Are Drugs Bad? Ch. 03 part 2


Once the final game started, the teasing had increased dramatically by Jasmine. She had even set him up a couple times so he could spike the ball, but he merely hit it back over the net and never went for a spike. Jasmine had spiked him a couple times just to show him how it was done and so she could get him to do it back, though her shots were not at all that hard.

As they were now at the halfway point of the game, Jasmine started to really taunt him, "Come on baby bro, you aren't gonna let a girl beat you now are you?" she asked giggling.

"Cut it out Jas or I'm gonna shove that ball some place where the sun doesn't shine," Tony responded, his anger getting the best of him. Before this change, he would have just left after she started teasing him. However now, with the confidence he had and his pride shining like a beacon, the thought of leaving due to some teasing never crossed his mind.

"Bet you can't spike the ball girly man," Jasmine taunted him.

"Oh yeah, I bet my balls will be all over your face here soon," he replied, adding that sexual innuendo to his responses, knowing it could throw her off her game.

On the next serve, Isabelle sent the ball over in Jasmine's direction who then sent it right over to Vanessa who had it perfectly set for a spike. Knowing this was his chance, Tony ran up on the ball and spiked it, coming down hard on it.

'SMACK' was all that was heard as Jasmine was hit right in the face as she fell backwards, covering her face with her hands. Tony came to a halt and froze in place as it appeared he had injured his sister as she fell backwards grabbing her face.

In a flash, he darted to her side and was nearly in tears as he put his arms around her apologizing over and over and over. Isabelle and Vanessa also rushed over to her side as well, wondering if she was okay.

Tony was able to force Jasmine's hands away from her face and realized she was laughing instead of crying and the only mark on her was a small red one on her forehead. "WOW! Well I know not to tease you anymore," Jasmine said as she was laughing.

"You bitch!" Tony yelled at her, "I really thought you were hurt. Don't fucking scare me like that!"

"Aww, were you really worried about me," Jasmine asked. She had tears in her eyes from laughing but was touched by how her brother was worried about her. Knowing he loved her as his sister, she also saw something else behind those baby blue eyes, love. A kind of love that she hoped would grow into something that would be an everlasting love.

Tony looked back at her beautiful blue eyes as well along with the way her blonde hair highlighted her eyes, making them that much sexier, "Of course I was worried about you. You are my sister and I love you," he said kissing her, though making sure not to linger too long due to anyone else that may be watching.

Vanessa and Isabelle helped Jasmine and Tony back to their feet so they could finish the game. Though the teasing had stopped, it had been replaced with playful flirting between the two of them. Tony then noticed that Jasmine had a sour look on her face but knew that it wasn't towards him. As her eyes kept darting to the left and behind him, he finally turned around, trying to figure out what she was looking at.

A mother and daughter from the neighborhood was walking around the park but had stopped and were watching him intently. He could see from the looks in their eyes, they were devouring him whole. He then heard a low growl as he looked back to see Jasmine was fuming as she watched the two women looking at her brother in a way that didn't sit right with her.

"Jasmine, what's wrong?" Vanessa asked her daughter.

"Those bitches over there are looking at Tony in a way I don't like," she responded to her mother.

Vanessa turned around, seeing the two women and noticed that the younger woman, whom she knew as the older woman's daughter, had her hand in her pants and seemed to be playing with herself. The older woman was sucking on her fingers as she ran her eyes up and down Tony's body. "I think it is time we go," Vanessa suggested, hoping her daughter wouldn't do anything rash.

"Don't worry Mom," Isabelle chimed in with anger in her voice, "Those whores won't touch our man!"

The four of them started to walk away, but not before the mother and daughter tried to confront them. "Oh you don't have to leave. We were just enjoying the show," the older woman said all while looking Tony up and down the entire time and ignoring the three women that were with him.

"How about you keep you nasty hands and eyes away from my boyfriend," Isabelle spoke up surprising all of them.

"Is it so wrong for us to want to share? I mean, I don't think he would mind..." the younger woman said but was cut off.

"We are sharing him. My sister and I share him together and let me tell you that we are all he will ever need," Jasmine replied, not liking how they were trying to entice her brother away from them.

"Come now. I'm sure there is plenty of him to go around," the older woman said noticing the large bulge in his pants. Had the three other women not been there, she and her daughter would have that cock deep inside of them right at this moment.

"I don't think you want to see how my daughters get when they are really jealous. Wouldn't want them to mess up your pretty little faces now would we," Vanessa responded as she walked right between the two women. She then peered over her shoulder at her son and daughters, "Come along now, I don't want you girls spending the night in jail over some... floozies."

As Tony was walking between the two women, the younger one reached out to grab his cock, but had her hand slapped away by Jasmine as she got face to face with the woman, "Hands off my man bitch!. Don't make me whoop your scrawny little ass!"

The other two women then backed off and the four of them were able to make it back to the car without any further incidents. Jasmine took the wheel so they could drop off their mother.

Back at their house, Vanessa gave her son and daughters a goodbye hug and kiss and told them to come home after the movie as she would have dinner ready by then. Vanessa waved goodbye and went into the house to finish preparing dinner. She wanted to use the two hours so she could have everything perfect for her family, but also so she could show her son how much she loved him, though she had cooked for him all these years. However, this Thanksgiving, she wanted to show him how she treated the man of the house.

While she was preparing everything and humming along to her Salsa music, her phone rang. Quickly, she ran over to it, hoping it was her son but scowled when she saw her husband's number show up. He had yet to contact her and was supposed to be home this morning but had yet to show up. Thinking in her mind that he had better have a good reason for missing Thanksgiving if that was what he was calling about.

"Why hello dear, nice of you to finally call," Vanessa said to her husband in a condescending voice not showing her anger at all.

"Hey honey," Barry said over the phone, "I'm sorry, but I won't be able to make it back in time for dinner. I will try..."

Vanessa had enough of his crap and cut him off, "You fucking canto de cabron hijoe e puta!" she yelled at him.

"Baby, please don't be mad. You know this deal means a lot..." Barry froze as he heard the moan coming from the woman he was in bed with, hoping that his wife didn't hear her voice.

"Barry you fucking piece of dog shit motherfucking ... AAAAHHHH!" she screamed into the phone. She had thought for a while that he had been cheating on her but hearing a woman moaning in the background gave her the proof that she needed. "DON'T YOU FUCKING BOTHER TO COME BACK TO MY HOUSE! FROM NOW ON, YOU WILL ONLY SPEAK TO MY LAWYER YOU ASSHOLE PIECE OF SHIT!" She hung up the phone and almost slammed it down on the counter, but was able to stop herself from breaking her phone, knowing that if her kids called, they wouldn't be able to get through.

