A Tale of Timestop


Austin paced gloomily through the deserted campus on a dark Saturday evening. He avoided the puddles of light cast by the streetlamps, preferring the darkness for his sulking. Old leaves crunched beneath his boots as he wove his way past bare trees and the frozen stream that wound its way through the center of the college.

He hid his fists deep in his jacket pockets. Why was he so bad at talking with people? He could never seem to do it right. He'd thought that things would change once he got to college, but he was a sophomore now and things were exactly like they had been in high school. He was a loner. No. That was a cheap cop-out. He couldn't make friends.

He couldn't understand how people did it. They made it look so easy. Just walk up to someone and start talking. But when he did it... When he did that no one liked it. They would think he was weird. Or creepy. Or a pervert. He sighed and kept walking, stewing in self-pity.

Was he going to die alone? How could he ever get a girlfriend if he didn't know how to talk to people? He had just turned 20 years old and he was still a virgin. Most guys lost their virginity in high school right? And he was a virgin at 20. He slammed his fists against his hips in frustrated balled-up anger.

He needed experience. He needed a breakthrough. He needed... What? He needed to clear his head. Walking helped with that. Down the riverbank he went, following the curves of the frozen river as it meandered ever downstream.

He wasn't sure how long he had been walking when he started to shiver. He stopped and looked around, coming off autopilot. He was in the forest south of campus. His breath fogged in the air as he looked around. Tall leafless maples surrounded him. An owl called down at him from a high branch. There was no sign of civilization. He must have gone at least a mile past the edge of campus. Goosebumps ran up his arms and his breath fogged. Suddenly he was regretting the light jacket.

Just before walking back upstream something glittered in the moonlight, catching his eye. Curious, he walked over to it. It was small and nestled in a pile of leaves near a tree trunk. Austin walked over and knelt, brushing the leaves aside. He pulled a small silver cigar case out of the dirt. He wiped it clean and held it up to examine in the moonlight. It was engraved in elaborate leaf patterns and on the front, there was a carved scene of a hunting dog chasing two pheasants. Austin flipped it over in his hands. How had something like this ended up out here? He used his shirt to clean off as much of the dirt as he could.

After examining the case for several minutes, Austin found a small button on the underside. He pressed it, and the case popped open with a metallic clink. There weren't any cigars inside. Instead, a thin silver rod popped up. It extended a few inches above the cap of the case. There was a ring-like golden dial on the neck of the rod and a small golden button on the top. The ring had an arrow on it which lined up with a series of numbers engraved around the circumference of the rod. 0, 1, 10, 100, and 1,000. The arrow was currently pointing to 10.

What the hell was this thing? The rod was stuck firmly in the case and would not come out. Austin shrugged, and pressed the golden button. There was a bright flash, and suddenly... suddenly things changed. When he'd pressed the button, he had been standing. Now he was suddenly kneeling in front of the tree again. His hand was outstretched, just about to grab the cigar case, which was somehow buried in the dirt again. Austen blinked. What the fuck just happened?

He hesitated, then pulled the cigar case out of the dirt again. He cleaned it once more and popped it open again. It looked just like it had before. He hesitated, then turned the gold ring from 10 to 1. There was a clicking sound as it rotated, but nothing else happened. He pressed the button.

There was a bright flash. He was suddenly holding the cigar case in his shirt again, wiping it off. "What the fuuuck..." he whispered out loud. He cleaned off the case for the 3rd time and pocketed it. He began walking back upstream towards his school.

That was... That was very weird. Did he have hypothermia or something? Was he daydreaming? He shook his head and pulled the case out of his pocket again. He turned it over in his hands as he walked, then opened it once more. 0, 1, 10, 100, and 1,000... Could it be... Was this... Was this thing sending him back in time when he pressed the button? He stopped walking. The ring was still set to 10. He turned it back to 1. He then looked around himself, taking in his surroundings. When he felt like he had a good idea where he was, he pressed the button.

There was a bright flash. He was walking up the river. He looked around. He wasn't where he was before he pressed the button. After a quick jog back up the river he found the place where he had been. "Holy shit..." he murmured.

Was he going crazy? He decided to entertain the possibility that he wasn't. "Ok..." he said to himself. "So... If I'm not crazy... 1 sends me back a minute... 10 is ten minutes... So 100 is what? Like an hour and a half? And 1,000... That's like... At least 10 hours... Then what the hell does 0 do?" He continued walking back towards campus as he mulled it over in his mind.

"Well... Only one way to find out..." He pulled the case out again and turned the dial to 0. He hesitated only a moment, then held his breath and pressed the button. Unlike before, the button remained depressed this time. And there was no flash of light. In fact... It looked like nothing had happened at all. Austen looked around curiously. Nothing. He shrugged, put the cigar case away, and kept walking.

