My Mother's Revenge

I arrived home from school and tossing my back pack on the kitchen table, went into the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. As I stood there drinking it, I wondered where dad was. He went to work for six in the morning and was always home before I was. Tossing the empty bottle into the trash, I grabbed the bag and headed for my room. I'd worked five hours at the coffee shop, before going to my two afternoon classes and the thought of my bed was a damn pleasant one. I had to work on a project for History, but if I didn't close my eyes soon, I would have nothing left to do it.

My parents had warned me of working and going to school, telling me college classes were much tougher than high school, but I was determined to make some money. If either of them came in and caught me napping, they would bust my balls, so maybe I would try to just muddle through and go to bed early. Then again, mom wouldn't be home from work for another hour and Dad might be sleeping himself seeing his bedroom door was shut. I slipped my shoes off and picking them up, padded quietly past my parents door.

I jumped at the sound of dad's voice coming from the other side of the door.

"Oh fuck yeah!" he called out, "Yeah, just like that baby! Ride that cock!"

So much for him sleeping, I thought. I frowned wondering where mom's car was. Maybe Dad had cleared out the garage when I was at Bill's this weekend and she had parked it in there. I started to walk away, but stopped when Dad's obnoxious yelling had been replaced by the sound of mom moaning. Walk away pervert, I told myself, but stayed there anyway. I could hear the sound of flesh pounding flesh and started to picture mom on her hands and knees, her fine ass in the air.

"You like that?" dad called out, "You like getting fucked like that?"

"Harder!" She cried out. "Fuck me Joey!"

Mom's voice sounded hoarse and I wondered if she'd gotten home really early and they'd been going at it for awhile. Speaking of them going at it, the idea of a nap had faded and I knew what I would be doing when I went into my room. I stopped and felt my cock start to stiffen at the sound of loud squeal from behind the door followed by a series of yelps. Wow, he was fucking the shit out of her today, probably didn't think I was home yet, I thought as I forced myself to go into my room.

Not that I would blame dad for fucking my mother any chance he could, Mom was fucking hot! She had worked her way through college as a cocktail waitress and she still had the body for it. She was almost as tall as my five ten and her legs were long and well shaped. Her ass was to die for, heart shaped and firm, she drove me nuts when she wore those tight little shorts around the house. Her tits were pretty big and even though she worked in an office now, she always had some cleavage showing in her dresses and blouses. Course around the house she would wear little tank tops that looked like they were either a size too small or her tits were really that damn big.

Her face lived up to her killer body with her long sandy blonde hair and a pair of big brown eyes that I could never resist. I could never turn her down if she widened those big doe eyes and said please. The word please was sometimes followed by her pushing her full lips into a pout, and it was all over. That pout worked on dad too, but I'm sure because of the other things those perfect lips could do.

I always had mixed feelings when I thought of her like that. On one hand, and first and foremost, she was my goddamn mother! I doubted any my friends, even ones who's mothers were attractive thought of them that way. Then again, I also doubted any of them had seen their mother the way I had seen her. If they had, maybe it would be a different story, but having sexual thoughts of one's mother wasn't really the type of thing you brought up with your friends.

Opening the lap top, I thought that maybe it wasn't so bad I thought mom was hot, but what I was going to do next was pretty sick. As the screen came up, I looked nervously over my shoulder as if someone was going to come though the locked door. Unzipping my pants, I lifted my hips and pushing my jeans and underwear down, settled in to watch my favorite dirty movie. Not that there was anything unnatural about a nineteen year old boy beating it off to porn, but I doubted many did it to home movies of their mother.

Clicking on my videos I found the one marked MBJ and clicked on it. Easing back in my chair, I grabbed my cock and felt my heart beat faster as the video opened. I was looking at Mom, lying on her stomach, between my father's legs, with his hard cock in her hand. Dad was holding the camera and I saw his hand reach out and brush her hair from her face.

"Have to have a good view!" His voice came over the speaker.

"Yeah, you want a little show baby?" Mom asked, and playfully flicked her tongue across the head of his cock.

I licked my lips and felt my cock growing in my hand as I saw a trail of sticky fluid going from his cock to her tongue. Mom made a show of sucking it up and smacked her lips. "Hmmm that's good!" she purred.

"Show me what else is good." Dad said.

Whenever he spoke I felt weirded out, never mind it was his cock I was seeing. I had thought about watching on mute, but I would miss all of Mom's hot little sounds. She winked and grabbing his cock, opened her mouth and took him into it. I started stroking my now hard cock as I watched her slowly bob her head, taking my father's cock deeper each time she went down. Mom removed his cock from her mouth, then as my cock throbbed in my hand, made a show of licking his cock up and down, when she reached the bottom she began licking his balls, while jerking him off and I whispered, "Oh fuck that's hot."

At this point I'd gotten my cock sucked by three girls and none of them could come close to this. Mom trailed her tongue back up to the tip of dad's cock and sliding her mouth back over the head, pushed her mouth down all the way until her lips were at the base of his shaft. Dad moaned on camera and I did in my chair as I started pumping my cock faster. Mom shook her head side to side while moaning around his dick. Placing her hands on the bed, she pushed herself up and I licked my lips at the sight of her huge bare tits hanging down.

Dads hand entered the screen and mom sighed around his cock while he played with one of her nipples. He moved his hand, and she took his cock all the way down again. This time she didn't pause, but started sucking him hard and fast, going all the way down each time. Her hands were flat and she was giving him that incredible blow job with just her mouth. As she began sucking even faster, I started stroking faster. The entire time she was blowing him; her big brown eyes were staring straight into the camera.

The camera was starting to shake and dad was moaning and rocking his hips. I'd seen the video more times than I cared to admit and knew it was getting to the end. That was fine though, because my leg was starting to shake and I could feel myself getting close. Dad moaned, "Oh fuck baby!" and started thrusting his hips at her.

Mom stopped moving her head and let him fuck her mouth. She was moaning and her eyes rolled back into her head as he cried out louder and his hips pumped faster. Mom's cheeks hollowed out and Dad let out a noise best described as a whimper as she sucked the cum from him. I could feel my own building within me and fought to hold off to the every end of the video. Mom carefully slid dad's cock from her mouth and after giving the camera a wink, sat up and let his cum drool out of her mouth.

I moaned as my cock went off in my hand. As I continued to pump it, squirting cum onto my stomach I watched cum drip down her chin and land on her tits. Taking her finger, Mom rubbed some cum onto her nipple, then scooping it up, put her finger in her mouth.

"Goddamn, baby." Dad moaned.

"You like that?" she smiled and the sight of her cum covered lips, kept me jerking my still oozing cock, "You like when I'm your bad girl?"

The video winked out and even though I'd just cum I dropped to the next one marked "MDS" and clicked it. This time the camera was on the bureau and on the bed was my father fucking Mom doggy style. Her head was thrown back as she moaned and her huge tits were swinging back and forth as my father pounded her perfect ass. I watched, my cock dripping onto my hand, while dad pulled on her hair and started spanking her ass. He then cried out and whipping his cock out came all over that ass.

I clicked to the next one, which was my father holding the camera again, as Mom rode him. I shook my head at the sight of her huge tits swaying and the look of pleasure on her face as she rocked back and forth, her eyes closed, mouth open as she emitted tiny little moans. She leaned back, supporting herself on her hands and the camera lowered. My recently spent cock gave a twitch as I watched my father's cock entering her pussy. His hand came into view and spreading her lips, started rubbing her clit.

"Oh, right there honey!" Mom groaned.

Balancing herself on one hand she started playing with one of her nipples.

"Christ she's hot!" I whispered.

Mom was beginning to make little whimpering noises, the ones I heard in the many wet dreams I'd had of her, and with a loud cry, started gyrating wildly on dad's cock. Again the camera began jiggling and I could hear dad moaning her name. Mom leaned back and pulling his cock from her pussy started pumping it. I watched as his cum sprayed across her flat stomach and dripped down towards her pussy. I quickly clicked the video off when I realized that I'd started stroking my cock again. Once was bad enough.

