The Mother of My Dreams b


"Now isn't that better, than lying there thinking about it?"

I looked up at her speechless, her long blond hair was ticking my chest and I could see straight down her shirt. Mom's nipples were hard and as I had been, I quickly looked up to her face to see her still smiling.

"See something you like?"

"I... um..."

"I'm going to make this easy on you honey," Mom said sitting up onto her knees. "I'm not mad baby, and I am going to let you have anything you want."

Anything I wanted! Holy shit, this can't really be happening!

"But," Mom said smirking. "You gotta ask for it."

Cupping her tits through the shirt she asked. "You wanna see them don't you Joel?"

I swallowed hard, trying to force myself to respond. As I hesitated Mom continued.

"I know you do, you wanna see your mothers tits you bad boy." Reaching down Mom pulled her shirt part way up. "All you have to do is say the word."

"Oh damn." I whispered.

"Come on Joel," Mom said lifting the shirt a little higher. "It's just like I told you when you were little, you want something you need to ask for it."

Taking a deep breath I exhaled and whispered, "Mom, may I please see your tits?"

"That's better" Mom asked, and with no hesitation stripped the tank top off and tossed it to the side.

"Oh, Mom." I moaned, my eyes wide at the sight of her tits not more a couple of feet away from me.

Her tits were absolutely perfect, a little small, but round and still firm. Her dark nipples were erect and the tan lines made them look even better.

"You like honey?"

As she spoke, Mom again cupped them, this time teasing her nails across the nipples.

"Oh Mom, they're beautiful." I whispered.

"Now see was that so hard?" Mom asked.

"No I... ohhh!"

I groaned loudly as reaching down Mom grabbed my hard cock through my shorts.

"Oooh, speaking of hard!" Mom exclaimed, and squeezing my cock for emphasis, made me moan again.

"Damn honey, is that all for me?"

"I...oh yes!" I gasped as she started to slowly stroke it.

"Oh you are so hard for your mother aren't you?" Mom whispered. "What a good boy you are!"

I couldn't answer. Mom had started pumping cock faster and all I could do was lay there and moan. Leaning over, Mom placed her right tit directly over my mouth.

"Go ahead Joel, you know you want too."

I didn't have to be told twice. Opening my mouth, I eagerly sucked on my mother's hard nipple.

"Oh yeah! That's it honey, just like that!" Mom moaned.

The sound of that moan spurred me on, and reaching up I grabbed her other tit and started fondling it. I groaned around her nipple at how good her firm tit felt in my hand, and then gasped as I felt her hand slip inside my shorts and grab my bare cock.

"Oh goddamn are you hard!" Mom whispered.

I looked up and felt a surge of excitement go through me as she licked her lips.

"Oh, Joel I need that cock inside of me," She squeezed it again and added. "Right now."

Leaning back she removed her nipple from my mouth. I made a sound of protest that quickly turned into an excited moan as Mom grabbed my shorts and yanked them down over my hips. My hard cock sprang free and grabbing it, Mom started pumping it hard and fast.

"Oh, this is going to feel sooo good!" Mom said softly as she continued to jerk it off.

I started to try to sit up, but she pushed me back down to the bed.

"Let me honey, you just lie back and let me take care of everything."

Letting go of my cock, Mom swung her leg up across me, and I gasped as I saw she had already removed her shorts when I was asleep. She straddled my waist and I moaned as I could feel the heat of her pussy on my stomach. Leaning down, she found my lips and started kissing me while she rocked her hips, sliding her pussy across me. I couldn't believe how incredible this was! My mother's tongue was in my mouth and I could feel her pussy dripping onto my flesh.

Leaning back Mom reached down and again grabbed my cock. I felt my body tense in anticipation as I felt her guide my cock to her pussy. We both groaned in pleasure as she started to slide my hard flesh through the soft wet folds of her pussy. Looking down at me Mom smiled,

"Tell me what you..."

Not wanting to be teased, I didn't let her finish.

"Oh Mom, I want you to fuck me!"

"Oh Joel, that was perfect!"

With that Mom slipped the tip of my cock into her pussy and sat down hard. We both cried out as my hard cock plunged into her hot wet pussy. Mom remained motionless for a moment, her eyes closed and her lips parted as she enjoyed feeling her son inside of her. Leaning over, she braced her hands on my chest and started lifting her hips, sliding my cock in and out her.

"Oh, honey!" She groaned, as she started riding me faster and faster.

I grabbed her hips and started pushing and pulling on them, helping shove my cock in deeper and harder. Mom let herself go, sliding her arms beneath me. She was now resting on my chest and I could feel her hard nipples pressing into me. I moaned as Mom started kissing my neck while her hips bucked up and down on my throbbing cock.

"Oh Mom," I gasped. "Oh you feel so good!"

"Oh I Like how that sounded honey," Mom panted in my ear. "Say it again!"

I hesitated, trying to speak around my moans of pleasure, and Mom started slamming her hips down even harder.

"Oh Mom!" I cried out as I could feel the cum starting to build within me.

"Oh Joel honey!" She cooed. "Oh keep saying that!"

