Domination Ch. 02 p2

As I came back around in front of them, I spoke up again, "Well I can only say one thing as to what I see before me," I said, letting the suspense eat them alive, though it was mostly for Allie than it was for Myra, "WOW! You two have to be the hottest women I have ever seen. Why fuck celebrities and models when I have you two."

Both women looked up with giant smiles on their faces, beaming with pride that their bodies had pleased their Master. Their aroma started to fill the room as I knew they were excited for what came next.

First I looked to Myra, "Remove my pants and underwear." Then I looked to Allie, "And you will remove my shirt and undershirt."

Both women moved over to me and began to undress me. Once I was finally naked, I reached out and pulled Allie right up to me and took her lips as mine, kissing her in a passionate embrace. As Myra was still kneeling before me, I reached out with my left hand and pulled her head to my crotch.

Myra took the hint and ran her tongue over the entire length of my cock before sucking on it with all the eagerness and love she had for me. As I kissed Allie, she softly moaned before I pushed my tongue into her mouth. Without any hesitation, Allie opened her mouth and accepted my tongue as I kissed her like my long lost love, exploring her mouth then feeling our tongues dancing a dance of love.

After a few minutes, I knew both women were as eager for their orgasms as was I. Allie maybe even more eager than me or Myra due to how she was just about humping my leg while moaning in my mouth over and over.

Reluctantly, I released the kiss from Allie and looked her in the eyes as she was biting her lip, still rubbing her pussy up and down my leg, "Though I could kiss you all night, I have better plans for that sweet ass of yours." I tapped Myra and she pulled back from my cock with a whimper. I knew she was waiting for her salty treat, but she would just have to wait.

I gestured Myra to stand and then parted the two ladies and walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge. "Allie, I would love to see what you look like with a cock in your mouth and how much my sister has taught you. Get on your knees and crawl over here and show me what you can do," I commanded.

I spread my legs open, allowing my cock to point almost right at her as she dropped to her knees and crawled over to me on her hands and knees. She looked like a sexy lioness as her ass swayed, stalking her prey. The raw lust I saw in her eyes made me want to pounce on her myself, but I let it play out. Once she reached me, she left her hands on the floor as she ran her cute little tongue up the length of my shaft. I watched for a few minutes as she was making love to my cock with her mouth, transitioning from licking it to sucking it like a pro or more like Myra had taught her.

After the few minutes had passed, I pointed to Myra and snapped my finger and pointed to the spot beside me on the bed. Myra was quick to move over and sit next to me. I kissed my sister with the love I had for her before moving down her body to suck on those lovely breast of hers. She moaned and whimpered as I sucked on her little buds, raking them with my teeth to add that little bit.

Though I loved sucking on any tits, especially those of my older sister, I had something else in mind. I pushed her down, making her lay completely on the bed but didn't have the angle I needed. I looked at her in eyes, "Come sit on my face so I can taste that pretty little pussy you have there."

Myra squealed in delight as she sat back up and got into position, kneeling on the bed as her feet straddled my head. I felt Allie stop sucking and looked down through Myra's legs and saw shock in Allie's eyes, though I don't know if it was more that she was about to watch a brother eat his sister or that her Master was willing to eat his slave.

Knowing what I knew from most of the BDSM stories I read, the dominant person would only do things that brought them pleasure and the submissive was more to be used as a conduit for their dominant to receive that pleasure. From what Allie probably knew, I wasn't going to receive any pleasure from eating my sister, but she didn't realize that I actually loved eating pussy and would easily do it every day if I had the chance.

I laid my head back down on the bed as Myra started to lower herself down on my face. When she was about a foot away, I reached up and took hold of her thighs and quickly pulled her pussy down on my face as I plunged my tongue deep inside of her, tasting her right away. Myra yelped when this happened but her yelp quickly turned into a loud moan, "YES MASTER," she yelled, "Taste your slave's loving pussy."

Then I felt Allie go back to sucking my cock with a renewed vigor as she now sucked my dick much faster and better than she had before. That was when I knew she was more in awe that I wanted to taste my slave. I then went back to my task and tried my hardest to focus on the pussy in front of my face.

I licked, sucked and nibbled on each part of her lips as Myra moaned showing me I was pleasuring her. I then moved my tongue and lips over her clit as I licked all around her clitoris and even sucked the little nub into my mouth loving how it felt in my mouth. Her taste was exquisite and I would be glad to do this every day.