It was a few minutes of walking before he got suspicious. He stopped and looked around. Something was off. He couldn't quite place it... He strained his senses, trying to see or hear anything out of place. But everything looked normal, and he didn't hear anything. Wait. He didn't hear... anything... No insects, no owls hooting... Nothing... It was dead silent. Then he saw it.

"What the fuck..." he said, his voice tinged with concern as he looked ahead at the bird. There was an owl. About 100 feet in front of him. It was suspended in flight and hovering without moving a muscle about 6 feet above the ground. Austen's heart beat faster as his eyes stayed glued to the suspended owl. It was like he was standing in a picture. It wasn't just the owl. Nothing was moving. There was no wind. No crickets. No flies buzzing. No leaves falling or swaying in the breeze. Nothing. He scrambled through his pockets and pulled the box back out. He flipped it open. The button was still depressed. His heart was beating fast. Somehow, the time-skipping hadn't freaked him out. He was tiered, and his mind could almost pass it off as daydreaming. Like driving to work and not remembering how you got there. This though. There was no rationalizing this.

He let out a slow breath to steady his hands and his breathing. Then he pressed the button again. It went back to its original position and the owl started flying again. Everything went back to normal. Austen kept his eye on the owl and pressed the button again. It froze again. "It's..." he said in disbelief. "It stops time!" He released the button once more and time resumed. He ran his fingers through his hair. "What the fuck is this thing?!"

He considered tossing it away or burying it. What if it was drugged or something and it was just driving him insane? But he didn't. The tantalizing possibility of it being real made him keep it. His mind raced as he walked back towards campus. When he saw the faint lights ahead through the trees he stopped again and pulled the device back out. Curiosity overpowered cautiousness. He flipped it open. The arrow was still set to 0. He depressed the button stopping time, then kept walking.

Austen looked around in amazement as he walked back onto campus. Moths hung suspended in mid-air in silent clouds around the lights. Most things looked the same. The occasional animal or insect was the only hint that it wasn't just a silent windless night. He worked his way back towards the dorms. Then he saw a person. Two of them. Two women. They were frozen mid-step on the path in front of him. He walked closer.

"Hello?" he called as he approached. There was no answer. He stepped up so he was only a few feet away from them. It was a big campus. He'd never seen these two girls before. He looked over them. They were looking at each other while they walked. One was smiling a wry smile and the other looked like she was frozen in the middle of laughing. "Hello!?" he said louder. No response. He waved his hand in front of their faces. No response.

His heart beat faster. He reached out and tapped the smiling girl on the shoulder, wincing as he did so. No response. He bit a finger. What the fuck was he doing? He jogged away from the pair and hid behind a tree. He was sweating. He could hear his heart pounding. With shaky hands he pulled out the device and pressed the button.

Sound leapt back to his ears. Crickets. Wind. The laughter of the girl on the path. He peered at them from behind his tree. They kept walking. There was no indication the pair had seen him or felt his tapping.

He stopped time again and the pair froze once more. He needed to experiment. He walked up behind the pair and jabbed the laughing one hard in the ribs. No response. He ran back to his tree. He restarted time. The pair kept walking and laughing. She hadn't felt the jab.

He exhaled a shaky breath. His mind was racing. This was unreal. Things like this didn't happen. He paused time again and breathed deeply to calm himself. He continued walking back towards the dorms with time paused. He was almost there when another person caught his eye.

There was a woman jogging. She was beautiful. She was short with blonde hair tied back in a ponytail that was suspended mind-swoosh. She had earbuds in and was holding her phone as she jogged. Despite the chilly night air, she was wearing leggings and a sports bra. Austen walked close to her. He looked her up and down. He'd never had the chance to stop and stare at such a beautiful woman before. Sure, he'd seen pretty girls. But pretty girls never wanted anything to do with him. If time were going, he'd have seen this girl for a few seconds as she jogged past. Now, he was able to take the time to observe her as much as he wanted. He drunk in her beauty. He walked around her in a slow circle, looking at ever curve of her fit young body.

Before he knew what he was doing he reached out and put a hand on her shoulder. His heart pounded. He rubbed her shoulder a bit; up and down. He'd never touched a girl. Not really. Not more than a quick hug. He brushed his hand up and down over the soft skin of her upper arm as he continued gazing at her. Her eyes were a bright blue. He was close enough that he could see the makeup on her face. There wasn't much, but it was there. Her lips glistened in the lamplight.

Austen's pants bulged with his raging boner. His hand drifted up her arm, then across her collarbone... then down... He brushed the tips of his fingers over the top of her cleavage. It was so soft. He felt his cock twitch as it released a big glob of pre into his underwear. She was so beautiful. She felt so good. He was so horny. He grabbed her breast and massaged it. Fireworks went off in his head. It was so soft and malleable, even though the fabric of her sports bra. He moaned at the sensation.

