My Mother's a Horny Drunk

I walked into the house and a wave of conflicting emotions flowed through me at the sight of my mother sitting on the couch. It wasn't mom herself that caused those emotions, but the glass of wine in her hand and the half empty bottle on the coffee table in front of her. My first reaction, and the correct one, was concern. Since my father had died of a sudden heart attack six months ago, she had steadily begun drinking more and more. Right now it was a couple during the week, because she had to work, but from Friday night to Sunday night it was becoming continuous.

The fact she stayed home all weekend didn't help and not only myself, but several of her friends had been urging her to get out and have some fun, maybe meet someone. Mom was younger than my father and at thirty nine was far too young to be alone. Not just too young, I thought as I approached her, but way too goddamn hot. That last thought was currently being reinforced as I was now close enough to get a good look at her.

Mom was sitting with her elbow on the couch and her head in her hand. Her eyes were closed and I was pretty sure she may have already had enough to drink to have fallen asleep. Her legs were stretched out on the couch and taking advantage of her current state, I let my eyes wander down her fantastic body.

Before taking a job as an office manager my mother had been a dance instructor and it showed in how well shaped her long legs were. Mom was pretty tall and those legs seemed to go on forever. They were especially well displayed tonight in the pair of...

My eyes widened as I realized all mom was wearing was a pair of black lace boy shorts. I quietly walked up to the couch and stared at the insides of her smooth creamy thighs.

Like most red heads, Mom was fair skinned and the black lace looked damn good against her skin. That lace comprised most of the shorts up to her hips, but the crotch was mercifully solid material. I forced my gaze away from between her legs and worked my way up to find Mom's top was no less revealing than the bottom.

She was wearing a silky black sleeveless top that my ex-girlfriend Jessica called a "cammy". I had to admit Mom filled out her 'cammy' a lot better than Jessica did. My ex's tits were perky and pretty damn sexy, but goddamn did mom have an impressive set of tits.

Those tits were pushing the top out and I couldn't help but notice her nipples were erect. Not for the first time, I wondered what those nipples would look like. Mom was so fair skinned, I'd imagine they would be a light pink, but imagination was all I had to go on, at least for now because the way things were going, who knew?

My eyes drifted up to her face, taking in her long red hair and beautiful features. As I lingered on her full, and admittedly inviting lips, I became aware of the second of my emotions at seeing her drinking; lust, a very unhealthy lust. When my mother was sober she was definitely the stereo type of the professional woman trying to hide the fact she was sexy. She always dressed conservatively in clothes that at times bordered on unflattering.

That look also included her gorgeous long red hair always pinned up. Mom acted just as proper and I'd over heard dad tell her after a company party he had gone to with her that he'd heard a few of the guys say she was a frigid prude who wouldn't know what to do with a dick. I remember mom giving him a naughty giggle and saying none of them would be able to handle her.

They certainly wouldn't think mom was a prude if they saw her drinking. As time went on she was beginning to dress more and more scantily around the house and her behavior towards me had become much more affectionate.

No, I thought , letting my eyes wander back down to her tits, she was starting to get far past affectionate to the point inappropriate would be a more accurate description. The last couple of times she'd curled up on the couch with me almost as if she were my girlfriend including at one point having her arm around me and playing with my hair.

She never seemed to remember it the next day and I was afraid to bring it up because I think she would be upset. Almost as bad as her physical displays of affection were, was the fact when she was buzzed she kept talking about how horny she was.

I would always steer the conversation in another direction, but would be lying if I said she wasn't getting to me. I'd never saw her as anything other than my mom, but seeing her parade around in skimpy clothing and talk about how bad she needed to get laid had me thinking things that belonged in sick porn movies.

Then again when you're hot mother decides to masturbate on her bed with her bedroom door halfway open and you lurk in the hall and watch, that would pretty much put me in the world of porn absurdity.

"Take a picture it lasts longer." Mom said, snapping me out of my fog.

I began to blush and quickly removed my eyes from her chest to see her looking at me. Her baby blue eyes were glazed over and seemed to be more than a little unfocused as she looked at me.

"Oh, sorry mom," I said, trying hard not to sound nervous. "I...I was looking to see if you were sleeping."

"Really?" she gave me a nasty smirk, that sent my stomach twisting nervously, "I thought my eyes were up here."

"What do you mean?" was all I could come up with.

Mom stared at me, the smirk still on her face and I waited nervously for her to call me out on my staring. After a moment she asked, "You weren't just staring at my chest?"

Pausing for a moment to make sure my voice was steady, I looked into her glassy eyes and said indignantly, "Of course not! You're my mother why would I be doing that?"

Again, she paused before she answered and I was wondering if she were weighing my answer or she was too drunk to think straight. She sighed and said softly, "I'm sorry Russ, I...I don't know why I said that." She put her head down and added, "I don't know what the hell is wrong with me."

"Yeah well," I frowned at how upset she now was and felt bad because she had been right, but it's not like I could tell her that. "I know you didn't you're just..." I groped for the words, "not yourself lately."

"Besides," she sighed disgustedly, "Why the hell would I think any guy would stare at my tits?"

"I'm sure a lot of guys would, you know, find you attractive mom, but you have to get out and meet them."

"You think I'm attractive Russ?" she asked, giving me her long red hair a toss.

"I think you're beautiful mom." I answered truthfully.

"Yeah," she gave me a bit of a tipsy smile, "Not bad for my age."

"Damn good for any age."

"Ohh, you're a smooth talker aren't you Russ?" she laughed, and lifting the glass of wine to her lips downed the entire thing. "Bet you do just fine with all those hot little coeds."

"I...I guess."

Mom reached out to put the glass on the coffee table and let it go to soon. Fortunately the floor was carpeted and it didn't break. It rolled towards me and getting down on one knee I picked it up.

I looked up and prepared to stand when I noticed Mom had lifted one of her legs and placed it along the top of the couch. I watched her point her foot down, causing the muscles in her well shaped leg to stand out as she stretched. I turned my head to the left and my eyes widened as I found myself staring between her legs.

My face was only about two feet from her crotch and I swallowed hard when I saw the strip of black material had slid to the side. I swear I could see just the edge of the smooth pink skin of... I dropped the glass and then bent to pick it up again so fast I whacked my head on the edge of the coffee table.

"Oh, honey are you okay?"

Wincing and holding the back of my head I looked up to see Mom had removed her leg from the top of the couch, but now had her knee drawn up to her chest and was rubbing her foot.

"Yeah, I'm good." I nodded.

I put the glass on the table and started to get to my feet when Mom asked, "Russ will you pour me another glass please?"

" don't you think you had enough tonight?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked, with an edge to her voice.

"Well...I mean you were sleeping when I came in, how relaxed do you need to be?"

"As relaxed as I want to be." She told me. "I...I have a lot on my mind and when I'm stressed the only things that help me relax is either wine or a good orgasm." She shrugged, "I don't see any sex in my future, so bottoms up!"

Not wanting to reply to that, I simply nodded and picking up the bottle began to pour her another glass.

"Of course," Mom giggled behind me, "I wish it were my bottom that was up!" she emitted a sigh that caused my hand to shake as I poured and added, "That was always my favorite p..."

"Here mom!" I exclaimed, hurriedly passing her the glass.

Mom reached out for it and in my hurry to give it to her, I hit the edge of her hand with it. Some of the wine sloshed out and went down the side of the glass and onto her hand.

"Sorry," I told her, standing up, "I'll grab a napkin."

"No worries, I got it." Mom said and bringing her hand to her mouth licked the wine from it. "Can't let it go to waste, now can we?"

" I..."

My words trailed off when lifting the glass higher mom placed the tip of her tongue against the glass and slowly licked up the side of it, until she reached the top. As her tongue worked its way up the smooth glass she closed her eyes and released a soft moan that caused my cock to begin to stir.

"Hmmm" she sighed when she was done, "That's the first hard smooth thing I've licked in..."

"Mom please!" I blurted out.

"Please what honey?" she asked, giving me a big smile.

"Just um...look some things are a little, you know, TMI."

"Like what, me talking about blow jobs?"

I started to say something, but Mom repeated her licking of the glass, this time staring me in the eye and I felt the blood rush to both my face and my cock. Fortunately all she noticed was my face turning red and laughed, "I'm sorry Russ! But you're such a good kid and I just love getting a rise out of you!"

Putting my hands down in front of me to cover up the rise she had gotten out of me, I forced a casual shrug. "Oh, well I...I'd rather not think of things like that. Anyway I think I'm going to head up to bed."

"Bed?" she glanced at the clock, "Russ its only nine o' clock on a Friday night!"

"Yeah well, I had two morning classes and I did one to eight at Wal-Mart. So I'm kind of tired."

Mom shook her head, "Russ, you're nineteen years old, you should be going upstairs to shower then go out and find some pretty young thing to..." she gave me another wink, "Do what I'd like to be doing ."