"Ohhh, Mom!" This came out as a whimper as I could feel the cum beginning to race through my cock. Any second now I would be cumming inside of my mother!

"Oh, Joel!" She cried out again.




I jerked awake to the sound of Mom calling my name. I sat up quickly; my heart pounding and looking over saw Mom sitting up next to me, her blue eyes wide.

"Joel, are you okay?" She asked.

I looked at her and nodded. Holy shit had that dream been vivid. On that note I felt a knot begin to form in my stomach. I'd had the dream with mom laying a foot away from me. What if...

"Lay back honey." Mom said, placing her hand on my shoulder and pushing me back down to the pillow. "You okay, you want some water?"

"No," I panted. "I...I'm okay."

"That was some dream I take it."

I looked into her eyes, trying to decide what she meant by that. Her expression seemed to be one of concern; maybe I could get out of this.

"Umm, yeah." I nodded.

"You're sweating and you were calling out in your sleep."

Oh boy. I thought, but aloud, said. "Yeah, it was a pretty bad dream."

"Oh?' Mom cocked her head at me. "You had a nightmare?"

"Well yeah," I said nervously.

Mom nodded, and looked down for a moment. As my heart slowed down, I became aware that I was hard and was thankful the sheet was still pulled up over my waist.

"That's odd," Mom began as she looked back up at me. "You were calling for me."

"I...I was?"

"Yeah, a few times."

I forced myself to laugh.

"Guess I was scared and wanted my mom."

"Really?" Mom asked smirking. "That's all it was?"

I shrugged.

"Yeah sure, what..."

"Well that's kind of strange Joel." Mom began, cutting me off. "Because usually when a young man is scared and calling for his Mother he doesn't have one of these."

Reaching down Mom grabbed my cock through the sheet and squeezed it.

"Now do they?" She asked, staring me in the eye.


"I think it's time we talked Joel."


I lied there staring at Mom, and like in my dream, I was speechless. What the hell was I going to say? Making it even harder to think was the fact that Mom was still holding my cock. She gave it a squeeze that caused me to moan despite myself, then letting it go, looked down at me.

"Well Joel?" She asked.

"Mom I...I'm sorry." I blurted out. "I know it's wrong and I...I don't know why I've been having those dreams and..."

"Calm down," Mom said quietly. "Just talk to me honey; you were always able to talk to me about anything."

As she spoke, Mom laid back down on her side next to me. She propped herself on her elbow and rested her hand on my shoulder. It dawned on me that this was the exact position she had been in when she woke me up in my dream. I tried to look at her face, but was too embarrassed. Putting my head down, I said quietly, "I'm sorry Mom. I can't imagine what you think of me."

"You've been having these dreams for awhile haven't you?" She asked.

" do you know?"

"Because, you were moaning on the couch before you came to bed tonight." She said

"Oh." I said feeling stupid.

"I'm pretty sure you've been having them since you watched me..." She smirked. "Entertain myself a couple of weeks ago."

"You knew I was there?" I asked.

I tried to sit up so I could turn and face her, but she pushed down on my shoulder, keeping me there.

"Not during, but I saw you move when I was finished."

"I..." I shook my head. "Mom look, it was..."

"The first time." She continued. "The second time I knew you were there."

" knew?" I asked incredulously.

"Yeah." Mom said quietly. "After the first night, I felt bad. But after that I noticed you kept looking at me. I mean really looking at me. And I..." she shrugged and it was her turn to look away from me. "I liked it."

I stared at her not knowing what to say, part of me was wondering if I were still dreaming. Mom turned her face back to me and to my surprise slid closer. I swallowed hard as I could feel her tits pressing against my arm. I became aware of the fact that although I was nervous my cock was still semi hard.

"I love you looking at me Joel." She said softly. "So much that I've been showing off for you and loving every minute of it."

Mom's face was so close to mine that I could feel her warm breath on my cheek as she spoke.

"You were doing it on purpose?"

"Oh come on Joel, you had to know." She said. "I mean that bikini? The robe? Hell tonight I wasn't even wearing a shirt!" She grinned at me. "I saw you looking in the mirror honey."

"Oh shit." I said. "I'm sorry Mom I..."


"Why was I looking?" I tried to come up with something more than I wanted too. "Well..."

"No honey, why are you sorry?"

I started to continue to apologize, when I realized what she'd said.

"Well, it's wrong." I told her. "You're..."

"It's wrong to want somebody?" Mom asked.

"It's wrong to want your mother."

"Not if she wants you too." She said quietly.

"What?" I asked, that was it, I was still dreaming. Any minute now I would...

All thoughts stopped as Mom leaned over and pressed her lips to mine. I tried to pull back, but my head was on the pillow and I had nowhere to go. Mom's kiss was soft and teasing, her lips sliding lightly back and forth against mine. I moaned in my throat, and giving in, kissed her back. I moaned again, and felt my cock become fully erect as I heard her moan softly as well. Removing her lips from mine, she trailed them across my cheek until they were pressed against my ear.

"I've been dreaming about you too honey and I don't care if it's wrong." She paused to lightly kiss my neck just below my ear, "All that matters is that you want me, and I love that you do."