As her breathing increased, I felt her hands go to the back of my head as she pushed my face as deep into her pussy as possible. I started to feel her body convulsing knowing she was close and decided to push her over the edge. Releasing her clitoris from my mouth, I heard her whimpering, "NOOO! Please Master, please ... OH FUCK!" she screamed as I plunged my tongue deep into her canal as both my hands came together teasing and rubbing that naughty little nub I had been sucking on.

I attacked both areas with an eagerness of my own, trying to make her cum faster than I was, knowing how close I was myself. I ran my tongue across every inch of her canal that I could reach, even getting to her g-spot as well. To further cause her orgasm to hit, I moved one of my hands up her body and tweaked her nipple, pinching, pulling and twisting it.

That was the last straw as her legs tightened around my head as her body began to shake, "Please Master may I cum! Please Master may I cum! Please Master may I cum! Please Master may I cum!" she started repeating over and over again. I released her nipple for a second, tapped her chest and gave her the thumbs up, "Please Master may I cum! THANK YUUUU MMMASSSS..." her words trailed off as she screamed out as her orgasm overtook her. Her body shook violently as I felt a rush of her female juices coating my tongue as I lapped up everything she gave me.

As if it was a trigger, my own orgasm hit me as I removed my hand from Myra's nipple and put my hand on the back of Allie's head as I grunted and came down Allie's throat. I could feel some of my cum leaking out of her mouth as she struggled to swallow all of it, but then again, I didn't know how many guys had cum down her throat before.

With both of our orgasms finished, Myra fell off me to the left and curled up into a fetal position as she rode out the aftershocks, shaking in the process. I then looked down to Allie who was trying to clean up the mess she made. She had cleaned up my crotch, but then I saw her head disappear and had to sit up. When I did, I saw that she was using her fingers to gather up the cum from the carpet. That didn't sit right with me as I wasn't one that was into degrading someone too much. I reached down and grabbed her by the shoulder and she looked up as I pulled her to me as I was now sitting on the bed.

"We will need to get you trained on how to swallow correctly, but I don't want to see you swallowing anything from the carpet like that... unless of course you don't want me to be kissing you in the future?"

Allie looked down and shook her head. I then put my hand under her chin so she would look me in the eyes, "I'm sorry Master. You gave me more than I could handle and as a slave, I know it is my job to make sure not to waste your creamy blessing."

All I could do was smile at how she described my cum, "Understandable." I then pushed her off of me and this got a confused look from her, "Don't think I'm done with you. I have a better position that I would like to have you in."

Jumping off the bed, I moved over to her as my cock was starting to come back to life. That is what two beautiful women can do to any man, though being eighteen helps a lot as I have a much quicker recovery time. I moved over to the bottom of the bed and grabbed Allie's thighs and hips, moving her to the middle of the bed.

I opened her legs, getting my first good look at her pussy and saw just how tight she looked. Her inner lips were not hanging down and were tightly packed inside. Her mons was shaved so that she was hairless. Her outer lips were also pink and puffy. They looked beautiful against her fair skin.

My eyes then roamed further up her body and I realized she was breathing hard. Most likely nervous about me having sex with her but my reasoning was totally wrong, "Does my body please you Master?" she asked with trepidation and insecurities in her voice.

I froze for a second wondering how in the hell this angel of a woman could even think that she was not pleasing to my eyes. If anything, I should be the one moving mountains and calling upon the gods of old to just get a glimpse at this beauty.

"How could you think for even a second that your body would not please me?" I asked in all seriousness.

Allie looked down at her body but I think she was more breaking our eye contact for a few seconds before looking back at me, "I know I'm not as beautiful as Myra is and I also don't have the large tits that some ..."

"STOP!" I yelled as I put up my hand. I noticed Myra looked up at me as she knew how my raised voice was when I was upset. Allie had fear in her eyes as she looked at me, "I do not accept my slaves to have insecurities with their bodies. One thing you will learn about me is that I find all women to be beautiful in their own way. So don't you ever, and I mean ever, tell me that you are worried you are not as beautiful as someone else." I paused for a minute to let that settle into her mind before continuing, "And to answer your question, your body definitely pleases me, in more ways than you can possibly imagine," I finished pointing to my now protruding erection as I stood up.

Allie finally started to smile again and even began to bite her lip as the fear in her eyes changed to unbridled lust. "Also, if your body didn't please me, I would have never taken you as my slave as well."

