Time for Some Fun


A snap of the fingers and everything freezes. The whole universe under your control. Or, at least the earth. Maybe more. Who knows? Who cares. You control time. Now, of course you could use that to help people. Sometimes you do. But not today. Today, you are looking to have some fun. It's always amusing screwing with people when they are frozen, then watching their reactions.

So many people! Who to choose. That's a pretty one. A young blonde. Probably a freshman by the amount of work she has put into making herself look pretty. And pretty she is... You stand in front of her. She is short, barely over 5 feet tall. She has a low cut blouse and a short skirt. She is in mid-stride. You crouch down and look up the skirt at her crotch. She's wearing a pair of lacy underwear. Reaching an arm up you run a finger along the front of the panties, over what covers her labia. Just a small touch.

You remove yourself from the situation carefully, returning to exactly where you were when time froze. Then with a firm thought you bring time back. Everything lurches back into motion. The girl you touched yelps and stumbles, wheeling around to try to find who violated her. Her friend looks confused and the two talk for a minute. The one you touched looks nervously around then shakes her head. The pair continue to walk. You follow, at a good distance. Yes. This will be fun. You round a corner out of site and make yourself invisible. It's easier than moving back and forth to the location you froze time at. This way you can pause and un-pause without worrying about onlookers noticing odd movements by you.

You jog to catch up with the two freshmen. Of course, no one can hear your passing or see your movements. You catch up and walk unnoticed next to them. They are talking about classes. A dance class in particular. You stop time again.

The other one is cute too... more your type really, a black haired beauty with a nose ring. In fact... you think you will change targets... The pair splits off, the blond going one way and your raven beauty going another. She is wearing tight fitting black jeans and a pattered black and white blouse.

You follow her to Mayworthy Hall. A chemistry building. Into a class she goes, and in invisible you follows. It's a lab class. Boring teacher; the usual. She's sitting in the back, head down on the desk on top of her crossed arms. Bored vacant expression on her face.

Snap. Time stops. You approach closer and take a better look. You can't see down her shirt as her crossed arms are covering her cleavage. However. As she slumps in her seat her pants sag down, showing the top of a black thong.

You trace a hand down her back, feeling the clasps of her bra under your hands. Her shirt is soft, like silk, and her skin beneath is pale and beautiful. You step back and release time. She jolts upright, a hand going to her back. She lowers her head a bit and looks around conspiratorially. No one seems to see her do this, and after a moment she slowly lowers herself back down, eyes looking around with mild concern. You stop time again as she lays back on her arms.

You step up to her again and grin. Carefully, you reach forward and unclasp her bra through her shirt, trying your best not to touch her skin. Step back. Unpause. You can see through her shirt the back of the bra fall. She jerks a bit as she no doubt feels the bra come undone. Looking around she casually puts her arms up the back of her shirt and re-latches the bra. As she does so you get a full view of her back. It is an almost ivory white. Her waist is thin and beautiful. You let time go, and watch her through class.

As class ends she bends over at the hips to pick up her backpack. She is the last to leave, as the teacher kept her late, talking about missed assignments. Not even the teacher is still there, as he left while she was still packing. So it's just her and you. She is bent over fully, and her thong is showing as her black pants form around her shapely butt. Enough teasing. It's time to act.

You stand behind her, hands on hips, as you slowly dry-hump her ass. You then reach around, bending over her as you do, and unbutton her pants. You zip them down then pull them down to her knees. At the angle she is bent her panty-covered lips are visible from the back. You slowly pull down the thong, revealing her snatch.

Your hands shake with excitement as you run them over her plump ass, down her legs. You pull your own pants down, freeing your rock hard dick. You've never done this before. Not like this anyway. You usually use a condom, and fuck them when they are asleep. That way if they wake they think it just a dream. This will be very different. You are excited to see what she does when you suddenly unpause time and she feels herself violated and feels your hot cum inside of her. What will she do? Time to find out. You grin widely as you rub her entrance with a finger, spreading her big lips and revealing the hole to paradise hidden behind. You push in and feel yourself hit a hymen. What a lovely surprise! You thrust forward, popping it with ease and sliding your meat shaft deeper into her. You begin pumping in earnest, bottoming out in her She is extremely tight and your shaft screams with pleasure as her lady tunnel massages your sausage as it slides in and out of her. You change your thrusting direction and her pussy farts out air, sealing itself around your member. Now as you thrust in and out her lips hold on, pulling in and out as your thrust in. you watch with great pleasure as her flesh folds and sucks to please you.

As your orgasm approaches you get second thoughts. DNA evidence and all that... you have great powers of manipulation but you aren't all powerful... perhaps remaining unknown would be best. Right before you burst you quickly pull out and shoot your load into the side of the lab bench before you can grad anything. You curse then grab paper towels, cleaning the mess you made. Once you are sure all evidence of your seed is gone you turn back to the raven haired beauty.

You pull her underwear up and straighten it, then do the same with her pants. You try your best to return it to how it was. You are about to unpause when you realize you don't even know this chicks name. You fumble through her purse and pull out a wallet. ID inside. Her name is Violet Macie. Huh. Her parents must be hippies. Explains the demeanor you guess.

You return the wallet and step back, still invisible. Everything looks in order... You quickly peek outside, curious to see if anyone is nearby. No doesn't look like it. Ok. You walk back into the room... and unpause time. Violet lets out a quick scream and falls to the floor. She curls into a ball, her face contorting into a mixture of confusion pain fear and pleasure. She presses her hands to her crotch and her muscles tense. She scoots against the side of the bench, sitting upright. She looks fucking terrified now. "What the FUCK?" she says to the room. Her whole body is shaking. She slowly stands up, wobbling on her feet. "Fuck!" she cusses as she bends down, again pressing her hand into her crotch. She looks around then unbuttons her pants while facing away from the door. She pulls them open and looks at her pussy, running a hand over it.

