My Mother's a Porn Star!

"Goddamn!" Rich exclaimed from the window overlooking my backyard.

"What's the matter?" I asked, looking up from sociology book I'd had my head buried in for the last half hour.

"Nothing at all, man, nothing at all," he replied shaking his head and still peering out the window.

"Then what are you swearing at?"

"At how friggin hot your mother is," he whistled, "Christ she looks fucking good in that bikini."

Rolling my eyes, I leaned back in my chair and said, "Rich, you come here to study or perv on my mom?"

"I am studying." He grinned, "I'm studying the effect hot cougars have on horny college freshmen."

"Yeah well if your dumb ass doesn't get out of the window, she's going to catch you studying her."

"Oh, please," he waved at me, "Like she doesn't know I stare at her. Bet she loves it."

"Whatever. You going to get over here or am I working on this thing alone," I sighed, "I swear you're the worst person I know to study with. I don't know why I bother."

"You bother because we've been best friends since third grade and because I always have this!" with a huge grin he pulled a small bag from his pocket that contained an obscenely fat joint.

"Well that does make school work seem a little easier." I nodded.

"Sure does," removing the joint from the baggie he pulled out his lighter, "And Sociology is a real bitch so let's get some inspiration." He flicked the lighter and I put my hand up.

"Hey man, Mom could come up here, put that out."

"Please," he nodded towards the window as he brought the lighter to his face, "She just stretched out on the chair. She'll be there awhile." He took a hit from the joint and releasing the fragrant smoke sighed, "And I won't be complaining. Damn she's fine."

"You need a minute?" I laughed as I reached out and took the joint as he handed it to me.

"Bet I'd cum in about a minute if I got my hands on her." He winked, "At least the first time anyway."

"Alright man," I said, then paused to take a hit. I held the smoke in my lungs for a moment before releasing it, "That's my mother, she's too old for you to drool over"

"She don't look old." He said gawking out the window again, "I can't believe she's forty. Fucking body like a twenty year old, but I bet she knows how to..."

"Enough." I said taking the joint back.

"Yeah, like you don't look."

"Like I said she's my...." I took another hit then with a shrug laughed, "Yeah alright, I've checked her out!"

"And you say I'm a perv?" he asked.

"Look" I shrugged, "I'm not saying I want to do anything sick to her, but I mean, yeah I know she's hot."

"Hell yeah, she is. Dude, me and the other guys were in heaven when you guys got that pool! We didn't care about you, it was 'what's Nicole going to be wearing?" he shook his head, "Man there was one time she looked so friggin good I went into your bathroom and spanked it right there."

"That's nasty!" I exclaimed, but laughed. I'd had a few hits and pretty much everything was funny now.

"I'd be lying if I said I haven't gotten off to her a couple of times lately too."

"Too much information Rich."

He shrugged and looking back out the window, giggled, "Hey Bobby?"


"You ever stroke it to her?"

"That's sick!" I said, shaking my head emphatically as I lied through my teeth.

"Liar!" he pointed at me, "So was she sucking you or...." He glanced back over to the window and exclaimed, "Oh man, that just ain't right!" he looked over at me, "You tell me that isn't fucking hot man!"

Knowing I shouldn't do it, but between the pot and the fact he had me wondering what was so hot, I got up and walked over to the window. My eyes immediately widened and I had to bite my lip not to say anything to get Rich busting my balls. Beneath the window Mom was bent over adjusting the lounge chair she had been laying in. She was wearing a white bikini the bottom of which was little more than a thong and her amazing ass was pointing directly at us.

As she fumbled with the chair that ass was wiggling back and forth and I swallowed hard at the sight. Mom was deeply tanned making the skimpy bikini look even hotter on her. My eyes left her round firm cheeks and trailed down the backs of her long well shaped legs. As Rich had so eloquently put it, this just wasn't right. This was my mother, the woman who had been way too good to me for me to be staring at her ass and wondering what it would be like to grab her hips and fuck the shit out of her.

Mom straightened and reaching back, grabbed her long sandy brown hair and began putting it up. I took in the smooth tan skin of her back and imagined pulling the string that would undo her top. I forced myself to look away before Rich made a crack, but saw he was still staring. I turned back to watch her and repeated the thought about this not being right. Rich didn't know how right he was; I'd been jerking off to my mother for close to five years now.

I knew it was pretty sleazy to blow a load to the woman who cooked my dinner, took me school clothes shopping and helped me with my homework. Hell it was mom, not my father, who had been the one to give me advice on girls and what they liked and how to, as she had put it laughing, 'get lucky'. I still couldn't help myself; she was just too damn fine. Mom was a waitress when she met dad and a few years ago briefly went back to it because she was tired of staying home. In fact it was seeing her dressed for work that had started my impure thoughts about her.

That uniform consisted of a short hot pink skirt, black fishnets and a low cut blouse her tits were almost falling out of. I'd jerked off to those stockings more times than I could remember and once stole a pair and came all over them. Things hadn't changed much, I thought to myself as just last month, I'd found one her thongs mixed in with my laundry and wrapping it around my cock, exploded to the thought of that load being all over her face.

"Yeah that's right." Rich whispered next to me, "Let's see that front."

I came out of my fog to see Mom turning around. She was still fumbling with her hair and her arms were over her head, lifting her tits up to an even better angle. Not that they needed any help. I wouldn't say Mom's tits were huge, but they were far from small and the front of the bikini didn't cover much more than her nipples. Again I let my eyes wander down. Mom did Yoga and went to the gym during the week leaving her stomach flat and hard and her thighs firm and well toned. Again Rich was right; I knew girls my age whose bodies weren't as tight as my mothers.

Hell even Stephanie, the last girl I'd been dating had been softer around the middle than Mom. Speaking of Steph, it was too bad she'd broken it off with me, because gawking at my mother was getting me damn horny even with Rich standing next to me. Speaking of Rich, he muttered "Cocktease" as Mom lay on her back on the chair and made a show of stretching. Her arms went over her head again and her long legs straightening out, she arched her back off the chair, pushing her amazing rack up at us.

Despite Rich's presence, I felt my cock stiffening and knew I'd be beating off the second he left.

"Dude, I don't know how your old man does it?"

"Does what?" I asked, "Keep up with her?" I laughed, "I found some blue pills in the medicine cabinet once. He said they were for allergies, but then yelled at me when I went to take one."

Rich burst out laughing and I followed suit, when he caught his breath he said, "No, I mean how the fuck does he leave her alone all the time?"

"He's in sales, he has to." I shrugged, "He's gone right now until early next week."

"Shit." He sighed, "If I were him I wouldn't leave the house, I can't imagine how many guys hit on her." He smirked, "Wonder if she fools around with any of them?"

"Knock it off," I hit him in the arm. "Mom's not like that, shit when my dad was out of work she got offered a lot of money by a friend who owns a club to waitress topless and she turned it down," I laughed, "She said they were dad's and dad's only."

"That's what she says." He nodded, "But I'm not talking stripping for people. I'm talking sex. Dude, look at her, a woman like that needs it every day! I.... oh shit!"

He was looking out the window again and as I watched, awkwardly raised his hand. I looked down and felt my stomach sink. Mom was laying there looking up at the window and waving at us, a big smile on her face. Like Rich, I gave her a lame wave and stepped back from the window so quickly I almost fell. Rich laughed again and walked away as well.

"Busted." He laughed.

"It's not funny."

"Please," he clapped my shoulder; "We just gave her a thrill, couple of good looking young guys, checking her out."

"Yeah, but I'm her son." I said, really feeling bad about it.

"Bet she still liked it." He made a show of thinking, "Hey, maybe she's thought nasty about you too, who knows, maybe she's rubbed a couple out to her sexy son saying 'Hey Nicole how about we...!"

"This isn't West Virginia." I told him although I'd be lying if I said that wouldn't be a hell of a turn on.

"Really! Maybe she's a cougar and wants some young..." he stopped when his cell began to ring. Answering it he said, "Hey, yeah I'm around, by six?" he glanced at his watch. "Yeah no sweat and thanks I need the hours."

Hanging up, he pointed at the books on my desk, "Sorry Bobby, but that was the restaurant, one of the waiters called out so I can grab his shift."

"That's alright," I told him, "Not like you were really helping anyway."

"Hey I got you high!"

"And caught gawking at Mom." I pointed out.