I then knelt back down before the bed and ran my fingers through her slit, feeling how wet she was. Then I leaned my head forward and ran my tongue up her length. She had a sweet taste, though it was different than Myra was. I couldn't think of who tasted better, but then again, it wasn't a contest or else I would have one of the hardest jobs known to mankind.

Then I thrust my tongue into her canal, hearing her whimpering and moaning. Her instinctive reaction was to spread her legs as wide as they could go, which gave me better access to her pussy. After I explored her innards for a little while, feeling her juices coating my tongue, I withdrew and replaced my tongue with first one and then two fingers. I moved my mouth northward towards her clitoris, using my fingers, tongue and lips to feel, taste and lick every inch of her tight and tasty pussy.

As my lips latched onto her clit, her back arched as she threw her head back. My fingers then found her g-spot and I was able to get her on the verge of orgasm rather quickly. Her breathing had also increased to the point where she was nearly hyperventilating, but she had refused to put her hands on the back of my head. Maybe it was her submissive nature and used to being tied down or it could have been that she had not been given permission. Either way, it was truly a thing to behold as she tried to struggle under the pleasure I was providing her.

"HOLY SHIT!" she screamed out, visibly holding back her orgasm. She had clearly heard that Myra had to ask for her orgasm but I had not given her any such instructions yet. "Please Master may I cum!" she asked. I noticed that her mouth had almost closed so that she looked like one of those pregnant ladies trying to control her breathing.

I released her clit just for a minute, "Not yet slave. Hold it as long as you can."

My fingers then began to really attack her, using the 'come here' technique on her g-spot and had her shaking within a minute. "SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! FUCK! FUCK! GOD FUCK SHIT!" she was screaming, "PLEASE MASTER! I don't know how long I can hold it," she begged me to allow her to have her release.

Not knowing Allie very well and not wanting her to need punishment so soon, I released her, "You may cum slave."

"THANK YOOOUUUU EEERAASSSTTTT!" she screamed out as her orgasm overtook her. I quickly moved my mouth over her entrance as she squirted like a fire hydrant, causing me to choke for a second, but I quickly recovered and got most of her fountain in my mouth. It had a different taste than her nectar, but was actually good. This was the first time I had made a woman squirt for me and I wondered if it would work on Myra as well. I would make a mental note to try this on Myra later.

I let her ride out her orgasm as she shook involuntarily and I only put my hand on her tummy to keep her from thrashing and giving herself whiplash. I then moved into position, rubbing my cock along her slit, but not going in until she was done and ready. Though I was her Master and could do anything I wanted with her, I'm not an asshole and going to start fucking her while she is still trying to recover from her orgasm.

Once she was recovered, I was laying partially on top of her and she looked up at me. Her eyes were wide when she spoke, "What the hell did you do to me Master? That was the most intense orgasm I have ever had!"

Simply smiling, I replied, "Oh something I have been working on. You seemed like a willing test subject so I decided to give it a go. At worst, you would have just had an orgasm, but I got you to squirt like a fountain."

"ARE YOU SHITTING ME?" she yelled, "I seriously squirted?" she asked looking down towards her pussy not knowing this was possible. I only nodded with a smirk on my face.

Allie then grabbed my face with both hands and pulled me to her, mashing my lips into hers. Within a few seconds, I felt her tongue touching my lips as the both of us opened our mouths in unison and our tongues started to dance together. I wrapped my arms around her as I held her as we made out.

After a few minutes, I looked pulled back and looked into her sexy blue eyes, "Are you ready to have your first cock inside you slave?"

I watched her swallow hard, knowing she was nervous, but she nodded, "Yes Master," she said sweetly, "I have been waiting for this for a long time."

Looking up to Myra, she shrugged her shoulders as she laid there on her side with her legs spread as she was slowly rubbing her pussy, "What? I'm not going to take a woman's virginity. I would rather her make the decision than to be forced by my hand."

I blew her a kiss and she returned the gesture. That was the Myra I had known for all those years before she was changed in high school. The caring, loving girl that would do anything for anyone and was the most unselfish person I knew. That was the Myra I had hidden feelings for. Knowing they should never come to the surface as she was my sister and it was wrong.

I looked down at Allie but hesitated, knowing I would now be the one that would be taking this from her and it was something she would never be able to get back or experience again. I suddenly lost confidence that I could do this and started to pull away, but Allie grabbed onto me and looked at me confused, "Please don't let Myra's words deter you. Ever since I saw you at Myra's house, I have been attracted to you and actually wanted to give it to you before today. Though I don't have my hymen anymore, I am still a virgin to a man's cock and you are the one I willingly give this to."

