Domination Ch. 01


Greetings all

This is a new series I'm starting. Just as a precaution to those that aren't into it, there will be some BDSM in this story. Read at your own risk

Note: Big thanks to WokeUpOneDay for the edits made on this story. Had any of you seen this prior to my editor's changes, trust me when I say that most all would have not read this story at all. For that I am deeply indebted to my editor and ashamed it was in such a bad state. I do strive to get better and hope to have better ones in the future. Again, thank you to WokeUpOneDay.



Greetings all. This is the story of how my hectic 18 year old high school life got turned upside down by a decision that I was forced to make. Though I am being very vague at the moment, everything will become clearer as you read through my story.

My name is Frederick Lynch, though I mostly go by Freddy. I stand at 6'1" and have an athletic build. My hair is dark brown and comes down to about the top of my neck and I have ever changing eyes. Yes, I know it sounds odd, but depending on my mood, my eye color changes. They are bluish when I am happy, more brown when I am upset or bored and greenish when I am sad or in a bad mood. Though I don't have much experience with the ladies, I am proud to say my dick is above average. At least that's from my experience seeing the other guys in the locker room.

Now that's enough about me, let's get to the story.


I woke up that Thursday morning like most any other. Having to get up at 5:30am sucked, but then again it wasn't too bad of a chore since I was now a senior in high school and had been through almost four years of it. Quickly showering and getting dressed I was downstairs within twenty minutes to get breakfast so I could get to school on time.

Though school didn't start until 7:15am, I liked to get there as early as possible each day because my coach would allow me to have an early warm-up prior to school starting. Since I had played on the soccer and volleyball teams as well as doing cross-country, I was allowed access to the fields up to an hour before school and until dark after school. If any games were going on after school, I had to stay off the field of course.

Once I was in the kitchen, I started my coffee and got some toast started. Dad didn't need to get up until around 7am and Mom usually got up about twenty minutes prior to help get him ready. The only other person in the house was my older sister, Myra (pronounced mere-ah), who had her classes start roughly around 10 or 11am. She only had school three days a week and didn't work like I did.

Myra was the lucky one. Though she was in her second year of college, she didn't have to work as our parents gave her whatever she asked for. That also included money when she was going out. She also didn't have to buy her car like I did with her getting a new BMW, though it wasn't the most expensive 7 series.

On the other hand, I had to work for two years in high school while playing sports and keeping my GPA up, which was currently at 3.8, just to afford a used Honda. I kept it running with the help of one of the guys on my soccer team whose father was a mechanic. Due to all my activities I literally had no time to do anything else, much less keep a steady girlfriend.

Now, that doesn't mean I was a virgin. In fact, I had slept with a two girls on the volleyball team and one on the soccer team since they would practice about the same time as the boy's teams would. Two of the three encounters ended with sex in their cars and were just what one would consider one-night stands.

But the more recent one was kind of a relationship as we were sort of dating. I say sort of since we were exclusive to each other, but both of our schedules did not matching up much. The most time I would get to see her was three or four hours a week at most and that was only on a good week. Though we didn't see each other much, when we did we were happy around each other. I had felt as though I was falling in love with her and could possibly see myself marrying this girl.

Some days my girlfriend would sit with her friends at lunch, but most of the time she would sit with me or even invite me over with her group. That was fine since I didn't mind having lunch with six hot ladies! With both of us being 18, we were considered to be adults and could technically do what we wanted. But due to school activities and work it was still hard for me to see her.

At school that day, it went by just like any other, except that I noticed that my girlfriend had been avoiding me during lunch. After school, I had a meet where we were going to do a run against two of the other schools in the area. Luckily our high school was right next to the track and I wouldn't have to drive anywhere for it.

My girlfriend was supposed to see me off before she went to work that day, but she never showed. This started to worry me as I started to wonder if something bad may have happened to her. I did try to text her a couple times, but got no response. I spoke to one of my teammates, with whom she shared two classes. He let me know she was in school but didn't know why she didn't show.

Our school came in second overall with me actually finishing 4th. I headed to my job around 6:30pm because I wanted to check my schedule for the weekend. Since I didn't work with anyone I knew from school, it was nice to see people that didn't know me and get different points of view. As a buss boy I was making close to $100 a night on Friday and Saturday and $80 on Sunday, which wasn't half bad.

When I was done writing down my schedule I ran into my boss. He was a total ass and would berate me during work a lot. He had been telling me for years that my sports were a waste of time, I should be working more and that I was never going to amount to anything. He was an older gentleman, probably in his late 30s or early 40s who primed in high school and just wanted to take his anger out on anyone that he could. You know, the bully type that turns out bad after high school and doesn't do anything with their lives.

Anyways, I got home around 7:30pm and Mom let me know that dinner was in the fridge. I went to the kitchen but saw it was gone. She just laughed it off like she was so forgetful lately. I started to wonder if she was being mean to me on purpose or if she was going senile at an early age.

My mother made dinner every night, other than the ones that we or they would go out, and she would generally make enough for me to have some. But about half of the nights my dinner would not be there. Whether it was eaten or the occasional times where I would find it in the trash for one reason or another, I didn't care. I started to become self reliant once I began working at 16.

What I mean is that I had purchased my own mini fridge and hid it in my room so that my parents couldn't see it. Luckily it was silent enough that they hadn't noticed it, though they rarely went into my room at all if I let them. I put a lock on the door, changing it recently with an identical looking one. I had also started to purchase my own food so that I had snacks, breakfast and dinner since my mother never got anything that I wanted. My sister got everything she wanted and would yell and scream if I touched any of her precious food.

Since dinner was a bust, I took a plate and knife and headed to my room. When I passed by the living room where my mother and father were, Mom tried to apologize for me not having dinner. I just laughed it off and said that eating air was much healthier for me anyways. She had an odd look on her face like she wanted to say something but something or someone was preventing her. I shook my shoulders as I didn't care. I would make it on my own one way or another.

Once I got to my room, I pulled out some lunch meats, arugula, and mustard along with my whole grain bread and made myself a sandwich. I always made it my goal to eat as healthy as possible due to being an athlete. I settled in to watch some movies on my laptop that I also purchased with my own money, and soon fell asleep. I did wake up a couple hours later to see my computer still on before I powered it off and went back to bed.

I awoke the next morning at 6:00am. Since I didn't need to warm up that morning, I gave myself an extra 30 minutes of sleep. I also knew I would be doing a 10 mile run on Saturday and Sunday morning and needed to give my body some time to rest. I took my shower and dressed as usual. I actually didn't have to leave until 6:45am, so I took my time getting downstairs, bringing my cereal and a small bottle of milk along with me.

To my surprise, I saw my mother making breakfast and my father reading the paper while drinking his coffee. In the years that I had been in high school, I had only seen them up that early when Dad had an early flight. So I assumed that was why they were up so early that day. But, you know what assume means? Make an ass out of you and me, which is exactly how I felt.

"Hey Dad, got an early flight today?" I asked as I passed him to grab a bowl and a cup of coffee.

"W-What? Oh no. I just decided to get up a little early this morning," he responded with a half smile. I could see behind his eyes there was something going on, but I was too oblivious and partially tired to pick up on what was really going on since I hadn't had my coffee yet.

"You do know that we have a right to get up at any time we want son!" my mother added in a stern voice, almost like she was offended that I would question why they were up that early.

I grabbed my things and sat down at the table, sifting through the news on my phone. Then I checked my calendar to making sure I didn't have any tests or anything due that day as I needed to keep my GPA up.

I was looking at a few schools to go to after I graduated. There was the local university, but I didn't want to be home any longer and wanted to make it out on my own. However, there were a couple schools that were interested in me, mostly for my soccer and volleyball skills. Those schools were LSU, UCLA, The Ohio State University and Texas Tech. I was leaning towards UCLA and LSU.

You see, I lived in a little suburban town that was near a big city but rarely made it there as my parents would rarely go into the city unless it was needed. My dad, however, actually worked there and would drive 30 minutes each way every day. That's why LSU and UCLA were the best choices. I could see if I liked the bigger cities or if I wanted to stay in a smaller suburban town like I was living in. Both schools had given me until the end of February to decide and it was only the middle of January. I would have my decision made in the next week or so.

As I sat there playing with my phone, something even more odd happened: Myra came into the kitchen. She was wearing a tank top that mostly was see-through and came down to a couple inches above her navel and short shorts that barely covered her ass.

When people talk about how beautiful someone is, they are not talking about Myra. Myra is beyond beautiful. Her skin is a flawless light bronze, with the most perfect ass a small white girl could have. Her breasts were more on the smaller side, but they were perky and she had the cutest looking nipples that seemed to be hard almost every time I saw her. Her face was something that you would see from a modeling magazine and her dazzling greenish brown eyes would make you melt into them. Her hair was naturally light brown, but she had blonde highlights that looked like she was born with them. Her perfect legs looked like they went on for days and were perfectly toned and tanned in just a way that you could literally marry just her legs and live a happy life.

Now, I know what you are thinking: that I am in love with my sister. That is definitely not the case. I do appreciate how godly beautiful she is and if she wasn't my sister I might try my own luck with her. However, her being my sister and how she treated me made it so that I wasn't in love with her. You would think that someone so beautiful would have a wonderful personality to go along with it, but not in Myra's case. She was a bitch, plain and simple, at least to me. She would sweet talk Mom and Dad and anyone else that came over, but was meaner than all hell to me. She always tried to find ways for me to do things for her.

Myra was beaming as she always was, expecting everyone to bow before her like she is the queen of the fucking world. "Good morning everyone," Myra said when she was about halfway into the kitchen.

