Domination Ch. 03


A big thank you goes out to WA001 for editing this chapter.

Please keep the comments coming, good or bad, as I do read them all.


I awoke the next morning but had to take a few minutes to gather my surroundings. I was no longer in the same room that I slept in. Before I started to freak out, I tried to get up but the two women that were on my arms made that difficult.

After a few minutes, I was able to wrangle myself out of their grasp and get off the bed without waking them. One thing I did notice was that Allie was a little heavier, though mostly in the belly area, than I remember. I knew she couldn't have gotten pregnant and been that far along over night, so was I just remembering her differently? Either way, she was still just as stunningly beautiful as I remembered as was Myra who looked a tad thicker than I remember, but Myra didn't look pregnant from what I could see. At least if she was, she wasn't showing it too much.

I opened the door to leave the bedroom and found myself in the living room. I looked behind myself and freaked out to the sudden change but I didn't see a door behind me that I came out of. Instead there was a large TV that was playing a movie that I hadn't seen.

Wondering what the hell was going on, I heard noises coming from the kitchen in front of me. I headed there and saw a couple different women talking. When I was finally noticed, they all turned to me and bowed their heads saying hello to me, "Hello Master!". When I blinked, I was suddenly back in the bedroom with two of them pleasuring my cock while another was kissing up and down my chest and abs and the fourth was slowly lowering her pussy into my face.


I awoke back to reality, realizing it was a dream, but instead of waking up in my own bed, I was back in the bed that I had fallen asleep in with Myra and Allie. What really pulled me out of dreamland was the phenomenal feeling that was happening on my groin. As my eyes adjusted to the light that was coming into the room, I could hear slurping sounds coming from two sources but both were directed down my body. Once my eyes finally adjusted, I saw Myra was on my left side and had my cock lodged down her throat. I could only see part of Allie but assumed from the slurping sounds and the feeling that she was sucking on my balls. I then watched as both women switched with Allie's full head and face coming into view as Myra licked her way down to my balls.

I watched as best as I could as Allie engulfed my erection. "God these women know how to please a man," I thought to myself. Without being able to stop it, I moan loudly as Allie was practically making love to my cock with her mouth, using all her skills as I felt her tongue wrap around it. My moan didn't initially stop her from what she was doing at first as she smiled seductively at me. After a few more seconds of her bobbing up and down, she finally released my cock from her sexy mouth with a loud plop.

"Good morning Master," she said in the sexiest voice I had ever heard while she kept stroking my cock. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought she was trying to seduce me.

Myra's head then popped up as she had that perfect smile that she always had, "Good morning little brother and Master," Myra said with a peppy tone to her voice. She then saw that my cock was not currently in Allie's mouth, as Allie was still devouring me with her eyes, and she took the initiative and deep-throated me in one go. Allie felt Myra's lips come in contact with her hand and had this jealous look on her face.

"Good morning my loves and slaves," I replied causing them to look back to me and smile again. "You do know I could easily get used to this."

Myra removed my cock from her mouth and said, "This was Allie's idea but I told her that would be a good way to wake you up each day. To show you how much we appreciate you taking us as yours."

"And I told Myra that I would have to sleep over at your house to be able to help with this and she agreed as well. So... we came up with the idea that I would stay the night a couple days a week just so I can be there for you. But only of course if it pleases you Master," Allie said as she bowed her head in submission to me.

I nodded and replied, "That would definitely please me. I look forward to the days you will be there with us."

My two slaves continued their job of pleasing their Master. Within five minutes, I was ready to cum and let Myra know, who was currently sucking me off. She doubled her effort and within seconds I was grunting and shooting a huge load into Myra's throat. Allie whined as Myra was able to take it all without spilling any of my precious cum. To mine and Allie's surprise, she released my cock quickly while holding her mouth closed and stood above Allie. She then tapped Allie on the chin who obeyed and opened her mouth. I then watched as Myra opened her mouth and a river of my cum ran from Myra's mouth into Allie's. This had to be one of the hottest thing I had ever seen. I then realized I would need to come up with a list so I could prioritize the different things that were the hottest things I had seen.