"Mom I don't know about this." Confronted by my fantasy becoming a reality, I found myself hesitating. It was wrong, and what if someone found out?

"Yes you do honey." Mom's hand slid down my chest and I gasped as she reached under the sheet and grabbed my cock through the shorts. "Oh, yes you do!" She moaned in my ear.

Her moan caused my cock to jump in her hand and I began to breathe heavier as all of the forbidden things I'd been thinking of started running through my mind.

"It's been so long since I've felt wanted." Mom continued. "Well for more than just sex." She kissed my neck again. "And you want me for more than that don't you honey? You want to be good to your mother don't you?"

"Oh yes." I whispered, turning my head so that we were looking at each other.

Mom started to speak and this time it was me who stopped her with a kiss. This kiss was harder and more passionate. I pressed my lips hard to hers and she groaned as I did. A moment later I felt her tongue pushing against my lips and immediately opened my mouth to accept it. We both sighed softly as our tongues played across each other. Mom's hand was still on my cock and I released a loud moan into her mouth as she began stroking it. I started to roll over onto my side, but pushing me back, Mom sat up, stripped her shirt off and laying down on top of me started kissing me again.

I could feel her hard nipples pressing into my chest and sliding my hand between us, I captured one between my fingers. Mom moaned and lifting her face from mine, slid up higher, shoving her tit into my face.

"Oh yes!" She groaned as I eagerly sucked her hard nipple into my mouth and began swirling my tongue around it.

Reaching under my head, Mom lifted it, shoving her tit further into my mouth.

"Oh honey, that feels so fucking good!" she exclaimed. "Oh, look at you sucking your mother's tit!"

I couldn't count how many things were wrong with what she just said, but I couldn't care less. All I knew was that I was sucking on the hottest tit I'd ever seen, and didn't give a rat's ass who it belonged to. Mom removed her nipple from my mouth and immediately replaced it with the other one. Reaching up, I put my arms around her and started rubbing the smooth flesh of her back as I feverishly tongued her hard nipple. Mom reached down behind her, and sliding her hand inside of my shorts grabbed my cock.

The feeling of her hand on my bare cock caused me to release her nipple.

"Oh goddamn!" I exclaimed.

"Goddamn is right honey!" Mom said, giving my cock a hard pump that caused my hips to twitch off of the bed. "You do want me don't you?"

"Yes, oh yes!" I groaned.

Mom was pumping my cock faster and I started thrusting my hips into her hand. I'd been so horny all night that I could already feel myself getting close.

"Oh someone likes that don't they?" She asked, smiling at my moans.

I started to answer, but all that came out was a disappointed groan as Mom released my cock.

"No worries honey, I'm not going to tease you." Leaning down she swung her tits across my face, her nipples just brushing my lips. "I just thought I'd give you what you really want."

Mom kissed me again, and then sliding her lips down, started kissing my neck. I laid there moaning at the sensation of her incredibly soft lips on my skin. Her blond hair was tickling my chest and again I could feel those hard nipples pushing against me. As she kissed me I let my hands roam over her back and sides, relishing how soft and smooth she was. Mom must have been enjoying as well. Turning on her knees so that she was sideways with her face buried in my neck, she raised her ass in the air, inviting me to grab it.

I let out a sigh as my hand slid down the small of her back and placed it on her ass. The shorts were riding up, and reaching down further, I felt her bare ass under my hand. Her round firm cheek fit perfectly in my large hand and we both groaned as I gave it a hard squeeze. Mom's lips had left my neck, and I gasped as I felt her soft wet tongue flicking across my nipple. I squeezed her ass harder and felt something wet along the side of my hand. Oh my God, I thought as I realized she had soaked right through the flimsy shorts.

Mom moaned around my nipple, then switched to the other. I'd never had my nipples sucked on before and was surprised at how damn good it felt. Getting bolder, I shifted my hand to the side and slipped my fingers over the wet crotch of her shorts.

"Ohhh," Mom sighed, as my fingers rubbed over her pussy.

Even through the shorts I could feel my finger sliding between her lips, and was amazed at how fucking hot it felt. I was getting ready to slip my finger inside when I became aware of Mom's lips leaving my nipples and sliding down my stomach. I looked away from her ass to see her kissing my lower stomach, just inches from my cock. I stopped moving my fingers and stared transfixed by the site of her blond hair fanned across my stomach and her beautiful face sliding ever closer to my throbbing dick.

I felt Mom tug on my shorts and immediately lifted my hips, letting her push them down my thighs. As soon as she had, she grabbed my cock and squeezed it hard. I moaned as some of my precum squirted out and dripped down onto her hand.

"Oh, look at that." she whispered, licking her lips.

Mom lowered her head until her mouth was just over my cock. I was in sensory overload, trying to take in everything at once. The feeling of her long hair across my stomach and thighs, the site of her slender fingers and red nails wrapped around my hard flesh, and most of all her face hovering directly over the dripping head of my swollen cock. The site of my cock near her face won out, as bending her head, Mom rubbed it along the side of her face.

"Oh my God." I said softly as the length of my cock was resting along her face.

My hips twitched as she placed a soft kiss on my balls and sticking her tongue out slid it up along the length of my shaft. When she reached the top she looked at me and asked, "That feel good honey, you been thinking about that?"