"Good morning Mis... Myra," both my parents said almost in unison.

It was odd how they not only said it together but looked like they were going to call her something else. Ignoring the oddness of it all I went back to my breakfast and my phone.

"Ahem!" Myra said once she was standing to the left of me staring directly at me. She leaned down so that her face was closer to mine. "Don't you have something to say to me?" She started to tap her foot in frustration as her cheek began to tick showing how her anger was rising.

I just sat there looking at her for a minute before I went back to my cereal, ignoring her in all her bitchiness glory.

After nearly a minute of me ignoring her, she finally huffed out, "MOM! Tell Frederick to say good morning to me!"

I looked over my shoulder at my mother. She had this look on her face that I couldn't tell what she was thinking.

Then a yell came from Myra, "NOW MOTHER!"

This caused my attention to go back to her.

Before I could speak up and tell her to shut her mouth and not talk to Mom that way, Mom spoke up. "Frederick, please say good morning to your loving sister," she said in a sweet voice.

I knew there was nothing sweet behind her eyes. It almost looked like she was scared of Myra. "What in the hell could my mother be scared of her for?" I thought.

I looked back at Myra who was grinning like a fool before muttering, "Good morning bitch!"

Myra's anger took hold of her as she grabbed my face, forcing me to look her in the eyes, "What did you just call me?" she growled.

I slapped away her hands and stood, taking her face in mine. "Don't you ever touch me like that again, or else..." I responded. I didn't know what I would have done, but I wasn't about to let her walk all over me like that.

Grabbing my phone and my box of cereal, that I paid for personally, I headed out of the kitchen and back to my room.

Before I could make it to the stairs, I heard her yell out, "I want some of that fucking cereal! You bring it back right now and pour me a bowl!"

I was big into ancient history and loved to learn new things about the past. There was one story of two siblings, brothers I believe, that would constantly fight for dominance. They wanted to show their father who was best suited to rule after he died. This power struggle between my sister and me reminded me so much of that.

However, I was never one to back down. I had been beaten down in high school a couple times and won a couple of other fights due to my stubbornness This was a fight I knew I could win.

Deciding to irk her as much as possible, I started laughing at her before responding back, "If you want some of my cereal, then how about you get your lazy ass up, go get a job and buy your own."

She marched right up to me so that we were practically nose to nose, with me being almost six inches taller than her, and looked me right in the eyes. "Pretty soon, you will be under my thumb. I will remember all your defiance and break you so bad, you will beg me to allow you to buy things for me!" She started giggling at me, like she knew something that I didn't.

However, instead of cowering like she probably thought I would, I laughed at her, "Hold on a sec. Let me go get my boots so I can shake in them."

"Uggghhhh!" Myra screamed out as she turned around and stomped back to the kitchen in frustration.

There were a couple things I could say to add fuel to the fire, but I decided not to say anything. I just headed back up stairs to put my food away and grabbed my bag. I locked my door so as to not allow her to mess with my stuff while I was gone. The totes that housed my food also had two padlocks on them a piece and I carried around a bundle of keys. I didn't need anyone snooping through my room while I was gone.

But what my family really didn't know was that I had saved up roughly four grand to help me once I was ready to head off to college. I made the decision that I would do that right after I graduated and use the summer to find a job that can help me pay for things while I was in school.

Both UCLA and LSU had sent a rep to see me, as well as some other student athletes. They offered me a full ride scholarship, letting me know the scholarship would pay for tuition, books and materials, dorm expenses and three meals a day at the university. This meant I would only need money to pay for expenses on my car, gas, parts, etc, and anything I wanted outside of standard living costs.

What was really cool was that both schools also wanted me for both volleyball and soccer. That meant if one sport had given me troubles, then I could focus on the other one and hopefully keep my scholarship until the four years were over.

As I headed out the door and said a general 'bye' to everyone, I heard my sister speak as she stuck her head out of the kitchen and towards the front door. "I'm gonna make your life a living hell soon."

Looking at her eyes, I knew she was serious. But then again she had always made my life a living hell. "You already do Myra, you just don't see it as you are too involved with yourself," I replied looking down as I broke eye contact with her.

Once I finally looked up, I saw something in her eyes that I had never seen before. It wasn't the normal confidence or anger or even selfishness that she had usually. This was something different. Could it be fear, remorse or could she actually be sad realizing that she had made my life hell over the past four years?

Prior to her starting high school, we were pretty close, as any brother and sister would be. But she changed so much that I barely recognized the girl that used to be my best friend. I do remember us being each others' first kiss back when she was in 6th grade and I was in 4th, but it took another two years before she finally faded away so I knew that wasn't what caused the rift in our relationship.

Right before I finally headed out the door, I added, "Don't worry Myra. You won't have to deal with me much longer. I will be gone soon so you will have your run of the house as much as you want without me stopping you."

As I stepped out the door and shut it, I could hear her saying something, but it was so muffled that I couldn't make out the words. In my mind, they were words of joy knowing that I would be gone soon. I only had a couple more months and then I wouldn't have to deal with her controlling ass, or Mom's and Dad's horrible parenting skills.

Getting into my car, I sat there for a minute wondering what the hell just happened. As I went to pull away, I saw the same look in Myra's eyes while she was biting her nails and watching me leave. It could have been my imagination playing tricks with me, but I saw her wave at me and even blow me a kiss as I pulled out and left. I had to shake my head just so I could make sure I was awake and not daydreaming as I drove down the road. I did truly want the sister/best friend back that I had known for all those years so I could have been my mind playing ticks on me.

School went by normally except I didn't see my girlfriend at lunch again. I wondered what the hell was going on the rest of the day. Once school was out, I waited by my car as I would give her a ride home. She generally worked on the weekend like I did, but she also worked a couple days a week since she wasn't playing volleyball at the moment. I waited but never saw her and the school was about empty, so I started to worry. I texted her to see where she was but like the day before, never got a response back.

Finally fed up with being stood up by my girlfriend, I got in my car and sped off. Deciding not to head home because I would just get more upset, I headed to work and just hung out in my car listening to music, trying to calm myself down. I finally headed inside twenty minutes early and got dressed in the bathroom (having brought my work clothes to school that day).

Friday nights were always busy and I was glad with all I had going through my head between my girlfriend and the odd morning I had with my family. I almost felt like just saying 'fuck it', leaving work, grabbing my stuff and heading to a hotel and living there since none of them seemed to want me around. But something in my head stopped me from doing just that.

When I took my only break for the day, I checked my phone and there was a message from my girlfriend stating that we needed to talk. I already knew what that meant: she was dumping me. I just hoped she had a damn good reason.

Thinking it was the best, I responded back asking her why she was dumping me. I didn't get an immediate response, but after I got off work around 9pm she responded back that she couldn't continue living a lie and had to break up with me.

I headed home angrier than I was when I got to work. I ended up breaking some traffic laws, but just wanted to bury my head in my pillow and scream. Hell, I wished I was part of some fight club so I could beat someone's ass right then just to get some kind of release or happiness.

Entering my house, I thought it was quiet which was not normal for a Friday night. I headed upstairs and heard the shower going with my sister singing. I laughed at how happy she sounded. I unlocked my bedroom and saw that nothing had been touched. Then again, my family would have to pick the lock and I didn't know if any of them knew how to do that.

As I sat there contemplating what to do and how I should go about things, I decided to go to UCLA. LSU had been my choice, since it was within driving distance of my home, so I could continue my relationship with my girlfriend and I was a fan of the Tigers as well. But now that she was out of the picture, I had no reason to want to come back to this shithole of a town. The few friends I did have were on my sports teams. Most of them were going to schools far enough away that I would need a phone or email to keep in touch with them.

While I sat there getting together what I needed so I could contact UCLA and LSU on Monday to let them know of my decision, I heard Myra come out of the bathroom and go into her room. She was humming some hip song that I had heard while hanging out with my girlfriend.

Then I heard her phone ringing. Her room was right next to mine so I could easily hear just about everything that was going on in there as long as she wasn't whispering, which almost never happened. Actually, I used to hear her masturbate all the time but that seemed to stop over the last couple of years. That was one of the few happy points of the last couple years for me and my sister.

Like I said she is quite possibly one of the most beautiful women out there, but she is also my sister and I never saw her in that way. Due to that, I never wanted to picture her in the thralls of her orgasm. Truth be told, at the time it actually grossed me out and made it so that if I was horny in the least bit, it was gone in a flash.

"Why hello there!" Myra said into her phone in a seductive way. "Is the deed done?" she asked whomever she was speaking to.

There were a few moments of silence while she listened before responding, "Good. I'm glad to hear my brother's girlfriend is no longer his." She started to laugh almost madly as my eyes went wide.

Did my sister really force my girlfriend to dump me? My anger started to rise even higher, but I kept listening, looking for anything I could use to get revenge on her.

"Now my pet here is what I want from you. First thing tomorrow, you are going to shave that pathetic hair on your body so that only the hair on your head is left. Once that is done, you will contact me and you will follow my every instruction. You will learn to love me more than my brother as I have some guys who are just going to love you. Oh and one more thing, you aren't to be on the volleyball team this year. I don't want you near my brother anymore. Do you understand? ... Good, now get it done and contact me as soon as it is done."

I slammed my hands into my pillow, trying not to make too much noise but also to release my anger as much as possible. I started to formulate a plan, one that had to be diabolical and down right evil. Then it hit me like a train. Her image was everything to her. What if I were to ruin it? I'd video tape whatever I did to her and show all her friends. That would be the best revenge ever, though I would need to move into a hotel until I left for UCLA.