She shakes her head and looks around again. She then buttons her pants. She looks completely flustered, confused and scared. "is everything alright in here? I heard a scream." You turn to see a dude standing in the doorway, looking concerned. Violet goes completely red, and is sweating now. "No! no everything is fine..." she says, scrambling to pick up her bag. "Are you sure? You don't look fine." The dude in the doorway says. "I said I'm FINE" Violet barks as she pushes past the dude.

You follow her down the hall as she goes into a bathroom, then into a stall. "Fuck... what the fuck happened?" she days. You look through the door of the stall as she pulls her pants and thong all the way down. She bends over, examining her puffy red pussy, trying to figure out what just happened to her. She digs around in her pants, feeling around. You smirk. She has no idea. How could she?

Finally she seems to shake herself out of it. She pulls her pants up and stands up. She steps out of the stall and moves to the counter where she begins straightening herself up, fixing her makeup and hair. She looks around one last time then pulls out her phone, glancing at the time. "shit" she says as she throws it back in her purse and jogs out of the bathroom. She practically runs across campus to the English building, but still gets to class late. You follow inside as she slips into the lecture hall. She seems much more attentive than in lab. Not to the class though. She's thinking and looks worried. She has her legs crossed and her purse on her lap.

You don't touch her again today. You simply watch with how she copes with what she felt but did not see. She meets up with the blond again, whose name is Mallie. Perhaps another time you will have your way with her, but right now you only have eyes for Violet.

You part ways for the day and head back to your dorm pondering what you have done. She felt you. She knew something happened. You've never done it like that before, and the thought exhilarates you. This is going to have to happen... more often... Maybe in a few days. For now, you have another use for your powers. Free beer!

This campus really does have a lot of women. Ten years ago it was only 30% woman. Nowadays it seems like almost two thirds of the people on campus are women. You ponder this thought to yourself idly as you casually glance at all the women as they walk by. Who cares? All the better for you.

Blonde, Burnette, Redhead. Short. Tall. Big boobs and small. High skirt long skirt, red shirt blue shirt. You need more targets. You can't just keep going after the same girls, no matter how sexy Violet is. You'll have to find some others. I mean, practically any girl would do. Maybe that one? She's a shorter girl with red hair and freckles. She looks like she's a freshman. She has that wide-eyed look of mild fear at being on a college campus for the first time. She hurries across the plaza in front of you, books held to her stomach under her breasts. They are cute little things. Small but shapely. Her skirt swishes in the wind and you catch a glimpse of pink underwear beneath as she hurries away. Maybe her.

You shake your head and stand up, stretching before casually walking after the girl. Now she's in your head you would do well to at least figure out where she is going so you can find her again if need be. You have to jog for a bit to catch up to her, but you eventually do. She's going to a geology class apparently. Room 122c in the Janson building. Good to know. You always had sort of a thing for freckles...


Two days later Violet seems back to normal. She was on edge for a while, and Mallie kept asking her about it, but now she seems to have successfully pushed away what happened to her. She must think she had a psychotic break. You smile at that. You wonder to yourself how long it will be before she goes to a shrink if you keep touching her.

She is getting coffee with Mallie in the morning today. She's wearing her black pants still. She seems very fond of those. The stud in her nose has become a nose ring and she is wearing dagger earrings. Her hair is up in a sloppy bun and she has dark eyeliner on with a deep red lipstick. She looks really beautiful today actually. She's more dressed up than usual. Her purse is black with a skull latch.

The two sit together after getting their overpriced coffee. They are talking about a project they have for a film class coming up. You wait patiently, invisible and off to the side. Eventually they get up, splitting up to go to separate classes.

It's the English class again. This time Violet has once again adopted her "i-don't-give-a-fuck" attitude to lectures. You pause time and gently poke her cheek, then step back and unpause. She absently brushes her cheek as if it were a bug. Well that's not fun... You pause and reach around her from behind, slipping a hand into her exposed cleavage. You slide your hand up the curve of a breast then up her chest and off a shoulder. She spasms in her seat, and covers herself with her arms. She manages to suppress a yelp though, which is nice for her considering she is in a very large lecture hall. She coils in on herself, eyes darting around to find the impossible assailant. She sees nothing of course, and slowly uncoils herself, still looking disturbed.

You don't press your advance, instead sitting back and watching her concerned form as she tries to maintain composure. It's quite amusing actually.


It has been a few days and you are now following Violet again. You haven't cum in four days now and you can feel a strong urge. Violet is back in lab class, sitting near the back. Today though your eyes are on someone else in the class. She's a cute girl of average height with brown hair. Her breasts are small, only b cup or so. She is wearing a summer dress showing off her small but perky bosom.

She's in the middle of the class, chatting with her lab partner. She's very talkative. Her summer dress has a floral pattern on it. It fits her nicely and accentuates her figure. You don't waste time with this one. No warnings. Nothing. You pause time as she is laughing, hand up to cover her mouth as she is bent over, elbows resting on the table. You push her dress all the way up to her hips, then slide down her grey panties. You massage her clit for a while, and soon her snatch is glistening. You force your pecker into her, grabbing her by the hips and thrusting in and out, burying yourself with each thrust.

Her body is small and the whole thing jiggles as you continue to thrust madly into her. Your orgasm fast approaches and you blast your load deep inside of her. You pull out with a moan. Your hands shake as you pull her underwear up and slide her dress back down, making her look as she did. She is still in mid laugh, still unaware of the violation she has undergone. You put your cock away and step back. You unpause time. The laugh suddenly becomes a brief scream. She girl jumps and hits her stomach on the table. She doubles over in pain, legs shaking as she grasps at her crotch. The whole class is looking at her.

