Mom's Christmas Tradition

Oh yeah, that's it, I thought while watching Tracy kiss my chest, Just keep heading south. Instead of south however, Tracy slid her face to the left. My initial disappointment gave way to an excited thrill, as flicking her tongue out, she began licking my nipple.

"Oh, that feels nice." I whispered, bringing my hand up and rubbing it across her soft back.

"Yeah?" She asked, looking up at me with her big blue eyes, "You like that Matt?"

"I love how it looks even more."

I meant what I said. Her pink tongue sliding around my chest looked fucking amazing, and for the first time in awhile I felt my hopes rise; maybe we would finally have some good hard sex. Tracy giggled and blushing, put her head down sending my hopes in the other direction. In the beginning I'd found Tracy's shyness sweet and endearing. After all, we were each other's firsts, and I think I would have been taken aback if she had fucked like a porn star right off the bat. That first time had been six months ago and I starting to get frustrated. Hell if it wasn't noon, I wouldn't even be able to watch, as at night she always wanted the lights off when we fooled around.

I couldn't understand what she was shy about, Tracy was hot as hell. She had an incredibly tight little body that included a perfect set of perky little tits, a firm round ass that fit just right in the palms of my hands, and her legs were in great shape from cheerleading. Her baby blue eyes went along with long curly blonde hair, and a smile that never failed to make me smile back.

"Well I'm glad you like it." Tracy whispered looking up at me and giving me that smile. "After all, it is your Christmas present."

I smiled back at her and told myself to relax. Right now I had it pretty damn good. It was the day before Christmas, both my brothers were in town for the week, and best of all I was lying naked in Tracy's bed. Speaking of naked, all she was wearing was the silver bracelet I had given her an hour ago for Christmas. Making things even better, her mother was at work and we had all afternoon to play. Tracy slid up to me, and kissed me softly. I was lying with my right leg between hers, and could feel my hard cock pressing against her soft thigh. Even better than that, I could feel the heat of her pussy against my leg, and couldn't wait to see her spread it for me. Yeah, all things considered it wasn't bad being me right now.

Tracy lightly slipped her tongue across my lips, and I parted them to let it invade my mouth. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her closer to me. Tracy sighed happily and I gave a silent thanks to my oldest brother Todd who told me a few weeks ago when he called at Thanksgiving that it would be better if I didn't press and let Tracy get wilder on her own. As if trying to prove him right, Tracy broke the kiss, gave me a mischievous little smile that caused my heart to beat faster, and started sliding back down my body. Again her soft lips and wet tongue teased their way down my chest, but this time she didn't linger, she just kept working her way towards my aching cock. I reached down and started running my fingers through her hair and sighed at the sensation of her hard nipples sliding across my stomach. I again became aware of her pussy against my leg, and with a thrill of excitement realized it was leaving a wet trail along my flesh, she was excited too!

Tracy stopped at my stomach and started kissing and licking there. It felt good, looked great, but I could feel myself trembling with excitement. To this day she had not once sucked my cock directly in front of me. In the beginning either the lights would be off, or she would lie across me and all I could see was the back of her head. She'd also never given me a full blow job or let me cum anywhere near her face never mind in her mouth, I found myself hoping that could be part of my present today. Before Tracy I hadn't gotten beyond a little heavy petting with anyone else, and I was dying to know what it would feel like to be sucked off. To shoot my cum into her cute little mouth like all those guys did in the dirty movies I watched every night.

Today could definitely be the day! Tracy had made her way all the way down between my legs, her arms were resting on my thighs and her face was just over my hard cock. Tracy looked up at me nervously, and smiling reassuringly, I used another tip Todd had given me.

"You look so sexy down there," I said softly. "So beautiful."

When I saw Todd tonight I was going to fucking kiss his ugly ass! After blushing and giving me the cutest little giggle, Tracy grabbed my cock in her hand, and kissed it. I groaned and my hips twitched as the kiss was followed with her swirling her tongue around the swollen head.

"Yeah, you want me too?" She asked.

"Of course I do," I told her. "You know I do."

"Okay," she said looking at my cock as she gave it a slow pump with her fist, "Merry Christmas!"

I couldn't help but moan as Tracy slid her lips over the head of my cock and slowly took it into her mouth. She went down a couple of inches and slipped it back out. She licked her lips, and did it again, this time taking me a little deeper. I started caressing her back and stared at her, mesmerized by finally getting to see my cock sliding in and out of her mouth. Oh, this was the best present ever. I was aware of everything and it all felt incredible. Her hard nipples were pressing against my thighs, her long hair felt great on my stomach, but of course best of all was her warm wet mouth and silky tongue caressing my throbbing cock.

My cock started throbbing even harder as she began taking it deeper. She was halfway down now, and was starting to use her hand as well, stroking me as she sucked. Tracy moved her head slightly and her hair fell across her face, obscuring my view. I slid my hand up her back, and getting a handful of her hair pulled it away from her face. Tracy had her eyes closed and I whispered. "Look up at me."

Tracy opened her eyes and after a brief hesitation looked at me. A thrill went through me as I looked into her big wide eyes as she blew me. I started running my fingers through her hair, and felt my thighs begin to start trembling. Tracy wasn't sucking all that hard or fast, but I was so worked up, I was already getting close to going off. I didn't want it to be over so soon and said quietly,"Tease me a little."

Tracy slipped my cock from her mouth.


"Yeah," I reached down and caressed her cheek. "You know, lick it up and down."

"You didn't like what I was doing?" She looked upset." It didn't feel good?"

Keeping calm, I told her. "It feels too good! I just you know," I grinned. "Wanna enjoy my present more."

"Oh okay," She smiled again and I breathed a silent sigh of relief.

That silent sigh was transformed into a moan when dipping her head, Tracy placed her tongue at the base of my cock and worked it up the length of my shaft.

"Oh that looks so good Trace." I whispered, running my fingers through her hair again.

"Glad you like it."

She swirled her tongue around the head of my cock and licked the other side.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

"Hmm-mmm" she grunted as she worked her way back up.

That little sound sent a surge though me. She did like it! She was going to get into it just like those girls in the blow job movies I loved to watch.

"Tell me what you like." I told her.

"I..." Tracy smiled and kissed the head of my cock. "I like making you feel good."

"No, tell me what you like doing to me."

Tracy looked at me as her hand still slowly stroked my cock. She knew what I wanted, I had asked her to talk dirty before, and figured since she was being more fun today...

"I really don't like to say it Matt."

"Come on Trace," I said getting frustrated. Was it that much to ask? "Don't act like a little kid."

"Kid?" she asked, letting go of my cock. "I'm between your legs blowing you, and I'm a kid I..."

"See there you go!" I told her excitedly. "Damn that sounded hot!" I smiled at her. "Say it again."

Tracy looked at me then giggled.

"You mean you like me blowing you?"

"I love you blowing me," sliding my hand between us I stroked her hard nipple. She moaned softly and my cock twitched at the sound. "I love you loving doing it to me." I continued, "Say it again, please?"

"I like blowing you Matt." She said, giving my cock a squeeze. "I like...." She paused, then whispered. "I like sucking your cock."

"Oh damn!" I all but shouted "Now was that so hard?"

"No, but this is." Tracy squeezed my cock again causing some pre cum to ooze out "And I like that it's hard for me."

Oh, this was going to great! Tracy looked down at my cock then using the back of her hand wiped my sticky pre cum away. I was hoping she would have licked it off, but she made up for it by opening wide and taking my cock back into her mouth. Not only did she put it back in, but this time started sucking much faster than before. I laid there moaning at not just how good the heat of her mouth felt, but how fucking incredible she looked working my cock. She was again using her hand as well, and taking more of me down into her warm wet mouth then she ever had before.

I clenched my hand in her hair and she looked up at me. I immediately loosened my grip, but kept my hand on the back of her head. After a minute I grew bold and started lightly pushing on the back of her head as she bobbed up and down my cock. I wasn't pushing hard, I was simply guiding her, but it was amazing. Just like the fucking movies. I was lying here getting a real blow job and any time now I was going to cum right inside of that pretty little mouth.

"Oh Tracy," I gasped, encouraging her. "Oh look at you! Look at you being a naughty girl."

Tracy gave a little giggle around my cock that sent a shiver through me. I kept going.

"That's right, look at you being a naughty little thing."