I tried to get a grip on myself and speak. Right now the only thing running through my mind was the thought that I was about to get a blow job from my mother. Swallowing hard I managed to whispered, "I've been dreaming of it."

"Oh, me too honey."

Mom paused and flicked her tongue across the tip of my cock. When she brought her head back up there was a line of my sticky pre cum trailing from her tongue. Sucking her tongue back into her mouth, she moaned, "Hmmm that's good."

When she moaned her eyes rolled back in her head and the look of absolute lust on her face caused my hips to thrust upwards. My cock pushed against her lips, and to my dismay she raised her head.

"Easy honey," She said looking at me while she started slowly pumping my cock. "It's not nice to shove it down your mother's throat you know."

"I..I'm sorry!" I groaned. "I didn't mean too..."

Mom laughed.

"Really Joel, does it look like I care?" Leaning down, she opened her mouth and taking just the tip of my cock into it, sucked hard.

"Oh damn!" I groaned, forcing my hips to stay still.

Mom had sucked so hard that there was a popping sound when she released my cock.

"But really honey, you just lay there and relax." She again bent her head, this time swirling her tongue around the head purple head of my aching dick. "That's right baby, your mother's going to take good care of you, know why?"

My response became a cry of pleasure as opening her mouth she took my cock into it, and in one smooth motion took me all the way into her throat. I felt her lips touch my balls, then just as quickly she removed it.

"Because you have been taking damn good care of me lately, and I want to give you everything you want." She sighed, and after kissing the tip added. "And I know you're going to take good care of me tonight, aren't you honey?"

"Anything you want!" I whispered, staring at her now glistening face next to my cock.

"Oh I like that Joel," Mom replied. "You are a good son aren't you?"

"I want to be good to you." I answered as I started to rub her pussy through her shorts again.

"Hmmm, and I want you to be," Looking down at my cock, she squeezed it hard. "Oh, how I want you to be."

Mom tossed her head to the side so that her hair wasn't in the way and I had a full view of her about to start blowing me. I watched as she again rubbed my cock along her face. As before there was a look of pure desire on her face as she prepared to go down on me. To my dismay I found myself having a moment of doubt. Was this what I really wanted? Mom had been sheltered and lonely her whole life, was I taking advantage of her, the way other guys would?

"A...are you sure?" I asked, part of me was screaming to shut up, but I needed to know she was really okay, " don't have to, I..."

"I want to Joel, "Mom whispered, kissing the tip of my cock. "I want too, because you want me. Who should I do this for? Some asshole from work who'll tell his friends he fucked me? Some loser at a bar?"

Looking up at me, she smiled.

"Or should I give it to a good looking young man that loves me." She pushed her lips out in a pout and with her big blue eyes wide asked, "You love me don't you honey?"

"Oh yes." I said. I wasn't sure in what way she meant, but Mom quickly cleared that up.

"And I love you Joel,." She licked her lips again. "Oh, yes honey, we are going to love each other in every way."

Giving my cock a couple of hard pumps that made me moan, she said.

"Now enough talk honey, we can do that later; right now you just tell me what you want."

Taking a deep breath, I whispered.

"Lynn, I want you to..."

"Lynn?" Mom asked, letting my cock go."Since when do you call me by my first name?"

"I..." Confused, I blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "Since when would you, you know...."

"Suck your cock? Right now honey, but you call me mom, even during this. Other guys would call me Lynn, but only you call me mom, and I loved hearing you call it out during your dream," Grabbing my cock again, she continued. "Oh, you made me so wet the way you called for me, so do as I tell you Joel, tell your mother what you want."

Up until now I hadn't thought I could get any harder, or that this whole thing couldn't get any hotter, but hearing her tell me how wet I made her erased the last of any doubts I had. Looking into her eyes I said.

"Mom, I want you to suck my cock, just like I dreamed about."

"Oh, it will be better than your dreams honey."

Taking the head of my cock into her warm wet mouth, she started slowly sliding it into her throat. Reaching down, I gently placed my hand on the back of her head, as teasingly, an inch at a time, she took my aching prick further into her mouth. As she worked those soft lips and wet tongue down my shaft, her big blue eyes were looking straight into mine

Mom was sideways to me, and her head was turned as she sucked on me, causing my cock to bend forward. As she took me all the way in, I could see her lips touching the base of my shaft. I groaned and unable to help it, thrust my hips as her tongue slipped out and licked my balls, while having me completely engulfed in her mouth. Holy shit, my mother was deep throating me! Mom slurped her way back up to the tip of my cock, and after swirling her tongue around the tip started bobbing her head in a slow steady rhythm, that felt incredible. The entire time she was sucking on me, her eyes never left mine, and I swear the sight of her enjoying sucking me, was getting to me almost as much as how good it felt.

Speaking of feeling good, Mom did expect me to take care of her, and I did not want to disappoint. Sliding my hand up to the top of her shorts, I slipped it inside of them. After giving her round little ass a good squeeze, I slipped my fingers between her legs and for the first time, touched my mother's pussy. Mom moaned around my cock and I groaned as well. Jesus Christ was she wet! My fingers slid easily through the wet folds of her silky flesh. I started to rub them up and down, and Mom again moaned her approval around my throbbing prick. Slipping my hand from her shorts, I grabbed the edge of them and shoved them down over her ass.