"e-excuse me..." she says as she rushes from the room. You follow. She is staggering as she walks, moving as though she just of off a horse. She stumbles into the bathroom and into a stall. You poke your head through the stall door to watch. She slouches on the toilet, pulling her dress up and her panties down. Your cum slopps out of her pussy and into the toilet. The poor thing looks fucking mortified. "W-what the f-fuck?!" she stammers as she slides a finger into her hole, digging out more of your cum. She starts crying as she grabs toilet paper and tries to get your baby batter out of herself. She pushes down on her crotch and squeezes her muscles, trying to push more bubbles of it free, tears streaming down her face, cheeks turning red.

Eventually she just breaks down and cries harder, bawling into her hands as she curls up into a ball on the toilet. Between her legs you can see her pussy lips pushed together, a trail of your cum still dripping from her. It takes her a good 10 minutes to even begin to compose herself. Finally she sits back down normally on the toilet. She dabs her eyes with more toilet paper, sniffles, and rests her face in her hands. Finally she seems to pull herself out of it, and grabs more toilet paper to clean herself as best she can. She stands up and pulls her panties up, straightening her dress. She flushes the toilet and steps out to the mirrors, washing her face and trying to make it look like she didn't just spend 15 minutes crying and digging cum out of her pussy. She clearly barely has everything under control.

She goes back to the class and picks up her things, leaving without saying a word. The teacher tries to stop her, but she doesn't listen. She just leaves. You follow. You've got to make sure she doesn't go to a clinic or something to get a sample taken. Luckily for you that doesn't appear to be what she is doing. She's headed back to the dorms. She returns to her room, dropping things off, then grabs shower supplies and rushes off to go wash herself. How convenient! You stay in the room, leaving her to clean herself in peace.

You look around the room, examining what she has. It's fairly stereotypical. Well kept. Pink sheets. A poster of some hot dude on the wall. Butterfly bookends. Lots of girly decorations. Hearts. A motivational poster. You dig beneath the surface, opening drawers and closets. She has a lot of dresses. A fair amount of lingerie. A letter on the desk. It's written by her. Cassidy. That's her name. It's addressed to a friend in Australia. It talks about her life a bit. Cassidy laments being alone, saying she wishes she could find a nice guy. She also talks about a tennis tournament that she participated in. Looking around you spot a tennis racket bag and some balls. Interesting.

You go to the bathroom and check on Cassidy. All the shower stalls are occupied. You poke your invisible head through the first stall, and find a whale of a girl. You pull back quickly, eyes practically bleeding from what you saw. Ugh... sometimes this power backfires...

You cautiously look through door number 2, and are delighted by what you see. It's a tanned well-toned girl with black hair. She has bouncing c-cup breasts and has prostrated herself against the back wall of the shower, back arched, one arm behind her head, one hand furiously masturbating. She has a huge smile on her face and is desperately trying to stay quite as she stokes herself. The showerhead is turned so that the flow of water lands right on her crotch. Her hips rock and her boobs bounce as she pleasures herself. You watch intently as the spectacle continues. She picks up the pace and then throws her head back, leg shaking as she squirts out an orgasm all over the shower curtain. If you weren't incorporeal it would have hit you right in the face. She runs a hand through her hair as ecstasy paints her face. She then stands up, stretches, and continues her shower.

You pivot over to shower 3, and find Cassidy in a much less happy state. She's sitting on the floor of the shower, huddled in the corner, letting water wash over her. Now that's no fun. You shake your head and return to the view behind curtain number 2. The tanned girl has put some pop music on her phone and is now dancing in the shower while she washes her hair. There is a smile on her face, she looks very happy. You kick back and watch the show.

Eventually she finishes up and gets dressed. You leave Cassidy for now and start following the tanned girl. She is admittedly a lot hotter than Cassidy. She has a perky personality, and dresses very provocatively. She puts on a black thong and a pair of jean shorts so short you can see the bottom of her butt cheeks from the back. She puts on a black lace bra and an extremely loose shirt with the sides cut out. The result is that as she walks by you can see her bra in its entirety, half through the enormous cleavage in the front and the rest through a side-boob shot as she walks by, through the side of her shirt.


You follow the tan girl around for the rest of the day. She's sexy and she knows it. She flaunts her stuff, and makes more of a social display of her day than actual learning. It's clear she gets by on her looks, not her brain.

And GOD she is horny. She leaves two separate classes to masturbate in the bathroom, squirting on the stalls. You even catch her with her hand in her pants during a class. Finally the day is over and you follow her back to her room. And lo and behold, she starts masturbating. No sooner does she get in the door does she strip down and flop onto her bed, pulling a vibrator out of her nightstand. She starts going to town while she pinches her nipples. Its so fucking hot. But you wait.


You bide your time, following the tanned girl around. Her name is Vicky you find out. The girl is VERY horny. It wasn't just that day. She masturbates 3-4 times a day. You watch for weeks without masturbating - letting the anticipation grow. You've discovered she is a deep sleeper, and she sleepwalks as well. You've tried to wake her up a few times - it doesn't seem possible. Once she's out, she's out for the night.

You also keep tabs on your other girls of interest, Violet and Cassidy. Violet seems to be taking her violation better than Cassidy. Violet seems to have completely moved on, while Cassidy has gone to counseling for "disturbing hallucinations." That's fun. But they aren't your target right now. You only have eyes for Vicky. And now - the day has come.