"That's what friends are for." He laughed, "Hey on the way out can I go back there and say hi?"

"Don't be an asshole, just go out the front."

"Will do, I'll come over this weekend and study for real, I need to get my grade up."

I nodded and watched as he left my room. I listened as he pounded down the stairs and heard the downstairs door close. Once I heard his tricked out Buick roar into life and peel down the street, I walked back over to the window. This time I stayed over to one side and peered through the curtain. Mom was now lying on her stomach and my hand strayed down to my cock as I took in that amazing ass and those long legs. I noticed she had untied her top so that her back was bare and imagined a white substance other than the bikini spread out across her skin.

My cock was fully erect in my pants and I started rubbing harder as Rich's comments ran through my mind. I imagined Mom coming to me in her bikini and telling me how horny and frustrated she was and how she needed a good stiff cock. She'd tell me how bad she wanted me and drop to her knees.... Unable to take it anymore, I unzipped my jeans. Removing my cock I started stroking it while I played out my sick fantasy. Mom would open her mouth and slide her soft full lips over my swollen cock. She's look up at me with her big brown eyes and moan while she blew me.

I'd reach down and start playing with her gorgeous tits and she would take my cock all the way down. I would grab her hair and start fucking her mouth until...I gasped and began pumping my cock furiously. A moment later I released a loud moan as my cock went off in my hand. A huge spurt of cum landed on the window sill and the second hit the wall under the window. I imagined all that cum dripping down Mom's tits and continued to pump until my cum was only dribbling out down the front of my jeans.

Panting, I took a step back and sat down at my desk. I waited until my breathing slowed down before sliding my cum covered jeans and underwear down. Stepping out of them I stood and after slipping on a pair of shorts, grabbed some tissues and began wiping off the wall. As I cleaned the cum from the windowsill I looked down and saw Mom was sitting up and was re tying her bikini behind her. When she finished, she looked up and again waving at me, called out, "Hey Bobby, you ready to eat? I'm going to grill some steaks!"

"Yeah that would be great!" I called back trying to sound casual, "Thanks Mom!"

"Anytime honey!" She said with a big smile.

You're a sick bastard Bobby. I thought as I tossed the cum soaked tissues into the trash.


"Oh, Bobby," Your cock is so fucking hard!" Mom purred as she knelt between my legs, her fingers with their long dark nails wrapped around my cock. "Damn this looks good!" she purred as she slowly pumped it, "Bet it tastes even better!"

My reply was a loud moan as she took my cock between her lips and began bobbing her head. She removed my cock with a wet popping sound and licking her lips said, "As good as it tastes I think I need you to fuck me," she looked up at me and smiled, But the first time is your choice, you want to cum in my mouth or pussy?"

"I...." I swallowed hard. "Your mouth."

"Oh, you bad boy!" she laughed, "You want to cum in your mom's mouth? You want the woman who helped raise you, swallow your hot load?"


"I'd love too!" she exclaimed and with that began sucking my cock hard and fast.

I sat there moaning unable to believe this was real. My hips were pumping and I could feel my cock getting ready to explode. Suddenly my bedroom door flew open and dad was standing there.

'What the fuck is this?" He yelled, "Bobby, are you letting your mother blow you?"

I awoke with a start and lay there waiting for my heartbeat to slow down. I reached down between my legs and realized my heart wasn't the only thing that needed to go down. My cock twitched when I touched it and I resisted the urge to jerk off because I knew what I would think of. As I'd recalled earlier when Rich was over its not like I hadn't been beating off to Mom for the last few years, but it wasn't all the time. In fact there were long stretches when I wouldn't, but lately it had been getting close to an obsession, hell, now I was dreaming of her.

Then again I guess I should let myself off the hook on the dream. That had been inevitable after tonight. Mom had begun to grill right after she'd asked if I was hungry and called me down to the deck to eat. Mercifully she'd put something on over the bikini bottom. Even then the denim shorts she was wearing were so tight they were riding up her ass, but were still better than the string bikini. Mom was still wearing the top of the bathing suit, but had a blouse over it. Unfortunately the blouse was left unbuttoned and I'd sat across from her while we ate trying to keep my eyes on what I was allowed to put in my mouth rather than what I would love to.

As we sat there making small talk about my school work and the office that she'd begun working at recently, my mind kept straying down forbidden paths. While taking a peek at her barely concealed tits, it occurred to me that when dad was around, Mom never wore anything that revealing. She still wore bikinis, but there was more material to them and she always covered up if I was around. For that matter even those damn shorts were something she didn't parade around in with dad home.

From there I thought about Rich's stupid joke about maybe her thinking of me. Was she dressing sexy on purpose? Did she want to me to look at her; did she want me to want her? I'd forced myself to stop being an idiot. She was my mother, not some cougar on the prowl. Maybe she liked to show herself off, but Dad didn't like it so she took advantage when he was on the road.

After dinner we'd gone inside where Mom had finally put on a plain t-shirt. We sat in the parlor and watched the Sox game, or at least I watched part of the Rays game. The rest of the time my eyes were glued to her long legs as she lay on the couch across from me. Finally I'd gotten to the point where I'd excused myself and went upstairs, showered and gone to bed horny as hell. So I guess it wasn't too surprising I'd had that dream.

Another reason for my new found desire for my mother was up until three weeks ago I'd been dating Steph and getting laid on a fairly regular basis. Now that I was back to not getting any, I guess I was just focusing on the hot woman I saw every day. Speaking of Steph, I looked over at the clock and saw it was only ten. Steph didn't work during the week and our breakup had been amicable. I saw her at school every day and we still spoke. I knew she wasn't seeing anyone and began to wonder if she'd be game for a friend's with benefits booty call.

With a sigh, I shook my head. As appealing as the image Steph's cute little ass and perky little tits was, I didn't need to start any type of drama. Getting out of bed, I went to the bathroom and as I washed my hands looked in the mirror above the sink. I had a bow flex in the basement I used several times a week and I'd filled out quite a bit over the last year. Like Mom, I spent my fair share of time around the pool and had a tan that rivaled hers. I had my dad's thick black hair along with mom's big blue eyes.

All in all I considered myself a fairly good looking guy and had never had a problem finding dates. Still looking in the mirror I wondered if Mom had ever looked at me like that?

"Don't be an idiot." I told my reflection.

I'd been watching too much porn, especially milf porn which was my favorite, no doubt because I lived with one. Speaking of porn, it was becoming pretty obvious that I was wound up and if I was going to get any sleep needed some relief. Going over to my desk sat down and bringing the screen of my lap top up went to my favorite porn site "Cougars and Cubs". I logged in and went to click new releases, but paused. They didn't update daily and I'd been watching a lot lately. Scrolling down I went down to the archives link and clicked to see some of their older videos.

While the screen came up with its selection of videos, I slipped my shorts down and started slowly stroking my already semi-hard cock. I looked at the small picture for each video, trying to decide what I wanted to watch. I stopped on one that showed a woman with an incredible ass in a black thong on her knees sucking the cock of a young guy sitting in a chair. He had his hands wrapped in her long light brown hair and looked as if he were fucking her mouth. I looked at the title beneath it, "Hot milf Nikki Nice never lets a young cock go to waste."

That sounded good to me and I clicked the video and sat back in the chair. I had to stifle a laugh as the video opened to a good looking young blond guy sitting in a chair stroking his cock, exactly as I was.

"Billy, what the hell are you doing?" A woman's voice called out.

The guy made a poor show of looking surprised and letting his hard cock go, stammered, "I...I'm sorry I know it's wrong, but...."

"Honey the only thing wrong I see, is that you shouldn't be playing with that nice big cock all by yourself."

"I...what do you mean?" He asked.

"I mean," As she began speaking the camera swung around, "A nice hard cock like that should be in a hot woman's mouth, not your hand."

The camera focused on the woman speaking and I sat up in my chair and exclaimed, "Holy shit!"

It was Mom. Not a woman who looked like her, but Mom. I watched, my mouth open, as she approached the guy in the chair. She was wearing a short black robe and black stockings. She stopped in front of the chair and as the guy stared up at her, untied it and let it fall to the floor.

"What do you say Billy, you want to keep jerking off, or you want your mother's hot friend Nikki to take care of that beautiful cock of yours?"