Mom, shifted again, turning so that her ass was pointing towards me. This changed the angle of her sucking and I let out a long moan as I could feel my cock now going even deeper into her amazing mouth. I pulled her shorts down to where her knees were bent, and for the first time since she started, I took my eyes from the sight of Mom blowing me and stared at her ass.

"Oh yes." I sighed as I took in not only the sight of her round firm ass, but could see her pussy winking out from between her thighs.

Mom's pussy was smooth and even in the weak light from the bathroom several feet away, I could see it was glistening. Putting my hand between her legs, I again rubbed it through her lips. Mom's hips twitched against me, and I heard her moan softly around my cock. Sliding my fingers down the length of her pussy, I gasped as I felt her hard clit beneath the tips of my fingers. I started rubbing my fingers in slow circles pushing on her clit as I did. Mom removed my cock from her mouth and panted, "Ohhh honey, oh right there!"

Mom immediately went back to sucking my cock, but this time not only was she sucking faster, but I felt her hand start to pump me as well. I gasped at the sensation of her jerking me off as she blew me. I could feel my thighs starting to shake, and trying to hold back, focused my attention back on Mom's pussy. Mom's pussy! Oh that sounded so right and wrong at the same time. Going with how right it all felt, I slid my fingers up from her clit and after a brief pause, shoved two fingers inside of her.

Mom cried out around my cock and immediately started rocking her hips back and forth into my me. Her pussy was hot, wet, and amazingly tight. I started thrusting my fingers in and out in time with her movements, and she groaned each time my fingers plunged inside. She was so wet I could hear my fingers slipping into her. I moaned as I saw them glistening with her juice and resisted the urge to take them from her pussy and shove them in my mouth. Speaking of mouths, Mom's was devouring my cock as if she couldn't get enough of it. She was sucking me hard and fast and I could hear slurping sounds each time she removed it from her throat.

Slipping my thumb back I found her clit, and as I continued to thrust my fingers into her sopping wet pussy, began to rub it in hard fast circles. Mom squealed around my cock and the sound caused me to lose control and start bucking my hips into her mouth.

"Mmm-hmm!" Mom encouraged, around my cock.

"Ohhh Mom!" I moaned as I could feel the cum building in my balls.

I moved my thumb faster and pushed my fingers harder into her pussy, as I got closer and closer to cumming. Mom was not just rocking her hips, but shaking her ass into my hand causing me to push harder on her clit. The sight of that beautiful ass caused my cock to twitch and turning my head to look down at my mother, I let out a long moan. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, Mom was sucking my cock like a porn star, effortlessly taking it all the way to my balls with every suck. She was sweating and her blond hair was plastered to her face.

Seeing my glistening cock sliding in and out from between my mother's full lips was more than I could handle. I could feel myself getting ready to cum, and felt an instant of panic; should I just cum in her mouth?

"Mom," I moaned. "I...I'm going to... oh fuck!"

As soon as I had started to say I was cumming, Mom reached down and grabbing my balls, gave them a gentle squeeze. I went off like a rocket. I cried out like an idiot as I felt my cum spurt into my mother's mouth. Mom moaned as well, as she stopped sucking my cock, and holding just the tip of it in her mouth, began furiously pumping it. I bucked my hips and moaned as she jerked me off into her mouth. I came harder than I could ever remember, every time Mom pumped her fist, I felt another squirt of cum enter her mouth. After one last thrust of my hips, I had nothing left, and slumped back into the pillow gasping for breath. I watched wide eyed as Mom slipped my cock from her mouth and licking her lips, winked at me.

"Oh someone came hard!" She said, giving my cock a playful kiss.

"Oh yeah." I whispered.

"Now what about me baby?" She pouted. The sight of her pouting with my now dripping cock still in her hand sent a shudder though me. "Don't I get to cum too?"

Snapping myself out of my stupor, I realized my fingers were still inside her pussy. I started to move my thumb over her clit, but Mom turned to the side. I heard my fingers slide from inside of her, and immediately put my fingers into my mouth. I sucked hard on them and now it was my eyes that rolled at the sweet taste of my mother's forbidden fruit. I looked up to see Mom leaning over me. Taking my hand and tugging my fingers from my mouth, she bent her head and sucked them into hers. She winked at me as her tongue swirled around them.

Slipping my hand from her mouth, she leaned down and kissed me. She was positioned directly over me, and wrapping my arms around her waist I pulled her down to me. Mom sighed as my tongue pushed into her mouth and my hands caressed her back. She slid her arms under me, and I couldn't believe how good her body felt pressed against mine. I was aware of her wet pussy pressing into my thigh, and unable to hold back any longer, I twisted my shoulders to the side and rolled us over, so that I was looking down at her.

Mom laughed and smiled up at me. I smiled back and leaning down, kissed her.

"Damn you're beautiful." I told her.

"So are you Joel," She replied, then smiling added. "Now show me how beautiful you think I am."

