Panties In Time


It was a boring Sunday night during my first semester of college. Alone in my room, I was doing everything I could to procrastinate from doing actual work. In one day, I had watched an entire season of "Arrested Development" on Netflix, masturbated approximately 5 times, and eaten every scrap of food in my apartment. I was soooo bored. At this point, I was just aimlessly scrolling through apps on my phone, looking for an interesting one to download. That was when I came across and app that caught my eye, entitled "The Time-Freeze App."

I clicked on it, and the description said this app could stop time, simply by pressing a button. Although I knew the app was fake, my perverted mind ran wild with the possibilities of such a thing. In my boredom, I decided to download it. After the download finished, I opened the App and clicked the big "FREEZE" button that displayed in the middle of the screen. Nothing happened. Like I thought, the App was a fake. I clicked the "UNFREEZE" button, got in bed, watched some more porn, and eventually fell sleep.

The next morning, I'm standing with a bunch of other students outside a classroom waiting for another class to end so we can go in. It's the middle of August and still really hot outside. The air conditioning must not be working, because it's unbelievably hot in this crammed hallway. Everyone looks like they're beginning to sweat through their clothes.

There are some really hot girls in my class, which at least gives me something to look at. Standing a few people in front of me, I see Lindsey Davies. I think she used to play volleyball in high school. She about 5'5, has long dirty blonde hair, and an amazing tanned body. She has huge, DD breasts that seem to always be trying to escape whatever tight outfit she has on. She has a small toned tummy, but a large juicy ass that sways when she walks. She has thick, tanned thighs that go on for miles. Today, She's wearing an ultra tight, sky blue, cotton sundress. I could see her thick bra strap poking through the thin material.

On a normal girl, the dress probably would have been pretty short, and come up several inches above her knees. But on Lindsey, it almost looked obscene. Her ass was so big and thick that her tight dress couldn't lay flat against her thighs like it was supposed to. Instead, it stuck out from her legs by abut 2 to three inches, and barely covered the bottom of her ass cheeks. God, what I wouldn't give to be the piece of floor tile she was standing above right now. I could also clearly see the skimpy strings of her thong protruding through the thin fabric. What a slut. She had to know how visible her little thong panties were in that dress. I fuckin loved it.

I could tell she was feeling the effects of the heat as well. There were small beads of sweat glistening off her sexy exposed thighs, and a small pool of sweat in the small of her back just above her thong line was beginning to seep through the thin cotton. Lindsey was also a pretty big bitch. She was definitively one of the hottest girls in school, and she knew it. I had tried talking to her at a party one time, but she had totally blown me off. As I stared at her luscious ass and tried to picture the skimpy little panties currently wedged up into her ass crack, a hard slap on my shoulder shook me out of my daydream.

"Sup perv?"

It was my best friend Ricky, who was also in this class with me. He's normally late, but I guess it's ok today since the class before us still hasn't left the classroom. And our professor, Ms. Turney, hadn't showed up yet either to bang on the door and let the other professor know that their class was running over.

"Dude. Lindsey Davies is so fucking hot." I said to Ricky quietly. "I want to slide my hand up her sweaty thighs underneath that tight little dress so bad."

"Good luck with that, bro. She'd slap the shit out of you if you got within an inch of her bangin bod."

"Not with my new app" I said jokingly. I showed Ricky the time freeze app I had downloaded the night before.

"Haha. That's pretty funny. I want to download that," he said.

"It doesn't work," I told him.

"Obviously it doesn't really work, dumbass," he said back.

After a moment of searching the app store on his phone, he looked up at me and said, "dude, I can't find it."

I looked at his screen to make sure he had typed the name of the app in correctly, which he had.

"Hmm. That's weird. It was there last night. It must have only been available for a limited time or something."

Before we could continue our conversation further, we heard Ms. Turney's voice coming down the hallway.

"Sorry I'm late class. My car broke down on my way into work, so I had to walk the last mile into school. Oh come on!" Ms. Turney shoved through the crowd of students congregating outside the door and then noticed that the other class still hadn't left the classroom.

She banged on the window of the classroom door to get the other professor's attention, and then angrily pointed at her watch. Realizing his mistake, the other professor told the other class that class was over and they were free to go. We waited until the other students had filed out of the room before we entered the classroom and found our seats.