Grabbing some tissues from the box on my desk, I wiped my stomach off and tossing them in the basket, pulled up my pants. I sighed and noticed that even though I'd just gotten off, I was no longer tired. That was a good thing, this way I could finish my paper then just go to bed early. If I was going to do that, I would need a snack; I hadn't had anything except a bagel at the coffee shop this morning. I started to turn away from the laptop, and with a start remembered I hadn't closed the browser.

Not that Mom or dad would wander into my room and start looking, but one never knew. I can't imagine the amount of trouble I would get in for having those videos. Hell, I'd probably get sent to counseling. Worse would be how humiliated I would be, knowing that mom would know I stroked it to her. I clicked the browser closed and nodded at to myself for being that paranoid. After all it was while trying to fix something wrong with their pc that I stumbled upon these videos in the first place.

Apparently mom enjoyed being a star as there were originally about ten videos and now, only three months later, there was close to two dozen. I felt another twinge of guilt and wondered how sick I was. Since finding them, I would periodically go back into their room, use dads password that he'd given me and looked to see if he had added any. When he did, I e-mailed them to myself and enjoyed them.

Walking over to my door, I wondered if there was something wrong with me. I truly loved her as mom, but after seeing that video, my mind had been in overdrive. Even seeing her walking around in shorts had me heading to my room, and there were times it was hard to look at her. I chalked it up to some type of phase. Besides, I'd been watching cougar and Milf porn for awhile now and mom was both those and in spades.

I left my room and as I turned to head for the kitchen saw her heading down the hallway. I only caught a quick glance of her from behind, but it was enough to see she was wearing a red mini skirt and spike heels. I'd never seen her dress like that for work. Unless, I grinned to myself, she had dressed up for dad, but why would she had dressed back up?

"Hey, Mom!" I called out heading down the hallway.

She'd already turned the corner and I could hear her heels clicking across the tiles of the kitchen floor. I started to hurry up to catch her and ask when dinner would be, when my father stepped out of their bedroom so quickly I almost walked into him.

"Nick!" He exclaimed, "What the hell are you doing home?"

"Good to see you too, pop," I told him.

"I don't mean it like that," he rolled his eyes; "I mean why are you home early?"

"I'm not early," I tapped my watch, "It's five thirty."

"It is?" Dad's eyes widened, "Shit!" he looked at me nervously, "You umm, been in your room?"

I fought hard not to smile at him. He was worried I'd heard him. Now that I looked closer he looked really nervous. Dad wasn't wearing a shirt and his jeans were unsnapped, his black hair was tousled and he was sweating. Must have been a hell of a romp I thought, but why the hell would he be nervous? Embarrassed maybe, but...

"Well?" He asked quickly, "You didn't answer me?

As he spoke, he ran his fingers through his hair, a sure sign he was nervous. Not for the first time, I thought looking at my father was like looking in a mirror. Except for our obvious age difference, we could pass for brothers, we were the same height, shared the same black hair, green eyes and I had inherited both his broad shoulders and his desire to go to the gym. I'd also noticed, as awkward as it was, that I'd taken after him down south, as every girl I'd been with had commented that I was pretty good sized and he was no slouch in those videos.

"What are you deaf?" he snapped.

"Hey, easy dad." I put my hands up, "I was just wondering what Mom was doing home?"

"Mom's..." he paused, when, no longer able to help it, I started smirking, "You heard something?"

"I think the neighbors heard something." I laughed.

"Oh, um well..." he seemed at a loss for words, so I took him off the hook.

"Hey dad, don't worry about it, it's not like I'm a little kid." Besides, I thought to myself, there could be a fun new video in my future.

"No, I know" he nodded a little too emphatically, "I...just uh, it's a little embarrassing."

"You embarrassed?" I playfully punched him in the arm. "You're always showing her off."

"Yeah, but it's different with you."

"So where's she going?" I asked, getting off the subject of what I'd heard.

"Going?" he looked confused, then snapped his fingers, "She's going back to work."


"She's got one of those budget meetings tonight so she's not coming home until around nine."

"Oh," I hit him again, "So she came home for a little break then headed back."

"You got it." He seemed to relax, then added, "Lost track of the time, sorry about that."

"Don't be." I frowned, "Since when does Mom go to work dressed like that?"

"Like..." he looked confused, "Oh, well, it's kind a game. She came home dressed kind of trashy and pretended to be a...."

"Never mind." I put my hand over my ears."Forget I asked."

"Right." He nodded.

I started to walk past, when he caught my arm. "Listen, Nick, can you do me a favor?"


"Don't tell mom you were home okay?" Seeing the question in my eyes, he continued, "She would be embarrassed if she knew you heard her."

Then what would she think if she'd known I'd watched her? Out loud, I said, "Yeah no problem, didn't hear anything, didn't know she came home, got it."

"Good man!" Dad squeezed my arm, and then nodded approvingly. "You're getting there kid. Pretty soon you might be able to beat me arm wrestling."

"Sooner than you think old man." I told him.

He let my arm go, and I began to walk past him, I glanced into their bedroom and felt a thrill go through me. The camcorder was on the bed; he'd been taping the action again. "Hey Nick, like I said mom's coming home late, so I'm going to run out and get us some pizza, how's that sound?"

"Sounds good." I told him.

"But I have to run an errand first, so I'll be about an hour; that okay?"

Thinking of the camera and what would be on it, I smiled, "No problem dad, take your time."


No sooner had dad pulled out of the driveway, then I all but ran into their room. He'd gone back in there for awhile and as I suspected, when I checked the camera, he'd downloaded whatever had been on it. I sat down at the small desk in the corner of their room. Bringing up dad's folder I clicked on videos and frowned when I didn't see a new one. I scrolled through a couple of other folders, but didn't see anything. I sat there disappointed and was ready to get up, when I noticed his e-mails were open at the bottom of the screen.

Bringing up that browser, I saw he'd e-mailed himself an attachment. Grinning, I opened the e-mail and looked at what he'd typed there. 'Cindy 21'. What the hell did that mean? I smiled when I realized that must have been Mom's name when she came home. They had been playing some dirty game. I forwarded the video to myself, then took a second to delete the e-mail from his sent folder, before heading back to my room. I locked the door behind me and headed excitedly for my computer.

I was thinking of those heels and wondering if she'd left them on during. I opened my e-mails and clicked on my latest taboo treasure. The movie opened, and lying between my father's legs, her long blond hair fanned across his thighs and his cock in her hand was....

A woman I'd never seen before.

"You like that sir?" she asked, licking the head of his cock, "You like this naughty little girl blowing you?

"You know I do." Dad said.

The girl, who had huge blue eyes and couldn't have been much older than me, smiled and started sucking his cock. Dad started groaning and removing his cock from her mouth, she giggled, "Bet your wife doesn't suck you like that!"

"Oh, my fucking God!" I exclaimed out loud.

On the screen the girl sat up on her knees and reaching back, removed the lace red bra she was wearing. Her tits were small, but well shaped and cupping them, she asked, "You like my nice young titties Joey?"

"Worth every penny." He laughed as he reached out and started fondling one.

"If you think they are, wait until you see my pussy" she giggled again

"Oh, no." I said softly as I hurriedly shut the video off.

I sat back in the chair and took several deep breaths, my whole body was shaking. Dad was cheating on mom, and in our house! Even with my mind racing, I wondered if I went back into his computer and really started searching how many more videos I would find. That girl, Cindy I guess from the movie title, seemed very familiar with him. She'd have to be to be letting him tape her. I wiped my trembling hand across my sweaty brow and realized that as bad as finding this was, I had an even worse problem, do I tell her?

Mom would be devastated. She practically worshipped my father and spoiled him rotten, in and out of the bedroom. She made more money and paid most of the bills. Dad was a few years older than her and had been in trouble when he was younger. His credit had been shot and the house was bought in Mom's name. In that sense, mom would be fine. He couldn't take anything from her. That is if she threw him out. What if she decided to try to make it work? How could I look at him and pretend he wasn't the piece of shit dog I just discovered he was.