Its been three weeks since you started stalking Vicky. You haven't nutted since. It's the middle of the night, and you have been watching Vicky sleep. Tonight's the night. Your balls feel like they are going to explode. You stand up and move to the bed. Vicky is tucked under the covers. You turn the light on to get a better view. It of course does nothing to rouse her. You gently pull the sheets down, revealing her body. You stand over her naked. She is wearing pink pajamas. You climb into bed next to her, and start spooning her. She reacts to your body, pulling your arm around her and nuzzling her ass into your crotch. You go rock hard. Her body is fit and firm, even though the pajamas. You massage her breasts from behind and she giggles, swaying her butt seductively and hot-dogging your dick between her cheeks.

You slide one hand up her shirt and begin massaging a firm breast. You slip your other hand into her pants and start massaging her clit. She moans and smiles, still sound asleep. She begins grinding her hips in a rhythmic motion, pressing her ass into your dick then her pussy into your hand. She reaches back and runs a hand through your hair sensually.

You lay there, continuing to excite her, but your mind drifts elsewhere, back to Cassidy just a few rooms over. Slowly your mind wanders. You are brought back to reality by Vicky orgasming and squirting all over her sheets and your hand.

Slowly you remove yourself from the bed as Vicky begins to stir. She stretches as she wakes up, rubbing her arms over her body and arching her back. She pulls her blanket off, examining the squirt she caused. She bites a lip and pulls out her vibrator, going to town. Wow. You shake your head, leaving the room.

You wander around campus at night, your sack bulging with the desire to release a torrent of cum. But who to use it on... You make your way back to Cassidy's room. You go in. She is asleep, tossing and turning slightly.

You walk over and lay on top of her. She starts and wakes up, pushing her arms up to try to push you off. You let her arms pass straight through you as you crouch over her. "no... no this is just a hallucination..." She covers her face with her hands. You reach up through her shirt and fondle her breast. She flinches at the touch, eyes still held closed. She reaches a shaking arm to the nightstand and grabs a bottle of pills.

You slide a hand down her pants and force a finger into her pussy. She jerks her body as she was opening the pills, causing them to spill everywhere. Crying she reaches down and pops two of the pills into her mouth, swallowing them quickly. You pull her sheets down and then her underwear, revealing her crotch. You pause time, remembering something you saw in Vicky's room.

You quickly head over, Vicky is paused in the middle of an orgasm. You reach under her bed, not disturbing the horny slut and grab her pussy pump. You return to Cassidy, still paused as she lays on her bed, desperately trying to banish what she views as hallucinations. You bring the cup of the pussy pump down and suction her labia into it. You begin pumping, and blood is pulled to her crotch, engorging her labia. You don't go too big - just enough so that she has a large cameltoe.

You remove the pump and return it to under Vicky's bed before coming back to Cassidy. You stroke your dick then line up with her puffy pussy. Thinking twice, you check for moisture. Nope. She isn't even slightly turned on. Forcing into this pussy dry would hurt... You pop back into Vicky's room and grab a bottle of lube. You stick the head of the bottle into her pussy and squeeze, causing a healthy glob of lube to squirt into her tunnel. You return the lube then once again line up with the puffy cameltoe. The lips are engorged enough that they are partially holding the lube in her pussy.

You line up, grab her by the hips, and unpause time as you buck forward. "Ow! Ow! No!" she pleads as you force your way into her interior, parting the puffy and sensitive lips as you do so. Her face is painted in fear and pain as tears stream from her slammed shut eyes. She paws around and pops two more pills, repeating the mantra: "its not real its not real its not real" as she cries beneath you.

You continue to fuck her, enjoying the feel of her tight canal as your bulging member fucks into her unwilling flesh. You pull out two vibrating bullets you stole from Vicky and bury yourself fully in Cassidy. You then slip one into her ass, and cup the other one against her clit. She gasps and worms, trying to get away from the stimulus. You keep fucking into her. Finally you reach your peak, and you thrust deeply into her, bursting and letting out a flood of cum into her body. You hold position, letting your dick pulsate and launch its last drops into her.

You pull out and force her to her side as you lay down behind her and spoon her, your cum coated dick sandwiched between her ass cheeks. You keep holding the vibrating bead in place. "it's not real... just go back to sleep... see... its s-stopped... go back to sleep" you hear her murmuring. "ah!" she gasps. She can't ignore the beads forever. She begins to break out into a sweat, and she tries to turn away from you. You hold her in place, not letting her escape the beads. Slowly her breathing increases and her cheeks grow red as she pants. Your cum has begun slipping its way out of her pussy. "o-oh g-g-god it f-feels t-to g-g-good" she moans.

She cums, and her muscles contract, sending a sheet of your liquid bubbling from her pussy. You take the vibrators away as she sighs with relief. You cuddle up next to her and wait. Eventually, she actually falls back to sleep.

You feel lust once again rise in your balls. You begin to grind against her naked ass, and once you pull to full mast you dip your dick back in her pussy for sloppy seconds. Her pussy splurges and cum bubbles out of it as you slide in and begin humping her again. She doesn't wake up. Looks like the meds have her out cold.

You fuck her harder and your orgasm quickly builds as you fuck into her used pussy. Finally you cum again, blasting a second load into her. You sigh as you pull out of her, and begin cleaning her - removing the evidence of your presence.

Once done you walk out of the building into the night air. It is cool outside, and your balls are completely spent. You walk through the cool night air with a smile on your face. You are already planning your next target. Maybe Vicky. GOD she is hot. And hell, you might even be able to convince her to sleep with you without using any of your powers. Wouldn't that be something. Maybe Violet. It's been a while since you violated her. Frankly continuing to push Cassidy further down the crazy-hole with your dick sounds kind of like fun. Maybe you can get her to like fucking you. Or that freckled geologist you saw a few days back. Or... maybe a sexy MILF teacher. And you almost forgot about Violet's blonde friend Mallie. Truly the world is your sandbox. It really is a beautiful night tonight.