Tracy winked at me and spurred on, I took it further. "Yeah you love it don't you?"

"Hmmm-mm" she moaned around my throbbing prick.

That little noise was rapidly becoming the best thing I'd heard since the little squeal she had released in my ear when I had slipped inside of her for the first time.

"Oh yeah," I groaned as I felt my legs start trembling again. "You love sucking that cock don't you?"

Tracy looked up from blowing me her eyes narrowed, but continued to suck. Too caught up to care she didn't seem thrilled with that last remark, I kept going.

"Yeah you're going to suck me off aren't you, you nasty little thing?"

I could feel the cum starting to building up in my balls as Tracy's hot mouth and wet tongue continued to work me up.

"I'm going to cum nice and hard for you Trace, right in that hot little mouth of yours."

Tracy shook her head, but I was beyond caring.

"Don't pretend you don't want too, you're going to love it aren't you? Go ahead, suck that cock you little slut, suck the cum right... no!"

Tracy had started to pull her head from my cock. I was almost there and as she tried to pull away I held her head down, and started pumping my hips, fucking her mouth. Tracy squealed, and mistaking it for an excited sound I wrapped my hand in her hair and started using it to push her mouth up and down on my cock.

"Yes!" I groaned. "Oh yeah look at you letting me fuck your mouth, oh you dirty little..."

I was cut off by Tracy suddenly pushing hard on my legs, lifting her mouth from my cock. As soon as she did she swatted at my arm and yelled.

"Stop it!" She sat back on her knees, breathing hard. "Don't treat me like that!"

"Goddamn Trace," I gasped. "I was getting ready to..."

"I'm not a slut!" She snapped. "And I don't like you treating me like one!"

I could see she was really pissed and felt my cock starting to deflate.

"Come on Trace, it's only fun, you know I don't think you're a slut."

"Then why do I have to act like one for you?"

As she spoke, I found myself staring at her small round tits. Her chest was heaving and they were rising and falling with her breaths. Tracy had tiny pink nipples that were still hard and I wondered what she would look like playing with them for me.

"It's all you ever want!" She continued, snapping me out of my sex induced fog. "Why can't you just be happy with me being a good girl?"

"Tracy you are a good girl." I told her, sitting up. "You're a great girl," I paused and reaching out took her hand. "You're my girl."

Tracy yanked her hand away from mine and realizing she was really upset, felt a sinking feeling in my stomach.

"Well I guess that's not good enough for you." She crossed her arms over her tits. "Maybe you'd be happier with one of those little sluts from the sorority at school. "I bet they'll let you pull their hair and call them names!"

"I don't want them Tracy I..."

"You what?"

I shook my head and just decided to say it. "I would just like you to be like that sometimes."

"You want me to be a pig?" She asked. "A slut."

"Well, not like a slut who messes with a lot of guys, just you know," I shrugged. "Slutty with me, you know, be fun."

I knew I'd fucked up the second I'd said it.

"Oh well I'm so sorry I'm no fun!" Tracy snapped.

Turning away from me she rolled over on the bed, so that she was sitting up next to me. Pulling the covers up to her chin she looked at me, her lip trembling.

"I'm sorry I'm a lousy lay and you don't like being with me." Putting her head down she whispered. "Maybe I'm boring, but I love you."

I could see the tears starting, and she choked out. "Guess you didn't like you present," Reaching up she started fumbling with the bracelet I had given her. "Here you can have this back."

"Tracy please," I whispered, feeling like a first class asshole.

No not like one, I was one. What the hell was wrong with me? Tracy was a great girl. Pretty sweet, loyal, and she had been damn good to me when Dad had passed away four years ago, and we hadn't even been dating then, we had just been friends. I really did love her, and loved being with her. I just wanted to start having more fun in bed, and now I had her in tears the day before Christmas. Sitting up next to her I took her hand away from the bracelet and put my arm around her shoulders.

"I'm sorry Trace," I said kissing her cheek. "I...I just got excited and carried away, you know I love you just the way you are."

A slight lie, I would prefer her being my little slut, but it wasn't worth this.

"Then why do you always want me to be dirty like that?" She asked, looking up at me with her tear filled eyes.

"Just because it would be fun Trace, we love each other and you're the only girl I want to be with so that's why I want you to do that, I don't want to do it with anyone else, really."


"Really Trace," This time I kissed her softly on her lips. "I'm sorry I was such a jerk, I shouldn't have pushed you."

"I tried you know," she pushed her lips into a pout and I had to stop myself from smiling, Tracy pouting was the cutest thing in the world. "I guess I'm no good at it."

"You kidding?" I tilted her chin so she was looking at me, "You were damn good at it, that's why I got so excited."


"Of course, but too excited I guess." I kissed her again. "I'm sorry Tracy I didn't mean to ruin things."

"It's okay," She said, leaning into me and resting her head on my chest. "I just don't like being talked to like that. I don't know who would."

"Well in the..."

"Matt, you watch too much porn." Tracy said matter of factly. "Those girls are getting paid to act like that; most girls aren't like that."

"Some do." I told her. "There are girls who like too..."

"How do you know?" She asked. "You talking about the stories about those girls at school? Those girls will fuck any guy who comes around and look how they get talked about." She sighed. "I don't want to fight Matt, tomorrows Christmas."

"I don't want to fight either." I said hugging her close. "I'll try to you know, not expect you to..."

"Let it go Matt," She said snuggling into me. "Maybe someday I'll be okay with it, but not with you pushing me. But I mean it; you watch too much of that shit." She raised her hand and looking up at me kissed me.

"I love my bracelet Matt, thank you."

"And I love you Trace." I kissed her, and this time it wasn't a peck, but a long deep kiss.

Tracy kissed me back and turning, I wrapped my other arm around her slim waist. I hugged her tightly as we kissed, and she sighed sweetly in her throat. I felt my cock begin to stiffen again, and started sliding my hand up her side. Tracy turned towards me and I felt her nipple pressing into my chest. My hand slid back to caress her soft stomach and moving upwards, I found her tit and cupped it in my hand.

Tracy broke the kiss, "I'm not really in the mood right now Matt, I just want you to hold me is that okay?"

I fought back the urge to groan. Instead gave her what I hoped was a convincing smile.

"Of course it's okay." I said. "There's no place I'd rather be, then right here with you."

That one was a line Chris had given me, and it worked to perfection. Tracy smiled, kissed me quickly, then nuzzling her head into my neck cooed, "Oh Matt, you are so sweet."

"So are you Tracy." A little too sweet, I added dryly.


I drove home from Tracy's house with mixed emotions. On one hand, I knew I should be happy and grateful. I had pushed Tracy when she had already been trying her best to give me what I wanted, and made her feel like it wasn't enough. Hell, I'd held her head down and tried to make her keep going. By rights she should have kicked my stupid ass out of her life, never mind her bed. Instead she'd let me stay in bed with her and eventually we dozed off. We awoke to the alarm going off at three. Her mother wasn't due home until four, so trying to make amends, and admittedly to try to ease my frustration, I started kissing her softly and sweetly, holding her close the way she liked and telling her how much I loved her.

Tracy seemed hesitant at first saying she was still a little upset at me. I told her I understood, but then went for her weak spot, her neck. Nuzzling my face into her hair I started to kiss and suck on the tender flesh just above her shoulder. Tracy cooed, and moaned softly, and after a moment whispered, "Okay, but nice and easy okay?"

Nice and easy was the way we always did it, but I was not about to complain. I rolled over on top of her and just as she wrapped her legs around me, and I began to enter her, we heard her mother pull in.

We hurriedly dressed and managed to make it down the back stairs to the den before her mother got into the house and came looking for us. I stayed for awhile and planned on waiting for Tracy's father to come home to wish him a merry Christmas, but then her Mom mentioned my father, and how tough the holidays must be on my mother. I know she meant well, but her words had the opposite effect on me, causing me to think about how much I missed him. I made an excuse to leave and walked out with Tracy. She gave me a kiss and apologized for her mother not thinking before she spoke. I said it was okay, and with a smile Tracy told me that her parents both had to work the day after Christmas so why don't I come over nice and early?

I told her that sounded great, then hopping into the beat up old grand am I bought with the money I'd made landscaping last summer, headed home. I came to a red light and sighed. Again, I told myself I was lucky to have a girl that sweet, but what I really felt was frustrated. I'd been close to getting what I wanted and screwed it up, then I'd been close to at least getting laid and that got fucked up as well. For the thousandth time since we'd been sleeping together, I tried to figure out what the problem was.