I frowned at that last thought as I remembered over hearing a conversation once between Mom and my uncle Bill's ex-wife Jean. She'd told my mother that my grandfather was a player and all his son's were too. Bill had cheated on her and she claimed my uncle Jack who lived in California cheated constantly on his wife and she wouldn't leave him, because they had three kids. Mom had told her that dad was different, that he was a good man and would never break her heart or disappoint his son like that.

Guess Jean had been right; dad had played her for a fool. If I told her, in addition to the pain it would cause her, she would be humiliated as well. But how could I look at her and pretend everything was okay? If I did dad would just keep doing it to her.

"That fucking asshole!

I snapped out loud, how dare he do this to us? Even though he was in the wrong, mom would still be hurt, but if I kept my mouth shut I'd be no better than him. What the hell was I going to do?

I jumped at a knock on my door.

"Hey Nick, pizzas here."

"I'm not hungry!" I called out.

"You didn't have supper."

"I feel sick!" I snapped, and wasn't lying.

I heard the door knob rattle and dad called out, "Hey open the door."

I hesitated, then seeing no way around it, shut my lap top and opened the door. Dad was standing there and I had the urge to smack him.

"So what's the matter," he began, then stopped and looked closer at me, "Hey you do look sick, you're sweating, you warm?"

He reached out to touch my head and I pulled away from his touch.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

I started to shake my head, but instead, the anger boiled up inside me, "You're cheating on Mom!"

The second I said it, I regretted it. Now he would probably call Mom and try to tell her I was wrong, make up some bullshit story, twist things. Mom trusted him, it would be awkward and in the end she might believe him. My only chance would have been to keep my mouth shut; instead I'd given him a chance to worm out of this.

"What are you..." Dad began then looking into my eyes asked, "What the hell makes you think that?"

Shit! If I mentioned the video he'd erase it, he might also put two and two together and figure out I was sneaking into his computer all the time.

"Well?" Dad asked, then shook his head, "Whatever Nick, you think you saw something you didn't. Mom came home and..."

"That wasn't Mom!" I pointed at him, "She doesn't dress like that!"

"I told you it was a game."

"She wouldn't go back to work like that." Dad started to speak, but stopped when I pulled my cell phone from my pocket. "I'll call her and ask her."

"Don't do that Nick," dad said, reaching for the phone.

I stepped away from him and asked, "Why not?"

"She's going to deny it, Nick." He gave me a nervous smile, "I told you we were playing a game. If you say you thought she was home she'd be embarrassed."

I looked at the phone in my hand and lowered it. The call would get her thinking and give dad time. Seeing me put the phone in my pocket, he grinned, "See Nick? You're just making a big deal out of...."

"So how much does she cost Dad?"


"I....." I looked away as if I were embarrassed, "I heard you say she was worth every penny."

"What were you at the door, you little pervert?" Dad asked, trying to mask his nervousness with indignation, "What's wrong with..." He stopped and made a show of calming down, "We role play Nick, mom was pretending to be a hooker."

"She's a good actress." I said, keeping my voice steady, "So good she can imitate other people, because that wasn't mom's voice." I tapped my nose, "Or her perfume in the hallway. Her car wasn't outside and...." As I was speaking, a sudden thought hit me, "She was calling you Joey, Mom hates that, and she wouldn't even call you that in a...."

"All right!" Dad exclaimed, waving his hand at me. "You're right."

" admit it?"

"Yes," He nodded, "I don't do it all the time, but once in a while I get a hold of one of those girls from the online personals, we hook up and..."

"You asshole!" I shouted "How can you do this to mom?"

"First off, you watch your mouth." Dad said, "Second..."

"Well you are!" I told him undaunted by his tone. "What's wrong with you? Mom's good to you dad and...."

"And what she doesn't know won't hurt her." He said with a shrug.

"You...." I threw my hand sup in frustration. "How can you say that?"

"Look, Nick." Dad put his hand on my shoulder and I resisted the urge to throw it off me. "You're a man now and men, we... we're not cut out to stay with just one pussy."

"What? Mom's not pussy, you're supposed to love her! How..."

"I do love her." He said seriously.

"Then you wouldn't be..."

"Please," he laughed as if this were funny. "I love her so she's the only ass I get til death do we part? Like my old man told me, you love one, and you fuck the rest. I love Kara. Those other's are just tail, they...."

"You don't love mom!" I pulled away from him. "And as far as sex, I mean Mom's...." I caught myself just before I said hot, "Beautiful! Plus you're always saying she's into everything, bragging about her to your stupid friends."

"She's a great lay." he said as casually as he would say the sky was blue, "But there are other great lays out there and always better ones."

"Sick." I waved my hand at him.

"Whatever, you just keep your mouth shut."

"Mom should know what you are."

"Then what?" he asked, "Then she's upset and she'll cry and we'll have trouble. Why would you tell her?"

"Because she's my mother and I love her and..."

"Oh, knock it off," he said disgustedly. "Besides, if you love her, then why hurt her? I've been doing this since you were a kid and she's never known. Why open up a can of worms?"

"She's deserves better!" I yelled at him so loudly he took a step back. "She loves you, how the hell can you think this is alright?"

"Because the only way it won't be is if your mama's boy ass runs and tells her. That what you want Nick? Want to lose our family?"

That stopped me cold. Either Mom would throw dad out, or worse, storm off herself, go see my aunt Kate in Chicago and leave me with him. No, mom would never turn her back on me, and why would I want dad around after this anyway?

"You love her, then you don't break her heart." He continued. "And think about what I said, you're a good looking kid Nick; you think one pussy is all you'll ever need? You'll see." He paused, then asked, "Well you going to raise hell and hurt your mommy, or you going to be a man and let it ride?"

"I...I won't say anything." I said, putting my head down, "But I have no respect for you at all, and I..."

"I'll live." Dad said, rolling his eyes, "Fucking goody two shoes you are Nick," he shrugged, "Hey, want to be whipped by the first girl that gives it to you good, that's your choice." Turning he walked back down the hallway, "Pizzas on the table, make sure you eat."


I rubbed at my eyes and tried to force myself to keep working on my paper. It was due Monday and I had to work on Saturday and Sunday. Even though I'd spent the last couple of hours alternating between being enraged at my father, and being close to tears at how he could do this to mom, I'd stubbornly kept at it. One thing dad hadn't lied about was Mom's working late as it was a little after nine and she wasn't home yet. As if that thought had summoned her, I heard her car pulling into the driveway and felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. How the hell was I supposed to pretend everything was okay? Maybe I would get lucky and she would be tired and go right to bed.

Yeah, right to bed to have sex with my father who'd just finished washing the scent of his latest hooker off of him. There was a soft knock on the door and I sighed, wasn't going to get off easy tonight.

"Come in." I called.

I heard the door open and turned to see Mom come walking in. She was wearing a black skirt that was just above the knee and a red tank top. She normally wore blouses over those and must have taken it off before she came in. I noticed the top was pretty tight and was straining to contain her large tits. Normally that look would get me going, but tonight all I felt was sadness. That must have shown on my face because she frowned when she came over to me.

"You okay Nick?"

"Yeah, just tired." I gave her a forced smile.

"Told you honey, too much work."

"I'll be fine," I told her.

Mom sat on the edge of my desk and despite my mood; I couldn't avoid looking down at her well shaped calf. She was barefoot and as she began to swing her leg back and forth, I took in her deep red toe nail polish and idly wondered what her feet would look like on my chest. Enough, I told myself disgustedly.

"You don't look good honey," she said and leaning forward, pressed her lips to my forehead the way she had done when I was a kid. "You're warm."

"I'm going to be going to bed soon. Long day?"

"Yeah," she sighed. "I'm pretty tired, but I'm sure your dad will rub my back." She smiled, "He's always good to me."

"Yeah I'm sure he is." I shook my head.

"What's that mean?' she asked

"Nothing." I made a show of yawning, "Think I'll call it a night."

"Okay," leaning over, Mom put her arms around me and hugged me. "You're doing great Nick, work and school. I'm proud of you."

"Thanks," I said softly, feeling my eyes beginning to fill up.

"Love you Nick."

" you too Mom."

"I love hearing that." She said, kissing my cheek.