Then he froze and stepped back; fear and apprehension jumping into his head. Shit. What was he doing?! What if she realized when he unpaused time?! He could... he could just wind it back a few minutes... but... but what if it didn't work? What if it stopped working? He ran away from the jogger and hid behind a hedge, then held his breath and unpaused time. The jogger continued jogging; seemingly none the wiser to his short groping session. Holy fuck. He'd gotten away with it! A warm feeling washed over him as a strong sense of power coursed through his mind.

What would happen if... With time still paused, Austen held up the device and spun the dial from 0 to 1. As he did so, the button popped back up but time did not resume. He pressed the button. There was a flash, but he stayed exactly where he was. The world however jumped back a minute. The jogger went was suddenly several hundred feet back up the lane. And time was still paused. "Ok..." Austen said, a plan slowly forming in his mind. He unpaused time and watched for a minute as the jogger jogged past him. Just as she passed him he paused time again.

He walked over to her. He grabbed her arm by the wrist and bent it behind her back. He pulled her other arm around her chest. Tilted her head to the side. All around messed up her stance. He then returned behind his bush and pressed the button. Flash. She was up the road again. Unpause. She continued jogging and jogged well past him this time. Pause.

It worked. He could do whatever he wanted while time was paused. Then, when he was done, he could just back time up a minute before unpausing it; undoing whatever he had done while time was paused. Yes. This was amazing.

With time still paused he came out from behind his bush and approached the frozen jogger. "Hello there beautiful!" he said as he circled the woman. "I bet you'd never talk to me. A girl like you wouldn't want to have anything to do with a guy like me." He stopped in front of her and smirked. "Can't ignore me now, can you?"

He straightened her arms down to her side and then picked her up by the waist. It felt... weird... just doing this in the middle of the sidewalk. He carried her off the path, behind a building, and into some bushes. He laid her on the ground and straightened her limbs into a laying position. The sense of power was overwhelming. He lifted her arms up then pulled her sports bra off over her head. He ogled her beautiful breasts. They were much bigger than he expected. The sports bra made them look smaller. They were beautiful. Plump and round. Her nipples were hard. From the cold, probably.

It only took him a few seconds to go from looking to touching. He grabbed a breast in each hand and massaged them around. He could feel her hard nipples pressing into his palm. "Oh fuck... you feel so good..." he moaned. His cock was rock hard, pressing tightly against his jeans.

With one hand still groping a breast he clumsily used the other to unbutton his pants. As soon as he grabbed his dick and freed it from his underwear, he lost control. The sensation was too much. He moaned as he shot his cum across the jogger's breasts. It fell on her skin in thick ropes that stretched from her bellybutton to her jawline.

As his orgasm crested and subsided logic returned to his mind and he stared down at what he had done. He'd dragged a girl into the bushes, ripped her top off, groped her, and sprayed cum across her tits. "Ohh fuuck..." he whispered. If this didn't work... if the cigar box didn't work this time he... he didn't know what he'd do.

He quickly fumbled through his pants and pulled out the care. Shaky hands flipped the case open and pressed the button. The girl and her top vanished. His cum remained behind, suspended in midair in the still frozen time. He was alone behind the bushes. Well. That's something he hadn't thought about. Still, he breathed a sigh of relief. He was lucky this time he supposed. His cum was just behind some bushes. That was fine he guessed.

He stood up and walked back around the building. The jogger was back up the road again. Her top was on. She was in the middle of jogging. He hid once more behind his tree. Unpause. He watched as the girl kept jogging; none the wiser to the events that had just transpired. Austen let out a deep sigh of relief.

He let time continue and headed back to his dorm. He needed to think about all this. It was... Amazing. He'd never felt this way before. He felt excited. Powerful. Exhilarated. He smiled as he swiped his card and entered his dorm.

Once back in his room he laid on hos bed and let out a contented sigh. He turned the cigar box over in his hands absently. He'd never touched a girl like that before. Sure, he practically creamed himself when a girl hugged him and he could feel her breasts press against his chest, but he'd never been allowed to intentionally touch a girl. It had been amazing. Maybe... Maybe now he'd have more confidence to talk with someone for real? Now that he had more experience? Yeah! Maybe that would work. He smiled, then went to bed with a sense of hope he hadn't felt since starting college.

~the next day~

Austen sat alone at a table in the cafeteria. He absently poked at his food while he looked around. Why did girls always travel in packs? Maybe he could talk to one girl alone, but how would he even approach four or five of them? They'd just think he was a creep...