It was now settled that her son would be the head of the family and she was going to start making preparations to have all her husband's stuff moved out by the end of the weekend if possible. Though she did lose control of her emotions and started to cry into her hands as she realized that all of those years of marriage had been thrown down the drain due to her husband not being able to keep it in his pants. She just hoped that her son would not turn out like his father.


Meanwhile --

Jasmine pulled into the movie theater parking lot. The three of them got out and headed in. Tony didn't have any particular movie he was looking forward to seeing, but did want to spend some time with his sisters as he did love their company. He did realize that this drug/virus thing was changing him, but hoped he wouldn't be changed too much as he didn't want to hurt his sisters or mother in any way, he loved them too much for that.

They purchased their tickets for the movie that luckily was starting in ten minutes and headed inside to get some drinks and popcorn. For some odd reason, most all of the people working at the theater that day were guys and other than ogling the two hot women that were with him, they didn't pay him any attention that was out of the ordinary.

As they were making their way over to the theater, they passed by the bathrooms and a woman came out of the bathroom and stopped in her tracks as soon as Tony and his sisters were close enough. As Tony looked up and saw her, he saw her eyes go wide and her hand move down her exposed stomach and into her tight yoga pants as she started to play with herself. As he look back up to her face, he saw the same look he had seen in the mother and daughter that were at the park. He started to wonder if every woman was going to be this way around him, he would have trouble trying to work after he was out of school. Then again, he didn't know how long the effects would last.

Hearing her moan and seeing her biting her lip brought him out of his thoughts as both of his sisters scowled at the woman who couldn't keep her eyes off him. Just as he was entering the theater, he could hear a man's voice behind him. Looking back, he saw the man was arguing with the woman who seemed like she was coming out of a daze. Their argument seemed to be focused on how she was acting, though at this point, Tony didn't know if she could help herself if it was really him that was causing this to happen. Then again, it is not like he can apologize for it as he didn't even know if it was him or how he could explain it if he did.

Inside the theater, they found some seats that were in the middle of the theater and in the middle of the row. Tony had Jasmine sitting on his left and Isabelle sitting on his right. Once the lights went out, Tony put his arms around his sisters as they moved the armrests up so they could get closer to him. He noticed that the movie theater was pretty empty but there were two ladies that were seated about five or six rows further down from them. He hoped whatever was causing the other women to practically lose their minds, would not affect these two as he didn't need any further problems as Tony wasn't looking to add any more women to his 'harem' as some would call it.

An hour into the movie, Tony felt his arm moving from around Isabelle. She slowly moved his arm so that it was now between her legs gripping on her thigh. Tony then heard the familiar sound of a zipper being undone and looked down to see that Isabelle had unbuttoned and unzipped her shorts. Another thing he noticed was that she wasn't wearing any panties. His eyes went wide as she guided his hand inside her shorts. As his fingers traced down the smoothness of her freshly shaven dance floor, he slowly made his way down to her wet peach. He could tell how wet she already was as his fingers lightly traced her outer labia, hearing her gasp and then moan as he dipped his fingers insider her canal.

Isabelle started to bite on his arm, trying to muffle her moans. Meanwhile, Tony had two fingers inside of her and was easily able to find her g-spot adding to her pleasure while the palm of his hand rubbed on her clit. It didn't take long for her pussy to go into meltdown as her womb tightened, her nipples pulsed and her eyes rolled back as she let out a guttural moan. She had to bite down hard on his arm to stop herself from screaming out loud.

Feeling a breathing in his ear, Tony looked over at Jasmine who had an animalistic lust in her eyes as she watched her brother bringing her sister to orgasm while she was biting down on her lip, hard. She looked into her brother's eyes before taking his lips and slipping her tongue deep into his mouth.

Jasmine was less subtle about her intentions and mounted her brother while his hand was still buried deep into Isabelle's pussy. She took his other hand and pressed it on her breasts.

Tony removed his hand from her breast, mostly because the material of her halter top was blocking him from feeling the soft flesh of her voluptuous mounds. Instead, he moved his hand underneath her top and felt how wonderful her breasts felt. The soft pillowy flesh that had the eraser sized button in the middle felt so divine that he wondered if just about anything was as wonderful as her breasts. In actuality, his sister's and mother's breasts, though they had two instinctive feelings in his hands, were the best breasts he had ever felt. He glanced over at Isabelle quickly, getting a glance at her smaller breasts and wondered if her breasts would feel as wonderful. He did hope so, but wasn't sure if they would or not.

Reluctantly, he removed his hand from her breast, but not before he moved the halter top up just enough to expose her nipple as he latched his lips on it. A moan escaped Jasmine's lips as her brother sucked on her tender breasts. Tony's hands moved down her flat stomach and into her pants. Luckily the elastic material allowed him access to her most sacred area as his fingers went deep into her canal. It didn't take Jasmine long to achieve orgasm due to the dual pleasure on her breast and her pussy.

Interesting enough was that when her orgasm hit her, Isabelle had another orgasm hit her as her brother continued to finger her. Both sisters moaned loudly right at the point the movie hit a loud part, muffling their cries of pleasure. He could feel both of their wombs tightening around his fingers and he continued to work both of them over. Releasing Jasmine's nipple from his mouth, he turned to Isabelle and nudged her head. She looked up, her eyes glazed over, at the man that she loved and would bring her pleasure for years to come.

Tony leaned his head forward and took his little sister's lips in his. He pushed his tongue into her mouth and she gladly welcomed it as her own tongue wrapped around his as they explored each other like long lost lovers.

Once both women's orgasms had subsided, Jasmine had moved back into her seat and Isabelle had composed herself and buttoned her shorts back up. Tony just sat there staring at his fingers, both glistening with the juices of his sisters.

Seeing him looking at his fingers, Jasmine asked him in a low voice, "Whatcha looking at?"

Tony looked over at her, almost as if he was in a trance, "I was just wondering which of your pussies would taste better."

Both women's hearts fluttered at his words. It was one thing for a man sleep with a woman but a whole different thing for him to taste her and to enjoy tasting her without being forced into it. Both of them let out a low moan as he took first one set then the other in his mouth, swirling his tongue around his fingers to get all the sweet nectar off them.

Once he withdrew the last of his fingers, he spoke up again, "Well, I can't really tell. Each of you have a distinct taste but I can't say one is better than the other. I love them both." Both of his sisters squealed happily and hugged him, wrapping their arms around his head and each other as they both kissed his cheek.

