Time for Payback


I am an 18-year-old nerdy lesbian. While I'm not ugly the lesbian and bookworm thing made high school really tough for me but that is all about to change now that I have the ultimate remote. An old bum gave it to me because I had been nice to him and treated him like a real person. He explained the 4 buttons to me stop means stop time, start means start time, inv means invisibility, and m/c means mind control. At first I did not believe it but then he demonstrated each button and my mind was blown. I had the power to do anything. I think its time for some payback. I have a very sick mind and I have no limit on how far I will go to put a bitch in her place.

First I rushed off to school to tell my best and only friend Freddy but most call him fat boy Freddy. Freddy was amazed he could not wait to have sex with all the girls that put him down. Freddy looked at me and asked, "who's first." I stared back completely not ready for the question there were so many options it was almost impossible to pick, the stuck up prom queen, the bitchy cheerleaders, the I'm to good for you valedictorian, all the mean teachers, Freddy's witch of a stepmom and stepsisters so many options so little time oh wait all the time in the world.

First I decided to see if I could bring Freddy with me into time stop and invisibility and to my delight I could, but when I went invisible with him I could still see him but apparently no one else could. Next I wanted to see if time was really stopped or just moving slowly, so I stopped time and grabbed the closest girl to me. Her name was Jane Henderson she was a senor with long black hair and average sized tits. She was not mean to me so she was just being used as an experiment and not as humiliation. First I took a huge whiff and I smelt a strong smell of some sort of perfume, so that proves that I can smell stuff. Next I pulled down her shorts and he yellow thong which revealed a beautiful trimmed pussy I started to lick her pussy the taste was a little tart but overall a good tasting pussy. After a little while to my delight again her pussy started to get very wet, so time was just moving very I pulled her pants up and started time ready to tell Freddy my findings. When time started Jane gave a little squeal and ran to the bathroom. Freddy looked at me and I smiled and filled him in on my findings.

Just then I got pushed to the ground as I heard a bitchy voice say, "Watch were you're going lesbo." I looked up and saw Angelina Delvecchio standing over me with a scowl on her face. Angelina is from a rich Italian family and is the definition of a spoiled bitch. She had long black hair; today it was in a little poof. She also had full c cup breast and a tight ass. Angelina thought she ran this school because of her wealth, looks, and the fact that her brother was like a god around here like 4 years ago. Well I think it was time to knock this bitch down a peg.

"I'm sorry Angelina that was my bad," I said to her as I got up.

"Eww get away from me I don't want to catch lesbian you faget and take lardass with you." Angelina yelled as she pushed me back down to the ground. This made me really mad so I stopped time and took Freddy with me. Freddy face went from being beat red from being embarrassed and angry to a look of pure amazement. He looked around at the frozen world and then his eyes shot to Angelina.

"What should we do with her," he asked. I went over to that bitch who was frozen mid laugh and pulled down her white pants revealing a light purple thong. I then grabbed the back of her thong and pulled it up as hard and far as it could go. I eventually got it up a little past mid-back. The thong was deep in her ass then I went around to her front to examine her pussy. After the wedgie the thong had gone up her pussy making her pussy lips visible creating a picture perfect cameltoe. I gave a laugh looking at the funny situation. Freddy started to take off his pants I then asked him what he was doing. "I'm going to fuck this bitch silly," he said.

"Freddy you don't want to lose your v card to this bitch."

He gave me a look of disbelieve and then said, "Fine I guess your right but we have to do something more."

"Oh trust me Freddy we will this is just the beginning," I said as I started time. Angelina screamed as she felt a major pain in her ass.

"Hey Angelina nice lips," someone yelled. Angelina screamed again realizing her pants were down she pulled them up and ran to the bathroom. Freddy and I were almost dying from laughter.

Through out the school day I did a few minor pranks but I was really saving up for 6th period. Angelina was in my sixth period class and it was time for the big revenge. I stopped time along with Freddy who was also in that class.

"So what are we going to do," Freddy asked.

I just gave him a devilish grin, "watch." I went up to Angelina and pulled off her purple top revealing a nice purple bra. But when I went to take off the bra I realized something very funny. Angelina's c cup chest was really as flat as a 10-year-old boy.

"What happen to her boobs," asked Freddy. "Here they are," I said as I tossed him the heavily padded purple bra. "What in the hell," Freddy asked.

"Her bra has so much padding its ridiculous she must have them custom made because I have never seen a bra with close to this much padding," I said trying to hold back tears from laughing so hard. Then I pulled down her white pants revealing the same purple thong from before. I then pulled down her thong, which revealed her completely shaved pussy along with a cute little butterfly tattoo on her left hip. I was about to discard her thong when something caught my eye. I took a closer look at the purple panties and I found my second surprise. It looks like thanks to my ultimate wedgie a thick dark brown streak of shit covered the ass part of her thong. I fell to the ground laughing.

"Eww that's really gross I'm glad you did not let me fuck this dirty bitch," said Freddy.

"Your right I was going to eat her out a little but now I think I'm going to pass," I said back to Freddy. Once I had Angelina's nasty ass completely naked I went around the school looking for the last piece of the puzzle. It took a while but I found him hanging outside the school reliving the glory days with the gym teacher. It was Tony Delvecchio Angelina's brother. He had put on a few pounds since his playing days and had a shaved head probably to hide the balding. He wore his old letterman jacket, baggy jeans, and a silver chain. I picked him up, and to my surprise in time stop he was extremely lite, and brought him back to the room then I stripped him butt ass naked. "Well since you Delvecchios like being the center of attention so much," I said. Then I sat him down on the teacher's chair in front of the class and jerked him a couple times to get him hard. Tony was very well endowed his dick was about 9 inches and one of the thickest dick I've seen. Then I slammed his bitchy sister as hard as I could on his donkey dick. To finish off the scene I nailed two nails on the chalkboard behind the Delvecchios siblings, first I hung up Angelina's dirty panties with the skid marks showing to the class and then I hung up Angelina's ridiculously padded bra. Under the thong I wrote Angelina's shit stained thong and under the bra I wrote thickest bra in the world to cover up Angelina's tiny titties. I then went around to everyone in class and put their phones on record and pointed them at the Delvecchio siblings so this event would live on forever. Freddy and I went back to our seats and restarted time.