"I want you to know I do and..." I stopped as my throat was closing up.

"Nick,'re crying." Mom said, "What's the matter honey?"

I didn't answer right away. Instead, I turned to my computer and bringing up the e-mail said softly, "Mom, I...I need to show you something."

"Sure." She said, keeping her arm around me, "What is it, and why are you upset?"

"I..." putting my head down, I clicked the mouse to open the video, "I'm sorry Mom."


I lay there staring at the ceiling wishing I could fall asleep, but knowing I wouldn't. I hadn't slept at all Friday night and had worked eight hours at the coffee shop, during which I'd been in such a fog they stuck me in the back cleaning because I kept screwing up peoples orders. When I got home, Mom was in her room with the door partway open. I was going to go in and ask how she was, but stopped when I saw she was on the phone and her heard sob, "I can't believe how stupid I was! I should have known!"

I lingered long enough to find out she was talking to Aunt Kate and went and took a shower. On the way back by her room, I peeked in to see she was lying on the bed on her stomach, her face buried in the pillow. I wanted to comfort her, but had no clue what to say so went into my room, watched a little of the Sox game, then tried to sleep. As I lay there I couldn't stop replaying the ugliness of last night.

Mom's initial reaction was shock, then after I shut the movie off, the tears had started. I held her close and cried myself as she sobbed on my shoulder. Sitting up, she'd looked at me and sobbed, "You...your aunt warned me, she said he was a dog from a long line of dogs, but he had me conned."

I didn't say anything, and after a couple of minutes the tears dried up and were replaced by a look of anger that seemed out of place on her normally peaceful features. Standing, she said, "Stay in your room Nick and I'll tell you right now, that the mortgage is in my name and that asshole is going to be the one leaving." She'd reached out and gently touching my cheek whispered, "I don't care what he tells you, you don't have to go with him, know I want you to stay with me honey."

I assured her that was what I wanted and after giving me another hug, she turned and left the room and a minute later I jumped when I heard the sound of glass breaking and dad yelling, "What the fuck, Kara? That almost hit me!"

"I'll try harder next time you piece of shit!" I heard mom scream and there was another sound of breaking glass.

Dad yelled something I didn't understand, but I could make out mom loud and clear.

"You son of a bitch, how dare you? And in my bed, you fucking asshole, in my bed!"

"Oh, it's your bed?" Dad asked.

"Damn straight it is, you moved in with me you loser! You had fucking nothing when I met you and guess what? You can go back to nothing! I want your cheating ass out of my fucking house!"

"Kara!" Dad sounded less angry and more desperate now, "I don't know what Nick told you, but he's a kid! He...he's been mad at me about something lately and..."

"Don't fucking lie to me!" Mom yelled so loud I found myself getting up and heading for the door, afraid she was going to start throwing things at him again.

"I'm not lying! I...."

"I seen your little sex tape you asshole!" She screamed. "So just shut the fuck up and get the fuck out!"


"Yeah video! I guess I'm not the only one you like to tape am I? And speaking of that, you don't touch that fucking computer! I'm wiping it clean except for whatever other little fun tapes of little sluts you have on there, I'm saving them for court!"

"Think about this Kara! We've been together over twenty years and..."

"And who knows how many girls you've fucked! For Christ's sake Joe, I give you anything you want! Anything and you do this to me? Fuck you! Get out right now, take your truck and go, I'll have your clothes on the porch tomorrow!"

"What about Nick?" Dad asked.

"I told Nick he was staying with me. He's a good kid and doesn't need to be around a knuckle dragging cocksucker like you!"

"You told him he was staying with you? Who the fuck are you?"

"I'm a hell of a lot more of a parent than you are!"

There was a moment of silence then another sound of glass breaking and dad crying out,

"You crazy bitch, that hit me!"

"The next one's coming at your face, now get the fuck out of here!"

I heard the sound of footsteps coming down the hallway and Mom calling Dad's name. I jumped back from the door as it flew open and dad stood there. He was breathing heavily and there was blood dripping from his bare shoulder.

"You sold me out you little fucking rat!" He snapped at me, "I can't fucking believe you!"

"I'm calling the cops Joe!" Mom called from down the hallway.

"I'm going!" he snapped over his shoulder, turning back to me he pointed, "What about you? You coming with me or staying with your mommy?"

His hand had come up so quickly. I stumbled back and almost fell. Catching my balance, I looked at him and feeling my anger coming back, waved my hand at him.

"Go! I'm staying here with someone who cares about the people they say they love."

"Oh, how dramatic!" He rolled his eyes. "Fine, you stay here, with miss perfect." He started to turn, then gave me a nasty smile, "Think she's so loyal? Wait until you see how fast she has some other guy in here stuffing her slutty pussy!"

He stormed out of the room and I stayed there, my heart pounding. I heard them speaking more quietly, then dad laugh at her.

"Jokes on you Kara! While you've been playing house I've been fucking whoever I've wanted to. You're pissed she was in your bed? I've had a dozens in that bed! Hell you've sucked my cock right after I've had them! So go ahead and think you're getting the better of me!"

"You'll pay for that you prick!" she yelled back, "I'll get even with your ass; no one makes a fool of me!"

When I'd heard dad peel out of the driveway, I'd gone out and sat on the couch with my arm around her. Mom cried softly for awhile, then leaving her alone I got up and cleaned up all the broken glass. I felt a pang of sadness when I realized she had been throwing their wedding glasses at him. In fact I felt more than sad, I felt guilty, maybe I should have stayed quiet. I went back over to Mom who was still sitting on the couch with a stunned look on her face, as if this were really just hitting her. Sitting next to her I'd said,

"I'm sorry Mom."

"You didn't do it." She said sadly.

"I told you."

"I'm glad you did honey," she gave me a poor attempt at a smile, "You did the right thing and I feel good about that, because that came from me, not him."

"Love you mom." I said and put my arm around her.

"Love you too Nick, and thank you for choosing me," she whispered, choking up again. "It means a lot."

I jumped at the sound of Mom's door closing and heard her walking past my door. I got up and leaving my bedroom, went out to the kitchen to see if she wanted to talk. Again I saw she was on the phone, talking as she grabbed a bottle of wine from the fridge. I frowned as I recalled there being an empty one in her room and she'd been drinking last night as well. I stood watching her pour a glass and couldn't help but notice the black robe she was wearing was so short I could almost see her ass cheeks.

"I'm telling you Kate, I'm going to get even with that fucker." She was saying, I noticed her words were starting to slur and apparently her sister did as well, "Yeah I'm drinking, wouldn't you?"

Mom turned around and seeing me gave a little wave and pointed at the phone. I nodded dumbly as my eyes were drawn to the fact her robe was loosely tied and I was getting more than a glimpse of her tits. Mom started walking back towards her room and I caught a glimpse of the soft onside of her thigh. I quickly looked away. Dad had left, he'd swung by and picked up the garbage bags that Mom had shoved his clothes in at some point today, but hadn't come in. I had no idea what was going to happen from here, but it didn't seem the time to be perving on my mother. I headed back towards my room and noticed her swaying a little as she walked and she was speaking loudly.

"Taping them! I found three more on the computer, it will help in court, but I'm so fucking pissed!" she paused and listened then laughed nastily, "You're right! I should tape myself fucking some young stud and fucking e-mail it to him!"

I watched her enter her room and with a sigh headed back into mine. I stripped down to my boxers and looking at the computer, wanted to smack myself at the thought that maybe watching one of her videos and stroking it would make me feel tired enough to sleep. I shut the main light off, but left the desk lamp on so I could have enough light to read by in bed and picked up the new Sports Illustrated. I read a few pages and realizing that the words were blurring, tossed it on the floor. I closed my burning eyes and relaxed as I felt sleep finally overcoming me.


I was awoken by the sound of my cell phone ringing. Reaching out I fumbled blindly on the nightstand until my hand closed around it. Forcing my eyes open, I saw that it was a little after midnight. Who the hell would be calling? I looked at the phone and saw it was Mom. Why would she be calling me? Had she gone out? I hoped not with the way she'd been drinking.

"Hey Mom." I said hoarsely, "Where are you?"