"We both love you and would never say no if you want to taste it from the source," Isabelle responded.

"Mmmhmm," Jasmine answered, agreeing with her sister.

As they finished watching the rest of the movie, Tony noticed that the two ladies who were seated five or six rows down, had turned around completely and looked like they were basically fucking themselves as they watched him, moaning in unison. He could also see their asses bouncing up and down and wondered what kind of range this new found power of his had. Then again, he hadn't noticed them moving until recently and thought that it could be something else that was causing it.

Once the movie finally finished, they got up to leave but were stopped by the two ladies. Both of them handed him their damp panties along with a piece of paper asking him to call them. His sisters were angry with him, but he told them to keep calm as they weren't as aggressive as the mother daughter duo in the park. He did notice that both of their panties were soaked as he slid them into his pocket. Perhaps he would start a collection of panties that he would receive from random women, then again he didn't know if he was that perverted to keep a panty collection.

They left the theater without further incident, but Tony decided to sit in the back with Isabelle. He told Jasmine if she could focus on getting them home safely, that he would reward her that night, before kissing her lips. She agreed that she could but didn't know what he had in store nor how she would be affected by it.

The ride home was interesting to say the least. Tony and Isabelle made out the whole way home and while their tongues were dancing with each other, Tony's fingers were bringing his baby sister to her third and fourth orgasm in less than an hour. He was also finally able to get a taste of his sister's breasts and as he expected, they were wonderful.

It was hard on Jasmine hearing her sister moaning loudly as her brother brought her pleasure. Jasmine so badly wanted to pull the car over and climb in the back and take her brother as well and her pussy soaking her pants was evident to that fact, but she was able to keep her composure as she wanted to keep in her brothers good graces and also wanted that prize that her brother offered her.

By the time they pulled into the driveway of their home, Isabelle was sitting in a pool of her own female juices with her shirt mostly off exposing her perky breasts and her shorts around her ankles. She was panting hard trying to regain herself so she could face their mother.

Jasmine and Tony got out of the car first and while Jasmine headed up to the front door. Tony went around the other side of the car and opened the door to help get Isabelle's shorts up and her shirt back in place. Then he scooped her up into his arms and carried her into the house.

Vanessa came out of the kitchen and looked quizzically at them, wondering why her youngest was being carried into the house after a movie.

Noticing the look on his mother's face, Tony smiled at her, "We had an interesting ride home. She just needs a few minutes to recover," Tony finished giving his mother a knowing look. Vanessa's eyes went wide as she understood what he meant and now kind of wished that she had gone with him. However if that happened, then she wouldn't have been able to make the wonderful meal for their new man.

Tony laid Isabelle down on the couch as she tried to recover, though it was easier said than done after having so many orgasms in such a short amount of time especially for someone who was not as experienced as their mother was. Tony gave her a kiss on the forehead letting her know he cared about her before his mother got his attention.

"Tony, would you mind helping me finish setting everything up for dinner?" Vanessa asked knowing how her son was always one of the more helpful ones. His affection and caring of others was something that she hoped wouldn't change in him and luckily for her, it didn't affect that part of his brain.

"Sure Mom, you know I am always more than willing to help out," Tony replied as he made his way over to the kitchen.

"I'll help too Mom," Jasmine chimed in. She wasn't always as helpful as she got older but it was more due to the fact that she always had people willing to do anything for her which made her more conceited than she should have been. This was something she was determined to change as she wanted to show her brother that she was a better person and was worthy of his love and affection.

Vanessa had Jasmine help finish the mashed potatoes along with getting the rest of the food ready to move to the dining room table while Tony was asked to move the food to the table. After a few minutes of working to get everything ready, Isabelle joined them and set the table for them, though Vanessa let her know that only four places would need to be set with Tony at the head of the table and her at directly facing him.

"Mom, why is Dad not joining us?" Isabelle asked, curious as to why he was not there. She did love her dad but if they were going to mess around that night, their dad could not be there as he didn't know what had been going on since yesterday.

Vanessa sighed as she stopped. Jasmine knew something was wrong and rubbed her mother's back, "Mom, you know we are here for you no matter what happens, right?"

Vanessa looked over at her eldest child and hugged her while smiling, "I know my sweet girl. You three have been the best thing that has ever happened to me and I would do anything for any of you," she responded to her daughter, "Though I wanted to tell you all after dinner, I guess I need to let it be known now."

Vanessa took a deep breath before continuing, "Your father is not going to be joining us tonight. We have been having issues with our marriage over the past couple years but he hasn't touched me in some time and I have my suspicions that he has been cheating. When he called me while you were at the movies, I could hear a woman in the background and I am filing for divorce. I will have to iron out the details and contact a lawyer either tomorrow or Monday but this is what will need to happen. I am sorry that..."

Tony didn't let his mother finish apologizing to them, he quickly moved around the kitchen island and wrapped his arms around her in a loving embrace, "Mom, you never need to apologize to us for needing to do the right thing for you."

Jasmine and Isabelle quickly joined them in the hug, "Yeah Mom," Jasmine added, "You know we are all here for you and we are never going to leave you. Though we still do love Dad, Izzy and I have seen how he has treated you over the past few years."

"Yeah. Isn't that why you and Jas started to sleep together?" Isabelle asked.

Vanessa was confused as she thought that she had kept it a secret, "And just how did you know about that young missy?"

"Mom. You know you are very vocal during sex and my room is right next to yours? I knew when you and Dad used to have sex when we were younger and I heard the first night that Jas came to your bed. In all honesty, I masturbated when you two were together the first time, but understood why you invited Jas as she was more experienced than I was."

"Well. I guess since all our cards are on the table, I'm definitely glad that I have the three of you with me, no matter what. With your father leaving us, I was going to make Tony here the head of the family. What do you girls think?" Vanessa asked.

"Definitely," Isabelle answered.

"Fuck yes, but only if I get to play with my brother still. He does still have to keep his promise," Jasmine answered, letting her hand run down his thigh gripping his now hardening cock.

"Oh yes Mother. You will need to share our lovely brother with us," Isabelle answered putting her hand on his cock as well, hating that her sister already beat her to it.

"Of course girls. Do you think I would keep you from your loving brother? But, you both must promise that we keep him only to ourselves. That also means protecting him when other women try to take him from us," Vanessa said.

"We promise!" both Isabelle and Jasmine responded, giggling.