Damn, I thought, this was going to cause hell on my plans. I would need to quit my job and find another one just to keep my hotel paid for. I would probably lose the car as I wouldn't have the money to drive all the way to California. That also meant I could only bring a couple suitcases with me.

I continued to hear her giggling for a little while, most likely talking with her friend on Facebook or something else, before there wasn't a sound there anymore. That was when I grabbed my large duffel bag and the only suitcase that was actually mine and started to pack them up.

I didn't need to grab any toiletries as I could just buy ones once I got settled into my hotel. I packed away what clothing I wanted to keep and a few other things that I wanted to take with me as well. One of the things I found in my room was a photo book from when I was younger. This was before Myra and I had our falling out. There were pictures of us as a happy family and also some of just me and her.

The one that really caught my eye was a picture of us on vacation before she started high school. She was smiling with her 10,000-watt smile that could melt the world and she had her arms around my neck. Mine were on her waist holding her close as her cheek was rested on mine for the picture. To anyone on the outside, we looked like the perfect family. We were happy as can be and nothing could have torn us apart at that moment. Little did we know things would be different a couple of months later.

Deciding to keep that and some other family photos that I had, there was not much more stuff that I cared about. I was never into video games or had any particular hobbies. I was more interested in numbers which is why I wanted to be a CPA and that is what I was going to get my degree in. Well the actual degree would be in Accounting, but you know what I mean. Once I was all packed up, I could hear my sister's soft snoring as she was fast asleep.

The last thing I did before I sealed my fate was to go online to find a hotel that was close enough to school but on the other side of town away from my parents' house. I found a hotel that was in a half-decent area for about $54 per night and booked it until Monday. I could always pay further or find something else if they were all booked up, but they had exactly what I needed: a bed, mini fridge, and free WiFi. The hotel also had free breakfast which was a bonus as I didn't have to worry about buying it and could save what food I had for dinner, lunch or a snack if the need arose.

Once I was done with booking the hotel and using my debit card to set it up, I shutdown my laptop and packed it away as well as my charger. I put my suitcase and duffel bag on the side of my bed and opened my door.

Amazingly enough, Myra's door was cracked which was strange as she had been talking about making my girlfriend break up with me. If my parents had heard her, I'm sure they should have said something. However thinking back to that morning, there was something else going on that I hadn't figured out. She had something on them but I just didn't know what it was, and I also didn't know if they would have done anything had they heard her.

I slowly pushed the door open, walked inside and shut and locked it. If my parents found out, I wanted enough time to get the memory card from the camera so I could seal my fate. I saw how she was sleeping and she looked like an angel the way she was laid out on the bed. She was wearing a red see-through tank top that barely covered her navel and white panties with black polka dots and black lace on the top. The material that was covering her snatch was very thin and was close to going between her puffy lips.

I could smell her arousal as I stood there. I went over to her dresser and looked for a couple things. Pulling out a couple pairs of her panties, I could have been a pervert and sniffed them but I had better plans for them and that just wasn't me. I tied a couple together and set them on either side of the bed. Then I dug through her dressers some more. I didn't find anything of use, other than some small vibrators that made me chuckle in my mind.

Then something caught my eye. Her closet was still open partially and there was a small dresser-type thing inside. It was more along the line of a small chest with two drawers. Being curious I opened the top drawer. In it there were all sorts of different types of lingerie; from teddies to thongs, g-strings and just about anything a woman could wear to feel her sexiest.

What really made me wonder was why would she have different sizes? There were small, medium and large. It would be one thing if she was once large sized and lost weight, but Myra was always a small size. So why the hell would she have the different sizes knowing she couldn't wear them?

The bottom drawer was much larger and when I opened it, my eyes went wide. All sorts of BDSM items were in there. Everything from nipple clamps, to butt plugs, floggers to riding crops and even handcuffs and ankle cuffs.

I then looked over to my sister and everything seemed to fit. She was into some kinky stuff and probably had scared the hell out of our parents. That is why they let her get away with whatever she wanted. Hell, no parent wanted to know their child was the devil. She more than likely was in all aspects.

As I was grinning madly at her, knowing I would turn the tables on her, I saw something sticking out from the bottom of her bed. I crawled over and saw there were straps, four of them to be exact, that looked like they were missing a piece to make them whole. A light bulb went off in my head. I moved back over to the drawer and saw the ends of the hand and ankle cuffs had a similar look to the end. I took all of them and latched them together, setting them on the bed. In this position, she would be spread eagle and her arms would also be secure so I could do what ever I wanted.

I grabbed the riding crop, flogger and a vibrating egg as well, just for good measure. I set them down on the right side of the bed and moved her tied up panties so I could make a gag and keep her mouth shut when I was speaking. I was sure she would have plenty to say.

Then I moved over to one side of the bed, first securing her left hand, left ankle, right ankle and then right hand. Once she was secure, I set up the camcorder she had to record, knowing she had purchased the larger memory card. I knew I would have plenty of space for what I needed.

I then walked over to the bed and tapped her face lightly. "Wake up sleepy head, the show is about to start," I said in the most wicked way possible.

She stirred a little bit but didn't wake up. Then I tapped her a little harder, "Wake up you fucking slut! Time to show the world your true colors!"

Again she stirred but didn't move much more. Then I saw a smile appear on her face. Deep in my mind, I didn't know if she was fucking with me or if she was dreaming and had started smiling because of it.

However, her smile told the angry part of my mind that she was fucking with me and I needed to kick it up a notch. I grabbed the riding crop and slapped one of her breasts hard, seeing her nipple pointing straight up almost instantly. She groaned and then moaned in her sleep but still didn't wake up. I brought the riding crop down on her other breast just as hard and got the same result.

Frustrated, I looked down at her hips and noticed she was now rotating them. The anger in my mind didn't tell me at the time, but she was getting aroused by this. I then decided to take it to the next level. With a harder swing, I brought the riding crop down on the top of her pussy, hoping I would hit her overly sensitive clit and cause her immense pain.

Once the crop came down, her eyes flew open and she screamed, "HOLY FUCK!" She looked down at the riding crop that had landed on her sweet spot and then looked up at me. "What the hell are you doing in my room Freddy?" she yelled but in a lower voice, almost a whisper. It had been years since she called me Freddy, always wanting to call me Frederick to get under my skin since she knew how much I hated that fucking name.

"For all the bullshit you have put me through and now... now you make my girlfriend break up with me for your own selfish reasons. You are going to be punished while you are recorded for everyone to see," I said with an evil grin on my face as I pointed to the camera.

She looked over at the camera and then tried to move. She saw that her hands and ankles had been cuffed to the bed so that she couldn't move. I saw fear in her eyes, but I held my resolve. She needed to be punished for what she did.

"I don't know what you mean about your girl..."

I cut her off, "I fucking heard you through the wall you stupid fucking cunt!" I said pointing to the wall that sat between our two rooms, "One of the few fucking things in my life that is actually worth while and you took it from me!"

"Freddy please!" she pleaded with me, "Please let me explain before you do something you regret."

I simply shook my head, "I think you have said enough whore. Now it is time for you to shut your stupid fucking slut mouth and take your punishment."

As I leaned down, she puckered up her lips, thinking maybe I was going to kiss her or even put my cock in her mouth. How wrong she was! I put her panties into her mouth to shut her up and used the rope I made out of her panties to stop her from spitting it out.

She looked confused at me for a minute before she saw me pull out the flogger, pulling it tight within my hands with a SNAP. Her eyes went wide with something I hadn't seen before and then she whimpered. I hadn't done anything that I couldn't walk away from, but my anger and my need to make her pay forced me to stay and see this through.

Then I took the flogger and brought it down, first on each breast then on her flat and perfect stomach. SMACK SMACK SMACK! She screamed out in pain and whimpered each time the flogger hit her skin. I could see tears in her eyes and hoped she was feeling as much pain as I had all those years. But more importantly, I wanted her to feel the pain she made me feel when I heard she was the reason my girlfriend dumped me.

Then I hit her with it again, twice on the stomach and then once on each breast again. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK! She whimpered again and started to gyrate her hips. I smelled something familiar, but with my mind not working correctly, I wasn't able to tell what it was. Then without warning, I brought the flogger down on her pussy, though not as hard as I could have.

SMACK! Her back arched as she lifted off the bed, screaming into the panties that were stuffed into her mouth. She started shaking her head back and forth as her hips were now looking as though she was humping someone. I also noticed that her breathing had become heavier. After a moment of wondering why she was acting this way, I heard her saying something, muffled through her gag.

Though I shouldn't have, I loosened the tie around her head and removed the panties from her mouth. She was trying to gather her breath as she was huffing and puffing for air. I also noticed how her breasts seemed to look that much better as her chest heaved. She finally was able to gather herself enough to speak. "Please... whatever... you... do... don't... use... the nipple... clamps. My... nipples... are really... sensitive," she begged.

I immediately looked over at the drawer that was still opened and strode to it. I found what I thought would be the most painful and grabbed the scissors that she had on her desk as well. Then I walked back over to the bed and pulled her shirt up enough so that her nipples were exposed. I didn't need to provide her with any stimulation as her nipples were harder than diamonds and about the size of erasers. I had another thought to suck on those delicious pink buds, but decided against it knowing she would get pleasure from it as well. Though I think it was more my anger controlling me that caused me not to suck on them, but I didn't know at that point due to my clouded mind.

Next I took the nipple clamps and clamped one down on each nipple.

She moaned out loud, though it seemed she liked it more than hated it. "Oh fuck!"