The heat was even more unbearable inside. Sweat was starting to pour from everyone. Ms. Turney then took her spot at the front of class. That was when I noticed how unbelievably amazing she looked today. Ms. Turney normally looks pretty sexy. She's only 31 years old, and still has a great body. She has dark black hair, and fair skin. Like Lindsey, she has massive DD breasts, but unlike Lindsey, she normally tries pretty hard to look professional and keep them covered.

Her outfit almost always consists of a buttoned down shirt, covered by a dark blazer, and a pencil skirt that ends above her knees. Although she tries to look professional, her large ass does look incredibly sexy in her short business skirts. It's probably just hard to find a skirt that fits someone with such a big ass, but such a small waist.

Today though, Ms. Turney looks out of this world. Because of the heat and her walk to school, she looks like she's covered in sweat. Her hair looks like she just came out of the shower and stray strands of it are sticking to her forehead and cheeks. She didn't even bother with a blazer, and her thin white button down shirt is practically looking see through because of all the sweat and is stuck very tightly against her ample chest.

I can clearly see her white lacy bra though her shirt. One more button than normal has been left undone, which allows me to see a fair amount of cleavage. The buttons look like they are straining to contain her massive breasts from breaking free of their cotton prison. I instantly get an erection in my pants. I wish I could just walk up to Ms. Turney, jerk off in front of her, and cum all over that sexy white bra.

As the lesson goes on, Ms. Turney, tired of standing, decides to sit on the edge of her desk while she lectures. Her legs are crossed in front of her. I'm drooling at the sight of her long legs, thick thighs, and sculpted calves. About every five minutes, she uncrosses her legs for a moment, and then re-crosses them the other way. She does it just fast enough that I am not able to see her sexy panties underneath her skirt. I want to rub my aching cock so badly right now. If she would just hold that pose for a little longer, that moment in between crossing her legs where her legs are uncrossed allowing direct access to her sweaty little panties, I would die a happy man.

My extreme horniness at the sight of Ms. Turney, as well as my extreme boredom with the subject of today's lessons, prompts me to take my phone out of my pocket and place it on my thigh under my desk. I decide to play a stupid little game to help make the time pass. I'm gonna open my time-freeze app, and try to hit the freeze button at the exact moment Ms. Turney's legs are uncrossed. Wouldn't that be awesome. I open the app, and lock my eyes at Ms. Turney's legs, waiting for her to uncross them. Then, at the exact moment she uncrosses them, I click the freeze button, and then everything around me stops.....

.....At first, I think that I might have just gotten called on in class and I was too busy daydreaming to notice. It happens to people all the time, and then the whole class stares at them silently to see if they can bullshit some answer to satisfy the teacher. I immediately look around the room and expect to see many pairs of eyes staring right at me. But that's not what I see at all. Everyone seems to be staring ahead at the teacher, or down at their notebooks. Nobody's moving at all.

Some people are holding their pencils to their notebooks, but aren't writing anything. Everything is eerily silent. Normally, I don't notice the sounds of people breathing or shuffling in their seats. But I definitely notice the absence of all these sounds now. It's at that point I look straight ahead to Ms. Turney at the front of the class. She's sitting perfectly still on her desk, with her mouth half open as if she was in the middle of a sentence. I look down, and her legs are parted, giving me a clear sight of her sexy white cotton patties.

Holy shit. This cant be really happening. I decide to shout out loud to see if I get a reaction from anyone. Nobody responds. I stand up, and slowly start to walk around the classroom, observing my now frozen classmates. I waive my hands right in front of Ricky's face. He doesn't blink. Then, I come across Lindsey Davies. God she looks so fucking sexy. She's staring down, frozen, at her notebook. It looks like she was doodling before I had apparently frozen time. Standing right up above her, I can see right down her dress and the pink lacy bra that covers her amazing tits. Still nervous, I gently shake her on the shoulder. No reaction. Then, I shake her really hard and yell "LINDSEY!" right into her ear. She doesn't move at all.