"Hey! Don't I get a say in this? I mean if I want to sleep with another woman, shouldn't I be allowed to since I'm not currently tied down to anyone?" Tony said, wondering if this was a good time to say that though since he already said it, there was no going back on it now. Open mouth insert foot, he thought to himself.

The three women backed off looking upset as Tony now knew he may be in deep shit. He put up his hands, to try and defend what he said as it may have come out wrong, "What I meant was that since I'm not dating any of the three of you, I should be allowed to make my own decisions, right?"

"Well then," Vanessa said as she put her hands on her hips upset that her son would even consider another woman when there were three more than willing right here, "How about you start dating all three of us, right now?"

"REALLY?" Tony asked surprised as he didn't expect her to have that response. He had only had three girlfriends in all his life and only one of them acted as though she really cared for him. The only reason they broke up was because she moved away their senior year. They tried to stay together, but the distance and neither one having the finances to see one another made them come to an agreement to break up.

"Of course baby bro," Jasmine responded caressing his cheek, "What? Did you think that we only wanted your monster cock? I told you earlier that Izzy and I have been in love with you for years. We just never wanted to say anything for fear you would resent us for our feelings."

"Yeah but, if I had a small cock, and was fat and ugly as I was before, would you two still love me just as much?" Tony asked.

"First off, you were never ugly to us," Isabelle chimed in, "Yes you let yourself go and Jas would always tease you about it, but that was her way of trying to encourage you to lose weight. We wouldn't mind the size of your dick as it is has always been you inside here that we loved," she finished pointing to his heart.

"You say that now, but none of you had seen my cock before I looked like this."

"Come on Tony, it couldn't have been that," Jasmine began to say before Tony put up his pinky.

"I was two and a half inches hard and about as thick as a sharpie before this happened. If you don't believe me, I can call my doctor who can confirm it," Tony said with all seriousness and also with some sadness in his voice as he thought of how pathetically small his dick used to be.

"Well baby that's what toys are for also. But a dick is just used for sex, not for falling in love," Vanessa added.

The three of them hugged again before Tony spoke again, "Will the three of you go out with me and be my girlfriends?"

"YES!" they all replied in unison with a definite enthusiasm, giggling as they did.

"Well, let's finish setting the table before the food gets cold," Vanessa said, eager to eat so they could spend some time together.

Once the table was set and all the food was out, they sat down, with 'ever the gentleman' Tony helping each of his ladies to sit. When they asked him about it, he simply said it was a perk for each of them dating him which caused a round of giggles amongst the women.

On the table was a prime rib roast, pernine, arroz con pollo and Puerto Rican beans, mashed potatoes with gravy, cranberry sauce, yams, and green bean casserole. Vanessa also let them know she made some pumpkin pies and Dulce de Leche for desert as well as some Coquito. They ate in general silence with the only main words being exchanged was those of the children thanking their mother for the wonderful meal and also telling her which was their favorite, which all of them agreed that just about everything was made to perfection.

After dinner, Vanessa and Jasmine collected the dirty plates while Isabelle and Tony helped to bring the leftovers into the kitchen. Tony and his sisters told their mother to leave the dishes as they would handle it after they had desert and talked. They all got a glass of coquito and a slice of Dulce de Leche and sat back down to talk.

Tony started the conversation with explaining all that happened. Along with telling them about the drugs and injection he had. He also explained that he slept with his doctor when he went back and how Doctor Nikko along with Doctor Lemans told him that he could be in danger due to how the company would want to dissect him. He then let them know that Doctor Nikko had told him to get a burner phone that she could use to communicate with him and let him know if she thought the company was on to them.

The last part that he mentioned was that she had given him the money to take care of himself for now. Both his sisters were more than willing to do anything to protect him and both agreed not to spread this around to their friends. For now they were in the clear, when they were around any of their friends, he would be mom's new boyfriend since she was getting a divorce.

The last thing he discussed was that they would need to not get jealous of each other. He explained that he would try his hardest to spend equal amounts of time with each of them but for this to work, they would need to share him. But he did add that he was more than happy if they want to spend time with each other while he was with one of them. The ladies all smiled at each other, knowing what he was hinting at and wondering if they could tease him in the process. Tony finished that above all, they would need to stay together as a family and if they couldn't share him, then he would need to leave and couldn't be with them anymore. The three of them gave him an evil look but knew he was serious and knew this would be best for the family if they couldn't all get along.

After Tony finished his talk, they talked some more before they headed into the kitchen. The three kids refused to let their mother do the dishes and instead sent her away to get dressed for bed. Tony focused on the dish washing, while Isabelle was putting away the food and Jasmine was drying some of the larger dishes. Once Vanessa returned, she sent Isabelle and Jasmine to go get ready for bed as well and helped her son with the dishes. Isabelle and Jasmine returned about 10 minutes later to finish helping with cleaning up.

Now that the kitchen was all clean, they moved to the living room, sitting in the same spots they were the night before. They watched two movies before heading to bed, but Tony asked Jasmine to stay behind.

Jasmine moved to the couch and wondered what her brother needed to talk to her about. She knew he had asked her for a favor but he hadn't yet talked to her about it yet.

"So. I now understand why you were so mean to me and I understand it was your way of trying to inspire me," Tony started.

"I know I can be a bitch some times, but I was trying to do it for you. I have only had the best intentions for you." She then touched his cheek, "Please know that I love you and I would do anything for you," she gulped hard as the next part was going to be one of the hardest things she had to say, "Even if that means that you don't touch me anymore. I would be willing to give up all the sexual times..."

Tony cut her off by kissing her sweet lips before pulling back, "Jas you do know that I used to masturbate to you all the fucking time right? You and mom were my biggest fantasies until Izzy was added once she started to develop into the woman she is now."

"Seriously? You used to masturbate thinking about me?" she asked, confused that her brother had thought about her that way.

"Of course! You are freaking hotter than anything! What guy wouldn't give their left nut to be with you? Hell, you could easily be a model or even a porn star if you wanted to be. Though I would rather you not be a porn star cause then I would have to share you with other men."

"So... Y-You don't mean to cut me off then?" Jasmine asked, hoping she could still be with her brother.

"Oh hell no!" he yelled, "I'm definitely looking forward to us making sweet love sis. Like I said before, I would even be willing to father yours and Izzy's children if you really wanted me to."

Jasmine squealed as she jumped into his arms, "Trust me bro, I'm gonna show you a time like you never had," she whispered into his ear.

Tony took her face in his hands and kissed her passionately at first but then it turned into an animalistic hunger as they made out for a while. Once they finally separated, Tony continued, "Do know I love you sis very much, but I need to ask you for that favor."

