The Summer I Became Mom's Lover

I leaned against the railing of the deck and taking a sip of my beer, looked out across Easton's beach. By far the largest beach in Newport and the only one that had cabins for rent, it was still fairly crowded despite the fact it was after eight o'clock. I heard a female voice call out "cheers" and looked over to see an extremely attractive blonde walking with an equally hot brunette. They were both holding bottles of coke that I'm sure were spiked and when they saw me looking; hoisted them at me.

Giving them as much of a smile as I could come up with these days, I lifted my bottle of Heineken, before tipping it back and finishing it. I lowered the bottle to see them walking over to stand below the deck. I may not be in the best of moods these days, but was still a healthy twenty one year old guy and took my time checking them out as they sauntered over. They were both wearing string bikinis, the blonde in black and the brunette in red. The blonde had a pretty ample set of tits and was drop dead gorgeous. The brunette was a little thinner with small tits that were propped up nicely and upon closer inspection was more girl next door cute, than outright hot. Most guys would disagree, but to me the brunette was more appealing and just happened to be the one to speak to me.

"Hey blue eyes, you just get here today?"

"Yup," I nodded, and then shook my head, "You got some good eyes if you can see mine from there."

She laughed, "I was in line with you at the chowder house, guess you don't remember me."

I made a show of looking at her and snapped my fingers, "You know, now that I look closer, I do!" I gave her a wink, "Guess it wasn't your face I was looking at when you walked over."

"Honesty!" She laughed again, getting me to give her a genuine smile, "I like that!"

"I do what I can." I shrugged.

"Well anyway blue eyes, we're in the last cabin towards the rocks, a bunch of us came down from UNH and we're having a clam bake tonight, feel free to come on down."

"I'm not sure I can." I said, "I'm here with my folks."

"So come over when they go to bed," she winked, "And sneak in before they get up!"

"I don't know," I told her, thinking that fun really wasn't what I felt this week was about, "Maybe another night."

"Oh," she said, obviously disappointed, "Well okay, I'm here all week so stop by," she gave me a big smile, "My names Tammy, by the way and this is Julie," she indicated the blonde who had stood there pretty much looking me up and down the entire time.

"Jason, and I'm sure I'll make it down there, just not tonight."

"Cool!" Tammy exclaimed and with a wave, the two walked away.

I stared at their long legs and well shaped asses as they made their way down the beach. I sighed and folding my arms on the railing changed the direction of my gaze to take in the sun set which is what I'd come outside to see in the first place. I'd done my share of girl watching when I'd gone out for a swim then brought my parents back some clam cakes. If this were any other year, I'd be thrilled to be out there ogling the bikini clad hotties and flirting my ass off. This week could have been about doing more than looking seeing I'd broken up with Jennifer a couple of months ago.

I'd been working at UPS at night loading trucks for the last year and a half and between my fairly impressive build, and the blond hair and light blue eyes I'd inherited from my parenst, had seen quite a few of the girls checking me out as well. Tammy certainly seemed to like what she'd seen. I shook my head disgustedly, invited to a cabin full of college students by a pretty girl who was obviously into me, and it hadn't even bothered me to say no. That's because sadly this wasn't any other year. After coming here for a week every summer for as long as I could remember, this would most likely be my last year here.

A more upsetting thought and one that I couldn't keep out of my mind, was that this would most likely be my father's last summer period. Dad's cancer was resisting the chemo and things weren't looking good for him. He'd had to quit working six months ago and had been steadily losing weight. I'd thought that we wouldn't be coming to Newport this year, but a couple of weeks ago Dad booked the cabin. He'd said some of our best memories as a family had occurred in the cabin and he wanted to see it one last time.

I felt the tears start to burn in my eyes at that thought. He'd said it so matter-of-factly. Although he was the one dying, dad seemed in much better spirits than me and mom. Wiping at my eyes, I thought for the thousandth time since dad had been diagnosed with liver cancer, that wasn't fair. I knew that sounded immature and that life usually wasn't fair, but I'd just turned twenty one and soon will have lost my father. Thank god for Mom, if the two of us weren't so close I don't know how either of us would be coping right now.

"Making friends already I see."

I lifted my head from the railing at the sound of Dad's voice behind me. I heard him walking across the deck towards me, but didn't turn around. Trying not to make it obvious, I brought my hand to my face and quickly wiped at my damp eyes.

"Yeah, she seemed really friendly." I answered softly, making sure my voice sounded okay.

"Any friendlier, she'd have been up here on your lap!" Dad laughed.

The laugh turned into a dry cough and I closed my eyes as if that would somehow shut out the sound. Fortunately this didn't turn into a prolonged jag, and a moment later he leaned his arms on the railing next to me.

"Yeah, I think I'd have a good time if I went over there tonight." I nodded as I turned my head to look at him.

"I think that good time may have carried into the morning." Dad reached up and clapped my shoulder, "She looked into you Jason."

"I think so." I said and shifted my gaze, "Sunset's beautiful."

It was, but I had looked away from my father because I was still trying to get it together and seeing him this way got to me when I was struggling. At one point my father was heavier than my hundred and ninety pounds and although not quite as built, was a rugged guy. The last visit to the doctor he was down to a hundred and forty pounds. He was shirtless in the heat and I'm sure to a stranger just looked skinny, but I knew the proper word was wasted. The disease and the so far ineffectual cure had taken their toll on him. Dad's formerly thick hair was thinning to where I could see his scalp through it and there were huge dark circles beneath his eyes. Those blue eyes used to be as bright as mine, but were now permanently red rimmed and seemed faded, as if the color were being bled from them.

"It is." Dad nodded, "And no doubt about it kid, that cute little thing liked what she saw." He laughed again and mercifully it didn't turn into a cough. "Can't say I blame her, you did get your old man's looks."

"Nah," I said, forcing a smile, "I got a lot more hair than you."

Dad smiled and punched me in the arm. "Smartass!" he then sighed, "Okay maybe you got it over me now, but back when you were a kid I was good looking enough to land my little trophy wife!"

"You did all right for an old dog." I nodded.

"Tell you what," Dad waved his hand at the beach, there's a lot more to look at out here than the sun, no?" he let out a low whistle, "Some damn good looking girls out here!"

"That there is." I agreed looking at some of the bikini clad women still lounging around.

"Damn, look at that." Dad pointed, "That's a view for you,"

I followed his finger to see a woman in a skimpy black bikini bending over to pick up her towel. She appeared to be folding the blanket and her ass was moving back and forth quite nicely.

"What do you think of that ass?" Dad asked.

"Damn fine," I told him.

"Showing off too, look at her."

The woman stood up and made a show of shaking out her long blonde hair. Her legs were pretty damn long as well and I found myself eagerly waiting for her to turn around.

"Wonder what the top's like." I nudged him.

"Little on the smaller side, but perky." Dad laughed.

"How do you...." I trailed off when the blonde turned around and waved at us.

It was mom. I looked over at dad and rolled my eyes, "You knew that was Mom?"

"Of course, after all these years, I'd know that sweet ass anywhere."

"The meds getting to you?" I asked, annoyed he'd had me checking out my mother.

"Not at the moment, why?"

"Because, I..."

"Oh, come on Jason, she's got a nice ass, no?"

"I don't think of it like that!" I snapped, "She's my mother."

"She's still a good looking woman," Dad began, "And..."

"She's my mother!" I snapped, a little more forcefully than I meant too.

"Touchy." Dad shook his head. "Look, just humor me okay?" Dad asked, "Before you knew it was her, what were you thinking?"

"Knock it off Dad."

He rolled his eyes at me, "If that ass was on anyone but her, what would you think? Be honest."

I sighed, "She's a good looking woman Dad. Is that what you want to hear?"

"Not quite," he grinned, "her ass, hot or not?"

"For Christ's sake," I exclaimed, "Fine, she has a nice ass."

"They think so too." Dad laughed.

I looked back to see that Mom had walked by a few guys around my age. They all turned to watch her walk by and I heard one of them whistle. Mom turned to look at them and laughing gave them a little wave.

"She is a damn fine woman." Dad said softly, "and beautiful, and sweet." He looked over at me and said, "That's the best thing about her, most women that attractive aren't as sweet as she is."

"Maybe I'll get lucky and meet a girl just like her." I said seriously.