"In my room." She answered, "Were you sleeping?"

It had come out 'schleeping' and I answered, "Yeah, but that's okay, what's wrong."

"We need to talk, Nick."

"Uh, right now? It's late and...

"Yes right now." Mom said in a firm tone, "I want you to come into my room, don't make me wait."

With that she hung up and shaking my head, I put the phone down and forced my tired body to get up. I slipped a pair of shorts and a tank top on and headed down the hall to Mom's room. I knocked and she called out to come in. I entered and saw Mom sitting on the edge of her bed. My eyes widened and my jaw almost hit the floor when I saw she was still wearing the robe and it was hiked up almost to her hips. Her legs were crossed and as I slowly approached her, I could see her thigh right up to her hip. I had the impression that if she uncrossed her leg, I might be seeing more than her hip.

The robe was even further open up top than it had been previously. Not only could I see more than half of her tits spilling out, but I swear I could see the darker skin that surrounded her nipple. Her hair was down and hanging around her face, giving her a bit of a wild appearance, which was heightened when she looked up at me and I saw how glossy her eyes were. The reason for her eyes was apparent when she lifted the almost empty wine bottle to her lips and took a couple of swallows from it.

"Damn, Mom." I said, as I made my way to the chair in front of her dresser. "I've never seen you drink that much."

"I have plenty of reason to drink." She said quietly, "Got another reason just a little while ago."

"Dad didn't call did he?" I asked, pulling the chair out.

"No, and come sit here." Mom patted the bed.

"Um, okay." I said and putting my head down so I wouldn't gawk at her tits made my way over.

I started to sit at the foot of the bed, when she pointed to the headboard.

"No, get on the bed, like you were laying on it."


Mom patted the middle of the bed.

"Just sit right here."

She had that tone she always used when she wanted me to listen to her and with a confused shrug, I climbed onto the bed and sat in the middle, facing her.

"Take your shirt off Nick."

"I...take my shirt off?" I shook my head, "Mom, what the hell are you..."

"First off, take your damn shirt off, second call me Kara."

"Why?" I asked nervously, something was wrong here.

"Just take your damn shirt off," she snapped, "Not like I haven't seen you without one before."

I quickly obeyed, removing my shirt and tossing it onto the foot of the bed. Mom nodded and reaching out ran her long red nails across my shoulder and down my chest.

"You are looking good, Nick. All that time at the gyms paying off for you."

"Uh, thanks Mom."


"Kara." I repeated.

She sighed and continued trailing her hand up and down my chest. It was no longer her nails, but her fingers. When she dropped down and caressed my stomach, I jerked away.

"Shy, are we?" she asked. "You have nothing to be shy about honey; you're a good looking young man." She gave me a strange smile. "I've always thought that, but tonight you look better than ever."

"M...Kara, what's wrong? You....drunk?"

She laughed, "Yup, think so, otherwise I wouldn't be able to go through with this."

"With what?" I asked.

I asked with my head down, as she'd slid closer to me and the robe had hiked up higher around her hips to the point that if she opened her legs I'd be able to see her...

"Why aren't you looking at me Nick?"

" need to fix your robe." I told her.

She definitely had to fix that robe, she'd stretched her leg out and before I forced my eyes in the other direction, they had traced her long leg from her toes to her thigh. With a feeling of alarm, I felt my cock stirring.


"Because uh...."

"Because my tits are hanging out?" she asked.

"Mom, I think that..."

"It's Kara and look at"

I lifted my head, forcing my eyes not to stray down to her barely concealed tits.

"Why should it bother you Nick?" she asked, giving me a nasty smile, "It's not like you haven't seen them before."

"What...what are you...."

"And you've seen more than my tits haven't you?" she pointed between her legs, "You've seen my pussy, my ass, you've seen it all."

I felt my heart begin to pound and my stomach sink. Somehow she must have found out that I had seen the videos. My suspicions were confirmed when she continued,

"See, I was going through your father's e-mails and even though you delete a sent e-mail it stays in the trash for a few days. There's also a search contact history." She wagged her finger at me. "You've got quite the collection of videos don't you Nick?"

"I...Oh, God Mom, I'm sorry." I told her, feeling even worse than I'd ever thought I would. This wasn't just about me being humiliated, but like she needed this after what Dad did.

"Are you?" she smirked, "Well sorry you got caught, but I doubt you're sorry you looked."

"M....Kara, I'm...I don't know what to say."

"You can start by answer my question. Are you sorry you watched me?"

I looked away and shook my head. How the hell could I answer that? Obviously I'd wanted to look or I wouldn't have kept looking for them, but to admit it?

"You're not are you?" Before I could answer she sighed, "No, you enjoyed them didn't you Nick? You sat there and stroked your cock watching your mother fuck your father didn't you?"

My answer was to try to put my head down, but Mom caught my chin in my hand and lifted my face to hers.

"That's what you did isn't it? Jerk off to me? Jerk off to your mother sucking cock and being a nasty slut."

Looking into her glassy eyes, I whispered, "Yes."

"Ohhh, you bad boy!" She laughed, "Watching your Mom! Now is that nice?"

"No, it's....sick," I hung my head.

"Well yeah," she shrugged, "I think it's a little sick that you were jerking off to your mother, but hey look at the shit he pulled." She sighed, "Guess you got some of the perv gene."

"I...I'm not like him, I wouldn't cheat on anyone." I shook my head.

'No? You wouldn't fuck another man's wife?"

"" I said swallowing nervously.

"We'll see about that." She gave me a smile and reaching out, gently caressed my cheek.

"I'm not mad Nick. I was upset at first. I'm your mother and that's how you should see me, not as some porn star."

" see you that way." I said softly, "I know that's hard to believe, but I're the hottest woman I've ever seen!" I blurted out. "I...I like to watch older women and..." I trailed off, realizing I was making this worse.

"That's okay." She smiled and her hand dropped back down to my chest and started rubbing it. As she did she slid even closer to me, and I became painfully aware of her tits grazing my chest through the material of the robe.

"Its...its okay?" I stuttered.

"Yes, because after a little while and a couple more drinks, I decided I was flattered, that a good looking young guy like you thinks I'm hot."

She gave me a little smile and leaning forward kissed me. The kiss was a quick peck, but directly on my lips. As I sat there stunned, she went on.

"But better than that," she sighed in my ear and again I felt my cock stiffening. "It gave me an idea, a really fun idea."

"What's that?" I breathed as I felt her lips caress my ear. Before she leaned back and looked at me.

"Your father fucked around on me Nick, and made me look like a fool. I want to pay him back. I want to do something to piss him off and hurt him the way he did me."

"I...I can see that." I told her.

What I could also see was that her erect nipples were poking into the robe and she was breathing heavier. That caused her huge tits to heave and I was having a hard time not staring at them.

"You must be hurt by him too." She said softly, as she put her hand on my thigh. "After what he said to you."

"Yeah, I...I'm pretty mad at him." I struggled to keep my voice steady while her hand started rubbing my thigh.

My cock was now hard and I hoped to hell she wasn't going to look into my lap.

"So, wouldn't you want to get even with him?"

"I guess."

"Good, because we're going to do that Nick, I'm going to pay your father back for hurting me and you're going to help, and we're going to have fun doing it."

"What are we going to do?"

"You're going to fuck me Nick." She said simply.

"What?" I exclaimed.

"That's right baby." Mom nodded, "I'm going to fuck the shit out of you, just like you've dreamed of."

"Mom that's....sick!" I told her.

"And jerking off to me isn't?" she asked. "Just think Nick, you can have the real thing!"


"Kara...." she stopped and laughed, "No, screw it, you can call me Mom when you fuck me, make it even better!"


"Knock it off Nick." She said, leaning forward and whispering in my ear. "You've been dreaming of me for months. You made your token effort now give it up; you know you want me to suck your cock."

"Oh, my God." I said softly.

"That's right, you want your hot mom to suck your nice hard cock and fuck the shit out of you don't you?"

"Please....please don't." I stammered. "It's..."

"You don't have to say please baby," she purred in my ear, then sent a shudder through me by licking my neck. "I'll give you what you want."