Whenever I thought of sex with Tracy I was torn, part of me thought, what was the big deal? So she wasn't a freak, at least I knew she was loyal and loved me. Then again, was it so much to ask to have her fuck like a woman and not a kid? She knew I loved her, and wanted only her, that was why I pushed; I didn't want to fuck someone else. She might have a point about the porn however, on average I watched a couple of hours a night and when I saw a hot video couldn't get it out of my mind. There were nights I would jerk off two to three times. I figured that if I could have that kind of sex, even just once, maybe I would calm down about it. But as today proved Tracey just didn't seem interested. I'd even tried to get her to watch porn with me, but she'd rolled her eyes and given me the, "You'd rather watch those girls then be with me?"

I sighed to myself. Thinking about it just added to the frustration, but it was still better than the thought of it being another Christmas without my father. My mood lightened when I pulled up in front of the house and saw that both Todd and Chris were home. Todd was in his senior year at UNC and Chris a sophomore at Penn State and they had both staying until New Years. It was hard to believe that after years of them tormenting me, I would have missed them, but once Dad had passed away they had both not only stopped picking on me, but we had gotten quite close. Chris had come home for the summer, but until earlier this week I hadn't seen Todd since spring break. It also made me happy to see Mom so happy. She had said countless times this week how good it was to have her boys together again.

Mom was home as well, but would be leaving soon for work. It sucked she had to work Christmas eve, but the tips at the club were too much to turn down. Oddly, when I saw her this morning before I left for Tracy's she hadn't seemed too upset about it, telling me that she was sure my brothers could keep me entertained. She had said it with an odd smile and as she turned away, I caught her winking at Todd who had been sitting at the kitchen table. Todd winked back and I narrowed my eyes wondering what was going on.

There had been quite a few moments like that during the week. Several times Mom had mentioned this Christmas being very special to her. Each time she did I would catch my brothers grinning at each other, as if they knew something I didn't. Adding to my suspicion was that they were being exceptionally nice to me. Not that they were terrible to me these days, but they would still bust my balls to no end, about pretty much anything. This week however, they were being almost disturbingly nice, even affectionate. Putting their arms around me, clapping me on the shoulder, smiling away at anything I said. To top it off, Todd had even given me a hug last night and told me how much he missed his little brother, and then with a wink said he couldn't wait until I got my present this year.

I asked him if he knew what I was getting. Although Dad's huge insurance policy had covered my brother's college and left plenty for my education as well, things were a little tight around the house and I'd told Mom not to worry about getting me anything. Todd had given me that shit eating grin that always made me want to smack him, and said that Mom had something very special for me. I couldn't get anything else out of him except some more teasing when he called Chris in the room and asked him if he thought I was going to like what Mom had for me. Chris had smiled, put his arm around me, and said, "Matt, you are in for the best Christmas of your life."

The two of them laughed, but again didn't seem to be teasing me. Instead they both seemed strangely excited. Mom had walked into the room, and asked what was going on. When Todd had turned to her and told her that he and Chris were telling him about how special Christmas was going to be this year, she gave me a huge smile, kissed me on the cheek, and looking into my eyes said, "That's right, I have something very special to give to my baby this year."

I turned to look at her, and smiled back. Between my father's passing, money troubles and two of her sons leaving home for school, Mom had had more downs than ups over the last three years, although she did always seemed especially happy around Christmas. Thinking about her last remark to me I remembered her telling Chris a couple of years ago, that she'd had something special for him that year. Standing there with Mom, her arm still around me, it dawned on me that I couldn't remember him getting anything that seemed like a big deal. My thoughts had come back to the present when I realized that Mom was leaning up to kiss me again. I turned my cheek for her, but to my surprise her lips found my neck and kissed me there.

I stood there frozen for a moment. Not only had the kiss been in kind of an awkward spot, but it her lips lingered for a moment, before very slowly sliding away from my neck. It was the way Tracy would kiss me, and for a moment I found myself thinking how good it felt. Mom's lips were full and soft and the kiss had been very light, almost a caress. Startled at that thought, I pulled back and looked at her, not sure what to say. I saw her looking over at Todd, who was smiling broadly at us. When Mom glanced back at me she touched my cheek and said, "You're a good looking boy Matt, all my boys are." She laughed. "Your Dad and I did some good work."

"Well Matt and I do look like you," Chris said. "How could we not be gorgeous?" Turning to his right he pointed at Todd, "Not like the mutt of the family over here!"

I laughed as Todd punched Chris in the arm hard enough to make him cry out. Chris was right though, both he and I had inherited Mom's black hair and big brown eyes, whereas Todd had my Dad's dirty blond hair and blue eyes. Right now Mom's eyes were bright as she also laughed at my brother's. Her long black hair was down, and I thought that she looked fantastic. Even though it had been three years since Dad died, Mom had only gone on a couple of dates, and I thought it was a shame a beautiful woman like her, was alone.

"Chris is right Mom," I told her. "You are gorgeous."

Mom looked at me, and although she was still smiling it looked like her eyes were beginning to fill up. I started to ask if I'd said something wrong, but stopped as throwing her arms around me, she hugged me close to her.

"Oh, thank you honey," She whispered in my ear, "I'm so glad you think so!" She kissed my cheek and added. "I can't wait to give you your present Matt, I am so excited!"

Over her shoulder I could see Todd and Chris staring at each other and grinning. Again I wondered what the hell was going on here. They definitely knew what I was getting, and whatever it was they seemed happy about it as well. My attention went back to Mom who while still hugging me had turned her face into my neck and again I felt her lips brush me there. Like the previous kiss, it felt strangely pleasant, and I wondered if it was wrong to think that. Pulling back, she smiled.

"Thanks again, honey you really are a sweetheart!"

"Momma's boy!" Chris laughed.

"Yeah he is," Todd joined in, then shaking his head said. "Lucky bastard."

I wasn't sure what that meant, but Chris nodded in agreement and walking away from me, Mom had gone over and putting her arms around my brothers laughed and said, "Now don't be jealous, you both had your time as my boys, its Matt's turn now."

I'd spent some time this morning wondering what the hell the big deal could be, but then it was time to go to Tracy's to get the other special present I was being promised. Well that hadn't quite worked out the way it was supposed to, so now I again found myself wondering what Mom had in store for me.

I got out of the car and when I entered the house saw Todd was asleep on the couch, in front of the TV. I walked past the bathroom and heard the shower going; Mom must be getting ready for work. I went upstairs and on the way down the hall to my room glanced into the spare bedroom to see Chris sitting on the bed with his lap top open and headphones on, probably plying World of War Craft or one of the other online games he was addicted to. Going into my room, I closed the door and was thinking about looking at the English assignment I had to do over vacation when I glanced over at the computer.

Like a moth to the flame I went over and sitting at my desk, brought the screen up, and entered the name of my favorite porn site. I clicked on the blow job category, and after only a minute of staring at the pictures of each video clip could already feel my cock starting to grow. Hard to believe I could be horny considering I'd just had sex a couple of hours ago, but just the thought of what the girls in those videos did for their men got me worked up to no end. I stared at the screen for a minute at the days new videos. All the girls were hot of course, and there was a cute blond that resembled Tracy. I continued to search however, until I found a stunning brunette, with big dark eyes. Clicking on it, I found myself thinking that it was funny how I'd always had a thing for doe eyed brunettes, but was in love with a blond.

I sat back and began stroking my cock through my jeans as the video started with the guy on his back and the girl between his legs. His huge hard cock was in her hands and she was licking and teasing the head of it. Looking up at him she said, "Oh look at this big fucking cock! I can't wait to suck it!"

She then did just that, taking it all the way down her throat and bobbing her head rapidly. I swallowed hard as I watched her effortlessly deep throating him and moaning in pleasure while she was doing it. As she blew him the guy told her, "Yeah suck that cock, you little whore, you love it don't you?"

Removing his cock, she smiled.

"That's right I'm a cock sucking whore, and I love it, now how about you fuck me with this big hard dick?"

As she rolled over onto her hands and knees I started unsnapping my pants, intent on getting off to the video. The girl squealed as the guy drove his cock into her pussy and started slamming the shit out of her.