Her hips started to gyrate again, but this time I left the gag off her mouth. I wanted to hear her scream and have the camera pick it up as well. I could see the redness that was growing on her breasts and stomach area, along with marks as well.

"Well, it doesn't look like you will be wearing those crop tops that you love to wear anytime soon," I said chuckling as I ran my fingers over the marks that were showing on her stomach. "Too bad, you did look so cute in those outfits."

She bit her lips as she smiled at me. I started to wonder if I was giving her pleasure or pain. I was trying to humiliate her as much as possible, but it seemed that she was enjoying it too much. Frustrated, I picked the flogger up and hit her stomach a few more times, then once on her pussy, and then once on each breast forcing the nipple clamps to move slightly. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK!

This time she squealed out as her stomach was hit but once the flogger came down on her overly sensitive clitoris, she screamed out, "FFUUUCCKKKKK!" as her back arched. Then the flogger came down on her nipples and it happened. She came harder than I had ever seen a woman cum before. Her body shook uncontrollably as her eyes rolled back and her hands gripped on the cuffs that were holding her in place.

"You know, I don't think this is enough. You have way too much protection. I think a change is in need."

Myra looked at me wondering what I had in store for her. As I stood there cutting the air, looking at her, I could see the fear in her eyes. I then moved down the bed and cut the straps on her panties, pulling the material away and throwing it. I noticed that she was really wet and her lips were red and puffy.

"Well would you look what we have here? Someone is getting turned on by all this. What a filthy little fucking slut! God, if your school could see you now, they would know exactly what you are," I said to her with an evil twinkle in my eyes.

"And what exactly am I my sweet innocent little brother? Why don't you enlighten me?" Myra responded with a question of her own and in a seductive voice.

I saw her biting her lip as she looked at me. I took a moment to let her wait for my response as she was stirring. When she couldn't take it anymore, she begged, "Please tell me what I truly am. I need to hear it."

I just smiled at her, "You are nothing more than a submissive slut who wants to be used by someone else, like a piece of fucking meat."

To my surprise, she moaned loudly, while beckoning me over to her with her finger. "Oh! Does the little submissive slut wants some more?" I asked, though I didn't need an answer as I had already picked up the flogger again.

"Fuck Yes!" she growled, "Don't bitch out on me now baby bro."

My anger hit me again as I brought the flogger down on her stomach twice and then twice down on her pussy, making sure it hit her clit. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK! Again she shook and moaned as it hit her stomach but as soon as the flogger came down on her pussy, she screamed out.

"FFFUCCCCKKK," she screamed. Her orgasm erupted sending her womb into thermal meltdown, hitting her even harder than before. Her eyes closed as she shook and then felt the flogger hit her pussy once again and she screamed, "AAHHHH EEEAYE AYEYEY!"

I watched her body shake once again before she yelled out all the while panting, "Please don't ... fuck me. Please ... I can't ... take it."

Not knowing she was guiding me at the time, I pulled my pants and underwear down and my shirt off. Since her legs were already spread wide open, it was easy for me to get between her legs. With her being wet already and her pussy opening up for me, I was able to thrust my cock deep within her in one quick stroke. Again, she screamed out, "NOOOO!"

I decided if this was going to happen, I was going to give her the fucking of a lifetime. Hell, I was going to be gone before morning anyway and it wouldn't matter what happened after that. I pulled back so that just the tip was inside of her and thrust back hard again. I started with quick hard strokes but then gripped both of her legs as I started to pound the life out of her.

Being an athlete had taught me how to control my breathing and I was able to pound her hard for a good fifteen minutes straight before I needed to slow down just a bit.

The whole time I was pounding her, she was screaming so that I thought my parents would wake up, "NO NO NO NO!" and "DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T!"

Her body quaked under me as I watched her eyes roll into the back of her head. As I saw this, I upped my game even more and pounded her hard for another fifteen minutes. This time however, her words had become gibberish. Even such a simple word as 'no' was not coming out as anything even remotely close to a word that was illegible.

I watched as her body shook over and over and over. I could feel her pussy clenching down on my cock over and over again. This caused a chain reaction and immense pleasure on my cock. My balls started to boil and I grunted loudly as I slammed as hard as I could into her, using my other hand to pull her nipple clamps off with one quick tug as I erupted inside of her.

I was truly surprised how long I had lasted in the first place, but then again my anger had a hold of me and I wasn't focused on it feeling good and more about ti causing her pain and suffering. Though the rational part of my mind should have realized I was actually giving her immense pleasure instead of pain.

Her back arched as she screamed out once more, her eyes going wide as she held onto her wrist cuffs for dear life. Her body shook even more violently this time while my cum flooded her womb. Once I was spent, I fell to the side of her as she just laid there, her body occasionally shaking. Her eyes were closed and she was still breathing heavily but she seemed to be fine.

As I stood up to put my clothes back on, the realization of what I had done hit me. I immediately went to the camcorder and stopped it, pulling out the card and putting it in my pocket. I would erase it once I got to the hotel.

Since I was now freaked out by my rash decisions, I left her room, only closing the door as I left. Had I not been as freaked out, I would have undone her wrist cuffs and hid some of the evidence. But then again, I had planned to leave in the morning and wasn't thinking rationally.

Once back in my room, the tears started to roll down my face as I thought about what I had done. Not only had I called my own sister a slut, a whore and a submissive slut, but I had hit her with a flogger, put nipple clamps on her when she begged me not to, cut off her panties and fucked her into oblivion shooting my load deep inside her pussy. For all I knew, she wasn't on birth control and I had just impregnated her. Not only that, but I had just raped my own sister; the one that was my best friend and the closest person to me for years before she went to high school.

If I had a gun at the moment, I would have just shot myself ending it there. Having only turned 18 a couple months prior, a gun was not something that I thought about owning. Since I lived at home, I didn't need one to protect the house as that was mainly my dad's job and I wasn't home that much anyways.

Once I regained my thoughts as I felt the memory card in my pocket, I pulled my laptop from my suitcase and turned it on. I put in the memory card and brought up the video. It was on auto play, and I saw just how sadistic I was. It scared the hell out of me as I practically jumped in my seat seeing the look in my own eyes.

Quickly stopping the video and erasing it, I wanted no part of that memory anymore. After the next day, this would all be a thing of a horrible past that I would forget. I may even take an oath of celibacy just to repent for what I have done. I needed to sleep to clear my head. I could make a decision the following day on how I would repent once I was checked into the hotel.

I lay down in my bed but it took me a while to finally fall asleep. Even staying asleep was difficult as I kept tossing and turning, having nightmares about what I did and how people would see me. It scared me to think of being labeled a sexual predator.


Once morning came I was awoken by a light shaking. I jumped up, both from being freaked out by my nightmares and also by the sudden touch on my back. As I jumped up, my hand gripped the arm of the person who was touching me and I saw it was Myra. Fear and shame hit me all at once as I released the grip I had on her arm and I moved away from her towards the wall.

As she saw the calm and loving look in my eyes, she spoke up, "Relax Freddy," she said in a calming voice.

I was expecting her to yell, scream, attack me or something worse. Hell she still could and I was on guard. Then again, if she was going to do that, then why didn't she do it while I was sleeping? She could have cut off my balls or beat me with a bat or hell anything, but why didn't she?

"If you are here to yell at me, don't bother. I know what I did and I hate myself for it. I never should have..." I said as she cut me off.

"Why would I yell at you? Do you really think you did something that I didn't want?" she asked as she looked confused at me.

"Wait, what?" I asked even more confused than she was.

"Come now bro. Did you not see how my body reacted to you? Yes, I won't be able to show off a part of my stomach for a while," she said lifting up her over sized shirt and showing me the redness along with the marks that still adorned her skin. "But that is a small price to pay for what I got last night."

"And what exactly did you get?" I asked.

"Though I didn't say it last night, you made me submit to you. I have been looking for someone like you for the past couple years and I was surprised to see that you were sitting..." she said as she leaned forward, letting me see the breasts that I had clamped during the night and hit with the flogger over and over. As she got close enough, she tapped my nose saying, "...right... under... my... nose." When she finished, she had the cutest smile that had me thinking she planned all of this.

"But I was getting revenge on you!" I replied, flabbergasted as to what she was saying.

"That would have been true, but if you really wanted revenge, then why not do something like beat me or burn up all my clothes or something like that?" she asked as she arched her eyebrow. She was now inches from my face.

"Well... I thought about different things to do, but came up with that once I saw the things you had in your closet drawers. I wanted to embarrass you so it would destroy your image, hence why it was recorded."

"Please tell me you didn't erase the video?" she asked, almost sounding upset that I might have.

I hung my head in defeat. "Yeah. I hated myself for how I was in the video and what I did to you and deleted it quickly last night."

"Dammit!" she responded before continuing. "Oh well! I guess we will just have to make more," she finished with a giant smile on her face.

"WHAT?" I asked almost yelling. "No No No! That isn't happening again. That was a one time thing and like I said earlier, I will be gone soon so you can do what you like here."

She cocked her head to the side as if baffled by my words, but took control for a minute. Pulling out my legs, she straddled me knowing her thong-covered slit would be able to rub on that morning wood she could see in my boxers.

"Like I told you, I submitted to you last night. We just have to make it formal before I can call you Master, though that won't stop me from getting a little taste now will it." She leaned forward and gripped my face bringing my lips to hers and kissing me before slipping her tongue in my mouth after a few moments.

We kissed like that, getting lost in the moment, exploring each others mouths before I broke the kiss. "What is wrong with me?" I asked myself out loud. "That is incest. We can't be..."