First thing I hear was a loud scream from Angelina as her pussy felt like it had been ripped open. Then she turned her head and saw her brother's face. Then looked down and realized her brother's huge cock was inside her pussy. That produces another loud scream as her face turned tomato red. Angelina tried to stand up but thanks to me she could not get up. See I had glued Tony's dick to Angelina's clit just so Angelina could not run off again.

By now half the students were shouting, "Isn't that your brother," and "nice mosquito bites on your chest," and "when was the last time you washed you nasty ass," while the other half were about to be sick because of how gross everything was. Angelina kept trying to pull her self off her brother until she realized it was no use.

"Tony lets go," Angelina yelled at her brother. Tony who had a look on his face of pure confusion and a slight look of happiness startled out of his dream like state and started to work with his sister on how to get up. The obstacle of getting out of the chair proved too much for Angelina's clit which was being pulled in every what direction that when they finally stood up Angelina grabbed the desk tightly with both hands, let out a loud moan, and showed everyone in the class her O face. Now the whole class was laughing and shouting at Angelina. Angelina and Tony started to wobble out of the room. Which was one of the funniest sites I had seen, Angelina was bent over at the waist her body still recovering from that massive orgasm and they were walking to the door together in that position.

They were almost out of the classroom and away from all this embarrassment until Angelina tripped sending her face down to the ground with all the weight of her brother crashing down on her slamming his cock as far as it could possibly go in her pussy. Angelina's whole body tensed up as she let out the loudest moan of pleasure showing everybody her O face for the second time, except this time her pussy squirted all over her brother and the floor causing a huge puddle to form underneath the siblings. This was too much for Tony his body tensed up on his sister and he let out a moan as he shot a load deep in his sister. Now I knew that Angelina was on the pill so there was no chance of pregnancy but the idea of Angelina squirting on her brother then him paying her back with a creampie was just amazing. The Delvecchios finally made it out of the room dripping pussy juice and cum.

They made it to the locker room where I heard they jumped in the shower to unstick the glue, bad news is that it worked they got apart, but the good news was it took a while and the water shooting on their genitalia caused Angelina to cum five more times, and Tony to shoot his load twice more deep in his sister. The students in the class were all laughing to the point of tears. Some students got up to smell and then cringe at Angelina's shit stained thong, some decided to feel just how thick Angelina's bra really was, a few nerds started to lick the puddle of Angelina's pussy juice like a thirsty dog drinking from a bowl, while others just sat back and texted the video to all their friends. Freddy and I just chuckled; I think we took this bitch down a lot more then just one peg.

After all the fun of putting that bitch in her place Jamie felt a rumbling in her stomach. She realized that she had been so enamored with the remote that she had not eaten all day. Her stomach continued to rumble until she made it to the closest restaurant she could find which was an Applebee's. Jamie sat at the table and eventually her waitress came, she was an average height brunette with a perfect tan and a pair of dark blue eyes that you could get lost in. While her black uniform covered up her bust you could still tell she had a nice set of tits. Her name tag said her name was Tori.

"Hey, are you waiting for someone or just eating alone," asked Tori with an attitude Jamie did not really like.

"Oh its just me tonight," replied Jamie. Tori tried to hide a snicker but did so unsuccessfully. Jamie wanted to teach this girl a lesson on customer service but right now she was too hunger to do anything. "I'll have a glass of ice water and then for my meal I'll have the two for twenty deal. For my appetizer I'll have the Spinach and Artichoke dip and for my meal I'll have the Chicken Fettuccine Carbonara and the Applebee's Riblet Basket," Jamie said with a smile as she handed Tori the menu.

Tori face was trying to hold back another snicker when she finally uttered, "Two for twenty deal for one person you don't see that everyday." This comment made Jamie feel a little bad about her order and made her regret the decision to come here. That was until she remembered the remote.

"Oh that bitch is going to get it, but after I get my food because I am still very hungry," Jamie said to herself.

When waiting for her food Jamie saw a mother, at the booth across from her, berating her son, who looked to be around eight, for spilling a little manatee on his pants. The mom was very young to be a mom probably mid thirties. Without question she was a total milf. She had long blonde hair with brunette streaks. She wore a black top that was probably too low cut for a mom and a pair of blue jeans. The top being so low cut really showed off her massive breasts. I continued to watch them for a while and see the mom just yell at her kid some more. While I'm all for trying to teach your kid some table manners but this bitch was acting crazy. Then out of the corer of her eye Jamie saw a commotion at the front of the restaurant. A blonde girl probably just out of high school was screaming as a waitress, who was probably only 16, to the point where tears were starting to form under the waitresses eyes. Jamie decided to switch her full attention to that dispute. The blonde was in a full pink jumpsuit wearing a pair of Gucci sunglasses and caring a Gucci purse. It was clear that this bitch was one of those spoiled types that got everything they ever wanted from daddy. What made Jamie angrier was when she heard the spoiled blonde was yelling at the young waitress about a couple of cents on the tip. Just then Tori came back with her food. As Tori was bent over placing the food Jamie said, "Thanks."

"My pleasure," stated Tori in a sarcastic tone.