I hesitated once more before responding, "Are you of mind, body and soul?" I asked.

"Master I ..."

I cut her off immediately, "Forget all the master/slave shit. Answer me truthfully as a woman to a man. Do you willingly give me your virginity?" I asked sternly. At that moment, I could care less about any of the submissive crap as I wasn't going to force her or anyone else into something like this.

She nodded vehemently, "Yes! I do willingly want you to take this. You have given me an orgasm like no other and like I said before, I had wanted to give this to you for a while." She looked like she wanted to say more, but she had given me the approval I needed and knew that was all that was needed at the time.

Reaching down, I took my cock in my hand and pointed it at her entrance. As my cock head started to split her lips, she put her hand on my chest, "Master, please go slow," she said sweetly to me. I nodded knowing I also didn't want to hurt her. More so since I didn't want to cause her pain, and not the good type of pain, but also because I did intend to have sex with her again very soon (yeah selfish I know but it would be to her benefit as well).

Slowly I pushed so that about a quarter of my cock was in her, I heard her gasp but then her voice turned to a moan. I sat there for a minute letting her get used to me before pulling back and pushing back in. On the second go, I got to about the halfway point before stopping. To my surprise, she was not stopping me or doing anything to tell me what she could or couldn't take.

I had to study her face to know when to stop. I let my cock sit inside of her for another minute or so before pulling all the way back so that just the tip was in. I then thrust in her once more and once I got to a little past the halfway point, I saw her wince in pain and stopped.

I didn't need her to prove to me she could take the whole thing her first time, so I took a mental note of how deep I was. Before I started to give it to her, I leaned forward and noticed that she had closed her eyes.

When my lips were a few inches from hers, she opened her eyes and I closed the distance kissing her. Her lips were soft and felt wonderful against mine. Then both of us opened our mouths in unison again and our tongues began to battle. However this time instead of the same urgent kiss that we had last time, we slowly made out and our tongues were wrapping around each other in a massaging way.

As we continued to kiss, I heard a loud moan and looked up to see this display of affection was getting to Myra. Being so into taking Allie's virginity, I had almost forgotten about my sister as I wanted to make sure this was special for Allie. I winked at Myra and she crawled closer to us.

I then got a thought in my mind of how to add to the experience for Allie. I moved back to the position that I was in before, holding onto Allie's thighs and looked at Myra, who by the way was waiting for me to give her an order. She knew by the wink that I had something in mind and it was most likely why she had crawled closer.

"Myra!" Her head perked up looking directly at me as she looked excited for what I was going to command her to do, "Why don't you help make your slave sister's experience better."

"Yes Master," she responded though she had some seductiveness to her voice that was extremely sexy causing my cock to flinch inside of Allie.

"Aahh!" Allie moaned when my cock flinched but she really started to moan louder when Myra had gotten closer and was now sucking on her breasts, plucking away at those little buds.

I started with slow strokes, pulling out almost all the way and then pushing back in to the point I was beforehand. After a minute or so, I started to speed up my strokes into her. I began to hear a lot of squishy sounds coming from her nether regions as I saw just how soaking wet she was. Her moans had also become much louder as she was starting to gyrate her hips.

Then I slowed down and re-positioned my hands inside her thighs and started my pace back up again. With my hands in this new position, I was able to control her more and also see exactly how much inside of her I was. I started really giving it to her now.

After a good fifteen minutes, I started to feel her pussy contracting around me telling me she was getting close. I could also hear her panting as well but couldn't see much of her as Myra was blocking my view of her face. I wanted to prolong this experience for her as much as possible.

"Master ... I'm close ... Please cum with me Master," Allie called out to me.

I was getting close but wasn't as close as she would have liked to, "You may cum if you like slave but I'm not ready."

"NO!" she yelled out, "I will hold it until my Master is ready."

'Damn!' I thought, 'She is determined to make this extra special.' I continued my assault on her pussy, hammering into her tight embrace. I will say that it felt better being with her than with Myra due to the tightness, but being with my sister touched me on other levels. Overall, I couldn't nor wouldn't pick a favorite and that was fine by me.

After about another ten minutes, I was nearing my own orgasm and to my amazement, Allie was able to hold her own off up until that point. "I'm close slave, get ready to cum with your Master."

"Yes Master! I will cum with you!" she yelled out.