"Speaking of Jason," Dad put his hand on my shoulder. "Thank you for not going down with those kids tonight."

"No problem Dad," I put my arm around him, trying not to notice how bony he was. "We're here as a family, I'll meet plenty of girls when I start senior year." "I appreciate that." Dad said softly, "I really do. It's tough Jason because part of me says the kids twenty one and good looking and you should be down there having some drinks, making friends," he grinned, "Maybe even making a special friend with Tammy over there."

"That's okay." I shrugged.

"Not really, because the other half of me, wants to be selfish and wants the three of us to spend this week together, it's the last one here, at least for the three of us."

"You don't know that Dad." I said, trying to sound confident.

"Please Jason, don't bull shit a bull shitter." Dad gave me a sad smile, "I won't be here next year, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to enjoy the here and now."

"Anyway dad I..."

"And the present has never looked better!" Dad exclaimed, then yelled, "Hey sexy!"

I looked down to see Mom had reached the front of the house. My eyes narrowed when I took a close look and realized just how skimpy her bikini was. The sides were just strings tied over her hips and there was not a whole lot of material between her legs. The top was just as flimsy, the cups were cut at an angle and showed the entire inside of her tits to the point where just a little movement would expose a nipple. As she smiled and waved up at Dad, I had to admit she was pretty hot. Mom went to the gym several times a week and her long legs were well shaped. Her stomach was surprisingly flat and although a little thin, her hips flared out enough to give her a nice figure.

Mom's face was no let down from her body, her long naturally blonde hair was lighter in places from the sun and her big wide baby blue eyes were enough to melt anyone. She had a big easy smile, the kind that made you smile back and as several of my friends had been kind enough to point out, she had perfect, full blow job lips. Mom walked beneath the deck to enter the house and I found myself looking down her top. I could see even more of her tits from this angle and noted how they were glistening from the suntan lotion. Dad really had done alright for himself.

I shook my head as I realized I'd been checking her out. Goddamn Dad, getting me to look at her. My thoughts then strayed to what would happen when he was gone. My last year at URI was paid for and Dad's insurance would not only pay off the house, but leave some in the bank as well. Mom had a decent job as a high school English teacher and I planned on living with her for at least a couple of years.

Financially we would be all set and I had no worries about meeting someone at this point. Jenn and I had dated two years, but things had seemed to die out and I suspected her cheating. I felt bad, but I had my life ahead of me and there would be plenty of girls to have fun with until I met the one. Hopefully I would do as well as dad and get a real sweetheart like Mom. That was where I was concerned. For lack of a better term, my mother was kind of needy. Despite her looks, she seemed nervous around people, especially men, and always needed to be reassured that we loved her.

Mom had always been very affectionate with me and all but hung on my father, who doted on her as if they were newlyweds. I found myself worrying about what kind of guy she would meet next. Mom was only forty one and way too pretty to stay alone and I know dad would want her to be happy with someone. Unfortunately, Mom was the type to be easily taken advantage of and....

"Hey Jason, you still with me?"

"Yeah sure." I replied, coming out of my fog.

"Yeah? You done staring at your mother?"

"I was not!" I exclaimed, but as he smiled at me, I could feel myself blushing.

"Hey it's okay Jason," He gave my arm a squeeze. "More okay than you know."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"What?" dad looked confused for a moment, and I felt that sinking feeling in my stomach again, this had been happening a lot lately. Nothing severe, but dad was losing a minute or two here and there.

"You said..."

"Never mind, I was a little mixed up just then." He sighed and turning to face me leaned his elbow on the railing. "Speaking of Jason, part of why I brought us here one last time, is I need to talk to you about something."

"Go ahead." I nodded.

"Not just yet, but I'll tell you that it's very important. It's going to be something I'm going to make you promise me."

"Anything you want dad." I put my hand on his shoulder. "You know I'll do anything for you."

"And mom?"

"Of course!" I told him. "I know you're worried dad, but try not to be, I'm going to make sure I'm around and try to take care of her."

Dad put his head down and I saw his eyes were misting up. "Thank you Jason," he said softly, "I knew you'd say that because you're a good son and a hell of a young man, but I'm going to need you to remember that promise."

"Okay." I wasn't sure what he meant, but could see he was upset and didn't want to play twenty questions.

"We'll talk tomorrow, but in the meantime I need a favor from you tonight."

"You want me to make myself scarce, you dirty old man?" I laughed.

Dad gave me an odd look for a moment then broke into a smile, "No, but your mother is looking good tonight so I wouldn't wander out of your room in the middle of the night."

"You guys have a room."

"Where's the fun in that when we have an entire beach house, hell we have the beach!" he laughed.

"Ugh." I made a show of shuddering.

"Seriously Jason, I need you to do exactly what I tell you."

The smile was gone from his face and I nodded to him. Dad paused and looked as if he were trying to think of what to say, then pointed at the small screen door behind us.

"You know the little tiny sun room right there?"

"Yeah, I used to hide in there all the time when we'd play hide and seek."

"Yeah, you were really clever," Dad said and laughed when I rolled my eyes.

"So what about it?" I asked.

"I want you to go in there at eleven thirty tonight, and wat..."

"There's no light in there." I pointed out.

"I know, you won't need it." He paused again, then continued softly, "Look this is going to sound weird, but I want you to go in there and wait"

"What am I watching?" I was confused, were the meds getting to him?

"You'll see, but here's where you promise me something."


"That no matter what you see, you keep watching. You don't look away or close your eyes, you watch."

"Why do I feel a joke coming on?"

"No joke and I want your word." Dad said pointing at me.

"You have it dad."

"Good now remember, no welching, you're making a promise to a dying man."

"Dad, stop that I..."

"I mean it Jason. Trust me you're going to think I'm nuts and there's something wrong with me later, but you need to keep your word, because it has a lot to do with our conversation tomorrow."

"Hey, whatever you want dad."

"Good." Dad clapped my shoulder, then gave me a wicked smirk, "Now I'm going to go downstairs and see if your Mom's still parading around in that bikini." He sighed, "Have to get while the getting is good these days."

It was an offhand remark, but one that hit me hard. Making sure dad had gone downstairs; I put my head down on the deck and let the tears flow.


I sighed and flipping open my phone looked at the time, it was quarter to midnight and I wondered what the hell I was doing sitting there. The 'reading room' as we called it wasn't a lot bigger than a closet with a little sun roof and a screen door that faced the deck, and I felt like an idiot sitting there in the dark. I'd gone out on the deck at eleven fifteen to take in the smell of the water and look at the full moon. I had looked to the left and at the end of the beach saw a large bon fire in front of the beach house that Tammy was staying in. There were several guys and girls out there laughing and carrying on. I wondered if Tammy were by herself or had found some other cute cabin resident to hang out with.

Although I'd had no issue promising Dad that this week would be about family, I watched longingly for a few minutes. They were all having a blast as I should be. I'm sure none of them were dealing with the impending death of their parent. I shook that thought off; I was working hard not to be bitter. Dad had always told me that something good always came out of something bad and love could often spring from tragedy.

I'd then gone and sat in the room where a half hour later I was really starting to feel as if Dad had just put one over on me. What the hell was I supposed to be watching? The cabins on either side of us were in darkness and the moon was only half full. The tide was low and there were no fireworks scheduled. I figured I was supposed to see this alone as Mom and Dad had gone to bed early. These days Dad didn't make it much past nine o'clock and I'd made the connection that if Mom went soon after it meant he was up for something.

I was pretty sure he was up for something tonight and figured mom had been going for that effect. From the tiny bikini she was wearing, Mom had changed into a pair of tight denim shorts that were so tiny I could see the cheeks of her ass. On top she was wearing a little white tank top that left her stomach bare and was tight to the point I could see her nipples, because to my surprise she was not wearing a bra. That became painfully obvious at dinner as she sat across from me and I had to keep looking away from her. Between the nipples poking out and her constantly getting up and strutting around the room, I'd begun to feel uncomfortable.

At first I'd wondered what was up because if anything Mom, despite her damn good figure, always dressed pretty conservatively. In fact I remembered over hearing dad asked her why she didn't show off a little more. I'd been in middle school at the time and Mom's answer was that she wanted to dress proper because she didn't want the teachers or other parents to think she was slutty. She said she was worried about Dad's reputation and didn't want me getting any ribbing from boys about my 'hot mom'.