Ok I have had enough of this Jamie thought as she stopped time. "What would make a person want to be so mean to someone they don't know," asked Jamie to no one in particular. First Jamie went up to Tori; she took a few minutes to fully take in the beauty of the bent over waitress. Then finally she pulled down her black pants revealing a nice black thong. "Very sluty panties for work, I bet you fuck the manager so you can keep your job because you're a shit waitress," Jamie taunted her. Jamie then took off Tori's black Applebee's shirt leaving her bent over at the waist in her black thong and bra. Soon after that Jamie had removed the bra and thong, giving Jamie a real sight to see. Tori's whole body was a perfect shade of tan. Tori also had perfect 34 C's that looked so perfect that Jamie thought they might be fake, but with one feel Jamie disregarded that thought. Then Jamie moved behind Tori to get a great view of her tight ass and her shaved pussy. Jamie started to lick Tori's pussy all the way to her asshole. The taste was a little tart especially her ass, but Jamie was sure it tastes better then if she would have licked Angelina's nasty ass. Jamie continued to switch off between Tori's ass and pussy until Tori's pussy started to get very wet.

Now its time to make you look stupid bitch, first Jamie poured her ice cold water down Tori's naked chest causing her small brown nipples to become as hard as diamonds. Then Jamie looked at her food, Tori had made her so self-conscious about it Jamie was no longer hungry. "First the appetizer," Jamie exclaimed as she grabbed the spinach dip, she dipped both of Tori's perfect tits in the dip causing them to be coated green. "Next the first entrée," Jamie continued to taunt as she grabbed the Fettuccine and dumped it on Tori's head. Jamie then mixed it into her long brunette hair causing her hair to become a complete mess. "Last but not least the final entrée," Jamie laughed as she grabbed the rack of ribs. Jamie ripped the ribs apart causing her to have eight individual ribs. She slowly proceeded to stuff as many ribs in Tori's pussy as possible, "one, two, three, fffoouur" Jamie counted as she stuffed the fourth one in after a few minutes of pushing. "Four more to go," Jamie taunted the bitchy waitress. Jamie then moved behind Tori and began to slowly proceed to stuff the remaining four ribs in her ass. "One, two, three, ffffooo," but the fourth on was a little too much for Tori's ass to handle. Then an idea popped into Jamie's head she grabbed the last rib and began to chow down on the meat. Then Jamie gave Tori a messy French kiss transferring the chewed up rib meat from her mouth. Then with all her might she finally shoved the fourth chewed up rib in Tori's ass. Jamie looked at the bitchy waitress and had to take a minute to recover from laughing so hard.

After admiring her handy work for a while Jamie decided to move on to the milf berating her son. "So you did not want your son making a mess well I'm going to make a mess out of you" Jamie laughed. Jamie went up to the milf and rummaged through her wallet finding her name to be, Ellen Richards. First thing Jamie did was to remove Ellen's top not being able wait another second to see those massive orbs. To Jamie's surprise Ellen was not wearing a bra and her double D's just hung there in all their glory. Jamie began sucking each breast only stopping when her lips got tired. Jamie pulled Ellen's white skirt off giving her a nice view of her white lace panties. Quickly pulling her panties off Jamie shoved them in the milf's mouth. To this point in Jamie's time stopping endeavors she had only seen shaved pussies so it was a bit of a surprise when she encountered Ellen's full blonde bush. Jamie's lips still tired from sucking on Ellen's boobs for so long, decided she did not need to taste the milf. "Since you yelled at your son for his mayonnaise mishap its only fare you have a mayonnaise mishap of your own," Jamie explained to the milf. Jamie looked around Applebee's and finally spotted two bigger men who both had just gotten their cheeseburgers. Jamie took to top bun of both cheeseburgers, which still had the melted cheese on it and took it back to Ellen. Jamie then loaded the buns with mayonnaise and slapped them on her huge boobs. As Jamie had expected the mayonnaise and the cheese made the cheeseburger buns stick to her chest as mayonnaise started to ooze out of the sides of the buns. Looking at the table another idea hit Jamie, she saw that Ellen's son had chicken fingers, so Jamie grabbed two chicken fingers and started to position Ellen. Jamie put Ellen's legs up on the table so both her pussy and her ass were visible. Jamie grabbed the chicken fingers, "Now what to use for lube... oh what else mayonnaise," Jamie joked as she dunked both chicken fingers in mayonnaise and proceeded to shove one up her pussy and the other up her ass, as mayonnaise was now pretty much covering her body. Jamie laughed the she decided since she did not want the kid scarred for life she moved him to the men's restroom.

After dealing with the milf Jamie moved on towards the spoiled bitch yelling at the scared waitress. The blond stood at 5'7" still yelling at the young waitress. First Jamie looked through her purse not only did she find her name to be Trisha Johnson but she found $500 in cash and an American Express black card. "This bitch was arguing about a little tip while she was loaded as hell," Jamie said angrily. First she gave $100 to the waitress crying because she felt bad for her and pocketed the rest. Jamie ran outside and found a bum which she traded Trisha's black card for the bum's one and only pair of underwear. It was a pair of tighty whities but no longer white, they were very crusty and produced a foul smell. Now it was time for the real fun to start as she went back to Trisha. Jamie pulled down the pink pants to the jumpsuit showing a very tiny pink thong and a perfectly tanned and toned ass. The pink top came off just as quickly as the bottoms and surprise, surprise a pink bra held her tits, which were between C's and D's. "You really like pink don't you bitch," Jamie asked a frozen Trisha. After that the pink bra was ripped in half off Trisha's body leaving her chest completely naked. Now while Tori had real breast that looked fake it was clear that Trisha had a big old set of fake tits. They were almost unnaturally big on her body and were standing up perfectly. Jamie grabbed a sharpie from the hostesses and wrote "FAKE" across her chest with arrows pointing to both boobs and wrote "THANKS DADDY" on her stomach witch arrows again pointing to each boob. Jamie then slapped each fake tit till they were both beet red so they would stand out more. Jamie started to move her interest down to Trisha's bottoms. Jamie pulled the thong down showing off Trisha's shaved pussy and one of those hearts you get from tanning on her right hip. "How adorable," Jamie snickered as she rubbed the heart, "but I think its time to eat your pussy and ass," Jamie decided. While Trisha's pussy was not the grossest thing Jamie had ever tasted it did have a slight fishy taste that Jamie was not that into, and that was the same story with her ass, it was not terrible but she could definitely taste and smell asshole. Jamie then grabbed the sharpie again and wrote "FISHY" above Trisha's slit with an arrow down and "STINKY" above her crack with an arrow down. Jamie then thought of what to do next, she saw that the cash drawer was open and saw a roll of quarters. She laughed as she got an idea. Jamie opened up one end of the roll of quarters and placed half it up her ass then pushed the quarters up her ass, so that when she was done the quarters were up her ass without the paper surrounding them. "There is your extra change you wanted bitch," Jamie said in a taunting voice.