My jaw hit the floor along with her robe. Beneath it Mom was wearing a lace black bra and the stockings were thigh highs that were attached to garter belts. Just as she sank to her knees my eyes grew even wider when I saw she wasn't wearing any panties and I caught a brief glimpse of a completely shaved pussy. When she reached her knees, she grabbed his cock and began rubbing it along the side of her face.

"Oh, you're so hard!" she cooed, "God I love hard young cocks like this!" she smiled into the camera, "You want me to suck your cock Billy?"

"P...please." He whispered.

"Oh, I like that." She smiled, and then opening her mouth took his cock all the way down to his balls.

"Oh my God." I said softly as I watched Mom devour his cock on the screen.

She was working him fast and hard, taking his impressive cock down to his balls each time. The entire time her big brown eyes were locked onto the camera and I swallowed hard at the sight of my mother giving a blow job. No, not just giving a blow job, but doing it on camera, getting paid to fuck this kid, she....Jesus Christ, I thought, Mom was a porn star!

"Oh this cock tastes so good!" she moaned on the screen. Ducking her head, she started sucking on his balls while jerking him off, "Like that baby? Like me sucking your balls?"

"Oh yes!" he groaned.

Mom made a show of sliding her tongue up the length of his cock and speaking of cocks, mine was hard as a rock in my hand. I told myself to stop, to shut the video off, but couldn't. Not only couldn't I tear my eyes away, but as if it had a mind of its own my hand began stroking my throbbing cock.

Mom was once again sucking his cock and reaching out she grabbed his hands and put them in her hair. He wrapped his hands in it and Mom whispered, "Go ahead baby, you know you want to fuck my mouth."

The guy began doing just that, driving his big dick repeatedly in her mouth as she stayed still and moaned. He was going balls deep, but she took it easily. The camera panned to her back and showed a close up of her smooth pussy from behind as she was being face fucked. She was smooth and her pussy looked wet as she wiggled her ass back and forth. The camera went back to her face in time for Mom to slide her mouth from his cock and stand up.

"I need this big fucking dick inside me!" she declared as she climbed onto his lap.

Reaching back, Mom guided his cock to her pussy and sat down on it. She moaned loudly, "Oh that's so fucking deep!" then began bouncing up and down on it. My hand was moving faster as I watched my mother ride some strangers cock. His hands slid around her waist and when she stopped moving he started slamming his cock deep into her.

"Yes, baby, yes!" she cried. "Fuck my hot pussy with that big cock! That's right fuck your mom's best friend! Give it to me!"

That he did, driving his hips up as hard as he could, burying his cock into her. Mom pushed herself off his cock and standing up, grabbed his hand and pulled him from the chair.

"My turn baby." She said as she turned around and sat down in the chair.

Mom draped her legs over the arms of the chair so she was spread wide open and grabbing her bra yanked it down allowing her tits to pop out.

"Oh fuck." I moaned looking at her large round tits with their hard pink nipples.

The guy leaned over and started sucking on one of them and Mom grabbed the back of his head, shoving her tit into his mouth.

"Yeah baby, suck that nipple, just like that!" she moaned again then said, "Now get on your knees Billy, you know what you want to lick."

He did as she asked and the camera zoomed in to get a close up of Mom spreading her pussy open. I gasped and started stroking even faster as I looked at her smooth glistening pussy. Billy leaned in shoving two fingers into her, began tonguing her clit.

"Mmm, you young boys are so eager to please, that's why I love fucking them!"

I watched breathing hard as he licked and sucked on her pussy. The camera panned up to show Mom laying there with her head back and her eyes closed, she was playing with her nipples and I was struck by the thought that she didn't appear to be acting, she seemed to really be into it. She began moaning loudly, "Oh yes baby, just like that, oh, look at you licking me you....Oh!"

Mom cried out and started squirming in his face as he continued to suck her clit. She threw back her head and emitted a loud squeal that sent my hand into high speed. I was getting close to cumming when she said, "Now that you made my pussy even hotter, come take it!"

I slowed my hand down as she stood and turning bent over the chair. Billy grabbed her hips and she cried out as she drove his big cock into her from behind.

"Fuck yeah!" she yelled, "Give me that hard fucking cock! Come on baby give me that young dick!"

Billy was haling her hips and fucking the living shit out of her and Mom was loving every minute of it. The camera showed her face and again her eyes were closed and she was moaning continuously. I began gasping as she opened her eyes wide and started yelping each time he drove himself into her. Behind her Billy started making whimpering sounds and moaning, "Oh, I....I'm going to cum!"

"You know where I want it baby!" she called out.

Billy stood back and was squeezing his cock and Mom turned around dropped to her knees and holding her tits up opened her mouth. Billy began pumping his cock and yelled as his cum shot out and landed directly on Mom's tongue. A second spurt entered her mouth and closing it she pushed the cum out with her tongue causing it to drool down her tits. Billy kept cumming, splattering her cheeks and tits.

I cried out loudly myself as my own cock exploded sending a huge spurt of cum onto my desk. I pumped it hard and fast as on the screen Mom took his dripping cock in her mouth and moaned as she sucked on it. I gasped as the last of my cum trickled from my cock. Mom looked up from Billy's cock and licking her cum covered lips, faced the camera and smiled, "I hate seeing a cock go to waste."

The video went black and I sat back gasping. I couldn't believe it! Mom really was a porn actress! Catching my breath, I grabbed the mouse and scrolled down to the bottom of the video where there was a link to click to see more videos of "Nikki Nice". I clicked it and watched holding my breath to see how many more would come up. There were some women on here who had dozens. The screen came up and only showed two more. The first picture was Mom dressed as a slutty nurse on her knees sucking the cock of a young guy lying on a hospital bed. The title was "Nurse Nikki makes it better"

The next one showed Mom on her hands and knees being fucked from behind by large guy with long black hair, the caption caused me to gasp, "Nasty Nikki Nice, takes a big cock in the ass." Before I realized I was doing it, I clicked the video. It opened to Mom already completely naked and laying on a bed sucking the biggest cock I'd ever seen. The guy had his hand between her legs and she was moaning as he fingered her pussy. The clip was only five minutes long and using the mouse I clicked it to halfway through.

I'd picked perfectly as Mom was on her knees getting hammered by that huge dick. As I watched her removed it from her pussy and placing it on her puckered asshole, pushed it in.

'Oh fuck!" she called out, "Go ahead, spread that ass!"

I watched as his huge cock disappeared in her ass and when he was all the way in he started fucking her hard and fast. Mom began howling as he ass fucked her and I realized my cock was hard again. Grabbing it, I pumped it furiously as I watched my mother take it in the ass and love it. She was squealing and moaning as his big cock pounded her ass and I could already feel myself getting ready to cum again. The camera showed a close up of Mom's face, she as sweating and her hair was plastered to her face as she released those loud high pitched squeals. Again I noted she was either one hell of an actress or she was into it.

I was sweating myself and my cock was straining to blow its second load in less than three minutes. On the screen the guy began letting out a series of desperate sounding moans and his cock was buried deep in her ass as he barely moved his hips.

"Oh, I fucking love it!' Mom called out.

The guy slid his cock from her and the camera zoomed in to get a close up of Mom's gaping ass. As I watched she pushed and a stream of cum came dribbling out of it. I cried out as my cock went off again and pumped hard as a few small spurts came out. I felt my balls tighten and moaned as the last couple of drops spilled from my spent cock. The video ended and I sat there with my eyes closed, waiting for my heart to slow down. When it did, I opened my eyes and tried to get my mind to stop spinning.

There was no doubt that was Mom in those movies and as I stared at the computer something dawned on me. When did she make those movies? Grabbing the mouse I went down to video details. This would tell me what company had shot the movies and the usual disclaimer everyone was over eighteen and all the other legal mumbo jumbo. What it would also tell me is when the movie was filmed.

I clicked it and held my breath as I stared scrolling through the info. The clip had come from a movie called, "Milf's gone wild" and had been shot right here in Florida. I narrowed my eyes to read the smaller print and felt my stomach sink. The movie had originally been filmed two years ago. I quickly went back to the first video and clicked the info for that one. The movie was called "My Mom's hot friend" It had also been shot two years ago. I sat back in the chair and felt my stomach start to twist. I closed my eyes and let out a long sigh. Mom was cheating on my father. Fucking young guys and getting paid to do it. What the hell was I going to do?