"Well, I'm still kind of getting over Jessica. I don't think I'm up to..."

"Oh, please," Mom waved her hand, "At your age you should be thinking about getting off, not getting over. Russ, you're a hell of a good looking young man! You hit a club you won't be going home alone!"

"Same goes for you, mom." I said, trying to turn the conversation away from me. "You're saying you want to have fun, but they're not coming here. I think if you went out you'd, you know get..."

"Laid?" she sighed. "I guess you're right, but..." for the first time she looked serious. "I was with your dad a long time and...I guess right now I'm all talk."

"Then just talk." I prodded her, "You don't have to go out and get picked up, and maybe you'll meet a nice guy, have a drink and maybe start dating."

Mom nodded, "I know, I've heard that from Lisa a lot lately, she wants me to go out with her on a Saturday night."

"That's tomorrow, go with her."

"I'll think about it." She told me, then placing the glass on the table drew her other leg up and grabbed her foot. That move caused her shorts to ride up and I could see her ass cheek. Shifting my gaze I asked, "Mom what the hell are you doing?"

"I wore new heels to work today and they didn't fit right." She winced, "My feet are killing me."

"Oh, that's too bad." I told her, "Well I'm going to..."

"What's that, you want to rub my feet?" Mom asked.

", that's not what I said."

"Oh, that's what I said!" Mom laughed, "Come on Russ, rub my..."

"Mom, I don't think that would," I put my hands out, "Proper."

"Proper?" she rolled her eyes. "Since when is rubbing your mother's feet not proper? Besides I'm proper all fucking week."

"Yeah, well..."

"Please Russ," Mom looked up at me with her blue eyes wide and sticking out her lower lip begin to pout, "Please rub my feet, they're awfully sore!"

She said the last part in a little girl voice that caused my cock to twitch. My aching cock was the problem. I was hard just looking at her what would happen if I started touching her? In front of me mom drew both her knees up and pointed at the corner of the couch, "Come on honey, make your mom feel good!"

Those words were uttered not in the previous childlike voice, but a sexy purr that before I knew it had me sitting on the couch next to her.

"Yay!" Mom laughed and stretching her long legs out deposited her feet in my lap. "Your dad always told me I could get anything I wanted with that pout, guess it works on you too!"

I forced myself not to think about what her full lips could do besides pout and taking her right foot in my hands began to rub my thumbs into the soft skin just beneath her toes.

"Ohhh, honey, that feels sooo good!" Mom moaned and letting her head fall back on the arm of the couch sighed, "Damn you have strong hands."

"Thanks." I said softly as I continued to knead her foot.

Mom got pedicures on a regular basis and her foot was soft and smooth. Her skin was warm to the touch and she was playfully wiggling her toes as I worked each one with my fingers. Those toes were painted a deep red and as I stared down at them I wondered what her feet would look and feel like placed on my shoulders while I...

I blinked and tried to keep my mind from going down that forbidden path. But no matter what I focused on the fact was my cock was fully erect and laying against my leg. I was getting so worked up I could feel my thigh getting wet as the tip of my excited cock began to drip.

I lowered my hands and started rubbing the sole of her foot and she released a low moan that caused another surge through my cock. I was resting mom's heel on my thigh and now cupping it in my hand began to squeeze it while now lightly running my fingers along the bottom of her foot. Mom's foot jumped in my hand and she giggled, "That tickles, but it feels good!"

Her giggle made me smile, she hadn't laughed much the last few months and it was a good to hear. I placed her foot down in my lap, carefully avoiding my cock and began rubbing her other foot. She cooed happily as my fingers massaged that one and with a sigh began speaking.

"You know I haven't had a good foot rub in a long time. Back before your dad I had a boyfriend who would massage my feet every night and for a long time."

"That was nice of him." I said, wondering where this was going.

"I thought so, but after awhile I noticed he was always horny after that and one night I stuck my feet in his lap and he was hard as a rock."

My eyes widened and I looked down at the obvious bulge in my crotch. Mom couldn't see it from where she was, and again I shifted her foot so it was even further away from it.

"Come to find out he had a foot fetish and loved my feet so we made a deal."

"A deal?" I repeated, even though I knew I should end this conversation.

"Yes and a fun one, if he would rub my feet for a half hour, I'd give him a foot job!"

"Mom!" I exclaimed.

"I know, TMI," she sighed, "But it was fun, he'd put lotion on me then I'd watch him slide between my feet."

She went silent and I turned my head to see her head was resting on the arm of the couch. Her eyes were closed and her lips parted and when she continued to speak her voice was low and her breathing heavy.

"At first I thought it would just be for him, but he was so hard and it felt good and I could feel him throbbing and he would moan."

"Mom, please," I said in a tone that was close to a whimper.

"Then he'd cum and the feeling of his hot..."

She mercifully trailed off, but the silence became even worse when I felt her start to move her feet back and forth. I looked to see she was working her legs up and down and was breathing even harder. My heart skipped a beat when I saw her nipples were hard beneath the silky top and I realized she had herself all but ready to cum.

My cock was throbbing so hard it hurt and I could feel my hands trembling on her foot which meant she must be able to feel it too. I sat there silently both dreading, but dying to hear her next words. To my relief when next she spoke she sounded more like her old self.

"I...I'm sorry Russ." She whispered, "I...I don't know what the hell is getting into me these days."

"Maybe a little too much wine." I said, taking a chance.

"Maybe you're right." She said, picking her head up from the couch. "But that's about all that's getting..." she caught herself. "Anyway, I...I think I need to go to bed. I'm uh...really tired."

I looked away so she wouldn't see the look on my face. She was going to go upstairs and play with herself! She'd gotten herself all worked up and was going to lay on her bed and get off! My mind was pulled from that deliciously taboo image by mom stretching her feet out in my lap. Her foot slid across my cock and caught off guard, a soft moan escaped me.

"What did you say?" she asked, as swinging her feet off my lap, she put them on the floor and stood up.

"Uh...nothing." I managed to get out as her perfect ass was now in my face.

"Oh, thought you said something."

I started to answer then stopped when she bent over the table to pick up the wine topper and stick it in the bottle. Her ass was now inches from my face and her shorts had slid into the crack of her ass leaving me staring at her bare left cheek. Mom stood back up and took a step towards the kitchen. She immediately started to wobble and quickly standing up, I caught her arm.

"You okay Mom?"

"Yeah, just a little dizzy guess I stood up to fast."

"You need me to help you upstairs?"

"I...maybe." I put my arm around her shoulders and she placed her hand on my arm.

"Wow, not just your hands are strong," she said as she squeezed my bicep. "You been using your dad's old bowflex a lot haven't you?"

"Yeah." I said, trying to ignore her hand which had slid up to my shoulder.

"You've come a long way from a scrawny little kid that's for sure," she laughed, then pointing at the mirror over the mantle said, "Look at the two of us Russ, it's a shame we're all alone tonight."

"I guess." I agreed, steering her towards the stairs. She remained still and kept pointing at the mirror. "Really honey, look at you, with those green eyes and that gorgeous dark hair of yours, you look just like your dad and God knew I could never say no to him!"

"I'll work on it mom, now let's go to bed."

"Figures. I finally hear those words from a good looking young stud and it's my son."

"Hey you know what mom?" I said, thinking of something, "You want me to get out and have fun?"

"I do."

"Then I'll make you a deal. If you go out with Lisa tomorrow night, you know, get out of the damn house and have some fun, there's a girl named Sarah at Wal-Mart who I think likes me."

"Really?" she asked, "Is she cute?"

"Very." I nodded, "She works Saturday nights, but if you go out with Lisa I promise I'll call her Sunday morning and ask her out, how's that?"

Mom paused and then gave me a big smile, "Well okay, but only to help you out, shit we both can't keep going to bed horny!"

"No, mom" I said as I succeeded in turning her towards the staircase and away from the hard on still raging in my pants, "We can't keep going like this."


I lay there in my bed wide awake and fighting desperately not to masturbate. Anytime I couldn't sleep jerking off would do the trick, but tonight I refused to do it. I knew if I started playing with my cock all I would envision was my mother. Tonight had been the worst by far since she'd begun drinking. Ever since I'd come to bed my mind had been spinning and replaying the scene downstairs. From mom's ridiculously inappropriate attire to the sound of her voice as she lay there describing giving a foot job to an ex-boyfriend.

Even the walk up the stairs had been an ordeal. Mom had gone up in front of me and I'd had her ass in my face the entire time. She's stopped several times to get her bearings and each time left me fighting to keep my head down.

I walked her into her bedroom and she'd let herself flop onto the bed. When she did her shirt rose up and just before I looked away I was given a view of the bottom curve of her tits. I'd taken a fast shower and moaned when I soaped and rinsed off my swollen cock. I'd come close to spanking it, but told myself I would not blow a load to the thought of my mother, at least not another one.