Jamie looked around Applebee's for more fun items, she came back with 3 thick hotdogs, two tongs that the cooks were using, and some rubber bands. Jamie took the hotdogs and one by one slid them into Trisha's pussy. To Jamie's surprise all three slid in with ease, the bitch was tremendously loose. "Oh does daddies little bitch love the cock," Jamie taunted. "Now time for the titties," Jamie thought to herself. Jamie took the tongs and squeezed Trisha's nipples as hard as she could then wrapped the rubber band around the tongs to keep them latched on her nipples. Just so Jamie's enjoyment would last a little longer she took the two halves of Trisha's bra and tied her wrist behind her back and her ankles together. For the final touch Jamie shoved the bum's dirty underwear in Trisha's mouth. Standing back Jamie fell to the floor in laughter about to see all three bitches publicly humiliated.

Jamie got back to her seat and said, "Here we go as she started time. Tori the waitress who was still leaning in front of her screamed from the serious amount of pain in her pussy and ass. The scream caused the pre-chewed rib in her mouth to be spat across the table. Tori started to bolt for the bathroom to selvage some dignity. At the same time in the booth across from Jamie, Ellen, the milf, released a muffled scream as she realized she was a mess and felt something in her ass and pussy. Ellen was about to take the cheeseburger buns off her chest before she realized it was the only think covering her up, so she held them tight to her chest and ran to the bathroom. On her way to the bathroom the two bitches collided, Ellen ran Tori over knocking her off her feet and onto her ass. This caused the ribs to get shoved further up her ass. As Tori screamed again, Jamie saw that Tori was borderline passing out from the pain, but she eventually avoided passing out and crawled very slow to the bathroom. Trisha produced a muffled scream probably from the pain on her nipples and just sheer embarrassment. Jamie doubted that she even felt the hotdogs or quarter because of how big a slut she was. Trisha then spit the bum's underwear out of her mouth as she started to gag. Trisha tried to escape by hopping out of Applebee's this caused the tongs to bounce up and down bringing more pain to her nipples. Also with each hop a few quarters fell out of her ass.

The waitress who was on the verge of tears was now sporting one of the biggest smiles as she yelled, " Guess you can keep that change." Trisha kept hopping what seemed like forever until she finally made it to the bathroom, where all three bitches stayed until the manager finally brought them some extra close he had in the back.

Jamie was laughing so hard but she wanted to try out one of her other powers, so she stopped time and walked into the bathroom. First she went up to Tori and hit the m/c button on the remote, mind control. "Tori I want you to bring home a different man every night for the next two weeks to fuck silly but you will not be able to get off unless you are some how humiliated with some sort of food during the sex," Jamie commanded thinking that would humiliate that bitch. Jamie went up to Ellen and commanded, "For the next month you will tell your husband the only way you two will have sex is anal in public places." "And now for my last bitch, Trisha for the next six months the only people you are allowed to do sexual acts with are the nerds you made fun of in high school. If you just want to masturbate the only person you can get off to is the idea of your dad. You will steal his dirty underwear to masturbate with and try to catch him naked to have those vivid masturbation images." Jamie laughs, "It looks like daddies little girl will really be daddies little slut." Jamie then commanded all of then, "After your allotted time is up you all will remember what you had done and you will feel ashamed and humiliated," Jamie laughs again. She decided she had enough of those bitches and left for more fun somewhere else.

It had been a month since Jamie was given the remote and she had been having so much fun with it getting payback and making enough money to be set for life. Jamie went to school again and stopped time to have a little fun then a message appeared on the remote that said your month is up please pass this remote on to someone who deserves it. Also once you have possessed the remote you will no longer be able to tagalong with the remote. Jamie was a little disappointed but this was the best month of her life and she was financially set so she was not that mad, but who to give it to. Jamie thought about it and then decided it was obvious she will give it to Freddy he did not get as much fun with the remote since his family had gone on vacation but now he will have all the fun in the world.

Jamie looked around for Freddy and she spotted him in the cafeteria stuffing a whole sandwich in his mouth at once.

"Freddy, I got a present for you," Jamie said excitedly.

"What" Freddy muffled through the sandwich. Jamie held the remote out to him. Freddy looked like he was going to cry with happiness. Freddy grabbed the remote and Jamie told him about the one-month rule so Freddy would make the most of his month. "Thank you so much" Freddy cried as he gave Jamie a huge hug.

"Your welcome, now don't just stand here thanking me go have fun," Jamie said.

Freddy paused time and ran down the halls with excitement. He walked around seeing who he was going to have fun with first. That is when he spotted Nikki Jones, bent over drinking out of a drinking fountain, and his eyes lit up. Nikki was a Sr. like Freddy but that was all they had in common. Nikki was head cheerleader and ran this school with her bitchy attitude. She was real mean to the odd balls of the school. One time she convinced Ashley Freeman, who is a lesbian and had a crush on Nikki, to strip and put on a blindfold for some kinky sex but Nikki just took some photos of the naked Ashley and spread them around the school.