I pulled into the driveway and shutting off the Camry Dad and Mom had given me as a high school graduation present, sat back and rubbed my eyes. I was so tired there was a point while driving home from work my vision had begun to swim and I had pulled over for a few minutes. The last three days had been the longest I could remember. Since seeing those videos of Mom my mind had been in turmoil. My mother had gone out and done porn shoots then come home to my father. I tried not to think if there were more. Many porn stars used multiple names, what if she'd done a ton of them? Hell what if she were still doing them?

My dilemma was telling Dad. By rights I knew I should, he deserved to know his wife was fucking guys for money and letting herself be filmed. I shuddered at the thought she'd fucked him the same days she'd done this. Christ she'd let one of them fuck her ass! Yes telling dad would be the right thing to do, but it wasn't that cut and dried. My father loved Mom dearly and the two of them were almost sickeningly affectionate when he was around, making it even worse she would do this.

The main problem would be hurting my Dad. When Dad had asked Mom to quit her waitressing job because all the men flirting with her bothered him she had done it in a heartbeat. When she had, dad had told me that showed what a good woman she was, the kind that would never break his heart. Could I stand to see him heartbroken? For three nights I'd lay in bed barely sleeping while I wrestled with this decision.

Tonight was Friday and Dad would be home on Monday I would have to decide by then. One thought that kept coming to my mind was the out of if she wasn't still doing it, if something made her quit then maybe I could just hope she wouldn't again. It had occurred to me in one of my more clear thinking moments that two years ago was when we had almost lost the house when Dad lost his job.

Mom had found a modeling job, Dad wasn't happy with it, but she swore it was clean and even brought home some photos from the shoots. She'd also brought home a lot of money, had the money really come from this? I'm not sure that would make it better that she did it, but might mean she would never do it again. Problem is it wasn't like I could ask her. I sighed and rested my head on the steering wheel. Mom's car was in the driveway and I wondered where she was in the house.

All the lights were out and I was wondering whether or not to go into the front or the back. I'd been avoiding her as much as possible the last couple of days. Even tonight, as tired as I was, I had volunteered to work to eleven at the coffee shop so she'd be in bed. After seeing those movies it was damn near impossible to look at her. I'd like to say that was because I was appalled at what she had done, but the truth was I was appalled at myself because I couldn't stop watching those damn movies. As wrong as I knew it was I'd watched every one of them several times and when I wasn't home I couldn't stop thinking of them.

Fact was, she was fucking hot as hell in them! Now not only did I know how good she looked, I knew she was more than willing to enjoy every inch of that gorgeous body. The first one I watched was the one I was most obsessed with as it was the longest and most playful the others started in the middle of the sex and were much shorter. I'd been whacking off to the point I was wondering if my cock would fall off. When I finally managed to fall asleep I dreamt of being Billy from the video.

With a sigh I got out of the car and decided to try the back door. The kitchen was dark except for the small light over the stove Mom always left on when I worked and she went to bed. I crept silently through the downstairs hallway and into the bathroom. The small bathroom off my bedroom didn't have a shower and I always left clothes downstairs for when I came home. I took a long hot shower, hoping the heat and the steam would help keep me drowsy and I could fall asleep. After drying off, I slipped on a pair of shorts and just grabbed the t-shirt rather than putting it on, after all I was only going upstairs to bed.

I walked slowly up the stairs to the second floor and made sure I stepped over the one that creaked. I passed my parents bedroom and noted the light wasn't on. That was odd, Mom was usually a night owl, but I wasn't complaining, I didn't want to run into her right now. I quietly opened the door to my room and after gently closing it behind me, turned the light on. I turned around and exclaimed, "Jesus Christ!"

Mom was sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Hi Bobby." She said softly, giving me a sly smile, "What's the matter, not used to having a pretty girl waiting in your bed?"

"I..." I swallowed, trying to keep my voice steady. "Uh, not really!"

"No," she gave me a wink, "You never snuck a cute little red head in here a few times?"

I had in fact slipped Steph upstairs a couple of nights when her roommates had company so we could be alone, but never thought Mom or Dad knew.

"Uh...sorry about that." I said, giving her a nervous laugh.

"Don't be honey," she said giving me another strange smile, "A good looking young boy like you needs get laid." Her smile turned into a nasty smirk, "Was she a good girl Bobby? Did pretty little Stephanie take good care of you?"


"Did she put her cute little ass up for you? Did she get on her knees and open wide for her hot boyfriend?"

"What?" I asked, stunned by her words.

"Come on Bobby, you're not a little kid, you're a nineteen year old stud any girl would be happy to fuck." She smiled, "Or any hot cougar for that matter."

I stood there speechless. Why was she talking like this? While I remained silent Mom simply sat there looking at me, that sneaky little smile back on her face. As she waited for me to respond I couldn't help checking her out. Mom looked good, her long hair was down and she had put some curl into it, she was wearing deep red lipstick and black eyeliner. My eyes left her face, and drifted down. Mom was sitting with her legs crossed and was wearing a one piece black dress that was so short I could see her thigh almost up to her hip. Her long shapely legs were encases in white stockings and ended in a pair of black stiletto heels that had to be five inches long.

"What's the matter Bobby? You look nervous."

"I...." I pointed at her. "Did you go out tonight?"

"No," she looked down at her dress, "I just thought I would dress up for you, give you something fun to think about." She gave me a wicked smile, "You do like to think about your mommy, don't you honey?"

"I...don't know what you mean." I answered nervously. "And I'm kind of tired and think I'm going to go to bed."

"Then come to bed." Mom patted the bed next to her.

"Well I meant to sleep not talk."

"And I mean not to sleep," she winked "Or talk."

"Mom, what's...."

"Bobby come sit down," she patted the bed again. "All kidding aside we need to talk."

"About?" I asked as I slowly walked over to the bed to sit on the edge of it.

"Know what?" Mom put her hand on my chest as I started to walk by her. "I have a better idea, you sit right there." She pointed at the office chair in front of my desk. "I think that would be a better place to start."

"Start what?" I asked looking down at her hand on my chest.

"Start talking," she said softly, "At least for a little while." She paused and ran her long fingernails down my chest and stomach causing me to shiver. "Damn you look good baby; you're not a kid anymore are you?"

I quickly stepped away from her and sat down in the chair where I immediately put my hand sin my lap. I wasn't wearing any underwear and just that little touch had started my cock growing.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked.

"Exactly what you want to talk about."

"I don't..."

I stopped when Mom sighed and said softly, "Bobby I know you've seen the movies."

"Oh shit." I said quietly. "How do...."

For the first time since I'd come in the room Mom wasn't smiling.

"I came in here a few hours ago because my lap top died and I needed to look something up. I clicked on history instead of bookmarks and kept seeing the same link over and over, I clicked on it and saw what it was." She shrugged. "I thought you've been acting weird lately now I know why." She looked at me. "Well Bobby, what are you going to do?"

"What do you mean?" I asked evasively.

"You know what I mean." She reached out and put her hand on my knee. "Please don't tell your father."

"I have to!" I exclaimed, now that the moment was here I began to get upset. "For Christ's sake Mom you fucked those guys on camera!'re a porn star and cheated on dad!"

Mom nodded and removing her hand from my knee began to speak softly.

"I know I did. But I had to Bobby. Look, I went through every link you clicked on, you looked up the dates you were trying to find out when I made them. It was two years ago Bobby, nothing since, I promise."

'How the hell do I know that?" I asked, although her words soothed me somewhat.

"You're not stupid Bobby, what happened two years ago?"

"Dad lost his job and we..."

"Came within a month of losing this house." Mom pointed at me, "But more than the house Bobby, you almost didn't go to college."


"Your dad made good money, too much for any aid, we were going to use the equity on the house to pay for your school. No house no school." She shrugged, "He couldn't find work and I...did what I had to."

"You lied!" I told her, "You said you were modeling."

"I was." She put her hands out. "Live modeling. I went to the agency and they said they had nothing for fashion, but they said milf porn was in and I was really hot and..." she trailed off.

"I can't believe you did it." I shook my head.

"Bobby, I had too." She said raising her voice. "It's easy for you to say that, but let me ask you, you like living in this nice house? You like going to school so you can get a good job? Do you?"

"Well yeah."

"Those movies are why you have those things!" she snapped. "I did six shoots, the three you saw and I don't know if the other three were ever put up anywhere, but I got $1500 a shoot. I paid the mortgage and put food on the table and kept the lights on here for three months with that money. Then your dad got hired and everything was okay."