I sighed and closing my eyes tried to ignore my semi hard cock which continued to twitch between my legs, still looking for release. Shit, maybe I would call Sarah tomorrow. Going out with a cute girl and maybe it turning into more would help me get my mind off the one pussy I shouldn't be thinking about, my mothers.

Unable to help it, my mind drifted back to three nights ago when I'd come home after work and passed by mom's bedroom. I'd worked the second shift and it was after midnight and she'd probably gone to bed quite some time ago.

As I padded silently through the hallway so as not to wake her, I noticed her door was partway open. I began to pass it when I heard her moan. I paused and after hearing it again thought she was having a nightmare and peered into the room.

Well if Mom had been dreaming it sure as hell hadn't been a bad one. Mom was lying propped up on the pillows with her legs spread wide and her hand between her thighs. Her bed was sideways too me so I couldn't see between her legs, but her hand was buried and her arm moving back and forth.

Mom's eyes were closed and she was moaning softly as her hand worked her pussy. Her other hand slid up, and shoving her shirt over her tit, began playing with it. I told myself to get the hell out of there, that I shouldn't be watching this, but was incapable of taking my eyes off of her. Her hand was covering most of her tit and I couldn't see between her legs, but the look on her face had me standing there with my cock swelling.

Her lips were parted and her normally fair skin was flushed as she moaned and squirmed. Mom gasped and straightening her legs out, let her head fall back and released a loud high pitched squeal that caused my hand to stray to my hard dick.

She bucked her hips and moaned as her arm moved rapidly and her hand squeezed her tit. She then moaned softly and her body relaxed into the bed. I had quickly stepped out of the doorway and going into my room sat on my bed. I unzipped my pants and even though I knew it was wrong began beating off while I pictured the look on mom's face as she came.

"Oh, this isn't fair." I whispered and despite my best efforts, my hand slid down between my legs and grabbed my cock.

I began to slowly pump it as I imagined mom's feet back in my hands, but this time I would rub higher, work my hands up those amazing legs until I reached her crotch. She would give me that drunken giggle and would slide the shorts to the side to show me her...

I jumped at the sound of footsteps in the hallway and then the bathroom door bang shut. I listened for a few minutes and when I didn't hear the toilet flush or the door reopen, began to worry. I gave it another couple of minutes then getting up and slipping a pair of shorts on, went out into the hallway.

I saw the bathroom door still closed and started to walk towards it, hoping mom wasn't sick or worse, passed out. I was halfway there when the door opened and mom came out. She didn't look in my direction and headed back to her bedroom.

I watched as she walked slowly, listing side to side and at one point used her hand against the wall to guide herself along the hallway. She went into her room and I stood there wondering what to do. If I went back into my room I'd end up jerking off, but I didn't feel like going downstairs to watch TV.

Instead I headed down to the extra bedroom that my father had made into a small office. Mom had her lap top set up in there so I sat at the desk and surfed the net for awhile, checking the baseball scores and watching a few stupid videos on you tube.

I carefully avoided any porn sites as that was all I would need. I had no doubt that even if I started stroking to a movie my mind would shift to my mother. After a half hour or so, my eyes began to sting and shutting down the lap top I left the room to head back to bed.

As I passed Mom's room I noticed the door was open again and made the mistake of looking in. Mom was lying on her stomach with her head facing away from the door and I stopped in my tracks and took in the sight of her sprawled out on the bed.

Mom's long legs were stretched out and also spread open and she had nothing covering her. I stood there staring and even from across the room could hear her deep heavy breathing.

From the amount she'd had to drink and the difficulty she'd had walking to her room, I had no doubt she was dead to the world. Without being aware I was moving, I found myself entering her room. I walked slowly over to her bed my eyes wandering up and down the backs of her long legs and lingering on her incredible ass.

The shorts were again pulled to the side and I shook my head at the sight of her exposed ass cheek. Somewhere in my mind I was telling myself to leave, but I wasn't listening.

Instead I focused on the soft curve of her ass and her creamy white thighs, her skin looked so smooth and her ass so firm, I wondered. Before I knew it I was reaching out with my hand. Again the voice of reason spoke and this time I listened and pulled my hand back.

What the hell was wrong with me? This was my mother! But still, my eyes continue to devour her fine ass. Her breathing was loud and steady and I was beginning to breathe harder as well. Speaking of harder my cock was pitching a tent in my shorts and looking up at the back of her head, I said softly "Mom?"

There was no answer and after a moment I repeated it louder. When there was still no reaction I reached out and gently placed my hand on her back. She didn't move and slowly, a little at a time, I slid my hand down her back towards her ass. You're a sick bastard Russ, I told myself, but still continued to work my way down her back. When my hand was resting just over her ass, I took a deep breath and lifting it placed it on her bare ass cheek.

There was no response from her, but my cock jumped in my pants at the feeling of her firm round ass beneath my hand. I began to lightly rub my hand along her warm skin, tracing the curve of her ass and my heart began beating rapidly as I drifted toward her inner thigh.

I paused and after another glance at her head, slid my hand down between her legs. Her thigh was warmer than her ass and the skin even softer. I moved my hand up higher and stopped when I felt the material of her shorts against the edge of my hand.

I swallowed nervously and pushed my hand harder against her crotch. I bit back a moan when I felt the heat of her pussy through the thin black fabric. Oh, you sick puppy, you're groping your mother! Breathing hard, I bent over and still watching her head for movement, placed my lips against her ass.

I paused and parting my lips, flicked my tongue across her ass. Mom moved her leg and I quickly jerked my hand away and backed up towards the foot of the bed. Mom groaned and pulled the pillow over her head.

Okay, that was my signal to get the hell out of there, I thought, but couldn't pull myself away. Mom had drawn one leg up, changing the angle of her ass and making it look even better. I was now at the foot of the bed and reaching down began to play with my cock through my shorts as I looked longingly at that ass.

I could just imagine what it would look like naked and in the air, her pussy peeking out from behind. I was starting to breathe through my mouth and again without thinking about it, I pulled my shorts down letting my raging hard on spring free.

I grabbed my cock and stroked it, my eyes fixed on my mother's crotch. I remembered how hot her skin was there and pumped my cock faster. I looked down and froze. I was standing at the edge of the bed and my cock was over it.

About a foot beneath my cock was mom's bare foot. Her foot was stretched out leaving me staring at the smooth sole and the bottom of her toes. As I slowly pumped my cock I recalled how soft her feet were and then started thinking about her describing giving a foot job.

After a quick glance to make sure her head was still under the pillow I lowered the head of my cock until it touched her foot. Oh, this was beyond sick, but nonetheless I pushed my cock along the bottom of her foot.

I had to hold back a moan as my aching dick slid along her soft skin. I started down and licked my lips at the sight of my hard cock lying along the length of her perfect foot. I'd been told I was fairly well hung and noticed my cock was pretty close to the length of her foot from the heel to the base of her toes.

My cock was darker than the white skin of her feet and that made it look even sexier. I started rocking my hips, causing my cock to slide back and forth and noticed it was wet. Shit, I thought as I could see my sticky precum glistening along her foot.

Even that didn't stop me from moving my cock faster along her foot. My breathing was getting heavier and my cock was aching for release as I imagined mom's breathy voice as she talked about how good her boyfriend's hard cock felt between her feet.

Holding my cock over her foot I started to stroke it and had to press my lips tightly together to avoid moaning. I took a step back so that my cock was no longer directly over her foot and emitted a loud gasp.

I'd let myself get to close and unable to hold myself back, pumped it several more times. I stifled a groan as my desperate cock erupted, then gasped again as cum rocketed from the tip and sprayed the bottom of mom's foot. Even as I stepped back and continued stroking, I couldn't believe how far that had squirted.

I moaned softly as my cock continued to spurt, and watched half panicked, but also filled with a sick thrill as my cum splashed against the bed just under mom's foot. My cock had nothing left to give and standing there panting, I tucked my still dripping dick into my shorts.

I looked down and felt another sick thrill as I looked at my mother's cum coated foot. I jumped back when her foot twitched and felt a wave of panic go through me, I quickly backed up to where her closet was and looking down into her laundry basket grabbed a towel.

I carefully approached the bed and after wiping it off, lightly dabbed at her foot. Mom moaned and to my horror began to roll over. In desperation, I wiped the towel hard across the bottom of her foot trying to get the last of my cum. Mom removed the pillow from her head and as I quickly dropped the towel at my feet she put looked at me through bleary eyes.

"Russ," she asked as she rolled over onto her back "Wh...what are you doing in here?"

"I...I saw your door open and..." Looking down I saw the edge of the sheet and grabbed it. "I was going to cover you up."

"Oh," she said, as she drew her foot up along the bed. "Is that what just touched my foot?"