Oh my god. It worked. My app really worked. All of a sudden, my perverted mind started running wild with all the possibilities. I look down at Lindsey's massive chest pushing against the fabric of her dress. I slowly begin to cup one of her massive boobs. It feels so good. I can feel the lacy bra that covers her soft squishy breast. She would never let me do anything like this in real life. My cock, which had softened after the initial shock of what happened, was now working its way back to full strength.

I slid down the straps of her dress until Britney was just sitting in class with only a pink lacy bra covering her massive tits. She looked like such a slut. I slid my hand inside her bra and began to play with her hard nipples. Her skin was slick with sweat. Meanwhile, I started rubbing my hard cock over my jeans. I then tilted Lindsey's head back so that her frozen eyes were staring up at me.

Next, I pulled one of her tits out of her bra, leaned over, and starting sucking on her hard nipple, rolling it around in my mouth with my tongue. I then started to kiss and lick my way up her breast, up her sweaty neck, and into her earlobe. I then brought my lips to Lindsey's and opened her mouth with my tongue. It was warm and wet inside her mouth, even though her tongue was frozen still and unmoving. I explored her entire mouth with my tongue. God this was so awesome. I had total control over her. I could do anything I wanted.

The classroom desks were pretty short, so that when someone was sitting in one, their head would come up to about someone's crotch that was standing next to them. My cock was practically busting through my pants, so I unzipped my fly and released my raging hard on. I then lined it up to Lindsey's open mouth, and guided my head inside. Even though she couldn't actually suck my dick, it felt amazing to have my cock inside Lindsey's warm and wet mouth. I grabbed the back of her head, and began thrusting my steel rod in and out of her moth. She was like a rag doll, my own personal fuck toy.

I was looking around the room at the other motionless students and thinking of shooting my load down Lindsey's throat, when my eyes spotted Ms. Turney at the front of the class. She looked so sexy sitting there frozen, with her cute little panties exposed under her tight grey business skirt. Her huge tits looked so sexy in her sweaty, almost see through button down shirt. Who knew if this app was only a one-time thing? I wasn't gonna waste my load on a slut like Lindsey. I knew who I really wanted.

So I put Lindsey's big boob back in its pink lacy bra, and pulled the straps back on her shoulders. I positioned her head back down towards her notebook. Before I headed over to the front of the class where Ms. Turney sat, I had an idea. Lindsey was such a bitch to me in the past. I thought it was time for a little payback. I noticed a hot cup of water on another classmate's desk that had a tea bag in it. I then noticed Ricky's water bottle that had ice cubes in it. My mind went back to my old summer camp days and a prank we used to pull on each other as campers. If you put a sleeping persons hand in hot water, and their other hand in cold water, they would piss themselves!

I grabbed the hot cup of water and the ice-cold water bottle and put them both on Lindsey's desk. I unscrewed the water bottle lid, and then took Lindsey's left hand and put it in the ice-cold water. I took her right hand and put it into the cup of hot water. Then I waited. After about 30 seconds, I started to hear a feint hissing sound. I looked down and to my delight, Lindsey was pissing her panties! It worked! I guess the time freeze didn't stop the body's normal functions. The stream got stronger and soon Lindsey was gushing everywhere.

I got down on my knees and looked under the desk to watch. Lindsey was wearing a tiny little pair of pink cotton panties, thong style. Her thick tan thighs were spread just far enough to give me a good shot. Her little thong was flooded with hot yellow pee. I could tell the back of her dress was also getting completely drenched. The pee was now running off her seat and onto the floor, making a big puddle of piss right underneath her. The smell was strong and intoxicating. When (if) I finally do decide to press the unfreeze bottom and turns things back to normal, the whole class will see that perfect Miss Lindsey has just pissed herself in the middle of class. She's gonna be humiliated.

Aside from the satisfaction I felt by getting back at Lindsey for being such a bitch to me, the scene was also really turning me on. I have always had a pee fetish and specifically a pee panty fetish. It was so hot seeing Lindsey flood her little thong with her hot urine. I had to have a feel. So I slid my hand along Lindsey's perfectly smooth and sweaty thighs, and up her dress onto her panties. I cupped her hot pussy over the soaked cotton of her thong. I pressed into her panties and felt the slit of her tiny little pussy though the fabric. I let my hand become slick with her warm pee.