"But you came home with pictures."

"I had one of the photographers take some pictures of me all dressed up as a favor and I told your dad that's what I was getting paid for."

"You lied." I repeated.

"What should I have said? See this check honey? Got this from taking a cock in my ass! How would that have gone over?" she asked.

"I...guess you're right kind of."

"Bobby, I know it was wrong, but it was the wrong thing for the right reasons." She said putting her hand on my knee again. "And that producer has called me many times since then and I tell him no. I won't do that again, ever."

"But you did it and...."

"And what? Your dad should know?" She made a disgusted sound. "Ignorance is bliss Bobby, we're happy together, your father loves me and I love him. You tell him this he'll be devastated."

"I know Mom." I said quietly, "That's why I've been out of it lately; I just don't know what to do."

She gave me a small smile and I felt as if I had somehow just played into her hands. But when she spoke it was still in a subdued tone.

"He won't just be upset because I had sex with those kids, but he'll blame himself for it. He'll say if he hadn't lost his job it wouldn't have happened." She sighed, "He'll be totally heartbroken."

"But if I don't tell him, I'll feel like I'm lying to him." another thought occurred to me "And what if someone else sees them?"

"Those movies are supposed to be for sale. Even though that site gives credit the production company didn't give permission. I sent the agency the links and I think they're going to pull them. It's up to you Bobby."

"I...I don't know." I shook my head, then looking at her figured what the hell? "I'll tell you what bothered me most about the movies."

"What's that honey?" she asked.

" enjoyed it didn't you?" I asked. "You really looked like you were into them."

"I was." She said simply. "I loved every minute of fucking those kids."

" admit it?" My eyes widened.

"Bobby, you're not a kid and I won't talk to you like one. I loved it. I've always fantasized about young guys, about how their young bodies and cocks would feel and how eager they are to please hot older women. So I got to find out" She smiled, "Should I lie?"


"I've been a good girl Bobby, I do love your dad. I made a killing at the club waitressing and when he asked me to quit I took a job making half that money and did it for him, but honey," she sighed and started rubbing her hand back and forth across my knee. "I used to fuck guys from the club every night before I met your father and I missed it! I need to get fucked Bobby, I need to get fucked a lot and your dad is a good lover, but he travels and he doesn't like being raunchy and...." She released a deep breath, "God I love being nasty and those movies gave me a chance to help my family and got me what I needed."

I can't believe you enjoyed it."

"Why not? You've certainly enjoyed them."

"No!" I said quickly, probably too quickly, "I...."

"Bobby, you have watched every one of those videos over a dozen times, you liked watching your mother fuck didn't you?"

"No, I..."

"Don't lie Bobby, even before you saw those movies, you've thought of me I know you have. You stare all the time and..." she smiled, "I love it. I love teasing you, love knowing my horny son is stroking his dick to me."

"Mom, that's' not true! I..."

"Bullshit." She laughed, "You've cum to me Bobby just like all your friends have and like I said I love it, teasing is all I have left these days so I do it. Why do you think I wear different clothes when your father is on the road?"

"I..." I put my head down. "I'm sorry Mom. You're right I...I've watched the movies a lot, I just think you're.....the hottest woman I've ever seen." I admitted.

"Oh I like that!" she cooed. "Makes things easier from here,"

"It does?"

"Yes, it does." She nodded, "See Bobby, I know you're in a tough spot and I'm asking you to cover for me, so I figure you shouldn't be asked to do that for nothing."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean," Mom stood up, "Is I have a deal for you."

"A deal?" I asked nervously as I took in her long legs.

"Yup, on your end you don't tell you daddy I was a porn star and," reaching up she untied her dress and let it fall to the floor, "I'll be your little porn star."

"Oh my God." I whispered.

Beneath the dress Mom was wearing a white bra that had the cups cut out to expose her nipples and most of her tits. Like in the movie the white stockings were thigh highs held up with white garters. She was wearing white panties that were....they were crotch less! Because I was sitting and she was so tall in the heels her smooth pussy was directly at face level and I felt my cock growing under my hand.

"How do I look baby?" she asked raising her hand over her head to lift her tits.

Turning she bent over and I now found myself staring at her amazing bare ass. I could also see her pussy winking out at me from between her thighs and as I sat there she playfully wiggled her ass at me. She straightened and turning back to face me, stepped up between my legs.

"What do you say honey, wanna be my co-star?"

"But...I...I'm your son!"

"My son who's wanted to fuck me for years." She laughed, "You think I didn't know where my stockings kept going?" she reached out and rubbed her hand down my chest. "You're also a damn fine young man Bobby, and I've been wanting to fuck the shit out of you for awhile now. I think the feelings mutual no?"

She leaned over and placed her hands on the chair behind me. Her tits were now inches from my face and I fought to look away as I whispered, "But....Dad."

"Won't know." She lowered her head and started whispering in my ear. "What he doesn't know won't hurt him. Besides, he knows you're home with me all the time, thinks I'm nice and safe," she giggled, "Who would ever think we'd be playing? And I need it Bobby, I need it more than I get it and I know you want to give it to me. Come on baby, let's play! I'll do it all for you Bobby, I'll be your little star!"

"Mom I...."

"And not just tonight honey, but anytime."

"Anytime." I repeated as I lost the battle and turned to see her hard pink nipple inches from my mouth.

"Your dad travels at least a week every month Bobby, how about when he's on the road you and me take care of each other? Hmmm, how would that be? Fucking your hot mom?"


"And not making love to her, but fucking her, hard and fast like she needs it, shoving your big dick inside me, watching me blow you."

"Oh damn..." I said softly.

My cock was throbbing painfully and her tits were swaying in front of me. My hands were in my lap and all I would have to do is lift them and they would be between her open legs.

'You like that thought?" she asked and made me gasp when she licked my ear. "It's that easy honey, you keep your mouth shut and mine will stay open." She gave me a soft kiss just beneath my ear and I made a pathetic whimpering sound.

"Aww," she purred in my ear, "You nervous little boy?" she placed her tongue on my neck and slowly licked up to my ear. "You need a hot cougar to make you a man?"

"Mom, please."

"You don't have to beg, Bobby." She laughed, "But I will."

Mom slid slowly down to her knees between my legs and looked up at me.

"Please don't tell on me! Please let me make it up to you baby!" she gave me a pout and whispered, "Please let your hot little Nikki be a bad girl for you."

"Nikki." I said, and then added, "That's hot."

"You're hot honey." She told me and grabbing my wrists yanked my hands from my lap, "And fucking hard!" she exclaimed.

I looked down to see my shorts were being pushed straight up my aching dick. Mom was kneeling there staring down at it and saw how hard her nipples were. My hands started to stray towards them, but I forced myself to stop.

"Mom...." I whispered, "This isn't fair."

'Life isn't fair," she said and caused me to groan by grabbing my cock and squeezing it through my shorts, "But it can be fun and honey this big dick is telling me it needs some fun."

She smiled up at me and licked her lips, "Come on baby, let's have fun."

"Oh damn." I moaned as she started jerking me off through the shorts.

Mom leaned over and opening her mouth put it over my cock through the shorts. She looked up at me with her big brown eyes and winking started sliding her mouth up and down. I moved my hands to try to push her away, but grabbing my wrists, she pulled my arms down and placed my hands on her tits.

"How do those feel baby?" she asked.

"Oh shit." I said softly as unable to help it, I began to fondle her tits.

They were heavy and firm to the touch. As I slid my hands across them I felt her nipples rubbing across my palms and Mom released a soft sigh, "That feels good honey."

The way she'd said that sent a shiver through my already throbbing cock and I began squeezing her tits harder. Mom leaned forward and I moaned as she began kissing and licking my stomach. Looking up at me, she whispered, "Come on baby, take these shorts off and let me seal our deal, "she giggled, "With a kiss."

I hesitated for a moment. This was totally wrong, this was worse than Mom making the movies; this was me fucking my mother. My red hot mother that was kneeling between my legs promising me everything I'd dreamt of. Mom looked up and made a show of running her tongue along the outline of my cock through the shorts. That was more than I could handle. Removing my hands from her tits I grabbed my shorts and lifting my hips shoved them down. Right or wrong I wasn't going to turn down the chance to watch my porn star mother suck my cock.