Not needing to be told twice, I leaned down and nuzzling my face into her neck moaned in pleasure as I finally kissed the tender flesh that I had been staring at for weeks. Mom sighed contentedly and started running her finger nails across my back while I took my time licking and sucking her tanned skin. As she had done, I trailed my lips down to her chest, before eagerly sucking her left nipple into my mouth.

Mom moaned and arched her back, pushing her nipple deeper into my mouth. I brought my other hand around and started fondling her right tit. I squeezed it gently, loving the feeling of her nipple pressing into the palm of my hand. Her leg slid across mine and I felt my shorts being pushed all the way down to my ankles. I kicked them off while still swirling my tongue around her nipple, then moaned as I felt both of her legs drape themselves across mine. We were both sweating and the sensation of our bodies tangled together was better than I could have imagined.

I felt Mom push on my shoulder, and looking up from her tit, I saw her smile and wink. She pushed again, and my heartbeat picked up as I got her meaning. Releasing her nipple, I let my tongue trace a wet line down her soft flat stomach. I slid down the bed until I was lying between her legs. Despite the fact I had cum minutes ago, I felt my cock start to stiffen as my face was poised less than a foot from my mother's pussy. Leaning in, I kissed the inside of her thigh and sucked her flesh gently into my mouth. She moaned and I could feel her legs trembling against my shoulder. I took a deep breath, taking in the sweet scent of her pussy.

Lifting my head from her thigh, I licked my lips at the sight of the prettiest pussy I'd ever seen. Mom had an adorable patch of blond fuzz just above her pussy, but the rest was silky smooth and glistening. Using my fingers, I gently spread her pussy open and blew lightly on her clit. Mom's hips twitched; shoving her pussy in my face. With no hesitation I leaned in and plunged my tongue into her hot little box. Mom's squeal of delight caused my cock to begin to press into the mattress. I swirled my tongue around inside of her, savoring her scent and taste. Removing my tongue, I pressed my lips to her pussy and sucked hard.

Mom cried out and I moaned as I was rewarded with a mouthful of her delicious nectar. She put her hand on my shoulder and again I plunged my tongue inside of her and keeping it rigid, started bobbing my head slightly. I winced as her nails dug into my shoulder, but hearing her moans was more than worth it. Slipping my tongue from inside of her, I teasingly trailed it up towards her clit. Mom bucked her hips and her hand shifted to my hair, urging me to reach her sweet spot. Wanting to take my time, and impress her, show her I wasn't an impatient kid, I gently flicked my tongue through the folds of her pussy.

She groaned, and I felt her legs tensing around me as she lifted her pussy into my face.

"Ohhh don't tease baby, please, it's been so long!"

Spurred on by her plea, I swirled my tongue around her clit, then fastening my lips to her swollen button, sucked it into my mouth.

"Oh yes!" Mom exclaimed, as I started sucking her clit in and out of my mouth.

Sliding my hand up I plunged two fingers into her slippery slit, and started pumping them in and out. Mom moaned and began rocking her hips into my thrusting fingers. I started sucking her clit faster, and harder, my lips making smacking sounds, as I released her clit, and then sucked it back in again. Mom was now making soft whimpering noises that had me as hard as I had been before, and I could feel her legs trembling. I pumped my fingers harder into her, amazed at how tight she was, and wondering what it was going to feel like around my once again throbbing cock. Mom let out a long shuddering moan and started bucking her hips harder into my tongue and fingers. Taking a chance, I slid a third finger into her pussy, and shoved them in as deep as I could.

Mom raised her legs and bracing her soft feet on my shoulders, lifted her hips into my face and started gasping each time I sucked her clit into my mouth.

"Oh, Oh," she moaned. "Oh, honey just a little more! I..."

Sucking her clit into my mouth, I caught it between my teeth and gave it a gentle nip.

Mom let out a long loud wail and started bucking her hips wildly into my face. Wrapping my arm around her thigh, I held my face tightly to her pussy and continued to tongue her clit. Mom was thrusting her hips into my fingers hard enough to make a wet squishing sound, and continued to let out loud squeals of delight as she ground her pussy into my face. Mom's loud cries were turning into soft whimpers and her hips began to slow down. I could feel her juices dripping out around my fingers and slid them from her pussy. I released her clit and again plunged my tongue into her gushing pussy. Mom cried out, and I moaned as my mouth was filled with her sticky fluid. I felt her legs push hard against my shoulders, then with a soft sigh, she slid her legs from my shoulders, entire body going limp.

"Oh damn did I need that." She panted.

I rose up to my knees and looked down at her, I was between her thighs and my cock was pointing directly at her dripping pussy. I stayed there unsure of what to do, when Mom whispered, "Oh, look at that!"

Looking up at me she asked softly, "You ready to make your dreams come true honey?"

"Oh please." I said as I stared down at her gorgeous body spread out before me. Her tits were covered with a sheen of sweat, and all I wanted was to have them in my mouth again.

"Then what are you waiting for?"

Raising her legs, Mom placed her feet on my chest and slid herself down so that her pussy was just under my cock. Grabbing it, I slid my cock along the length of her slippery pussy.

