Mom's All Tied up on Valentine's! b


"Kyle, please I already did more than I should have."

"Oh, please." He gave my ass a slap causing me to cry out. "You wanted to suck it, mom, the second you saw it your eyes lit up, you're hot for your son's cock."

Where was he getting all this, movies?

"And I hear you guys all the time." He was sliding his cock along my face again and I couldn't believe he was still hard!

"I listen at the door at night, I like to hear you moan, not that he makes you do it much. I heard you ask him what he wanted and when he said this, you were more excited than he was. You want to be taken like a whore, your son's whore."

"Kyle...." I stopped when he walked along the bed. I could now see in the side mirror and watched as he knelt behind me.

"Don't!" I told him.

"Don't what?" he asked, slapping that huge dick against my ass. "Fuck you?" he laughed, "Oh, I'm going to fuck you, mom, fuck you harder than he ever did."

He slapped my ass so hard I cried out then again when he hit the other side.

"And you are going to love it you fucking pig! Look at you sucking my cock and trying to pretend you didn't want it!"

He swung his hand up and delivered a slap so hard I rocked forward. I moaned at the burning sensation his blow had caused and whimpered when he hit the other side just as hard.

"Tell me you wanted it! Tell me you're a whore and want it!"

He was slapping my ass repeatedly; working from cheek to cheek and I yanked against the chains and squealed, trying to move my ass away from him. Kyle grabbed my hair and pulled my head back while continuing to spank me with his free hand.

"I said say it! Tell your son how you wanted to suck his cock!"

"No!" I moaned, "I just wanted you to cum so you would let me go!"

"Bullshit." He slapped my ass again and again. "You could have really fought me, you know I wouldn't hurt you, you sucked me because you need cock you little slut and since I have the cock you've been teasing this is what you deserve." He hit my ass so hard it sounded like a shot in the room. "Now tell me!'

"Okay!" I whimpered caving in. My ass was not only stinging badly, but I could feel the swollen skin throbbing "You're right! I wanted to blow you! I wanted to taste that cock, Oh, god I wanted to blow my son!"

"Now you want him to fuck you, don't' you?"

"No, please don't, honey, that's too...Ow!"

I groaned as he roughly pulled my thong down, the strings sliding across my tender ass. Even in the dim candlelight I could see how red my ass was in the mirror. More importantly, my pussy and ass were now completely exposed to my son. Kyle pushed the thong down to where my knees were bent and licked his lips at the sight of my wet pink slit.

"Look at that pussy." He whistled, "Nice and smooth." He licked his lips. "I'm going to love licking it."

He grabbed my ass cheeks and I winced in pain from his touch. He spread my cheeks open and leaning over, caused me to yelp when he plunged his tongue into my ass.

"Kyle!" I exclaimed, "Stop! Let me go right now! Get your..." Tongue out of my ass, I couldn't even finish the sentence.

Not that it would have done any good. Kyle was pushing his tongue into my ass and moaning into it. His breath was hot on my ass and I squirmed as my son wiggled his tongue in his mother's asshole.

"God, this is hot." He whispered, then pushed his tongue inside my ass.

I gasped and then moaned when I tried to lean forward and he squeezed my stinging ass hard to keep me still. Kyle worked his tongue around my ass and in the mirror I could see his amazing cock still standing at attention between his legs. I hadn't had anyone lick my ass since a boyfriend in college and it wasn't an unpleasant feeling.

There was that sick voice in my head again telling me that it felt good while I yearned to not listen to it. Kyle's tongue slid down my ass and I moaned when it plunged inside my pussy.

"Oh...Oh..." I groaned as he pushed his tongue in and out of my wet hole and I heard him moaning behind me.

Kyle released one hand from my ass and in the mirror I saw him grab his cock and stroke it as he tongued my pussy. He slid his soft flesh from inside me and trailed it slowly through my wet lips and when it found my clit a long moan escaped me. Kyle swirled it around and my clit, still sensitive from my recent orgasm, and my hips jerked at the contact.

"Kyle please..." I was whining at this point as he flicked his tongue around my clit, sending shivers of pleasure through my body, and making me like it. No one is making, you, you damn whore, I berated myself even as I pleaded with him, "Please, listen!"

"This doesn't feel good?" He spoke, his breath warm against my pussy.

"It does, baby, but I need you to..."

"Oh, okay!" To my relief he sat up on his knees. "I know what you need mom." He cut me off and grabbing my hips, plunged his cock deep inside my pussy.

"Oh fuck!" I screamed as entered me. "Oh...I...fuck!" I stopped trying to talk and moaned as he buried himself balls deep inside me and my pussy was forced to stretch further than it had in years.

"Mom." Kyle breathed behind me, "Damn you're tight!"

"Kyle, you can't do this to me!"

I looked over my shoulder at him, my eyes widening at the sight of his long thick cock as he slowly slid it from inside me. His shaft was glistening from my juices and I moaned as he pushed it in, but slowly this time. I watched in morbid fascination as his cock disappeared between the cheeks of my ass and into my protesting pussy.