"Oh fuck yeah!" She screamed. "Oh yes, fuck that pussy baby, fuck that nasty little pussy!"

Why the hell couldn't Tracy act like that I thought as I reached into my pants, grabbing my cock. What the hell was the big deal? It was only words why couldn't she just...

"Hey little brother!" Chris's voice came from behind me. "What are you...whoa!"

I quickly shoved my cock back into my underwear and fumbled to get my jeans zipped up.

"Shouldn't you fucking knock?" I asked, turning in my chair, as he came over.

"Shouldn't you lock your damn door if you're going to spank it?"

Chris grabbed the small chair that Tracy sat in when we studied together, and pulling it over, sat down next to me.

"And why the hell are you spanking it anyway? Didn't you just come from Tracy's?"

"Well yeah," I shrugged.

"Well what happened she didn't put out?" Chris asked as he stared at the video, which was still playing. "Damn, look at that little slut go!"

Ignoring that question, I reached out and paused the video.

"So what's up, did you want something?" I asked.

"Well honestly, I was going to ask you how it went with Trace, you told me she was supposed to cut loose with you today."

When I looked away from him he prodded, "Well? Come on bro, spill the details, did Trace get her freak on or what?"

I sighed.

"You answered that already Chris, you think I'd be watching this if she did?"

"Hey I thought maybe she had you so hot, just thinking about it had you going again."

"Yeah well you thought wrong," Sitting back in the chair I sighed, "She started out great, then I kind of got a little carried away and fucked things up."

Chris nodded and put his hand on my arm.

"You wanna tell me about it?"

"Why so you can bust my balls?" I rolled my eyes, "Run and tell Todd so he can too?"

"Come on Matt," Chris said. "You know me better than that, I mean yeah I bust your chops, but that's just 'cause you're my little brother. But you know you can talk to us."

I thought about it for a minute, then figuring maybe it would make me feel better about things I told him of my little misadventure with Tracy. True to his word he sat and listened without making any jokes. I ended by putting my hands out and saying, "Really Chris. Am I being an asshole? Should I just settle for boring and give it up, or is she just acting like a kid?"

"Well she is kind of a kid Matt," Chris said. "You guys are eighteen and haven't been with anyone else. You're both still learning."

"It's been six months, how long does she need to learn?" I asked.

"Look Matt, first off it's not a terrible thing she's a good girl, but I know what you mean, you want the lady in the street freak in the bed, but right now she ain't comfortable, and tell you what, your damn lucky she didn't bite it off when you shoved it down her throat." He laughed "Hell I would say you were damn lucky to be invited back after being such a tool."

"You're right." I nodded. "And that's why I get frustrated, Tracy's great and I don't want to cheat on her with some pig, I just..."

"Want her to be your pig." Chris finished.

"Pretty much."

"Well, tell you what bro, she may never change." He shrugged. "So if you really want it hot, you may have to step out."

"Yeah but,"

Cutting me off Chris pointed at the computer.

"See the thing is Matt, you're watching these videos and all the little barely legal's on here are acting like sluts because, well they are, but they're also making big bucks. Tracy's a normal girl who's only gotten one dick in her life, and doesn't have a clue."

Chris looked over at the computer where the video had ended. Leaning over he gave my chair a push, causing me to roll a couple of feet to the right.

"Here let me get in there."

I rolled away a little more so he could reach the keyboard and watched as he scrolled through the different categories the site offered. I read where he stopped.


"Yup," Chris nodded, as he clicked on it. "Older women Matt, they are the way to go."

I watched the site come up and looked at the various videos.

"Yeah, but I mean they're old," I laughed. "They're like Mom's age."

"But they know how to fuck man!" Chris exclaimed. "They been around and know what they love, and ain't shy about it, that's what you want isn't it?"

He had been skimming through the videos and finding one he liked, clicked on it.

"Besides," he said. "Just because they're older doesn't mean they aren't hot. Hell Mom's beautiful Matt, you said it yourself this morning."

"Beautiful yes," I nodded. "But that's different than hot or sexy."

"Why?" Chris asked.

"I, well umm, because she's...."

My words trailed off as the video came up. There was a young guy sitting on the couch and a woman who looked to be in her forties kneeling between his legs sucking his cock. No, not sucking it, she was attacking it. Sucking it all the down and shaking her head like an animal. She was sucking so hard that when she pulled his cock from her mouth, spit flew and there was a wet popping sound.

"Damn." I said.

"Oh, god yes!" The woman cried out as the guy started slapping his cock across her cheek. "Yes, wipe that hard fucking cock all over me!" Grabbing it from him, she began rubbing it all over her face. "God I love this nice young hard cock!"

"Go ahead Matt, "Chris grinned, "Tell me she isn't fucking hot."

I watched transfixed as she started deep throating again. She was naked and although obviously older, her large tits were still pretty firm and I could see her bald pussy peeking out from between her legs as she knelt before him. The guy started moaning, grabbed the back of her hair, and started thrusting his hips into her face, fucking her mouth. The woman moaned around his cock and started making gagging sounds, but continued sucking on it. He cried out that he was going to cum, and yanking his cock from her mouth, she proceeded to jerk him off all over her face.

"Yes, all of it!" She groaned. "I want every fucking drop of that hot fucking cum!"

Despite the fact I was sitting next to my brother, I felt my cock getting harder by the second. At this point the woman was licking the dripping cum off of his cock, while moaning as if she were cumming.

"So what do think?" Chris asked. "Not so bad huh?"

"But like you said about the young girls," I said still watching the cum drip off of her face on the screen. "She's getting paid, and..."

"Trust me they're all like that man, and best of all?" He pointed at himself then me. "They love young guys like us. Guys they're age can't get it up enough for them, so they go after us, we got youth, they got experience," He sighed and looking at the computer said. "That's just what you need, a nice hot cougar to show you the way."

"Yeah well Like I said I don't want to cheat and..."

"What are you guys having a beat off party in here?"

We both glanced up to see Todd come in. Walking over and looking down at the last scene of the video, he ran his fingers through his light brown hair and whistled.

"Shit, she looks like a wild one," with a shrug he added, "Then again all the older ones are."

"Damn straight!" Chris agreed. "See that Matt, Todd knows how it is."

"Why are you guys watching porn together?" Todd asked sitting on the edge of my bed. "I know you guys are tight, but that's a little much no?"

"Well Trace still won't play bad girl for Matt here and..."

"Shut up will you?" I snapped. "Christ, I didn't need this to be a family meeting about my sex life."

"Chill out Matt," Todd said calmly. "It's only us man."

He looked over at Chris and the two of them stared at each for a minute before Todd said.

"So I take it Tracy's still playing shy?"

"Yeah, it's no big deal I guess." I shrugged. "There's worse things."

"So what's with the video?"

"I was telling Matt that what he needs is to find a nice hot milf, give him just what he wants no?"

"Absolutely!" Todd nodded, then smirked, "Hell best night of my life was with a woman who was around forty."

"Really?" I asked. "You were with a woman that old?"

"Yup, hottest woman I've ever been with," he winked at Chris. "Absolutely gorgeous she was."

"And fun?" I pressed, "I mean like this kind of fun?" I pointed at the computer.

"Anything I wanted." Todd told me, then after a pause continued, "But nice too, I mean we did it raunchy, but then we took our time." He smiled. "Best of both worlds man, I'll never forget that night."

"What did she look like?" I was caught up now, envisioning Todd, who at twenty two could easily pass for older. I could definitely see him catching the eye of an older woman.

"Big brown eyes, long black hair," He grinned, "Nice tits, long legs and the best mouth I ever..."

"Okay, okay. Jeez Matt, don't keep asking, he'll need a minute."

"Yeah?" Todd asked, "I heard you were the one who only needed a minute." He laughed and Chris looked away embarrassed.

"Hey look it was the first time that night and," He looked at me. "Anyway we aren't talking about me."

"So how old were you, when you were with her?" I asked, ignoring Chris.

"Eighteen," Todd answered. "I'd been with a couple of girls from high school and had some fun, one of them was a little, shall we say experienced, but Matt this woman blew her away." He laughed . "And me of course."

"Hey that's something," Chris spoke up. "I was eighteen when I was with a cougar too."

"Oh, knock it off," I said. "Do you have to say you did everything Todd did?"

Before Chris could answer Todd said, "Hey Matt, I'll be the first to tell you Chris is full of shit most of the time, but he's not making this up, I remember the night."

