The Summer I Became Mom's Lover b


"You're very tense Jason." Mom whispered.

"I...uh," I fought to say something and could only come up with, "Lot on my mind."

"You need to relax honey." Mom said, then sliding her hand down under the sheet grabbed my cock. "ohh you are tense." She purred, "Look how stiff this muscle is."

"Mom stop!" I tried to sit up, but she dug her arm into my stomach.

'It's Cynthia." She said softly, "Mom wouldn't be stroking your cock, now would she?" I gasped as she began sliding her hand up and down the length of my engorged dick.

"C...Cynthia please," I whined, trying to squirm out of her grasp.

"Please?" she giggled, "Okay."

I jerked my hips when she let my cock go only to slip her hand into my underwear and grab it again. I was unable to contain a groan as her I felt her hand wrap around my swollen flesh.

"Oh Jason, you bad boy, look at you all hard for your dirty girl." She giggled again, "I love it!"

My reply was cut off when she gave my cock a hard squeeze and I could feel the precum squirt from it.

I grabbed her wrist through the sheet and started to pull, but she tightened her grip on my cock.

"Please stop it!" I begged as she started stroking my cock up and down.

Lifting her head from my chest, Mom rested it on my shoulder so she was whispering in my ear.

"Just relax baby," she purred in that phone sex voice she had been using last night. "You're all tense, so you just lie back and let your dirty girl take care of you."

"No," I moaned as she started stroking faster, "I...we can't I...ohhh"

"Oooh," Mom cooed in my ear, "I like that little moan. Do it again."

I did moan again for her as she squeezed tighter and this time when she stroked the length of my cock twisted her wrist when she got to the head. When she did, I could feel my precum oozing out and when she worked back down the length of my cock her hand was now slick with it.

"This is...wrong!" I managed to groan as she continued that twisting motion while stroking me.

"Doesn't feel wrong to me," she laughed, "Feels pretty damn good, doesn't it?"

She punctuated that statement by speeding up her stroking and causing me to moan again.

"I thought so," she whispered, "No worries baby, don't think about anything but how good this feels and how your dirty girl is going to make you nice and relaxed."

Mom moved her leg and shifting all the way onto her side, reached under the covers with her other hand.

"Oh. Oh God!" I gasped as that hand cupped my balls and started to massage them,

"Like that baby?" she asked,

"I....please don't make me do this." I whimpered.

"I'm not making you do anything Jason." Mom said, "I was just laying here and next thing I know, you're all hard." She sighed, "That's because you want me isn't it honey?"

I tried to answer, but all that came out was a pathetic sounding moan as her fingers began kneading my balls while her hand slowed its stroking. I stared up at the ceiling and began breathing heavily trying to tell myself this wasn't real, I wasn't laying here getting a hand job from my mother.

"Don't answer honey, just enjoy." Mom whispered in that sultry purr. "Just lay back and let your dirty girl make you feel good," she sighed in my ear, "Speaking of feeling good, you've got one hell of a cock baby, I can't wait to feel it inside me."

"," I panted even as my hips twitched from her stroking.

"Not tonight Jason," Mom began, "We'll get there, but for tonight, you're just going to lie here and let me take care of you. You need it baby, and I'm going to give it to you."

"I..." I hesitated, then with a resigned moan, slumped back into the bed and let my body relax, I couldn't fight her, her hands felt incredible and I could already feel my legs starting to tremble.

"That's it baby!" Mom purred happily into my ear, "Just let go and have fun," she flicked her tongue across my ear. "We're going to have a lot of fun honey, more fun than this." She sighed, "Trust me there is a much better place for this nice big cock right now."

She finished that statement by licking along the inside of my neck and I gasped, ""

"Not tonight," Mom assured me, "For tonight we just do this, but I'd be lying if I said I'm not dying for a taste."

My hips jumped as the image of her full lips wrapped around my cock entered my mind.

"Oh, you like that thought?" Mom asked, "You like the idea of your dirty little Cynthia blowing you?" I moaned and she giggled again, "You want to see this big cock in my mouth? You can honey, any time you want, because I love it baby, I love sucking cock."

I moaned and unable to control myself, started thrusting my hips into her hand. Mom cooed in my ear and then began kissing my neck. I started moaning continuously as she was still using long slow strokes with her hand while playing with my balls. I closed my eyes and as she had suggested, stopped thinking of anything, but how good her hands felt and how sweet the soft kisses she was placing on my neck were.

"There you go honey," she whispered, "No more fighting it, just love it."

Mom drew her leg back and kicked out, throwing the covers from us. I opened my eyes and gasped at the sight of her small hand and long red nails wrapped around my sizable swollen cock.

"Oh, honey, that looks sooo good!" Mom moaned in my ear.

She wasn't kidding and I could feel the cum building in my balls as she continued to rub them. I watched her hand slide up and down my glistening cock and it looked damn good. When her hand reached the top, she started twisting it back and forth across the sensitive head. I gasped and lifted my hips into her hand. At the same time, Mom gave my balls a gentle squeeze and I released a long moan as I felt the cum racing though my cock.

"Yes baby!" Mom cried in my ear, "Cum for your girl! You...Oh yes!"

Mom moaned in my ear as my cock exploded in her hand. I let out a loud cry as a huge spurt of cum shot up and came back down splattering all over Mom's hand and my stomach. My hips started thrusting wildly as Mom continued to pump my cock in her fist. Another huge spurt came out and she moaned, "Oh look at all that!"

Her voice in my ear caused the next spurt to shoot pretty far as well. I lay there moaning as Mom kept stroking, milking every drop from my cock. I swore I had never cum so hard and Mom was stroking for more. When my spent cock produced nothing more than a couple of drops, Mom stopped moving her hand and after a gentle squeeze let it go. Sitting up, she smiled down at me, and bringing her hand to her face, made show of licking my cum from the top of it.

"Oh fuck me." I whispered as I watched her continue to lick my sticky white fluid from her skin.

No girl had ever done anything like that for me and I could feel my cock twitching despite the fact I had just cum. More of a turn on was when Mom's eyes rolled back in her head and she moaned, "Oh damn, that's good." She looked at me and shrugged, "Sorry honey, but I told you I wanted a taste. Next time though, I'll suck it right out of you." She leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Would you like that next honey? A nice blowjob?"

"I...Oh my god." I said and let myself fall back onto the bed.

"I like that reaction." Mom smiled, then looking down at my cum splattered stomach said, "You made a mess baby, why don't you clean up?"

"Ummm...okay." I whispered, feeling like I couldn't move.

"And don't worry honey, I'm not looking for anything, tonight was for you. You clean up and come back to bed and we just sleep, okay?"

"O...okay, "I forced myself to sit up and looked down at her.

Mom had lied back down on her back and pulled the sheet back up to her waist.

"Hurry back honey," she said patting the bed beside her, "It's a big bed to be all alone in."

I stood up gingerly, and could feel the cum dripping down my stomach, Mom looked at it and shaking her head, licked her lips, "Damn, that looks good."

"I... we're just going to sleep now right?" I asked, unsure of whether or not I would be able to do anything to her.

"That's what I said," she nodded, then stretched, pushing her small tits out and causing the shirt to rise and show off her flat tanned stomach. "But don't feel bad," she smiled, "It's my turn tomorrow."


I woke up with start and felt myself falling. I threw my hand out and managed to get my palm down on the floor before my face struck it. My chest thumped hard on the hard wood of the deck and I grunted in pain as the wind was knocked out of me. I stayed there gasping like an idiot for a couple of minutes, then sat up and leaned against the lawn chair I had slept on part of last night and this morning.