"Whatcha need bro?" Jasmine asked him.

"I currently have a job but need to quit that worthless cesspool and I need your help to get my things tomorrow."

She looked at him confused wondering how she could help. Like he was reading her mind, he continued, "In my condition, I can't go in there and pick up my things as they would all see that something changed in me, obviously, and that could give the company that could be looking for me a faster way of finding us."

"Oh, that makes sense. That is something I can easily do," she said with a sly smirk.

"Thank you sis, but I need you to wear what we were talking about earlier. Not only that, I want you to present yourself as my girlfriend."

"Ooh, you want me to mess with the people there huh?" Jasmine asked, knowing that her brother was getting revenge on someone that worked there.

"Exactly. There are a couple ladies there that wouldn't give me the time of day and I would love to see their faces when they find out I'm dating someone as hot as you. Along with that, there are some guys that used to tease me and I pray some of them are working so they can see how hot you are."

She laughed, "It would be my pleasure to help you get your revenge. You don't know how hard it was for me not to hurt that bitch in high school that treated you like shit. But know that none of us will ever hurt you like that. We love you with all our hearts, even if you were to have your body change back."

"Thank you sis. I love you, Izzy and Mom so much and I am so thankful I have the three of you with me," he finished as he hugged her. "However, now I need to spend some time with Izzy, but," he said drawing it out, "Don't go to sleep yet as I will come spend some time with you tonight."

"Tony. Though I would love for you to spend some time with me tonight, I think you have neglected Mom and haven't been with her since last night. But, I will have my morning fun tomorrow though," she finished with a sly smirk knowing that she would have her time with him.

"Fair enough. I am glad you are taking this jealousy thing seriously. I don't want to have to break up the family as I would miss the three of you sooo much," he said as he hugged her. She whispered that she loved him and hugged him.

They both headed upstairs, though Tony was watching the way her ass shook in her little cotton shorts. Even though she had told him to spend time with Mom tonight, he had enough in him to spend some time with each of them.

He first headed into Isabelle's room. Upon entering her room, he saw that she was wearing a matching black bra and panty set that were both full of lace and see-through as well. It contrasted perfectly with her lightly tanned body and made her look sexy as all hell. He could also see that she was rubbing herself under her panties as she stared into his eyes with all the lust and love that she had for him.

"Well it's about time you showed up. I thought I was going to be forced to bring myself off," Isabelle purred in a seductive voice.

Tony couldn't take his eyes off her as he strode over to the bed. Once next to the bed, he started to remove his clothing when she stopped him, "Nah-uh. That is my job, big bro," she purred, again with a seductive voice.

Isabelle crawled over to the foot of the bed and slowly removed Tony's shirt. Once it was off, she kissed down his body, giving him little nibbles along the way and hearing his moans. At the top of his shorts, she stopped kissing and slowly moved them down unleashing the beast that lay beneath. She involuntarily moaned watching his hard cock bounce and stare right at her as if taunting her.

When his shorts were low enough, Tony stepped out of them and stood there nude as his sister licked her lips staring up at him through her lashes. He then put his hand under her chin and lifted her head up so he could look directly at her. Bringing his lips to hers, they kissed passionately the feeling of electricity shot through both of them. Tony snaked his hands down her back as he reached her bra and slowly undid it allowing the garment to fall to the floor.

"God you have some amazing breasts, little one," Tony whispered while staring at her breasts. Though they were on the small side, she had small areolas with big thick nipples that were hard and pointing right at him.

"Y-You like them even though they are small?" Isabelle asked. She knew her mother and sister had much larger breasts and that she inherited her smaller stature and breast size from her father's side.

"Izzy, I don't care what size they are, as long as they are yours. I would gladly suck on these tits all day than have another woman with larger ones," Tony responded lovingly.

"Oh Tony! Even though your body changed, you are still the romantic and loving man that you have always been," Isabelle replied, her eyes twinkling as she stared into his. He was the man of her dreams and she had always hoped she could express her love and devotion to him one day. With that dream coming true, she now felt like the happiest woman alive.

"So Jas told me about a tat that you and she got about me?" Tony asked.

Isabelle's eyes went wide as she shook her head, "Oh yes!" she replied excitedly. She pulled her panties down just slightly and to the right of her mons was the same initials "AJS".

Tony then pulled her panties down even further and got a good glimpse of her tight little peach. She was shaved (though not completely) and not waxed like Jasmine but her pussy looked to be just as nice even with a little patch of hair. He then pushed her down on the bed and she yelped as she fell backwards, but Tony knew the bed would catch her as he slid her panties off and out of the way.

As he spread her legs, he saw her tight folds up close. She was definitely much tighter than her sister and he wondered if she would be able to handle him in this state. But that was neither here nor there. She was going to force him if even he protested, therefore it would be his job to get her wet enough to take him in.

He started kissing her inner thighs and moving to her outer labia, hearing her whimpering and moaning along the way. As her clit emerged from under its hiding place, he saw that it was much bigger than Jasmine's. He flicked it with his tongue which caused her to gasp and her breathing to increase. While he was running his tongue through her lips and flicking over her clit, he watched as her small breasts moved as her chest heaved.

"You're gonna make me cum if you keep doing that bro," Isabelle stated through her gasps.

"Then cum all you want. I want to taste your cream," Tony replied with a smile as he plunged his tongue into her now soaked cunt. His hand had wrapped around her leg and began to play with her clit.

"EEEEAAAAHHHHH!" she screamed as a torrent of female cum came forward. Tony then felt something else that was more liquid than cream as he was squirted in the face. It didn't taste like pee, but it definitely wasn't her cum.

"What the fuck was that?" Tony asked dumbfounded.

"Sorry Tony. I-I tend to squirt when I'm really turned on some times," Isabelle responded as she blushed. It had been an embarrassing topic for her as none of her friends could do it and she had always thought she was an odd ball.

"Ahh! I have heard about that but never had a girl do that because of me. THAT IS FREAKING AWESOME!" he yelled, sitting up and throwing his arms in the air like a crazy person.

Isabelle giggled as she ran her hand up and down his cock stroking him as she knew her brother was the same dork she always knew. She then sat forward and saw the wet spot on her bed and knew that once they were done, she would need to change the sheets. Once she reached his cock she took him in her mouth as she ran her tongue around his cock.

Tony moaned as he felt her mouth engulf his manhood. After a few minutes, she pulled up and smiled at him, "Hop off the bed, I want to try something."