Nikki had shoulder length brown hair with blond highlights and a perfect tan. She also had a perfect set of big perky tits and an ass the rivals Miss Kardashian. She was wearing her red and white cheerleading outfit. Freddy went up to Nikki and lifts up her skirt revealing a perfect red spank covered ass. He then grabbed the sides of he spanks and pulled them down to the ground. Nikki's ass showed no tan line which means she tans naked. Then he pulled her top over her plump tits. She had small dark nipples on the best set of boobs Freddy had ever seen and with all the porn Freddy watches that is saying something. Freddy got behind Nikki and decided to do something Jamie never let him do, lose his virginity to this bitch. Freddy pulled out his average sized dick and slammed it into Nikki's pussy. The felling was great, Nikki's pussy was very tight. This was the best moment of his life losing his virginity to the hottest girl in school. His moment of pleasure did not last very long because once his dick first entered Nikki's pussy Freddy released his massive load right inside her. Freddy collapsed to the floor in pure pleasure.

Now how to get my revenge Freddy thought to himself, he went around the school and found Ashley then he stripped her naked her body was not very impressive she was a little over weight with dark hair and very white skin. Freddy then strapped a strap-on onto Ashley and shoved all of the 9in strap-on up Nikki's perfect asshole. Freddy then pulled his pants down and pressed his dirty asshole against Nikki's puckered lips and unloaded a great big fart. Then Freddy laughed and put his close on and restarted time. Once time restarted Nikki pulled her head up from the drinking fountain licking her lips with a disgusted look on her face. Then Ashley pushed Nikki's head down and said, "Take this bitch," as she drove the strap-on as hard as she could into Nikki's ass, as Nikki started the scream. After about 30 sec Nikki's body went limp as she passed out from the pain. Ashley pulled out and hocked a loogie on Nikki's unconscious body. Then a group of 3 nerds grabbed Nikki's body and pulled her into the Av clubroom. It was later found out that the nerds took turns fucking every single one on Nikki's holes on camera. They then left her in one of the stales in the boy's bathroom after they all released their bladders all over her. Freddy did love messing with bitches from his school especially Nikki who he might visit later but I think Hollywood is calling him.

Freddy went to the airport and used the time stopping ability to sneak on a plane. To his enjoyment there were a few open seats so he could sit down. A few minutes into the flight the guy in front of Freddy set his seat all the way back giving Freddy no room to move his legs. Freddy tried the move his legs a couple time to get in a better position. Then what must have been the guy's girlfriend turned around and yelled a Freddy for moving her boyfriend's chair. Freddy tried to say his peace but the girl was not having it, so Freddy said fuck it and stopped time. Freddy went up to the couple the girl was a brunette in her early twenties and the guy was kind of a small guy but even Freddy could admit he was good looking. The girl was turned around looking at Freddy's empty see giving him a great view of her perfect ass. Freddy then pulled her jeans down revealing an ass, which had no panties on them. He admired the girl's ass for a while then he grabbed the guy's hand and made a fist with it. After a lot of pushing and shoving he got the man's fist and half of his forearm up her ass. He went back to his seat and restarted time. In the middle of telling him off the girl gave a loud scream. Her boyfriend had a look of surprise on his face as he realized where is hand was. He then yanked his fist out of his girlfriend's ass, which was not smart. This quick action lead to the girl releasing her bowels all over both of them. The brown liquid went all over the boyfriend and pretty much everywhere. Then the girl toppled over from the pain into a huge puddle of her own shit. It was great revenge seeing that bitch lying in her own shit screaming in pain. The flight attendants rushed to the couple but did not want to get to close because of the smell. The attendants decided to just move the passengers close to this situation to different seat and landed in LA one hour later. Freddy was so excided to be in LA he did not know what happened to the couple.

Freddy walked out of the airport the Californian sun hit his face. Ok so what to do now Freddy thought to him, how about a car. He made his way to the parking lot. In the parking lot Freddy saw a women who looked to be in her mid thirties getting out of a red BMW he watched her throw her keys in her suitcase and that is when Freddy jumped on this opportunity. He paused time and went through her suitcase and found the keys, Freddy thought about doing something to her but he did not want her to notice her missing keys. Freddy restarted time and watched the lady walk inside the airport ready to get on a flight. Freddy jumped into a car and drove away. Freddy heard his stomach rumble and decided it was time for some food he went to McDonalds. Freddy walked up to the counter and saw a cute blonde probably mid twenties.

"Hi how's it going," Freddy said in a friendly tone.

The girls just gave a little smirk and asked, "What do you want?"

"Ok I'll take 5 double cheeseburgers and a large fry," Freddy responded.

She gave Freddy his food and as he was walking away he heard the girl say to her coworker, "Between those two we will be out of food in an hour."

Freddy looked around and saw an oversized blonde with glasses chowing down on what looks to be her 4th burger. Freddy was drawn to her so he walked up to her and asked if he could sit down and she nodded in mid bite. "I'm Freddy by the way," he said as he extended his hand to shake her hand.

"Katie," she said as she grabbed his hand. The two started to hit it off and sat there for over an hour just talking. Freddy was pretty sure he was in love he had never been this comfortable talking to a girl other than Jamie, and Freddy was starting to think she was digging him as well.

Freddy started to ponder if he should tell her about the remote. If he did they could continue to have fun together and it could be a real bonding thing that would solidify their relationship. If it went bad he could just mind control her to forget about the remote. Ok its time, "Katie I have something pretty awesome to tell you."

"Ya what is it," she asked.

"Now try not to laugh because it is true, I have a remote that can stop time and can make me invisible," Freddy said, deciding not to tell her about the mind control thing thinking it might freak her out.

Katie gave a little snicker "Ok what ever you..." Just then than everything stopped. Freddy had frozen everything but himself and Katie. Katie just looked around stunned "what the... are you playing a... this can't be." She ran over to a middle aged man and traced her finger around his eye to see if he would blink then slapped him in the face.

"I told you that I have a remote that can stop time," said Freddy.