Mom sat back and giving me a sly smile said, "Okay, I'll give you a chance to get out of this."

"You will?" I asked, a wave of mixed emotions going through me. As wrong as it was, I'd be lying if I said turning her down would be something I would have a hard time living with.

"Yup," she nodded. "I'm going to see if you want to or not and if you don't, we won't."

"Want to? I...oh!"

I gasped when her hand dropped into my lap and grabbed my hard cock. The gasp turned to moan, when she started stroking it through my shorts.

"Oh, baby, you soooo want your nasty mom don't you?"

"I..." I moaned again as she gave my cock a squeeze.

"No more talking baby," Mom said softly and grabbing the back of my head, pulled me into a kiss.

I whimpered in my throat as her full soft lips pressed against mine. Her hand was still working my cock and I could feel it dripping against my thigh. I resisted briefly, then a collage of images from all the videos I'd seen came flying into my mind. Mom was going to give me everything I'd seen. Besides my father deserved this and...oh, what the hell, after all, it wasn't right to argue with your mother.

I started working my lips against hers and she purred delightedly in her throat. Our lips slid softly against each other and beginning to relax, I brought my arms up and encircled her waist.

"Hmm-mmm" Mom moaned her approval against my lips.

She opened her mouth and her soft wet tongue flicked across mine. My heart pounding with excitement, I parted my lips and moaned as her tongue entered my mouth. Her hand tightened in my hair and her tongue began playing across mine. I started running my hands across her back and could feel her hard nipples pressing into me. Speaking of hard, my cock felt as if it were going to pop in my pants. She was slowly stroking it through the shorts and I started rocking my hips into her hand.

"Ohhh," Mom cooed, pulling her mouth from mine, "Somebody's getting anxious." She gave me that nasty smile, "You want your mom to get you off baby?"

"I..... yes!" I exclaimed as she squeezed my cock.

"Don't worry, Nick, your nasty mom is going to make sure you get off nice and hard," she giggled, "and as many times as you can. But first, I want some fun too."

Leaning back, Mom grabbed the tie of her robe and pulled it open.

"Oh, goddamn." I whispered at the sight of her huge tits.

Her nipples were large, rose colored and looked as hard as my cock felt.

"Go ahead, Nick," she said softly, "They're all yours"

Even as I reached for them, I noticed she had slurred the s in yours. Mom was upset and drunk out of her mind. Part of me felt I was taking advantage of her, but she seemed in control enough to seduce me. As my hands closed around her firm round tits, I rolled my eyes at myself; as the expression went, you can't rape the willing. I let out a sigh as I held her heavy tits in my hands. Mom grabbed my hand and taking my thumb placed it on her swollen nipple.

"Rub them baby, make me...oh, that's nice." Mom purred as I began rubbing both her nipples with my thumbs.

The sound of her pleasure caused my cock to twitch and she whispered, "Oh, you're not small down there are you baby?"

I started to reply, but it was cut off when she reached up, grabbed my hair and all but yanked my face down to her tits.

"Suck those nipples! Just like you thought about!"

I opened my mouth and eagerly took her nipple into it. Mom sighed and began pushing her tit into my face as my tongue caressed her swollen nub.

"That's it honey," she moaned, "Oh, look at you sucking my tits, they used to be your fathers tits, but not anymore."

That disturbed me a little, but not enough to stop sucking her amazing tits. I switched to her other nipple and she sighed in appreciation as my tongue swirled around that one. I was rolling the other nipple between my fingers and she was breathing heavily in my ear. Her hand was barely moving on my cock, and although it was teasing me, I was enjoying pleasing her. Mom grabbed the hand that was holding her tit up and shoved it directly between her legs. I groaned around her nipple as my fingers slid across her unbelievably wet pussy.

"Inside," she said, loudly, "Put your fingers in that pussy!"

I slipped two fingers inside her and couldn't believe how hot she was. I felt her pussy contract around my fingers and squeezing my wrist she started pumping my hand back and forth.

"Fuck that pussy with your fingers!" she cried out, "That's it baby! Finger fuck your nasty mother! Give her what she needs!"

I put my thumb on her clit and she cried out in my ear, "Oh, yes! Oh, you're a good boy aren't you?"

I felt a sense of the surreal come over me as I sucked on my mother's tit while working her pussy with my hand. This was better than any dream I'd had and we were just beginning! I pressed harder on her clit and was rewarded with a sexy moan in my ear and her hips thrusting into my fingers.

"Look at you," she moaned, "You're going to make me cum aren't you baby?"

"Oh, yeah," I whispered around her nipple, "I want to hear you com for me."

"I like that!" She cried out, "About time I had a man that could make me feel good!"

Rather than disturb me, that shot at dad made me start pumping my fingers faster and sucking her nipple even harder. Mom's hand left my hair and was squeezing my shoulder. Her hips were rocking hard into my fingers and she was releasing high pitched yelps in my ear.

"Right there Nick, oh right there honey, make you mother....Oh yes!"

I flinched as she screamed next to my ear and her finger nails dug into my shoulder. My discomfort was quickly forgotten as I felt her hot pussy squeeze around my fingers and she started bucking her hips wildly and moaning in my ear.

"Yes!" she cried out, oh yes!"

I kept my fingers and tongue moving as she gyrated on the bed and her pussy gushed around my fingers. Mom let out a ragged sigh in my ear and slumped against me.

"Oh, that was good." She said softly.

"I'm glad you liked it." I said lamely.

"Aww, aren't you polite!" Mom cooed and I felt myself blushing, what an idiot!

Mom leaned back and moaned as I slid my fingers from inside her.

"It's your turn baby." She licked her lips, "I'm going to give you what you've been stroking to."

Standing, she pointed at me, "Lie on your back and take those shorts off."

She turned away and, no longer even pretending I was going to resist, I laid back, and lifting my hips, slipped my shorts and underwear off. My cock sprang free and from the end of the bed, Mom said,

"Oh, look at that! That all for me? You nice and hard for your mother?"

"Yes." I breathed and watched as she slipped the robe from her shoulders and let it fall.

Mom gave me a sexy smile and putting her arms over her head, did a slow turn and bending over, shook her well rounded ass at me. I could see her glistening pussy winking out at me and my throbbing cock twitched again. Mom turned back to face me and as I watched, my cock dripping, crawled up the bed and between my legs. She lay on her stomach, propped up on her elbows, just as she had in the video and I groaned when she grabbed my aching cock.

"Look at this beautiful cock," she gave the tip a playful kiss that made my cock jump. "You're bigger than your father." She smiled and gave me a squeeze, "Harder too!"

She took the tip into her mouth and I gasped as she sucked hard on it. She lifted her head and making a show of licking her lips with her now sticky tongue, whispered, "And sweeter."

I jumped and moaned like an idiot when, lowering her head, she stuck the tip of her tongue directly into the slit of my dick and pulled it back, taking a line of pre cum with it. As I lay there, eyes wide, she made a show of slurping the line back up and when she reached the swollen purple head of my cock, took it into her mouth. Mom moaned softly and continued to lower her head, taking more of my cock into her warm wet mouth.

"Oh, that feels good." I breathed as she began to bob her head slowly.

When she reached the tip she released my cock and smiling asked, "Just feels good? It doesn't look good?"

"Oh yeah."

"Better than a video?"

"Hell yeah," I moaned as she quickly took it back into her mouth and sucked on it.

Releasing it again, she said, "Tell me what you want."

"I...I want you too," I said the next part in a rush, "Please suck my cock!"

"Mom." She gave me a wink.

" please suck my cock!"

There was a lot wrong with those words, but nothing wrong with how good it felt when she took my cock back into her mouth. Mom opened her mouth wider and again I cried out like the inexperienced kid I was when she took me all the way down until her lips were at the base of my shaft. I lay there panting, as she held me there and shook her head back and forth. No girl had ever taken me all the way and it felt incredible. Mom found a way to make it even better when I felt her tongue slide out and lick my balls.