Once Myra was done, she knelt down and cupped Allie's face as their tongue wars began as they shared the cream they both desired. I decided to add myself to the mix and moved off the bed to join them on the floor. I placed one hand on each of their pussies and two fingers inside of them hearing them both moan into each other's mouth when I did. As I was able to find Allie's g-spot fairly easily last night, I knew it would be in a similar spot on Myra. Though it was awkward having my hands this way on each of them, I was still able to get them riled up.

I watched as their breathing became ragged and then saw Allie reach around Myra's body and pull her as close as possible, watching both of their nipples rubbing against each other as their breasts were pancaked on each other. As I attacked their g-spots, both of their bodies shook. They looked like they were trying to fuck each other without actually touching their pussies to each other.

Myra was the first to break the kiss, "HOLY FUCK!" she yelled out. "Please Master may I cum?" she begged as it was apparent that she was close.

"Me too Master me too. Please let me cum!" Allie followed.

My two slaves were no longer kissing and instead had moved their bodies back a little bit so that they could pinch and pull on each other's nipples. I added more pressure to their g-spots and started moving my fingers that much faster getting them both ready. The pads of my hands were able to rub on their clits much harder bringing them close.

When I felt my hands starting to cramp up, more from the angle I had my hands in than anything, I commanded them, "Cum now my slaves. Cum for your Master."

They both screamed incoherent babble as their orgasms hit them. As I felt each of them squirting, I removed my hands from their pussies and pulled them to me, though since they were shaking in orgasm uncontrollably, I lost my balance and they crashed into my chest causing me to fall backwards onto the carpet. We laid there as I held them throughout their orgasms.

After a few minutes, as they came down from their orgasms, I was still able to feel them shaking in the after-effects. I looked down to both of them and both of them had their arms crossed across their chests as I held them close, my hands rubbing their backs.

I gave them a few more minutes before I started to get up. "I will go make breakfast as you two need to rest."

Allie and Myra looked up and Allie spoke up, "Not a chance Master. No man or Master of mine should be making his own breakfast as a guest in my house."

Allie tried to stand, but her shaky legs didn't let her get much balance yet. Myra watched Allie and laughed as I did watching her fall back on her ass. Once I was on my feet, I helped Allie to her feet and held her there until she was able to regain her strength. "Thank you for allowing this slave to cum Master," she said sweetly.

As she walked away and out the bedroom door, I spanked her ass as she left causing her to yelp in surprise. I held out my hands to Myra and I helped her up as well, but instead of just trying to stand, her lips met mine as she kissed me. I tried to push my tongue into her mouth, but she backed off. I looked at her quizzically wondering why she would deny me her tongue and she explained, "Sorry Master. You came in my mouth and it would be improper for your tongue to be inside my mouth without me cleaning it out. Oh and thank you for allowing your sister and slave to cum."

"You are most welcome my love. Also, I was thinking about a list of rules that I want the two of you to follow," I said knowing that we hadn't gone over any rules yet and that was a big part of the dominant/submissive lifestyle as per what I had read and learned about.

"As you wish Master. May I be dismissed so I can help my sister to prepare breakfast?" she asked as sweetly as possible.

I was half tempted to throw her on the bed and fuck her brains out, but I decided against it, "You may," I responded and gave her ass a slap on the way out as well. Instead of yelping, she moaned loving the feeling of the sting on her ass.

I went and took a piss and used my finger to brush my teeth. As I finished and was leaving the bathroom, Allie came up the stairs and blew me a kiss as she went into the bathroom. I went downstairs and headed towards the kitchen, smelling the sweet aroma of the breakfast they were cooking, but was stopped at the entrance by Myra.

"Please go wait in the living room until you are called Master," Myra said with a hand on my chest and her eyes down.

"I will but only if I get a kiss since a slave is not supposed to give a Master an order," I replied with a grin. She nodded in compliance and I put my hand under her chin as she looked up and gave me a kiss, still with no tongue which was a disappointment.