"There you go baby!" she laughed, then looking at my cock which had sprung free, cooed, "Oh look at that! Is that for your mom?"

"It's for Nikki." I told her, and then gasped when she wrapped her hand around my cock.

"Yeah, you want to have Nikki Nice suck your nice big dick?"

"Yes." I answered breathlessly as she gave the tip a soft kiss.

"Then tell me." She said as she swirled her tongue around the head of my cock causing me to moan, "Tell me what you want."

"I want you to..." I stopped as she slowly slid her tongue down one side of my shaft then up the other. "Please don't tease me."

"Then tell me what you want," she told me as she started slowly pumping my dripping cock. "I'm not your girlfriend honey," she giggled, "I'm a porn cougar remember? Tell me what you want the way those boys did."

"I want you to suck my cock." I whispered

"Say it again, louder." She told me, I had to wait as she ducked her head and started swirling her tongue across my balls.

'Oh..." I gasped, "I...she stopped licking and I rushed the words out, "I want you to suck my fucking cock!"

"Oh honey!" she laughed, "That's all you need to do!"

Mom opened her mouth and made a show of slowly slipping it over the head of my cock. I moaned softly as she wrapped her lips tightly around me and started sliding her hot wet mouth down my shaft. I sat there holding my breath; my legs trembling as she teasingly took my cock down her throat inch by inch. Mom took me all the way down until I could feel her lower lip touching my balls. The entire time her brown eyes were locked into mine and when she reached the bottom those eyes rolled back in her head and she moaned around my cock.

"Oh fuck!" I moaned as I felt her tongue slide out and lick my balls while she had me buried in her throat.

Mom just as slowly worked my cock back out of her mouth and releasing it sighed, "Oh God this young hard cock tastes so fucking good! Oh, I missed this!"

She opened her mouth and let a line of spit mixed with my pre cum drip out of her mouth and down my shaft. Mom ducked her head and made a show of licking it all back up before sucking me deep into her mouth again She started bobbing her head slowly and I moaned in pleasure as I watched my strep mother suck my cock. She released it again and holding my cock back spit on my balls and again slurped it back up. Placing her lips at the tip of my cock she let some spit dribbled around it and slowly pulled her head back, taking a trail of spit back with her tongue.

With a loud sucking sound, Mom slurped the spit back into her mouth and after kissing my cock looked up at me.

"You think about that? You think about your hot mother sucking you off, you jerk off to blowing a hot load in my face?"

"Yes." I said quickly, "All over your face."

"All over my slutty face?" she asked, "I am, aren't I Bobby, I'm a little slut isn't that right?"

"You're..." I paused then whispered, "A nasty slut."

"Yes!" she exclaimed squeezing my cock, "And what do nasty sluts do?"

"They suck young guy's cocks." I said gaining confidence.

"They do," she then pouted at me, "But even sluts want attention so be a good boy and play with my tits while I blow you."

I'd lost all sense of right and wrong by this point and as her amazing mouth once again engulfed my cock, I reached down and again started fondling the nicest tits I'd ever seen. Mom moaned her approval as she started slowly bobbing her head up and down my cock. I began rolling her hard nipples between my fingers and she sighed softly around my cock. As I played with them I watched as she worked my cock in and out of her mouth. She was moaning softly and her eyes were closed. With a thrill I realized she really was enjoying this, she had wanted me!

That thought caused me to grab her shoulders and pull her up. Mom removed her mouth from my cock and leaning down I took her face in my hands and kissed her. She seemed surprised at first, but quickly kissed me back. I moaned at the feel of her soft lips beneath mine and a moment later, her tongue darted out across my lips. I opened my mouth and eagerly let her tongue play across mine. I didn't care it had just been on my cock, I had wanted to kiss her for years and it was better than I had thought.

Mom moaned softly, and pulling back from me, gave me a surprisingly sweet smile. "That was nice baby," she said quietly, "Maybe we'll go nice and sweet next time, but right honey, nasty Nikki, needs to taste your cum and then watch that pretty face between my legs, how's that?"

"Anything you want!" I exclaimed as she grabbed my cock and started pumping it again.

"Be careful with that baby." She told me as she lowered her self back to my cock. "You have no idea how needy my hot little pussy is."

Mom started to take me back into her mouth, but stopped and with a smile said, "How about a little treat?"

Lifting her tits she wrapped them around my cock and started bouncing up and down. I groaned at the feeling as well as the sight of my dick sliding in between her beautiful tits. Mom bent her head and I gasped when she flicked her tongue across the sensitive head of my cock.

"Hmm, you like tit fucking me honey?" she asked,

"Hell yeah!" I moaned as she pushed them tighter together, "I love your tits!"

"Been thinking about them haven't you?"

"Oh, yes."

"Bet you been thinking of fucking my nasty mouth too." She winked, "I'll let you, here."

Still holding me between her tits, Mom lowered her mouth over my cock and after giving me a few quick sucks, remained still. Remembering the video, I reached out and wrapping my hands in her hair held it tightly and lifting my hips, started fucking her mouth.

"Hmm-mm" she encouraged as I drove my cock deep into her mouth.

She was still holding me between her tits and I was thrusting my hips as hard as I could. Because her tits were in the way I was only going partway into her mouth and as good as it felt began to whimper in frustration. Mom released my cock, and with a laugh, let her tits go and after quickly taking my cock all the way released it and asked, "Better?"

"Oh yeah," I moaned as she ducked her head and licked my balls.

"Then go ahead and fuck my mouth honey, you fuck your Nikki's mouth until you cum!"

She devoured my cock in one quick motion, causing me to cry out as she buried me in her throat. Wrapping my hand even tighter in her hair I resumed fucking her mouth. I moaned loudly as my cock was now plunging deep down her throat. Mom was moaning as well which inspired me to move my hips even faster. She had grabbed my balls and was caressing them and my legs started shaking as I began to get ready to cum. I slowed a little, trying to make it last.

Mom's eyes were once again closed; she obviously loved this, which made it even hotter. I started pushing down on her head as I thrust shoving my cock even deeper and she moaned around me again. I couldn't believe this was happening; I was sitting here face fucking my mother as a reward for not telling my dad she made adult movies. Mom gave my balls a squeeze and I cried out as I felt myself no longer able to hold back.

My hips bucked wildly and I yelled "Oh fuck!" as my cock exploded in my mother's mouth. Mom stopped moving her head and grabbing my cock started jerking it off into my mouth. I whimpered and moaned as I could feel my cum spurting into her. Mom opened her eyes and started into mine as she sucked my spurting cock. I gasped and releasing her hair, slumped back into the chair trying to catch my breath. Between my legs, Mom looked up at me and opening her mouth let the cum dribble out of it and back onto my cock.

Ducking her head she then started at my shaft and proceeded to lick and suck my cock clean, smacking her lips every time she sucked up some of my cum. I sat there unable to speak as I watched her do it; this was even nastier than I thought she'd be. When she finished, Mom licked her lips and sighed, "God you taste good, I love a nice young cock filling my mouth." She smiled, "Not as much as filling my pussy though, and you're going to do that aren't you?"

"Y...yes Nikki."

"But I need some fun too baby."

Standing, Mom grabbed the back of my head and shoved my face into her tit. I eagerly opened my mouth and sucked her swollen pink nipple into my mouth.

"Oh yeah, that's a good boy." She purred as I swirled my tongue around it.

She shifted and shoved the other tit into my mouth and as I started sucking on that one, Mom put her heeled foot up onto the arm of the chair. Grabbing my hand she shoved it between her legs and I moaned around her nipple at the feeling of her smooth and soaking wet pussy. She moved my hand back and forth and taking her meaning I started sliding my fingers through the forbidden folds of my mother's pussy.

"That's it baby." She moaned, "Play with that pussy, get used to it because you're going to be getting a lot of it!"

I continued to lick her nipple as my finger caressed her wet flesh. I slid them to the top and Mom groaned when my fingers passed over her hard clit. I started rubbing faster, enjoying the way her hips jumped each time I touched her clit.

"Inside," she said as she rested her hand on the back of my head. "Shove your fingers inside."

I did as she asked, pushing two fingers into her and as she gave a delighted squeal I gasped at how hot and wet she was. She leaned over and put her arms around my shoulders as I started thrusting my fingers into her.

"Put your thumb on my clit," she said in my ear, "Rub it nice and hard honey," she sighed as my thumb found her clit, "You have to be good to me too." She purred.