She looked me in the eye and as she had done in the video, gave me a wink before starting to rapidly bob her head. I moaned and I could feel my hips rocking as she repeatedly took me all the way down then back up to the tip. I could feel my legs shaking and fought to try to hold back. Mom pulled her mouth from my cock and said, "Don't worry baby, I'll give you a show." She gave me a strange smile and added, "A real good show."

Sticking her tongue out, Mom began slapping my cock against it. Even that motion had my hips moving, and closing her mouth, she began rubbing my dripping prick across her face. I groaned as I watched her cheeks begin to glisten from my sticky fluid and seeing her tits, pressed into the bed, reached down and underneath them to start rubbing her nipples.

"Hmmm, that's nice." She murmured, before licking my cock up and down.

I watched transfixed as she ran her pink tongue down one side of my shaft then the other. My sizable dick looked damn good against her face, and there was a look of pure lust in her eyes. Dipping her head, she began bathing my balls with her tongue and as I moaned, I saw her ass was rocking back and forth as her hips worked into the bed. Blowing me was getting her hot! Mom slid her tongue back up the length of my shaft and with a smile said,

"Time for your treat baby, I'll take my time next time."

" time?" I stammered.

'Yes, next time, you think I'm going to leave this nice big cock all alone," she smiled and straight into my eyes added, "Honey, you won't be spending a night in any bed, but this one from now on"

Any reply I had was cut off when she took me all the way down to my balls again. This time she didn't pause, but started sucking me hard and fast. Grabbing my hand, she pulled it from her tit and placing it on her head. She stopped moving her mouth and moaned "Hmmm-mmm"

All hesitations were gone and I started thrusting my hips, driving my cock into my mother's mouth. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she moaned around my hard flesh as I fucked her mouth. My legs were trembling violently and I was whimpering with each thrust. Mom placed her hand on my thigh and taking her meaning I stopped thrusting. As soon as I did, she started sucking me faster than before and sliding her hand up, between my legs, gave my balls a squeeze.

"Oh fuck!" I yelled as my cock exploded deep into her mouth.

Mom made a gurgling sound and shoved her mouth down hard over my spurting cock. I groaned and began thrusting my hips. My cock kept squirting into her mouth and Mom was eagerly sucking like she couldn't get enough. I let out a long moan and stopped moving my hips. Mom continued to gently suck my cock and my hips twitched as she reached the sensitive tip. She carefully removed my cock from her mouth, paused them parted her lips and let my cum ooze out of her mouth.

"Oh, shit." I whispered as I watched the cum drip down my shaft and puddle on my stomach.

Still staring me in the eye, Mom lowered her head and as I watched in disbelief, began to lap up my cum. She was making loud slurping sounds as she sucked every drop back into her mouth. When she finished, she made it a point to open her mouth and show that she had swallowed it all.

"Was that better than a movie baby?"

"That was....oh, goddamn." I panted.

"Good, because now it's your turn to show me what you can do with that eager tongue of yours."

Sitting up, Mom turned away from me. Swinging her leg up over me, so that she was straddling me, she began to crawl backwards up the bed. I stared, my mouth already watering, as I watched her smooth wet pussy approaching my face. Mom slid her legs under my arms and sat straight up on the bed, shoving her pussy into my face. I eagerly shoved my tongue up inside her and I heard her squeal in delight. Her thighs pressed against my face and she said, "Keep your tongue still."

I did as she said and she started wiggling her hips, sliding my tongue through the soft folds of her pussy. I took a deep breath; inhaling her sweet scent and reaching around grabbed her thighs and held her to my face.

"I love it!" she cried, "Suck that pussy!"

My lips found her clit and I started tonguing it as fast as I could. Mom was moaning and wiggling around, smearing her wet pussy all over my face. She leaned forward and lying on my chest, eased back a little further.

"Spread my cheeks open." She told me.

I grabbed her round firm ass and did as she said. I found myself staring at her pink rosebud and she whispered, "Shove your tongue in my ass!"

I'd never done that before and earnestly pushed my tongue into what was probably the most forbidden place it could be, my mother's asshole. Mom purred and whispered, "Lick around honey, treat it like my pussy!"

I swirled my tongue around her ass, and keeping my tongue rigid, pushed it into her tight hole. Mom squealed again and called out, "Oh, yeah baby! Eat my ass! Your father wouldn't do it, but you love it don't you?"

I worked my fingers closer to her ass, spreading her cheeks further and moaned into her asshole as she squirmed and whimpered in delight.

"Hmmm, nothing like a rim job from your son," she cooed. Then sighed, "My pussy now, baby, eat my pussy, get me off again!"

I slid my tongue back and Mom cried out as I pushed my tongue deep inside. I sucked hard, getting a mouthful of her forbidden juices, before swirling my tongue around inside her. Mom started working her hips up and down and as I did before, I kept my tongue still and let her work it through her pussy. Mom stopped when my tongue was over her swollen clit and taking it between my lips, I started to suck on it.

"Oh, you are sooo good at that." She moaned, "So much better than your dad, he licked pussy like a dog licks water out of a bowl!"

I almost laughed at that, but the feeling of her clit in my mouth was overwhelming and I continued to suck on it. Mom was again rocking her hips, but slowly and I could feel her thighs starting to shake against my cheeks. I spread her further open and began swirling my tongue in hard fast circles around her clit.

"That's it baby, oh you are eager aren't you? Hmmm, I'm going to cum again for you honey!"

I cried out in surprise as I felt my cock slip into her mouth and she started sucking gently on it. I heard her moan around it and could feel her tongue swirling around the head of my cock the way I was working her clit. I could feel myself quickly hardening in her mouth and began licking faster. As soon as she came I was going to get to fuck her and as bad as it sounded there was nothing I wanted more right now. Popping my cock from her mouth, she called out, "Put a finger in my ass!"

Not needing to be told twice, I drove a finger into her remarkably tight asshole. Mom cried out then sucked my cock back into her mouth again. I moaned into her pussy and fought to concentrate on licking her while she blew me. Her legs were shaking and her hips moving, her clit was hard under my tongue and her ass was clenching around my finger. Mom moaned loudly around my cock, then with a loud gurgle started violently bucking her hips back into my face. I continued to suck her clit as, releasing my cock, Mom howled in pleasure as she came in her son's face.

I moaned as I felt her juices gushing out and into my face. Mom was now pumping my cock in her fist as she continued to come on my tongue. With a long shuddering moan, she slid her pussy from my face, and swinging her leg over me, quickly reversed herself so that she was facing me, she was straddling my hips and before I could move, she reached back, guided my cock to her pussy and drove herself down on top of me.

"Oh fuck yes!' She cried out as my long hard cock plunged deep inside her.

I cried out as well as she started bouncing up and down, slamming her saturated pussy up and down my cock. I lay there moaning as she rode me like a porn star. Her pussy was so wet I could feel it on my thighs and could hear my cock plunging into her. Mom's hands were on my chest and she was riding me so hard, I could feel myself bouncing on the bed.

"That's it! Oh, yeah I love fucking your nice big dick! I'm going to fuck you until you can't get it up anymore!" she called out, "This is my cock now isn't it?"

"Y...yes." I moaned as she started sliding her hips back and forth, grinding my cock deeper into her amazing pussy.

"And that's your pussy baby! It's not his anymore," she laughed drunkenly, "Oh, no, not anymore, I have a real cock now! A nice young, hard cock!"

Mom lowered herself and shoved her tit into my mouth. I sucked hard on her nipple and wrapping my arms around her waist, started driving my cock into her.

"Yes baby! Yes! Fuck me!" She screamed in my ear.

She let herself go so that she was laying on me and wanting to impress her, I pumped my hips into hr as hard as I could. Mom was yelping with every thrust and I couldn't believe how good this felt. Mom abruptly sat up and easing herself off my cock again turned around on my hips. I was confronted by the sight of her perfect ass, and raising herself, she reached back and eased my throbbing cock into her. I sighed as she slowly lowered herself onto me and started riding me in reverse. I watched as my cock slid in and out of her pussy and reaching down, she grabbed my hand, "Put your finger in my ass again."

