine ever, because I'll do anything to make you happy."

"Then let me go, please!" I begged.

"Oh, no this is what you've been waiting for and I'll treat you better than dad would." He grinned, "Or worse."

"Okay." I turned my head to face his cock again and forced a smile as I looked up at him. "You're right, baby, I want you."

"Oh, mom." He smiled, "I waited so long to hear that!" His fingers eased towards my pussy again and I said,

"Wait, how about..." I gave him what I hoped was a naughty smile and ran my tongue teasingly over my lips, "You let me go so I can play with my son's nice big cock and really enjoy it?"

"No." he shook his head. "You cuffed yourself to the bed, you've waited for this and I'm going to play your game."

He grabbed my hair roughly, again holding my head in place and shoved his cock into my face. I groaned as the dripping tip slid across my cheek leaving a sticky trail. He moved his hips to the side, sliding the tip across my lips and I whimpered as he held it there. The head of my son's cock was pushed against my lips! I tried to turn my head, but he had my hair so tightly I couldn't move.

I looked up at him, my dark eyes wide and pleading. He smiled down at me and sliding his fingers under the thong worked them through my pussy. I moaned in my throat as my son's fingers slid through my labia and he gasped,

"You're fucking wet!" he laughed, "You're a fucking pig!"

He was right! My pussy was sopping wet. I tried to tell myself it was from before and not from Kyle's touch or this situation, but I wasn't sure. Kyle's fingers found my swollen clit and he moaned as he rubbed it in a slow circle. This time my moan was louder and I had to fight to keep my lips closed.

Kyle let go of my hair and grabbing his cock rubbed it across my face. I turned my head, then yelped as he reached over and dealt my ass a hard slap. Tears filled my eyes as the cheek of my ass stung from the blow and I left my head still while he slapped his cock against my cheek.

"This is what you wanted, isn't it, mom? To get used like a slut."

"No." I shook my head and yelped as that earned me another hard whack on the other side of my ass.

"Please, the mom likes it rough videos were clicked, you liked those didn't you?"

"Kyle, please, honey!"

"Beg." He nodded, "Beg for my cock like the mom's in the movies!"

"Its not..a...ohhhh!"

A long moan escaped me when Kyle pushed two fingers into my pussy. He wiggled them and I moaned louder as I reflexively rocked my hips back into his fingers.

"Hmm, you are so fucking wet and hot and...tight. You have a tight little pussy mom." He sighed, "Guess dad doesn't fuck you anywhere near enough."

I remained still, fighting to hold back the moans that tried to escape me as he pumped his fingers into me. His thumb found my clit and this time I lost the battle and released a long low moan.

"That's it," He whispered, rubbing his cock along the other side of my face, "You like that don't you? You like your son's fingers in your slutty pussy."

I moaned again as his thumb pressed harder on my swollen button and I wondered what the hell was wrong with me? I should be fighting and yelling, not letting him finger me and rub his cock all over my face. His cock; I could feel it pulsing when he pressed it against my face and it was so fucking hard!

As Kyle continued to work my pussy with his fingers it dawned on me how hard he was and how excited he was. He'd wanted me for months and here I was for his taking. He was staring down at his cock in my face with a look of pure lust and as confident as he seemed, his fingers were trembling inside me.

Most of all he was young. Kyle was nineteen and horny, he would cum quick, very quick. I swallowed nervously at what I was thinking, but what choice did I have? How long before he decided to get behind me and fuck me. My son putting his cock inside me! But if I could make him cum, calm him down, get him to believe I would play and let me go.

"Baby," I looked up at him and smiled through my sticky lips. "You want mommy to suck that big hard dick for you?"

"I...oh, yeah." He moaned when I flicked my tongue out and caught the tip with it.

I moaned for him as my tongue came away with a trail of pre cum and then groaned when his fingers plunged harder into my pussy.

"Put it in my mouth, honey?" I wagged my tongue provocatively at him, "Let mommy take good care of you."

Kyle put one knee on the bed so he could get closer and feeling like a drowning man going down for the last time, I opened my mouth to accept my son's cock. He eased it between my lips and as his hard flesh slid across my soft tongue he whimpered in pleasure. I wrapped my lips around him and bobbed my head in a slow rhythm, moving as much as my position allowed me to.

Kyle moaned and put his hand back in my hair, but this time gently. Again I felt his fingers trembling and he was staring down at me, a look of mixed surprise and desire on his face as his mother sucked his cock. God help me, I was blowing my son! I raised my eyes to look into his and moaned around his thick shaft.

Kyle stroked my hair, "God, mom that feels so good!" He moaned when I pushed my head forward and took him deeper into my mouth, "Damn you look good sucking my cock!"

I groaned around him as his fingers resumed moving, the two inside me working in and out and his thumb tracing slow circles around my aching clit. I opened my mouth wider and with an effort took Kyle's considerable length all the way down my throat. I wrapped my lips tightly around the base of his shaft and shook my head back and forth, letting my tongue work around his shaft.