"What, were you there?"

"Well, I saw her, in fact I kind of helped break the ice a little for Chris, then I left my brother with her and she made him a man," Leaning over, he clapped Chris on the shoulder. "She was beautiful wasn't she man?"

"Hell yeah she was," Chris said, "Took damn good care of me, in every way."

"So what did she look like?"

"Brunette, dark eyes." Chris said laughing.

Like I had all week I had a feeling there was some kind of private joke going on, and I was somehow the butt of it.

"How old?" I continued, trying to ignore that feeling.

"Oh, I'd say about Mom's age no?" Chris asked Todd.

"Yeah about that."

They again smirked at each other, and unable to help it I said.

"Was it the same woman? Is that what you goons are grinning at?"

"You'll find out soon enough what we're grinning at," Todd laughed. "Hey Chris why don't you..."

"Knock, knock." Mom's voice came from outside the door, "Everyone decent in there?"

"Don't know about decent," Todd called out. "But we're dressed."

I turned to the computer, but saw Chris had already closed out the porn site.

"Goddamn Mom," Todd exclaimed. "Look at you!"

I turned back around to see her come into the room and my eyes widened. Mom worked as a waitress at a cocktail lounge, and I was used to seeing her in skirts that were a bit on the short side, but nothing like what she was wearing tonight. Mom was dressed in a short red skirt that was so short I doubted she could bend over without showing her ass. Her long and still very well shaped legs were encased in a pair of red fishnet stockings that were as sexy as anything I'd seen the girls in the movies wear. The fishnets ended in a pair of black stiletto heels that were so high I was amazed she could walk.

My eyes trailed back up her legs, trying to remind myself that these were my Mom's legs, because I'd be lying if I said they didn't look good. Above the skirt Mom was wearing a red sweater that was both very tight, and extremely low cut. Mom was not small on top, and there was quite a bit of cleavage showing. Also visible was the top of the black lace bra she was wearing. Mom's long black hair was down and she had tied a red ribbon into either side of it. She was wearing make-up and her full lips were crimson red.

"Wow," Chris whispered from next to me. "Mom you look amazing."

"Yeah honey, you think?" She asked.

"I don't think, I know." Todd said softly as he stood up in front of her. "Mom, you look hot!"

"Awww, aren't you boys sweet!"

Reaching up, Mom placed her hand on Todd's cheek and lightly trailed her long red nails down it. Todd closed his eyes as she did, and leaning forward Mom kissed him, as she had me earlier, on the neck. I looked over at Chris ready to whisper in his ear and ask him if he thought that was kind of weird, but stopped when I saw the look on his face. He was staring at Mom intently, and not her face. Following his gaze I could see it was fixated on her legs. I looked back at him and noticed his mouth was slightly open and as I continued to watch, his eyes wandered up to Mom's tits and I saw him shake his head slightly. If I didn't know better I would have thought he was checking out our mother.

I looked back over to see that Mom had put her arm around Todd's shoulders and looking over at us, gestured for us to come over. Chris and I both stood and walked over to them. Smiling Mom put her arms out and hugged each of us. I felt another arm on my shoulder, and looked over to see Todd had come up behind Chris and I, so that we were between he and Mom.

"So nice, to have you all here." Mom whispered. "Your dad would be proud of all of you."

I put my head down on Mom's shoulder, not wanting my brother's to notice that I was getting a bit misty eyed. I think Mom sensed it anyway as she hugged me tighter to her. I also felt Todd squeeze my shoulder reassuringly.

"It's going to be a very special holiday, especially for you my baby." she said softly in my ear.

Before I could say anything Mom stepped back and said, "So you boys think your Mom's still got it?"

"You never lost it." Todd replied.

"You are smooth!" Mom laughed delightedly. "But I look good really? Tonight's a big night for tips so I wanted to show off a bit."

"Hmm," Chris said, making a show of stroking his chin. "I don't know, I need a better look."

Mom let out a little girl like giggle that made me smile. The smile faded as putting her arms up over her head, she slowly turned around for Chris. My eyes widened as she bent over slightly, just enough to cause her skirt to rise and for me to see her black lace panties. I also caught a good look at the cheeks of her ass. My eyes dropped down, only to be confronted with the backs of her legs in those porn star fishnets. My face felt warm and I realized I was blushing from seeing this much of my mother's body. Her very well shaped body, I noted, then instantly quickly turned away, embarrassed even further by that thought.

"So do I pass muster?" Mom asked.

"I think you'll be coming home with a lot of money tonight, that's for damn sure."

"I don't know," she sighed. "Lot of younger girls there."

"Yeah, but they're kids, you're a woman." Todd told her.

"Do you have those written down somewhere?" She asked him. "If you do, you should sell them to guys my age, most of them think 'hey honey, how about it', is a come on." Glancing at her watch Mom swore, "Shit, I have to get going."

"See you later Mom," Chris said kissing her cheek. "They going to let you out early tonight?"

"I'm not sure, probably not." Looking over at me she said. "But seeing I have to work, you guys have some eggnog for me okay?"

Mom started to leave, and then stopped.

"Todd honey, can you come with me for a minute?"

When the two of them left the room, I looked over at Chris to see he was staring at me, a slight smile on his face.

"Hey, what was all that about?" I asked.

"What was what about?"

"Mom. I swear you were checking her out."

Chris shrugged.

"I was."

"You...what?" I asked.

"Hey Matt, not for nothing, Mom's a good looking woman, you see those legs?"

"Chris that is sick." I said shaking my head disgustedly, even though that very thought had briefly crossed my mind. "You're talking about Mom like she's..."

"An attractive woman." he said. "Come on, Mr. porno king, you didn't like those stockings?"

"If they were on anyone else probably, but she's my mom."

"So you did think they were hot!" He laughed.

"That's not what I said!" I declared adamantly as much to myself as to him, as I knew damn well I had thought they were.

"Yes it is," Chris grinned. "You think Mom has nice legs you're just too much of a little kid to own up to it." He laughed again. "You still think of her as your Mommy Matt? Don't want to think she's a woman?"

"Shut up asshole." I snapped. "Don't try to make me feel bad because I don't check out my own mother." I grunted. "Go ask your friends what they think of their Mom's, see what you get."

"Aww, Mattie's getting mad." Chris smirked.

"Bullshit I am," I started "I..."

"What's going on?" Todd asked, coming back into the room.

"Chris is sick, that's what's going on."

"Well that's nothing new, what's he doing now?"

"Never mind."

"Go ahead Matt," Chris egged me on. "Tell him why you think I'm nuts."

I thought about it for a minute, then blurted out to Todd.

"He was checking out Mom's legs. I mean really checking them out, and he thinks that's okay."

"You were staring at Mom's legs?" Todd asked Chris.

"Damn straight I was."

"Well why the hell would you be doing that?" Todd started.

"Yeah see!" I exclaimed. I went to say more but Todd continued speaking,

"Why look at her legs, when her tits were all but hanging out? Shit man, the real show was up top."

"Todd!" I snapped. "What the hell..."

"Oh, don't think I didn't see them," Chris said. "But what can I say? I'm a leg man and those stockings were too much," He smirked, "Then when she turned around and I saw her..."

"What is wrong with you two?" I demanded. "You're talking about our Mom, not some slut at a bar!" I pointed at them. "What the fuck?"

Chris looked as if he were going to say more, but Todd put his hand up to him, and gave me that smug grin of his.

"Okay Matt, go easy, we're just fucking around with you, don't get mad."

"I don't think he's kidding." I gestured at Chris who was sitting down at the desk, trying not to laugh.

"He is," Todd said reassuringly. "Well sort of, Mom's not just pretty Matt, she's sexy too, but yeah, enough is enough."

He stared hard at Chris until he sighed and nodded at him.

"Yeah I was just pushing your buttons Matt, you don't have to get all worked up."

"Not yet anyway." Todd said.

"What's that mean?" I asked.

Looking over at Chris, Todd said simply "Chris, get out."

To my surprise Chris didn't argue. Instead he rose and walking past us slapped me on the arm.

"Just messing with you bro, no hard feelings okay?

"Yeah sure."

As I watched him leave, Todd came over and put his hand on my shoulder

"Listen Matt, Chris and I are just having a little fun with you, but we got a big surprise for you in a few hours and..."

"What surprise?" I asked. "Does it have something to do with what Mom has for me?"