"I can do whatever I want to you." He slapped my still burning ass for emphasis. "My slutty mother wants to be taken and her son's going to give her what she wants."

He withdrew his cock then thrust hard inside me again. I cried out as his big cock spread me open again then gasped as he moved his hips, fucking me with long slow strokes. My son was fucking me! His cock was inside my pussy and he was behind me moaning like an excited lover as he fucked his mother.

He wasn't the only one, my gasps had turned into low sounds of discomfort, but there were some hints of pleasure in those sounds as my pussy opened and became more accustomed to his size. I looked into the mirror and watched my son fuck me on my hands and knees like some slut he'd picked up at a bar.

Kyle slammed his cock harder into me and I rocked forward, grimacing in pain as the cuffs pulled on my arms, keeping me from going face down into the pillow. I yelped as he fucked me faster and harder and again I heard more than a little pleasure in the sound. Kyle's cock was as hard as it had been when I sucked him and it was so big!

My body had gotten used to him and I couldn't remember ever having felt so full. My pussy was contracting around his thick shaft and I began moaning each time he thrust inside me.

"I...Kyle...." I was trying to tell him to stop, to let me go, that I was his mother and he couldn't possibly have sex with me!

But he was. He had already cum in my mouth, fingered me to an orgasm and was now fucking me with the biggest cock I'd ever had. His heavy balls were slapping against my clit as he repeatedly drove his cock inside his mother's very wet pussy.

"You like that mom?" he asked and slapped my ass, "You like getting fucked by your son?" he laughed, "Or you just like getting fucked nice and hard the way you need it?"

"" my eyes widened and a loud squeal tore from my throat as he squeezed my hips and began fucking me so hard I couldn't speak.

"Fuck, your pussy feels good!" Kyle groaned, "Damn, fucking my mother's even hotter than those movies make it out to be!"

His fingers dug into my hips, but I barely noted the pain. Right now all I was aware of was my son's enormous dick plundering his mother's sex starved pussy. God he felt...good, oh it felt so good!

"Kyle!" I cried out, "Oh, honey, you're cocks so fucking big!"

"Yeah, you like that cock, mom?" he grabbed my hair and yanked my head back.

The pain his pulling my hair caused was nothing compared to the delight his hard thrusts were providing me and I cried out, "I do! Oh, god, fuck me! Just keep fucking me!"

As Kyle released my hair so he could grab both my hips, I heard the words, Monica you're a fucking slut, a sick one at that! The now tiny voice of sanity was still calling out in my mind. That voice was one I probably should be listening to, but it was being drowned out by my cries of pleasure and the delicious sound of Kyle's flesh smacking into mine as he fucked me.

"I knew you wanted me!" he moaned loudly, then whacked my ass again, "You love your little boy fucking you, mommy?"

"There's nothing little about you!" I called out; now pushing against the headboard and shoving my hips back into his thrusts. "I love getting fucked, if it takes my son to fuck me right then just keep fucking me right!"

In reality those words were probably a one way ticket to hell, but I was going to enjoy the ride. Kyle was now pounding me with long hard strokes, sliding out to the tip then driving back into me. I grabbed the bar on the headboard to take some of the pressure off my shoulders from the cuffs holding me up and pushed my hips back into him.

I shook my sweat soaked hair from my eyes and watched in the mirror as my son fucked me. Kyle looked damn good behind me. His large hands were on my hips and even in the glow of the candles I could see how red my ass still was. He was sweating profusely and the moisture glistened on the well defined muscles of his arms and chest.

Most exciting was the sight of his long cock sliding in and out of his mother's sopping slit. I took a moment to look at myself and had to admit I liked what I saw. My ass was red and I could make out the shape Kyle's finger's on them. That sent a wave of heat through my already throbbing clit and I pushed my ass harder into him

My back was slicked with sweat and my long dark hair was plastered across it. My small tits were swinging back and forth from the impact of Kyle's thrusts and my nipples were as hard as his damn cock. If my hands were free I would be playing with my nipples, hell if my hands were free, I would be on my back, grabbing his hips and urging him to fuck me harder.

At this point I was no longer caring how bad those thoughts sounded. The hard fucking Kyle was giving his mother had turned me into a true cock whore. Nothing mattered right now except my son's dick pleasuring my needy pussy. Kyle was certainly not who I should be fucking, but damn this was what sex should be all about!

Kyle removed his right hand from my hip and pulled me back into him. I cried out when his hand slid around my waist and found my clit. I moaned as the chain from the cuffs snapped taut, not allowing me to move backwards. Kyle slid further up the bed so my ass was resting against his stomach and he was now fucking me with short hard strokes, barely moving in and out of me, but still pounding my pussy nice and hard.

I was far from disappointed as he was rubbing my clit in hard fast circles as he fucked me.

"That feels so fucking good." I groaned, "Rub it harder!"