I brought my pee covered finger to my nose, and inhaled deeply. It smelled so fucking good, a mixture of pee, sweat, and pussy. I stuck my tongue out and licked a droplet of pee off the tip of my finger. It tasted amazing. At that point, I just wanted to jerk my hard cock off and shoot cum all over the floor underneath Lindsey's desk. But I stopped myself. There was a special place I wanted to deposit my hot thick load. So I stood up, and began walking towards Ms. Turney at the front of the class.

I walked across the length of the classroom towards Ms. Turney's desk. I hadn't bothered tucking my cock back into my pants after I had thrusted it into that sexy slut Lindsey's mouth. Why should I? Everyone was still frozen. My time-freeze phone app had worked! I had no shame.

I finally got to the front of the class and stood before my incredible sexy (and incredibly frozen) teacher, Ms. Turney. She looked a lot like that porn star, Tessa Lane. Her eyes were looking straight ahead at her class. Her mouth was half open, having been frozen in the middle of her lecture. Her cheeks were still red from the lack of air conditioning in the classroom and the mile walk she had to make to school that morning. She was covered in sweat. Her dark black hair was a mess and clung to her forehead and cheeks.

I followed the trail of sweat down her neck and into her ample, double D breasts. God, they looked amazing. Her thin, button down shirt was almost translucent because of all her sweat. Normally, she only has the top two buttons undone. However, because she had to rush to school on account of her car breaking down, she didn't have the time to make sure she looked as presentable as normal. Lucky me!

I could clearly see her white lacy bra peeking out from her blouse. I don't necessarily think that her bra was too small, but her breasts were just so big that it created an incredible amount of cleavage. Her tits were almost bursting from their lacy enclosure. I bet if she had jumped up in down a few time, her large pink nipples would have fallen out the top of the bra.

Then, my eyes went down to her beautiful legs. Her knees were apart, almost a foot. She normally would cross her legs so quickly, that I wouldn't be able to see any of the beauty that lay between. But not today. Her skin was pale and smooth. I noticed a small amount of cellulite near the bottom of her thick thighs where they were squishing down against her desk. Sitting on her desk had caused her tight grey business skirt to hike up, and was now several inches above her knees. I was going to enjoy this.

I crouched down right between Ms. Turney's open legs. I had a perfect view of the triangle of her sexy, white, lacy panties. I got as close to her panties as I could without actually putting my head under her skirt. The panties looked damp, from all the sweat. I could also see a yellow stain at the front of her panties, where she must have accidently let a little pee go into her panties. Then I took a big whiff.

The smell was intoxication. I could smell her stinky, sweaty pussy just inches from my face. I could even smell a little bit of pee mixed in. Again, Ms. Turney was a fit woman with a tight tummy. But she had a huge ass and very thick thighs. That must put a lot of strain on the tiny little panties she kept wedged between her pussy and ass. The smell of pussy, sweat, and pee was getting to be too much for me. I needed more of those panties.

Carefully, I put my arm behind Ms. Turney's back and grabbed her arm to bring her to a standing position. As I learned with that slut Lindsey, I could still move people when time was frozen, and their normal bodily functions continued normally (breathing, sweating, peeing, etc.). One she was standing up, I turned her around, and then pushed her back so that she was leaning over her desk with her ass sticking out obscenely. God she was so fucking sexy.

My cock was so hard. I had to take a moment to just step back and look at my beautiful, sweaty teacher bent over her desk, just offering that delicious ass to me. Her ass looked so big in her tight grey skirt and I could clearly see the globes of each ass cheek. Bending over in that way, her skirt rode up even more, and was just barely covering the bottom of her cheeks. I then grabbed the bottom of her skirt and lifted it up over her large ass and up to her waste. Now, Ms. Turney was crouched over her desk completely exposed from the waste down, except for that dirty, stinky little thong.

Yes, it turns out Ms. Turney was wearing a thong under her business skirt. How slutty of her. I could see the thin lacy strings of the thong on the side of her hips, but the material disappeared as it went down in between her ass. Again, I crouched down on the floor, and then I put one hand on each of her thick ass cheeks. Her skin felt sweaty and clammy to the touch. Then, I spread her ass cheeks, and looked what was inside.