You are sitting in on a history class. Something about Napoleon you think. You followed that freckled girl here. Who takes both a geology class and a history of Napoleon class in the same semester? Freshman... She probably doesn't even have a major or anything. You scoff. The red head is sitting three rows in front of you. It's as close as you could get while being invisible. The class is relatively full.

The teacher is some blonde broad. She's actually pretty sexy in a dominating kind of way. She's probably in her early 30s. She has a polished look. Her long blonde hair is tied up in a tight bun. Her thin wire frame glasses hang poignantly on her nose. She is wearing a tight fitting business suit. "A little formal for a lecture hall of 500 freshman don't you think?" You ponder to yourself.

"What did you say?" a girl three seats down says to a dude sitting two seats down from you. He looks up confused.

"uhh... nothing?" the frat-looking dude says with an annoyed look. Hmm. You probably shouldn't have said that out loud. Good thing meat-head over there didn't hear you.

The business suit is clean cut and very formal. It's the suit of someone with an anal personality. Hmm. Anal personality... A smile creeps onto your face. Good thing the bottom half of that business suit is a skirt.

You pause time and stand up, slowly walking down the rows towards the front of the room. You just need to find something first... come on... You start walking through rows looking in girls bags. One of them has to have it... Hmm... you wonder... You walk over to the freckled girl. No way.

She's wearing a skirt is well, and she's sitting a bit... oddly. Her legs are spread a bit and she is sitting on her arm so her hand goes under her ass. Her cheeks are flushed slightly red. You peek down, looking up her skirt. She has no underwear on, and there is a slim dildo pushed into her pussy. Her hand she is sitting on is frozen in the moment of pushing the dido in in another thrust. Freckles is a freak! Wow. Alright. Two birds with one stone today.

You carefully reach up the skirt and grab onto the dildo, removing it from her hand and sliding it out of her pussy. It glistens with her sex. All lubed up and ready for a new hole. You want to watch this first though. You step back into the isle and stand where you have a good view of freckles, then unpause time.

She flinches a bit then shock covered her face, followed by a scarlet red tone. She slowly sits up then bends down, looking around. She moves her backpack, and runs her hand around on the floor. Poor girl thinks she dropped it! You barely manage to pause time again before breaking out laughing. Alright. That was good. Now for part two.

Ms. Meiosa (that's the stuck up teacher's name apparently) is frozen mid-sentence, with one arm outstretched to point with a laser pointer at a slide. You step up onto the stage, and give a cheeky little bow to the frozen classroom as you walk up to Ms. Meiosa. Let's see how this impacts her cold demeanor.

You walk over to her and then kneel on the ground, sticking your head between her slightly parted legs and looking up. You see clean perfectly white cotton panties up there. Reaching up you pull them aside in the back, and run a finger between her butt cheeks. You find the star of her anus easily, and with your other hand you bring up the lubed dildo. You push the head of the lubed dildo against her anal star. Wow she is tight. Her asshole is clenched tight.

You push harder and finally the dildo breaks through and slides an inch into her ass. You slip it higher and higher, slowly pushing it in. The dildo is about six inches long, and it takes you about a minute to shove it all the way inside of her. As it gets all the way in, her sphincter closes behind it, sure to hold it inside. You pull the cotton panties back into place and bow again to the unknowing audience. Hmm...

You walk back to Freaky Freckles and look through her bag. Sure enough there is a little pink controller. You thought that dildo was the vibrating kind. Looks like you were right.

You find three empty seats in the second row with a good view and sit in the middle one, then unpause time. "BE!.. come-es... h-harder to..." Ms. Meiosa stutters as time starts again. She clears her throat. "Becomes harder to discover the troops when hE!" you flip on the vibrating to the lowest setting and she cuts off her last sentence. She looks extremely confused and her face flushes red. "I..." she stammers. Kids shift in their seats and murmurs go up amongst the audience. She flushes a deeper red. "Excuse me, as I was saying..." her voice is shaky as she begins again. She wipes a hand across her brow. "Anyway, let's move on. So as we have discussed before, Napoleon was one of the first generals to make use of muskets, bringing about the beginning of modern warfare. Can anyone tell me how musket use might change how a general would place his troops in battle?" You flip the dildo to setting 2, and a little yip comes from Ms. Meiosa and she stiffens, almost standing on her toes. As you look closely you can see her legs are shaking slightly.

"Y-yes you" she stammers pointing to a student with their hand raised.

"Would they like, not fight hand to hand? Like, you know, they used to have swords and things right? So that was fighting up close and now they could just like... fire from a distance you know?"

Half way through the answer you had moved to setting 3. There is an awkward silence and Ms. Meiosa doesn't say anything. "...like... that's right, right?" the kid says.

"YES! Yes that is right" Ms. Meiosa says. She takes a step and immediately stops half way through it, regretting the decision as her movement no doubt shifted the vibrating dildo up her ass. Sweat is breaking out across her body and you can see large beads of sweat on her forehead and down her legs.

The lecture continues for another 5 minutes, and you get to setting 8 before Ms. Meiosa squeaks "ALRIGHT! T-that's enough f-for today! You are dismissed!" Ms. Meiosa quickly staggers with stiffly straight legs back to the sound room behind the stage. You follow swiftly. As soon as she is in the room she slams the door, and you barely make it through. She then staggers up with her back against the wall and lets out a loud moan as she hikes up her skirt and pulls her underwear to the side. You pause time just as she is reaching down. You reach between her legs and stick a finger up her ass, then two. It takes a bit of digging but you finally grab hold of the dildo and pull it out. You are about to restart time, but you stop and lean in for a closer look. Her panties are soaked through with girlcum. Her pussy is literally dripping wet with desire.