Kyle's fingers moved faster and I noticed he had a smug smile on his face as if saying 'I knew she wanted it'. That was fine because right now he had every right to be smiling; he was not only fucking his mother, but was minutes away from driving me to a second orgasm. I moaned and squirmed against him, grinding my ass in his crotch and working his fingers into my swollen button.

I whimpered with frustration that I couldn't touch my nipples, or his cock for that matter, but the thrill of being helpless made up for it. I was being taken the way I had thought about all week. Granted it was by the last man I knew who should be taking me, but I would worry about that later.

That thought caused the little voice in the non lust crazed section of my mind to ask what the hell I was going to do when this was over; say thanks for the fuck now scram so you're father can fuck me?. For the first time since Kyle had shoved his cock in my face, I thought of my husband. I had never cheated on Dan, swore I never would, he was the only man I wanted.

But here I was in our bed getting fucked silly! Obviously I could never tell him, but I would have to live it, spend our days knowing I was a cheating slut and that I had fucked his son, our son. What of Kyle? He would want more...or would he? Earlier I had lied to myself saying this would help him get over me.

But now as he played with my clit and worked my pussy with his incredible cock it hit me that I had made it worse. Not just worse for him because he would want more, but how could I not want more? God he was...

"Oh, baby!" I moaned as his fingers, his very skilled fingers, caused my hips to move faster and my thighs to quiver. "Honey, please don't stop!"

"You going to come for me again?" he asked, slowing his thrusting down as he pulled me tight against him and moved his fingers faster.

"Yes, of yes!" I whimpered, "I need to come again, please let your mother come!"

"Hmm, my slut mommy wants to come on her son's cock doesn't she?"

Fuck yeah she did! I wiggled my hips faster and pushed against his plunging cock. The thought of cumming with his fat cock inside me had me moaning and whimpering as I teetered on the edge. Kyle let go of my other hip and reaching around beneath me captured my left nipple and gave it a hard twist.

The sudden pain sent me over the edge and throwing my head back I howled in pleasure as my pussy convulsed around his thrusting cock. The first time I had come my mouth had been stuffed with his cock, but this time I was able to open wide and voice my pleasure. I released another long loud wail and my hips bucked wildly against him, grinding on his still moving cock as his fingers continued to please me.

"Oh Kyle!" I cried my son's name in a way no good mother ever would as my muscles contracted, squeezing his massive cock repeatedly. Kyle moaned each time my pussy clutched his hard shaft and I his hips worked into mine, his thrusts becoming harder and faster as he responded to his mother coming like a whore on his cock.

His fingers were still fondling my breast as well as my clit and as I writhed against him, squealing as waves of pleasure crashed through me, I wondered if Kyle was this good to his girl friends? They were some lucky little bitches if he had fucked them like this because I had never come this hard for Dan.

"I...oh my god!" I gasped as the last of the orgasm flowed through me and I stopped moving my hips. "I...came so hard."

"That's because you're a pig, mom." Kyle said simply.

Before I could reply he pushed me forward. I grunted as I braced my hands against the head board then moaned when he slammed his cock into me again. Kyle then tore into me so hard I began emitting a series of yelps each time he hammered into me. He was fucking me hard and fast and I watched him in the mirror, my lust addled senses reveling at not just how good he felt, but how good we looked fucking.

Kyle reached down and grabbing the heels of my shoes pulled upwards. I grimaced as I was forced to lean forward and pull on the cuffs. But once he started fucking me again that discomfort was forgotten. He was plunging even deeper into me while lifting my knees off the bed. He was holding me up as if I were a wheelbarrow and the muscles in his arms were bulging with effort.

Holy shit where had he gotten this? I made a mental note to start watching the movies he did! He was fucking me just as hard and I was moaning continuously as he plundered my pussy. He was fucking me so hard I was starting to hurt again, but it was a damn good pain.

'Oh mom." Kyle moaned, "Your pussy's so wet, you feel so good."

He trailed off and I noticed each of his moans were ending in a soft whimper and knew he was getting close again. I had the insane desire to want to feel his come inside me and egged him on.

"Come for me, baby! Give it to your mother!"

He let my foot go and smacked my ass. "That's not the game, mom!" he laughed.

"Oh..." I smiled and then began begging him. "Ow! Oh no! Stop! Please stop fucking me! Oh, Kyle please don't fuck me! Please I...Jesus Christ!"

I screamed when Kyle yanked my legs out straight behind me, leaning over me to grab the head board and began fucking me. I was prone on my stomach wincing in pain as my shoulders were pulled upwards against the cuffs. There was just enough slack that my nipples were rubbing against the sheet as Kyle fucked me.

He was balanced on his feet and holding himself over me with his arms as he lifted his hips and drove his cock relentlessly into me. I watched every muscle in his body bulge as he did pushups into my body and he was fucking me so hard I was howling like an animal as he took me. Kyle was moaning over me and I felt the sweat dripping from his face hitting my arms.