"Um, yeah." I told her nervously watching as he reached down and rubbed her foot.

Mom's fingers slid along the bottom of her foot and I felt my heart stop in my chest when she frowned. "Wow," she said, "I must have been sweating, my foots wet."

"Yeah, well...maybe the sheet's not a good idea then, I just didn't want to..."

"Russ, come here." She tapped the side of the bed.

Oh, shit I thought as I slowly made my way over to her. When I reached the side of the bed, she surprised me by reaching out and putting her arms around me.

"Russ, that was very nice of you, you're so good to me!" she said in my ear.

I nodded against her shoulder and as I glanced down the bed and looked down the length of her legs thought, that was me, a real good guy.


I looked up from the TV at the sound of the doorbell and glanced at the clock. It was just after six and I called up the stairs, "Hey Mom I think Lisa is here!"

"I'll be down in a couple of minutes!" she shouted down to me.

I nodded and made my way over to the door. I had to admit I'd been surprised when Mom told me this morning she had remembered our deal and called Lisa to say she would come out with her tonight. The only problem with that was I wondered if she remembered some of the rest of what she'd said. As I reached for the doorknob I felt a sense of relief she was going out, maybe she would meet someone and get a grip on herself.

Then again that meant I would have to stop getting a grip on myself, at least where mom was involved. Last night's sick performance and close call told me I needed to get myself back in the saddle as well. Fortunately mom had fallen right back to sleep almost as soon as she allowed me to tuck her in and hadn't noticed there was more than sweat on her foot. I opened the door and saw it was indeed Lisa.

"Hey Russ, she ready to go?"

"She needs a couple of more minutes," I told her stepping aside, "Come on in."

Lisa gave me a smile and as she passed me to enter the house I couldn't help checking her out. Lisa was in her early forties and although older than and not nearly as hot as mom certainly fit the term cougar.

Lisa was a tall slender brunette with a set of legs as long as mom's and a small, but perky set of tits that she always pushed up well in whatever low cut outfit she was wearing. Tonight she was wearing a simple one piece red sundress and with her long hair down and her small tits tightly encased by the snug fitting dress she looked damn good. I smiled at the thought that her and mom should get plenty of attention.

"Tell you what Russ, I don't know how you did it, but I'm thrilled you got her to come out tonight."

"I made a deal with her." I explained, "She's been telling me to get out and get over Jessica so I told her I would if she'd go out."

"Good move." Lisa nodded "This will be good for her. The place we're going is a club, but it's an older crowd, hopefully she meets someone."

"Yeah, about that." I glanced over at the stairs to make sure mom wasn't coming down before continuing. "Do me a favor Lisa if she drinks a lot watch her?"

"Oh, I'm driving so don't worry." She laughed, "And if she meets someone I'm sure they'll be driving!"

"Well, look that's the thing. When mom drinks she gets kind of..." I struggled to find a word, "Risque? Maybe."

"Oh, you mean horny?" Lisa laughed. "The last time I came over here and she was drinking she was really going on and on about sex." She paused and frowned, "She gets like that with you?"

"Yeah, she um...has no filter." I nodded.

"Wow, weird she would talk dirty in front of you."

"Yeah, it's kind of awkward, but anyway I'm afraid if she gets drunk and some guy hits on her she might..."

"Hey Russ, I know she's your mom and you care, but that could be what she needs, get her over the hump."

"I know, but what if the guy ends up a jerk or she wakes up and sobers up and feels bad?" I pointed out, "It could make it worse and I don't want to see her get hurt."

"You know, you have a point." She told me, "I'll watch who she's talking to," she then reached out and touched my arm "Russ, that's great you're that protective of her and you don't want her with some asshole."

Like the kind of asshole who would jerk off on her feet, I thought, but simply said, "Well she's been good to..."

"Damn girl!" Lisa interrupted me with a whistle, "Look at you!"

I turned around to see my mother coming down the stairs and whispered, "Oh, goddamn."

Mom was wearing a short black skirt that barely went down past her ass and as she walked down the stairs I could see the creamy skin of the insides of her upper thighs. I wondered if she would even be able to bend over in the damn thing.

Needless to say the skirt showed off her amazing legs, but making those legs look even better were a pair of red stiletto heels. Those heels had to be at least four inches and I noticed when she reached the bottom of the stairs, Mom was walking carefully as if she weren't used to the shoes.

Once she was standing in front of me I caught sight of her top and couldn't help gawking at her chest. The shirt mom was wearing was a red short sleeved button down, that wasn't racy, but she had it open to reveal a tight silk shirt with a lace top and so low cut I could see the top half of her impressive tits.

Mom's long hair was down and had been teased out making her look younger and she was wearing a bright red lipstick that called attention to her soft full lips.

"So, what do you think?" Mom asked and did a quick spin showing off the fact that the skirt barely covered the cheeks of her ass,

" mom you look," I shrugged, "You look hot!"

"Really?" she gave me a huge smile, "I don't look silly?"

"Honey, you're putting me to shame." Lisa laughed, "I feel like a damn tom boy next to you!"

"I don't know about all that, but," Mom looked over at me, "You really think I look good honey?"

"Um, well considering you're my mom, sure you look good."

"What if I wasn't your mom?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.


She was looking me in the eye and gave me an odd smile. I was wondering what was going on when I noticed her eyes seemed a little on the bright side.

"What kind of question is that?" Lisa asked, getting me off the hook, "He's your son, Linda."

Turning to Lisa I leaned over to her and said softly, "She's already been drinking, see what I mean?"

Lisa nodded and under the pretense of giving me a quick hug goodbye said, "I'll watch out for her, I promise."


Lisa pulled away and taking mom by the arm, said, "Let's go hot stuff, we have some men to toy with!"

"Good." Mom said as she let her lead her towards the door, "Because I'm tired of using toys."


I woke up with a start at the sound of the front door opening. I shook my head trying to clear the sleep from it. I saw Saturday night live was on the TV and wondered who won the Sox game I'd fallen asleep during. My attention was drawn to the door when I heard Lisa say,

"Come on Linda, you're home, just a little further."

I sat up and saw Lisa and mom stagger through the doorway. Lisa had one arm around Mom's shoulders and was holding her arm as she guided her into the living room.

"Is she okay?" I asked, quickly getting up and going over to them.

"I'm fine!" Mom snapped and pushed herself away from Linda, "Damn fine according to all the guys!"

As soon as Mom had stepped away from Lisa, she staggered again and I caught her by the arm.

"She's okay," Lisa told me as she put Mom's purse on the coffee table "But she's had a few."

"I could have had a few for sure!" Mom snapped, "But I would have settled for one and you..." she paused and frowned as if she couldn't remember what she was going to say next, "You took me away!" she pointed at Lisa.

"That guy wasn't what you needed." Lisa said calmly.

"Wow, what is it with you two?" Mom asked, "First all I want is a stiff drink, and you guys say I drink too much, then all I want is a stiff cock and you won't let me have that either!"

"Linda, please be careful in front of Russ."

"Please!" she laughed, "He's not a little kid and he has a cock, he knows what I'm talking about."

"It's time for bed." Lisa told her, and then looked at me, "You want me to help you with her?"

"I don't need help." Moms said and leaning on my arm bent down and one at a time slipped her shoes off. "I'm fine and I'm used to going to bed alone."

Without another word, she turned and wobbled her way over to the stairs. As Lisa and I watched, she grabbed the railing and slowly made her way up the stairs. Despite the fact Lisa was standing right behind me I couldn't pass up the chance to stare at mom's ass in that insanely short skirt and as she reached the top I was rewarded with a good look at the cheeks of her ass.

She turned away and disappeared down the hallway. Turning to look at Lisa I whistled, "Damn how much did she drink?"

"You know that's the weird thing." Lisa said, "She had a few, but not what I would think was enough to do that to her."

"I think she was drinking before she went with you." I told her.

"Maybe, well anyway," Lisa walked over to Mom's purse and began rummaging around in it. After a moment she took out three pieces of paper and after crumpling two of them up put the third on the table next to the purse. "Listen, Russ, this guy seemed really nice, invited your mom out for coffee sometime, but the other two were just looking for sex so I'm getting rid of them."

"Thank you Lisa."

"That's what friends are for." She turned and headed for the front door, speaking over her shoulder as she went. "Have her call me tomorrow when she finally gets up, because something tells me she's going to sleep like the dead."

"I will." I told her

With a final wave Lisa closed the door behind her and as I stood there the image of my mother being completely past out like she was last night came into my head. I pictured my hard cock over her soft foot then thought of what it would like over another part of her.

"You can't keep doing this." I said aloud.

But even as I spoke, my cock was swelling in my shorts and I had turned and headed for the stairs. As I began climbing them I wondered what Lisa, who had saved my mother from a couple of real assholes tonight, would think if she found out an even bigger one was going to go jerk off on his mother's ass?