Knowing she hadn't been with a man before, I didn't know if she was on birth control or not. I did know Myra was on it as I had seen her take it in the past, though not as recent as I would have hoped but was more confident she wouldn't have stopped for no reason, especially since I had cum inside of her.

"Hurry and cum slave so I can pull out," I yelled trying to hold my own orgasm back.

In one swift motion, Allie pushed Myra off her with a huff and reached up and pulled me down on top of her. Luckily I kept my motion going in this position but didn't have a sense of how deep I was able to go, so I had to guess.

Allie looked into my eyes with all the lust and passion she had for me and said, "Please cum in me Master. I need to feel your cum inside of me."

I had a quick thought to ask her if she was on birth control or not, but my lower head took over before I had a chance to say anything. Without any further ado, I grunted feeling my balls boil as I came hard inside of her with one last thrust filling her womb up.

Allie felt my cum splatter against the walls of her canal and into her womb and came herself. She screamed loudly as her back arched and I watched her eyes roll in the back of her head. Her words were mostly gibberish and along with a mix of ancient Egyptian (which is what I always thought women said in the thralls of their orgasms). I felt her body shake and was glad that my body weight was on top of hers to make sure she wasn't thrashing about too much.

We were both panting heavily, but I still had my eyes opened while her eyes were closed and she was nearly limp. I rolled over so that I was on my side and laid my head down on my arm. I felt the bed move and looked up to see Myra jumping off the bed and moving around to the bottom of the bed. I wondered what she was thinking but then got my answer quickly as she dove into Allie's pussy. She obviously wanted the prize I had given to Allie as she lapped up at the mixture of female nectar and man juice.

After a few moments, she moved over to me and pushed me down on my back. I looked up just in time to see her shit eating grin as she engulfed my now deflated cock, cleaning me off. I would have to give her praise when I was done trying to control my breathing. After having my cock in such a wonderful pussy and having a great orgasm, the sensations on my cock now that Myra was providing were wonderful.

Before I knew it, my cock was hard once again. Myra looked to be really enjoying herself as she sucked and licked at my manhood. Damn it was a beautiful site to watch a woman truly enjoy pleasing the man she loved.

After a few minutes, I tapped on Myra's head. She just froze for a second before slowly bobbing her head up and down again. It actually reminded me of those videos where the dog is watching the person eat, but when the person looks over, the dog is looking away acting like they weren't looking in the first place.

Smiling, I tapped her head again causing her to stop again. She once again started slow, but I then snapped my fingers at her a few times. She slowly looked up at me through that curtain of blonde hair with a mischievous look on her face. I smiled at her and made a come here motion with my fingers. She went to swallow me again, but I spoke up, "You don't want me to punish you now do you?" I asked in a stern voice.

I could see her hesitate for a second before she shook her head. "Then get up here before I get angry."

She moved slowly up my body, kissing along her way. Once she got up far enough to me, I took hold of her hips and guided her to the position that I wanted, my cock running through her lips as she gyrated her hips. She brought her lips to mine and once she was within inches of my face, she asked, "So how was she Master?"

I thought for a second and then answered, "Exquisite."

She smiled wickedly at me as she kissed me hard, our tongues dancing in perfect unison as my eyes closed being lost in the moment.

God I loved my sister. She was not only hot as all hell but she was a woman that matched with me perfectly. I didn't know if it was from the years of us being close or if it was like that with all siblings or family members. Either way, it didn't matter as I loved her and she loved me and that was all that truly mattered in the end.

Myra continued to gyrate her hips, rubbing her clitoris over my impossibly hard cock. This was doing wonders to me but I wanted my cock somewhere else instead. I still had my hands on her hips and lifted her slightly. Once she was high enough, my cock was released from her velvety grip and sprung upward. I slowly lowered her but missed on the first try. You don't know how hard it is to keep your cock pointed exactly straight when you can't see it or the place you want it to go.

I raised her hips once more and as I was trying a second time to lower her, I felt something grip my manhood. Opening my eyes, I saw Myra's face turn to a smile as our tongues continued to dance. Then I closed my eyes and lowered her hips, feeling her warmth envelope me. After about twenty four hours of the changes in my life, I was basically back where I started.

Once I was hilt deep within her again as she moaned into my mouth. I pulled back a couple times and slammed my cock deep inside of her. She pulled back from our kiss and tilted back her head, "God I've missed this so much!" she yelled. I couldn't understand what she meant since we did have sex earlier that day.