After I had cleaned myself up, I had returned to bed to find Mom lying on her side. Facing away from me, I'd slid in next to her and put my arm around her waist. Mom cooed happily and slid all the way up against me so that she was nestled into me, her head on the pillow just under mine. I felt awkward holding her like this, but after what she had done for me would have felt like an ass if I didn't curl up with her. Mom fell asleep for real this time and as I lay there feeling her stomach rise and fall beneath my hand, I felt that wave of affection again.

Unfortunately that was followed by the thought that I had just allowed my mother to jerk me off. No, I tried to tell myself, Cynthia had done that. At that, I had rolled my eyes. I was starting to buy into this sick scenario. Cynthia and Mom were the same person, but as Cynthia, she had a way of making me forget she was mom. Mom shifted in her sleep and I became aware of the fact my hand was just below her tits and I could feel them pressing into my arm. I also noticed my cock was pushing into her ass, her very firm ass. The moonlight allowed me to look down and see her face and she looked beautiful, her perfect features completely peaceful.

My gaze drifted to the smooth skin of her neck and I felt a desire to kiss her there as she had done to me. I leaned over until my lips were right at her neck and, feeling like a nervous teenager, gave her a quick peck. Mom sighed in her sleep and pushed herself further back into me, which was when I noticed I was hard again and was completely disgusted with myself. Mom wasn't coming onto me or saying anything dirty, she was laying there sleeping and I was getting aroused. With a sinking feeling in my stomach I realized I was losing this fight. Dad had convinced Mom and she was seducing me. I was adamant she was my mother, but had caved the minute she'd touched my cock.

Disgusted, I'd managed to slide away from her and over to my side of the bed. I'd laid there for what seemed like hours, before getting up, slipping some clothes on and going out on the deck where I watched the moon set and the sun begin to rise. Speaking of the sun it was high in the sky and there were quite a few people on the beach. I wondered how long I'd slept. Standing up, I walked over to the door and seeing the kitchen empty, walked in and looked at the clock, to my surprise it was noon. I saw a note on the table and picking it up saw it was from dad, they had gone down to visit the Cabral's who had been renting the cabin at the end of the beach the same week we had rented ours for years.

I went over to the fridge and went through the motions of making myself a couple of eggs and some toast. I felt as if I were sleepwalking. I was tired and my head wouldn't stop racing. The lasts thought to spin through my exhausted mind was Mom's saying today was her turn. Last night I had, as she had said, lain there and let her do what she wanted to. But could I push myself to do something to her? What was she expecting? I closed my eyes as I envisioned her spreading her legs and asking me to lick her pussy. The thought was disturbing and it dawned on me that was because I was alone. If Mom, or her perverted alias Cynthia was sitting here telling me to, could I resist?

After only eating half the eggs, I tossed the rest and after a quick shower, tossed on just a pair of shorts and going around to the other side of the cabin laid down on the small deck that faced away from the beach. This way maybe when mom and dad came back they might think I went out. I must have fallen asleep again, because the next thing I heard was dad's voice calling my name. I opened my eyes to see him sitting on the old lounge chair next to the one I was in.

"Sleeping the day away kid." He said.

"Yeah well, I didn't sleep much last night."

As soon as I spoke I felt a wave of guilt crash through me. Last night, while he slept alone, my mother had not only spent the night in my bed, but had licked my cum from her goddamn hand. I felt myself turning red and whispered, "Dad...I...I'm sorry."

"For what?" he asked, "Doing what I want you to?" he gave me a tired smile, "I knew Cynthia could be very persuasive."

"We... we didn't..."

Dad put his hand up and I stopped.

"I know exactly what you did. Cynthia told me everything." He shook his head, "You hurt her feelings Jason."

"" I asked.

"How? Since when do you let a woman do something like that for you then leave her alone in the bed like a cheap whore?" he shook his head, "We raised you better than that."

"I'm sorry." I said softly, "When we were uh...done, I curled up with her, but I just...I felt all messed up and I needed to be alone and I..."

"You wanted more and felt it was wrong." Dad said.

"No I..."

"Don't lie. You saw that beautiful woman next to you, the woman who just did something dirty for you and promised more and more is what you wanted." He shrugged. "It's okay Jason, it's what we want."

"It's what..." I started, but he cut in.

"It is what we all want now. You lie to yourself if you want, but you could have stopped her last night, you know you could have. You didn't, you gave in."

"It was so wrong." I shook my head.

'No Jason, the only thing wrong was when you left her there alone like a hooker." He sighed, "She was hurt this morning and disappointed."

"I should have known better." I agreed.

"Not only that, but she was disappointed because it was going to be your turn to take care of her, she was looking forward to waking you up in a...." he looked away. "Fun way and letting you make her feel good."

"I don't know if I could."

"You can." He told me. "You need to forget about all this moral bullshit and just go with it. You want her now Jason, you'd be a fool not to."

"I...I'll apologize to her." I said, trying not to respond to his last words.

"You'll do better than that." He told me, standing, "Come with me."

"Where are we going, I asked, standing as well."

"I'm going for a long walk, you're going to make last night up to Cynthia."

Without waiting for an answer he turned and walked inside. I followed him through the beach house and reaching the doors to the main deck we went right back outside. I froze as soon as I stepped through the door and saw Mom. She was lying on her stomach on lounge chair wearing just the bottom of the skimpy red bikini. Her top was untied and laying beneath her, exposing the smooth skin of her back. As if they had a mind of their own, my eyes started at the bottom of her bare feet and worked their way along the length of her tanned legs to linger on that amazing ass.

It was hot as hell and her dark skin was glistening with sweat. Mom's blonde hair was pulled up in a bun and I again found myself staring at the soft skin of her neck. Mom shifted in the chair and to my chagrin spread her legs open a little more. I swallowed as I stared at the skin of her inner thigh and tried not to stare at the small strip of material that covered her...

"Here." Dad's voice cut into my observation of my mother's body.

I looked at him to see he was holding a bottle of suntan lotion.

"Why don't you rub this on Cynthia while I make myself scarce for awhile?"

I took the bottle he pressed into my hand and looked at him to see him staring longingly at Mom. He sighed and with a shrug said, "Take your time and do whatever she wants." He looked me in the eye. "Do whatever you want."

He abruptly turned away from me and walking down the stairs to the beach headed down towards the chowder house, he didn't look back.

"You going to be a good boy and put some lotion on me baby?" Mom asked.

I turned to see she had propped herself up on her elbows and I could see her tits, right down to the nipples. I quickly turned my head and walking around the chair, sat down at the end of it between her feet.

"Yeah sure," I said nervously. "Whatever you want Mom."

"It's Cynthia and be careful with that, you have no idea what I want."

Yeah I do, I thought. Tipping the bottle I squirted some of the lotion onto her back and leaning forward started rubbing it into her warm skin.

"Oh, that feels so good." Mom purred as my hands needed her shoulders. "You have such nice strong hands.

"Thanks." I said lamely as I squirted some more lotion on her.

For the next several minutes I rubbed the lotion into Mom's back and down her arms. I had planned on doing it quickly, but fact was I was enjoying not only the feeling of her soft skin, but the noises she was making as I rubbed her down were driving me crazy. They started as contented sighs, but were now closer to moans of pleasure as I worked the small of her back. At this point I was fighting to keep my eyes on her back and not trail down to her legs and ass. Mom had her face down and turned to the side and her eyes were closed as she released those soft sounds. I stopped rubbing and was starting to get off the chair when she said, "Hey honey, what about my legs?"

"Oh, well uh..."

"Start at my feet." Mom said. "Can't have me burning now can we?"

"Of course not." I said and with an air of a drowning man going down for the last time, turned around and lifting her right foot, started to rub lotion on it.

"Mmm, I like that." Mom whispered as I massaged the soft skin of the bottom of her foot.