"But how did you. How does it," Katie stuttered.

"Just sit down and I'll explain," Freddy said calmly. Freddy went on to tell her how Jamie had gotten the remote some of the pranks they have played how he got the remote and how he got to California. Through his whole story Katie just stared at him stunned. "So what do you think," Freddy asked as he finished.

"I think it's amazing but why did you tell me," Katie asked.

"Well you're the only person I know here and from what I can tell I feel like we have a good connection where we can have some real fun with this together," Freddy answered.

Katie smiled and said, " Well lets go have some fun." She got up and headed to the door.

"Wait, this bitch made a fat comment about both of us," Freddy said as he pointed to the cute McDonalds worker. "Ready to pop your time stop cherry."

Katie looked over excited, "Hell yes," she responded. Katie ran up to the girl and looks at her nametag, which says Kasey, "Well Kasey I'll show you not to make fun Paybacks a bitch." Katie takes off Kasey's top revealing a small braless set of boobs, but in Freddy's opinion these small boobs are not a turn off they fit perfectly with her petit body type. "These are cute," Katie said pointing at her boobs. Katie then pulls down her black slacks uncovering a black thong, which were soon at her ankles as well. Katie then went to the kitchen and came back with three jalapeno peppers she broke all three in half and proceeded to shove all six pieces up Kasey's ass. Katie laughed as she went over to the ice machine and got a hand full over ice cubes and continued to push the cubes up Kasey's pussy one by one until the ice cubes were gone. "Well this should make this bitch squirm a little bit." Katie said. Katie then put Kasey's close back on after cutting two holes in her shirt exposing her tiny chest. Katie walked back to Freddy, "All done," she said with a smile on her face.

"Very well done, are you ready," Freddy said. Katie nodded her head and Freddy started time.

Kasey must have been stopped in mid laugh because as time started Kasey started to laugh. Then all at once that stopped she looked worried, and tried to run to the bathroom. She made it out from behind the counter and then fell to the floor writhing in pain. She pulled down her pants and thong not caring that she was doing this in the middle of the restaurant with everyone looking at her. She continued to try and fish the ice cubes out of her pussy, which she did not have much trouble with. After the ice cubes were out she went on to her ass. She spread her ass cheeks and tried to finger out the pepper but to no avail. Freddy and Katie had fallen over laughing, as Kasey continued to scream in pain, the sight of this bitch fingering her asshole in front of everyone was too much for them. Kasey realizing that the fingering technique was not working started to try and push them out. Her face turned even redder and became strained as if she was having trouble taking a shit. Then one by one each of the jalapeno halves were pushed out of her burning asshole. After the last jalapeno came out she continued to push making sure they were all out. All the pushing caused her to released a loud fart for everyone capping off the performance. Kasey put her legs down taking her ass off display and just laying on the floor completely wiped out from the whole ordeal.

Just then I loud yell came from a middle-aged man with gray hair who is presumed to be the manager. "Kasey Get your ass in her." Kasey got up and made her way to him. The manager looked her up and down with pure hate on his face "You know what don't even bother your fired just get the hell out of here."

Freddy and Katie both jumped in Katie's car and went back to Katie's house. That night they talk for hours on end just thinking about all the things they could do, until they finally curled up together and fell asleep in each other's arms.

In the morning Katie had to go to school and they thought it would be fun if Freddy would come along and shadow her and maybe they could have some more time stop fun.

As they were walking into school Freddy heard a yell coming in there direction, "Hey, Shamu what you doing hanging out with Fat Bastard." Katie blushed and Freddy turned around to see who said that. It was a tall muscular kid with black hair and a face Brad Pitt would be jealous of. Around his arm was a blonde wearing sunglasses with huge probably fake boobs.

Freddy turned to Katie and asked, "Who is that, let me guess your football teams starting quarterback and head cheerleader."

"No actually the athletes here are pretty nice, that's Jake Broderick, pretty boy rich kid/ model/asshole and Missy Peaks, spoiled brat/ prom and homecoming queen/ bitch.

Freddy decided he was not going to take this he walked up to both of the and said, "Now that's not very nice why do you guys have to be such assholes."

"What did you say to me you fat piece if shit," he yelled as a vein started to pop out of his forehead.

"I believe it was stop being an asshole," Freddy calmly responded.

"Oh kick his ass Jake," Missy spat

"Please tell your whore to shut up," Freddy said back. That's what made Jake snap his fist was inches away from Freddy's face when time stopped. Freddy laughed, ok now the fun. Freddy turned Jake's fist so it was inches from his own nose then he pulled Jake's pants down revealing a pretty good sized dick, some people just have all the luck, frustrated with this Freddy gave him a good hard kick to the balls. "Now for you," Freddy said as he tuned to Missy. He grabbed her what were probably $300 sunglasses and threw them on the ground breaking them. He then opened her shirt-exposing perfect what have to be at least double ds. Next came the nice low-rise jeans revealing a green thong that matched her beautiful eyes. Seeing Missy for the first time in all he glory. Freddy was stunned this girl was amazing her beautiful green eyes, her perfect tits, perfect ass, perfect everything else, she was probably the hottest girl Freddy had ever seen.

Well time to restart time. Time restarted and all hell broke lose. Jake's punch hit himself in the nose no doubt breaking it as he fell to the ground out of breath from the kick to the balls. While Missy looked stunned at her boyfriend until she realized her predicament. She screamed trying to cover up her massive boobs as she stared to run to the bathroom, which was probably one of the hottest things ever, her boobs bouncing up and down her perfect ass running in that thong.

Katie was laughing then she hit Freddy on the shoulder, "I can't believe you did not take me," she said still laughing.

"I'm sorry next time you're with me for sure," Freddy said with a smile on his face.

Katie and Freddy went to their first class but only minutes in an announcement over the loud speakers called them both down to the office. As they walked into the principles office they saw an old man that was balding who was presumably the principle and a women who looked to be in her mid thirties wearing a gray and black pantsuit.