I was trying to finish before she put her finger on my mouth to stop me. "But can't you feel how wet I am for you Master. You gave me the best orgasms I have ever had last night. And when I say the best, you gave me the top five minimum. There is no way I'm letting you go now," she replied in a seductive voice.

"Why me though? Why does it have to be me?" I asked, though the way she was gyrating her hips on my cock felt so damn good that I didn't want her to stop, no matter how wrong it was.

"Like I told you bro, you made me submit to you. I was looking for someone like you so it is not like you really forced me. More like you forced me to see it was you that I really wanted."

Right then, she arched her back allowing her shirt to become taut against her skin as her stomach came into view. Leaning back so her body was in full view, she continued to gyrate her hips. She took my hands and moved them so that they ran up her stomach to her perky breasts to feel how hard her nipples already were.

As I took her breasts in my hands and pinched her nipples, she moaned loudly and opened her eyes once again. However she was confused as she saw finally my suitcase was out with my duffel bag that seemed to be full sitting on top of it. She pulled herself up and put her hands on mine stopping the pleasure she was receiving from me.

She looked right in my eyes, with newly found anger and asked me, "Why the hell are your bags packed? You aren't leaving me are you?" Her forehead was now pressing into mine as she looked deep into my eyes.

"Because of what I planned to do and did to you, I already have a hotel booked that I am going to stay at until I graduate. Then I'm moving to Los Angeles to go to UCLA to get my degree."

In an instant her demeanor changed from anger to sadness as tears started to stream down her face. She wrapped her arms around my body holding me close to her before speaking through her sobbing, "You have a job to take care of your slave now so you can't leave me! Please Freddy!" She cried even harder, like her heart had just been ripped out, "Please don't leave me. I'll do anything just please don't leave me!"

"Myra I..." I started to say but her tears were running so hard that I didn't know what I should do.

"Please Freddy!" she yelled through her tears. "Anything! If you really want to go to Los Angeles to get your degree, I will go with you, but please don't leave me! I don't know what I would do without you!"

This hit me hard. I mean she had been without me for years now, though I was technically around. But now, she was acting like I was something she couldn't live without. How could I say no to my sister? No matter how badly she treated me, I still wanted to treat her like a princess and loved her.

"Okay Myra. But I have to make a decision soon on where I'm going. If I decide on either LA or Baton Rouge, then I am going, whether you come or not."

"You really mean it? You won't leave me behind?" she asked while she was trying to wipe away tears from her eyes.

"I promise, Myra. If it means that much to you, I won't leave without you, or at least without letting you know and giving you time to make your own decision."

She finally smiled again. "I do want you to know that you are never getting rid of me now."

"However," I said causing her to cock her head wondering what I was going to say, "Why did you force my girlfriend to break up with me? I loved her so freaking much and you took it from me."

"Didn't you know? She had been cheating on you for most of your relationship. I only found out about it when one of my boys was caught in bed with her. That was when I made her one of my pets and forced her to break up with you," she replied then kissed me passionately on the lips. "Trust me, all I have ever done has been to protect you. I never stopped loving you and feeling how close we were when we were younger."

"Then why..." I started to ask, confused about the last six years.

"Sshh," she said putting her fingers on my lips to quiet me, "I will reveal all soon, but I'm making you breakfast soon and I would like my new Master to give his slave what she came in her for," she finished with the sexiest look I had ever seen "That is, if my Master will allow me to please him?"

"Oh! And what did my slave come in here for?" I asked, though I did know what she wanted.

"Your slave would love for her Master to fuck her again. Please Master! Give me that yummy fat cock deep in my tight wet fuckhole?"

"Well, I have never been one to deny a beautiful woman for long," I replied back with my cock now poking out of my boxers, pressing against her thong. If I was going to cross that line again, then she was going to ride me and show me that she really wanted it.

With that I reached down and slid her thong aside, allowing her perfect pink slit to poke out along with her engorged clitoris. I reached down and took her clit in my fingers and gave it a good squeeze followed by a rub. Myra gasped, looking directly into my eyes as she started to moan loudly while I played with her. I was looking forward to tasting her sweet nectar, but that would have to wait for later. It seemed she was more looking forward to a good pounding at the moment than a sweet licking and I would oblige her, for now.

Slowly, I lowered her hips onto my stout rod, watching as I penetrated her. I always thought fucking my ex-girlfriend was the best, but it didn't come close to this. Myra's velvety lips gripped my cock like a perfectly fitting glove. But since my boxers were still on, I wasn't able to get my whole cock deep inside her tunnel.

"Ohh fuck!" she moaned out, having been filled.

Ever since the previous night, Myra had become addicted to my cock and the power I showed her. She knew that once she woke up that no man or woman would ever fill that void. However something felt different when I penetrated her just then. She felt that it was like I was holding back for some reason.

Myra looked down as I filled her and noticed that she wasn't taking my full cock inside. "Well I can't let this happen," she thought to herself.

In a swift motion, she got off my cock with a groan, feeling that emptiness again. She got a good grip and yanked my boxers off in one swift motion, causing my erect cock to smack her in the face. She yelped when this happened, but then moaned as she finally got to see my cock close up.

She took a hold of my cock in her small and delicate fingers and felt the soft skin. Though she had felt others before, mine felt that much better to her. Deep in her heart, she knew mine would do so much more than just pleasure her.

Myra gave my cock a quick suck on the head as she moaned, sending vibrations throughout my loins. She only sucked it a few times before she crawled back up, kissing her way up my body as she went and biting on my nipples, causing me to gasp. I had never had any kind of enjoyment from having my nipples touched, but when she bit them it felt so different and also better than anyone else had done.

Once she was finally face to face with me again, I could feel her hot breath on my face. She was close to panting now. She knew she would be able to fully impale herself on my cock and I wanted her to show me what she could do with it. I took one hand, grabbed her by the back of the head and mashed her lips into mine before our tongues started to battle.

In response she mashed her chest into mine, making me feel her small breasts press against me. My other hand ran down her back, my nails digging into her skin as my hand went further south. I then gripped her ass hard, pulling her as close to me as possible as my cock pressed between us. I could feel her pussy lips rubbing along my shaft as she started to gyrate her hips along it.

Finally releasing the kiss and that wonderful tongue or hers, I looked deep into those beautiful green/brown eyes and said, "My little slave sister. I want you to fuck this cock like it is the last one on earth. When you are ready to cum, I want you to beg for it. Show me that you are worth keeping at my side and that you would do anything for me."

Once I finished she moaned loudly as I could feel her lips grip my cock, like a hand reaching out. Then she smiled with a look on her face that could seduce any man she wanted. She said two simple yet powerful words, "Yes Master," in the most seductive tone I had ever heard.

Without warning, she put her small, delicate hand on my chest and pushed me hard so that most of my back was against the wall with only a pillow bracing my lower back. I watched as she placed the other hand on my cock as she slowly lowered herself onto it. Before impaling herself on my cock, she ran my thick head through her slit grunting and moaning in pleasure.

Quickly she dropped her hips, impaling herself fully on my cock as I moaned out loud. Myra on the other hand squealed in delight as she yelled, "FUCK YES!" She started to grind on my dick before continuing, "God I missed this so much."

"But you were just on top of me a few minutes ago," I replied.

"Yesss little brother, but it was the longest few minutes of not having you fill me to the brim," she replied as she flicked her tongue out running it over my nose.

"Are you ready for the fucking of a lifetime Master?" she asked in that same sexy voice.

"HELL YES!" I replied maybe a little too enthusiastically.

She lifted her legs so that she was on the balls of her feet. Then she looked me in the eyes with an animalistic lust and started to go to town. She was slamming her hips down hard, taking me all the way before moving up to just barely have the tip inside of me. One thing I noticed that I hadn't the previous night, was that each time she would pull back, I could feel her pulling harder on my dick. If I didn't know any better, she was using her pussy muscles to squeeze down on my cock each time and then releasing it when she would impale herself again.

God I was in heaven! I could hear her moans getting louder and louder while her breathing increased. Deciding I could add some extra pleasure to her ride, I pulled her chest closer and took the closest nipple in my mouth as she yelped, "Oh god oh god oh god!"

I then took her other breast in my hand and put her nipple between my fingers as I squeezed her breasts, giving her nipple as squeeze as well.

"HOLY FUCK MASTER!" she screamed out. I could now see drool coming out of her mouth as it hung agape. Her head was tilted back but though I could not see her eyes, I knew they were shut. "God you know just what to do to make me feel good Master."

As my I sucked harder on her little pink bud, I used my teeth to rake against her flesh while her nipple left my mouth. Each time I sucked back in and repeating the process.

It was doing wonders to her as she started to scream, "I'M CLOSE MASTER! PLEASE LET ME CUM! PLEASE LET ME CUM! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET ME CUUUMMM!"

Her body began to shake since her orgasm was imminent. I would have to teach her how to hold out her orgasm, but I was close too and wanted to flood her canal as she came hard on my dick.

"Cum for me slave!" I yelled, "Show me how much of a slut you are for my cock!"

"YES MASTER! I AM YOUR SLUT! YOURS TO USE WHENEVER AND HOWEVER!" She screamed. "Here it comes Master. It is all for you!"

"That is right my little slut. You only cum when I allow it. Do you hear me slave?" I asked knowing I was pushing her further and further along.

"YES MASTER! MY BODY MIND AND SOULLL ARE YOUUUUURRRRSEERESES!" she screamed, her pussy gripping me like a vice as she came hard. Her body shook hard while her head shook back and forth. I could see her drool flying back and forth like a dog's slobber.

The death grip she had on my cock made my balls boil and forced my cum to burst out, coating her womb in my sticky batter. I groaned and then moaned loudly, thrusting my hips up hard slamming into hers. The thrust forced her forward off her feet and back onto her knees.