"You do know it hasn't been even a full day since I have gone without fucking this tight pussy right?" I asked her

"Yes of course Master, but every minute you are not inside of me in one way or another is like a decade without you." I didn't know what to say to that other than to continue to provide her with the pleasure she so deserved.

I then decided to let her control how quickly she orgasmed. I used my hands on her hips and tilted her so that she was forced to sit up. Knowing what I had in mind, she sat up on her knees and never broke eye contact with me. Her eyes had a seductive glint to them as she stared down at me. I released her sexy hips and put my hands up like I was going to give her a high five. I didn't need to say a word as her fingers interlocked with mine as she held on as she started to bounce on my cock ever so slowly using long hard thrusts.

Just then I heard a squishing noise followed by sucking as I looked over and saw that Allie was digging her fingers into her tight snatch and scooping my cum out and cleaning any leftovers that Myra may have missed. On the next go, she held out her fingers with our combined juices to me. Now, I have never tasted myself before and wasn't thinking about trying it now so I just glared at her. Then I had a thought and before she put her fingers in her mouth, I whistled at her and gave her a tilt of my head.

Allie knew what I meant and as she scooted up to a kneeling position and ran her other fingers from her other hand along Myra's right arm. Myra, who was lost in her own world with her eyes closed and her head tilted back, quickly opened her eyes and looked down at Allie. The second their eyes met, Allie pushed her cum soaked fingers into Myra's mouth. Myra left her mouth partially open as I watched her tongue swirl around Allie's fingers. Her eyes darted over to meet mine and I thrust into her hard as she screamed out in pleasure.

I watched as Allie continued to take one scoop of cum into her own mouth and then the next she fed to Myra. Both women were moaning as they shared my and Allie's combined juices. This had to be one of the most erotic scenes I had ever seen, though having both women submitting to me beforehand had just barely beat it out.

When Allie was done gathering all my cum from her snatch, she put the last glob of cum in her mouth and shared it with Myra in a sensual kiss. I then watched as two of the hottest women I had ever seen were making out sharing my and Allie's cum between their mouths.

It was such a sexy sight that I could no longer be a spectator. I released my hands from Myra's and with my right hand, I reached up and took Myra's left breast into my hand, kneading at her nipple causing her to gasp but then moan even louder.

With my left hand, I ran my fingers down Allie's back feeling her shuddering in the process. Once my hands reached her perfect posterior, I gave it a good slap making her moan loudly in the process. My hand gripped that soft flesh before my fingers trailed further south. My fingers passed over her dark hole, feeling her ass shake in the process. I actually wondered if she had ever had anything back there before but I decided not to push it just yet as there would be plenty of time to explore what she has and hasn't had done to her and show her all that I could give her.

My fingers continued their journey as two of them slipped into her sopping wet pussy. I had felt and tasted some pussies in my time before, but Allie was one of the more wet ones that were out there, though it just made me want to see if I could lap up all her sweet nectar.

Once the two ladies finally broke free of their kiss, Myra readjusted herself so that she was now on her feet and really started to ride my cock. Luckily I was still able to keep my grip on her firm breast and push her closer to orgasm. I used my other hand that was inside of Allie to get her closer to me as I was able to bring my head up just enough to latch onto her nipple.

Allie threw her head back and gasped as my teeth raked over her sensitive little bud. As I fingered her and sucked hard on her nipple, I also used my hips to match Myra's downward thrust so I could fully impale my sister.

"Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!" Myra yelled out, "Master I'm getting close!"

I released Allie's nipple for only as long as it took for me to provide my instructions, "You may only cum when your sister cums. I want the both of you to sync up your orgasms together so that you both cum at the same time."

I then moved my hand to the front of Allie as quickly as possible. I was intent on making sure I was the cause of Allie's orgasm and wanted the palm of my hand rubbing on her engorged clitoris.

"HOLY FUCK DAMN!" Allie screamed out.

"Allie... let me... know when... you're close," Myra said through ragged breaths. She had gone back to having her eyes closed with her head tilted back again.

I knew that my own orgasm would be held out long enough as I had already cum twice this evening and also earlier today.

"Yes Mis..." Allie caught herself in time as she was still getting used to Myra being her sister slave and not her mistress, "I mean, yes I will."

I increased the thrust of my hips upward to push Myra over the edge while my hand worked harder on Allie's clit and pussy, plunging as deep as I could. I even hit her g-spot making her shudder as I attacked there as well.