"I...I'm sorry." I said feeling stupid.

"No worries honey, that's why I like nice young studs, I'm going to teach you just how to fuck me." She laughed, "And many young girls will thank me for it!"

Her laugh turned into a hot moan as I started rubbing her clit in circles. The moan sent a thrill through me and I realized my cock hadn't even gone down, but was still standing at attention between my legs. Mom moaned again then lifting her other leg, placed it on the chair as well so she was squatting over me. She leaned more of her weight on me, but with her legs now open I was able to start driving my fingers deeper inside of her.

"That's it honey, nice and hard, I like it like that!" she moaned in my ear.

To my delight she rested her head on my shoulder and I felt her body relax. She began emitting soft sighs in my ear each time my fingers plunged into her and I could feel her thigh trembling against the edge of my hand as I began pressing harder on her clit. Mom began rocking into my hand and she was breathing hard in my ear. The feeling of her hot breath on my neck and her even hotter pussy around my fingers had my own hips rocking and I began moaning around her nipple as I pushed my hard cock up at her.

I groaned when the tip hit her thigh and sitting up, Mom reached back and grabbed my cock.

"Oh, youth and enthusiasm!" she laughed, "Okay baby, your hot little Nikki will let you have some pussy."

Still holding my cock, she let her legs down until she was kneeling on my thighs and leaning back pressed the head of my cock to her pussy. Holding onto my shoulder she gave me a wink and letting her weight go drove my cock inside of her.

"Oh shit!" I cried out as my cock was engulfed by her amazingly hot and extremely wet pussy.

"Fuck yes!" Mom called out in my ear. "That big dick feels so fucking good!"

I gasped as Mom started rapidly bouncing up and down on my lap, riding me hard and fast. The chair was squeaking and I was afraid it would break she was driving into me so hard. Then again who the hell cared? I was getting the shit fucked out of me by a smoking hot cougar who just happened to be my mother and was screaming in my ear telling me how good my cock felt. Mom's big tits were bouncing in front of my face and bending my head, I fastened my lips to her right nipple.

"That's baby!" she moaned, "Fuck your cock feels good!"

Her pussy felt damn good that was for sure. I'd never had a girl fuck me like this. My hips were barely moving, but Mom was lifting herself up until I was almost completely out of her, before slamming back down on me. We both moaned every time she came down on me and she was so wet I could feel my thighs getting wet. I had wrapped my hands around her waist and was enjoying guiding her hips as she fucked me.

'Hold on!" Mom moaned in my ear. "I need to cum!"

The chair was only a couple of feet from the edge of the bed and keeping my cock inside her, Mom leaned back and bracing her hands on the edge of the bed started grinding her hips into me. I groaned as my cock was bent at an angle and her pussy was now teasing me. Grabbing my hand, Mom placed it on her pussy and whispered, "Make me cum on that nice young cock!"

I didn't need to be told twice and placing my thumb back on her clit started rubbing it in hard circles.

"Oh, just like that!" she moaned. "Be good to your Mom!"

I couldn't believe how could she looked! She was propped up on her elbows and those perfect tits were bouncing as she pushed herself on and off my cock, she was sweating and sandy brown hair was sticking to one of her cheeks. Her mouth was open and she was moaning louder each time she slipped my cock inside her. I watched my thumb rubbing her swollen button and even better was the sight of my cock working into her open pussy. Mom gasped and cried out,

"Don't stop! Right there baby! Make me cum make me...Oh!"

Mom let her head fall back and emitted the loudest cry I'd ever heard from a woman. Her hips started grinding wildly onto my cock and her back was arching, pushing me deeper into her. Mom cried out again and I groaned as I felt her hot pussy contract around my swollen cock. Mom gasped then released another loud cry and I felt a warm gush of fluid flow around my cock. Mom whimpered and pulling back slipped my cock from inside her.

"Holy shit!' I exclaimed when along with my cock a stream of sticky fluid spurted from her pussy.

"Hmmm didn't know I could squirt could you?" she giggled, "Guess they didn't put that video up there!"

Mom dropped her legs to the floor and pushed herself backwards until she was on the bed. Lifting her legs, she let them fall open and beckoned to me.

"Get over here and fuck me like I need it!"

I stood up and stepping forward grabbed her around each ankle. Her pussy was right at the edge of the bed and leaning forward I slammed my cock into her pussy so hard my balls hit her ass.

'Fuck yeah!" she cried out. "Just like that baby! Fuck the shit out of me! Show your mother how bad you wanted her!"

I spread her legs further open and started fucking her as hard as I could. I'd never fucked like this before and realized those movies weren't bullshit, older women really did love cock! Beneath me, Mom had grabbed her tits and was playing with her nipples as I continued to pound her pussy. She was so wet my cock was making wet sucking sounds when I slid it out and my thighs were soaking wet from her pussy squirting when I drove back into her.

Mom was yelping each time I slammed into her and her sweat slicked tits looked amazing. I was sweating quite a bit myself and could also feel myself getting ready to cum again. I started breathing heavier and pumping her even faster when she cried out, "Stop, I want you to suck me off first!"

I slowed down and sitting up, she pushed me in the chest. I reluctantly slid my cock from her then moaned when she quickly took my dripping cock into her mouth and started slurping on it. She moaned as she sucked me down to my wet balls and I grabbed her hair as she started sucking me hard and fast. My legs started to shake and removing me from her mouth she gasped, "Damn I love how I taste off a nice young dick." looking up at me she winked, "Now why don't you see how good I taste?"

I quickly dropped to my knees and as Mom placed her feet on my shoulders eagerly buried my face in her sopping wet snatch.

"Oh look at you!" she cried out as I plunged my tongue into her hot little box. "Oh, you want that pussy don't you baby?"

"I need this pussy!" I moaned as I began licking hr pussy up and down.

"I like that!" she purred, "Oh I like that! Tell me again, but say my name!"

"Nikki I want your pussy!" I moaned as I worked my tongue back down through the hot folds of her pink flesh. "I want to make you cum!"

"Keep going and you will." Reaching down, she spread her pussy open, "Suck that clit! Suck your slutty mother off!"

I fastened my lips around her clit and started to suck it in and out of my mouth. Mom moaned and started shoving her hips into my face. My cheeks were already soaked and my mouth was full of her juice and I loved every bit of it! Goddamn she tasted good. Even as I sucked on her, I thought of what she had said, it wouldn't be just once, I could fuck her all the time!

"Come on baby, use your fingers!" she moaned.

I obediently shoved two fingers into her dripping pussy and she cried out as I started shoving them in roughly.

"That's it! That's how I like it!" she yelled, "Good and hard, I'm not one of your little girls Bobby!"

I started moving my fingers faster and sucking her clit harder. I was desperate to fuck her again and wanted her to cum nice and hard so she would let me. Mom was moaning and wiggling her hips. Her pussy smelled and tasted so sweet and the sound of my fingers plunging into her pussy was getting me harder by the second. I didn't think things could get any wilder until she called out.

"Shove a finger in my ass!" I paused and she thrust her hips at me. "I said put it in my ass!"

I brought my other hand up and quickly shoved my finger into her pink rosebud. Mom let out a loud squeal and started rocking her hips into my fingers. I'd never felt a girl's ass before and couldn't believe how tight it was, I could also feel my fingers sliding into her pussy through the thin skin between her pussy and ass.

"Look at you! Fingering my ass, you like that ass baby?"

"Yes." I managed to say around her clit.

"Yeah, it nice and tight? Wait until you get your cock in there!"

I slowed up wondering if I heard her right and she continued, "I'm going to let you baby, I'm going to let you fuck your mother's tight little ass, after all, I am in your debt!"

I'd continued sucking her clit and between that and her talking herself up, Mom went off like a rocket. She let out another long loud wail and began bucking wildly, grinding her pussy in my face. I fought to keep my lips on her clit and my fingers moving as she writhed and squealed on the bed. I gasped as she wrapped her legs around my head, trapping my face between my thighs. I didn't care one bit and kept my tongue moving as she continued to moan. She gasped as she had before and shoved her pussy hard into my face. Her body seemed to pause then with a loud cry her hips jerked and my face was sprayed with a gush of warm sticky fluid.