He picked up his tray and walked around. There was one large seating area with dozens of tables where most people ate, plus several smaller eating rooms with 5-6 tables each. Austen went from room to room, trying to find a girl alone who he could approach and talk to.

Finally he found what he was looking for. It was a smaller room in the rear of the cafeteria. There were no windows in this room. Only four tables. Two of those tables were occupied. At one sat a guy with a large set of headphones on bent over a laptop. At the other was a beautiful woman. She had long red-brown hair that was tied in an elaborate braid. She was wearing a white and pink flowered blouse that displayed an ample amount of her large bosom. Austen's brief excitement about finding a girl alone was replaced by crippling nervousness as he took I how beautiful she was. He pulled out the device and prepped it for 1 minute re-wind.

As normally as he could he walked over to the girl. She was holing her phone in one hand and absently snacking on some fries with the other. Austen walked up and stood next to her. "Uhh... Hi!" he said.

The woman looked up at him. Already Austen saw a look of annoyance wash over her face. How had he fucked this up already?

"What?" she said with a deeply annoyed tone.

"Uh... I was... could I... sit and have lunch with you?" Austen managed to stammer out.

The girl looked around. "There's plenty of free tables..."

"Y-yeah, but I wanted to... talk to you..."

The woman raised her eyebrow as gestured at her phone. "I'm busy..." She gave him a disgusted look as she turned away from him.

Austen pressed the button. Flash. He was back at the door and stepped around the corner out of sight. His heart was racing. He'd done it. He'd talked to a girl. It hadn't gone well, but he'd done it. And now he'd undone it. So... There was no embarrassment! He smiled. As far as little-miss-redhead was concerned they'd never spoke. He smiled. Holy shit! This was just like quicksaving in a video game! We could try again! He could get all the practice he wanted!

A sense of confidence welled up in him and he strode into the room and back over to the woman. As soon as he opened his mouth though, his confidence evaporated, and he just let out a squeaky "h-hi there!" The woman looked up at him with even more revulsion than the first time.

Press. Flash. Ok. He took a deep breath. 3rd time's the charm. But it wasn't. Nor was the 4th, 5th, or 6th times. In no attempt did Austen get more than 3 words out before the woman looked at him with either annoyance or disgust.

Once back out of line of sight for the 7th time he paused time. Fuck! Why was this so hard! Why was he so intimidated by her?! He looked around the corner. She was frozen there, a fry halfway to her mouth. He strode over to her and yelled at her frozen face "why don't you like me you stupid cunt!" He was so frustrated. He slapped her. Her head jerked to the side and remained frozen in the new position.

He looked down at her exposed ample cleavage. "Why do you go around dressed like a slut if you don't want attention from men?!" He shoved a hand down her blouse and under her bra. He groped and massaged her breast.

Fuck! He was so horny and sexually frustrated by this bitch blowing him off so many times. "Is this what you want you little bitch?" he said still groping her. "You want a big strong dick of a guy to come and use you?" Fuck it. She deserved this. Austen grabbed her by the braid and dragged her out of the booth she was sitting in. He laid on top of her on the floor, pressing his body into hers. He ran his hands up and down her waist, feeling her form. He kissed her motionless lips, sucking and licking them. She was so soft and curvy. Nothing like the pillows he would hug at night in a desperate attempt for human contact.

His cock bulged hard through his pants, pressing against her leg. He was so horny and so sick of this bitch blowing him off. Fuck it. If just groping a girl wasn't enough to get rid of his anxiety maybe losing his virginity would do it. He stood up and hurriedly undid his pants. His cock was already rock hard and leaking pre, but he was careful not to lose it and cum too early this time.

The girl was wearing a white skirt. He pushed it up, revealing a pair of plain white cotton panties. "What? No lace? No fancy lingerie? Don't tell me you're just a tease!" He pushed her skirt all the way up and pulled her panties down to her knees.

"Woah..." he murmured as he stared for the first time at a real woman exposed in front of him. It wasn't like porn at all. She had a LOT of curly red tufts of pubic hair. Austen hurried to get her panties completely off so he could open her legs. He spread her legs up and wide into a missionary position. This tilted her hips up and gave him a great view of her pussy. He brought his head down to get a better look.

It was nowhere near as tidy as pussies in porn. Her labia were large, folded, and somewhat lopsided. His cock was already soaked. He lowered himself over her and used his hand to guide it towards her lips. He pressed his tip against her as he tried to put it in. He cursed as he fumbled around with his cock. He probed her lips, brushing his cockhead up and down against he lips and probing for her entrance. Finally he found it. He pushed forwards sliding his cock into her opening hole. A warmth and tightness enveloped his member as he penetrated her.