That was one of the many things that made mom special, most women would get a kick out of teasing guys my age, but even now she never showed herself off much. Until today that is. That was when it dawned on me that she was doing it for dad, letting him fully enjoy his trophy wife as he always called her. Mom had seemed unconcerned with the fact her son was seeing more of her than he needed to and was more affectionate than usual, hugging me several times and at one point, sitting on my lap at my father's request for a picture. As dad fiddled with the camera, Mom hugged me tightly and I was acutely aware of her ass planted directly on my cock. Her hair was in my face and smelled pleasantly of her raspberry shampoo.

My arm was around her shoulders and her skin was warm and firm to the touch. We were eating on the deck and in the heat I wasn't wearing a shirt and when dad asked her to turn into me a little more I felt her nipple poking through the shirt and into my chest, her hard nipple. Mom was giggling at something dad had said and placed a soft kiss on my cheek as he finally snapped the picture. A very soft kiss, the kind that reminded me of the ones Jen used to give me after we'd messed around and were lying in bed.

I'd turned to look at mom and she'd given me an odd smile, it was kind of sweet, but a little shy as well, like that of a young girl more than an older woman. At that moment I'd had the insane thought that it felt as if she were....flirting with me. I'd brushed that lunacy aside quickly, but did make it a point to slide her off of my lap. As I did, my hand was on the small of her back and her ass did indeed slide across my cock, which to my dismay seemed to be stirring a bit. I chalked that up to friction, but uncomfortable nonetheless, excused myself and went into the parlor to watch the Sox get their ass kicked and give mom and dad some time alone on the deck.

Snapping my phone shut, I muttered, "Real funny dad." And started to get up from the small recliner I was sitting in. I stopped when I heard the door to the right open and saw dad come out wearing just a pair of shorts. The sensor light clicked on, lighting up the deck and I started to open the door to say something to him, when Mom came out after him and I froze. She was wearing a red silk robe that was so short, that, as with the shorts, I could see the cheeks of her ass. Dad had turned around and Mom walked up to him, threw her arms around him and kissed his neck.

She began rocking her body side to side and reaching around her waist, dad grabbed the bottom of the robe and flipped it up to expose the fact she was wearing nothing beneath the robe. I took a step back from the door and almost fell backwards into the chair when my legs hit it. I caught myself with my hand on the arm and eased myself down into it. In front of me, Dad had dropped the robe and pulling away from him, mom grabbed his hand and led him to the front of the deck.

When they reached the two chairs that sat just in front of the railing, Mom gave dad a kiss and with a laugh pushed him back down into the chair. Mom took a step back and as I watched, began to gyrate seductively in front of him. I blinked and turned my head to the side. I don't know what the hell I was supposed to see tonight, but I must have missed it, because this sure as hell wasn't...I sat straight up in the chair as my father's words echoed through my head. "That no matter what you see, you keep watching. You don't look away or close your eyes, you watch." My father wanted me to watch him have sex?

I looked back to the front when I heard dad whistle. Mom had her arms over her head and had taken her blonde hair up with them, she slowly swayed in front of him working her way down then back up. Dad reached out to grab the tie to her robe, but with a surprisingly little girl like giggle, mom stepped back from him. Smiling, she untied the robe and opened it partway. I started to close my eyes, but saw she had only opened it far enough to show some cleavage and was teasing by pulling it open a little more, then closing it again.

I started to relax, then gasped when Mom suddenly yanked the robe open to expose her tits. I immediately looked away again. Dad was off his rocker. What the hell was he going to do tomorrow, ask me what my mother's tits looked like?

"Come on Cyn, don't tease." Dad said.

Cyn? I'd never heard him call her that before, but had to say it sounded kind of hot.

"I never tease baby," Mom whispered in a sultry tone that caused my eyes to widen, "I'm just playing, you know your dirty girl always gives you what you need."

Dirty girl? I looked up again to see mom standing in front of dad with her hands on his shoulders, her robe was still on, but hanging open and unable to help myself I stared at her tits which were nothing short of amazing They were on the small side, but high and perfectly round. Her nipples were small and from where I was sitting appeared to be light pink. I could see that they were hard, and leaning forward, Mom started shaking them back and forth in Dad's face. She yelped when he reached up and grabbed them in his hands and started fondling them.

I was starting to sweat and told myself to forget what Dad said and do the right thing and close my eyes, he wasn't right in the head these days. Regardless of what my mind said, my eyes stayed glued on the scene in front of me. Dad was now cupping Mom's small tits while his thumbs stroked her nipples. Mom released a soft moan and reaching around, grabbed the back of Dad's head and brought it to her tit. From where I was sitting I could only see dad's head, but I could still see Mom's other tit in his hand. Mom moaned again when he switched to sucking the other nipple.

Mom lifted her leg and bending it, rested her knee on the arm of the chair. Dad's hand left her tit and slid between them. Mom gasped then released a low moan as Dad was now fondling her. The moan drew my attention to her face and I saw her eyes were closed and her lips parted as she started rocking back and forth. Dad's arm was moving and I could imagine that he was thrusting his fingers into her. I swallowed and could feel my heart beating faster. This was wrong, but I was no longer even making an effort to look away. It was like staring at a bad accident, you knew it was wrong to look, but had to anyway.

Mom pulled away from dad and putting her hands up on the railing pushed herself up until she was sitting on it. Lifting her legs, she placed her bare feet on dads shoulders and opened her legs. Dad paused to slide the chair forward a little and immediately leaned in and buried his face between her legs. Mom let out a moan that was much louder than before and again grabbing the back of Dad's head, shoved it against her pussy. I blinked at that thought, the words mom and pussy shouldn't be crossing my mind at the same time.

Mom was starting to moan softly and as my eyes widened she let go of Dad's head and began to play with her nipples. I watched as her long red fingernails teased her swollen nipples and felt my head starting to pound. I realized, I'd been holding my breath and exhaled as softly as I could. I doubt mom would have heard me above those hot little sounds she was making, and Dad's head was buried between her thighs so he wouldn't hear....I sat up straighter as it hit me, Dad knew damn well I was there, he'd wanted me to see this. But why? What...

I was jolted back to the show in front of me when Mom started groaning, "Oh, right there baby! Oh, yes, like that!" she paused to moan loudly then cried out, "Yes Kenny! Oh, suck that clit, harder! I.....Oh!"

Mom threw her head back and let out a loud wail I'm sure the people in the next cabins had to hear. And I whispered, "Goddamn" as I watched her clamp her thighs around dad's head and start squirming on the railing. He released another loud cry and I began breathing heavier as I saw the expression on her face, her mouth was open and her eyes were rolled back in her head as she moaned and thrust her hips into Dad's face. Her fingers were still busy on her nipples and to my dismay; I could feel my cock beginning to swell. Mom's groaning began to subside and as she released a soft sigh, I kept replaying her telling my father to suck her clit.

"Damn that felt good," Mom said, and smiling down at Dad whispered, "You want your dirty girl to make you feel good baby?"

"You know I do." Dad answered as he started playing with her tits again.

"Tell me what you want, baby."

"I want you to get down on your knees and wrap those pretty little lips around my cock." Dad told her.

Jesus, I thought. I was watching my parents act like they were in a porno. Mom giggled and whispered, "Hmmm, you know I love sucking cock."

She had spoken in a sultry purr that caused my cock to twitch in my shorts. Her next move, turned that twitch into a lot more as when Mom slid off the railing and slowly down to her knees I became fully hard. Again I could only see the back of dad and...I shook my head in disbelief as Dad turned the chair to the left a little bit. Mom angled herself to stay between his legs and as he lifted his hips, pulled his shorts down. Mom smiled up at him and then with no hesitation, lowered her head into his lap.

From the angle they were at, I couldn't see the actual act, but could see Mom's blonde head bobbing slowly. Dad let his head lean back on the chair and sighed as my mother knelt between his legs blowing him. Mom started bobbing her head faster and I became aware of my cock starting to throb painfully in my shorts. That throbbing increased when my father grabbed Mom's long hair in his hand and pulled it to the side. I caught a brief glimpse of her face and saw she was looking up at my father, her blue eyes wide as she had him completely engulfed in her mouth.