The tiny white string of her thong was the only thing covering up her brown, puckered asshole. In fact, I could even see the edges of her asshole sneaking out from the sides of the string. Sweat was glistening all up and down her ass crack. I could see that the thong string directly covering her asshole had been stained brown. I guess someone hadn't wiped as thoroughly as they should have in their rush to get to school this morning. Naughty teacher.

Then, I plunged my nose directly into her asshole, which was still covered by the thong. I immediately felt my nose, and chin and cheeks get wet with all the sweat. And the smell was unbelievable. It was a mixture of sweat, shit, and womanly juices. I inhaled as much as I could. Then I stuck out my tongue and began licking and sucking the tiny thong string up and down my teacher's ass crack. I was licking up all the sweat and her ass juices, paying a particularly long amount of time to her stinky brown asshole. Her thong was now wet with sweat, shit, and saliva.

I was in heaven. But I needed to bust my nut. My cock was so hard it hurt, and was leaking precum everywhere. So next, I stood up, and grabbed her thong strings and pulled them down her thick thighs and down to the floor. With some maneuvering, I managed to pull them off her feet. My teacher was no completely naked from the waste down. Next, I stood her up, turned her so she was facing me, and then gently pushed her back so that she was lying on her desk on her back. I scooted her up so that her ass was just at the edge of the desk.

Next, I grabbed hold of her legs and spread them, so that her pussy was completely exposed to me. And what a beautiful pussy she had. Her bright pink lips contrasted sharply with her pale skin. Clearly, she normally shaved her pussy bald, but it looks like she may have slacked off a little bit recently. Short black pubic hairs were sprouting up around her public area.

I lined up my steel hard cock with her open pussy. Because of all the heat, her pussy looked wet and sweaty. With all the precum oozing out of the tip of my cock, I knew my dick would slide in without any problem. I brought the helmet of my penis to the entrance of her pussy lips, and just savored the moment. Her hot wet lips felt amazing on the tip of my cock. Then, ever so slowly, I pushed the length of my cock into her hot pussy. It felt unbelievable. It was so wet and tight.

Once I was in, I began to slowly thrust back and forth into Ms. Turnkeys Pussy. The sweat and pussy juice began to make a sloshing sound. I can't believe I was fucking my teacher! In front of a whole class of frozen students looking right at me. I still had her filthy little panties bunched up in my right hand. I let one of her legs go down to the desk, but kept the other one high in the air with my cock still inside her slit. With my now free hand, I took her crumpled up panties and brought them in front of my face and let them unravel.

They looked completely soaked with all the pussy juice, sweat, and pee. The yellow piss stain shone brightly from the white lacy material. Turing the panties in my hand, I could see the brown shit stain on the thin white string. I brought the panties to my nose and inhaled deeply, as I continued to slam my cock into my teacher's pussy. The feeling of my cock inside Ms. Turney and the smell of her pussy, piss, and shit in my nose was too much. I knew I was gonna cum.

I pulled my cock out of Ms. Turney, and then slowly slid her off her desk and onto the floor, so that her back was leaning against the front of her desk, and her legs were sticking out straight in front of her. I stood up in front of her, with one of my legs on either side of her. I started stroking my hard cock right next to her pretty, sweaty face. From this angle, I looked down and could see her heaving breasts encased in that sexy lacy bra.

With one hand still on my dick, I reached down and unbuttoned two more buttons on her shirt. I then reached into her bra, and pulled out both of her huge, milky white DD tits. She had large pink nipples that stood out hard at attention. I then put the thong panties over my head so that the ass string was right in my nose. With my left hand I started mauling Ms. Turnkeys tits and pinching her nipples. With my right hand, I continued to pump my cock just inches from Ms. Turney's face.

Smelling her piss and shit stained thong, feeling her tits, I felt my orgasm approaching. I knew it would be intense. Finally, it hit me. The greatest feeling I had ever felt. I immediately shot out a long, thick rope of cum onto Ms. Turney's face. It landed on her forehead and the hair on top of her head. My next shot hit her left cheek and ear and the hair behind her ear. My next load went right in the middle of her face, covering her nose and lips. Not wanting to waste it all on her pretty face, I aimed my cock down at her oversized white tits. I shot three more loads all over those DD boobs. The cum covered her breasts leaked down to her white lacy bra. Her bra was now soaked with my hot cum.