He nodded and stood next to the bed. Isabelle repositioned herself so her head was hanging off the bed and she was on her back. She guided his cock towards her mouth. "I only want you to back off when I tap your leg. Otherwise use my mouth and go as deep as you like and use it as you would my pussy,"

As his cock entered her mouth, Tony slowly pushed his cock into her mouth and to the beginning of her throat. When he was a well over halfway, he felt her throat close up and then loosen, "FUCK! Your mouth feels so damn good on my cock Izzy," Tony moaned.

Isabelle felt her heart flutter knowing that only she was able to do this. She knew her mother and sister could not deep throat him and knew that she only could due to her lack of gag reflex.

Once Tony had his entire cock in her throat, it felt even more amazing than it did when she showered with him. He then pulled back slowly and began to fuck her face, starting off slowly. As he was doing this, he reached over her body and began to pinch, pull and twist her nipples. She let out a moan as her mouth hummed on his cock, making the sensation that much better.

After a few minutes of doing this, Tony pulled back abruptly hearing a loud 'plop' as his cock left her lips. "Why'd you stop?" Isabelle asked, "I was not having trouble breathing."

"If I kept going, I would have cum down your throat and I would rather cum somewhere else instead," Tony responded as he lightly slapped the top of her mons, right by where her clit was.

Isabelle bit her bottom lips as she turned over. The hunger in her eyes reminded Tony of a lioness ready to pounce on a gazelle. "Well then BIG brother. Take me however you want me," Isabelle replied as she moved back to a kneeling position. Her hands lightly moving up her body and over her breasts as she gently squeezed them offering them up to him.

Tony reached out and took her face in his hand and pulled her into a passionate kiss. As she wrapped her arms around his neck, Tony moved one hand to her tight little ass while the other guided his cock to her slit. He rubbed his cock up and down, coating it in her juices before he slowly pushed into her.

Isabelle moaned in satisfaction as her brother entered her. Finally she had him inside of her where he belonged and she would not give him up for anything. She always felt her main goal in life was to be there for her brother. Though she never in a million years thought it would come to fruition.

Tony went slow as he pushed his cock into her soaking wet hole. He stopped a few times and pulled back, feeling her wincing in pain and allowed her to get used to his size before going forward. He was only able to get to the ¾ mark before she stared to look to not be able to take anymore.

"P-Please. I-I want... to take... i-it all!" Isabelle stated through her pants.

"Don't worry. In time you will without any issues, little one," Tony replied as he kissed her soft lips.

She groaned in frustration but as Tony started to thrust inside of her, he didn't go any further than that mark. Try as she may, he didn't let her get him any deeper.

Though she was a lot smaller compared to his new body, Isabelle showed off some strength that Tony didn't know existed. When he finally had enough of her trying to get him deeper, he threw her on the bed. "If you are not going to play nice, I will have to spank you," he stated as he flipped her over quickly causing her to yelp. 'SLAP SLAP' was heard throughout the room as Tony slapped her ass.

Isabelle whimpered and moaned, loving how the sting of his slaps on her ass turned into pleasure. Tony then grabbed her hips and pushed his cock back into her. This time, he took hold of her hair and forced her head back and her back to arch as she pushed her chest out. Isabelle whimpered again as she gasped from his sudden forcefulness.

As Tony started to pound away at her tight cunt, Isabelle felt her orgasm coming along faster than before. "Fuck Tony! Pound that ass! Make me your bitch!" Isabelle yelled.

Tony sped up his thrusts as this only sent Isabelle to orgasm faster. She screamed out but what came out was nothing but gibberish. "FUCK!" Tony yelled as her walls clamped down on his cock. It felt like she was trying to rip his dick off and he had to stop thrusting due to the pain.

As she came down from her orgasm and the pain diminished from Tony's cock, he started pounding into her again. He had released her hair and her face was now planted into the mattress as she was lying in a puddle of her own drool.

"Make me cum again Tony. Teach my body how you pleasure it so it will never forget you," Isabelle said, though it was more in a dreamy state.

She then screamed out again as her orgasm took her over once more. Tony had to slow down again but this time knew that his own orgasm was coming up fast.

Once she let up on his cock, Tony hit his fastest speed and could feel her body shuddering as she had mostly gone limp. She screamed out one final time as Tony released his seed deep within her, grunting as he came.

When his own orgasm had finally finished, he pulled his half limp cock from her hole and her backside fell to the bed. He could hear her soft snores; she had passed out from the pleasure. Then again, he couldn't blame her given his size and how tight she was. That and the four orgasms she had, he was surprised that she lasted that long.

Tony climbed off the bed and picked up her covers from the floor and tucked her in. He lightly gave her a kiss on the lips and then one on the forehead, "Goodnight little princess. I love you dearly, never forget that."

When he left the room, he made sure to shut the door so she wouldn't be disturbed. He headed downstairs to get a bottle of water and take a breather. After a few minutes, he headed back upstairs and into his mother's room, given what Jasmine had told him earlier.

As he entered Vanessa's room, she was softly snoring as well. "She must have been more tired than she let on earlier," he thought to himself as he smiled. He quietly moved over to her side of the bed and gave her a light kiss on the forehead.

"Oh baby," Vanessa said in her half sleep state, "Come here."

"Not tonight Mom. You are too tired. Get your beauty sleep and I will wait for you in the morning okay?"

Vanessa nodded, "Alright sweetie. Make sure you take care of my daughters."

"I will Mom," he replied kissing her soft lips before giving her a hug and heading back to the door. Before he even reached the door, she was fast asleep again. He was amazed at how she could fall asleep so quickly but then again, the slightest noise and she would wake up without any issues.

Jasmine had stated she was coming to see him in the morning so he decided to let her know that their mother was going to see him in the morning instead. He knocked on the door and heard her say to enter. As he walked in, he saw she was underneath her sheets reading a book.

"Weren't you going to see Mom tonight?" Jasmine asked as her eyebrow arched, though her eyes were almost glued to his now erect cock bouncing back and forth.

"I was but she passed out on me before I could do anything. I let her know to come see me in the morning so she can have her beauty rest," Tony replied with a smile.

"And Izzy?" Jasmine asked with a sinful smile.

"She passed out from me fucking her brains out," Tony replied with a mischievous grin.

Jasmine bit her lower lip as one of her hands had been rubbing her pussy while she was reading her book. This particular book was one of her favorite romance novels and always reminded her of how her brother would come in and sweep her off her feet and make sweet passionate love to her. Though it was always a dream. Reality could be so much more erotic.