The sight of it sends a thrill of passion through you. You hadn't been thinking about fucking her; you just wanted to embarrass the uptight teacher, but now... looking at her moaning wet form... Her pussy lips are big and wet, parted slightly near her hole. You can see her snug tunnel between the folds. It is a light rose pink and glistens with temptation. Her pubic hair is mostly shaved, but she has left a landing strip of blond curls behind. And her blonde eyes are burning with desire. You can't help but give her what she wants.

You zip your fly down and pull out your cock. You rub the head between her folds to lube it up a bit, then hotdog your dick between her folds to wet your shaft. You the push your tip into the folds, lining your cockhead up with her tunnel. You reach around her, grabbing her ass with both hands, then thrust forwards, burying yourself in her hot pussy.

You are thrusting away when you get an idea. It's all well and good fucking a sexy hole, but you can't help but think this would be more fun if she... you know... responded to your thrusts. You are still invisible... what would happen if you...

Before you think as to whether this is a good idea or not, you unpause time. "Oooohhhhh-uh!-ah!-Ah!-AH!" she moans loudly, her moan interrupted by each of your thrusts. She struggles for a moment, but you can see her eyes burning with passion. She throws her head back and moans louder as she grabs on to your shoulders. "OOooohhh!-hh!-Ye!-Ye!-Yee!-ess!-ss!" she moans. "F-fuck me!" She throws her head back again and it knocks her bun loose. Her long blonde hair cascades down between the two of you as you continue to fuck into her throbbing hole.

Her face is flushed beat red, and her mouth gaped open in a perfect O shape as her bright blue eyes stare down in delight at her pussy as it balloons open and squeezes shut with each of your thrusts. She reaches a hand down and quickly begins massaging her pleasure bean. Her eyes roll back in her head as she slams her head back and her whole body tenses as her hand vibrates against her clit. You continue pounding into her pussy as her muscles clamp down on your dick in an intense orgasm. Your dick flushes with pleasure as her rapidly contracting muscles combined with your quick thrusts throws you over the edge.

You bury your face in her amble bosom and grip her ass tightly as you ram your cock as far into her quivering hole as it will go. Your balls churn and your seed erupts up your shaft, blasting up deep into her pussy. Your thrust has lifted her slightly off the ground and her legs twitch as her orgasm continues. You bring your head up and kiss her neck as you thrust again, shooting another dollop of cum into her.

Her orgasm finally ends and she falls limp. You manage to turn her fall so she falls back first and you fall on top of her, dick still quivering inside of her. You go in for the kiss and she accepts it, French kissing her invisible lover back. This is so fucking hot.

You begin to pull away, slipping your dick a few inches out of her, but she wraps her legs around your waist. She gazes up with lustful eyes. Her face is sweaty and her blonde hair lays in a tangled mess splayed out around her. "More please" she whispers softly. Her voice is like soft velvet, and you cannot resist it. With a squelching slopping sound you thrust your still-hard dick back into her cum filled hole.

You thrust slowly at first, and your dick tingles with sensitivity in protest, but soon you pick up pace. Every thrust makes a loud sloppy farting sound as your dick rams into her used hole. The thrusting drags the cum and her fluids in and out of her, and a frothy mess appears around her pussy and slowly drips onto the floor with each thrust.

With a renewed hunger you reach down and grab her breasts through her jacket. You yank at the jacket and pull it open hungrily, then pull open the dress shirt as well, sending a button pinging across the room. Her breasts are held back by a bra which you quickly push down. Her breasts bulge forth. You quickly realize that her whole ensemble was designed to hide her large breasts. Without all the cloths choking them in they are easily D cups, possibly larger. You fuck faster at the sight of the breasts and massage them in your hands, pinching and tweaking a nipple. She moans and arches her back, beginning to rock with your thrusts so she slams herself into you in time with your thrusts forwards. You wrap your arms around the small of her waist and bury your face between her tits, thrusting into her with the drive of a horny rabbit.

"Ah!-ah!-Ah!-a!-A!-A!!" she moans quicker and quicker. You feel her pussy walls quiver with an approaching orgasm, rubbing her juices and what little cum is still inside her against the pulsating thrusting of your rock hard phallus. You quicken your pace. You want to cum with her this time. "Ah-Ah!-a-aaaaaaAAAHHHH!!" she screams as her second orgasm hits. Her whole body shakes and you feel a splash against your cock and balls as her orgasm causes her to squirt against your thrusting body.

The feeling of her hot squirt and clamping down tunnel blow your mind and your load. You arch your back as your cum-gun shoots a second hot sticky load into her red hot and hungry hole. You hold the pose for a moment, her back arched off the floor, your arms straight holding you erect as your shaft is milked of its last drops by her vibrating orgasm. Your bodies are entwined in a vision of beauty for a moment longer before you and she come crashing down to the floor.

She goes limp and her head rolls to the side as she pants deeply. You lay on top of her, head on a breast, dick pumping it's last few drops. You sit there for a blessed moment before coming to your knees and pulling out of her.

The two of you have made quite the mess. Her pussy gapes as the plug of your dick is removed, and a small steam created by your second load begins to flow out of the hole, mixing with the puddle of bodily fluids already smearing the floor of your fuckspace.

You stagger to your feet then stop time. There's no way you can clean up this mess. The fluids are seeping into the carpet. You cringe. You guess Ms. Meiosa will just have to handle the cleanup. You are about to leave when you spot the dildo on the floor. Good! You almost forgot that. You'll have to find the time to return that to Freaky Freckles.