"Fuck, you can suck, cock, mom." He sighed, "I knew you wanted to be a bad girl for me!"

"Hmm-mm." I agreed and slipping my tongue out licked his balls.

"Oh, goddamn!" He moaned again, "That's it, mom keep sucking me, suck your son's cock like those slutty mom's in the movies."

I was nothing like those women. Those slut moms were actresses getting paid to fuck young actors. Here I was sucking my real son's cock in a desperate ploy to make him cum and let me go.

My hips jerked as he slipped his fingers from inside me and worked them along my pussy, sliding them through my wet lips and stroking my clit hard before moving back down and slipping inside.

Kyle continued to repeat the motion and I was shocked when I realized my hips were rocking into his touch. His long thick fingers felt good sliding inside and the way he teased my clit with each pass made me whimper and anxiously await their return. What was I doing? I yelled at myself at the thought I was enjoying his touch.

But...I was. If I was lucky Dan would rub my pussy like he was petting a dog, maybe give my clit a few licks like it was a lollypop then fuck me. Kyle was lightly caressing my pussy in addition to fingering me then stroking my clit, he was showing a lot more patience then his father and I wondered if he had been this good to his girlfriends.

Good? He had his mother helpless and was taking advantage of her, shoving his cock in he wasn't shoving his cock in my mouth. He had remained perfectly still while his whore of a mother sucked him. That's what I was right now, a sick fucking whore moaning over her son's fingers between her legs and enjoying his cock in my mouth.

I was, I couldn't deny it! Kyle's cock was far bigger than his father's and bigger than any I'd had since maybe back in college. He was so hard beneath my tongue and between my lips I found myself sucking him faster. His thick precum was dripping down my throat and I sucked hard enough to cause some more to squirt into my mouth.

Kyle gasped and for the first time his hips moved, pushing his cock further into his mother's disturbingly willing mouth. I removed him from between my lips and a long trail of drool and pre cum slid down his shaft. I placed my tongue along his shaft and looking him in the eye made a show of slurping it up.

"So dirty." He moaned and giving him a wink, I opened my mouth and let another long sticky strand of spit ooze down his head and shaft. I watched it drip down to his balls and lowering my head sucked his testicle into my mouth.

"Yes." He cried out and holding his cock up away from my face, shoved his balls into my mouth. I swirled my tongue around them, noisily slurping up the spit then sucking each of his balls.

Kyle was moaning softly and his hand tightened in my hair. If my hands were free I would be stroking him as I blew him and...What was wrong with me? This was my damn son and I was trying to get him to let me go so this wouldn't go any further than...

Then taking his cum in my mouth. Was this really a damn answer? But as my mind raced my body seemed to have no issue allowing this to happen. Kyle had resumed rubbing my clit with his thumb while his fingers pumped my pussy. I released his balls and licked them, bathing them with my tongue.

Even beneath my tongue I could feel how swollen they were, how full. I ran my tongue back up the length of his shaft and swirled it around his purple head.

"Tell mommy what you want." I whispered, mimicking the videos and giving him what he wanted. Just what he wanted? I swore if he continued rubbing my clit I was going to cum for him.

"I want my mother to suck me until I come in her mouth, make her take all her son's cum."

"Hmm," I licked my lips, "What a nasty mother you have."

I stuck my tongue out invitingly and grabbing his cock he slapped it against my soft pink flesh. I moaned as drops of pre cum splattered into my mouth and I noticed long red smears of lipstick on his thick shaft, your lipstick, you whore. I said to myself, but at the thought I gasped and my pussy contracted around his fingers.

My thighs were trembling and each time his thumb circled my clit I whimpered and felt my pussy quiver. No, I couldn't cum for him! It was one thing to force myself to get him off, but if I came. My thoughts trailed off when Kyle slid his huge cock back between my lips and I sucked him down into my mouth.

"You like that mommy?" He breathed, in between his moans, "Like sucking your son's cock while he plays with your wet pussy?"

"Hmm" I moaned around the mouthful of young hard cock in my mouth and bobbed my head faster

I loved sucking cock and by now Dan would have either cum in my mouth or be so close that if I hopped on he would squirt inside me in ten pumps. Kyle had been worked up, but still hadn't cum even with me working his cock with all my skill as a lover. That was another bad thought, but right now my mind was being filled more and more with lusty thoughts of the taboo I was committing.

Kyle began moving his hips and I timed my movements so my mouth was descending into his thrusts. He was whimpering and the leg on the bed was shaking. However, despite his excitement his fingers were working my pussy and faster than before. My hips were rolling into his movements and I was moaning around his cock and wiggling my ass, rubbing my clit harder into his fingers.

"Oh, fuck." Kyle groaned, ", I...keep sucking! Suck my cock faster!"