"I can't say exactly Matt," he began. "But you're in for the best Christmas you've ever had." He winked.

"Mom said the same thing, what's the big deal?" I asked. "You guys have been acting weird all week, and Mom kind of has been too." I paused then deciding to speak my mind continued. "I don't think Chris was kidding about her! He was really looking, and..." Looking away I added quietly. "She seemed like she liked it, and she kissed me kind of funny what's going on?"

"Mom's just affectionate sometimes." He shrugged. "Maybe it's because she hasn't really gotten over Dad and she doesn't date, so she likes to be close to us."

"But it was..."

"Look Matt, I can't tell you everything right now. All I'll say is something tells me you are going to love your surprise tonight. You just trust me okay?"

I nodded. Although Chris and I were closer in age, I'd always felt closer to Todd, and knew he wouldn't lie to me.

"Good." He said. "Now why don't you take a shower and chill out, maybe even take a nap. I'll come back up in a few hours and we'll get to your surprise, how's that?"

"Umm, yeah okay."

"I'll see you later then."

Todd started to turn away, then abruptly turned back around and gave me a hug.

"Matt, tonight is going to be the biggest night of your life, I can't wait to see the look on your face!"


I looked up from my reading at the sound of my bedroom door opening. Mom walked into the room and closed the door behind her. I glanced at the clock, and saw that it was only nine o'clock. The club must have let her go home early.

"Hey Mom," I began. "The club close..."

I stopped as Mom put her finger to her lips, and walked over to stand next to me. I sat up, and started to get up, but Mom put her hand on my shoulder, and shook her head. I started to ask her if everything was okay, but stopped as, lifting her leg, Mom put her heeled foot up onto the bed. I found myself staring at those amazing red stockings, and the well shaped calf that they hugged so well. I told myself to look away, but instead my eyes drifted up her leg and along the length of her thigh. The skirt was so short, that I could see the crotch of her black panties. With a start I also realized that the fishnets were thigh highs. Just above the red band was the creamy white flesh of her thigh.

"Like my stockings Matt?" Mom asked softly.

"I... well," I stammered.

"You know the great things about these?" She asked as her long red finger nails traced the edge of them. "I can take my panties off, and these can stay on." She smiled at me. "Just like those nasty girls in those movies you like."

While I sat there unable to speak, Mom removed her foot from the bed, and standing straight, reached behind her. I heard the sound of a zipper, and her red skirt fell to the floor. I gasped at the sight of her standing there in her tight sweater, wearing just the panties and stockings.

"Watch, I'll show you."

Grabbing the sides of her panties Mom started sliding them down past her hips. My eyes were locked between her legs and I watched as the black material slid down to expose her...

I jerked awake, and sat up with my heart pounding. What the hell was that? I took a few slow deep breaths until my breathing slowed, and looked at the clock. Damn that was weird, it was nine. On the subject of weird, where the hell had that dream come from? Here I was calling Chris sick for looking at Mom, and I had just dreamed of her showing me her panties, and making out with me. I stopped at that thought, and felt myself relax. That's where the dream had come from; watching Chris look at Mom, and him and Todd busting my balls. I'd had it on my mind, and it surfaced when I fell asleep.

With a sigh, I reached back, and propping the pillow up behind me, leaned back against the headboard. I rubbed at my eyes wondering what time Mom was coming home. After Todd had left, I had decided to do as he said. I took a long hot shower, tossed on a pair of shorts and after working on my English project for awhile found myself dozing off. So I figured I would shut the light off and sleep for a couple of hours. As I wiped at my eyes, I realized I was sweating. Chris, who was always cold, had probably cranked the heat again. I shook my head, wondering how many times Mom would have to yell at him, before he stopped doing it. I stripped the t-shirt I was wearing off, and tossed it onto the floor. I kicked the sheet off, to let my legs cool off, and noticed that there was a small wet spot on the white shorts I was wearing and my cock was semi hard. Oh, that was just great, I'd had a wet dream about my own...

I jumped at the sound of a loud knock.

"Hey Matt, you up man?" Chris called.

"Yeah," I called out. "Come on in."

The door opened and both Chris and Todd entered. Leaning over, I turned the lamp on and saw that Todd had a half gallon of eggnog in one hand. In the other he had a bottle of Captain Morgan. Seeing me looking at the bottle he laughed, "You're eighteen now Matt, time to have some real holiday spirit!"

As he spoke he placed the bottles on the desk and opened the rum. Chris put down three small glasses, and a bag. Reaching into the bag, he removed several candles and as Todd began pouring eggnog into the glasses started placing them around the room.

"What the hell is that, mood lighting?" I asked.

"Maybe it is." Chris said as he struck a match and started lighting them.

I started to get up, but Todd waved me back down.

"Stay right there man, be comfortable."

Todd finished splashing some rum into the three glasses and putting the bottle down, came over to sit on the bed next to me, and hand me a glass. Chris finished lighting the candles and grabbing his drink from the desk, sat in the office chair and rolled it over so he was sitting alongside the bed on my left. Reaching over, he shut the lamp off, leaving the room bathed in candlelight. Todd raised his glass in front of me and said.

"First toast of the night goes out to dad." He paused and added quietly, "We all miss you."

We clicked our glasses together and I took a large swallow of the eggnog. I gasped at the taste of the rum and as I coughed Todd and Chris laughed at me.

"Better get used to that for when you go to college next year bro." Chris said.

As I watched he tilted his head and finished his drink in one long gulp. I took another sip, a smaller one this time and watched as Todd downed his drink as Chris had. He immediately put the glass down and poured another drink. Chris handed him his glass and turning to me said, "Come on slow poke, drink up so we can have another toast."

Taking a deep breath, I managed to quickly finish the drink and after handing Todd the glass, winced at the burning sensation the rum was leaving down my throat and into my stomach. Within seconds Todd had pushed the glass back into my hand and Chris looked at me,

"Your toast Matt."

Letting out a sigh, I lifted my glass, "To Mom, and everything she's done for us." They went to lift their glasses and I added. "And for having my brother's home with me."

"Cheers to that!" Todd said, as we again clicked glasses.

This time I held my breath and as my brother's did, quickly drained the glass.

"Damn," I whispered as I put the glass down. "That stuff is strong."

Todd had taken the glass and quickly refilling it, tried to hand it back to me. I could already feel my head beginning to spin and put my hand up to say no.

"Just one more toast, Matt." Todd said, pushing the glass at me again.

"Okay." I said, shaking my head to clear my vision, and taking the drink from him.

Todd refilled the other two glasses, and lifting his, Chris said, "Here's to my little brother on his eighteenth Christmas," Extending his glass to me he smiled. "Tonight is your night Matt!"

Not sure what he meant, but not really caring at this point, I banged my glass into his and this time didn't need to hold my breath to chug the drink. I finished and sat there blinking. This time the rum hadn't tasted bad at all, in fact it went down pretty damn smooth. My head was no longer spinning, but felt pleasantly...light.

"Can I have some more?" I asked, handing my glass to Todd.

"Sure, why not? I'll whoa easy..." Todd said as I let my glass go, before he had it.

The glass bounced off the bed, and landed on the rug. It didn't break, but I did notice that some eggnog had splashed on it. Mom was going to be pissed. Ah so what? Right now I was feeling pretty damn good. While Todd reached down to pick up the glass, Chris spoke from where he was sitting to my left.

"Todd make that next one light, he passes out our asses are grass."

"Shit,' Todd said as he stood up. "Didn't think of that."

I sat there watching with a smile on my face as Todd made me another drink and very carefully put it in my hand.

"Sip at this one okay Matt?"


Todd nodded and after finishing his latest drink put the glass down on the nightstand. Walking over to the desk he grabbed the extra chair, brought it over to the bed and sat down in front of me. I took a sip of the drink. It wasn't as strong as the other, which actually made it better, as I could taste more of the eggnog. I looked around the room and sighed contentedly. I'd always enjoyed candles. In fact the first time I'd slept with Tracy, her parents had been out and I had lit some before we had started playing. Thinking of Tracy's hot little body and tight little blond pussy, gave me a warm feeling inside and... No, it was just...

"It's warm in here." I said to Todd.

"A little," he grinned. "I think it's the booze too though."

"Maybe." I agreed, taking another sip.

"Hey Chris come on over." Todd said pointing next to him.