When my mouth moved over to her other nipple, she screamed out again, "GOD FUCKING SHIT MOTHER FUCK!"

"Allie ... how close ...?" Myra asked, not being able to finish the sentence as she tried her hardest to hold back her orgasm.

"Close, so close!" Allie yelled as her hips began to gyrate on my hand. After about ten seconds or so, Allie screamed out, "NNNOOOWWW!"

Myra then screamed, releasing a flood of her female cum down her canal as her pussy squeezed on my cock like a vice. I could also feel Allie's pussy contracting as my hand was flooded with her cum but as I hit her g-spot with more force, I felt her squirt again. Her body shuddered as she fell forward, as her nipple popped out of my mouth. She fell forward onto my chest and my hand moved from her pussy to my lips to clean them. Once they were clean, I rubbed her back as she rode out her orgasm.

Once my hand hit Allie's back, Myra fell forward as well, as she fell back to her knees. Luckily my other hand was able to angle her so that she didn't collide with Allie. My other arm was able to snake its way down Allie's back as I rubbed hers, consoling her through her orgasm as well. I thought to myself thinking this was the life.

It took them around about ten minutes for them to recover before they both moved. First it was Myra who stirred and was able to push herself up on her arms. Allie was up sitting on her knees roughly thirty seconds later.

I looked down at my chest and noticed the two large drool piles that were left on my chest from both women. When I looked up at them, they both giggled and shrugged their shoulders. I couldn't help but to laugh.

Looking at the both of them kneeling in front of me, with Allie on the bed and Myra still being impaled by cock, I came up with an idea. I shook my head saying, "Tsk, tsk, tsk."

They both looked at each other and then looked at me quizzically, "The both of you came and didn't bring your Master off. I think the two of you should be punished."

Both of their eyes went wide and I saw them both smile. Allie even squealed at the thought of how I was planning on punishing her.

I took a hold of Myra's hips and lifted her off me, only now realizing how soaked my crotch was. She wasn't happy about it but she wanted to please me and I also knew she would enjoy what I had in mind. I got up off the bed and saw how both of the ladies watched my every move like a hawk. I grabbed two of the pillows that were on the bed and tossed them on the floor in front of the bed, using my feet to make sure they were exactly where I wanted.

Then I looked up to both ladies, who now had this anticipation to them, as they shook their bodies, reminding me of a dog that is excited wagging its tail. This made me chuckle on the inside, but I wouldn't let on to what I was thinking as I didn't want them to feel hurt at the thought, though to me it was more how cute they looked.

"Both of you, kneel before the one you serve," I said pointing to the two pillows before me. They both jumped up as quick as lightning and were kneeling in front of me, looking up. I stroked each of their cheeks, using my left hand for Myra and my right for Allie before saying, "The both of you will work together to pleasure your Master and to make your Master cum."

The both of them looked at each other with twinkles in their eyes as they had something in mind. Both of them got up just enough to turn the pillows to face each other. At first they started kissing. This turned into a passionate kiss between them that caused my cock to twitch.

Though I did enjoy watching these two beautiful women making out, my cock was not getting any attention and so far, they were disobeying my order. Just as I was about to say something, both women reached out with an arm and pulled me closer, grabbing onto my legs. Neither one looked up at me though they had moved me so that my cock was now less than an inch from their faces.

Both hands moved up my legs and to my cock. Then, like it was meant to happen all along, they slid my cock between their lips as they continued to make-out, but now with my cock between their lips. Both tongues now roaming and exploring my cock. Their hands moved back to my ass cheeks and they started forcing me into a rocking motion, essentially jerking my cock off with both their mouths.

After a few moments of this wonderful feeling, they changed it up a bit. First Myra contorted her body so she could take my cock in her mouth, though only about half was in her mouth while Allie kept her lips and tongue over as much of my cock as she could. After a few thrusts into her mouth, Myra got back into position and Allie then did the same that Myra was doing.

This change and combination was having a tremendous effect on me. My orgasm was building much faster and I was going to have to stop them soon as I didn't want to shoot my load onto the carpet.

Without warning to each of them, I pulled back all the sudden, "Face me!" I said with authority as both ladies turned quickly to face me. "Open your mouths and bring both of your faces close together."

They did as they were told as I finished myself jerking my cock. I took a quick step forward and grunted as the first rope hit Allie in the cheek as it skidded past the corner of her eye and onto her forehead. The next shot did the same thing to Myra, but got more in her eye causing her to jump. My next shot hit Allie's other cheek but was barely enough to leave a trail up her face. My last shot hit Myra square on the lips and dribbled down to her chin.