I reached the top of the stairs and told myself that if the door to mom's room was shut I would just head into my room, jack off and try to clear my head of this shit.

As I approached the doorway to her room, part of me was hoping the door would be closed, saving me from being a sicker bastard than I already was. It was with mixed emotions that I saw her door was only half shut and still trying to tell myself to keep moving anyway, I peered into her room.

"Holy shit." I muttered under my breath.

Any chance I had of doing the right thing was out the window at the sight before me. Not only was mom again lying on her stomach on the bed, but she was completely naked! Even though I was barefoot I forced myself to walk as carefully into the room as possible.

Reaching the side of the bed I looked down and took in the sight of my mother's naked body. She hadn't pulled the blinds down and the street light outside her window made my view even better. Mom had her arms tucked under her head and as last night, she was facing away from me.

Mom's breathing was so deep she was practically snoring and positive she was even more far gone than last night I reached out and laid my hand on her back. I kept it still, feeling the steady rise and fall of her breathing beneath my hand and began trailing my fingers down to her this time bare ass.

I slid my hand down her left ass cheek until I was holding it in the palm of my hand and gave a soft squeeze. I marveled at how firm her ass was as I kept my hand resting on it, I let my gaze fall between her legs.

Like last night, Mom had one leg drawn up and I could plainly make out her pink and totally smooth pussy. I licked my lips at the sight of hers and reaching down with my free hand unzipped my shorts. I pulled out my throbbing cock and as I started to stroke it, eased my hand from her ass down to her thigh.

My heart was pounding and my breath quickened as I worked my hand along the soft skin of her thigh. I bit my lip as I felt the side of my hand graze her hot flesh and as I pumped my cock, I took a chance and rubbed my hand gently up and down.

Mom's breathing continued in that same steady rhythm and growing bolder I rubbed my hand a little faster. I had to resist the urge to moan and my cock twitched against my palm when I felt the edge of my hand getting wet. Removing it, I brought it to my face and inhaled deeply. I closed my eyes and sighed at the sweet scent of my mother's pussy.

I pumped my cock harder and leaning over the bed placed the tip against her warm thigh. I was starting to sweat and was seriously considering cumming all over her ass and thigh.

I put my hand back down on that soft thigh and unable to resist, placed it along her hot and now wet flesh. I was fighting hard not to moan and was starting to stroke myself even faster as I leaned over and tried to angle the head of my cock directly over her ass.

"Are you really going just jerk off when there's a nice wet pussy in front of you?"

"Mom!" I gasped, jerking my hand away from her thigh and looking down, desperately tried to put my cock in my shorts before she...

"Oh, honey, don't you dare put that away!"

I looked up from my crotch to see that mom had rolled over and was sitting up in the bed looking at me.

"Mom! I..." I froze as my eyes fell on her bare tits.

They were even bigger than I had imagined, but despite their size were still sitting firm and high. Her nipples were as pink as her pussy and looked as hard as my cock had felt.

"Well?" she asked, "You going to stand there with your cock in your hand or you going to come give me what I need."

"W...what you n...need?"

"Yes Russ." She pointed down at my still hard cock "I've been telling you I need a good stiff cock and honey, that is one beautiful hard cock."

"Mom, I...I am so sorry!" I exclaimed, releasing my cock and starting to back away.

"Don't be." She said softly, "Russ I can't tell you how wet I am thinking that nice young cock is hard for me."

"Look Mom, I...I don't know why I..."

"You're here because you my dear boy, want to fuck your mother," she giggled, "That and you had such a good time cumming on my foot last night you wanted more."


"I was awake the entire time you were rubbing that big dick all over my foot Russ." She shrugged causing her tits to bounce enticingly "I was going to say something, but decided to let you dig a nice hole for yourself, this way you can't deny what you want."

"Mom..." I had nothing to say and despite how bad this was I found my eyes dropping down between her legs.

"And what do you want Russ?" she smiled wickedly, "Tell your mother what you want and I bet you'll get it."

"I...I..." I couldn't say it and just shook my head.

"No, you don't want these?" Mom reached under her tits and holding them up began to rub her nipples with her thumbs. "You don't want to suck on the tits you've been staring at lately?"

" keep showing them." I said lamely

"And what about this?" Mom opened her legs and reaching down spread her pussy open for me. "You don't want this pussy you were already playing with?"

"Its...I can't you're..."

"Oh knock it off Russ!" Mom snapped sounding angry, "You fucked my foot last night and was rubbing my pussy getting ready to cum all over me! So don't tell me it's wrong because you're dying for it."


"And honey I need it sooo bad!" she purred, now smiling again, "I...I can't with another guy Russ, I'm not ready, but oh I want it so bad and when I saw you looking I thought why not? You're young and hot and you love me" she paused and giving me a surprisingly nervous smile asked, "You do love me don't you?"

"Y...of course." I told her my eyes frozen to her pussy which she was now rubbing her finger though. "B...but as a mother, not..."

"So you love me like your mother, but fuck me like some drunken slut at the bar, how's that?" she laughed and licked her lips, "Because trust me honey, we're not going to make love, oh, no tonight my son is going to shove that big cock in my mouth so I can suck him off then fuck me aren't you?"

I finally tore my gaze from between her legs and looking up saw her face was flushed and she was breathing as hard as when I'd saw her playing with herself. Her large tits were rising and falling with her breathing and despite my panic my cock was still hard as a rock. Mom's gaze found my cock and as I watched she slowly liked her lips and patting the bed next to her said, "Come on baby, and give me what I need."

"Mom you're...drunk." I told her.

"Not completely, but enough to let you come take advantage of me." She rolled her eyes, "So you can jerk off on me, but I don't get to participate?"

"No, but..."

"Russ get over here and suck on my tits," she beckoned me with her finger, "I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. Now come get what you want and give me what I need."

With the insane thought of it wasn't nice to disobey your mother I started to get on the bed when she said, "Take your clothes off, and show me that nice young body of yours."

I hesitated and Mom grabbed my wrist, bringing my hand to her face sucked my fingers into her mouth.

"Oh damn." I moaned at the feeling of her soft wet tongue circling my fingers.

Mom moaned and rolling her eyes back started sucking hard on my fingers. Popping them from her mouth she sighed, "I can't wait for that to be your cock."

At those words all thought of right and wrong ended and grabbing the bottom of my shirt I pulled it over my head. I was just tossing it to the side when I gasped at the feeling of Mom's hand around my cock. I looked down to see she had leaned forward and holding my cock in her hand gave it a hard squeeze. I moaned loudly and a spurt of pre cum shot from the tip of my cock all over mom's hand.

"Oh, look at that," she whispered and I moaned again as she started slowly pumping my cock.

"Yeah, let's get that big dick nice and wet," she said softly.

I watched her small hand slide up and down my hard shaft taking in how good her long red nails looked. Mom looked up at me and said, "Why are your shorts still on?"

Leaning over I awkwardly shoved them down trying to maintain my balance while Mom continued to gently stroke my dripping prick.

"Good boy." She purred, "I think you should get a reward for that."

Bending her head down, Mom stuck her tongue out and I cried out as she shoved the tip into the slit of my cock. She pulled her head back and I watched wide eyed as she pulled a trail of my pre cum with it.

Looking up at me with her glassy blue eyes she smiled and then with a slurping sound that made my knees weak sucked the trail of sticky fluid back to the tip of my cock, where after placing a gentle kiss to the head, said, "That's all for now, you want any more of your Mom's mouth you get up here and take care of me!"

Mom sat up and I quickly climbed onto the bed next to her. Mom leaned back against the headboard and grabbing face pulled me into a hard kiss that caught me completely by surprise. I gasped as her full lips pressed against mine and at first didn't kiss her back.

Mom parted her lips and began kissing me even harder, all but devouring my own lips. As she kissed me, her arms slid around my shoulders and drew me into her embrace. I groaned at the feeling of her hard nipples against my chest and the feeling of her warm soft breasts pressed between us.

I let myself begin to relax and parting my own lips started kissing her back. Mom sighed softly in her throat and began sliding her lips gently back and forth across mine. When I went to begin to kiss her harder, she moaned and spurred on by the sound, I slipped my tongue out and into her mouth. Mom moaned even louder and I felt her tongue eagerly greet mine. I put my arms around her slender waist and pulled her tightly against me.

Mom removed her lips from mine and whispered, "That's it honey, don't be shy, I'm all yours."

Her words sent a thrill through me and leaning forward I once again sought her lips. With a giggle that caused me to smile, Mom eagerly pressed those full soft lips into mine and our tongues immediately began to dance across each other.

I slid my hand up along the smooth skin of her back and up into her long red hair. Mom moaned as my fingers ran through it until I was holding the back of her head, keeping her lips pressed to mine. I could taste the wine on her lips and briefly wondered what the hell was going to happen in the morning when she sobered up.