My orgasm was so intense, that I had to sit down on the floor to recover. It was the best cum Id ever had. I looked over at my filthy, messy teacher. Her legs were spread ludely, exposing her well-fucked pussy to me. Her blouse was nearly all the way unbuttoned and her tits were hanging sluttily out of her white, cum covered bra. Her face was a complete mess. She was entirely covered in cum. There were thick white strands of it in her hair and all over her face. It was dripping down her face and collecting on her chin, where a long, thick stream of stick cum was beginning to form, just dangling over her massive breast. God she looked so unbelievable.

I decided it was about time to get things fixed up and get reality moving again. I walked up to Ms. Turney, and began to smear my cum all over her face. I didn't want it to be so obvious that someone had just come all over her. But I definitely wanted to leave my cum on my sexy little teacher. I smeared in all the cum, so it still looked like her face was wet, but not necessarily with cum.

When I unfroze time the class would probably just think Ms. Turney was sweating a lot. But she would surely know the stinky, sticky substance on her face was something more than sweat. I didn't bother to smear in the cum on her tits. I just shoved her cum-covered boobs into her cum-soaked bra. I then proceeded to button back up her thin blouse. As soon as the material of the blouse touched her bra, the cum on her bra soaked through. It looked so sexy. That was fine by me. Again, people would probably just think it was sweat.

The only thing left was to put Ms. Turney's panties on. I looked at the filthy little thong in my hands, covered in piss and shit stains. I gave it one more sniff. Then I proceeded to wipe all the cum that had got on my dick off into those tiny little panties. But I wasn't done yet. I stood up, and pointed my cock directly into the crotch of the thong. I then let loose a little bit of my own hot yellow piss. It immediately turned a large part of the cotton material yellow, that wasn't already yellow before. I held the thong up to my face to admire my wok. The thong was heavy with so many fluids. IT was now filled with her sweat, her shit stain, her piss stain, her pussy juices, my sticky cum, and now my own hot smelly urine. Perfect.

I then went over to Ms. Turney and carefully brought her back into a standing position. I lifted up each foot one by one, until I finally got he feet in the panty holes. I then lifted up the filthy disgusting thong up her legs, up her thick thighs, and then over her huge round ass. I looked at the stained yellow thong now covering my teacher's pussy. The thought of my cum and piss directly touching her pussy for the rest of the day was gonna give me a permanent erection. I then pull down her skirt that had been bunched up at her waste back down over her thighs. Then, I propped her back on her desk in the position I had found her. She still looked like a hot sweaty mess, but at least a little less obvious.

I then went back to my desk in between Ricky and Lindsey. There was still a yellow puddle of miss underneath her desk and her the bottom half of her dress was soaked with her smelly urine. Once seated, I took out my phone and opened the Time-Freeze app and hit the unfreeze button. It was like the world had turned back on again. I heard people breathing and rustling in their seats and pencils scratching against paper.

Ms. Turney had not started speaking again though. She had a very confused look on her face. I saw her touch her hand to her face and then look back at the sticky substance on it. I saw her look down at her breast and I saw her touch the wet, sticky fabric of her blouse. Then I saw her look down at her crotch. She moved her hand to the opening of her skirt, as if she was about to feel her now surprisingly wet and sticky panties. But then, as if she realized she was in a class full of her students, she decided against it. Her investigation would have to wait till later. With that, she began to continue on with her lecture. I don't think any of the other students noticed the slight pause, or if they did, didn't think anything of it. However, the lecture was interrupted moments later.

"Oh gross! Lindsey pissed herself! That's disgusting!" a girl sitting behind Lindsey yelled.

Everyone in the class stopped and turned to look at Lindsey. Her face turned bright red. She immediately began to cry and lept out of her seat. The pee had caused her cotton dress to stick to her back, and much of her wet panties and ass were exposed.

"Oh my god! She peed her panties! Ewww!" said another student.

Lindsey immediately ran towards the door and ran out of the classroom. Droplets of pee were falling off her dress, and ass, and thighs as she ran. As I watched her beautiful tanned ass in her little pink, piss-soaked panties, run out the door, I thought to myself, "College is gonna be fucking awesome."