My pussy was taking the hardest pounding of my life and I was bucking and squirming beneath him thinking that I could have never even imagined Dan fucking me like this, hell I didn't know I could be fucked this hard.

"I...oh, mom..." For all the force he was using Kyle was whimpering and the sounds were adorable.

He was breathing hard and I knew he was right there and added fuel to his fire.

"Oh God, Kyle, oh you're hurting me! God your dick is too fucking big for mommy's pussy! Please...please....!"

Kyle cried out over me and to my chagrin didn't explode inside of me. Instead he stood up over me and proceeded to come all over my back. I lay there, the cuffs holding my arms and head up and watched him jerk off. Long thick streams of cum spurted from it and splattered on my back. I moaned as his hot fluid struck my skin and oozed down my back.

I cried out in surprise when one spurt struck the side of my face and dripped down into the corner of my mouth. I eagerly flicked my tongue out to catch it as Kyle moaned and stroked his cock above me. God he looked good as he jerked off, but I knew my hands would look even better as I pumped that big dick and made it erupt for me.

Kyle moaned and sank to his knees between my legs.

"Honey, that you fucked the shit out of me!" I managed to get out between my gasping for breath. "Baby, we're done now, how about you let me go and..."

"We're not done yet."

Kyle grabbed my right shoulder and with a wrench of his powerful arm, flipped me over onto my back. I squealed in surprise as the cuff spun around the bed post and I was now looking up at him kneeling between my legs. I caught my breath and pulled on the cuffs, "Let me go, honey I..."

My words were cut off when he leaned over me and pressed his lips to mine. I groaned as he drove his tongue into my mouth and Kyle emitted a soft sound of pleasure as he kissed me. After a moment of hesitation I returned his kiss and with a passion that matched his.

My tongue slid into my son's mouth and our lips fought to devour the others as we kissed with a force and heat I'd only read about in romance novels. I moaned into my son's mouth as our tongues waged war with one another and lifting my legs wrapped them around his waist.

"Oh, mom!" Kyle moaned into our kiss and the tone sent a thrill through me.

He no longer sounded like he was trying to force me or even as smug as he had looked, his moaning was the sound of a young man overwhelmed with joy and pleasure. I could feel his now softening cock moving against my wet slit and rocked my hips as I kept my legs tightly around him. He moaned softly at the contact then breaking away from my lips smiled down at me.

"Damn, you look good mom, so sexy." His smile turned into the sweet one I'd always loved seeing on him. "So beautiful."

"Take these off." I jerked the cuffs, "Please, baby, I want to hold you."

I was no longer saying that as any type of ply to get loose. After all, why bother now? But I wanted to hold him close and enjoy his young hard body against mine and stroke his hair and whisper in his ear. I wanted to show him love after the lust we had just experienced. Instead, he shook his head.

"I'm not done yet." he looked down at my body with an expression of desire on his face that sent a shiver through me, "Damn look at those tits."

Kyle did more than look at them, sliding down he open wide and all but devoured my right breast. I moaned and pulled against the cuffs, my legs sliding up and down his as he tongued my aching nipple. Kyle fondled my other breast as he licked and sucked my pink nipple moaning the entire time.

The enthusiasm he showed while sucking my tits had my hips rocking even though I'd come twice and was fresh off the best fucking of my life. Kyle switched to my other tit and I sighed as his tongue teased a wet circle around my nipple.

"You're being so good to me, baby." I purred as he rolled my nipple between his fingers while sucking the other, "Look at you making your mother happy."

"I've been wanting to be good to you." He looked up at me as he tongue my breast, "I want you to have everything you want mom, you and dad can stay together and be happy in every way and when it comes to sex, I'll take good care of you!"

His words stunned me and recalled my thoughts of what would happen after this. Kyle wanted me and Dan to be happy, he loved both of us and didn't seem to want to take Dan's place, but instead wanted to be, what; a mother and son with benefits?

All thoughts left my mind when Kyle gave my nipple an affectionate kiss then sliding quirky down the bed, came to rest between my thighs.

"Oh, honey, you don't have to do that, come back up here."

There was no conviction in my voice and I stopped trying and simply admired how good my son looked between my legs. Kyle was staring lovingly at my pussy and putting his hand son my soft thighs whispered, "I've been dying to lick your pussy for months, mom."

Any reply I had was turned into a delighted squeal as he plunged his tongue inside me. I squirmed above him, working my hips in his face and wishing I could run my fingers through his hair or grab his arms. But again the fact I was helpless added to the thrill. Kyle's eyes were on mine as his tongue swirled around inside me and he moaned he eagerly lapped up his mother's juices.

I stared in appreciation at Kyle's body laid out between my legs. His muscular sweaty back and his firm tight ass, his blonde hair was darkened with sweat and his blue eyes were glazed over with lust as he sucked his mother's pussy.