She dropped her legs and grabbing my hair held my head as she lifted her pussy and cried out again. Another squirt of her cum sprayed from her pussy and directly into my mouth. I swallowed it and moaning at how good it tasted lunged forward and started licking and sucking the wet lips of her pussy.

"Oh good boy!" she moaned, "Clean that pussy for me! Oh, I am going to give it to you so good for that!"

Mom sat up and grabbing my shoulders pulled. I stood up and as soon as my cock was in front of her face it went into her mouth. Wrapping her arms around my waist, Mom pulled me into her, shoving my cock all the way into her mouth. She started bobbing her head furiously, and grabbing her hair I started fucking her mouth. Mom stayed still and moaned as I once again face fucked her. Yanking her face from my cock, Mom rolled over onto her hands and knees and lowering her head to the pillow pointed her ass at me.

Her pussy was at the exact height of my cock and grabbing her hips I plowed into her so hard she almost fell onto her face.

"Oh my fucking god!" she called out as I started hammering away at her.

I shook the sweat from my eyes and took in the sight of Mom's magnificent ass and body, her back was covered in sweat and her long hair was plastered to it. Reaching up, I grabbed the back of the white bra and using it as a handle pulled her towards me as I fucked her.

"Look at you!" she cried out, "Go ahead baby pull my hair too!"

I grabbed the end of her hair and pulled her head up as I slammed the shit out of her. Mom squealed in pleasure as I repeatedly slammed my cock into her squirting pussy,. She clamped her legs against my thighs and the feeling of her stockings against my legs added yet another sensation to my fucking her. Looking down at her round firm ass, I let go of her hair and gave her ass a gentle slap.

'Oh come on!" she called over her shoulder, "Better than that!"

I lifted my hand and gave her a good hard slap that stung my own palm. Mom yelped then laughed, "Other side!" I smacked her other cheek and she moaned as I did. I let her bra go and digging my fingers into her sweaty hips started going as hard as I could. Mom was moaning continuously and I could feel my balls slapping against her pussy. I looked down at her ass and imagined spraying a nice hot load of cum there when she called out. "Stop!"

I groaned, but did as she asked. I needed to cum and hadn't wanted to stop. My eyes widened as reaching back behind her, Mom spread her cheeks open exposing her asshole.

"Go on baby, come take my ass."

"I...I never...."

"Ohhh than that's even better, I get to be the first ass you fuck." She looked over her shoulder, "Let's go Bobby, don't be a little boy, be a man, fuck your nasty little Nikki in the ass."

Grabbing my cock I placed it against her ass and started to slowly push it in. I groaned at how tight it was and how different it felt, it was tighter and not as wet, but damn it felt good! I started to ease a little deeper then cried out as Mom shoved herself backwards, burying my cock balls deep in her ass.

"Fuck yeah!" she cried out as she began to rock back and forth sliding my cock in and out of her ass. "Oh, that feels good! I love it in my ass!"

Grabbing her hips again I started fucking her, but more slowly. Mom was moving in time with my thrusts and I watched transfixed as my glistening cock slid in and out of my mother's ass.

"Yeah, you thought about this didn't you?" she asked. "You want to fuck my ass just like that kid in the video, don't you? Fuck your nasty mother like she deserves it, treat her like a slut!"

"Oh yeah!" I exclaimed as I started fucking her harder. "Fuck her like a pig!"

"Pig?" she moaned, "You like that one; you want me to be your pig? I'll be anything you want, now stop playing and really fuck me! You saw that movie I can take it baby, now give it to me! I want you to fuck my ass until you cum!"

That was all I needed to hear, I drew my hips back and after a brief pause to take a breath let loose and started tearing into her ass as hard as I could. Mom released a high pitched squeal that sent a shiver through me and started driving her own hips back into me as hard as she could. She was yelping and squealing loudly, but fucking me as hard as I was fucking her. Her tight ass was spreading around my cock and I was plunging in there faster and harder than before. The sight of my cock slamming into her ass was driving me crazy and again I could feel my legs start to shake.

Somehow I found a way to start going even harder. My heart was pounding and I was breathing like a bull, there was no way I wasn't going to cum this time. I began to tear into her with everything I had and Mom's screams fueled my fire. I groaned as I felt the cum beginning to build up within me and started gasping with every thrust.

"That's it baby cum for me!" she moaned in between squeals, "But pull it out! I want it all over my tits!"

I gave her a few more short brutal thrusts and whipping my cock out, squeezed it like they did in the movies. Mom, rolled over and sitting on the edge of the bed, held her tits up for me. I started pumping my cock and let out a loud yell as my cum exploded from it and hit her in the chest between her tits. I'd cum so hard it splattered showering both her tits with white drops. I aimed my cock lower and the next squirt caught her directly on her right nipple. Reaching out, Mom grabbed my cock and started pumping it herself, she turned to the side so the next shot hit her other nipple, the lowering her head, placed the tip of my cock in her mouth and started sucking it.

"Oh my God!" I whimpered as her tongue swirled around the sensitive head of my cock.

Mom kept sucking and I began to squirm I couldn't take it anymore and grabbing her hair pulled my cock from her mouth. As I stood there gasping, Mom began scooping my cum from her tits and sucking it into her mouth. When she finished she gave me a tired smile, "Goddamn, you fucked the shit out of me Bobby!"

"I..." I paused and realizing my knees were starting to buckle, sat on the edge of the bed next to her. "I...Mom you were....holy shit!" was all I could get out.

Mom laughed, then grabbing my shoulder, pulled me backwards. "Lie back honey."

I did as she said and we both slid up on my bed until we were completely on it. I lay on my back gasping and rolling over onto her elbow, Mom looked down at me.

"Have fun baby?"

"Oh yeah." I breathed.

'Me too," she smiled, "Bobby you really did fuck me good, me and you are going to have a lot of fun!"

I nodded slowly as now that we were done it began to dawn on me what had just happened.

"Hey," Mom said, tracing my cheek with her nail. "Know what I really liked?"

" idea." I said softly.

"I really liked that sweet little kiss you gave me." She gave me a smile that looked almost shy, "Can I have another?"

I looked at her and asked, "Really?"

"Really." She shrugged, "Bad girls like to be sweet to and that was a nice kiss."

She leaned down and gently pressed her lips to mine. I closed my eyes and as before kissed her softly. Her lips slid gently across mine and she sighed softly in her throat as my tongue entered her mouth. She put her hand on my chest and I slid my arm around her shoulders. We began to kiss harder as our tongues danced across each other. I could feel her nipple pressing into my side and her warm skin felt good against my arm. Mom broke the kiss and smiled,

"That was nice. We'll have to take our time next time." She sighed and looking down at me asked, "You want a next time don't you baby?"

" know we really shouldn't and..."

"Little late now honey." She laughed, "We're lying here naked with each other's cum in our mouths and your cock was just in your mother's ass. Point of no return Bobby."

"I guess." I shrugged, and then sighed, "Damn you were hot!"

"Glad you enjoyed it, like I said Bobby we're going to be fucking a lot and we're both going to love it."

"But dad...."

"If you cared, you wouldn't have fucked me." She pointed out. "You were the one jerking off to me Bobby, you were stroking to those movies, so don't play innocent. We're both going to get what we need from this."

"I guess you're right." I said.

"And you're not going to say anything about those movies right?"

"Right." I agreed.

"Okay, well just in case you change your mind?" Mom sat up and pointed. "Look over there."

I sat up and looked to see her pointing at my desk. I hadn't noticed the lap top was open and....The small blue light of my web cam was on.

" taped us!" I exclaimed.

"I did honey." She put her hands out. "I don't want your father ever knowing and now if you tell him about it the next movie he'll see is his son fucking the shit out of his mother." She winked. "Stalemate."

"That's....blackmail!" I told her.

"No, its insurance." She told me, and then seeing I was upset leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"You weren't going to say anything anyway Bobby and you know it. You're going to want more of this pussy and I'll always give it to you, but just in case, I did what I had too."

She turned my face to hers and gave me a pout, "Are you mad at your little Nikki?"


"I'll make it up to you honey, just like I did tonight! I told you, anything you want whenever you want!"

"Damn." I said looking down at her amazing body.

"Tell you what honey," she said, wiping my sweaty hair from my eyes, "How about you and I take a long hot shower together, then go into my room and we'll watch a movie."

"A movie?" I asked.

"Yup," she nodded, "A hot new release, Nikki Nice starring in My Mother's a Porn Star."