When I was finally finished, I was able to turn myself and fall on the bed with my legs bent. By this point, I was exhausted and was ready for bed. However, there were a few things that still needed to be done before I went to bed. I didn't hear anything from my slaves and just spoke as I looked at the ceiling.

"Both of you need to clean each other's faces. I expect my cum to be cherished the same way that you cherish me as it only belongs inside your belly or your pussies." I thought for a minute that maybe I should include their asses but hadn't decided if I wanted to go that far as I had never had anal sex with a female before (or anyone for that matter) and was unsure if it would be good for me as well as good for them. "When the both of you have completed your tasks, go get cleaned up and come join me on the bed. Master expects his slaves to sleep with him tonight."

They replied in unison, "Yes Master!"

I heard slurping sounds along with moans coming from both women. However, my eye lids were getting heavy and it was getting harder to keep my eyes opened. I did also realize that Allie's bed was extremely comfortable and I would have to find out what kind of bed it was, especially since my bed was like laying on a rock.

I barely saw movement through my eye lids and knew they had finished their task and went to go clean up. After what felt like a couple seconds, but was more like a couple minutes, I felt someone shaking my shoulder as my eyes were now closed. I opened them and saw Myra shaking me awake as Allie stood off to her right with her hands folded in front of her.

"W-What?" I asked, my mind a little groggy though I couldn't realize why since I thought my eyes were only closed a few seconds.

"Your slaves can't allow you to sleep here Master," Myra said with a sweet smile.

I looked at her confused trying to figure out why this soft and comfy bed wouldn't be where I slept, "And why the hell not?" I asked in a somewhat angered tone. Hell, I was right to be angry as I was damn comfortable and didn't want to move.

Allie stepped forward with her head down, "Master. My bed is currently covered in our combined juices and needs to be cleaned so that Master's body is not soiled any further. I do have a better bed that would suit Master's needs if you would follow me please," she said gesturing me to follow her.

I groaned but got to my feet and followed her. Myra was on my heels following me as she should. We walked down the hallway to other end and to a pair of double-doors. Allie waited until I was right behind her to open the doors and gestured for me to enter.

The room had to have been the Master bedroom as it was the size of a living room. There were also three doors in this room, one to the left and two to the right. I assumed two of the doors were for closets and the third was the Master bathroom and I was right, though master bathroom is an understatement as the bathroom was huge. I had half a mind to try the large walk in shower but decided to wait until the morning, though I didn't have a change of clothes so that may present a problem.

Back in the room itself, the bed was ginormous. It has four posts along with a chase at the bottom and a metal headboard. I wondered why they would have gone for the metal headboard as I would have thought a wooden one would have looked much nicer and more elegant, but not everyone has my tastes I guess.

The room itself had a large sitting area with two reclining chairs and a large TV. There were also two large dressers along with end tables on the sides of the bed, but there was still plenty of room left for... other activities if one didn't want to do it on the bed. But the one thing that had me curious was there was something tall against the far wall that had a black cover over it. I had guessed that it was a ping-pong table or something similar but decided to not ask. Somethings are fun left as a mystery.

Allie gestured over to the bed and once I was near it, she pulled back the covers and let me get comfortable. Once I was, I looked to her and Myra who were standing there waiting for my order, "I did say that I wanted to sleep with my slaves didn't I."

I saw both of them smile and Myra climbed into bed on my left side as Allie went around the bed to my right. I was laying on my back so that both women snuggled up to me and laid their heads on my chest as they draped a leg and an arm over me. I truly felt loved at that moment as I heard them purr as they got comfortable themselves.

"Goodnight Master," they said in unison, giggling after they did.

"Goodnight Myra. Goodnight Allie. The two of you have made me the happiest man on Earth," I replied back to them and kissed each one on the head as I told them goodnight.

Myra looked up at me for a moment and smiled wickedly at me, "Master, this is only the first day. Just wait and see what else we have in store for you." My cock jumped wondering what else they could have in mind. Then again, there was going to be the fun with Beth next Friday and I would be meeting Myra's other pet that Saturday as well.

Hearing both lady's breathing change and their subtle snores as they were asleep now, I also drifted off to dreamland wondering who else Myra had as a pet that I would take as my own. I wondered what tomorrow would hold and how my life would change going forward.