I finished her foot and after rubbing lotion into the other, turned again and now kneeling on the chair between her legs, squirted lotion along the backs of her long shapely legs. As I started working it into her well muscled calves, I began to sweat from something more than the heat. I was no longer able to control my eyes and they were locked in between Mom's legs. The bikini had ridden slightly to one side and I core I could see the lighter skin of her pussy. Just over that the tight firm cheeks of her ass seemed to be calling to me.

Even as I worked my way slowly, very slowly, up her legs, I imagined those cheeks beneath my hands. I envisioned spreading them open and putting my face between her legs, sliding the bikini to the side and...I closed my eyes and told myself to stop, but there was no power behind that thought. My cock was raging in my pants and Mom was now starting to move her hips back and forth as I was now rubbing the backs of her thighs. Even as I continued massaging her, I knew where this would go if I didn't stop.

I screamed at myself to put the bottle down and say I was done, go sit in the chair next to her or go back inside, just get the hell away from that tanned ass and that damn little strip of red material. Instead my hands were now just under the cheeks of her ass and I was now at the point of no return, it was either continue to her ass or stop. I paused and she said softly, "Keep going, you know you want to."

I started to say I was done, but at that moment Mom pushed her ass up into the air, inviting me to rub it.

"Oh, fuck." I whispered as I stared at that perfect ass.

The bikini had slid towards the middle of her ass, leaving most of her cheeks exposed and with a look around as if someone from the beach could see me over the railing, I put my hands on my mother's ass and started working the lotion into it.

"Damn that feels good." Mom cooed and I had to agree, her ass felt even better than I had imagined.

Between how warm her skin was and how damn firm her cheeks were, I was not even pretending I wasn't enjoying touching her. I spread my hands so that my thumbs were at the bottom of her cheeks and as I closed my hand, kneading her flesh, I watched her cheeks spread open causing the bikini to ride up even more. Mom opened her legs wider and I began to work my hand slower on her ass. I was at the point where as I was squeezing her cheeks my fingers were on her warm inner thighs and I could feel them trembling. Mom was rocking her hips steadily and I watched her ass rise and fall.

I slid my hands down and was now rubbing the insides of her thighs and released a breath as Mom moaned softly. I worked my hands further up and I could now feel the edge of my hand sliding along the crotch of her bikini. As I continued to rub I started pressing the side of my hand harder against her...pussy. I was rubbing her pussy. Mom moaned louder and started working her hips, sliding her pussy along my hand.

I had knocked the lotion over and didn't care seeing as how I hadn't added any in awhile. My cock was aching between my legs as my mother worked her pussy against my hand. I moaned softly as I could feel the bikini getting wet. My hand trembling, I slid it between her legs and pressing my fingers against her pussy started rubbing it through the material.

"Oh, yes." Mom moaned

" you like that?" I asked,

"I'd like it better if they were inside."

I paused and she added, "Go on honey, slide those fingers inside, feel how wet I am for you."

Taking a deep breath, I hooked my fingers inside of the bikini and pressed them against her hot and very wet flesh. I slid them up through the length of her pussy and Mom groaned, "Oh honey, that is sooo nice!"

I started rubbing my fingers through the lips of her sopping pussy and moaned myself at how wet she was. I could hear my fingers sliding through her. When I'd worked them back down, Mom whispered, "Inside honey, nice and easy, just....ohhhh yes."

Mom purred as I slipped two fingers into the entrance of her pussy. I hesitated briefly, then figuring there was no turning back now, slowly pushed them inside her. Mom released a long sexy moan that made my cock twitch in my pants and I began pumping my fingers slowly in and out of her. Mom started rocking her hips gently, working in rhythm with my fingers so she was pushing them deeper as I thrust them in. I was rubbing her ass with my other hand and had pushed the top of the bikini aside as well. I spread her cheeks, enjoying watching my glistening fingers sliding in and out of her smooth pink pussy.

I also noticed the pink rosebud of her asshole and began easing my thumb towards it. No girl had ever let me play with theirs and I kept hearing Mom's voice in my ear saying "Anything".

"Put your thumb on top baby," Mom whispered, "Find that clit."

Her words sent a thrill through me and pressing my thumb against her pussy I slid it up until I encountered her swollen button.

"Yes!" Mom cried out as her hips jerked against my hand.

I started rubbing my thumb in circles as I continued to finger her and smiled at the look on her face. Mom had her eyes closed and her lips were parted as she released those tiny little moans while I worked her pussy.

"Faster baby," Mom moaned, "Rub that pussy, make your dirty girl purr for you."

Her words caused my fingers to speed up and I could now hear them sliding in and out of her hot, wet and surprisingly tight, pussy. Mom's hips started rocking faster and I started pushing harder on her clit. Mom's moans were getting louder and seemed to be getting higher pitched. I could feel her ass trembling beneath my hand and started squeezing it. Again I looked at her asshole and had the insane urge to tongue it. Instead I slid my thumb over until I was pressing lightly against it, and rested it there while I squeezed her ass and fingered her.

"Ohhh, you bad boy," she moaned as she started thrusting her hips hard into my fingers. "You want to play with your dirty girls ass don't you?"

"I...." I swallowed nervously and whispered, "Yes please,"

"Oh, " Mom cooed as she started gyrating her hips into my fingers, grinding her clit into my thumb, "That's nice, someone taught you manners. " she giggled at her joke, then gasped as I shoved my fingers harder into her.

"Yes," she moaned, "Right there honey! Just like that I...." Mom shoved her hips into my hand and seemed to pause, her entire body started trembling and she groaned, "Go ahead baby, push your thumb in my ass, it's your ass."

My ass, I thought as I shoved my thumb in to her incredibly tight hole. That thought was erased when Mom let out a long loud wait that I'm sure people on the beach could hear. Her already tight pussy, convulsed around my plunging fingers and thrusting her hips up to meet them, Mom came harder than anyone I'd ever seen. Lifting her head, she released another loud cry and started bucking her hips wildly into my hand. She tried to close her legs, but I was kneeling between them and she began squirming side to side moaning and driving her hips up.

I kept my thumb moving on her clit and was also working my other thumb gently in and out of her ass. I could feel her ass tightening around my finger and moaned at how good it felt. Not as good as her gushing pussy which was getting wetter by the minute as I continued to finger her. Mom's pussy contracted around my fingers and with a scream that probably had the life guards looking around, she arched her back and I felt warm gush of fluid around my fingers and watched as it came out and dripped down her thighs.

"Oh fuck!" Mom groaned, "Oh honey! Oh I..."

She trailed off into a long slow moan that was the hottest thing I'd ever heard. Mom slumped down into the chair gasping for breath and I slid my fingers gently from her pussy and ass. I brought my hand up and with no hesitation sucked my fingers into my mouth. I rolled my eyes at the forbidden taste of my mother and sitting back on my knees stared down at the huge bulge in my shorts. Mom was looking over her shoulder at me and I felt my cock jump at the look of lust in her eyes.

"Take it out." She told me.

'I...what?" I asked.

"Take your cock out and come take me honey, like you know you want to."

"Oh damn." I whispered as Mom drew her legs up underneath pushing her ass in the air to face me.

"Go ahead," she told me, still gasping form her orgasm. "Slide that bikini to the side and slip that nice hard cock in there, come get your dirty girl, she needs you baby!"

No longer caring if this was sick or not, I unsnapped my shorts and shoved them down, causing my cock to spring free.

"Oh, yeah," Mom purred, "That all for me?"

"Every bit of it." I whispered, sliding forward on the chair until I was directly behind her.

"Good because that's what I want, every bit of it!" She told me. Reaching back between her legs, Mom pulled the bikini to the side exposing her glistening pink pussy. "Right there honey!"