That thought and any other was cut off when Mom dropped her arm from my shoulder and sliding it between us grabbed my cock. I moaned into her mouth as she squeezed it and grabbing the back of my hair, she pulled my head back and smiled, "Yeah you like that honey? You like your mother playing with your big dick?"

"Oh, yeah." I breathed as she started stroking it.

"Tell me." She whispered, "I want to hear it."

"I...Linda I..." I stopped and groaned when she gave my cock a hard squeeze and said, "Since when are we on a first name basis? I'm your mother," she emitted another drunken giggle, "Even when I am playing with your cock."

I wasn't sure I could bring myself to say it, but when her hand left my cock and began massaging my balls, I blurted out, "Oh, Mom I...I want you to play with my cock."

"What else do you want?"

She made a show of licking her lips and I immediately responded, "I want you to suck my cock and..." I moaned as she once again grabbed my dick. "I want you mom!"

"Well it is a mother's job to give her son whatever he needs." She smiled, "But I also believe in ladies first," Leaning back against the bed, she held up her right tit, "Come show me how bad you want me, Russ," she gave me a wink, "I'll make it worth your while, trust me."

I quickly bowed my head as mom held her tit up to me took her nipple into my mouth. I began swirling my tongue around her excited flesh and with a soft sigh; mom relaxed back against the bed and began playing with my hair. Her other hand was still playing with my cock, but rather than stroking she was running her fingernails up and down my throbbing shaft.

It was a tease, but felt damn good and right now my focus was on my mother's amazing tits. I reached out and grabbed them and as I switched my mouth to her other nipple, couldn't believe how heavy they were.

They were also damn firm and as I squeezed them, Mom moaned my name arched her back, shoving her nipple deeper into my mouth. I began rubbing her other nipple with my fingers and again I became aware of her hips rocking against me.

"Oh, honey, that feels so good." She purred, " one has touched me since your father and," she moaned again and whispered, "Play with my pussy."

As she spoke Mom grabbed my left hand and pulling it from her tit shoved it between her legs. I moaned around her nipple as she pressed the palm of my hand against her hot wet flesh and started moving it up and down. She let go, but I continued to rub her pussy, sliding my fingers through the wet lips of her pussy. Mom began moaning and thrusting her hips into me.

"Inside," she told me, shove your fingers Oh yes!"

Mom cried out as I pushed two of my fingers into her hot and very tight pussy. I began moving them slowly in and out while still working her nipples with my tongue and fingers. Mom's fingers were starting to pull my hair, but her other hand had once again wrapped around my cock and was now pumping it.

Her hips were rocking even faster, shoving my fingers deep inside of her and causing her to whimper each time. Burying my fingers as deep as I could, I placed my thumb on her swollen clit and started rubbing it in slow circles.

"Oh honey!" Mom exclaimed, "Oh right there, oh you are such a good boy!"

Mom punctuated that sentence by rubbing her hand over the dripping head of my cock, and I released a whimper as she caressed my sensitive flesh.

"Oh, don't you worry," she whispered as she started pumping my now slick cock, "I am going to take good care of this cock," she gasped as I began moving my thumb faster on her excited button, "I am going to suck this cock and swallow every fucking drop!"

Those words caused me to begin to plunge my fingers harder into her pussy and she moaned her approval, "That's it honey, nice and hard, I'm not one of your little girlfriends! You're going to fuck the shit out of me tonight!"

I pressed my thumb harder against her clit and rubbed as fast as I could while now driving my fingers so hard into her soaking pussy I could hear a wet sucking sound when they came out.

Mom was moaning continuously and her hips were pumping as hard as my fingers were. Her hand was now still on my cock, simply holding it as I worked her tits and pussy, but I was fine with that, I had no doubt my mother was going to take good care of me.

"Oh...oh!" Mom gasped, "Right there baby! Just like that, just like...Yes!"

Mom's pussy clutched around my fingers and with a loud cry she began bucking her hips wildly into my fingers.

"Oh fuck!" She cried out as she closed her legs, clamping her thighs around my hand.

I kept my fingers and thumb moving as well as my tongue as I sucked her nipple hard into my mouth while squeezing the other between my fingers. Mom cried out even louder than before and I couldn't believe how hot her pussy was as it convulsed around my fingers.

The thought that I was soon going to be inside of the pussy sent a surge through my cock and I moaned as Mom's hand tightened around it. Her hips slowed their moving and with a loud sigh, mom's body relaxed and she opened her legs.

"Oh damn I haven't cum that hard in months." She said with a tired smile, then looking at me, said, "Now I guess I owe you a little something don't I?"

"I...oh!" I moaned as she began stroking my cock hard and fast,

"Do you need to cum baby?" she asked

"Oh yeah, " I whispered, then groaned when she released my cock, "Please don't tease!"

"I like that." She laughed, and then shook her head, "Oh, I'm no tease baby, now why don't you stand up, right next to the bed?"

I moved to get off the bed so quickly I almost fell and with a laugh Mom turned sideways on the bed, then as I watched stretched her long legs out behind her until she was lying on her stomach. She propped herself up on her elbows and my heart began to beat faster when I realized her head was directly level with my cock.

"Come here baby," she said softly. "Mom has a treat for you."

I stepped up until my cock was literally in her face and taking it in her hand she slowly pumped it before placing a kiss on the head of it. My hips twitched at the contact and mom asked, "You want a treat don't you Russ?"

"Yes please." I said as I stared down into her wide blue eyes.

"Good, you should always say please to you mother, especially when she's going to blow you."

There was a lot wrong with that statement, nut not a damn thing wrong with the feeling of Mom sliding the head of my cock between her lips. I groaned at the feeling of her soft wet tongue pressing against my shaft and her firm lips around my cock as she slowly took me into her mouth.

I stood there trembling, resisting the urge to move my hips as inch by teasing inch; Mom continued to take me ever deeper. Mom moaned and lifted her head higher made me cry out as she shoved her head down; taking me so deep I could feel her lips pressing against the base of my shaft.

I stared down transfixed by the sight of the entire length of my cock buried in my mother's mouth. Mom looked up at me and with a wink slid her tongue out and began licking my balls.

"Oh my god!" I moaned.

"Hmm-mm" Mom moaned around my cock she withdrew my cock from her mouth until just the head was between her lips and then started bobbing her head in a slow steady rhythm. I moaned and as my mother blew me let my eyes leave her face and look down at her incredible body.

Mom had her legs bent up at the knees and was playfully kicking her feet. Her hips were also moving, grinding into the bed and causing her ass to rise and fall. She was sighing contentedly around my cock and it gave me thrill to know that she was getting turned on by giving her son a blow job.

Mom's long red hair was lying across her face and reaching down I swept it onto her back so I could continue to watch her suck me. Mom was moving slowly and as good as her mouth felt I began to whimper as my desperate cock yearned for release. She took me all the way down to my balls again and this time began shaking her head back and forth.

I moaned louder than before as I could feel her tongue swirling around the base of my shaft. Mom paused then sucking me back out of her mouth with aloud slurping sound turned her head and started rubbing my cock against her soft cheek.

"Oh that looks good." I whispered as I could see her cheek glistening with my pre cum.

"Yeah, how about this?" Mom asked, and then ducking her head began licking my balls.

"Oh fuck!" I groaned as she bathed my balls with her tongue, I cried out again as she switched from licking to sucking, taking turns with each of my aching balls.

Mom release them then taking my cock back in her mouth held her head still. I remained motionless and reaching down she grabbed my hands and putting them on the sides of her head, removed my cock and said, "I told you I'm not one of your little girls Russ, go ahead and fuck my mouth!"


"You heard me, shove that cock nice and deep into your slutty mother's mouth!"

Mom took me deep again and holding her head I began to slowly move my hips. I groaned at the feeling of her tongue and lips pressing against me and started going faster.

"Hmm-mm" Mom encouraged me.

I began to fuck her mouth, moving my hips further back and going faster Mom moaned something then reaching around grabbed my hips and started pulling me into her face. Taking her meaning and no longer worried about getting carried away I started really moving my hips, fucking her mouth the way I would Jessica's pussy.

Mom made a gurgling sound and it that caused me to fuck her face even harder. Mom opened her mouth wider and I was aware of her drool dripping down my cock as I practically choked her with it.

I would have slowed down, but the look on her face was one of pure lust. Her eyes were now watering, but staring directly into mine and I could feel my thighs starting to shake as my plunging cock raced to blow its load.

Mom squeezed my hips and with a sloppy sucking sound pulled my cock from her mouth. I moaned at the sight of my pre cum and her spit dripping from her chin and with a nasty smile she said, "How about another treat?"

She then rolled over onto her back and letting her head hang off the side of the bed opened her mouth.

"Oh shit." I whispered, "Mom, you're..."

"A dirty fucking slut!" she laughed, "Now, shove that cock down my throat!"