Using his feet, Chris rolled himself over to the foot of the bed so that he was next to Todd. I looked at both of them and smiled.

"I really missed you guys!"

"I'll bet!" Chris laughed. "Easy on the nog kid, next thing you know you'll be telling me you love me!"

"Well I do." I told him. "I love both of you!" I giggled and added. "Even though you're jerks sometimes."

"We love you too," Todd said softly, surprising me with the serious look on his face. "Mom loves you too Matt, very much."

"That's right." Chris added. "Mom loves all of us, but especially her baby."

I looked over at Chris to see him smiling away at Todd. Again I felt there was something going on between them. Oh well, who cared? I brought the glass to my lips and quickly drained it.

"Wow that's good!" I said.

I held the glass out to Todd. Taking it from me, he put it on the table, but made no move to refill it.

"Feeling okay Matt?" He asked.

"I feel great!" I exclaimed.

"Good," He nodded. Again he glanced over at Chris for a moment, before turning back to me.

"Well Matt, it's getting to be time for your surprise."

"Oh yeah?" I asked excitedly. "The one from you guys, or is Mom coming home early to give me hers?"

Todd paused and looked as if he were thinking, then clapped me on the shoulder.

"Well let's talk about ours first." He grinned at me. "So you know when we were in here earlier and we were telling you all about how hot older women are?"

"Yeah," I nodded smiling away. For some reason everything seemed to be making me smile. "That woman in that movie was smoking hot!"

"You think?"

"Oh, man she was fucking the shit out of that kid!" I said.

"Just the way you want it right?" Todd asked. "That's what you've been dying for no? A woman that will act like that? Get all nasty with you? Take control?"

"I..." I thought about it, and found thinking was getting a little harder than it had been a few minutes ago. "Well I want Tracy to do that, but..."

"We're not talking about her." Todd said. "I'm asking if that's what you want."


"Trace isn't here Matt." Chris piped in. "It's just us, guys talking about sex. So yes or no, wasn't she the kind of woman that you want?"

"Yes." I said with an exaggerated nod. "Just like that." I laughed. "Fucking wild!"

"Good." Todd said. "Now remember when we said that we had both been with a nice hot milf?"

"Yeah," I said, "But I think you guys might have been messing with me."

I was aware that it had come out as messhing but didn't care.

"Well we weren't. I was with a beautiful older woman when I was eighteen and so was Chris at the same age."

"Same age?" I asked, shaking my head to try to clear it. "That's kind of weird no?"

"Nope, not at all. Matter of fact, not only were we the same age when it happened, but it was with the same woman."

"That's," I frowned as I struggled to try to figure out if he were pulling my leg. "More than weird."

"No," Todd said "It was planned that way."

"Planned? I don't get it. Who planned it, and who was..."

"See Matt, it's a tradition." Chris said.

"Tradition? What the hell kind of tradition is that?"

"The best fucking tradition ever, that's what it is!" Chris laughed.

Todd laughed as well, and I found myself joining in. I wasn't sure why, but hell if they thought it was funny why shouldn't I?

"It's an old tradition actually." Todd began. "On the Christmas of our eighteenth year, Chris and I were both taken, by the sexiest most loving woman you could ever imagine."

"Loving?" I was ready to ask more about this alleged tradition, but that word seemed out of place. "What happened to nasty fucking?" I giggled. "Hell, Tracy's loving. I thought we were talking about..."

"She was both." Chris said quietly. "She was a wild ride man, but second time around she was the sweetest thing you could imagine." He sighed. "I really think I liked it better that way."

"See I was other way around." Todd said turning to Chris. "It was nice and easy the first time, then she went into high gear." He pursed his lips in thought. "Think I'm with you though, the way she loved me..."

"What the hell has this got to do with my surprise?" I asked, getting impatient.

"Booze got to your brain little brother?" Chris asked. "You really can't put it together?"

"I..." I forced my mind to focus on everything they had said, and then it hit me.

"It's my eighteenth Christmas." I said quietly.

"That's right Matt!" Chris exclaimed excitedly. "So what do you think that means?"

I stared first at Chris, then at Todd. This was a joke, it had to be.

"Well according to your story, I guess that woman is going to show up and have sex with me."

"Exactly." Todd nodded. "She's going to be here soon Matt, and you are going to..."

"Whoa!" I said putting my hands up. "First of all I think you guys are fucking with me, but if you're not, what about Tracy?" I shook my head. "I don't want to cheat on her, she wouldn't so it to me, and..."

"Easy Matt, it's not really cheating." Todd said.

"How the hell do you figure that?" I asked him.

"Well it's," Todd frowned. "A little hard to explain, but thing is it's a once in a life time thing Matt. You'll get everything you want, and she'll never know."

"I would though, and..."

"Think about it Matt," Chris leaned forward. "Everything you've been fantasizing about, all the things Tracy won't do." He pointed over at the computer. "Imagine a woman who will act like that."

"Not only anything you want," Todd said. "But anyway you want it."

My mind was instantly flooded with images. All those nasty girls fucking and sucking, taking cum in their mouths, their faces, getting fucked hard and fast and begging for more. I could feel myself becoming aroused just thinking of it. I shifted on the bed as my cock began to stiffen. Part of me felt funny, getting excited with my brothers sitting not two feet away from me, but I also felt more relaxed then I could ever remember. I thought of the video Chris had showed me. A woman twice my age, but hot as hell. Not only hot but experienced. A woman like that wouldn't mind if I told her to suck my cock. Hell, she'd tell me she wanted too. I had a vivid image of the woman Todd and Chris had vaguely described, a woman with long dark hair and brown eyes, staring up from between my legs. Stroking my cock, licking it, sucking on it until I came in her mouth!

I realized that the room was getting warmer by the minute, and that my cock was now fully hard. I wasn't wearing underwear and placed my arm down in my lap so my brothers wouldn't notice I was pitching a tent. Either Todd noticed anyway, or my excitement was showing in my face, because he smiled and nodded.

"That's right Matt, you think about that. You know you want it man, and you're going to get. Better than anything you've seen on the web, because it's going to real Matt."

"Tracy though,"

I saw Chris slap himself in the forehead, but remaining patient, Todd continued softly.

"She'll never know Matt, who's going to tell her? Chris and I won't. That's part of the tradition Matt, we don't tell anyone. Think about it, this is the first you've heard of it. We're not going to say a word man. You can have everything you want for a night, then move on."

"That's right Matt," Chris said. "Think about how frustrated you've been, how bad you want it. It's going to be a problem Matt. Look at today, you came real close to seriously pissing Trace off. What if you do it again?" He put his hands out. "Be a shame to lose a sweet pretty girl like her over something like that."

"Chris is right," Todd said taking over the conversation. "But if you just relax and let tonight happen, you'll be satisfied, you'll get to know what it's like. And you'll always have that memory. You'll be more relaxed and patient with Trace, and know what," He grinned. "If you stop pushing she'll come around Matt, I know she will, then you'll have no worries. Come on man, you know you want too."

I really did. The more they talked the more I thought about it. Somewhere in my mind I was telling myself not to bite, they were fucking around, but another part of me wanted to believe it. I wanted to think there was some hot mystery woman who was going to show up any minute now and fuck my brains out.

"Umm," I started. "So when is she coming? You guys aren't going to..," I felt like an idiot, but went on anyway. "You know, watch or anything are you?"

They both laughed and I felt myself blush. Catching his breath Todd said, "No, Matt it's just going to be you and her man, we're just going to..." he seemed to be looking for a word. "Introduce you and make sure you're okay with everything then it's just going to be you and her."

"So is that a yes Matt?" Chris asked. "You want too?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "I really do." I smiled. "So besides black hair and brown eyes what does she look like?"

"You'll find out soon enough." Todd told me. "Trust me, you might be a little surprised when you see her, but not disappointed."

"Is she coming soon?" I asked shifting again as my cock pushed into my thigh. "It's already after nine and..."

"Don't worry about that." Chris said. "You'll have plenty of time," he smiled. "All night as a matter of fact."

"All night?"

"That's the best part of the tradition Matt," Todd said smiling. "Waking up Christmas Morning."

"Well what about Mom?" I asked. "What if she comes in here? I can't sneak someone out on Christmas morning!"

"Don't worry about Mom." Chris laughed. "She's part of the surprise."