I grabbed her hip and holding my cock slid it through her sopping pussy.

"Oh don't tease baby!" Mom moaned.

I looked down at the impossible sight of my swollen cock head about to enter my mother's dripping pussy and began to push it down the length of her hot flesh intent on driving into her. Just as I was about to, I took a quick look over the railing to see if anyone was right under us and stopped cold. Down at the edge of the water I saw dad sitting on the sand staring into the ocean. He wasn't that close, but not too far away and I wondered if he heard us.

"Come on baby," Mom moaned, "You can go slow next time I...."

"I can't" I shouted, seeing dad sitting there had snapped me out of my sex crazed fog and I jumped back off the chair so fast I almost fell.

"Jason, what's wrong?" Mom asked, rolling over to face me.

This time I looked down before I could see her tits and shook my head as I pulled my shorts up. "All of this, it's all wrong!" I snapped "You and I doing this, dad sitting on the damn beach dying while we're doing this and...." I could feel the tears flowing, "Dad dying in the first place, none of this is right!"

I turned and ran into the house, I heard mom calling me, but kept going until I'd reached my room. Locking the door behind me I threw myself onto the bed and started to cry like a baby. I reached up to wipe my face and all I could smell was my mother's pussy. I started crying harder and rolling over onto my stomach, shoved my head under the pillow, tried to pretend none of this was real.

***** "Go away!" I called out at the sound of a knock on the door.

"Jason, its dad, come on kid, open the door."

"I want to be alone." I yelled.

I shook my head and went back to staring at the ceiling as I had been since I'd woken up a little while ago. I'd cried myself to sleep like a baby and now, equally like a little kid, planned on hiding in my room as long as possible. I looked up in dismay at the sound of a key in the door and sighed as dad let himself in and closed the door behind him. I sat up on the bed and shook my head.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"No choice Jason." Dad said quietly as he sat next to me. "Weeks almost over and..."

"I won't do it." I said. "Can't."

"You almost did." Dad pointed out, "And you would have if my dumb ass had done the right thing and just gone for a long ride somewhere."

I looked over at dad, wondering how he knew. Sensing my question he said, "Cynthia said when you ran off on her, she got up and saw me out there, figured that's what freaked you out."

"Yeah." I nodded, but it's for the best, this way at least I didn' know."

"Jason look," Dad turned to face me and put his hands on my shoulders. "Do you remember what I always told you when things go wrong?"

"That something good always comes from something bad."

"Right." He nodded. "Look at Cynthia, what she went through, but if she hadn't she would have been with someone long before I had the chance, so something good came of that because I was just right for her. No?"

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Well now I want something good to come from my passing and that's going to be you and Cynthia's love for each other."

"We already love each other." I pointed out, "But not like that."

"But you will Jason, I know you will. The two of you love each other deeply already; you'll just be taking the next step."

"Screwing you mean?"

"That's the only difference right now, Jason. Sex isn't everything, but it's the line you two need to cross to become complete lovers. The two of you will be happy Jason, I know she's older, but plenty of couples have an age difference."

"But did they start out as parent and child?"

"Jason." Dad said and I saw his eyes starting to fill up. "I need to know the two most important people in my life will be okay. That Cynthia will be loved and cared for." He swallowed hard. "I wish there was a better way to put it, but this is my dying wish and once I'm gone you'll thank me, if not before that."

I put my head in my hands and pulling at my wrists so I would look up at him, dad whispered, "Please Jason, please for me?"

I started to answer, but stopped when I saw he was crying. I'd never seen my dad cry, even when Mom had passed away. Fighting back my own tears, I said softly. 'I...I'll try."

"Good." Dad said, wiping at his eyes. Standing, he walked back over to the door and without another word, left the room.

I sat there thinking, that had ended rather abruptly, when the door opened and Dad came back in. Behind him was Mom wearing just that little red robe. As I sat there speechless, they approached the bed and I saw Dad was holding her hand. Dad reached down and taking my hand, placed Mom's in it and wrapped his hands over both of ours. I looked up at Mom, who was looking at dad with a look that seemed loving and sad at the same time. Squeezing our hands and taking a deep breath, Dad spoke softly, "It's time for the two of you to consummate your new relationship."

He paused and looked down at me and looking into his misty eyes I found that there was no fight left in me, he would die scared for my mother and heartbroken if I didn't do this for him.

"I want you both to hear me say that I want this. You're not betraying me; you're allowing me to take the next step of my journey with a feeling of peace."

Dad let our hands go, and leaning over, put his arm around my shoulders and after kissing my cheek, whispered, "Be good to her Jason, appreciate her for all that she is, take care of her for me," he paused and added, "In every way, I want you both to enjoy each other, celebrate your love as often as you can because," his voice started to choke up, "Life's too short not to."

"Love you dad," I said softly.

"Love you to kid." Dad gave me another kiss on the cheek and standing, hugged Mom. I heard him whispering to her, and her eyes closed, she rested her head on his shoulder. Dad lifted her head and after kissing her softly on the lips, said, "I think I'm going to take a ride down to the bridge and watch the sun set."

Without looking back at us, Dad left the room, closing the door behind him. Mom watched him leave, then turning back to me stepped up to the bed. Placing her leg between mine, she pushed her foot against my ankle. Taking the hint, I opened my legs, allowing her to step up between them so she was directly in front of me. Gently taking my face in her hands, she leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek and whispered, "Just relax honey; we're going to take our time and enjoy."

I started to reply, but stopped, when putting her lips to my ear, she added softly, "I love you Jason."

"I love you too...." I kissed her on the cheek and finished quietly, "Cynthia."

"That sounds good honey," she said, kissing me softly on the neck, "Please say it again."

"I love you Cynthia." This time it came out much easier and when Mom leaned back, I saw she was blushing

"You mean it?" she asked, her wide blue eyes looking into mine

With no hesitation I answered, "Yes."

Mom smiled, then standing, untied her robe and slipping it off her shoulders, let it fall to the floor.

"Then come love me."

"Oh, goddamn." I whispered.

Although in the last couple of days I'd seen most of my mother's body it had been a little at a time. Now confronted for the first time by her completely naked body, I was amazed by just how good she looked. Those small tits were high and firm and perfectly round, and her light pink nipples were turned up slightly, her stomach was smooth and flat and her long blonde hair flowing down her shoulders was a nice contrast to her tanned skin. My eyes quickly dropped to between her legs and I felt my cock begin to rise at the sight of her smooth pink pussy. I looked up at her and started to ask her if she was sure, but was cut off, when reaching behind my head, she shoved my face into her tit.

"No more talk honey," Mom said as her hard pink nipple was thrust against my lips. "Just show me how much you want me."

I hesitated for all of about two seconds. There was no more fighting this, and right or wrong, I succumbed to my bodies desire. Opening my mouth, I eagerly sucked Mom's nipple into it and felt a surge of excitement as she cried out, "Oh yes, honey, take it, it's yours!"

I swirled my tongue around her nipple, enjoying the little cooing sounds she was making and reaching up, started fondling her other tit. I moaned at how firm her little tits were and show she shivered when I slid my palm across her nipple. I cupped her tit and after giving it a squeeze, started rubbing my thumb in circles around her swollen flesh. Mom's fingers were running through my hair and her other hand was rubbing my bare chest. I noticed she was rocking back and forth in front of me and she was lifting her feet one at a time.

I felt my cock begin to throb at the thought that she was so worked up she was squirming, and dropping my hand between her legs, slid my fingers through her very wet pussy.

"Oh honey," Mom sighed, "I'm so happy you want me!"