Again there was no way I was going to argue with her and leaning over and placing my hands on the bed I dropped my cock into her mouth. Mom grabbed my ass and once again started urging me to fuck her mouth. This time I didn't hesitate and started pumping my hips, shoving my cock down into her mouth.

Again she began gurgling, but moaning as well. I looked down the bed and saw she had her legs open and leaning my weight on one hand reached between her legs and started rubbing her pussy.

Mom squealed around my cock and started moving her hips up and down, leaning further I shoved my fingers inside her and started finger fucking her while I plunged my cock down her willing throat. Mom was moaning and so was I as again my legs started to shake. As much as I wanted this too last, I couldn't hold back any longer and with a loud gasp started desperately pumping my hips. Mom slid her hands around to my stomach and pushed hard.

"No!" I whimpered as my cock slid from her mouth, "Mom, please I...oh shit!"

Mom had pulled me forward and this time putting her head between my legs began sucking hard on my balls. She grabbed my cock and began jerking it off hard and fast as her tongue swirled across my balls. I had to stop playing with her pussy to keep myself up right and as Mom added her other hand, pumping me with both while sucking on my aching balls I released a loud cry and my cock exploded in her hand.

I watched as a huge spurt of cum shot across her tits and all over her flat stomach. I moaned and whimpered as still sucking my balls, Mom pumped my cock causing spurt after spurt of hot white cum to spray her tits and stomach.

Mom was moving my cock side to side painting her tits with cum as I gasped and my hips pumped into her hands. I whimpered pathetically as she wrung the last couple of drops from me. Mom released my balls from her mouth and sliding herself across the bed, sat up and looked down at her cum covered tits.

"Oh god that looks good!" she moaned and scooping some of it up with her fingers shoved them into her mouth.

Mom rolled her eyes back in her head as she sucked on them, then with a sigh said, "Damn that's good!" looking at me she said, "Get on your knees."

I dropped down to the floor so fast it hurt my knees, but all I could think of was what I knew was next. Mom didn't disappoint as swinging herself around on the bed she placed her feet on my shoulders and her pink pussy right in my face. I eagerly leaned forward and immediately drove my tongue inside of her.

"Yes!" she cried out, "That's it, don't be shy baby, suck my pussy!"

I sucked hard and moaned at the taste of her juice in my mouth and began rapidly moving my head, sliding my tongue in and out of her hot box. Mom cried out again and started rocking her hips into my face.

"Oh you bad boy!" she moaned, "First your fingers in my pussy now your tongue," she gasped and added, "You know what's going in there next don't you?"

I moaned and removing my tongue from her pussy slid it up through the wet folds of her pink flesh and finding her clit, sucked it into my mouth. Bringing my hand up, I roughly shoved two fingers inside of her and Mom cried out her approval and started moving her hips even faster.

"That's it! It's all yours Russ! You do whatever you want down there, baby just make me cum!"

As I began swirling my tongue around her hard clit I looked up and felt my recently spent cock jump. Mom was lying on her back and was rubbing my cum all over her pink nipples as she moaned and watched me lick her pussy. That sight sent my tongue dancing even faster across her clit and I was shoving my fingers so hard into her pussy her juices were squirting out around them.

"Yeah suck that fucking clit!" Mom moaned, "I'll let you tease me next time, but this time the faster I come the faster you get to fuck me!"

Next time? My heart raced as I wondered if we would again or if once she sobered up this was going to be a problem and never happen again. That bridge would be one I'd cross later, for right now all that mattered was the amazing taste and smell of my mother's pussy in my face and the sight of her massaging my cum into her incredible tits.

Mom was now rubbing it directly onto her nipples and pulling and pinching them as well. Her face was almost as red as her hair and her glossy blue eyes were fixed on her son's face buried in her pussy.

"Harder." She moaned, "Move your fingers faster!"

I did as she said and her hips started thrusting up off the bed even faster than before.

"Oh, I'm so fucking close!" she groaned, and then managed to shock me yet again, "Shove a finger in my ass!"

This time I did pause and she snapped, "I said put your damn finger in my ass!"

I reached up and plunged one of my fingers hard into her ass and mom squealed so loudly I wondered what the neighbors were thinking. I started shoving my finger in and out in time with the two buried in her pussy and as I marveled at how tight her ass was started sucking her clit so hard my lips were smacking.

I could feel my fingers sliding against each other through the thin skin between her ass and pussy and the sensation had my cock hard and ready between my legs. Mom gasped and arching her back off the bed, let loose with a long loud scream that sent an excited chill down my spine.

"Oh yes baby!" she cried out.

I gasped in surprise as she reached down and grabbing my hair shoved my face into her quivering pussy. Mom wrapped her fingers in my hair and started moving her hips up and down grinding her wet pussy all over me. I kept my tongue and fingers moving and the feeling of her ass and pussy contracting around my fingers was amazing.

Mom cried out again and this time closed her legs around my head, pinning between her thighs. I wasn't complaining though, knowing I was making her cum this hard was a huge turn on and I almost laughed into her pussy at the absurd thought that all sons should be this good to their mothers!

Mom released a long shuddering moan and as her pussy and ass relaxed around my fingers she let legs drop from my shoulders.

"Oh my god, I came harder than last time!" she panted, "Now let's see if you do too!"

As I watched with my cock twitching, Mom raised her legs straight into the air and slowly spread them wide open. "Get up here and fuck me!"

"Yes ma'am!" I exclaimed.

Standing I grabbed her ankles and after sliding my cock once through her wet lips found the entrance to her pussy and drove my cock hard into it.

'Oh fuck!" mom yelled, "Oh honey, I...ohhhh"

Mom's words trailed off into a low moan as after holding my cock buried inside her I began to move my hips, slowly fucking her. I looked down and as I watched the sight of my cock entering my mother's pink pussy I thought that wrong as it was, nothing had ever felt better!

She was far hotter and wetter than any of the girls I'd fucked and she was damn tight as well. As I slid all the way inside I cried out as Mom contracted her pussy around my cock.

"Oh, Russ." She groaned, "Damn you have a nice cock!" she paused to moan then with another nasty smile added, "Now show me what you can do with it, show me what I've been missing honey!"

As I had with her mouth I figured there was no turning back now and rearing my hips back I paused briefly then started slamming the shit out of her.

"Fuck yes!" Mom cried out. "That's it fuck that pussy! Fuck your mother's pussy, be a good boy and give me what I need!"

I stood there were her legs spread as far as possible and began hammering away on her. Mom threw her head back and screamed as my cock repeatedly plunged into her needy pussy.

I looked up at her to see she was holding her tits, squeezing the nipples and crying out each time my cock went into her. I brought her legs together and as I'd seen guys do in porn leaned over her, pushing her legs back until her ankles were almost behind her ears.

"Oh my fucking god!" she screamed, "Yes baby! Yes!"

Mom's hips had lifted, causing her ass to come off the bed and I could feel my cock going in even deeper. Mom was so wet I could feel her juices dripping down my thighs and began fucking her so hard I could feel my balls slapping against her ass.

Below me, Mom looked incredible her wide blue eyes had a look of drunken lust that should probably have bothered me, but instead caused me to strive to fuck her harder. Her perfect lips were parted and her tongue was protruding as she began to yelp with every thrust.

She was sweating and her red hair was dark where it was plastered to her cheek and neck. Her tits were glistening with cum and I could still see drops of my white fluid on her stomach. Mom opened her eyes and seeing me watching her moaned, "Stop baby, I need it the other way."

I pulled back loving the sound my glistening cock made as it slid from her dripping slit. Mom paused for a moment and sitting up, shook her head, "Wow, you're fucking me dizzy!"

"That might be the wine, mom," I panted as my eyes fixed on her ass as she rolled over onto her hands and knees.

"Might be your big fucking cock too." She laughed, "Now where were you?"

Even though I knew she wanted my cock the sight of her wet pussy peeking out at me from between her thighs caused me to lean in and plunge my tongue back into it. Mom squealed with delight and moaned, "Oh, Russ I never thought I'd say it, but I love it when you misbehave."

I smiled into her pussy as I continued to lap up her juice and she moaned, "Lick my ass! Show me how bad you can be."

I'd never done that before, but quickly slid my tongue up and started swirling it around her pink rosebud. Mom giggled and moving her hips moaned, "Deeper"

I pressed my tongue into her ass and Mom released a squeal that sent a shiver through my cock.

"Oh, I love a good rim job!" she moaned, then giggled again, "You didn't know what a bad girl your mom was did you?"

I grunted and slid my fingers into her pussy while I continued to tongue her ass until she breathed, "Okay, baby I need that cock again." Laughing she cried out, "Bottom's up!"

I stood straight and after grabbing her hips and pulling her closer to the edge of the bed plunged my cock so hard into her my balls hit her pussy.