Mom lifted her head, but didn't go back down again, instead she seemed to be waiting. Dad grabbed some of her hair with his other hand and I muttered, "Holy shit," as holding her head still, dad began to fuck her mouth. Mom was making moaning noises around him loud enough for me to hear from where I was sitting. Dad stopped moving his hips and quickly standing up, Mom took a step back. Dad closed his legs and bracing her hands on his shoulders, Mom swung her leg over his, straddling him, and lowered herself down to his lap.

Mom let out a sexy purr as she settled down on my father and started slowly rocking back and forth. My hand had strayed down to my lap and I began to rub my cock through my shorts as I watched mom ride my father. She had begun to move faster, and lowering her head to his, started to kiss him. Dad's hands were on her hips, and he was guiding her back and forth on his lap. Mom tossed her head back and as dad started to kiss her neck, released another long sensual moan. Her eyes were closed and her lips parted and I had the thought that she really was beautiful.

Not just beautiful, but damn sexy. I'd recently been getting into watching milf porn and mom was as hot if not hotter than any of them. I tried to tell myself to knock that off, but it wasn't easy as I watched Dad begin to start sucking on her nipple. Mom put her feet down on the deck and started lifting herself up and down. This time it was Dad who moaned as Mom started driving down faster and harder. Mom was making little yelping noises that had my hand starting to move faster across my lap.

Mom wrapped her arms around dad's shoulders and started bucking wildly on him. She was slamming down on him so hard I could hear their skin slapping together. Mom lifted up, then seemed to hesitate before dropping down again. This time she stayed on dads lap and started to move much more slowly. Dad had stopped moving his hips and Mom was starting to wiggle side to side on him. I thought she was teasing until I heard my father say,"I...I can't finish, I..." he sighed disgustedly and I felt my erection beginning to fade. "Never mind Cynthia I..."

Mom stopped him with a finger to his lips and said, "No worries baby, this just gives me an excuse to be your dirty girl." She slid off dad's lap and immediately got to her knees. Looking up at him, she licked her lips, "This way I get to taste it," she said softly, and lowered her head to his lap.

Unlike before, Mom wasn't teasing and her head was bobbing rapidly as she worked Dad with her mouth. Mom was moaning around him again and I could hear her making wet sloppy sounds as she sucked his cock. Dad started moaning and bucking his hips and Mom started moving her head even faster. Dad gasped loudly and began thrusting his hips into mom's descending mouth. My cock was back on the rise as I watched my mother slobbering on his cock like a porn star. Dad gasped and released a long loud moan and stopped moving his hips.

Mom moaned softly and began to bob her head slowly. Dad groaned and slumped back into his chair gasping for breath. Mom sat back on her knees and throwing her head back made a show of swallowing. She opened her mouth and said, "All gone!"

"Goddamn Cyn," Dad panted, "You are a dirty little girl aren't you?"

"I'm your girl baby." Mom said and standing up sat on his lap and hugged him.

"I...I'm sorry I lost it," dad said softly, "I...I just..."

"No worries Kenny." Mom said, stroking his thinning hair. "You got your dirty little wife off nice and hard and you felt damn good." She giggled, "Tasted good too."

"You're a good woman Cynthia," dad said and kissed her softly.

"And you're the best man I know." Mom replied.

I put my head down and closed my eyes. I felt dirtier hearing them talk like this than I had watching them have sex.

"You tired baby?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, I think I need to lay down."

Mom helped him pull his shorts up, then closed her robe. When he stood, she took his hand and they made their way towards the door. I pushed myself as far back in the room as I could so Mom wouldn't see me. As they passed, dad looked over into the room. I doubted he could see me, but must have known I was there as he nodded in my direction. They passed my line of sight and just as the door closed I heard dad go into a long coughing jag.


I was laying on my bed staring at the ceiling and wondering when dad was going to talk to me. As it had been all day, the image of my parents having sex kept running though my mind. That image was always accompanied by a feeling of guilt. Sadly that feeling wasn't just over the fact that I'd watched, but because I had gone to my room afterwards and jerked off to the images of Mom's perfect tits and the way she eagerly sank to her knees. I'd tried not to, but I couldn't stop thinking about it and my cock was aching. I'd started stroking it thinking of some of the hot times I'd had with Jen, but her dark hair and eyes kept turning into Mom's long blonde hair and baby blues.

Finally succumbing to it, I came hard to the visual of Mom on the railing, her legs around my father and her hands busy on her tits as she came. This morning I'd been too embarrassed to even look at her, and for that matter wouldn't make eye contact with dad either. I could feel him staring at me several times, but pretended I didn't notice. I'd gone out for a swim and lied on the beach for awhile. I'd dozed off in the warm sun and awoke to the feeling of someone sitting next to me.

I opened my eyes to see Mom sitting there smiling at me. She was wearing a red bikini that was as revealing as the black one from yesterday and I immediately looked away and could feel myself blushing. Mom asked if I were okay and I said maybe I'd gotten a little too much sun. She had then lied down next to me and arching her back, put her arms over her head and stretched. My eyes locked onto her small tits being pushed out and then trailed down her flat stomach. When they made their way to the thin strip of red material between her thighs, I'd had that image of her opening her legs for my father. I started to wonder if her pussy were as pink as her nipples.

Tearing my gaze from her, I muttered that I didn't feel good and went back into the house. Mercifully dad was sleeping on the couch and I didn't have to face him. I knew it would be a matter of time before he talked to me about last night and I wasn't looking forward to it. For the life of me I didn't know what he was thinking, unless the meds and his exhausted state had finally gotten to his mind. As if that thought had summoned him, I jumped at the sound of a knock at my door.

"Come on in." I called out.

Dad came in, and closing the door behind him, made his way over to the bed.

"Got some time to talk?" he asked,

"Nah, can't you see I'm busy?" I gave him a forced smile as I sat up and leaned against the headboard.

Dad sat down next to me and turning to face me asked "Well?"

"Well what?"

"Go ahead and ask me."

"About what?" I asked, trying to pretend I didn't know what he meant.

"About last night." Dad pointed at me, "You have to be wondering why I had you watch Cynthia and I."

I sighed, "Dad that was pretty damn awkward," I put my hands out, "Why the hell would you want me to see that?"

"So you could see how hot Cynthia is, so you would think about her."

"What?" I shook my head, "I...I think I just heard you wrong."

Dad shook his head, "No, you heard me," he pursed his lips in thought, then sighed, "Think I got ahead of myself though. I need to talk to you about something very important."

"Go ahead, Dad."

"Look Jason, whether we're saying it out loud or not, we all know I don't have a lot of time left."

"You don't know that!" I said quickly, "They're coming up with new things all the time and..."

I stopped when he reached out and put his hand over mine.

"No Jason," he said softly, "I only have a few months tops and I want to talk about what happens after that."

"You already told me," I said, trying to keep my voice steady, "The insurance..."

"The financials are set," he nodded. "I want to talk about something more important."

"What's that?"

"Jason, I want you to take care of your mother for me."

"Of course!" I exclaimed. "I told you dad, I got one more year left in school and I'm going to look for a job here at home. I'm going to stay living with mom for as long as she needs me to."

"I know you will," he nodded, "But I need you to do more than that."

"Like what?"

Again dad paused as if her were trying to pick his words. After a long silence he shrugged and said quietly, "Jason, I want you be with Cynthia."

I shrugged back at him, "I think I just said I would stay with her, and why do you keep calling mom by her name?

"No, Jason, I mean..." he looked away "Be with her, as in..." he took a deep breath, "Jason I don't want you to be with Cynthia as her son, but as her...lover."

"I..." I leaned forward, "Now I know I didn't hear that right."

"Yes you did." Dad squeezed my hand. "I want you to take care of her in every way Jason, I want you to not just share her house, but her bed and of course her heart. That's why I want you to start thinking of her as Cynthia, not mom"

I sat there stunned, trying to figure out if this was a bizarre prank. Dad didn't look as if he were kidding and with a sinking feeling in my stomach, I recalled how he had started this conversation; he wanted me to think of mom like..."

"Dad, that's..." I put my hands up, "That's just fucking sick!" I blurted out.

"Strange yes," dad nodded, "But sick no. She..."

"She's my goddamn mother!" I snapped at him. "For Christ's sake dad, she's going to be the only parent I have, I..." I trailed off and felt like an asshole, I shouldn't have said that.