"Lucky girl," Jasmine mumbled to herself.

"What was that?" Tony asked as he made his way over to where she was sitting.

Her chest was flushed, she was breathing harder; her nostrils flared showing her hunger as she memorized every muscle and inch of his body as she followed it up to his face. Though his body had changed dramatically, he still had that handsome smile he'd always had. That same glint to his eyes that made her heart melt and her mound throb. "I said lucky girl," Jasmine replied in a whisper. She didn't know why but ever since she had blown him that first morning, she felt like a little girl again being around her crush. The one thing she'd always had was confidence around men. She knew how good she looked and how big her breasts were, though not too large. But for some reason, she felt small compared to her little brother.

"Well she isn't the only lucky one that I know of," Tony replied with a mischievous smirk.

Jasmine's eyes went wide as she moved her free hand over to his cock. It was still a little wet from his encounter with their sister and she wouldn't mind tasting the two of them together. She guided his cock to her mouth and moaned as she ran her tongue up and down his length.

Tony then surprised her as he pulled away her sheets and saw what her other hand had been doing. "Naughty girl. Playing with your pussy here all alone." He then reached his hand out and snapped his fingers at her.

Jasmine removed her hands from her pussy as she let the red lacy material cover her sacred place again. Her panties were partially sheer but not enough so that her pussy was visible. It had a small string that ran along each side connecting it to the back part that Tony couldn't see. Her breasts were held up by a red lacy bra but her nipples were clearly visible through the sheer material. It was held together by a clip that was a couple inches under her neck and another one right under her breasts.

Tony took her hand and guided it up to his mouth as she moaned while his tongue swirled around her thin digits. Jasmine couldn't help but moan loudly, "Fuck that is hot!" she exclaimed as she watched him suck on her fingers. Her hand moving faster to jerk his cock.

She then scooted further towards the edge of the bed and ran her tongue over his cock. Her other hand finally came free as she rubbed on his heavy hanging balls. As she started straight into his eyes, bearing deep into his soul, she took his cock in her mouth. She was determined to one day take him deep in her throat, like she knew her sister could, but that wasn't meant to be yet.

Tony reached down and ran his hands through her hair. Although her blowjobs had been something else, he had not come here to blow his load down her throat. There was another place where it belonged.

Suddenly without warning, Tony grabbed the sides of her head and pushed back causing Jasmine to yelp as she was thrown back. She wondered if she was too rough with him or may have hurt him, but the look on his face made her pussy quake.

Tony quickly moved onto the bed between her legs and unclipped her bra. His hands and mouth worked together to pleasure those luscious orbs. "Oh god Tony! That feels so fucking good!" she moaned. His tongue ran circles around her small areolas, making sure not to touch her nipples. As he looked up at her face, she was whimpering as it was clearly torturing her.

Then quickly and without allowing her to think, he took that tiny bud between his lips as he sucked on her nipple. Her back arched as she screamed out, "YEESSSSSHHH!" She was now in a full on pant as her hips were moving on their own as she was humping his crotch.

Tony did the same thing to the other nipple as well, which sent Jasmine into nirvana. As he finished with her other nipple, he kissed and nibbled his way down her body. Stopping at her navel to trace the outside before running his tongue inside of it. Her navel piercing made it difficult, but he was able to get her even more turned on.

He then kissed his way down to the top of her mons as he kissed her pussy through her panties. As he went to move the thin lacy garment out of his way, she protested, "Please Tony. Not today. I want to save all my cum for when you fuck me tomorrow."

However this fell on deaf ears as he moved her panties aside and started to run his tongue up and down her slit causing her body to jerk back and forth. He sunk two fingers into her well lubricated hole as his lips sucked on her clit. Her hips bucked as she tried but failed to move his face away. The inevitable was going to happen and there was nothing she could do about it.

Within a minute, she screamed out as her orgasm took her. Her teeth clenched down as she felt her nipples throb and her walls squeeze down on those thick fingers of his as a torrent of her juices raced forward.

Once she was enjoying the aftereffects of her orgasm, Tony moved up her body and looked her square in the eyes, "What did you say while I was busy?"

Her eyes blinked fast for a few seconds as she tried to regain her senses. "I-I wanted to save myself for when you take me tomorrow after I complete the job you have for me." Her cheeks reddened again feeling vulnerable and week compared to her brother. Though she shouldn't feel that way as she knew he loved her.

Tony smiled back at her as he moved his hips to push his cock against her panties. He had purposefully left her panties aside for this reason. His first two shots missed the mark but the third, found him surrounded by her lips.

Jasmine's eyes went wide knowing what he was doing, "B-But I t-thought I had to..."

"Sshh. Do you think I would make my sexy sister really wait?" Tony asked. Jasmine nodded but he chuckled at her response. "Though I probably wouldn't have lasted as long if Mom was awake, I had planned on coming in here and giving you exactly what you have been waiting for."

"You mean?" Jasmine asked only to have a nod from Tony. She felt him push forward as her pussy did its best to expand and accommodate his size. She gritted her teeth as her eyes bugged out feeling the immense pleasure of him stretching her to the brink.

As Tony saw the look of pain in her eyes, he stopped pushing forward. Jasmine looked deep into his eyes as she put both hands behind his head, "Don't you fucking dare stop until you are fully inside of me. I can take it and I want every inch of that cock buried in my cunt," she growled at him.

Tony nodded as he continued pushing forward. After giving her a few rests along the way to get accustomed to his size, Tony was finally hilt deep within his sister's cunt. It was one of the most amazing feelings as he could feel his pelvis grinding against hers.

Jasmine had to close her eyes and even had two small orgasms from taking him all the way in, but with a little work, it was finally done. She was so happy that tears began to stream down from her eyes.

Tony went to pull back but Jasmine's hands stopped him by gripping his ass cheeks and keeping him rooted within her. "I-I'm not... crying in pain. I'm crying... from happiness," she said through ragged breaths.

When she finally opened her eyes their lips met and they kissed in one of the most passionate kisses she had ever had. She finally had her brother where he belonged and she could die right that instant and her life would be complete. Then the thought of a child grew into her head and she knew she had a new purpose. To bear her brother's child. She wanted, no needed to have his child. Unfortunately she was on the pill at the moment but she would stop taking them right away.

"I'm safe right now, but I want to stop my birth control," she stated once their kiss was over.

"Are you sure you don't want to have a normal life?" Tony asked. Above all, he wanted his sisters and mother to be happy.

Jasmine nodded and giggled, "We can have a normal life together. There will just be secrets that the world can't know. And I for one will tell you that Izzy most definitely feels the same way. Especially if you, and I quote, 'Fucked her brains out.'"