I put my legs over his shoulders, and rubbed my shoes along his back, careful not to hurt him with the heels, but loving the way my long legs and the fuck me shoes looked on my son's body.

Kyle removed his tongue from my pussy, licked his lips and took my clit into his mouth sucking it hard enough to make his lips smack.

"Yes!" I called out as he brought his hand from my thigh and buried two fingers inside me.

Kyle thrust his fingers roughly in and out and sucked my clit in a matching rhythm. I lay there moaning as my son didn't lick my pussy, he attacked it. He was sucking my clit so hard it bordered on painful and his fingers were plunging so deep inside me I felt his knuckles striking me.

He was moaning and his hips were grinding into the bed, rubbing his cock into the sheets as he ate his mother's pussy. He swirled his tongue around my throbbing button in hard fast circles and unbelievably, I felt another orgasm building already. I whimpered and pulling against the cuffs, lifted my back off the bed, pushing my pussy into his face.

Kyle pulled his fingers from inside me and reaching up grabbed both my nipples and twisted them.

"Fuck!" I moaned, "Keep licking, baby! Lick mommy's pussy! Make me come! I want to come in my baby's face!"

Kyle moaned and sucked my clit hard as he gave my nipples another twist. I threw my head back and came like an animal. Head back, mouth wide open and wailing like a banshee. Even with the windows closed I wondered if the neighbors could hear me.

Fuck them if they could! I wrapped my legs around his shoulders and clamping my thighs against his head, pinned my son's face against my quivering pussy. I wailed over and over as my third orgasm of the last hour tore through my body.

I bucked my hips, grinding my pussy into his still moving tongue and as he managed to fondle my breasts and keep sucking me I again marveled at his skill as a lover.

"Oh, fuck, honey!" I groaned as the last waves of pleasure flowed through my quivering body. "That...I...oh, Kyle." I let my legs slide off his back.

"Damn," he sat up to his knees between my legs and I smiled at the sight of his sticky cheeks. Sticky from his mother's pussy.

I lowered my gaze to between his legs and saw his cock was semi hard. Even in that state it was huge and was dripping. I licked my lips, "Bring that cock up here."

"What?" he asked,

"Slide up here and straddle my face and shove that big dick in my fucking mouth." I was breathing hard, totally consumed by the desire to once again feel that incredible cock.

"I...don't know if I can." He admitted, "I'm..."

"Kyle, get your ass up here and let your mother show you what a good fluffer she is." When he paused I snapped, "I want my son's cock in my mouth, now give it to me!

Kyle slid up the bed and placing his knees on either side of my chest, pushed his cock in my face. I opened wide and groaned as I took him deep into my mouth. Kyle whimpered and my eyes rolled back in my head at the sensation of his soft flesh beginning to harden between my lips.

I swirled my tongue around his shaft and moved my head back and forth as much as I could. Popping his now close to completely erect cock from my mouth, I said, "Fuck my mouth! Fuck it until you're hard enough to fuck me again!"

This time Kyle didn't bat and eye and shoving his cock back into my mouth worked his hips. I moaned as I lay there letting my son fuck my mouth. I could tastes my pussy on him and that taboo thought had my hips writhing, my pussy yearning for more of my son's hot cock. Kyle was now fully hard again, ah the joys of youth!

He continued to fuck my mouth, staring down at the visual of face fucking his bound mother. I didn't mind him waiting to fuck me, he was dripping down my throat and I was moaning at the taste. Kyle pulled his cock from my lips, slid back between my legs and grabbed my ankles.

Lifting my pegs he spread them wide and slammed his cock home in my pussy.

"Fuck yeah!" I cried as he cut loose slamming his hips hard and fast and thrusting his cock deep inside each time.

Kyle pulled my ankles together and lifted my ass off the bed. That caused his cock to plunge even deeper into me and I was now yelping with each thrust. He wrapped one strong arm around my thighs holding me up and using his free hand slipped my shoes off. I squealed as he sucked my toes into his mouth and as his eyes rolled back, I laughed,

"You like mommy's feet?" his answer was to lick the bottom of my foot from hell to toe then turn his head suck on the toes of my other foot.

I placed my feet against his cheeks rubbing them up and down his face and he whimpered and thrust even harder. Our flesh was making loud smacking sounds and I could hear his cock squishing into my sopping slit.

"The cuffs!' I yelled, "Get them off me!"

Kyle let my legs go, but continued to thrust his hips, fucking me as he leaned over. He put his thumbs on the buttons and pushed.

"They're broken." I moaned, "Get the key, I..."

I stopped when I saw the muscles in his forearms bulge and I heard a loud double click and the cuffs fell from my wrists. I immediately grabbed his face in my hands and pulled him down into a deep tongue filled kiss. Kyle moaned as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and my legs around his waist, drawing him into his mother's taboo embrace.

He continued to fuck me, but was now using slower longer thrusts. I held him tight and kissed his neck, his shoulders, flicked my tongue into his ear. I found his lips again and we both moaned into the kiss as his cock plunged into the forbidden heat of my pussy.