"I know Jason." He said softly. "And you know what? You guys can be the best of both worlds; you can love each other in every way depending on how you feel."

"Dad, that's nuts..."

"Love is love Jason. Only thing that would be different is you could show your love physically."

"I couldn't do that." I shook my head. "I don't think of her that way!"

"Not before this week." Dad said, "Not before last night. Don't tell me she's not hot Jason."

"Dad please, I..."

Ignoring my protests, he continued, "Cynthia is a gorgeous woman, and an insatiable one. She'll give you anything you want." He gave me a sly smile, "Anything"

"Knock it off!" I shouted at him, "I'm done with this bullshit! Why the hell would you even think of this?"

"I don't want Cynthia to be alone." He said quietly, remaining calm in the face of my yelling. "She's too young and too attractive; she's also too sweet and loving to go through life without someone to be sweet and loving to."

"She won't." I told him, lowering my voice. "Like you said dad, look at her, she'll be upset for awhile and should be, but sooner or later a nice guy will come around and..."

"You hope."

"I know dad," I nodded and tapped my chest. "Because, trust me, I'll watch out for her and make sure he's a good guy. I'll see too it she's with the right one."

"You can do it by being that right one." I started to speak, but he raised his hand, "Jason, this is pretty weird for me too and I'm screwing it up."

"I don't think there would be a way not to." I rolled my eyes.

"You asked why I would think of this?" Dad waited and I nodded. "Jason, you know how Cynthia is."

"What do you mean?" I asked, noticing how he was still avoiding calling her mom.

"She's..." he sighed, "She's kind of clingy and she's, well, she's needy."

"I..." I stopped recalling how I had been thinking that yesterday. "Yeah, I know what you mean."

"Good. You see how she acts, she knows I love her, knows you love her, but she always needs to hear it."

"She's always said hearing me say I love you mom means the world to her." I pointed out.

"Nice try." Dad smiled, "But you're right because she loves being a mother, she wanted more kids, but I didn't think we could afford it and got fixed. Anyway Jason, Cynthia is very timid, she's not that confident and as far as men go..."

I waited, but he remained silent. Finally I took the bait, "What about men?"

"I'm going to tell you something that I don't want you to repeat. If Cynthia ever wants to discuss it she will, but if not it stays between us okay?"

"Sure." I agreed, curious now.

"When Cynthia was young her parents divorced and her father skipped town. Her mother remarried and her new husband..." dad put his head down, "Molested her."

"Molested her." I repeated softly.

"Yes, and she was afraid to tell her mother. That animal raped her for almost two years before her mother actually walked in on it, and called the police."

"Oh my god." I said stunned, "Jesus dad, that's horrible."

"It is and it got worse because somehow her mother blamed her, probably didn't mean to, but she had issues as well. That's why Cynthia tries so hard to be loving and wants so badly to be loved, why she needs to be doted on."

"I guess that makes sense." I said, still trying to get past what he had just told me.

"The main effect that had on her was Cynthia was terrified of men."

"I would be too."

"She went to therapy for years, but she was never comfortable with men. As she got older she was a very pretty girl and a lot of boys asked her out. A few times she went out, but whenever they would try to kiss her she would get scared. Some of them started stories in school that she was damaged goods and they said nasty things about her."

Dad stopped and I flinched as he went into a coughing fit. I looked down, closing my eyes and trying to will it to stop. The coughing subsided and after he caught his breath, dad continued,

"She did meet a really nice guy who was patient with her and after awhile, she decided to let him be her first, well first willingly," he added disgustedly, it went okay and she was even enjoying it, until he grabbed her hands in his while she was lying there. He didn't mean anything by it, but she went nuts and bit him."

"That's tough," I said quietly,

"It was. After that, she..." he shrugged, "She started seeing women, had girlfriends all through college. I saw her in a coffee shop one day and asked her out. She said no, and I kept asking. I..." he shook his head sadly, "Anyway, no time for that story, point is, it took over a year before she would let me sleep with her, we went slow and easy and I was scared I would scare her, but everything worked out and after that," he gave me a wink, "She made up for lost time, even before I got sick she would wear me out."

"Okay, enough about that." I waved my hand at him.

"Now she knows she is going to be alone again and she's scared Jason. I've told her I want her to move on, but she says it's too late, she won't be able to trust another man." He frowned as he went on, "For the last few weeks she's started having nightmares about what happened to her. She's afraid to be alone, but more afraid of men."

"She could go back to therapy," I suggested, "Talk to someone."

"She says it won't work, it didn't before. She's been with me over twenty years and she's never going to find a man that she trusts would never hurt her."

"That's not true, there's a lot of...."

"So I was pretty upset." Dad began quietly. "I'm worried for her. I know you plan on helping out, but she needs to be with someone, truly be with someone. A couple of weeks ago I started thinking, do I know anyone? Who do I know that would be that good to her that she would trust?"

He paused and put his hand to his mouth and waited, a moment later he started coughing again. I watched as he brought out his handkerchief and put it to his lips. When he was done, I caught the sight of blood on it, before he hurriedly put it away.

"Dad, you want to talk later?" I asked,

"No, this isn't as easy as you think it is." He told me. "Anyway, you broke up with Jen and Cynthia was going on and on about how stupid she was. Kept saying how sweet you were, how any woman would be happy to have you. She said young girls like Jen had no appreciation for a nice guy like you, she made a joke that you should look for an older woman."

For the first time dad looked me in the eye.

"And that's when it hit me. There is one man just like me," he tapped my chest. "We raised you to be good to women, be attentive and sweet and Cynthia knows you would never hurt her. And the two of you already love each other."

"Not in that way." I told him.

"That line could be crossed very quickly." Dad said, "Quicker than you think."

He stopped speaking and after an awkward silence, I asked, "So you want me to become my mother's lover."


I took a deep breath and told myself to be calm. He wasn't thinking rationally. I wondered what the hell mom would think of this? On that note I saw an out and began speaking slowly, carefully choosing my words.

"Okay, first of all, this is nuts. But, before we go any farther, what the hell makes you think Mom would be okay with this?"

"Your mother is fine with it." He said softly.

"W...what?" I gasped.

"I spoke to her first. No point in bringing it to you if she wasn't okay with it."

"You want me to think Mom wants to have sex with me?"

"It's not just sex Jason," dad said, "It's about love, the sex would be a perk."

"Oh, Jesus." I shook my head, wondering if this was really happening.

"At first Cynthia thought my meds were getting to me."

"Same thought going on here." I said dryly.

"But I kept talking to her and the more I did the more sense it made." Dad grunted, "Then I played her a bit dirty and told her it's what I want and I'm telling you the same thing."

"Are you kidding?" I demanded, "You want me to promise you, I'll sleep with my...."

"You'll sleep with Cynthia, yes." He said seriously. "The two of you will become lovers and I can truly rest in peace knowing you'll take care of each other."

"Dad I...." I tried to slow my spinning mind down, "I don't believe mom is okay with this, I think..."

"She's okay enough to have put that little show on for you last night."

"She...she knew I was watching?" I asked, shocked.

"Not only that, it was her idea." As I sat there stunned, Dad continued, "She wants you to stop seeing her as a mother and start seeing her as an attractive woman. She wanted you to see how good she'll be to you."

"Please, stop." I whispered.

"And she will be Jason." Dad said putting his hand on my shoulder. "Cynthia will make you happy in every way and she wants you to make her happy as well," he smiled at me, "She wants to try it Jason, she wants to be with you."

"Does she?" I asked, "Or is it just for you?"

"It might be just for me at the moment." He shrugged, "But she's willing and I think once the two of you get together, you'll both see how right it is."

"There's nothing right about this." I muttered.

"There's nothing wrong with two people taking care of each other." He gestured to himself, "Or making a dying man happy."

"That's not fair dad." I told him.

"Cynthia said that too," he smirked, "In the beginning anyway. You know, she told me last night, it was embarrassing, but exciting knowing you were watching, she wants you to want her."

I shook my head, but dad pushed. "Promise me, Jason, promise me you'll do this."

"Dad I..." I stopped and took a deep breath. As dad stared at me, I tried to come up with something. I couldn't believe he had come up with this, never mind guilt me into it being his dying...I stopped on that last thought. Dad would never know if we did or not. With a huge sigh, I nodded. "Okay dad," I began, "I...I'm not sure if it'll work, but I promise I'll try."