When Katie saw the women Freddy heard her mutter, "Shit," underneath her breath.

"Please sit down you two, this is Mrs. Broderick," said the principle. Freddy was stunned she was too young to be Jake's mom although she did have the looks to be related to him. She had long black hair a beautiful but a tad stern and bitchy face. She had long legs and while a little hard to tell underneath the pantsuit a decent size chest. "I wanted to call you to down here to talk about a little incident that we had earlier today." The principle continued. "Can you..."

"I'm just telling you two that I'm taking you fat slobs to court," interrupted Mrs. Broderick

"Now Mrs. Broderick there is no need for," but before the principle finished Mrs. Broderick walked out the door.

"Well I guess you two better go back to class," the principle said in a dejected tone. "We'll talk about this later."

"What the hell was that about," Freddy asked Katie as they were out of the principles office.

"That my friend is Mrs. Regina Broderick, Jake's mom/ Head DA, never lost a case/divorcee/ sole sucking bitch," Katie responded.

"Well I guess we are just going to have to stop her from taking us to court," Freddy said.

"But how are we going to do that," Katie moaned. Freddy just held up the remote and shook it in front of her face. An evil grin appeared on Katie's face, "Perfect," she exclaimed.

Freddy and Katie went through the rest of the day without using the remote for any thing real fun just to get free lunch and a few small pranks. After school they went to Wal-Mart for a few supplies and went back to Katie's house. They knew that Regina did not get home till late so they waited till 9 o'clock then headed to the Broderick residents. When they got to the door Freddy turned them both invisible with the remote and they walked into the unlocked house. It was a very big house head DA has its perks I guess. They looked around seeing no one so they decided to check the bedrooms upstairs. They went in the first door and saw the master bedroom. They stopped time so it did not seem like the door just opened by itself. This room was huge a giant bed a big TV a huge walk-in closet but no Regina.

"Where is she," Katie asked.

"I don't know but we are in the bitches room lets look for something scandalous," Freddy said. They looked around and Freddy found a big black dildo in her drawer while Katie found a blindfold and a few pairs of fuzzy handcuffs. "This chick is a freak," Freddy says with a chuckle. As he chuckled he dropped the remote causing time to start up again. Then a noise came from the bathroom door. "Oh shit she is in the bathroom why did we not look there," Freddy asked stunned.

"I don't know but time for the fun to begin," said Katie with the all too familiar evil grin on her face. Freddy stop time again and Katie says, "Stand back I can pick this lock."

Freddy then turns the knob, "This is her own personal bathroom why would it be locked." Katie huffed as she barged in the bathroom. There was Mrs. Regina Broderick with her pants around her ankles sitting on the toilet. Her face was a little red and her mouth was open. "Do you think she is taking a shit," Freddy asked with a laugh.

"I don't know lets check," Katie said as she tipped Regina forward to look in the toilet. This action caused Regina to fall face first on the floor. "Oops," Katie said as she peered into the bowl. "Nothing its empty just a little piss," Katie said a little disappointed as she turned back to Freddy. "Oh gross" Katie exclaimed.

"What," Freddy asked. Katie just pointed at Regina. Freddy looked, Regina had fallen so her ass was in the air on display and there was a three-inch turd dangling out of her asshole. "Haha we caught her mid shit," said Freddy.

"Not so high and mighty now are you bitch with shit dangling from your ass," said Katie as she took a picture of the bitchy DA.

"Here leave her I got a plan lets go find her son," said Freddy as he sprinted from the room.

"I like this what's the plan," Katie called to him.

"Katie, get here quick I think we just hit the jackpot," Freddy called to her.

"Why what is it," Katie asked as she entered the room. Katie gasped at what she saw; it was Jake and Missy having some doggy style fun. Both bodies were shining with sweat and the cherry on top Jake was blindfolded.

Freddy laughed and said "Blindfolds run in the family I guess and thank you Brodericks for making this so easy." Freddy walked over to Jake and Missy and said, "Ok here is the plan we are going to have Regina replace Missy in this little doggy style fun. This will create some much needed mother son bonding," as he smacked Missy's ass.

"Haha they really should be thanking us," Katie laughed.

Freddy and Katie walked back to Regina's room to see Regina still face first on the ground.

"Shit I forgot she was taking a dump," said Freddy.

"But that makes it all so much better," Katie said.

"But if she shits on him they will stop the quote on quote bonding," said Freddy.

"This is only going to work if she finishes shitting before they are done fucking."

"Well lets get going," Katie says as she props Regina back on the toilet. They started time and watched her. Katie got out the camera and started taping it. Regina had kept grimacing and making different faces. Her face got redder and redder as she started to stomp her feet.

"This is taking too long," Freddy said to Katie. Just then a plop sound was made.

"Ok lets go," Freddy said as he was about to stop time.

"No wait she is still going," Katie said as she tried to stop herself from laughing.

"Screw it," Freddy said as he stopped time. He grabbed Regina and took her to her son's room where luckily Jake and Missy were in the same position. They took Missy and threw her to the floor. They then lined Regina up with her son's cock. "Wait look how dirty this bitch is," Freddy said

"Here use this" Katie said as she picked up Missy's green thong and threw it to Freddy. Freddy wiped the beautiful and powerful Regina Broderick and the jammed her son's cock up her ass.

"That is going to feel awful one second she's pushing out the other second something is being jammed in," Katie said

"Not to mention the thing being jammed in is her son's cock," Freddy laughed. Freddy left then came back with Regina's handcuffs and some tape. He manipulated the handcuffs so that Regina would not be able to move from that position. Freddy then took off Regina's top leaving her completely naked Freddy stared at her perfect tan breast. They were probably around mid C cups.

Katie watched Freddy's eyes glued to Regina's chest.