Austen moaned as he thrust his meat into her. Firecrackers exploded in his head. Shuddering waves of pleasure overtook him as he skewered her on his shaft. He collapsed on her. He kissed her and groped at her breasts as he began humping her wildly. Her whole body shook with each hammer-thrust of his dick. He pawed at her shirt and bra, clumsily pulling them down so he could grope her breasts without cloths in the way.

He didn't last very long before the pleasure of it was too much. "Fuck yeah take my cum bitch!" he shouted as he slammed his cock home and busted his load in a pussy for the first time in his life. "Oh god yes..." he moaned as he finished and collapsed on top of her. He stayed there for a minute, laying on top of her with his dick throbbing and slowly shrinking inside her. Finally he pulled himself out and stood up. He smiled and gazed down at the beautiful natural woman spread-eagle below him.

He dressed again and pulled out the cigar box. He backed time up a minute. The woman was once again seated and fully clothed. His glob of cum remained behind, suspended in mid-air where it had been in her pussy. Hmm... Austen paused for a moment as he tried to decide what to do with the cum. He looked around and his eyes stopped on the girl's plate of food. He smiled. She had a burger to go with her fries.

He lifted the bun off her burger. It was slathered in mayo and ketchup. Perfect. He bent down with the bun and dragged it through the thin rope of suspended cum. He intermixed it with the condiments, blending them together. He gently placed the doctored bun back on top of the burger, then scurried back around the corner with a mischievous grin on his face.

After picking up his own tray he released time again and walked once more into the small room. As he walked over to her table, the fear stayed away. The nervousness was gone. The feel of her warm pussy still clung to his cock. Knowing what he had done and knowing what was in her burger made him feel powerful. It took away the fear she had over him. He wasn't afraid of her anymore. He wasn't afraid of what she could say. He wasn't afraid of being embarrassed. How could he be with everything he knew? She might look perfect on the outside; but she was only human. Her makeup might be immaculate, but below she was hiding a lopsided pussy in granny panties.

As he approached her once more, he suddenly had an idea. "Excuse me miss, I don't mean to bother you, but could you help me with a magic trick really quick?" This time she looked up at him in confusion rather than disgust.

"Um... what?" she said.

"It's real easy," Austen said "you can start by handing me that basket of flowers behind you."

"What are you-"

Austen froze time as she started to look away from him towards the bench beside her. He grinned and quickly walked away. He walked up the street to a small flower shop he often walked past. He went in and picked up a large arrangement of roses and hearts in a wicker basket. He headed back to the cafeteria, leaned over the table, and placed the basket in the booth next to the girl.

He then went back to where he had been standing and resumed time.

"-talking abou-" she cut off as she saw the basket. She lifted it up and set it on the table. "How did you do that?" she said with a smile on her face.

Austen smiled back and sat across from her in the booth. "I told you; I need help practicing a magic trick!"

She stared back at him with bewilderment and surprise on her face.

"What's your name?" Austen asked casually.

"My name?"

"Yeah! Your name. You have one don't you? It's part of the magic trick."

"It's Sophia..." the girl said.

"That's a beautiful name!" Austen said with his best showman's voice. "And what's your favorite color Sophia?"

"Uhhh... purple I guess?"

"Great!" He lifted the flowers from the basket. "What do you see in there?" he asked.

Sophia looked inside, then arched an eyebrow at him. "It's empty."

Austen placed the flowers back in the basket. "Are you sure? You better take those out and have a look for yourself." She looked at him with a mix of curiosity and confusion. She hesitated for a moment then reached towards the basket. He paused time once more.

Next, he headed to the baker's shop. He pulled out a blank cake with white and purple frosting. The top was blank for writing a message on. He went behind the counter and grabbed the purple piping bag. He smiled as he wrote on the cake. Those years working in the Kroger bakery paid off.

He slowly piped out "For the beautiful Sophia" onto the cake, making sure to leave a blank place at the bottom for more writing. That done, he returned. He hid the cake in the basket and returned to his seat.

As time resumed Sophia finished reaching for the basket. She gave him a skeptical look then lifted the flowers. She gasped as she saw the cake. "How did you do that?!" she exclaimed as a look of awe covered her face.

Austen smiled and leaned back in his booth. "A magician never reveals his secrets." He stood up. "Well, thanks for your help! Hoped you liked the trick. Enjoy your burger." He turned and started to walk away.

"Wait!" she called after him.

He turned to look at her.

"What was all that?" she was smiling from ear to ear and looked dumbstruck. "Who are you?"

"Oh, sorry," Austen said. "I can't actually stay to chat right now." He pointed back over his shoulder and tried to sound like he was as disinterested as possible. That's what cool guys did right? "My name's Austen though. Nice to meet you Sophia. Feel free to call me whenever."

She looked at him with a confused smile. "I don't have your number."