I saw Todd shoot him a dirty look. I frowned and looked at Todd

"How is Mom part of it?" I asked. "She doesn't know about this woman does she?" I realized how stupid that sounded and laughed at myself. "Never mind!" I told Todd. "That was dumb, of course she..."

"Mom does know all about it Matt." Todd said softly. "And Chris is right; she is part of the tradition."

Before I could ask what he meant I saw Todd look over at Chris again, a serious expression on his face. After a moment Chris nodded, and Todd turned back to me.

"Matt it's time we told you about a very special family tradition."

"A tradition where hot women have sex with young guys?" I laughed. "This sounds like one of those movies on a sex site."

"No Matt, its more than that. It's been going on in our family for generations, and it's for the women too on their eighteenth Christmas."

"What?" I shook my head. "What is there some guy in his forties who has sex with the girls?" I felt my erection fading, they were screwing with me.

"In a way, yes." Todd said seriously, "We've been talking about sex Matt, but it's really a lot more than that."

"Oh, really?" I was pissed they had played me, but was trying not to show it. Maybe I would let them keep going, see what they were trying to pull before I told them I'd had enough. "All you guys have been talking about is a wild ride, so what else is it about?"

"It's about love Matt." Todd was still speaking in that quiet serious tone. Credit where it was due, he was doing a remarkable job of keeping a straight face while trying to get me to bite on his story. "It's about sharing your heart as well as your body with someone very special to you."

"Special to me?" I laughed. "You're talking like Tracy. All that making love shit."

"Well Tracy is right, but of course you can have love and lust too, you can and will have whatever you want, but in the end little brother, it is about closeness and love."

"Whatever." I waved him off. "And how the hell is love involved when I don't even know this woman?"

"Because you do know her Matt." He smiled. "You know her and you love her."

I stared at him for a minute trying to figure out where this was going. It was obviously a joke, but Todd was still looking at me intently, and I found myself wondering if I knew a woman that looked like that. Forties, long black hair, brown eyes. The only woman I knew who resembled that description was...

Before I could finish the thought, Todd put his hand on my shoulder and whispered.

"Matt, the woman is Mom."

I shook my head, trying to clear it. The rum must have really gotten to me.

"What... what did you say?" I asked.

"The woman that is going to give you the night of your life, is Mom, see Matt that's...."

"Mom," I repeated. "You're telling me that our mother is going to come in here tonight and have sex with me?" I blinked as the dream of Mom pulling her panties down crashed into me. A dream I had only because of these idiots talking trash about her.

"That is what I'm saying," Todd nodded. "But like I said it's not just about sex it's..."

"I..." I struggled to control myself. "Have a question."

"Well I'm going to explain everything Matt," Todd said. "But go ahead."

Closing my eyes I took a deep breath and tried to tell myself to stay calm. This was a joke no doubt, but the sickest one I had ever heard. I wanted to simply tell my brother's that I was done with them for the night, and to leave me alone. I wanted to do it calmly so they wouldn't think they had gotten the better of me. That was what I intended on doing, but when I opened my eyes and saw Chris sitting there with a slight smile on his face I lost it.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!?" I demanded.

"Matt," Todd gave my shoulder a squeeze. "I know it's..."

"It's fucking sick is what it is!" I snapped slapping his hand away from my arm. "Get your hands off me, and get the fuck out of my room!" I looked over at Chris. "You too, you asshole!"

"Matt, please don't get mad." Todd began, still speaking softly. "This is a big deal and..."

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I demanded, pointing my finger in his face. "Look, you two want to yank my chain about getting laid, fine! But how dare you talk like that about Mom!"

"Matt let Todd talk." Chris started. "Mom's going to be here soon and she'll be upset if you don't want to be with her. You don't want to..."

"Stop it!" I yelled turning to face him. "Do you hear yourself? You're talking about me having sex with my mother and..." I stopped as something dawned on me. " two are trying to get me to think that you did! That Mom slept with..."

"She did Matt." Todd said. "Both of us and now it's...hey!"

Todd cried out and moved to the side as I swung at him. It was more of a slap than a punch, and he ducked most of it. I did catch him on the side of the head hard enough to make him rock back in the chair.

"Shut up!" I yelled at him. "Jesus Christ, our dad's gone and you're talking about this disgusting shit about Mom?" The booze was definitely getting to me as I swung again.

Ready for it this time, Todd caught my wrist in his hand and shoving my hand down, reached out with his other hand and again placed it on my shoulder.

"Matt!" He snapped, raising his voice for the first time. "Calm down and let me talk! This isn't a joke, but not really what you think, it's wonderful it's..."

"A fucking lie," I yanked my hand away from his. "And a sick one! I'm going to tell mom what you're saying to me." I realized how immature that sounded, but didn't care.

"Go ahead Matt." Chris said with a shrug. "But before you do listen to us, because Mom trusted us to tell you about this, and right now you're making it kind of hard on us."

I started to snap at him, but stopped when he shook his head, and whispered, "Please listen to Todd Matt, otherwise Mom is going to be disappointed and we want her to be happy, she's looked forward to this all year. We don't want to ruin it for her."

There was something in his tone that made me stop. Of the three of us Chris was definitely the most obnoxious and certainly the most stubborn, hearing him not only say please, but say it while genuinely looking upset, caused me to look back at Todd. Sensing I was calming down Todd took his hand from my shoulder and started speaking quietly.

"Okay Matt, here's the deal. Just let me talk, I know its going to be tough to understand, but at least listen. I know that over the years I've teased you and played some jokes on you." He nodded over at Chris. "And I know that over the years Chris and I have kind of teamed up on you. I mean we're older and you were always the baby, and we were jealous so sometimes we would go out of our way to pick on you."

Todd was looking into my eyes and I felt even more confused. He not only looked serious, but his eyes looked as if they were beginning to fill up. If this was an act, it was a hell of a good one.

"But you know when Dad had the heart attack, things changed and I promised Mom I would help look out for you, and I think we all got a lot closer no?"

I nodded, feeling my own eyes start to burn as Todd brought up Dad. The rum must be messing with my head big time, I had gone from horny, to mad, to upset in less than a minute.

"Yeah, "I whispered. "You guys have been real good to me."

"And we always will be, we're brothers Matt." He paused and took a deep breath. "So I'm going to ask you to trust me with this. I know it's going to sound crazy and yes, maybe a little sick at first but you have to let me finish okay?"

"But it is sick." I said. "And I know it's a lie and..."

"I don't blame you for thinking that way," Todd said. "But it is true, and tell you what, I'm going to tell you that you can feel free to tell Mom anything I tell you. In fact I'll sit right here when you tell her, so will Chris. Maybe that will convince you we're not jerking you around." He put his hands out. "So, you willing to listen?"

I shrugged. I didn't really see a choice. I doubted I could make them leave the room, so my only option would be to play along until Mom came home. I felt a tightening in my stomach at what Todd had said, that I could tell Mom. Why would he do that? This couldn't be true there was no way that....I stopped as my mind went back to the way Chris had been staring at Mom earlier, the look of desire on his face. On the heels of that was the memory of how Mom had kissed my neck, how her soft lips had lingered there, and how I'd had the fleeting thought of how that was how Tracy kissed me. No, I shook my head, this was bullshit!


I looked up to see Todd staring at me. When he saw I was paying attention, he began speaking.

"Trust me I know how you feel. In fact for me it was even more confusing because I didn't have anyone to tell me about it ahead of time. It was just Mom and I. She started telling me about this and I was totally confused, and honestly kind of scared. I didn't know If she were trying to test me or what was going on and then..."

"Wait," I interrupted. "When you were eighteen, Dad was still alive. Where was he? You can't tell me that..."

"You don't remember a few years ago Mom took me out the day before Christmas? Said she wanted to spend some time with me alone, because I would be going back to school after the holiday?"

I nodded. I did remember that, Dad took Chris and I out to lunch and to a movie.

"Well Mom took me to this little motel in Johnston. I didn't know why we were going there, but she said it was surprise. So we check in and I'm sitting on the bed while she's in the bathroom."

Letting go of my shoulder he sat back in the chair and looked up at the ceiling as he spoke, as if he were recalling what he was describing.

"She comes out of the bathroom wearing this see through little red night gown and sits down next to me." He shook his head. "I put my head down, because I could see her, well I could see her tits right through it.

"Todd, stop." I said quietly, but he went on as if he didn't hear me.