"Not so perfect anymore," Katie said as she wiped the shit covered thong over Regina's chest leaving a brown streak across her boobs.

Freddy laughed and said, "I guess not," as he went to tape Regina's mouth shut.

"Wait," Katie said as she took the shit-covered thong and threw it in Regina's mouth. Freddy laughed and put the tape over her mouth. "Now what to do with you," said Katie kicking Missy in the tit.

"I got an idea," said Freddy, as he picked Missy up and ran with her outside. When Freddy reached the front yard he threw her down on all fours then looked around. A neighbor who looked to be in his mid 70ies was raking leaves. Freddy did not want to kill the old man by giving him a heart attack, so he just grabbed the man's rake and returned to the butt-naked bitch. "Would you like the honors," Freddy asked. Katie just smiled and took the rake and with one swift move jammed it deep into Missy's ass. Katie continued to jam it in until the rake was 12inches up her ass.

The two sat back and laughed at the scene, "Hey I got another idea," Katie said as she grabbed the remote. Katie hit the Mind control button and said, "Missy, for everyday this month you will find a homeless man or women and convince them to humiliate you in the most degrading sexual way they can think of. You will film these humiliating act and create a free porn site with these videos."

"Wow that is amazing," Freddy said with a huge smile on his face. "So you ready to start time and watch all hell break loose?"

"One second I just have to set up the cameras," Katie said as she made one last adjustment to the camera. "Ok ready," they both walked into Jake's bedroom to watch and Freddy hit the start button.

Moans filled the room, Jake continued to drive his cock thinking it is Missy's pussy, not to bright I guess. Regina eyes grew in horror, as the pain in her ass was almost unbearable. Regina muffled screams only sounded like moans, which entail made Jake only thrust harder. Regina was able to turn her head to see who was fucking her. Her eyes when she realized it was her son were priceless. Regina struggle to move but the handcuffs were doing their job all the struggling was doing was making her thrust back into her son. This made Jake feel like she wanted it rougher so he started spanking his mom and pulling her hair. This was some of the most intense fucking either Freddy or Katie had seen.

"Fuck me harder you bitch," Jake yelled. This made Regina struggle harder against the handcuffs, which only made her comply with her son's demands.

"Wait what's that smell," Jake said. Freddy and Katie could smell it too; it smelt like shit because it was shit. Apparently Regina had not been done on the toilet. A brown liquid was oozing out of the sides of her asshole. "Oh fuck it I'm almost done," Jake yelled. Jake slammed his mom as hard as he could now. Regina was moaning in pain as Jake finally shot his load in his mom's ass and collapsed on her. "That was the best sex ever, you really brought the freak out today as he kissed her back. Jake slowly took his cock out of his mom who was still was producing little moans. As Jake's cock exited his mom so did all her bowels all over her son. "What the fuck," Jake yelled as Regina's bowels continued to squirt everywhere. Jake whipped off his blindfold. First he saw the shit everywhere "Fuck, this is fucking gross," He yelled as he slapped Regina ass extremely hard. Then he looked up and saw his mom's face. "What the fuck mom, are you fucking kidding me, you bitch what is your fucking problem, you disgusting perv" Jake yelled as he ran to the bathroom leaving his mom stuck there covered in shit. Regina was looking over her shoulder and that is when Freddy put a note that read

Oh Regina you sick little girl tricking you son into fucking you not good. Now I have this whole thing recorded and if you don't want this video of your disgusting fetish to reach the public I advise you to listen to me. You will drop the court case against Freddy and Katie and well I really don't care what else you do have a nice life bitch.

P.S. Hey Regina guess what you just fucked your son Haha.

Sincerely, a couple of fat slobs

Regina read the note and her face turned white she looked around but saw no one.

As time resumed outside Missy released a loud scream and passed out. The old man looked down at his hands puzzled, then his eyes shot to Missy's scream. The old man walked Over to Missy's passed out body with an angry look. He grabbed hold of the rake and yanked on it. It took him four hard tugs to finally get it out, but once he got it out he smelt the end that was up Missy's ass. The man gave a disgusted grimace and as if blaming Missy for ruining his rake, rammed it back up her ass and kicked her pussy. He walked back to his house clearly mad leaving Missy in the yard with the rake still sticking out of her ass.

Then next day Regina was at school again and pulled Freddy and Katie into an empty classroom with the TV on. "Ok you little shits give me the video,"

"Wow good morning to you as well Mrs. Broderick," Katie said

"Give me that video now I'm not playing any games," said Regina.

"Freddy do you really think this is a wise approach for Mrs. Broderick," asked Katie.

"No I really don't," Freddy answered in a matter of fact tone.

"Fine you win I'm not taking you to court can I have the video now," asked Regina in a panicked voice.

"You know what I think I'm going to keep it for insurance," said Freddy.

"You can go now you little son fucker and make sure you wipe," Katie said as she waved off Regina to leave. Regina's face turned red and as she turned to walk away Freddy smacked her hard on her ass. Regina turned as if to say something back but thought better of it and left.

Just then the TV turned to an ad for the 2012 Olympics in London. A light bulb turned on in Freddy's head. "Hey Katie are you up for a fun adventure in London."

Katie's eyes flicked to the TV and she knew exactly what he meant, "Count me in," she said excitedly. "Wait one second," Katie said as she went over to the computer for a minute. "Ok done," she said as she came back to Freddy.

"What did you just do," Freddy asked.

"Well since we are leaving I could not keep all these great videos and picture to myself, I may have sent them to every ones phone and email," Kate responded.

"Every ones," Freddy asked looking amazed.

"Every ones," Katie responded with that evil look on her face. Freddy and Katie stepped out of the classroom only to witness a number of students looking at their phones with looks of pure shock and enjoyment.

"Oh man Regina is going to be pissed," Freddy laughed. Freddy and Katie left the school and made their way to the airport to have some Olympic time stop.