He smiled back. As he turned and began walking away, he said to her over his shoulder "check the cake" then paused time. After piping his phone number onto the cake below the earlier message he resumed time and kept walking. He didn't look back as he heard her gasp.

"How?!" he heard her call after him. He simply kept walking.

By the time he was out of the room he was grinning from ear to ear.

~Later that evening~

Austen could not stop smiling. Things had gone so incredibly well with Sophia. Granted, it took him a few tries and a few tricks, but he got there in the end. He had been so smooth! He beamed with pride as he lay on his bed, smiling up at the ceiling. He'd lost his virginity to her too! Not that she remembered that... It had been erased from time after all... Still counted though...

What now? He stood up and paced around the room as he thought to himself. Would she call him? If she did, when would she? He'd never done this before. How long was it before a girl called you back? He shrugged. He'd find out. And if Sophia didn't call him back some other girl would. This was the start of a new life for him. He'd make sure of that.

He didn't have to wait much longer. As he was pacing his phone rang. Excitement bloomed inside him as he grabbed his phone. He was about to answer, but he hesitated. He let it ring twice more. That's what cool guys did right?

"Austin here!" he said as he answered the phone.

"Hey! Austin! Glad I caught you! It's Sophia.

"Oh, hey Sophia, how you doin?"

"Great! Look, I wanted to ask if you'd like to come to a party tonight? Some of my friends and I are having a little get-together at my place. I told them about that crazy magic trick you did and they want to see more! You interested?"

"Tonight?" Austen positively glowed with satisfaction. "Yeah, I think I can make the time. Where is it?"

"I'm in Abbot hall; room 522. Stop by around midnight! Text me when you get here and I'll let you in ok?"

"Yeah that sounds good; see you then!" He hung up before she could say anything else.

"Hell yeah..." he said to himself. He'd never been invited to a party before. This was awesome! Who knew it was this easy to talk to girls?!

When midnight rolled around, he strolled over to Abbot hall and texted Sophia. She smiled at him as she opened the door.

"Hey Austen! Thanks for coming!"

"No problem."

They took the elevator to the 5th floor and headed to her room. "So, who's my audience going to be tonight?" Austen asked.

"Tess and Derik are already here. So's Sherry - my roommate. Luke should be here soon."

Austen nodded as they arrived at 522. Sophia unlocked her door and led him in. "Everyone, this is Austen. Austen, everyone!"

Inside was a standard dorm room. Two beds and two tiny desks. They'd squeezed a recliner into the corner of the room. Laying on one of the beds was a jock-looking guy with his arm wrapped around a petite girl.

"Yoooo!" said the jock as he ran his hand through his scruffy sandy-blonde hair. "You the magic guy right?"

"That's me." Austen replied.

"Sweet dude. I'm Derik, and this is my girl Tess." Derik flexed his ample arm muscles, giving Tess a little squeeze. Tess waved at him and brushed a dark curl out of her face.

Austen took in the scene. It wasn't much of a party; but who cared? Honestly, he thought he preferred this to some crazy house party. Derik was drinking liberally from a vodka bottle and periodically giving a sip to Tess.

Sophia grabbed three beers from a minifridge in one of the closets. She kept one for herself and handed one each to Austen and Sherry, who was lounging in the recliner. She was gorgeous. She had a vaguely Asian look about her. She was wearing a slim sundress that displayed a huge amount of cleavage of her massive breasts. Sophia went to sit on the empty bed. Sherry popped open her beer bottle and downed it before Sophia had sat down.

Sophia looked over and saw her roommate toss the empty bottle into the trash.

"Jesus Sher, that was fast."

"I just dumped Luke..." Sherry said in an angry tone.

"What?!" Sophia sounded surprised.

Derik let out a chortle. "The loser was cheating on her."

"Oh shit Sher... I'm sorry..."

Austen stepped over to Sherry and handed over his beer. "Looks like you could use another."

Sherry gave him a small smile, took his beer, and downed half of it. "Thanks..."

Austen got a replacement from the freezer and sat next to Sophia on the bed.

"Yoo Austen! Why don't you do some of that magic to cheer Sherry up!" Derik said before taking another swig and pressing the bottle to Tess's lips once more.

Austen smiled. "Sure, why not?" Austen stood up and walked over to Sherry. "What's your favorite type of wine?"

"Wine?" she smiled nervously and looked at her friends. Derik nodded eagerly. "Uhh... white I guess?"

With one hand in his pocket on the cigar case, Austen used the other to reach behind Sherry's ear. He snapped, then stopped time.

One short jog to the liquor store later he resumed time and pulled a fancy bottle of white wine seemingly from behind Sherry's head.

"YOOOO! LETS GOOOO!" Derik said in surprise as he sat up. "That was crazy! You were right Soph, this guy's insane!"