I turned my head and sighed as he kissed my neck and moving lower licked my nipples, going side to side as his long thick cock fed my insatiable pussy.

I watched in the mirror taking in our sweaty entwined bodies. Holy shit how could something so wrong be so fucking hot? Kyle was breathing hard and moaned, "I...I don't think I can come again."

"Sit back up and fuck me hard, baby." I smiled, "Trust me, you will come for your mother again, you'll come for her whenever she wants you to."

That was a mistake; leaving things wide open in his mind for more, but how could I not say it? Kyle got back to his knees spread my legs and fucked me hard and fast. He was beet red and seemed to be struggling to continue to fuck me. Inside me I could feel he was softer than before and grabbing my tits fondled them, giving him a show.

"Like that, baby? Like watching mommy play with her tits?"

"Oh, yeah!" He moaned, "I...I just....can't."

"Stop!" I snapped.

Kyle listened-telling me I could have avoided this whole thing if I had truly tried hard enough- and eased out from inside me.

I sat up, turned onto my knees and shoved him onto his back. Grabbing his cock I took him into my mouth and sucked him like it was a competition. Kyle cried out and thrust his hips into my mouth and when he was as hard as he had been I stopped sucking, swung my leg over his hips and guided his cock to my pussy.

I drove down on top of him and howled as I impaled myself on his huge dick. Kyle gasped and grabbed my hips. I placed my hands on my chest, shook the sweat from my eyes and began riding him like he was a prize bull at a rodeo.

I drove down so hard he was bouncing on the bed and I started shoving his chest, causing him to bounce more and timing my movements to be descending into him when he rose.

"Mom, oh..oh God!" Kyle was whimpering beneath me and I smiled at how I was now taking him.

"What's the matter, baby?" I asked staring down at his wide eyes. "Mommy too much for you? Your mommy fucking you too hard?"

"No, I....oh mom!" he called out as I grabbed the top of the bed and using it for leverage fucked him even harder. His cock was hurting me now, but I was out of control.

I looked in the mirror and my eyes widened at the sight of me riding Kyle like a out of control porn star, a wild cougar fucking the shit out of her cub....but in reality a mother who was so sex starved and feeling so slutty she was fucking her son. Below me Kyle was whimpering feeding my frenzy and he was beginning to beg.

"Mom, please, I can't come! I...Oh...please!"

I laughed and rode him another minute enjoying his whimpering then slid off him. Grabbing his wet cock I pumped it hard in my fist. As his hips jerked and he began whining I put my other hand around him. Two hands and the tip was still visible! I pumped him with both hands and leaning over sucked the head of his cock into my mouth.

"Oh...oh..." Kyle moaned.

"Come for mommy!" I told him, "Come in my mouth, I want every fucking drop my son has for me!" I resumed sucking and his hips thrust into my mouth.

"That's it!" I urged him on, "Be my good boy! Come for me, Kyle, you wanted me, now you have me! Come one more time for mommy! Let her taste ....yes!"

I cried out in lusty joy as his cock twitched in my hands and he released a loud cry. I covered his cock with my mouth and moaned as he shot his come into it. I continued to jerk him off violently, yanking on his tired cock. Kyle moaned and cupping his balls I massaged them while stroking and sucking every drop he had to give.

"Oh mom! Mom!" he kept moaning as I jerked and sucked his exhausted cock.

When I couldn't milk any more from him, I released it with a smack of my lips and he stared wide eyed at me, "Jesus, mom,'re wow."

"Hmm," I wiped at my lips and gave his cock a kiss and an affectionate squeeze, "This is wow. Honey, the girls you broke up with must have been upset, because damn are you good! And this cock!"

"No complaints." He laughed tiredly.

He was stretched out and I lay down beside him resting my head on his shoulder and sighed, "Honey, you really were good! Are girls your age that good these days?"

"Um....well." He looked away.

"What?" I asked, propping myself up on my elbow, "What is it, fess up."

"For a couple of months I was seeing this older woman I met at work."

"Really?" I asked, stunned, "How old?"

"Forty five, it was just sex, she thought I was cute and she was damn hot and I wanted to be with an older woman." He sighed, "She was as wild as you were and said she would make it so all the girls I was with owed her a thank you."

I laughed, "Well tell her thanks!" I shook my head, "All this time we think you're alone and you're fucking some horny milf."

"But I wanted my horny milf." He kissed my cheek sweetly.

"Aww." I kissed him on the lips and lay back down, resting against him. "Kyle that was wrong, baby."

"Didn't feel wrong." He pointed out.

"No, when both people come three times its pretty damn good."

"And next time I'll lick you nice and slow and we won't tie you up and..."

"Baby, we need to talk about that." I sighed.

"What do you mean?" he started to sit up, but I held him down and he continued, "Mom, after that you don't want to do it again?"