"Oh fuck you're deep!" Mom yelled, "You'...oh fuck!"

Mom screamed as I for lack of a better term I tore into her. I was holding her hips so tightly she couldn't move forward and was slamming my cock balls deep into her as hard as I could. Mom squealed loudly and tossing her head back sent her long sweat soaked red hair across her back. Reaching out I grabbed the end of it and beyond caring if she would mind began pulling it as I fucked her. Turned out to be a good move as she called out,

"Yes! That's it pull my hair fuck me like the drunk slut I am! Fuck me like you've been dying too because I know you have!"

As I continued to plunge my long thick cock into her saturated pussy mom continued fueling my fire.

"Yeah take that pussy! No, you're not taking it, you're claiming it aren't you?" she moaned, "You're making it yours! You bad boy you're making your mother your slut aren't you? Making her your drunken little whore!" she laughed, "And she loves it! Now put your finger in my ass!"

I didn't even think twice this time and pushed my finger into her ass. Mom let out a high pitched squeal and I moaned at the feeling of my cock sliding against my finger. I jumped when I felt something hit my balls and looked down to see mom had slid her hand underneath her and was rubbing her clit.

'Oh yeah baby." She moaned, "I'm going to cum on that cock, oh yeah I am!"

I shook the sweat from my eyes and continued my relentless assault on my mother's amazing pussy. Mom was now driving her hips back into mine, and my balls were starting to hurt from slamming into her pussy, but not enough to slow me down.

"Put another finger in!" she called out in between her yelps of pleasure.

I paused briefly then placing my finger next to the other and pushed it in. Mom moaned and I could feel her ass stretching around my fingers as my cock plundered her pussy. Mom began squealing now and slamming her hips even harder back into me.

"Oh baby, I want to cum I want!" she whimpered. She then uttered the words that I would imagine no other kid I knew had ever heard.

"Put your cock in my ass!" she cried out, "Fuck my ass baby! Its been years since I've taken it like that, but my boy deserves a treat doesn't he?"

Fuck her in the...I looked down at my fingers buried in her ass and figured that compared to the fact I was fucking my mother, would putting it in her ass make I any worse?"

"I...I never..." I began and she cut me off.

"Then mommy's ass can be your first ass, now shove your big cock in there so I can cum!"

I pulled my cock out and placing the tip of it against her ass, planned on easing it in, but mom had other plans. With a thrust of her hips, she drove herself backwards, burying my cock to the hilt in her incredibly tight ass.

"Oh my fucking god!" she howled, "Oh that's a big fucking cock!"

I stayed still and as I stood there gasping and moaning at how tight her ass was, mom started rocking back and forth, sliding my cock in and out of her ass. I stood motionless moaning as she fucked her ass with my cock. Mom's moans sounded like a mix between pleasure and pain, but her hips began to move faster and she was pushing back harder each time.

"That's it, right in my ass, that's the best place to fuck a drunken slut isn't it?" she gasped then stopping her hips looked back at me. "Now fuck me Russ! Make me squeal and cum!"

Taken aback a little at this point I nonetheless began to fuck her, but much slower than before until she called out, "I said fuck me! Fuck your mother's ass! Fuck the ass every guy in that fucking bar wanted tonight!"

Again her words excited me to the point I threw caution to the wind and began pounding her ass as hard as I had her pussy.

"Yes! Take it! Yeah those losers wanted this ass and pussy, but who gets it?" she demanded as she began slamming her hips back into me. "My son gets his mother's ass doesn't he? Because he wanted it and my baby always gets what he wants! He...oh...oh...please don't stop!"

Mom's fingers were still busy on her clit and as I continued to tear into her ass Mom lifter her head up and let loose with a howl that made me wonder if someone was going to call the cops. That howl was followed by another and beneath me; mom began squirming and writhing on my cock.

I cried out myself at the sensation of her ass contracting around my cock. She was now so tight it was beginning to hurt when I thrust into her, but I continued as she squealed and whimpered.

Mom arched her back, rising almost to her knees and after letting out another loud howl shivered and fell onto her face on the bed. She turned her head from the pillows and her blue eyes wide moaned, "Finish in my pussy, I want it in there again!"

I slid from her ass back into her oozing pussy and pushing down on her ass began pounding the shit out of her again. At this point mom was lying on her stomach and not even moving. She was covered in sweat and her eyes looked glazed over as I pounded away on her. She was yelping, but softly and the fact she looked completely spent caused a surge of excitement to go through me and I cut loose, fucking her as hard as I could.

"Oh honey." She groaned, "Oh my god you're so fucking good! Oh...cum for me! Cum for your mother, I...I have one more treat for you!"

I gave hr several more savage pumps that sent my aching balls slapping against her pussy and with a loud howl of my own, whipped my cock out.

"Hold it!" mom moaned and spinning around slid off the bed onto her knees in front of me.

Grabbing my cock she opened her mouth and placing the tip at her lips began jerking me off. I released my cock and moaned loudly as a huge spurt of cum shot into her mouth. Mom kept pumping my cock all the while wagging her tongue. The cum struck her tongue and some of it splashed off to drip down her chin. Most of it went into her mouth and when she couldn't coax anymore from my tired cock. She closed her mouth.

Mom paused then opening her mouth showed me the puddle of cum on her tongue. She closed her mouth again and after making a show of gulping, opened it again to show me it was gone.

"Last shot of the night." She said, with an exhausted smile.

"Jesus Christ." I moaned and turning flopped onto my back on her bed.

I watched as Mom placed her hand on the bed and after looking like she had to talk herself into it, pushed up into a standing position. As I had done she got onto the bed and rolling over lay on her back next to me gasping for breath.

"I...I have never been fucked that hard." She whispered, "Never." She winced, "My ass is sore!"

"Sorry." I told her, "You..."

"Don't be, a good boy does what his drunken mother says no?"

"I...I guess."

"I..."Mom frowned, then looking over at me said, "You know Russ, I think you fucked me sober!"

"I..." I stared at her and swallowing nervously said, "Um...well mom look, I know you wanted to do that, but you were a little..."

"I wanted to do it period Russ." She reached out and touched my cheek, "The booze just helped me be able to."

" mean you wanted me?" I asked, "You weren't just drunk?"

"I..." with a sigh mom forced herself into a sitting position and I did the same as she began speaking. "Well it's not like I always wanted to. You're my son Russ and I never thought that way about you."

She paused to catch her breath and I watched her flushed sweaty tits heaving. I wondered if this meant we would be able to do this again.

"When dad passed, I was scared and nervous about being with another man. The wine made me relax and feel warm and..." she shrugged, "I...started to feel sexy and kind of started dressing that way around the house." She turned to me and smiled, "I...I saw you looking and I guess it should have bothered me, but it made me feel good."

"Really?" I asked, "I felt bad about it."

"Apparently not anymore." She told me.

I blushed and putting my head down said, "Mom I...I'm sorry I should have never come in here and... "

"No honey," she put her arm around me and pulled me close to her, "Don't feel bad, I was just kidding, but like I said it made me feel good, made me feel sexy." She sighed, "Then I started drinking a little more and started to think you were pretty sexy, which you are."

"But it's when you're..."

"Let me finish. I was never so bombed I couldn't remember the next day and when I started dressing more revealing I could remember you looking. turned me on even sober, but how the hell could I say anything? So I...I started using the booze for I guess liquid courage like they say."

"Then," she giggled and lifted her foot in the air. "I guess the foot rub go to you. Honey I felt how hard you were with my foot and I all but jumped you then and there, but I didn't know how far you would go, so I left the door open like I did the night I played with myself..."

"You knew I was watching?"

"I hoped you would. I didn't start until I heard you in the hall If you had just gone in your room I would have given up, but you watched." She shrugged, "Then last night I figured I would just give you a little peek at me, but you went a lot farther. I was going to catch you last night, but was still nervous. Tonight between getting worked seeing you staring at me and other guys looking at me, I knew I had to do it tonight." She sighed, "Russ you were goddamn amazing and uh..." she began to blush, "I'm sorry I was so dirty I...I the booze was getting to me I should have never let you..."

"Um, no complaints here." I said.

Mom paused then laughed loudly, "Oh, okay, note to self, my son is a perv!"

"Because his mom is so goddamn hot!" I told her. She laughed again and I asked what had been on my mind, "So uh...what know from now on."

"Well," she gave me a nervous smile, "I know I'd want more, but I...honestly for at least awhile I might need to have a few first, just to you know relax enough to not think about it." She looked at me and reaching down grabbed my still dripping cock, "What do you think about that honey? You okay with...being with your mother."

"Hmm," I moaned as I made a show of thinking, "What I think is..."

I stopped as mom's hand slid down and began gently caressing my balls.

"You think?" she prompted as draping her leg over mine she grabbed my hand and placed it on her sopping mound.

"I think," I nodded, "That I'll never complain about how much you drink again."