Austen winked at Sherry and handed her the bottle. She laughed and shook her head in disbelief. "You forgot the wine opener," she said with a sly smile.

Austen smiled back. Did I? He pulled a handkerchief from his back pocket and draped it over the top of the bottle. He paused time. He had forgotten a wine opener. One more jog to the liquor store solved that. He screwed it into the cork, resumed time, and made a flourish of removing the handkerchief. Everyone gasped.

"LETS GO-HO-HOOO!" called Derik.

Austen smiled. The night continued with Austen performing a variety of "magic" tricks. The group got slowly more drunk. Austen made sure he didn't get more than buzzed. He couldn't afford to get drunk and somehow lose the cigar box.

Austen was on cloud-9. Everyone was hanging off his every action. He'd never been the center of attention before. Getting so much positive praise from three beautiful women and a jock that would have probably spent high school swirling him was intoxicating.

As the night progressed Austen noticed things were slowly becoming more intimate. Derik was beginning to grope and kiss Tess. Sophia was laughing more and touching his arm. Sherry was red in the face and giving him lurid looks.

He got an idea. "Ok, ok," he said, calming everyone down. "For my next trick, I need a volunteer from the lovely ladies!" Sophia laughed, raised her hand, and stood up.

"Now watch closely or you'll miss it..." Austen said. "I am now going to remove Sophia's bra without her even noticing."

"OOOH! Lets go!" Derik hooted. Austen wasn't sure what that phrase meant but Derik sure used it a lot.

Sophia crossed her arms in disbelief. "No way... You've done some pretty impressive things but there's no WAY you can do that."

"Are you sure?"


"Wanna bet?"

"Oooooh careful Soph!" Derik said. "You're messing with the master!"

Sophia shook her head, a look of bewildered excitement on her face. "There's no way!"

"So you'll bet?" Austen goaded.

"Ok, fine! Let's bet!"

"Good!" Austen said slyly. "If I can remove your bra without you noticing... you remove your shirt and show everyone I succeeded."

The other people oooohed and jeered. Sophia looked at him sideways, arms still crossed, but a curious look on her face. "Ok. Fine. But if you can't, or I catch you... you have to strip naked so you can't hide anything up your sleeves anymore."

"Ok, deal!" Austen said.

"Hope you aren't shy," Sophia teased "because there's no way you can get my bra off me without me noticing."

Austen gave a knowing smile. "I already have." He paused time. He walked over to Sophia and un-crossed her arms. He pulled her shirt off and admired her body. After a few attempts he unclasped her bra and took it off her. He leaned in and gave her nipple a kiss for good measure, then put her shirt back on and re-crossed her arms.

He shoved her still-warm bra into his pocket with the cigar box and then resumed time. He pulled the bra out of his pocket to show the room right as Sophia said "no you ha-"

Sophia clutched her breasts and fell back onto the bed as she let out a yelp. Everyone laughed. Derik hooted. Sophia sat back up, face red and a huge smile on her face. "No fucking way..."

Austen put on a smug face and dangled the bra in front of her face. She went to snatch it but he pulled it back. "Not so fast!" he taunted. "A bet's a bet!"

She shook her head at him and gave him a wry look. "Alright, fine." She made a show of lifting her shirt over her head and tossing it at him. She placed her hands on her hips and modeled for the room, flaunting her ample breasts.

"Let's go..." Derik whispered as he started groping Tess's breasts.

Sherry spoke up. "Don't worry Sophia! I'll avenge you. Same bet Austen? I won't be as easy to fool as Soph."

"Deal!" Austen said without hesitating. He'd been wanting to see Sherry nude since he saw her. He paused time and walked over to her as she remained reclined in her chair. He pushed the spaghetti straps off her shoulders and pulled her dress top down. As he pulled the dress top down over her stomach her massive breasts flopped out of the fabric. She wasn't wearing a bra. Austen wasn't an expert on breast sizes, so he couldn't begin to guess at hers - but each one was larger than her head. Her areola were a pleasant deep brown. Austen grinned. Clever. He put her dress back on her right, then lifted up the bottom of the dress. She was wearing panties. That would do. He slid the panties off her and put her dress back right, making sure to get her limbs back to the location they were in when time stopped.

He returned to his spot in the room and put the panties in his pocket, then resumed time. "You weren't wearing a bra so I took these instead." Austen pulled out the panties - which were a lacy black - and twirled them on a finger.

Sherry's eyes went wide and she yelped, nearly jumping out of her chair before bursting into laughter. Austen turned to the room. "So who do you think won that bet?"

Derik grinned widely as his hands explored underneath Tess's cloths. "I think you both lost. Let's see a show from both of you!"