She felt pretty happy, as her pussy seemed to get even wetter when my fingers continued to slide back and forth. Mom reached down and grabbing my thigh, pushed my leg closed. Swinging her other leg up, she placed it next to my hip, then bracing herself with her hands on my shoulders, lifted her other leg so she was straddling me. Her legs were now wide open and as I drove my fingers up inside her, she cried out and shoved my head further into her tit.

I opened wide and began sucking as much of her tit into my mouth as I could while pumping my fingers into her excited flesh. Mom's hands were running up and down my back and her head was thrown back as she moaned while I fingered her. I released her nipple and all but attacked the next one, sucking it hard into my mouth. I was rewarded with Mom squealing and rocking her hips into my hand. As I had earlier, my thumb found her swollen nub and she moaned loudly as I lightly teased it.

"Hmm, that's it honey," Mom purred, "Be good to your girl, because she is going to be sooo good to you!" The way she'd purred those words, caused me to start to rub her clit faster and suck even harder on her nipple. Instead of being nervous, I was excited by the thought of how she would be good to me. So excited that I was now pumping my fingers into her as hard as I dared, eager for her to come for me and then find out how good she wanted to be to me. Mom was moaning louder and rocking her hips back and forth. I turned my head, to tease her nipple with my tongue and my eyes widened as I caught our reflection in the mirror. Mom's well tanned body, looked damn good straddling me and I could see her round ass pumping as she thrust her hips into me.

I groaned as Mom's nails were starting to dig into my back, but the slight pain just added to my excitement. I started squeezing her nipple harder between my fingers while taking the other deep into my mouth again. Mom had lowered her head until her lips were at my ear and she moaned, "Oh, right there baby, make me come for you!"

She followed her words up by starting to nibble on my ear and my started rocking my own hips, my cock straining for release. I had the urge to unzip, pull my cock out and have Mom just drop onto my lap and ride me. That thought spurred me on and I began to move my thumb as fast as I good while working her nipples, with my tongue and fingers. Mom started making tiny yelping noises in my ear and I could feel her pussy starting to tighten around my thrusting fingers. To my delight, she started bouncing up and down, driving my fingers hard into her. I imagined her riding me like that, hard and fast, her petite body gyrating on my muscular form. That image was shattered, but pleasantly so, by the sound of Mom crying out in my ear.

Her pussy convulsed around my fingers and she started bucking wildly on my lap as she threw her head back and released a loud wail of pleasure, her nails were now digging into my shoulders, but I barely noticed as her hot wet pussy, gushed around my fingers. I kept my fingers moving in her pussy and my tongue on her nipple, as she squirmed and moaned. Mom released a long moan in my ear and after her hips twitched one more time against me, relaxed into me and hugged me tightly, "Oh, honey," she gasped in my ear.

I hugged her back, enjoying the feeling of her nipples pressing against my chest and the heat of her thighs against mine. Mom kissed my neck and sitting up gave me a sexy smile that caused my cock to jump. "Your turn." She whispered.

Sliding off my lap, mom immediately sank to her knees and with no hesitation, grabbed my shorts and yanked on them. I lifted my hips and groaned as my cock sprang free.

"Oh, look at that." She cooed, "Oh honey, you are so hard for me!"

Mom shoved my shorts down all the way, pulling them from me and tossing them aside. Grabbing my thighs, she pushed my legs open and crawled forward until she was kneeling between them. I groaned when she grabbed my cock and giving it a squeeze looked up at me and slowly licked her lips.

"Oh, I am going to enjoy this." She said softly.

Bending her head, she flicked her tongue out, just catching the tip, and I moaned, "Oh damn," as she pulled back, a line of my precum trailing form her tongue to my cock. Mom was staring at my cock with a look of pure lust as she began stroking it. Bringing it to her lips, she again stuck her tongue out, but this time to trace a slow teasing circle around the sensitive head. I moaned and resisted the urge to thrust my hips at her. Mom smiled and turning her head started rubbing my dick against her soft cheek.

I watched as her face began to glisten from my cum and turning her head, she caressed her other cheek with it. I could feel my cock throbbing in her hand and let out a soft whimper as she again teased her tongue across it.

Aww, you want something honey?" she asked, with a mischievous smile.

"Yes." I moaned as she gave my cock a squeeze.

"Tell me." She opened her mouth and placed it just over my cock.

"I..." I took a deep breath, "Mo...I mean Cynthia, will you please," The next words came out in a rush, "Please suck my cock."

"Oh, I like that!" she smiled and opening her mouth wider, closed it over my cock and took me deep into her warm wet mouth.

"Oh, fuck!" I cried out as she continued all the way down until her lips were wrapped around the base of my shaft.

Mom paused, then started slowly shaking her head back and forth. She moaned around my cock and the vibration caused me to moan in reply. I could feel her tongue swirling around my cock, then to my amazement, I felt it slip out and start licking my balls. Holy shit, I thought, my mother's a goddamn porn star! Mom slowly worked my cock back out of her mouth and after sucking hard enough on the tip to send a squirt of precum into her mouth, released it and licked her lips. "Damn, I love sucking cock." She giggled, "You don't mind do you honey?"" I shook my head vigorously.

Mom laughed, and I felt myself blush. I sounded like an idiot. Mom wasn't a girl my age, she was a woman. A real woman and I was just a kid. That thought fell away as Mom took my cock back into her mouth and began to bob her head slowly. I sighed softly and reaching down, started running my fingers through her hair. Mom let go of my cock and placing her hand son my thighs, started taking me deeper while bobbing her head faster. I started moaning continuously as I watched her take me deeper with each motion until she was easily deep throating me.

All the while she kept her hands on my legs, and just used her mouth. Again it occurred to me, how much more experienced she was, but this time the thought turned me on. As disturbing as it was I heard dad's voice in my head, telling me she was insatiable. I gasped, when mom moved her right hand and cupping my balls started rubbing them. My hands tightened in her hair and looking up, Mom winked and stopped moving her head. I didn't move, then grabbing my wrists, mom pulled on them and took me deeper. She stopped and moaned "Hmm-mmm" around my cock.

A thrill went through me as I caught her meaning and I started to gently pull her head down onto my cock. Mom moaned softly as I started pushing and pulling, guiding her mouth up and down my cock. I groaned and started lifting my hips, pushing my cock deeper into her amazing mouth. Mom grabbed my wrists again, and pulling my hands down, placed them over her tits. I gladly started playing with her nipples, loving the way she moaned around my aching cock. Mom added her other hand just below her mouth and started following her lips with it, jerking me off as she blew me.

I started moaning louder and couldn't stop my hips from moving. She couldn't have been sucking on me for more than a couple of minutes and I could already feel myself getting close to cumming. Mom must have sensed it, as removing my cock from her mouth, she looked up at me and smiled, "Oooh, someone wants to come."

"I...s...sorry its quick," I muttered, feeling stupid again.

"No worries, honey." Mom said as she slowly pumped my cock. "I'm going to have plenty of time to enjoy this nice cock of yours, so how about tonight we go nice and quick and take the edge off." She winked, "That way you'll be able to fuck me nice and hard."

"Fuck..." I trailed off unable to believe she had just said it so causally. Then again, why wouldn't she? She was already on her knees sucking her son's cock.

"I'll go slow, and you enjoy as much as you can," she continued, "And when you're ready?" she gave me a nasty smile, "You just go ahead and give it to me, because your dirty girl will take every drop."

As soon as she said that, Mom took me back into her mouth and as she had said, began sucking in a slow steady rhythm. I let go of her tits and leaning back on my elbows watched transfixed by the sight of the woman who raised me taking my cock deep into her mouth. I watched those soft full lips slide along my shaft and could feel her tongue pressing against me. My legs began to tremble and my hips started rocking. Mom moaned around me, but still kept going slowly. Her fingers started rubbing my balls again and I released a pathetic sounding whimper as I tried to hold back and enjoy as much of my mother's mouth as I could.