Myra was huffing hard as she collapsed into my arms. My hands went around her back, holding her close and rubbing it. I did let one of my hands go down and grip her ass as she moaned again, though I think it was just an autonomic response since she sounded like she fell asleep in my arms.

After about ten minutes of her lying on top of me she started to move. She lifted up and looked me in the eyes. Her eyes looked different, almost like she was in a daze. Leaning forward, she kissed me like a long-lost love. I couldn't help but let a tear fall from my eye with the emotions that were pouring out of my mind.

I then realized that I truly loved this woman, my own sister. Not a brotherly love for my sister, but like a true love. Though I still needed explanations for why she had changed all of a sudden, especially in the last couple of months.

Reluctantly, Myra pulled back and looked me deep in the eyes, "God I love you so much." She kissed the bridge of my nose and then finished, "I hate to fuck and run, but I do need to cook breakfast and you need to be dressed before coming downstairs. Though I will request that you don't shower just yet Master," she finished with a sly grin on her face. I nodded allowing her request.

Slowly she lifted herself off my now softening cock, but stopped to notice I was starting to get hard again. "Before I go," she asked looking directly at my cock, "How many times can you go in a day?"

"Well, I haven't tested myself with sex, but I have been able to jerk-off five times in a day and was still horny enough to go again," I answered with a sly smirk on my face.

"Well Master, we may just have to put that to the test when you meet my pets." She made sure to shake her ass as she wabbled out of the room. I could also see my cum running down her thighs as she walked away, leaving the door open as she left. She let her long t-shirt cascade down and back into place as she put it back on.

"God! I must be the luckiest man alive," I thought. I not only had sex with one of the hottest women in the world that I knew, but she submitted to me, calling me Master and she was willing to give over control of her slaves to me or at least share them with me. No! I would need to take control of her slaves if she was going to submit to me, though I would allow her to keep her male ones as long as she followed my rules.

I laid there for a few minutes thinking of what my life were to become as I looked over at the clock. It was just after 9am. I would have to be at work at 11am and would have to leave around 10:30am to make it there on time. That gave me enough time to eat and spend some time with my sister or slave as I should call her now.

Quickly getting dressed, I headed downstairs and heard my sister humming along while cooking. I also heard my mother making it into the kitchen ahead of me.

"Myra, are you okay sweetie?" my mother asked in a confused manner.

"Of course Mom, why wouldn't I be?" Myra answered her with a chipper tone to her voice.

"Because sweetheart, you haven't cooked since you were 13," Mom said with a motherly voice, though there was still something behind it that I couldn't pick out.

"Well, I wanted to make Freddy a nice breakfast to start his day off," Myra responded, still with the same chipper tone in her voice.

I moved a little so I could see them better. Mom was staring oddly right through Myra, but Myra was practically ignoring her. Something else was going on that I didn't know about and I hoped to find out soon.

"Since when did you start calling him Freddy again?" Mom asked in a stern voice though I could also hear what sounded like fear in her voice as well.

I could then see a change in Myra's behavior as she turned around and looked at Mom with an almost scary look on her face. I couldn't tell if it was anger, disappointment or something entirely different, but I knew that something was going on between my sister and my parents. Now I basically had proof.

Myra stood there staring daggers at Mom for a couple minutes before her lips turned into a huge smile, "Just recently, though it is none of your concern. If you want breakfast, have a seat. Otherwise, you may leave now." Without another word spoken, Myra turned back around and went back to humming while she was cooking.

If I didn't know any better, I would have thought that my sister was giving my mother an order, which would be odd coming from a child to a parent.

I watched as my mother trembled for a few minutes before she turned to leave the kitchen. I quietly ran up a couple steps and then walked back down to keep up the guise that I hadn't been listening to everything. Mom's demeanor was odd, like she was afraid of my sister. But when she saw me I saw that same motherly smile. She said good morning to me like nothing was wrong. I was cordial back to her before heading to the kitchen door. She was good at hiding whatever was going on, I will give her that.

Waiting for her to turn to her bedroom before entering, I came up right behind Myra and put my hands on her hips. She gasped, apparently not knowing who was behind her as I moved my hands over her stomach, feeling her muscles trembling beneath my touch. "Good morning Slave," I said into her ear, which forced a moan out.

Before she could speak I moved my left hand up her shirt to cup her breast, pinching her nipple between my fingers as my right hand traveled further south and rubbed on her puffy lips. I moved her thong out of the way and plunged two fingers deep within her.

"Oh Fuck!" she moaned louder than she had expected. "Good morning to you too Master," she replied through her moans.

"I see someone is still wet from this morning. Would that happen to be a mixture of us or are you just happy to see me?" I asked, though I more wanted to know if she cleaned my cum from her pussy or let it stir in there.

"A mix Master. I can't have your cum be wasted going down the drain now can I?" she replied with a sly smile. "Though I did have to clean some of myself up since it was running down my leg," she replied as she ran her tongue over the wooden spoon she was using to mix the eggs.

"And how did you clean yourself up?"

"Using my fingers and swallowing. Every. Last. Drop," she finished while tapping my nose with the wooden spoon. "Now, why doesn't my Master have a seat and let his slave serve him breakfast?" she asked, though there was some sexual innuendo as part of her question.

I imagined eating my breakfast while she hungrily slurped my cock. As tempting as that was, we could still get caught by Mom and Dad, so I decided against it. However, a wicked though popped into my head. I wasn't adventurous enough to taste my sister's pussy when my own cum was still there, at least not yet, but there was something else I wanted to do to her as well.

First, I removed my hand from her pussy, which caused her to whimper. I brought my fingers up to her lips and she sucked on them, running her tongue all around them and tasting that wonderful combined effort. Once my fingers were clean, I quickly dropped to my knees, brought my left hand to her waist while my right pushed on her back forcing her forward just enough. I then moved my left hand to her ass and moved her thong out of the way. Before she could say anything or realize what I was going to do, I plunged my tongue deep within her anus, running it around her tight little anal cavity.

"HOLY SHIT!" she screamed out, but then cupped her mouth to stop from yelling anything else. Though her voice was now muffled, she was still saying things as I moved my left hand back to her pussy. This time I tweaked her clit, rubbing and pinching and pulling on it as I explored her ass with my tongue.

It only took her about a minute before she shuttered and removed her hand, "Please Master may I cum?! Please Master may I cum?! Please Master may I cum?! Please Master may I cum?! Please Master may I... Oh FUCKKKK!" she begged, trying to keep her voice down as much as possible with it steadily rising.

Instead of answering her and taking my tongue out of her ass, I moved my right hand around to her front, snapped my fingers getting her attention and pointed at her pussy before giving her the thumbs up. Knowing she was given my approval, she squealed in delight before her orgasm took her over, saying something incoherent while she shook violently.

I pulled my tongue out of her ass and released her clit as I stood back up, holding her close while her orgasm crashed hard. Flicking my tongue over her soft neck, my arms wrapped around her small waist, feeling her soft skin underneath my fingers.

Once her orgasm subsided, I let her go slowly to make sure she could still stand without falling onto the stove or the floor and hurting herself. When she was finally able to compose herself, I saw her move the food back to the hot burners.

"Good thinking," I thought hoping we hadn't spoiled our actual breakfast.

She then turned to me with the biggest smile on her face and said, "Gimme five minutes and breakfast will be ready." She looked at the food as she grabbed the wooden spoon and spatula again, and then back to me. "Hope you still have room after you had dessert first?"

I simply smiled and answered, "Of course. Oh, did you mean more room for food," I chuckled as I saw her cheeks heat. "For a second there, I thought you were talking about having more room for more dessert."

"Naughty boy," she responded before kissing me. "Now do as your slave asks and go sit down so that I can serve my Master please."

I smiled at her and smacked her ass, which had her shirt over it again, as I walked over to the kitchen table and sat down. Just as I sat, I realized I forgot to get a cup of coffee. However, like she was reading my mind, Myra poured a cup of coffee and brought it over to me along with the sugar and creamer. Before she left, she winked at me and caressed my cheek, blowing me a kiss as well.

This was a side of my sister I had missed. Not necessarily the serving me part but the part that shows how happy she is and the fact that I know it is partially due to me.

As she sashayed back over to the stove, she flipped her shirt up showing off her perfect ass. I whistled at her and she looked over her shoulder to wink at me again as she gave her ass a little smack.

After a few more minutes, she plated up the French toast, eggs and bacon and brought it over to me, making sure the butter and syrup were already on the table as well. She kissed me on the forehead and I again slapped her ass as she headed out of the kitchen towards the stairs.

"Mom, Dad, breakfast is ready if you are hungry!" she yelled upstairs.

Dad answered with, "Did Myra just say she made breakfast?"

"Yes dear," Mom answered back as I heard her coming down the stairs. As I watched Mom approaching, I started to see her in a new light.

Mom was a beautiful woman, which I already knew. Her shoulder length blonde hair and dark brown eyes truly made her look sexy. Add to that her large breasts and her big hips and she was a definite MILF. She did have some extra weight on her and was not even close to as skinny as Myra was, but she carried it well. The rare occasions I had seen her in a bikini showed me that she was indeed sexy as hell, though most of the time she wore a one-piece as she was probably self-conscious of her weight.

Though my mother was definitely hot as all hell and just about any man would say yes to get a chance with her, I had never really noticed until that moment. It was like taking my sister as my sex slave had opened my mind to other possibilities.