Austen turned to Sherry who was still laughing. He shrugged. "Sounds fair to me?"

Sherry got to her feet and stretched. "Sure, why not? Fuck it."

Sherry pulled her dress over her head and tossed it aside, doing a little twirl for the room. Austen's heart beat as he began stripping too. Soon everyone was stripping. Derik practically tore Tess's shirt off and began sucking her breasts and he fumbled with his own pants. Sophia stripped her own pants off. She wasn't wearing her white panties anymore. She was wearing a lacy red thong. And she had shaved her pubic hair off. By the time Austen got naked his cock was fully erect.

Derik was the first to get his dick wet. He tossed his pants across the room and pushed Tess's legs open, then quickly rammed his cock into her. He fucked her missionary style and shook the bed violently with each thrust. Tess, for her part, lay perfectly still and let her boyfriend use her body.

Austin was distracted from the live porn by Sherry kneeling in front of him. She grabbed his shaft in one hand and cupped his balls in the other. Slowly she began licking his head. "You like it when I lick your cock?" so cooed up at him.

"Fuck yeah..." he moaned as Sherry brought his member into her mouth, sucking lightly and swirling her tongue around his sensitive tip.

Sophia quickly walked over to them "don't think you're getting him all to yourself!" she said, grabbing Austen by the arm. The two roommates giggled and dragged him over to the empty bed. They sandwiched him between them. Their breasts pressed into his chest as the two of them began making out on top of him. He felt a hand - he wasn't sure whose - grab his cock and begin stroking it.

Tess was making soft squeaking noises now as loud wet sloshing noises filled the room from Derik's hard thrusting.

The two women started making out on top of him. Austen sat back and enjoyed the show. It wasn't long before Sherry pushed Sophia aside and swung a leg over Austen, straddling him. "Alright, enough foreplay!" she said "I wanna feel that cock inside me." She guided his cock to her entrance with one hand. She quickly aligned herself, and with one downwards motion of her hips plunged his cock fully inside her. It happened so fast - nothing like the awkward slow pushing he had done to Sophia while time had been paused. She engulfed him with the ease and quickness of much practice.

"Oh GOD yes!" Sherry moaned as she bounced quickly up and down on his cock. "He's so much longer and GIRTHIER than Luke! Fuck! It feels so good to finally get my pussy stretched by a thick cock!"

All Austen could do was hold back and try not to cum as Sherry rammed his cock in and out of her pussy.

"Ah yeah fuck me hard!" Sherry moaned as she bit her lip and rocked her hips back and forth, undulating his cock inside her.

"No fair! You can't have all the fun!" Sophia said as she kneeled near Austen's head and watched as Sherry bounced up and down.

She swung a leg over his head and lowered her pussy down towards Austen's face. He was overwhelmed with pleasure. All he could see was Sophia's slightly gaping pussy lowering towards him. He was pretty sure the two girls on top of him were making out as Sherry continued gyrating on his cock.

His nose slid between Sophia's lips as she lowered herself over him. He opened his mouth and began kissing and licking. He didn't really know what he was doing, but Sophia pressed herself against his face and his tongue found it's way between her lips. He explored with it, rolling his tongue up and down her salty slit. He'd expected it to taste horrible. It didn't. It was hard to describe. It didn't exactly taste good, but... it was fun.

He tried to focus on licking and sucking at Sophia's pussy to distract himself from the ever-increasing pleasure rising inside himself. He was enveloped in two beautiful women. He ran his hands up and around, feeling their naked bodies as they gyrating and moaned and kissed each other.

"Oh YEAH! Faster!" Sherry moaned as she picked up the pace of her bouncing.

It was too much. The pleasure of his thick hard cock slamming into Sherry's tight hot pussy was overwhelming. With each thrust his he lost more control, until finally he couldn't hold back any longer. He reached forwards and grabbed Sherry by the hips. He pulled her down hard and slammed his cock upwards, burying it as deep as he could in her pussy. He moaned into Sophia's cunt as his cock exploded, dumping a load of cum deep within Sherry.

"Ooooh yeah I can feel it hot inside me!" Sherry said. The girls giggled to each other. Both got off him. As sherry swung off, his cock quickly unsheathed itself from her pussy. The air of the dorm suddenly felt cold against his wet cock.

The girls lay down on each side of him. "That's what I needed..." Sherry said.

"Enjoy yourself?" Sophia asked.

"Yeahhh..." moaned Sherry.

"Next time I get the cock." Sophia said assertively. The roommates laughed.

Austen grinned widely as he wrapped an arm around each girl. He couldn't believe himself. A few short days ago he had been a virgin. He hadn't so much as kissed a girl. Now he'd fucked two at the same time. Life was good. He laid back and relaxed, pondering what he would do next. Life was good.