Mom looked up at me and as I started into her big blue eyes, she gave my balls a squeeze and at the same time took my cock all the way down. I groaned and my legs began shaking. Mom slowly worked her way back up my cock and after pausing, started sucking hard and fast. I cried out and thrust my hips as my cock twitched and I came hard in my mother's mouth. Mom moaned loudly and started sucking harder. I groaned and bucked my hips, pushing my spurting cock deep into her mouth. Mom's eyes rolled back in her head and she moaned again as she continued to suck.

I gasped and let out another whimper as Mom sucked hard on the tip, milking the last couple of drops from me. Releasing my cock, she made a show of licking her lips, and sighed, "Damn that was a lot."

"" I gasped and again felt like a moron.

"Yeah, you like that?" she asked, standing. "I do a good job?"

"That was....amazing." I managed to get out.

"Good," she nodded, "Now come repay the favor."

Climbing up on the bed, next to me, Mom rolled over and immediately spread her legs. Despite the fact I had just come harder than I ever had, I quickly rolled over onto my knees and took in the sight of my mother's pussy spread out before me.

"Damn that looks good." I whispered.

"It tastes better," she giggled as she beckoned me with her finger.

There wasn't even a hint of resistance in me anymore and stretching out between her legs, I gently spread her pick lips and gave her clit a soft kiss. Mom raised her legs and placing her feet on my shoulders, lifted her hips, pushing her pussy into my face. I took a deep breath, taking in the forbidden scent of my mother's pink flesh, and placing the tip of my tongue just under her clit, licked slowly down to the entrance of her pussy. Mom moaned softly, and then let out a surprised yelp, when I shoved my tongue inside of her.

"Oh you do want a taste don't you?" she giggled, then groaned as I swirled my tongue around inside her.

Removing my tongue, I took a moment to suck on it and rolled my eyes at the sweet taste of her. Sliding my tongue back out, I started working it slowly through the wet folds of her pussy. Mom sighed contentedly as I reached her clit and traced a slow circle around it. Bringing my hand up, I eased two fingers inside her and began swirling my tongue harder around her swollen nub. Mom moaned louder and looking up, I took in the site of her playing with her nipples. I watched, my tongue flicking around her clit, ash her long red finger nails traced those adorable pink nipples.

I sucked her clit hard into my mouth and Mom gasped as I started pumping my fingers harder. I left her clit and as I pumped my fingers started licking her pussy up and down. Each time I reached her clit, I gave it a quick suck and Mom would yelp and her hips would twitch. Even though I had just come I could feel my cock stiffening and couldn't wait to slide it inside of her hot wet flesh. Mom started rocking her hips up and down, and holding my tongue still, I let her work her pussy back and forth across it. When my tongue reached her clit, she would linger and wiggle back and forth a little moaning as she did.

Grabbing her thigh, I held her still and started sucking her clit in and out of my mouth in the same rhythm I was moving my fingers. Mom's moans were getting louder and I could feel her curling her toes into my shoulders. Beneath my hand I could feel her thigh trembling and I felt my cock getting harder at the thought I she was going to come in my face. Mom's fingers were moving faster on her nipples and her hips pumping harder into my fingers. Her moans were getting higher pitched and I started sucking her pussy so hard my lips were making smacking noises when I released her clit.

"Oh honey!" She moaned, "Goddamn that feels good! You're going to make me come again aren't you?"

My answer was to start driving my fingers hard and fast into her pussy as I worked my tongue as fast as I could across her clit.

"That's right baby, make me come, get that pussy nice and wet for that hard cock." She moaned and started moving her hips faster. "I can't wait for you to fuck me Jason; I want that cock inside of me so bad!"

My cock wanted to be inside of her pretty bad as well and I started pushing my tongue into her clit as hard as I could. Mom whimpered and whispered, "Put your finger in my ass."

Again, not even trying to fight what was happening, I moved my hand down her thigh and slowly shoved my finger into her tight little ass. Mom gasped and arching her back started to moan as I began thrusting my finger into her ass while still working her pussy. Her thighs were shaking and she was pumping her hips faster and faster. Taking her clit between my teeth I gave it a little nip and Mom went off like a rocket. With a loud scream she stretched her legs out across my back and clamped her thighs around my head.

I continued to lick her clit and move my fingers as she writhed on the bed squealing and moaning. I could feel her ass contracting around my finger and became aware of my once again hard cock pushing into the mattress. Mom cried out my name and arching her back released another loud squeal as her pussy convulsed and I felt a warm wave of sticky fluid gush out around my fingers. I felt her body relax and her legs slid from my back. I sat up on my knees and smiled down at the sight of her beautiful face flushed with passion, her blonde hair sticking to her sweaty skin.

Mom sighed, then looking down between her legs, licked her lips and asked, "Well what are you waiting for honey? Come fuck me!"

I slid up between her legs and grabbing my cock, pushed it through her sopping pussy. Mom put her feet up on my chest and lifting her hips, whispered, "Don't tease Jason, just take me, I'm all yours."

Her words sent a rush through me and grabbing her ankles, I drove my throbbing cock into her. We both cried out as I buried myself deep inside her. Her pussy was hot and wet and as I held it there, I moaned in surprise as she contracted it around my cock. I slowly slid it back out before shoving it in hard again. "Go ahead!" Mom moaned, "Fuck me, we'll go slow later, but....oh fuck yeah!"

Mom cried as rearing back I started fucking her hard and fast. I was totally caught up in pure lust as I slammed my cock into the hottest woman I'd ever been with. Beneath me, Mom yelped with each hard thrust and that noise me start slamming her even harder. I pushed my arms out as far as I could, spreading her legs wide open and penetrating even deeper. Mom threw her head back and yelled, "Harder baby, fuck me harder!"

I gave her what she wanted and was now slamming her so hard, I could feel my balls slapping against her. Mom grabbed her tits and started rubbing them as I fucked her and the look on her face drove me to fuck her even faster. Mom was yelping and moaning and her blue eyes were wide as I hammered away at her pink pussy.

"Oh yes!" She cried out, "Fuck me Jason, fuck your dirty girl! She's all yours! Fuck me anyway you want!"

When she said that I recalled how good she'd looked straddling me and sliding my cock out, rolled over onto my back.

"Ohh, not so shy anymore are you?" she laughed.

Mom rolled over and I cried out as she grabbed my cock and shoving it in her mouth, started sucking me hard and fast. She was making loud slurping noises that were the hottest thing I's ever heard and pulling my cock from my mouth, ducked her head and started sucking on my balls. I moaned and as she continued to lick and suck my cock and balls, laid there thinking that I could have this all the time; that this amazing woman would do anything I'd ever dreamed of. Mom stopped sucking and sliding up, swung her leg over my hips.

Reaching back, she grabbed my cock and guiding it to hr pussy, drove herself down hard. We both moaned as she impaled herself on me. Mom stayed there with my cock buried deep inside her and started sliding slowly back and forth. Leaning over she kissed me and I groaned as her tongue entered my mouth. We shared a long deep kiss as she worked her hips across mine. Sitting up Mom braced her hand son my chest, lifted her hips and started fucking the shit out of me. I cried out as loud as she did when she started driving herself up and down on me. I moaned and watched her perfect sweat slicked tits bounce up and down as she road me so hard I we were bouncing up and down on the mattress.

I gasped and could feel my legs starting to shake again. Mom saw it in my face and I moaned as she swung her leg off of me, removing me from inside her.

"No," I began, "Please don't I....oh shit."