Huh. Raindrops are spheres. Tiny little spheres. You always thought they were like a line of water or something. Apparently not. The sky is a dark tumultuous black and one of the clouds is backlit by a far off unseen clap of lightning. Spheres. Who would have thought?

Everything is so much more peaceful with time stopped. Right now, this street is probably a loud monstrosity. You can see an angry motorist holding down on the horn. Across the street it looks like a man is yelling at his wife as they walk through the rain. A rattling radiator on an apartment above. A screaming cat or dog down the alley. A crying baby. A truck without a muffler. But not now. Now, it is blissfully quiet. Not a sound. You can hear your own heart beating as you walk under the partially sheltered awnings of bistros and hair salons.

You pause on your walk. There's an old man sitting huddled at the edge of an alleyway. He has a cardboard sign, but it has been rained on and you can't really make out what it says. It looks like a small "GOD BLESS" is scrawled in the lower corner. A small tin bean can sits near the man. It has more rain in it than change. The man is clothed in dark rags of brown and black. You crouch down in front of him, looking into his face. His eyes are downcast. His skin is rough and tanned like old jerky. Sharp rough whiskers like castoff slivers of some steel mill. Looking closely you can see his cap used to be a green color, but now it's just a mottled brown.

You stand up and just look down at the man for a few moments before backtracking up the road you came from. You cross the street, weaving in between the honking man and the mufflerless truck over to the yelling man and his wife. The wife's eyes are downcast, and she clutches to her umbrella with both hands. The veins on the man's neck are bulging. One hand is crushed in a fist that is rigid against the side of his suit and the other is in the middle of making a wide gesture through the air.

You slip your hand into the pocket of the dress pants, pulling out his wallet. You open it and count the money. Two hundred and thirty five dollars. Forty six of that is in ones. His wallet was practically bulging open with all the ones. You are about to put the wallet back, but you look up at the woman again. Something about her caught your eye. Her neck. Near the line of her dress. There's makeup there. And a single raindrop has worked its way past the umbrella falling into the middle of the patch of well disguised makeup. It's a small drop, but enough to reveal purple underneath.

You reach into the other pocket, careful not to touch his clenched fist. You pull out his phone. Looks like a top of the line android. You think about taking his watch as well, but that would be too obvious. You walk back in front of the man and lean close into his face. You slosh your tongue around in your mouth a bit, then slowly spit out a ball of saliva. You move it close it him, so it's right in front of his eye. Just a few millimeters away. You pull back. The spit hangs in the air, a lopsided oval. You then walk away, phone and wallet in hand.

You reach the old man sitting by the alleyway. You stuff all the money into his little can and continue your way down the street. A block further and you kneel down, leaning over the curb. You push the phone and wallet into the storm drain. With your heartbeat as a metronome you whistle a lazy tune as you continue to walk through the still and quiet night.


Campus is sopping wet from the unexpected thunderstorm. The sky is clear now, and the sun causes the puddles to glisten and glimmer. It's actually rather warm out. You're sitting under the shade of a large oak tree, back against its trunk. Sure, the ground is wet and your pants are muddy now, but a little dirt never hurt anyone.

The campus woods are behind you, and in front if the main plaza of campus. An amateur guitar player has set up on one end of the plaza and is strumming a lazy tune. It's near lunch time and people are bustling about headed to lunch or a poorly timed class. There she is. Right on time. Freaky Freckles. A snap and it all freezes in place. You stand up and walk towards her. "Excuse me, pardon me" you say for no reason as you weave your way through the crowd.

After a minute of maneuvering you are standing in front of Ms. Freckles herself. You pull the cleaned dildo out of your pocket. "I think you dropped this Miss." You say, looking into her frozen eyes. "well, why don't I just put it back for you." You kneel down and peek a look up her skirt. No underwear again today. You smirk. Freaky Freckles.

You pull out a small vial of lube and put a dollop on the tip of the dildo. You work it around a bit, then go back under the skirt. Cute. There's a small little freckle on her left labia. You rub the tip of the dildo against her lips then push upwards, sliding the slim plastic dick inside of her. You can feel her folds opening up to accept the rod as you slowly slide it inside. "All the way in" you coo as you push the last inch inside past the lips. "There you go."

You work your way back to your tree and regain your sitting position. "Ready. Set... Action!" Freckles stumbles and bends forward. Her pussy must have clenched up at the sudden intrusion because the dildo shoots out of her like a bat-out-of-hell. With no panties to hold it in it slaps into the ground and rolls a good few feet away. A few people nearby jump back, startled at the sudden happenings. Freckles squeaks, then dives on the dildo with all the fervor of a war hero diving on a grenade. She lands squarely on top of it, but in her haste to cover the dildo she forgot about covering herself.

With the dive to the ground her skirt kicked up, and for a moment rests on her lower back, giving half the plaza a view of her round butt cheeks and her slightly lubed lady hole. There are some muffled gasps and a few pointing and snickering dudes. Freckles quickly swishes her skirt down and clumsily sticks the dildo into her backpack before practically running off the plaza, face crimson red.


"This chapter is a continuation of our consideration of the characteristics of electric fields in various particular situations. We shall first describe..."

Physics. You always hated physics. Some scrawny white dude is going off about magnets or something up at the front of the lecture hall. You just sort of wandered in. Looks like the lecture is just starting. "...the problem of the electrostatic field is fundamentally simple when the distribution of charges is specified..." Jesus. Sometimes you wish you had the ability to speed up time, not just pause it. Why the hell are you even here? It's a physics lecture. It's 90% men and then 10% women look like men. You are horny, but nowhere near THAT horny.

You invisibly walk out of the classroom. How are you bored? You can literally stop time, do whatever you want, fuck whoever you want. And you are bored. How about something new...