"I think you are both crazy... but I will breed both of you if that is what you want," Tony replied with a smile.

Jasmine slapped his chest playfully, "What am I, some kind of animal? You breed animals and impregnate women."

"Nah. I breed my sisters," Tony smiled back trying to defend himself as she started to slap him even more. "Well I can stop...?" Tony started to say only to be cut off.

"Not a fucking chance. You will cum in your sister's pussy and impregnate her. Do you understand me mister?" Jasmine said in a firm voice as she wrapped her legs around his waist holding him in place.

Tony burst out laughing as Jasmine quickly followed suit. After he composed himself, he spoke up again, "You looked just like Mom when she used to scold me when we were younger."

"God! Please don't say that," Jasmine replied rolling her eyes.

"What? That isn't a bad thing. I mean she is the best mother in the world, even if she is fucking her kids. That and she would do anything for us no matter what we did," Tony responded.

"That is true," Jasmine replied with her finger tapping her chin, "I guess I can take that as a compliment." Her eyes lowered as she started to caress his cheek lovingly, "I do hope to be half the mother that Mom is for our child. Then maybe he or she will turn out better than we were." They both burst out laughing again, though when Tony's cock jumped inside of her, Jasmine squeaked a couple times. She giggled at the noises she was making as Tony's eyes went wide with lust.

He pulled out slowly and then quickly thrust back in, "FUCK!" she groaned as she gritted her teeth. "Please go slow at first. Otherwise you will break me with that monster," Jasmine begged of her brother.

Tony nodded and slowly pulled back and then pushed back in. Each time he pushed back in all the way, she would squeak as he felt himself bottom out. He didn't know if it was in pain or pleasure but she hadn't tried to stop him so he was going to continue until she gave him some kind of acknowledgment that it was painful.

After a few minutes, of long slow strokes, Jasmine begged him, "Speed up please."

Tony nodded again as he began to fuck his sister's wet and willing pussy. His thrusts were faster now but still not too fast yet. He could see the happiness in her eyes, it was the aura that was coming off her that gave him the feeling that she really wanted this, "Yes! Yes! Yes! Fuck that pussy baby! Pound your sister's cunt! Make it so no man will ever want to fuck me again!"

Her dirty talk was really getting to him as he started to really go at it. Tony moved to a more sitting position as he took hold of her wrists and started to pound her hard and fast. He then realized she was the more vocal of the three women as she kept yelling over and over. Things like, "Fuck yes! Fuck me! Pound that ass! God yes! Holy fuck me!" and all any other combinations she came up with.

Jasmine had only stopped her yelling as she felt her orgasm hit her hard. She shook violently as her back arched and her head tilted back. She felt her walls clamp down on his invading member as her womanly cream surged forward and marked his cock as hers.

Tony had to slow down momentarily when she orgasmed only due to how hard her vagina was gripping him. Though it wasn't as hard as Isabelle had been. Even so, he wanted her to enjoy this as much as possible.

She suddenly looked up at him, "Don't you dare fucking stop! Fuck me! Fuck me hard and break my pussy!" she screamed at him.

Tony chuckled at her words and resumed fucking her hard and fast. However, he was not at his highest speed and could go much longer this way.

Jasmine continued her ranting of obscenities as she egged him on only to have another orgasm come up fast right behind the last one and hit her hard again. This time, her hips rolled and she tried her best to meet his thrust and force even more of him inside of her.

After four orgasms, Jasmine was getting close to losing her mind. She couldn't remember the last time she had been fucked so hard. Having dated a guy that was close to Tony's length did help some, but her ex-boyfriend could never last more than five minutes without blowing his load and was only good for maybe two times if he hadn't been all that tired. Plus the fact that he refused to eat her out which made her not want to blow him, their relationship was doomed to fail from the start.

Sensing that Jasmine was nearing her limit, Tony released her wrists and pulled her body even closer to him. He took hold of the inner part of her thighs, right near her vagina, and started to pummel her cunt as fast and as hard as he could.

This sent Jasmine into orgasmic frenzy as she could no longer feel when each orgasm ended and when the next one started. Her body was shaking and sweat droplets were apparent all over her body. She was shaking her head back and forth as her mind had gone blank due to the amount of pleasure she was receiving.

Tony knew he was now close as he felt that familiar tingle in his balls as he was ready to explode. "Where do you want it Jas?" Tony asked through ragged breaths, trying his best to control his breathing.

"INSIDE! CUM... INSIDE... MEEEEEEEE!" she screamed, hoping her words came out coherent enough so he would know what she said.

This was all Tony needed to hear as he thrust into her two more times before his cum rushed up from his balls, down his shaft and coated her walls. He knew from the final load he was depositing inside of her, if she wasn't on the pill, she would be giving birth in nine months, no doubt about it.

The second she felt his first shot of cum hit her walls, Jasmine let out a banshee like scream as her back arched off the bed so that only her head was touching the mattress. Her body shook uncontrollably before she went limp and passed out.

As Tony was finally getting control of his breathing, he noticed that Jasmine had stopped breathing. He leaned over her body, worried that he might have hurt her, but just as he started to freak out, she started to breath heavily again. It was like when he had gone swimming and tried to hold his breath for too long. Her chest rose and fell in rapid succession as her body tried hard to get back to normal.

Tony then slowly pulled his now deflating cock out of her pussy only to watch a flood of his cum seeping out, down past her ass and onto the bed. It definitely was a sight to behold watching as her vaginal muscles tried to keep it in, like a mouth trying not to spill anything, but failed in the process.

He moved off the bed and grabbed her covers that had fallen off. Then he tucked her in and gave her a quick peck on the lips and a loving kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight princess. I will always love you no matter what," he whispered to her.

Tony made his way to the bathroom and cleaned off his cock with a washcloth before he took a piss and finished getting ready for bed. He went to get another bottle of water and downed it before heading to bed.

Knowing his mother was going to come see him in the morning, he decided to give her a special treat. He grabbed his clothes from Isabelle's room and headed to his mother's room and to the other side of the bed. He climbed in and snuggled up against his mother. She instinctively moved back against him as he spooned her from behind.

Tony quickly fell asleep after the long and pleasurable day that he had. He wondered how his life would be the next couple years, but his mind was still troubled. First there was the company that could still be looking for him. Now to add to his worry was his father who could come home angry, and he had a bad temper when he drank, and catch him in bed with his mother and possibly try to hurt either him or her or both of them.