Mom had gotten on her hands and knees and lowering her head to the pillow pushed her ass in the air.

"Come get it honey." She purred.

I rolled over and grabbing her hips, thrust into her as hard as I could.

'Oh hell yes!" Mom cried out.

Holding onto her hips I started fucking her as hard as I could. Mom was yelping again and again those little noises egged me on. I was pulling my cock all the way out before driving it back home into her sopping pussy. She was so wet I could hear my cock plunging into her and could feel it splattering the inside of my thighs. My balls were slapping against her pussy and I was breathing hard and fast. My heart was pounding and I could feel myself getting closer to coming with each thrust.

"Stop!" Mom called out.

I groaned with disappointment, but did as she said and slid my cock out.

"Slide your cock up my pussy." Mom whispered.

I did as she asked and whimpered as the sensitive head of my cock slid through her wet lips. When I reached the entrance of her pussy, she said, "Keep going."

I wasn't sure what she meant and remained where I was. Mom lowered her hips and I gasped when the head of my cock pressed against her ass.

"Go ahead." She said softly. "Take it."

"I...we don't have too." I said nervously.

"I told you I'll do anything for you Jason, I'm your girl honey, your dirty girl, so go on and take me," she pushed her ass against me, "All of me."

No girl I'd been with had ever let me have their ass and unable to resist, I slowly pushed my cock into her ass. Mom let out a long groan, and I gasped at how tight her ass was. She leaned forward and putting her hands against the wall took a deep breath and suddenly shoved back against me. I moaned and Mom cried out loudly as the entire length of my cock was buried in her ass. Mom pressed herself against me, then whispered, "Stay still."

"Her voice sounded strained and I did as she said. Mom started rocking back and forth and I moaned as my cock was being worked in and out of her ass. Mom started rocking faster and my moaning grew louder as I felt her ass contracting around my cock. I'd never felt anything so tight! Mom stopped and said, "Go ahead, take your girl make her yours."

Grabbing her hips again, I started fucking her, but nowhere near as hard as before, Mom started squealing and I noticed that each time my cock plunged into her the noise was more of pleasure than discomfort. There was no discomfort on my end and I started going a little faster and whimpering with each thrust as I could feel the cum. building within me.

"Oh, yeah." Mom moaned, "That's it, honey go on and give it to me, cum all over me!"

Unable to hold back I started fucking her hard and fast. Mom let out a long high pitched squeal that sent me over the edge. I gave her a few more hard pumps, then whipped my cock out of her ass. I planned on cumming on her back, but rolling over, Mom held her tits up and I eagerly started pumping my cock, spraying my thick white cum all over those perfect tits.

"Oh that feels soo good!" Mom moaned as my cum splattered across her nipples and dripped down her stomach.

I let out a low moan as my spent cock gave up the last few drops and I collapsed on the bed next to her. We both laid there on our backs panting and as my heart finally stopped pounding. I closed my eyes and it hit me what we had done. As if she had sensed my thoughts, Mom rolled over and putting her hand on my chest whispered, "It's okay honey, your father wanted this and we're going to have so much fun together."

She moved her hand and I opened my eyes to see her wiping my cum from her tits with her robe. She tossed it to the side and laying back down next to me, pulled the sheet up to our waists.

" spending the night?" I asked.

"I..." she looked at me sadly, "You don't want me to?"

I remembered how good she felt lying in my arms last night and extending my arm to her said softly, "I'd love you to."

Mom gave me such a huge smile, that I couldn't resist smiling back at her as she slid over and rested her head on my shoulder.

"I love you Jason." She whispered, "I'm going to love you for the rest of our lives."

'I love you too Mom, I mean Cynthia," I caught myself.

"You can still call me mom sometimes." She said, "Until you're ready for me to just be Cynthia."

"I'd like that," I said softly. "And didn't have to, I mean ...."

"I told you honey, anything you want." She giggled. "That dirty girl act isn't an act you know." She sighed, "I love it all honey, and I love you, we're going to enjoy each other in every way."

I put my arm around her and pulled her close to me. Mom lifted her head and gave me a kiss than laughed, "Bad boy, you smell like my pussy."

"Sorry!" I said nervously, "I...."

"It was a joke baby, now get some sleep."

'Okay, " began, "I...."

"Because I love it in the morning so you better get some rest."

"Morning? I..."

"Good night Jason. I love you."

"Good night Cynthia." I said softly, and feeling my throat getting tight with emotion, added, "I love you too.


I awoke to the pleasant sensation of Mom's soft lips on mine. I opened my eyes to see her leaning over me, smiling. I started to say something, but she kissed me again. I closed my eyes and let her tongue enter my mouth. We both sighed as we took our time, our lips sliding against each other's and our tongues playing. Mom rolled over onto her back, kicked the covers off. I quickly rolled over between her legs and as I leaned down to kiss her, slowly entered her still wet pussy.

She sighed softly in my ear and wrapping her legs around my waist drew me deeper into her. I slid my arms beneath hers, bringing us even closer and started to move slowly within her. Mom moaned softly and her lips found mine as her hips began moving in time with my slow thrusts. I could feel her nipples pressing into my chest and the heat of her soft thighs around my hips. Mom broke the kiss and started moaning softly as I took my time. I began kissing her neck as our bodies moved in perfect rhythm and I felt a wave of emotion come over me as I slowly made love to my mother.

No, she was no longer just my mother; she was Cynthia, my lover, the woman who I was going to spend the rest of my life with. I could feel myself getting ready to cum, but didn't speed up, instead I slowed down, trying to enjoy as much of this as I could. Beneath me, Cynthia was sighing sweetly with every thrust and when I could no longer hold back, and came deep inside her, she whispered, "I love you my baby, I'm going to love you forever."


I opened my eyes and winced at the sunlight coming through the window. I forgot that discomfort quickly however as I became aware of the amazing feeling of holding my mother in my arms. Her arm was around my waist and her head on my chest. I could just make out her face through her blonde hair and she looked so peaceful. I sighed and kissed the top of her shoulder. Mom slowly lifted her head and after kissing me softly on the lips, said "Good morning baby, I...."

She stopped and her eyes widened. I followed her gaze and felt a sinking feeling in my stomach.

Dad was sitting in the small chair near the window, watching us.

Mom sat up quickly, pulling the sheet up with her to cover her tits and sitting up as well, I stammered, "I...I'm sorry dad! We, uh..."

I didn't know what to say and next to me, Mom wasn't doing much better.

"Kenny! I...I didn't know you were going to come in, I thought you wanted me to spend the night and...."

Dad put his hands up in calming gesture and standing came over and sat next to Mom on the bed. I don't think I'd ever felt more awkward in my life, getting caught in bed with your mother, was not an experience most people could relate to. And even if some had, how many of them had permission? Still, it was one thing to know he wanted it when he wasn't around, but sitting here looking at him, I felt guilty as hell.

"Hey you two, it's okay." Dad said softly

"You...I...didn't want you to see us Kenny." Mom said with her head down, "It's different than..."

"Look Cynthia, Jason, I have to admit when I first came in here a little while ago, that it was upsetting. Like you said, one thing to say it another to see it."

"Sorry Dad." I said quietly.

"But," he continued, "After sitting here watching you," he shook his head, a soft smile on his lips, "I know this is what was meant to be."

"You do?" I asked.

"The two of you look so sweet together, so perfect." Reaching out he took Mom's hand, "Cynthia, you looked so peaceful and content, and Jason, seeing you holding her like that tells me that you're going to take damn good care of her and that's all that I want, for the two of you to love and care for each other."

"I still feel bad." Moms said, "You seeing us."

"I had to see it Cynthia," he insisted, "That's why I made this happen before I passed, so that I knew it would."