Watching my mother, with her being totally oblivious to my eyes devouring her body, I heard a giggle behind me. I turned around to see my sister smiling with a knowing look before she mouthed the words 'Naughty Boy'.

Deciding to get back at her, I blew her a kiss and winked at her. She blushed a bright red and quickly turned around. It was truly funny how I was affecting her as I had never seen her get flustered around anyone since she was in high school. Yet here I was causing her to blush and hide her face behind that curtain of silk hair she had.

A few seconds later Mom walked into the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee. She then walked over acting all motherly, which was a front for what I didn't know, and kissed Myra on the cheek. "Thank you for making breakfast sweetheart," Mom said to her.

"You're welcome Mom," Myra responded before quickly making a plate for Mom and handing it to her. Mom kissed her cheek again and headed to the kitchen table and started small talk with me.

"So... what do you have planned for today sweetheart?" Mom asked me as she started to eat.

"Not much. I have to work at 11 but after I get off, probably around 8 or 9, I don't have any plans at the moment," I responded.

I noticed that Myra had turned around and watched me intently. I could see the gears running in her head but she didn't say anything. Instead, I saw this evil looking smile grow on her face before she winked and turned back around.

I then looked back at Mom who seemed confused by the odd look on my face. I then asked her, "What about you Mom, any plans for Saturday night?"

She paused for a second before looking over her shoulder at Myra. When I looked over at Myra she was back to humming again. I then looked back at Mom as her eyes met mine and she responded plainly, "No. Your father and I will probably just stay in tonight."

The look on her face was more like disappointment than anything. With our whole master/slave thing, the BDSM toys Myra had, the way that Mom was acting and the distinct fact that Myra had told me she had other "pets", I began to wonder. Someway, somehow, Mom must have gotten caught up in her games and had become submissive to her own daughter.

I could easily understand siblings submitting to each other as there is no real hierarchy, as long as both siblings can get past the incest angle of course. But a parent submitting to their own child was a whole different story. The parent is supposed to be the one to take care of and discipline the child when needed. But here was my dominant sister who was most likely dishing out discipline to her mother. The only two questions I had were "How did this happen?" and "Did Dad know about this or was he the same way?"

As I was lost in thought thinking about this, I saw Dad walk into the kitchen saying good morning to everyone. Everyone responded back to him as a normal family would. He kissed first his wife on the lips and then Myra on the cheek before he grabbed his coffee. He grabbed his plate that Myra prepared and headed to the kitchen table to join us and read old school paper like he always did.

Even when we were younger, Dad never really joined in the conversation unless one of us asked him a question specifically. Then he would just answer the question and go back to his paper. Dad was a good man but could have been a much better father if he had bothered to take the extra time for his kids. He never cheated on Mom that I knew of and his job as a COO of a manufacturing company in the city had paid him well enough so that we were comfortable as a family.

Though I never did see him and Mom that close like lovebirds, I did hear them talking about how much they loved each other. However, to him I think it was more of a business transaction that kept the family together to make him look better in the eyes of his colleagues, though I have been wrong before.

Myra made her plate and joined us, having some chit-chat while we ate. When I was done, I got up and brought my dishes to the sink. Being a good son and brother, I washed my plate and silverware. But when I started on the pans that my sister had used for breakfast, I heard a chair move behind me. I turned around and saw Myra was getting up as she stared right at me with a look like I had offended her in some manner. I noticed she had not finished her food yet and was even still chewing as she stared at me.

I then put my hand up telling her to sit down. She stopped immediately, even though she looked like she really wanted to do the dishes. She had given herself to me as my slave and I had given her an order, albeit a silent one and was bound to obey it. With hesitation, she sat back down.

This confused Mom and Dad. Dad put his paper down when he heard the chair move as they looked at her wondering why she got up, froze for a few moments and then decided to sit back down. Both of them then looked at me while I just smiled and went back to washing the dishes. Once I was done and everyone except for Myra had finished, I headed upstairs to dress and shower.

While it was now about 10 minutes before 10am, I knew I needed to shower and stop wasting time. I grabbed my clothes, but before I could leave my room Myra came bursting in and shut the door behind her, standing against it looking at me with a lust and need in her eyes.

She smiled at me with a wicked smile and said, "Before you shower, we need to complete the ceremony so I can truly be yours. So far I have been calling you Master under false pretenses."

I simply nodded as she slipped back out of the room showing me her finger telling me to wait a minute. In maybe 30 seconds she returned with a box in her hand. It was masterfully crafted with what looked like more expensive wood, and a velvet cover over the top along with a symbol that I hadn't seen before. It also had a golden latch that held the top closed.

Myra walked over to where I was standing, with her head down the whole time and presented the box to me. I took the box from her and she took a step back. I had read some stories about BDSM and dominating others and knew that there was usually some kind of contract or ritual that had to happen for the dominant person to take over possession of the submissive. I knew what I needed to do, but also knew it had to be quick as I had to be at work in an hour.

"Kneel before the one you wish to submit to if your intent is to become a slave to that person," I said sternly. Myra knelt down slowly while keeping her head low and placed her hands on her knees, making sure I could see where her hands were at all times.

Once she was in position, I grabbed her by the hair and forced her to look directly into my eyes. She squealed from the sudden movement. I saw fear in her eyes but also saw raw lust as well.

I then spoke to her in a voice that relayed my seriousness to the matter at hand. "I Frederick Lynch," I started though I really fucking hated saying my birth name, "Do take you Myra Lynch as my slave to worship me, serve me and heed my will. You will be bound to my will and will always follow my instructions no matter what they are. Do you submit?"

Her look of fear diminished. She just had her look of lust and now love as her lips upturned to a smile while she answered, "I, Myra Lynch, do hereby submit to you Frederick Lynch, my Master. Until death do we part or when you no longer have use of me, I will serve you faithfully and uphold your will."

I pulled my dick out and pointed it right at her face. "I do hereby take you as my slave. Now... you will worship your Master and seal this blood contract as it is burned into your soul."

Myra opened her mouth and I pushed my cock into her throat. I didn't get the whole thing in her mouth since I didn't know if she could take it, but it was more to, in a sense, seal the deal of her becoming my slave. After a few minutes of her sucking my cock, I noticed it was 10:00 and though it felt wonderful and I felt the power that she had given to me surging, I needed this to stop so I could shower and get dressed and not be late to work.

Reluctantly, I pulled my cock from her mouth. She whimpered and pouted while she stared directly at my erect cock. I simply smiled at her and lifted her chin to look at me, staring down at those gorgeous eyes that sparkled back at me.

"You have proven to me so far that you are truly willing to do anything that I ask, but I need to get ready to leave. But..." I paused for a second and leaned down closer to her face to where I now had my nose touching hers. I smiled wickedly at her, "Tonight I am going to taste that sweet pussy of yours," I whispered before I kissed her one last time.

She moaned in my mouth as her eyes first went wide and then closed. Our tongues touched in a loving embrace.

I broke the kiss and stroked her chin before walking away, but felt her hand grab me. She looked at me for a second and then I saw her eyes dart to the bed. I looked over and forgot she had given me the wonderfully crafted wooden box. She released my arm as I went back over to the bed and opened it.

I was actually expecting a gift but it was actually something for her. Inside I found a leather collar that had the word 'SLUT' engraved in it four times around the collar, but was separated enough that the word didn't bleed into each other. There was also a D-ring in the front of the collar.

Thinking back to the times that I would watch BDSM videos along with reading many stories, I knew this was a slave collar or more precisely a slut collar. I remembered that a slut in the master/slave world was a person that was not claimed by any particular person and could be used by anyone without repercussions. That did not sit well with me. I turned to look at her, with her head down and her hands on her thighs again.

I then grabbed her hair again for her to look at me and asked, partially in an angry tone, "What is the meaning of this? You submitted to me and gave me full rights over you, but now you want me to mark you as a SLUT? Explain this NOW."

I could see her breathing had increased but she only took a few seconds before she spoke. "My sincerest apologies Master, but I didn't have a slave collar and I needed something to show my devotion to you. However, when you have time you can order a proper slave collar for me. I will only keep this one in my purse and at my side as a reminder of my promise and devotion to my Master."

I saw tears starting to form in her eyes. I wasn't holding her head too hard so it must have been her emotions that were coming out, causing the tears to roll. "Please don't be upset with me Master. This has happened much faster than I had thought it would so I wasn't prepared with the proper collar. Plus... you were the last person I thought would have the ability to take me on as my Master."

I then released her hair while I thought about this for a minute, though Myra's face never moved as she stared directly into my eyes. I then had an idea, "Do you still have the bracelet that I bought you for your birthday this year?"

She smiled at me. "Of course. I have kept all the jewelry that you purchased for me and wear them every time I leave the house. You don't know how much it means to me that you got me something so beautiful each Christmas and birthday."

"Good. Then you will wear the bracelet at all times for now until I am able to get you a proper collar. Once you have the collar, the bracelet will serve as your collar when you are in public or around others where you are unable to wear your collar. The only time you are allowed to take it off is during your shower or when you sleep. Of course if you keep cooking and don't want to mess it up, then you will be permitted to remove it but only for the time it takes you to prepare and cook the food. Do you understand?" I asked, finishing my thought.

"Yes Master and thank you for forgiving my shortcomings," she replied as she leaned her head down again.

I brought the collar up to her neck and put it around her, latching it in the back so that the D-ring sat perfectly in the middle of her neck. I then had her rise to her feet and hold her head up so I could see how it looked. I don't know why, but she looked so much sexier with the collar on than without it. It could have been my imagination, but maybe it was the fact that I owned her now. Either way, she was beautiful and sexy on the outside and had been on the inside. She had just changed to protect me. I would need to find out eventually what that meant.