"Oh, yeah, rub it up and down."

I did as she said, sliding the tip through her soft wet flesh. Mom moaned and whispered,

"Go ahead, but easy honey. It's been awhile and, "She winked at me. "You're not small are you?"

Placing the head of my dick at the edge of her lips, I pushed my hips forward, and slowly entered my mother. We both gasped as my hard flesh slipped into her tight pussy.

"Oh damn!" Mom groaned as I pushed more of my cock inside of her.

I groaned as well, straining to not give into the desire to drive my cock hard into her. Instead I eased myself in a little further, and was rewarded with another groan.

"Oh, you feel so good!" She whispered. She moaned as I went in a little more, then looking me in the eye said, "Go ahead baby, all the way in."

I pushed the rest of my cock into her and moaned at the look of pleasure on my mother's face as I filled her tight pussy. I pulled out halfway and slowly thrust myself back into her.

"Hmm, yeah honey nice and slow."

Wrapping my arms around her thighs I started moving my hips, pumping my cock slowly in and out of her. Mom sighed each time I entered her and I found myself waiting to wake up. This couldn't be real; I couldn't really be fucking my mother could I? It felt pretty goddamn real that was for sure. In fact nothing had ever felt better. Egged on by her moans, I started moving faster and sliding out further with each thrust. Dropping her feet from my chest, Mom reached her arms out to me and whispered, "Come down here honey."

I straightened my legs and bracing my arms on either side of her shoulders, positioned myself directly over her. Mom smiled and reaching up, put her hands on my arms and squeezed.

"Oh honey, you feel so good!" She groaned as I eased myself all the way into her. "Oh, so good!"

I started pumping my hips in a slow steady rhythm, and was glad I had already cum, so that I could enjoy taking my time. Beneath me, Mom looked amazing. Just like in my dreams her eyes were closed, and her lips parted, moaning softly each time I pushed into her. Her perfect rose colored nipples were hard, and her tits themselves were swaying back and forth as I thrust into her. Bending my head, I started tonguing her nipple as I continued to slide my cock in and out of her incredible pussy.

"Oh yes," She cooed."Oh honey, you are being sooo good to me!"

Leaving her tit, I brought my face to hers and kissed her. Mom kissed me back eagerly, her lips pressing hard into mine. She opened her mouth, and I felt her tongue dart in between my lips. We both sighed as our lips slid across each other and our tongues teased the inside of our mouths. Sliding her hands around my neck, Mom tugged me down to her

"Come here, honey," She whispered in my ear. "Nice and close, I want to feel all of you."

I slid my arms beneath her shoulders and let my weight go. I sighed at the sensation of her nipples, and sweaty body pressed against mine. Mom wrapped her legs around my hips, drawing me even deeper into her. I was moving slowly, and after a couple of minutes, Mom began moving her hips, matching my strokes. My face was nuzzled into her neck and I started gently kissing the flesh just beneath her ear. This was better than I could have ever imagined! I'd been with several girls, but none had ever felt this good! I started thrusting my hips harder into her, but Mom said softly in my ear.

"Slow baby, take your time and just love me."

I slowed down as she asked, and she sighed in my ear. I continued to enjoy kissing her, and as I sucked on the soft skin between her neck and shoulder, Mom began to whisper in my ear.

"I know your young honey, and I know you want to do it every way."

"Oh, yeah." I answered as I envisioned her on top of me, her tits dangling over my face.

"And we will," She said. "I promise we will, but this first time, just go nice and easy with me, I've wanted to be loved for so long."

I slowed down even more as what she said dawned on me.

"First time?" I asked. For some reason, I thought this might be a one time, 'oh fuck it' kind of thing. "You mean we can..."

"Of course we'll do it again." she whispered. "You think I'm breaking the rules for a onetime thing?"

Mom paused to moan as my cock pushed deep inside of her.

"Oh no, honey, I've waited too long for this. You and I are going to have so much fun! We..."

"Long time?" I stopped moving, but Mom thrust her hips up into me and I started fucking her again. "You mean since I came back?"

"Oh no Joel," Mom groaned out. "I've wanted you for a long time baby. We were always close, and I loved how you kissed me and looked at me."

I recalled my father's comment again, about how he had to fight with Mom to stop kissing me. I felt a thrill go through me as I realized we had always wanted each other. I started driving myself harder into her pussy. I was still moving slowly, but each time I entered her I pushed as hard as I could, trying to feel as much of her hot flesh around me as possible.

"Oh yes," Mom cooed in my ear. "I wanted you honey, but it was wrong then. Your father was around, and you were young." She let out a squeal as excited by her words, I was unable to help slamming my cock into her. "But he's gone now, and you're a man now."

Mom squealed again as I started pumping her faster.

"Oh such a man!" She exclaimed.

Mom started moving her own hips faster, meeting my thrusts and causing us both to moan. Turning her head, Mom kissed my neck and as we continued to enjoy each other began to speak again.

"And like I said honey, I promise we'll do whatever you want, next time. Anything you want!" She groaned in my ear. "We'll give each other everything we need. You can be my sweet lover, and I'll be your dirty girl, oh yes I will!"