I obediently did as she asked and groaned at being able to feel my cock sliding in and out of her pussy through the thin flesh between her pussy and ass. Mom was looking over her shoulder and speaking softly, "Yeah, how do you like that view? Like watching me work that cock baby, like watching my ass?"

"Oh, yes!"

"Want another treat baby? Want something I hardly ever gave your father?"

"Yes." I answered, having no idea what she was going on about, but not caring, there was nothing that she was going to do that wouldn't feel good.

"Hold your cock still." She said as she slid off it.

I held my engorged cock up and whispered, "Holy shit"

Mom had lowered herself so that the tip of my cock was against her asshole. She paused then with deliberate slowness, pushed down, sliding my cock into her incredibly tight ass. I groaned and Mom let out a soft whimper as my large dick spread her ass open. When her cheeks were against my stomach, and my cock was buried to the hilt in her ass, she started slowly rocking back and forth.

"You like that baby," she gasped as she began rocking faster on my cock, "You ever have a girl's ass before?"

"No." I moaned as she was now bouncing up and down, sliding my cock in and out of her tight ass.

"Well, you can have this one whenever you want." She moaned, "He used to beg for this, but you never will baby, your mother's ass is yours honey, all yours."

All mine! I gasped as she was beginning to drive herself down onto my cock almost as hard as she had been when it was in her pussy. Her ass was so tight it was almost uncomfortable, almost, because damn did it feel good. She wasn't lying either, all the videos I'd seen she'd never let my father have her this way. That thought excited me to the point I began thrusting my hips, shoving my cock into her ass.

"Oh, look at you!" she moaned, "You want to fuck that ass? Be my guest baby!"

Mom pulled herself from my cock and turning got on her hands and knees facing the headboard. I quickly got up and getting behind her grabbed her hips.

"Pussy first baby, fuck my pussy!"

I slammed my cock hard into her from behind and Mom cried out, "Fuck that's deep!"

I reared back and started slamming the shit out of her, I was fucking her so hard my balls were slapping against her clit and she was moaning continuously.

"Now fuck my ass!"

I pulled out, lifted my cock and plunged it back into her tight asshole. Mom cried out and grabbing the headboard started thrusting herself back into me.

"Fuck that's good!" she cried, "You fuck me like a real man don't you baby? That worthless dog would have cum by now, but not you baby! Now back to my pussy!"

I did what she said, sliding into her wetter, hotter pussy. For the next few minutes I had that feeling that this couldn't be real. Mom would let me fuck her pussy, then cry out for me to go back to her ass. I did as she said and began breathing heavier and groaning in pleasure as I worked both my mother's tight holes. Mom would moan when it was in her pussy and yelp when it was in her ass, The entire time I was using her holes, she was talking, crying out how much better I was than my father, how much bigger I was and how much longer I could last.

That wouldn't be much longer as between pounding her ass and pussy and the sight of her sweat covered back and the sounds of her moans, I could feel the cum building and knew I couldn't hold back any longer. I began moaning loudly, "Fuck my ass, as hard as you want!"

I pushed it in and started fucking her as hard as I could. Mom let out a long howl and started slamming herself back into me. I couldn't hold back anymore and whipped my cock out, prepared to cum all over her back.

"Stand up and hold it!" she yelled and sitting up, turned sideways.

I stood up quickly and almost lost my balance, but Mom reached out and wrapped her arm around my thigh. I was still squeezing my cock, and looking up at me, Mom opened her mouth. I let out a loud cry as I released my cock and a huge spurt of cum landed on her lips and tongue. Mom turned her head and the next spurt hit her cheek, she turned the other way and some cum splattered on her other cheek. I groaned as I pumped my cock and watched her paint her face with it. I whimpered pathetically when my spent cock had nothing left to give.

I started to sink to my knees. But Mom grabbed my cock and to my surprise, sucked it into her mouth. She bobbed her head quickly and I moaned and pleaded, "Stop, please!"

Mom slipped my cock from her mouth and after smiling up at me through her cum covered lips, turned and stared at the headboard. She was panting and just sitting there, letting my cum drip onto her tits. With a sigh, she scooped some cum from her tits and putting her fingers in her mouth sucked on them.

"Oh, fuck me." I moaned and all but fell onto my back on the bed.

"I just did, baby." Mom laughed, "And I'll be doing it again, soon enough."

"You...I....what?" I asked, breathlessly.

Mom didn't answer right away. Reaching up she grabbed a small towel from the shelf over the headboard and turning to face me, started wiping the cum from her tits. When she finished, she leaned over and gave me a gentle kiss. The sweet kiss after all that raunchy sex, caught me off guard and I whispered, "That...that felt nice."

Mom gave me a big smile and gave me another soft kiss. I kissed her back, just as softly and she made a cute little sound in her throat. Sliding down so she was lying next to me, she wrapped her arms around me and kissing me again, said quietly. "I love you Nick, I really do."

"Love you too, Mom."

"I can be both you know your mom and your lover," she sighed, "You can see me however you want me, as long as you love me." She looked at me a little sadly, "I need to know someone loves me, who won't hurt me."

"I'll never hurt you." I told her.

She smiled and rested her head on my shoulder, I put my arm around her and after a minute said, "Mom, I..."

"What honey?"

"What we did was pretty...."

"I know." She said cutting me off. "It was wrong, but know what honey? So is getting turned on by watching me have sex. You wanted me Nick, and whether it's wrong or not it's true and I..." she sighed. "I...I'm wrong for doing this, I'm your parent. But...I wanted to get back at him so bad and excited me to know you saw me as sexy. I....I guess maybe we're both kind of wrong."

"It...felt good though." I told her. "And..." I squeezed her to me, "This does too."

"It does!" she said laughing and giving me another sweet kiss. "Maybe next time we can be sweet and take our time you can...." She lowered her head as if embarrassed, "Make love to me."

"'d like that?" I asked, already imagining how good that would feel.

"I would, your father," she rolled her eyes, "Just liked to fuck. Guess I know why now."

"Sorry, mom."

"Don't be, glad I found out." She giggled, "And I got to be with you out of it. You know, I'm pissed at him for crossing a line, but wow did we cross one."

" want to again?" I asked.

"If you want me." She said, "I...I won't push."

"Trust me, you won't have to." I laughed.

"Okay, then. Mom during the day, Kara by night."

"We can't have sex during the day?" I asked, grinning.

"Okay, screw Mom, all Kara, all the time!" she laughed.

"You know, you don't seem drunk anymore." I pointed out as I noticed she hadn't been slurring her words.

"I..." she looked away embarrassed, "I never was. I...dumped that bottle out; the wine would have been my excuse if you didn't want me."

"I couldn't have said no." I told her.

"And revenge is icing on the cake!" she laughed.

"Uh, Mom?" I asked as something occurred to me.

"What honey?"

"Well I get this would be a pretty big blow to dad, but you think he'd believe you?"

Mom gave me a huge smile and sitting up, reached onto the shelf of the headboard. When her hand came back into view she was holding the video camera.

"Oh, my God." I whispered.

"Why do you think I kept everything facing that way," she laughed, that's why I shoved my pussy in your face and rode you backwards so you could put it in my ass? Perfect angle."

"'re going to send...."

"Oh, yeah," she smiled. "When your father checks his e-mails tomorrow he's going to have something very shocking in his in box." "He...he might..."

"What? Show someone? Show them a tape of me telling you you're a better fuck than him? Show someone his wife is a little sick? He's too proud for that." She shrugged, "I have his tapes and will take him for every dime he has in court, no honey this is just getting even pure and simple."

She smiled, then stretched and I licked my lips at the sight of her amazing tits. Looking at me she said, "Hey don't know about you, but I'm all sweaty," she grinned mischievously, "You never saw a video of what I can do in the shower have you?"

"Uh, no." I said, feeling my cock already starting to swell again.

She noticed as well and smiled, "Youth and enthusiasm. "You want to come get dirty with your mother while she gets all clean?"

"Lead the way," I laughed.

Mom stood and taking my hand, she began to lead me towards the bathroom. As we started to pass her bureau I saw a picture of my father on it that she hadn't tossed and stopped, "Hey Mom?"

"What honey?"

"Want to bring the camera?"