Giving her a quick kiss, I then grabbed my clothes and headed to the shower. I brushed my teeth and checked my face but knew I didn't have time to shave. Luckily my facial hair hadn't grown too much so I wouldn't get yelled at by my manager. God I hated that prick and the last thing I wanted was to give him another excuse to yell at me! I stepped in the shower when I was done, but as soon as I was wet I heard a familiar noise.

I moved the curtain back and saw that Myra had her head down as a good submissive. I spoke up wondering what she needed, "Why are you interrupting my shower?"

"Permission to join you in the shower Master?" she answered.

Knowing this could take too much time, I responded, "Myra, I need to get my shower done quickly so I can get to work, so I don't think that would be a good..."

She cut me off, which perturbed me, and said, "I understand, but my Master should not be cleaning himself when his willing slave is able to wash him."

I would have to speak with her about cutting me off, but I relented. "Very well, but no playing around. I need to shower quickly." She only nodded in response.

She slid her thong down and it joined her t-shirt on the floor. As she looked up and our eyes met, she smiled as she slowly took her collar off and laid it on the bathroom counter, making sure it wasn't getting wet. Then I took her hand and helped her in, mostly to make sure she didn't slip and because I was still a gentleman.

I took the loofah in my hand and squirted some of my body wash into it, beginning to get it all soapy so I could wash myself. But she snatched it from me and playfully smacked my hand when I tried to take the loofah back from her as she smirked up at me before saying, "Sorry Master, but you should not need to do such remedial tasks when you have a willing slave able to do this for you."

I nodded allowing her to proceed as she started with my face, making sure to clean all parts as I had my eyes closed. Then she moved to my shoulders, arms and chest before she knelt down and washed my stomach. At first she avoided my cock and washed my legs. As she continued washing me, she didn't say a single word but I could see her breathing had increased.

Tapping my leg to turn around, she washed the back of my legs and up to my ass. She ran her finger over my asshole, which caused me to clench, but she didn't attempt to push her finger in. I had never had anyone try it and was reluctant to even consider it. But since I had done some things recently, like fucking my own sister and licking her asshole, it made me think that maybe I should try it since I had read it was pleasurable for some men.

She continued washing me as she stood up, and went up my back to clean the rest of me. Then she turned around as she grabbed the removable handheld shower head and sprayed the soap off my body. Once she was done with my back, she turned me around again and sprayed off the soap from my front, though now she was running her other hand over my body as she continued to clean it.

Once all the soap was off my body, she put the loofah down and put some shampoo in her hand. Without a word still, she used her other hand and put some pressure on my shoulder. I took the hint and knelt down to one knee. As she washed my hair, I stared at her sexy looking navel and the piercing that she had, realizing that it was the same one that I had purchased for her. When I bought it, it was meant to go on a necklace but she made it into a navel piercing instead. I couldn't complain as the blue stone looked fabulous against her tanned skin.

Myra then pushed my head down as she ran the water over my head to get the shampoo. When she was done and lifted my head back up, I saw her turn slightly to grab the conditioner bottle and squirt some on her hand. I wiped the water away from my eyes and then followed the water that was on her perfect skin down from her navel down to her immaculately shaved pussy. Her outer lips were tight and barely came down. As she stroked my hair, getting the conditioner deep in my hair, I noticed that my head was getting closer and closer to her body.

When she pushed with enough force, her body came close enough that I stuck out my tongue and allowed it to go through her labia and hit her clitoris on its way back. She stopped moving and took a deep breath. Knowing she was being teased for what she was doing to me, she didn't say a word and went back to her task. Again when she was close enough, I stuck out my tongue and ran it through her labia again, though this time she moaned and gripped my hair harder.

Once she was able to compose herself and not try to take over, since she was the submissive and not the dominant, she grabbed the shower head and finished cleaning my head. When she was done, she tapped my shoulder and I stood up. I then looked her right in the eyes and saw that wonderful sparkle in her eyes as I stuck out my tongue at her. She had a confused look on her face but I smiled and shook my tongue at her.

Her eyes went wide as she looked down and then at my tongue before her lips took it in her mouth, tasting her nectar. She moaned as I pulled her close and my hands roamed over her body.

After a little bit, we broke the kiss and stared at each other with our foreheads pressed together. I said, "You missed a spot." I pointed to my cock as she giggled and nodded.

She grabbed the loofah again, which still had soap on it as she knelt and washed my cock and balls. Her small and soft hands felt so wonderful since she was practically jerking me off while she cleaned every millimeter of my cock.

Once she washed it off so that all the soap was off my cock, she looked up at me while still jerking me off and asked, "Master. May I have your permission to finish what I started after the ceremony? I would hate for you to be in pain at work with such a hard cock poking into your pants."

I smiled at her enthusiasm to please me and did know that it would cause me problems going to work horny and with an erection, especially if there were more hot coeds that came in like they usually do. "You may proceed my loving slave," I responded to her.

Myra bit her lip for a second and then licked her lips as she looked at my cock. She examined it for a few seconds with this being the first real time she had a chance to look at it. Then it happened and I moaned as she ran her tongue ever so slowly up the back of my cock. As I looked down at her, I could see that her eyes were closed and she was enjoying herself as much as I was enjoying her doing it.

Myra loved the taste and texture of her brother/Master's cock. It felt just right on her tongue and even better in her mouth. Though she had never deep-throated a cock this big before, she was eager to try. She then took my bulbous head in her mouth and swirled her tongue around it, moaning onto my cock as she sucked on it. She felt like a kid in a candy store as she played with my cock, trying out new things and playing with it while I moaned and grunted in the pleasure she was providing me.

In one swift motion, she tried to take as much as she could down her throat, though she was not able to get it all before gagging as she pulled back and started to drool on herself. She looked up at me and smiled with her drool running from the sides of her mouth and down her body.

"Damn you look sexy like that sis."

This made her beam with delight as she responded to me in a chipper voice, "Thank you Master. Like I said, I would do anything to please you." Myra then took my cock back into her mouth and without warning, she felt my hands grab onto her hair and stuff the entire length down her throat. She immediately felt her throat close up around my cock and gagged again but I was lucky she didn't expel her stomach contents, just some saliva that was in her mouth and let me say that was hot to watch.

I let up so she could breathe but this intense throat-fucking was making my balls boil. Once she regained herself and took my cock back in her mouth, I again shoved my cock deep in her throat so that her nose was tickling my pubic hair. This time however, she was able to handle it without going overboard. She did gag a few times but was able to keep my cock deep in her throat. I then started to forcefully face-fuck my beautiful and sexy sister/slave like she was a fleshlight. I felt a sudden rush of power and within a minute, I told her I was going to cum.

I let up a bit but she quickly reached around me, grabbing my ass for leverage and got as much of my cock in her throat as she could. I face-fucked her for another 15 second before pulling her back, just so my head was in her mouth and cumming down her throat. Like a good little slave, she was able to swallow all my cum and not let any of it leak out of her mouth. I was actually surprised with how much I came, but then again other than my orgasms with her, this had been the best I had ever had.

I then felt lightheaded and weak, still being on my feet, but was able to brace myself against the shower wall while my slave cleaned my cock using her masterful cock sucking skill. Once she was done, she stood up and gave me a kiss on the cheek, most likely there since she had swallowed my cum and wasn't sure how I would react to kissing her lips with my seed in her mouth. I smiled at her and she turned off the shower and then led me out, though this time I held onto her for support with my wobbly legs still recovering from my orgasm.

Once we were out of the shower she took one of the towels and dried me off, smacking my hands whenever I tried to help her. I was amazed at how she hardly reacted to how I touched her skin and only slowed down but never stopped, even when I put my finger in her pussy as she bent over. I tasted my finger and it was divine. I couldn't wait to give her a good tongue lashing.

When she was finished she smiled at me and said, "Be a good Master and go get dressed. I will see you soon and I also have a surprise for you for later."

"Oh? What kind of surprise?" I asked, curious as to what she could have for me.

"You will have to wait and find out Master," she replied with the cutest look on her face.

"If I wanted to force you to tell me, would you?" I asked, seeing just how much power she had given me over her.

"Of course, but that would spoil the surprise," she replied as she looked at me with a pouty face. "Master. Please don't make me spoil it for you. I promise you will like it and if you don't, then you can punish me in anyway you see fit."

"Well... I can punish you now whenever and however I see fit," I responded with an evil grin on my face, "But I will not force you to spoil it." I took the towel and headed towards the door as she stepped back into the shower and turned it back on. "And do remember that I will taste that pussy tonight," I said as I left the bathroom, not hearing her response though I don't think that is something she expected from me.

I headed to my room to get dressed and cursed myself noting it was almost 10:40 now and I just barely had enough time to get to work. I dressed as quickly as possible and ran downstairs, giving the bathroom a knock and saying bye on my way out, heading to my car before I sped away.

On the drive to work I pondered what my surprise was, but more about the recent change of events. I went from being a normal high school guy with a girlfriend to now having my own personal slave that was also my sister who I had fucked twice and gotten the best blowjob of my life from. Not only that but she is the hottest girl I had ever seen, most likely due to my mother's genes, and she was willing to share her own pets/slaves with me as well. It was crazy how in less than 24 hours my life had been flipped upside down. But one thing I knew I wanted to make sure never to change was me. What I mean by that is what type of person I am. I couldn't let this new surge of power control me, otherwise I could turn out like some of these other douche bags that I had seen and I wouldn't allow that to happen. I was gonna still be me, just with the slight change that I was dominating someone as well. That didn't sound too hard, right?