"Thank you Jason." Dad said softly, "This isn't easy for me either you know."

"I know, and like I said, I'll do what you ask."

Dad nodded, and then began to smile. "Glad to hear it, but you do know that I know what you're thinking?"

"What do you...?"

"Same thing Cynthia was thinking, 'he won't know' just make an empty promise."

"No, dad really I'll go through with it, I..."

"I know you will." He said, squeezing my arm. "Know how I know?"

"How?" I asked, dreading the answer.

"Because you two are going to get together this week, while I'm still around so I know it will happen."


That's right Jason," dad said as he stood, "Before the end of this week, you and Cynthia will become lovers."


I jerked awake and sitting up, looked around the room. I thought I'd heard something and listened intently. I looked over at the small clock on the nightstand and saw it was midnight. After dad's bizarre conversation, I'd watched a little TV, then tried to read for awhile to get my mind off of what he claimed he wanted from me. I'd dozed off only to be awoken by the sound of Dad coughing outside in the living room. The jag lasted so long, I'd started to get up to go see if he was okay. As I did I noticed that I was moving slowly and realized I was scared. That forced me to move faster, but just as I had reached my door the coughing stopped.

I'd listened and when I heard dad tell Mom he was okay, I went back and sat on the bed. Earlier dad and I had been discussing Mom and how weak she seemed, but there was nothing weak about her when it came to dealing with this. From day one Mom had been strong, at least in front of us. I was jolted from my thoughts by a knock.

"Dad?" I called out.

The door opened a crack and I heard Mom's voice, "No honey it's me. Can I come in?"

"Hold on," I told her as I got off the bed and looked around for a pair of shorts to slip over my boxers "I need to put some...hey!"

Despite my warning, Mom had come in and closed the door behind her. Keeping my back to her, I spotted a pair of shorts and had grabbed them when she said, "Oh please Jason your bathing suit shows more than your underwear."

"It's the point," I said as I turned my back to her and slipped the shorts on.

I turned around to face her and immediately thought, 'oh shit'.

Mom was wearing the very short red robe from last night. In addition to the fact it barely went down past her hips, the front was tied so loosely I could see more than a little cleavage.

"Ummm...." I made a show of looking away, "You might want to fix your robe."

"Why?" Mom asked as she walked up to me, "Is it such a bad view?"

Oh my god! My father wasn't joking; Mom was going along with this! Well I couldn't talk him out of it, but I was sure I could get through to her.

"Listen, Mom...."

"Cynthia," she said softly.

I started to speak, but stopped when she placed her hands on my bare chest. Her nails were long and painted a deep red and I felt a shiver go through me as she slid them lightly down my chest.

"Loading those trucks has filled you out, Jason," she gave me a smile that made me immediately uncomfortable, "You look damn good."

Mom leaned in closer and I could feel her nipples pressing into me through the thin material of the robe. She was looking up at me and when she caught my eye, she whispered, "What, no kiss for me?"

"I...." I shook my head and stepped back from her.

"Mom please, we have to talk about this."

"Did your father talk to you?" she asked.

"Yeah, and..."

"He spoke to me as well." Mom said, "So what do we need to talk about?"

"Mom, this isn't right." I told her, " know it. I'm your son."

My words hit home and looking away from me; she frowned and started to rub at her eyes.

"We need to talk dad out of this," I continued, "He means well, but his mind isn't right and..."

"It's not just your dad, Jason." Mom said as she turned and looked at me. "I want this."

"No," I shook my head, "Dad has you thinking that you do and he's trying to make us feel bad."

Mom stepped up to me and this time placed her hands on my shoulders, looking up into my eyes she began to speak quietly, "At first, I thought it was wrong too. But the more he spoke the more I understood it." She gave me a nervous smile, "I need you honey."

"You have me, Mom," I said, putting my arms over hers so my hands were on her shoulder as well. "We'll get through this and I'm going to stay..."

"I need you the way I need your father." Mom whispered, "I want to love you the way I do him." she gave me a wink. "I want you to love me like that too."

"You're my mother," I said, sticking to the only argument I had. "That's how I love you."

Mom slid her arms around my neck and pulling my head down to hers, began speaking softly in my ear.

"You can love me anyway you want baby, you want me to be your Mom? I still will be, but I'm going to be your lover too Jason."

"That's..." I stopped unable to come up with another word other than sick.

"I can be your everything," Mom continued, "Your loving mother and your dirty girl all rolled into one."

Your dirty girl. Mom had spoken that in the same sultry tone she'd used with my father last night. As soon as she'd said it the image of her riding my father leaped into my mind. Her perfect sweat soaked tits, those pink nipples, the way she had so eagerly slipped to her knees. As I tried to push that visual from my mind, Mom went on,

"We're going to have a lot of fun baby, more fun than you've ever had," she giggled in my ear, "You've only been with girls your age, and they don't know what they're doing yet, but me?"

I flinched as Mom flicked her tongue out across my ear, but she was holding me to tight to pull back. Her wet tongue sent a warm sensation through me and I could feel my heart starting to beat faster.

"Honey, I love it all, there is no part of me you can't have," She sighed in my ear and I felt a moment of panic as I became aware of the fact my cock was swelling. "I really am a dirty girl Jason, anything you've ever thought of I'll do," she licked my ear again, "Anything, all your fantasies come true."

"Mom, stop."

"Mom?" she shook her head against mine, causing her soft hair to rub against my cheek. "No, your mom won't do those things, but Cynthia will. Your Cynthia will do whatever you want her too. Want me to dress like a cheerleader for you? I'll do it, want me to go out with no panties, want me to go down on you in the car?

"Mom!" I exclaimed, trying to extricate myself from her arms, but she wouldn't let go. Worse I'd just gotten a visual of her blonde head bobbing in my lap.

"Baby, your dirty girl will be soooo good to you!"

Mom had purred that last part and my cock was now throbbing in my pants. I was painfully aware of her equally hard nipples pressing into me again and I could feel the sweat trickling down my back. I remembered my father saying how insatiable she was and the word anything kept entering my mind. I had the insane thought that would mean she would even let me have her ass.

"Stop it." I yelled, as much to myself as to her and this time succeeded in pulling away from her. "Enough of this, you're my mother, not some slut!"

"I..." Mom put her head down, "I'm not a slut Jason, sluts are with everybody, I just want to be your girl baby," she looked up and grabbing the sides of her robe started to open it, "Don't you want me to be your..."

"No!" I snapped and reaching out, caught her wrists, "I don't want you to be my girl!"

I'd said it more harshly than I meant to, but fact was, with a raging hard on and x-rated images of mom running through my head, I was as upset at myself as I was her. In front of me, Mom stepped back and asked, " don't want me?"

"Not like that, I..."

I stopped when I saw her blue eyes fill up with tears and her lip begin to tremble. "You don't want to love me?" she asked, her voice choking up, "You... don't want me to be good to you?"

"Please don't cry Mom," I said going up to her and putting my arms around her.

She hugged me tightly and resting her head on my shoulder sobbed, "Please be with me Jason, please? I promise I'll it will work, I'll love you so much!"

"It's not that, Mom, Its just...."

"I need you Jason!" Mom exclaimed in my ear, "I'm scared and I don't want to be alone!"

"You won't be," I told her as I started running my hand through her long hair. "I'll be here."

"But I need you in every way!" She sobbed, "I...I know your dad told you what happened to me, I...I can't be with another man Jason, but I don't want women anymore and I...I need someone to hold me and love me!"

"Mom I...."

"I'll love you too honey! I need someone to be good to, oh baby, please let's be good to each other! Your dad wants us too, but I want to even more!"

Mom stopped speaking and started crying, I could feel my eyes well up as well. I had no doubt some of mom's emotion was due to dad's illness as much as this ridiculous request. I closed my eyes and rested my head on hers as she sobbed. I started rubbing her back and she started to calm down. A moment later, she pulled herself back from me.

"I'm sorry Mom," I started, "But...."

"I'm sorry too Jason." She nodded wiping at her eyes. "I...I came on too fast, too soon, but dad wants it to be this week, and I thought after last night you might want me right away."

"Mom, we can't do this."

"We can and will," she said softly, "We'll at least try Jason."

"I can't." I said almost whining in frustration.

"I can," she told me, sounding more confident than she usually did. "I can and I'll make sure you can too, but not tonight."