It's close to 2pm, but the dining hall still has plenty of people in it. You step into the men's bathroom. There is no one there. You make yourself visible then walk back out into the lunch area.

"Yeah, I'll have the number 2, no pickles"

"And is there anything else I can do for you today?" the young lady asks.

"No, that's everything"

"3.29... 5, so that's... 1.27 for your change."

"Thank you"

You take your ticket and stand off to the side. In a few minutes your order comes and you go sit down. You sit at a table near two cute girls. Their wearing crosses, but that doesn't subtract from their cleavage.

"Yeah, so I broke it off with him" says the brunette. She's got small breasts, but a pushup bra and a lowcut top show off the best of them.

"Aww... that's too bad! I thought things were going well" the blonde says. She has some solid Cs, and is sporting as much cleavage as her smaller friend.

"It was! But he wanted to... you know..." the brunette gives a sheepish smile. She has braces. Well isn't that adorable.

The blonde gasps "He DIDN'T"

"He did."

"Well, you did the right thing"

"Yeah, I know I'm saving myself for- hey! Can we help you?"

Oh shit. She's looking right at you. Thaaaaaat was directed at you. Riiiiiight... You aren't invisible. And you were just staring at Ms. Pushup-bra and her cute little braces. You clear your throat, then quickly look down at your burger. You hear a scoff from the other table. Now you guess it's your turn for your face to turn red. You pick up your tray and walk off.

Wait a second... 5 dollars? 3.29? 1.27? That lady short changed you almost 50 cents. Alright, now you have something to do.

You toss your trash and head back to the restroom, stopping time and making yourself invisible for good measure. You head back to the cheap cashier. She's still here. She has a broad smile and is handing a customer their receipt. She has black hair tied up in a pony tail that is threaded through the back of a cap.

You crawl over the counter and stand behind her. "Show you to short change me..." you grumble under your breath. She is wearing business slacks. You unbutton them and pull them down along with her underwear.

She has a cute plump ass. You push the cheeks apart and get a good look at the star of her asshole. You pull your dick out and quickly stroke it. You suck on your index finger of your other hand and slowly stick it up her asshole. Nice tight and warm. You stop stroking yourself and force another finger in, slowly pulling the fingers apart to get a look inside. Her anal star is small and cute.

You push your tip against it, playfully pressing at the sphincter. Yeah, you are going to need some lube here. You quickly apply some and move your tip back to its mark. You grab her hips and push forwards. Her hole is extremely tight, but you keep up the pressure. Slowly but surely your dick is sinking into her anus.

You make it about an inch in then pause for a moment before slowly pressing onward. It's very different from pushing into a pussy. Not only is it tighter, but it's as if her body is resisting the entrance. You can feel your tip ramming its way through her rectum, forcing the unwilling muscles to give way to your meat. It's a lot hotter as well. Warm and toasty.

After a few more minutes you manage to sink all the way in to your balls. You wrap your arms around her waist and press your chest flush against her back. You just stand there for a moment, relishing the moment of tight ecstasy as your dick pulsates deep within her hot ass.

You move your hands to her hips and slide them upwards along her skin, sliding them under her shirt. You slide your hands across her stomach and navel , then meander your hand down, sliding it over a mound of pubic hair and across thin pussy lips.

You slide your middle finger up into her, sticking it into her flower before you slowly pull your hips back. Now that your dick is comfortably up her ass, her ass doesn't want to let it go. For a moment the rim of her ass pulls back with you, but then your begin slowly sliding out. The friction is immense and you can feel the tight walls of her butt clamping down on your member as you slide out.

Now that you're out, it wants you to stay out, but it yields as you slowly push your way back in. Slowly in and out, each time becoming slightly easier. You rub her clit and fingerfuck her as your tugging transitions into actual thrusting. Her hole loosens some more as you thrust and soon the thrusting is a fast fucking. As your excitement begins to peak you quickly pull out and step away from the cashier.

You keep stroking yourself as you walk around the counter and head over to the two girls with crosses. The brunette with the braces has her burger sitting on the plate and is in the process of eating a fry. You stand close to her, jerking off. As you lean over her shoulder you can see down her shirt. You jerk it, and soon you can feel your climax coming. You lift the bun off her burger and splurge your load onto it. It mixes with the mayonnaise already spread across it. You shoot a few more drops, adding more of your spunk to the bun. Then you carefully place the bun back on the burger.

You are about to unfreeze time when you remember the cashier. You pull up your pants and head back over to her. Her anus is dilated open from your thrusting. You slide her underwear and pants back up, buttoning them. You smooth her shirt down. She looks good enough. You then walk back over to the girls and the cumburger.

As you unpause time a cry of pain comes from the cashier. Some concerned voices bubble up. You aren't really paying attention. Your eyes are fixed on the brunette. Her hair is pretty. It comes down in a curved flow around her heart shaped face. Her smile is a tiny bit crooked, pulled up a bit more on one side. There is a single freckle directly below her left eyelid. Her skin is smooth with youth.

She picks up the burger and bites into it. Aaannnddd... she chews it... swallows it. Looks like she didn't notice your added ingredient. She continues to eat as you invisibly watch. A few moments later she smiles again. You smirk at the sight. There's some of your cum wrapped around a bracket of her braces.


You should probably tone it down a bit. You've been getting a bit too... ballsy... with it lately. Ms. Meiosa cleaned up the mess you left her, and she doesn't seem to be talking about it. Freckles suspects nothing. Probably thinks her vagina ate the dildo or something. Even Cassidy seem to have gotten over her "disturbing hallucinations" now that you have left her alone for the better part of a month. Still... You've been reckless recently. You have to remember you CAN be caught. You need to be more careful... But... careful just isn't anywhere near as much fun.