He grabbed the back of my hair and pulled and pushed, shoving my mouth up and down his cock. The squeal I released was not one of dismay, but pleasure as my son force fed me his throbbing cock. I closed my legs, trapping his hand between my thighs and worked my hips up and down.

Somewhere in the back of my mind I screamed at myself that I was as fucked up as he was, but I should know better. I yelled at myself to stop moving my hips and to stop sucking and demand him to let me go. But that voice was drowned out by another voice.

A nasty, dirty voice, the voice of months of frustration and it was urging me to suck this magnificent cock faster and harder, to make my son cum in my mouth, to hear him cry out and whimper as he filled his mother's mouth with his sweet cum.

That voice told me to move my hips faster, to rub my clit into him and cum for him, cum long and hard and do it with a spurting cock in my mouth.

Kyle's cock was twitching and I looked up at him, my eyes meeting his and opening wider, let my spit drool down his cock, onto my chin and on the bed. I was making loud gagging noises as he pushed his cock into my mouth and all I could think of was I really did sound like a porn star slurping a nice big dick.

The sound effects drove Kyle over the edge and gripping my hair tight enough to cause me to wince in pain, he drove his cock so far into my mouth his balls hit my chin. I squealed around him as he erupted, sending a long stream of cum down my throat.

The second his cum hit the back of my throat, my pussy convulsed and my own orgasm exploded through me. I made a loud gurgling noise as he continued to erupt, filling my mouth while my hips bucked wildly. I couldn't believe how much cum Kyle was spilling into his mother's mouth nor did I want to believe how fucking hard I was cumming!

Kyle kept his fingers buried inside me and my pussy convulsed around them as I squealed repeatedly around his thick spurting cock. Kyle was moaning the word 'mom' over and over and whimpering as I sucked harder, yearning for every fucking drop he had to give.

His thumb was stroking my clit and as I slammed my hips and wiggled my ass, I released his cock and let loose with a loud wail of pleasure. Along with his cock came a long glob of cum that dripped from my chin to land on my shoulder where my arms were stretched out.

Still moaning from the effects of my powerful orgasm, I eagerly licked his cum from my arm and smacked my lips in satisfaction as I swallowed it.

"Oh..." Kyle let my hair go and easing his fingers from between my legs, leaned against the wall, "Goddamn."

"You...goddamn is right." I was gasping for breath, between sucking him off like a porn star and cumming like a damn freight train, I was panting.

We were silent for a moment and I had no doubt we were both in shock, Kyle that he had gotten his fantasy and me that I had so easily succumbed to giving my son a blow job.

I told myself I had no choice other than to really flip out on him which might have scared him. This also might get it out of his system and he would stop thinking of me like this. I felt as if I were trying to convince myself of this because my mouth was filled with the taste of my son's cum and as much as that thought should have appalled me, I was swirling my tongue inside my mouth looking for more.

I blinked. Enough Monica the voice of reason spoke again, you just acted like a filthy whore, not a mother, end this before it gets even worse.

"Baby?" I smiled up at him.

"Mom?" he returned the smile and gently wiped the strands of hair from my sweat slicked cheek and forehead.

His touch was soft and his smile sweet, this was my son, he wouldn't hurt me and I knew that, again why hadn't I held fast and told him to leave me alone? As I thought about that he continued to stroke my face and then my bare back, lightly running his fingers across my skin. I took a moment to look at his body, and admired his broad shoulders and muscular arms.

Kyle's stomach was hard and flat and speaking of hard, that damn cock was still at attention, bobbing between his legs as he touched me. His hand made its way down my side and lowering himself to his knees; he reached beneath me and fondled my breasts. The breath hissed from between my teeth as his fingers toyed with my sensitive nipples and I again fought not to moan.

"What did you want, mom?" he asked, grinning, "As if I didn't know."

"I want my son to let me loose so I can play with you. I want to touch you and hold you."

"No." he shook his head. "That's not what you want to do."

"Really!" I told him, "Honey, I just gave you what you wanted, I sucked your beautiful cock for you! I want to play, please let me go?"

"You want to try to get away, you little slut." He laughed, "You really like this game don't you mom?"

"Kyle, let me go, I mean it!"

"I mean it to." He gave my nipples a pinch which made me cry out. "I know what you want mom, you want to get taken, I heard you telling dad how bad you want it like that."

"No, that was what he wanted!"

"You do to." He was stroking my nipples and lowering his head, he managed to duck under my arms and catch my left nipple in his mouth.

Don't moan I told myself as his soft tongue circled my swollen nub, please don't moan for him.

"This was for dad, and he..."

"Would be a dud." Kyle leaned back and standing slapped his cock hard against my face. "He wouldn't treat you like this, he wouldn't fuck your mouth or wipe his dick on your face, he wouldn't make you cum while you sucked him off."