Sliding up further onto the bed, Dad put his arm around, Cynthia and gestured to me over her shoulder. I leaned over and he put his other arm around me. The three of us hugged each other and, his head between ours, dad whispered, "Something good always comes of something bad, and I can go peacefully knowing I already know the good that will come." He paused then added, "I love you both with all my heart, and everything is going to be just fine, you'll see."

I leaned against the railing and watched as the full moon's light reflected over the small waves of low tide. It had been a long day and an emotional one. Cynthia and I hadn't originally planned on coming to the beach house this summer, but when the owner had called, pretty much expecting us to take it, we decided that Dad would have wanted us to. It had always been our favorite family tradition and one that we decided to continue with our own family.

Cynthia had also suggested scattering some of dad's ashes into the water and we had done that at sunset which had always been his favorite time here. The two of us had sat on the sand, letting the waves lap at our bare feet and holding hands, fondly remembered Dad. We laughed at some of his more outlandish misadventures and cried over the fact he was no longer with us. When we returned to the house, Cynthia had said that she wasn't feeling well and was going to call it a night. The emotions of the day had drained her, and her back had been aching most of the day.

Cynthia. It was hard to pinpoint the exact moment that I had ceased to think of her as Mom. Most likely it was right about the time of the funeral. Dad must have known he was closer to the end than he had let on last summer. No sooner had we gotten back home, than he began rapidly going downhill. Despite his worsening condition, Dad's spirits had stayed good and he said that was because Cynthia and I had made him very happy by granting his last request that we become lovers.

I had to admit a year later that as much as I had fought it, I now couldn't imagine a night without Cynthia by my side. She was everything dad had said she was and more. She was my sweet lover and dirty girl all wrapped in one. We'd been worried in the beginning, but no one suspected anything other than I was still at home to take care of my grieving mother. Now that I'd graduated, the two of us had agreed that it was time to leave Rhode Island and move somewhere that no one knew us. Start over where people would just see us as another couple. Our age difference would get some juicy gossip out of the neighbors and Cynthia laughed delightedly when I would refer to her as my hot little cougar. Of course, we would wait to move until the baby was...

"Hey honey, you coming to bed?"

I turned to see Cynthia standing behind me. I had been so lost in thought I hadn't heard the screen door open. As I looked at her, I couldn't help but smile. She looked absolutely amazing. Her big blue eyes were looking at me with adoration in them and her long blonde hair had been lightened by the sun. She was already deeply tanned and as my eyes trailed down past her high firm, and no longer smallish tits, my smile widened at the sight of her swollen stomach, stretching the material of the cute little black night gown she was wearing.

"You look beautiful Cynthia," I said softly as she walked up next to me.

"I don't feel beautiful," she grunted, "I feel fat. I'm starting to waddle."

"More beautiful than ever," I said, kissing her cheek and resting my hand on her stomach, "And still sexy!"

"Yeah, sure." She laughed, then gave a little yelp as the baby kicked against my hand. "Wow he's in a mood today."

"Wants out, knows we're in our favorite place."

"I want him out too." She laughed, then putting her arm around me she looked out at the ocean. "Thinking of him?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "I love our life, but sometimes I still feel a little weird, especially with the baby."

"He'd have wanted it honey." Cynthia said quietly. "I was never happy he got fixed after we had you. But we had nothing back then and he didn't want more than one." She sighed. "Only thing we ever really fought about." She gave me a big smile, "But now I'm going to be a mommy again and we're going to be a family. I can't wait until he's old enough to really enjoy it here."

"Feels like he's ready now," I laughed as her stomach jumped against my hand again.

"Well you know, little Kenny doesn't settle down for the night until his daddy's with him."

"I love hearing that." I said softly.

"And I love you honey," she winked, "So you going to come to bed and....settle your son down?"

"Just him?" I asked, "Or does my dirty girl need a little settling herself?"

"Come to bed and find out." She told me with a sexy smile and taking my hand, led me across the deck and into the house.

We entered the bedroom and I saw she'd lit several candles. Cynthia walked over to the foot of the bed and turning, to face me, lifted her arms over her head. Grabbing the bottom of her night gown and pulling it over her arms, tossed it aside. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her softly and we both laughed when the baby kicked between us. I stopped laughing when Cynthia sat down on the bed and unzipping my shorts, pushed them and my underwear down. My cock was hard and ready and grabbing it, she quickly took it into her mouth. I sighed softly and reaching down started caressing her swollen nipples as she bobbed her head slowly.

Cynthia moaned around my hard flesh as I started rolling her nipples between my fingers and started sucking faster. I could feel my cock getting even harder as her talented tongue worked around my shaft as she blew me. As good as it felt, I wanted her to feel good even more, and standing back, I removed my cock from her mouth. Getting on my knees in front of her, I gently sucked on each of her nipples as she cooed softly and played with my hair.

Cynthia giggled as leaving her tits; I began trailing a series of soft kisses down her swollen belly. Her giggling stopped, when gently pushing her shoulders; I laid her back on the bed. She put her feet up on my shoulders and groaned softly as I began slowly teasing my tongue around her clit. I eased a finger inside and started sucking on her hard nub. Cynthia moaned and started moving her hips into my flickering tongue. I took a moment to slide my tongue up and down the soft wet folds of her pussy before earnestly going back to work on her clit.

Cynthia reached down and grabbed my hair as I sucked her clit into my mouth and added a second finger inside her.

"Oh, yes honey, ohhh I so need this!" she purred.

As always that sexy tone she used in bed caused my cock to jump and I began licking her as fast as I could, eager to make her come so I could be inside her. I didn't have long to wait. Cynthia let out a long whimper and her toes curling into my shoulders began to come. I moaned myself, at the feeling of her warm wet pussy contracting around my fingers and her sweet sounds of pleasure as she came. When her hips stopped moving and she released one last little whimper, I stood up and placing her feet on my chest, slowly entered her.

We both moaned as my cock slid into her now very wet pussy and I started pumping her gently. It wasn't the most romantic position, but the baby was too big for me to lie on top of her. Neither of us minded however, as I spread her legs further and stared fucking her a little faster. Cynthia sighed and again I couldn't believe how beautiful she looked. Her long hair was fanned across the pillow and her were closed, her lips were parted and she was releasing a soft sigh every time I slid into her. Reaching down, I placed my hand on her stomach and felt a wave of emotion go through me as I made love to the woman who had raised me was now the mother of my child.

I forced myself not to go any harder and moaned as I could feel the come slowly building within me. Cynthia opened her eyes and sliding her hand down, placed it over mine. "Let me feel it honey," she whispered, "Let me feel how much you love me."

Despite my best efforts to hold back, I lost control and gave her several hard pumps before crying out as my cock began filling her. Cynthia cooed softly as my cock continued to explode inside her. When I had nothing left to give, I leaned over and we shared a long deep kiss again the baby kicked between us and we both whispered, "I love you."

"Hmmm," Cynthia sighed in my ear. "I'm feeling pretty settled now, let's go to sleep honey."

She slid up on the bed and rolled over onto her side. Getting into the bed next to her, I slid up tight against her and putting my arm around her, rested my hand on her stomach. A moment later I felt her stomach shift as our son sensed my touch. Cynthia sighed and within minutes was asleep. I laid there, enjoying holding both her and our baby and looking over her shoulder saw the picture of my father that Cynthia had brought so that he could still be with us. As I looked at his smiling face, I realized that to some this might seem wrong, but I couldn't imagine anything feeling more right. I also knew that dad wasn't just smiling at us from the photo but from above as well. I closed my eyes and smiled as the baby kicked gently against my hand. As I drifted off to sleep I recalled my dad's words, that something good always came from something bad, and truly there could be nothing better than this.