"I...honey, look you needed that and I needed it to." I took a deep breath, preparing to lie "I didn't want you to at first, but then I figured if I gave in then you would get what you needed, get it out of your system."

"You didn't fake that." He shook his head.

"I didn't, I loved it, really I did! But we...honey I can't sleep with you both, I can't."

'It's okay!" he did sit up this time. "I don't care if you and dad have sex. You can let him be sweet to you and then when you get horny and he's tired I'll take care of you, you can have both of us!"

"Kyle, please I..." I stopped when his eyes filled up

"Please, mom? I wanted to be with you so bad! Please say we can again! Dad travels a lot! I won't do anything with you until he goes away then we can play. We can even sleep together!"

"Kyle." I swallowed hard and felt my own emotions welling up, he had fucked me hard and nasty, but I'd seen glimpses of his affection for me and could see it plainly now.

He wanted to sleep with me, hold me at night. I recalled my desire to do that with him as I was bound; to take my baby in my arms and love him simultaneously as a mother and a lover.

"Mom, please?" he wiped at his eyes, "Look, let's talk Sunday while dad's out. We'll sleep on it a couple of nights and figure it out."

"Baby, I can't do that to your dad."

"We already did." He turned serious. "You know I wouldn't have hurt you mom. If you really got mad I would have stopped. All playing wanted me. You sucked my cock like you couldn't get it fast enough and you came for me. You wanted me mom."

"I...honey, you're right and I made a mistake."

"Says who? It felt so good, mom! I don't want to replace my dad, I just want us to have this between us, something special! You can have your husband and your loving son or your nasty son! I'll do anything you want!"

"Kyle. I..."

"Let's just lay here!" He suggested. "There's another two hours before dad will be home. Set the alarm, we can stay in bed together and see how it feels."

"I don't know." I said with little sincerity, fact is I wanted to feel him next to me. To hold him close in a way mothers weren't supposed to be able to.

"Please? I think I earned it?" he gave me that adorable smile and I caved.

"Kyle this whole thing has been so weird, why not?" I picked up my phone and set the alarm for an hour.

"I'm only giving us until nine. I have to shower and change the sheets."

"I'll help." He grinned, "With the sheets to!"

"Come here, smart ass." I put my arms out to him and the smile left his face.

Kyle lowered himself into my embrace and as I folded my arms around him he gave me the softest, sweetest kiss I had ever experienced. "I love you mom."

" you too, baby." I whispered, stroking his wet sweaty hair. "Let's get some rest, okay?"

"Sure." He rolled onto his back and put his arm out for me.

Knowing I was playing just as dangerous of a game as I had with the sex, I still went ahead and lay on my side next to him. I rested my head on his shoulder as I had before and putting my arm around his waist, sighed when he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, holding me tightly to him.

I remained silent, figuring the conversation had nowhere to go that wouldn't make things more complicated than my lust driven decisions had already made them. I peeked up to see Kyle's eyes were closed and he was breathing deeply. I let myself relax and looked down at our bodies, our naked bodies; damn he looked good against me.

His huge cock was soft, but still impressive and I had to will my hand to stay on his stomach and not play with it. Not that I wasn't satisfied, but damn I wanted to just hold it and stroke it, feel it grow in my hand. I closed my eyes and my last thought was how the hell I was going to get dressed, cuff myself again to the bed and let Dan have sex with me.

I awoke with a start to the sound of the alarm picking the cell up where I had left it next to Kyle, thumbed the alarm off. He grumbled something and laid there, his beautiful blue eyes, half open. I had draped my leg over his as we slept and I felt the heat of my pussy against his thigh and my nipples were pressing into his side.

I saw his cock was semi hard and this time couldn't resist. I took it in my hand and slowly pumped it. Kyle moaned softly and remained still as his mother stroked his cock. Despite the three times he had come it swelled to close to a full erection and I quickly let it go before I tried to fuck him again.

We both sat up, and he gave me a soft kiss, "You felt good, mom." He said softly

"You did to, baby." He really did, goddamn it!

"So, um..." he paused.

"You have to go, honey." I swung my legs off the bed and stood up, wincing at how sore I was, damn he had fucked me so hard everything hurt. "I have to get ready for your dad."

"He'll never know, mom, it will just be our secret."

He got off the bed and I breathed a sigh of relief as he slipped his boxers back on, then his jeans covering up that huge temptation between his legs. Thinking my being naked wasn't exactly helping him leave, I grabbed my short red robe from the chair near the window and slipped it on.

"He can never know." I shrugged, "He'd never understand, hell, honey I don't understand what we just did."

"We don't have to." He smiled, "If it feels good do it."

"Not so simple, but it did feel good."

"So we can..."

"Kyle, please just go, you're supposed to be at Johns."

"Oh, right." He slipped his shirt on and I frowned at the look of hurt in his face.

I felt terrible, as if I were treating him like some one night stand and kicking him out.

"Come back tomorrow morning I said we'll talk when Dad goes to play golf." Talk, that's all we'll do is talk, I tried to tell myself.