A surge of relief flowed through me, whether this was over or not at least I had some time to figure something out. In front of me, Mom beckoned me with her finger, "Come here Jason."

I hesitated, and then stepped up to her. Mom put her arms out to me and I leaned into her embrace. Her hand went around my shoulders and she held me tightly. I could feel myself relax into her and put my arms around her waist, hugging her back. Mom lifter her head and smiling said, "I never did get my kiss."

Before I could react, Mom's hands slid up to the back of my head and pulled my face towards hers. I started to protest as her lips pressed into mine, but when I opened my mouth, her tongue darted into it. I gasped and tried to draw back, but her hands were in my hair and she was surprisingly strong. I couldn't move without truly forcing her arms away and didn't want to do that. Instead I tried to keep my lips stiff and show no interest in the kiss. Mom didn't seem put out as she patiently began sliding her soft lips against mine.

Her lips weren't the only thing moving back and forth as I could feel her nipples rubbing across my chest as she rocked side to side. Mom's tongue had left my mouth and pulling her lips back, began teasing across the edge of my mouth. At that point I could have turned my head from her, but didn't. Instead a soft moan escaped me as her tongue worked its way playfully around my lips and slid in to play across my own. Mom moaned as well and shoved her tits hard against me. My arms tightened around her waist and I gasped when she started sucking on my tongue.

Her fingers were running through my hair and again my heart had started pounding in my chest. More disconcerting was the fact my cock was again at full attention and I could feel it pressing into her stomach, which meant could as well. As if of their own accord, my lips were now working against hers, sliding back and forth and pressing harder into her very soft lips. I had never had a problem with girls and had been with several, but no one, even Jen, had ever kissed me like this. I could feel my body trembling with nervous excitement as I continued to share the most passionate kiss of my life with the woman who raised me.

At that thought, my eyes popped open and I did start to pull away. Mom didn't fight me; instead she stepped back from me and whistled, "Wow, that was something, what the hell was Jen thinking?"

"I..." I stopped and shook my head, trying to catch my breath.

Mom laughed and gave me a huge smile, "Told you older women are a lot better," she giggled, "At everything." With that, she made a show of licking her lips and gave me a wink.

"Mom." I started, "We..."

"It's Cynthia," she said seriously. "Or its Mom when we're just talking, but when we're playing it's going to be Cynthia."

"Playing?" I asked, "No, we..."

"Enough for now." Mom said in a tone that caused me to stop, it was a very motherly tone, and I had the sick thought that it wasn't really right to fight your mother now was it?

Mom smiled again and said, "I'll see you tomorrow honey, and we'll go a little further. We'll work our way up to it, got it?"

Before I could answer, her smile turned into a smirk and reaching down she squeezed my cock through my shorts.

"Mom!" I gasped.

"Cynthia." She said, then giving another squeeze, before letting go, added, "I told you I could make you Jason, when are you going to learn to listen to your mother?"


I paced nervously back and forth in my room and for the hundredth time looked at the clock. It was almost eleven. I started to get my hopes up and think maybe Mom wouldn't show. As soon as I thought that, I rolled my eyes. She would be here; it was just a matter of when. I walked over to the window and leaning towards the screen took a deep breath of the cool summer air. The smell of the ocean had always soothed me, but tonight I doubted anything would calm me down. Anytime now my mother was going to come into my room and...spend the night.

I had learned this early this morning when I was sitting out on the beach. When I'd gotten up, I quickly threw my running shoes on and gone for a run along the beach. I pushed myself to do five miles instead of my usual three. I'd barely slept after Mom had left me hard as a rock and flushed with embarrassment. Again, making me feel worse was the fact that she hadn't been gone ten minutes, before I was lying on my bed stroking my cock.

This time there was no attempt to think of Jen or any other of my former girlfriends. From the second I started stroking to the time I blew my load; all thoughts were on my mother, picturing the things she had been whispering in my ear. I envisioned her on her knees, her blond head bobbing, then on her hands and knees, her firm ass pointing up at me. I had released my load to the image of her telling me to put it in her ass; after all, she had said anything.

Within seconds of cumming I felt terrible. Not only spanking it to my mother, but thinking of shoving it in every hole she had. After tossing and turning all night, wondering what the hell was going to happen, I'd decided to try to wear myself out while keeping busy and run. But even while jogging, my mind was spinning. Mom was dead set on this as was dad. I didn't want to, or at least left alone and in my own thoughts I didn't, but Mom was right. As my mother I didn't want this, but if she became Cynthia again, could I resist it? Last night she'd had me ready to pop with just a kiss. What if she tried for more?

I'd slowed my running to a walk and did another lap around the beach. Mom and dad were going to take a cruise on the Bay Queen for the day and I was hoping to just hang around the beach until they left. Apparently my father had figured that out and as I made to cut across the parking lot that separated the beach from the bike path I planned on following for a few miles, saw Dad sitting there in the red Mustang he'd bought himself when he was diagnosed. I knew he'd seen me, and with a resigned sigh, I walked up the car. Dad got out and pointing across the beach said, "It's absolutely beautiful here no?"

"Always," I nodded. "Someday I'd like to own a house up here."

"Someday you will." He nodded, "Architects make good money, and you'll be able to afford it." He sighed, "I hope you and Cynthia will still come here during the summer."

"Maybe." I shrugged, "It might be hard you know after..." I trailed off.

"Jason, these will be the best memories you'll have. This will never be a bad place, but a great one, no?" he smiled at me. "And the two of you will be making all new memories soon enough."

"Dad, about that."

"I know, it's a lot Jason, that's why you're trying to run yourself into a coma." He pointed at the hood of the car. "Pretty soon you'll have this to drive around."

"Rather have you around." I said quietly.

"Don't get that choice kid." He said, "But hey, you'll have something cool to remember me by."

"This won't be what I remember you for." I told him, feeling the emotions starting again.

"No, you'll have a much better ride to thank me for." He gave me a wink, then seeing the stricken look on my face, shook his head, "Okay, I'm sorry I won't joke about that."

"Dad, don't make us do this."

"I'm not making Cynthia and from what she said, you won't exactly be suffering when things get going."

"I..." I put my head down, unsure of what to say. My entire life dad was who I discussed everything with, now here I was with this weighing on me and he was behind it.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Dad I...I jerked off to mom last night." I blurted out.

He stared at me quietly for a moment, then nodded, "Then things are going fine."

"No, they're not!" I snapped, "I felt like an asshole afterwards and feel even worse now! I won't do this."

"The spirits willing, but the flesh Jason, is very weak." Dad said putting his arm around me. "Cynthia is more than you can resist so don't try." He shrugged, "Or try if a fight makes you feel better."

"Nothing will make this better."

"Not true. When the two of you are together you'll see, it will be better than anything you can imagine." I didn't answer and he sighed, "I know it's not easy to flip the switch Jason, I know I'm asking something that sounds like a story on some cheesy erotica site."

"We need to come up with something else with Mom." I started.

"No, this is the perfect solution. The two people dearest to me will take care of each other for the rest of their lives. I have to say, Cynthia is very excited about this, she is very focused on being with you Jason, I don't usually see her like that."

"Figures." I rolled my eyes. "This is where she would stand her ground."

Dad burst out laughing and I breathed a sigh of relief when it didn't turn to coughing.

"That's a good one. Anyway Jason, speaking of Cynthia, she's going to spend the night with you tonight."


"Tonight Cynthia is going to spend the night in your room," I started to protest, but he put his hand up, "She is going to sleep in your bed, if nothing happens, nothing happens, but she will spend the night with you."

"Dad, this is...."

"Not a discussion!" Dad snapped, taking me off guard. "Think this is easy for me? Think I like giving my wife away?"

"You don't have to dad!" I told him, in his anger I saw a glimmer of hope, "We don't have to do this, I don't..."

"Yes I do, don't you understand that?" He demanded, "Cynthia will lose it with me gone! She needs a man to be strong for her and she's afraid of them because of that animal! You're the only one who can take care of the love of my life and you'll do it."

He paused and closed his eyes, his breathing was becoming ragged and he leaned on the car.

"Dad, are you..."