"Oh damn." I whispered at her words.

Anything I wanted! My mind was assaulted with a barrage of images; Mom on top of me, bent over in front of me with that gorgeous ass in the air, the two of us in the shower, everything!. I let out a whimper and started fucking her harder. I could feel the cum beginning to build up and knew I was getting close.

"Oh that's it baby!" Mom cried out. "Go ahead and let me have it!"

"Oh Mom, "I moaned, feeling myself getting closer with each thrust into her hot wet pussy.

I lost the battle and no longer able to control myself I started fucking her hard and fast. Mom cried out in my ear and wrapping her arms and legs even tighter around me, started bucking her hips into mine. I could hear my cock plunging in and out of her sopping wet box, and knowing it was going to be any minute now, started to pull back so I could pull it out.

"Oh no baby!" Mom told me. "Stay right where you are I want to feel it inside of me!"

"But I..." I moaned as it was too late; I was right on the edge.

"It's okay, I'm on... Ohhhh yes!"

We both cried out in ecstasy, as with one more thrust, my cock exploded. Mom let out a low moan as my cum shot deep inside of her. I gasped as she started slamming her hips into me even harder while holding me close to her. Although I had cum not long ago, I didn't think I would ever stop cumming! We both groaned as with every thrust I sprayed more of my cum into her.

"Oh honey!" Mom purred in my ear as I continued to paint the inside of her pussy. "Oh, that is sooo nice!"

I let out a pitiful sounding whimper as my cock gave up the last few drops it had, and letting my weight go, I slumped down on top of her breathing hard.

"Easy honey," Mom whispered in my ear as she started running her fingers through my thick blond hair. "Just relax and enjoy."

My breathing started to slow and I tried to roll over, but Mom held me tightly to her.

"Stay right here Joel," She said softly. "Just let me hold you."

She didn't have to twist my arm. I laid there with my face nestled in her neck and sighed contentedly as her fingers lightly rubbed my back. Mom was quiet, and I enjoyed listening to her breath in my ear. I felt my cock start to grow soft inside of her, and she sighed as she felt it too. After several minutes, she unwrapped her legs from my waist, and I rolled over onto my back.

As soon as I did, Mom rolled over onto her side and pressing herself against me, rested her head on my shoulder. As I stared up at the ceiling, Mom put her arm around my waist and released a long satisfied sigh.

"Oh honey, you and I are going to have such a good time together!"

As good as that sounded, and as incredible as it felt, I found myself frowning.

"Mom, I... I mean what we just did was kind of..."

"Wrong?" She asked. "Says who? You want me, I want you, who gives a shit about right and wrong." Turning her head, she kissed my cheek. "Tell me honey, did that feel wrong to you?"

"It felt amazing." I told her. "I..."

"I love you Joel, I really do." Mom said. "In every sense of the word, " She paused and asked quietly. "Don't you love me?"

With no hesitation I answered. "I do love you Mom, I..." I lifted my arm putting it around her shoulder. "I always have, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever known."

"Aww, you are a sweetie." She said kissing me again, then giggling she added. "And you smell like my pussy, you naughty boy."

Just her saying the word pussy, made my heart skip a beat. Anything, she had said. What the hell was I worried about. Then it struck me.

"Mom, what about other people, I mean if someone found..."

"Don't you get it Joel?" Mom asked, as she began tracing her red fingernails across my sweat slicked chest.

"Get what?"

"No one knows us honey! The only person in all of North Carolina that knows us is Jill, and she lives on the other side of town, we'll hardly see her. No one will know who we really are to each other!"

"You mean you want us to be..." I trailed off as what she was saying hit me.

"That's right Joel, to our neighbors you and I are just a couple." She laughed. "Like I said in the mall, I'll be your hot little cougar, and you can be my young stud!"

"I never thought of that, that we could..."

"Well I have honey, I've been thinking of it ever since you came back, and I knew you'd seen me, and you kept looking. It's a whole new start Joel! You'll be able to go back to school, and we'll have a great life!"

"It sounds good." I told her. "But..."

"No buts honey." She kissed my cheek again. "Oh, we are going to have so much fun! We'll go out, and I'll dress nice and sexy for you! You'll be staring at me all night knowing that when we go home we're going to take good care of each other!"

"Damn." I said, shit did that sound incredible.

"But remember, when we're out I'm Lynn, but when we're home I'm Mom understand?"

"Okay I guess." I said. "It's just kind of..."

"I love being your Mom Joel, and I love hearing you say it in that way, love you wanting your mother." She laughed. "Remember what I always said, if you're under my roof it's my rules right?"

"Whatever you say Mom." I laughed.

"Now that's better."

Turning my head, I looked into her big blue eyes and whispered, "I love you Mom."

"I love you too honey."

Leaning up, she gave me a long lingering kiss. Breaking the kiss, she rested her head on my chest and sighed.

"You feel so good honey" She said.

"So do you Mom," I told her wrapping my arm tightly around her. "I can't believe we're going to be together like this."

"Well it's like I always told you when you were a kid honey," she paused to flick her tongue across my nipple causing me to release a surprised moan. "Keep dreaming, because sometimes dreams come true."