"Okay." He nodded. "I'll head over to John's, but um, can I shower first?" When I looked at him he grinned, "I kind of smell like my mom's pussy."

"Honey, I don't know too many boys who would want to ever say that."

"They would if they had a mom, like you." He winked.

Not so sure too many boys would, or would they? How would most sons react if their mothers approached them sexually? No way to know because not too many, if any, mothers would want to. Staring at Kyle, my pussy still moist between my legs I wondered who was more wrong here, him wanting me, or me letting him and loving it.

"You don't have to flatter me." I waved my hand at him. "You got everything you wanted."

"I want more." He said softly and putting his arms around me drew me into a long slow kiss. "A lot more" he whispered while still holding me in his strong arms. "I hope you do too." "We..." I eased myself from his embrace, "We'll talk, baby, promise." Just talk, but this time my voice of reason was barely a whisper, drowned out by the visions of another encounter like tonight, but this one with me being unbound and able to touch him so much more. "Okay." He kissed my cheek and as he walked towards the door said over his shoulder, "You know, you have to shower to mom, feel free to join me." "What part of we'll talk don't you understand?" I tried to sound stern, but laughed, "Nice try Romeo."

"Can't hurt to ask!" He walked to the door then stopped, "Know what I just thought of?"

"I'm afraid to ask," I laughed.

"I remember when I was a kid and we made Valentine's cards in school for our mom's. Mrs. Williams said that there would never be a woman who would love us more than our mother and they should always think of them at Valentine's Day." He grinned, "Not sure this was what she meant though."

"Safe bet on that one, now get a move on." I told him, "I have things to do that don't involve breaking any taboos."

When he left, I turned and frowned at the sight of the rumpled sheets on the bed and taking a deep breath I realized the entire room reeked of sex. I'd have to change the sheets, replace the regular candles with scented ones. More importantly I had to somehow try to go through with letting Dan have his way with me, let him fuck me and go down on me and...get his son's sloppy seconds.

"Monica, what the hell did you do?" I asked myself, then jumped when my cell rang.

My stomach lurched when I saw it was Dan. Had his flight taken off early, was he already on his way home? My fingers trembling and my face burning with the shame of what I had just done behind his back, I answered the phone,

"Hey, baby, you on your way home?"

"Hey, Monica, no, I..." he sighed heavily into the phone, "They say they can't get the damn plane repaired and I have to get another flight, honey I'm sorry, but I can't get home until tomorrow morning."

"I..." I closed my eyes and sat on the bed as a wave of relief flooded through me. "That's okay, Dan, I'd rather have you be safe."

"I know, but tonight was a big deal for you and I'm sorry I ruined it."

"You didn't ruin it, baby." I told him thinking that in a way tonight had been far better than I could have ever dreamed of. "I'll let you make it up to me tomorrow, how's that?"

"Sounds good, nothing wrong with a belated Valentine night and our game will be more fun because I won't be so tired."

By tomorrow I would have time to sort things out and at that point I wouldn't be having sex with Dan within a couple of hours of fucking our son. "That would be great, honey! You'll get a good night's sleep and it will be more fun!"

"I'm glad you're not mad." He sounded as relieved as I did, but for different reasons, "I'll cancel golf and we'll go to lunch."

"Sounds good." I told him.

"So you'll still be my little bad girl tomorrow?" He asked.

"Honey, you have no idea how bad your girl is." I answered honestly.

"I guess I'll find out tomorrow."

Oh, no you wouldn't, I thought as I sat there with the taste of our son's cum still in my mouth, but replied

"That you will sexy, that you will."

"I have to go book a hotel, honey, I'll call you in the morning, okay?"

"Good night, Dan. I love you." I said the last part softly, feeling a pang of guilt.

"Love you too. Sweet dreams," he laughed, "Or not so sweet."

"I doubt they'll be sweet, baby, I am your bad girl, remember?"

Dan laughed and after we said we loved each other once more I hung up. I exhaled loudly feeling as if I'd just dodged a bullet, now I had the rest of the night to figure things out, get some sleep and hopefully be able to enjoy the morning with Dan without thinking of Kyle and what I had more than willingly let him do to me.

The entire night. The words echoed in my mind. I had all night to sort things out. It was only eight thirty.

"Monica, don't do it." I whispered, but even as I spoke I stood up and making my way to the door opened it.

I could see the light shining out from under the bathroom door and hear the water running in the shower.

"Be good." I told myself

Again I was moving while speaking, walking towards the bathroom. I stopped in front of the door and carefully opened it. Through the steam I could make out Kyle's silhouette behind the glass shower doors. Stepping into the warm room, I quietly closed the door and untying my robe, let it fall to the floor.

I had plenty of time to take a nice hot shower with my son. Hell, we had all night, after the shower we could sleep together like Kyle wanted too, see how it felt; talk about things. I smiled as I slid the shower door open.

And after all, it was still Valentine's Day, wasn't it?