"Fine, I'm fine." He said quietly, "This is a...unique situation Jason, meaning none of us have been here before and it's not easy, but we'll all be the better for it." He looked away as he spoke. "Once you and Cynthia are together, she'll still spend most of her time with me, but some nights with you as well. Don't feel guilty, and I told her that as well, I'm as okay with it as I can be and fact is, I won't be able to make her happy in that way too much longer."

"She doesn't love you for that." I pointed out.

"And she'll still love me just as much, she'll just be getting...." He shrugged, "That from you." He gave me a poor attempt at a smile, "You'll suffer nobly I'm sure."


"No more talking Jason, Cynthia and I are going out on the cruise and will enjoy the day, she'll come to you tonight," his eyes hardened, "You won't send her away, understood?"

I locked eyes with him and saw there was no way to change his mind, putting my head down, I whispered, "Yes sir."

"You're a good son and a hell of a man Jason," dad said clapping me on the shoulder.

Yeah, I thought as I looked out at the moon over the ocean, all good sons let their mothers seduce them while their father's dying. I had spent a good part of the day seriously considering running away. Hopping a ride from someone to downtown then taking the bus back to Providence. At one point I'd even caught myself walking down to where Tammy was staying, maybe do lunch with her, get her number and ask her for a ride. In the end I'd stayed, Dad would be upset and Mom would feel I didn't want her.

I shook my head at the thought that I may really have to go through with this. I jumped at a knock and looked longingly at the window, imagining jumping out and running across the beach, running away from this insanity. Instead, I turned away and walked over to the door. I was wearing a t-shirt and shorts. Normally I slept in just my underwear, but wasn't going to tonight. As I opened the door, I found myself dreading what Mom would be wearing, probably some kind of killer lingerie.

To my relief, Mom was wearing a white tank top with her long blonde hair in a pony tail. She wasn't wearing any make up, and when she entered the room, my relief grew when I saw she was wearing a pair of baggy plaid shorts. When she turned to face me, I had to admit that she looked damn cute like this. Cute was something I could deal with, I'd been expecting her to show up dressed to tease.

"Hi honey," she said softly as she gave me a peck on the cheek. "I'm sleepy, you ready to call it a night?"

I looked at her waiting for the other shoe to drop, was it really going to be this simple?

"You just want to go to bed?" I asked.

"Sure," she gave me a shy little smile, "Unless you have a better idea."

"No!" I said quickly, then feeling bad, tried again, "I mean, um...I'm tired too and...."

"It's okay Jason," she said, "I told you, we'll go slow, I'm just here to be your bed buddy tonight, that okay?"

"Uh, sure." I said as she walked over to the bed.

"But, I will tell you I like to cuddle," she gave me the big blue eyes along with another adorably shy smile, "You don't mind if I snuggle up to you do you?"

I nodded as I made my way over to the other side of the bed. Even though she'd said we weren't going to do anything and she wasn't pushing, I still felt that warm sensation retuning. Then it hit me, I'd always been more attracted to next door cute over hot and that was the look mom was sporting. At the moment she could be Jen or any cute little coed. I lifted the sheet and started to slide under it when Mom pointed and said, "You really sleep in clothes?"

"Well, uh...."

"I thought you slept in just your underwear."

'Usually," I told her, "But...."

"Then take your clothes off." She told me, "I told you, I'm not looking for that, but I want you to be comfortable."

Here we go, I thought. I considered arguing, but things seemed okay at the moment so I would play along. Besides, like she had said last night I had bathing suits that showed more. I slipped my shirt off, then unzipping my shorts began to pull them down. I looked up to see mom looking and turning around pushed my shorts down.

"Nice ass." Mom said, as I bent over.

"Thanks, I guess." I muttered, and looked down to make sure my cock wasn't bulging too much. Turning I lifted the sheet and slipped under it so quickly Mom laughed, "Aww you're so cute when you're shy."

"Anyway, guess I should practice what I preach." Reaching under her shirt behind her, Mom unhooked her bra and sliding the straps down, pulled it out along one side of her tank top and tossed it on the floor.

"Damn I needed that," she said as she rubbed her tits, "Things get uncomfortable at the end of the day."

Uncomfortable was one way to put how I felt, as when she moved her hands her hard nipples were poking through the thin white tank top. Mom turned away from me and as my eyes widened pulled down her shorts. Underneath she was wearing a pair of lace red boy shorts that hugged her tightly and left her tanned ass cheeks exposed. Oh, fuck me, I thought. Mom stayed bent over for a moment and made a show of wiggling out of her shorts. I told myself to look away, but couldn't. Her ass was small and damn firm looking, I swallowed hard at the thought of it bare and pointing up at me.

Mom kicked the shorts away and lifting her side of the sheet slipped in next to me. All the beds in the house were queen size and there was plenty of room, but Mom slid all the way over until I could feel her hip touching mine. She smiled at me and kissing my cheek said, "Good night honey."

"Night Mom." I said as I reached out and shut the lamp off.

"Cynthia." She said digging her elbow into my side.

"Good night Cynthia." I said softly.

I closed my eyes and started breathing slow and deep, hoping she would think I had fallen right to sleep. She obviously didn't buy it as she said, "The moon is beautiful tonight, you have a better view than we do."

"Yeah it is," I answered looking out the window at the moonlit ocean.

Mom sat up and started out at the ocean and as she did, I couldn't help but notice how good she looked in the moonlight, she really was a gorgeous woman. She sat there silently, a serious look on her face and I wondered if she were replaying some of her times here with dad in her mind. She confirmed that when she looked down at me and with a sad smile said, "So many memories here."

"That there are." I said quietly.

"Many more to come." She said and sliding back down turned on her side to face me.

"I guess." I answered, then lamely added, "I'm tired m...Cynthia."

"Okay." She nodded, then asked, "Put your arm out?"

I stretched my arm out along the pillow and mom slid close until her head was resting on my shoulder. She placed her hand on my chest and draping her leg over mine, sighed contentedly, "My favorite way to sleep."

"I always sleep on my back." I told her, "So uh...I guess this works out."

"Everything will work out honey, you'll see." She slid down a little further and snuggled her head against my chest. "You feel good Jason."

"So do you" I replied.

"Then put your arm around me." She giggled, "Cuddle me in like I'm your girlfriend."

I brought my arm up and put it around her shoulder. I had to admit, she felt damn good. Her skin was warm and her soft hair was against my skin. She closed her eyes and sighed sweetly and the sound made me pull her closer. She gave me a soft kiss just over my nipple, that caused me to jump, but she didn't repeat the gesture. A moment later, she began breathing deeply and I started to relax, this wasn't bad at all. Again the situation was far from ideal, but at least it seemed I had gotten somewhat of a reprieve.

That reprieve was short lived however as the longer I lay there, the more I became aware of exactly how good Mom felt. She had snuggled as close as possible to me and I could feel her nipples pressing into my side. Worse, the feeling f her long soft leg lying over my own was starting to get to me. She had her leg so far over me that I could feel her crotch against my thigh. I told myself it was my imagination and that I couldn't really feel the warmer flesh between her legs. I started idly caressing her, letting my fingers trace the curve of her shoulder.

Mom made a cute little cooing noise in her sleep and I continued the motion. She did feel good. Not just physically, but emotionally, it felt good to be close to her. To hold her and know she was enjoying it. The two of us had been through a lot lately and maybe it wasn't so bad to be close here and there. Feeling a wave of affection for her, I gently kissed the top of her head. Mom made that little noise again and I smiled and closed my eyes. They immediately popped open when Mom started moving her foot.

She was sliding it up and down, rubbing her soft skin against my leg. I had noticed her toe nails were the same deep red as her fingers and shook off the thought of seeing those feet on my shoulders. Speaking of nails, Mom's fingers were now moving, lightly rubbing my chest the way I was her shoulder. I looked down and in the moonlight, could see those red nails teasing my skin. I felt a wave of nervousness go through me as I noticed her hand was dipping lower each time she slid it back and forth. Within moments she was rubbing the lower part of my stomach. I groaned inwardly as I felt my cock stiffening.

I closed my eyes, trying to will my impending erection away. At that moment, Mom started rubbing her entire leg, up and down mine. The feeling of her warm soft skin was driving me crazy and I could feel my now completely hard cock, throbbing beneath the sheet. I could more than feel it, with a start I realized I was pitching a pretty obvious tent. I took a deep breath, hoping to hell Mom was just fidgeting in her sleep and wouldn't see...