I then walked back to the bottom of the stairs and waited for Allie to come down. After a few minutes, Allie came bouncing down the stairs. I watched in awe as her small perfect breasts, at least to me, bounced in unison with each step. How her thigh muscles contracted with each step. How the ripples shot across her belly with each step. Though she and Myra may have flat stomachs, they were not extremely toned as you would see with someone that specifically kept the muscles tight. There was that bit of flab to them that added that extra sexiness to their bodies. To me it made them look more like women. Women have curves and stretchmarks and fakes don', not that I am saying anything with regards to fitness models or body builders.

She was smiling the whole way down and I held my arms out once she was close enough and she dove into my arms, our lips mashing together in a loving kiss. I pushed my tongue to her lips and she happily opened her mouth and accepted my tongue, allowing me to control the pace as our tongues danced together. I let my arms slide down her back and grip her ass. Her legs immediately wrapped around my body as I could feel her mound rubbing against my growing erection that was now pinned between us against my stomach.

I stood there holding this wonderful woman in my arms for a few minutes, us kissing with all the passion and lust we had for each other. Reluctantly, I broke the kiss as we both tried to catch our breath. I looked into her sky blue eyes and the glow she had on her face and asked her, "Did my little slave clean out her mouth before accepting my tongue?"

She nodded vehemently, "Yes of course, Master. Your cum only belongs in my belly or in one of my holes."

My hands moved closer to her dark hole and I smiled, "I haven't had that other hole yet slave."

She answered right away, as if she had been expecting this for a while, "Well all my holes do belong to you Master. Though I haven't had anything up there other than a small plug. Please if you do take me there, be gentle with this slave."

I leaned my head forward and kissed her forehead, "If I decide to take you there, I will make sure to be gentle and that you are well prepared for it."

"Thank you for your kindness, Master," she said happily as she smiled.

I then set her down, gave her a quick peck on the lips and told her to send Myra up to cleanup as well. I gave her another swat on the ass as she ran off, hearing her moan this time. Her ass jiggled something serious making me want to bend her over and bury my face in her ass.

After a minute, Myra came by and blew me a kiss as she ran up the stairs to cleanup. My eyes were glued to her ass as I watched it jiggle with each step. If my cock wasn't already rock hard after my make-out session with Allie, it definitely would be now.

Once she was out of sight and into the bathroom, I thought back to my conversation with Allie about taking her ass. My short-term memory was thinking about Myra's ass and I wondered if she ever had anal before. As I was lost in my thoughts, I heard a noise coming from upstairs that brought me out and back to reality.

I watched in awe again as a beautiful woman bound down the stairs. While Myra's breasts were larger than Allie's, it wasn't that big of a difference but they did bounce a little more. Her navel piercing seemed to sway as she took each step and the way her sexy legs looked as her they moved.

Once she reached my position, I held out my arms to her as I had Allie and she squealed in delight and launched herself at me. Myra was a little bit taller and heavier than Allie but I was able to catch her without any issues. I will need to thank my coaches at some point for keeping me fit enough to handle all these extraneous activities.

Our lips mashed together and I forced my tongue into Myra's mouth, not that she would deny me now that it was clean but I wanted to always show her who was in command. My hands slid down her back quickly and gripped her ass cheeks as her legs wrapped around me. She tried to get my cock inside of her as it was pointing right at her, but I was able to grip her ass cheeks and stop her. I broke the kiss and looked down, seeing my dick bounce, at my own command, and the moment it went up, I pulled her to me so that it was pinned between the two of us.

When I looked back into her eyes, she had a pouty face as I knew she wanted my cock inside of her but had to settle for rubbing her soft, puffy lips against it instead. I chuckled at her antics and then took her lips into mine again, and again she didn't refuse her Master and went back to making out with me.

This time our kiss was broken as we heard Allie yelling from the kitchen, "Myra if you are done, I could use some help please!"

Our eyes went back to one another and Myra smiled, "Sorry Master but duty calls. Can I get a rain check?"

I smiled back and gave her a quick peck on the lips, "No rain check needed. I will have you when I am ready my little slave sister."

She winked at me as she ran off. I was tempted to follow her into the kitchen but I didn't want to spoil their surprise. Instead I headed to the living room and sat on the couch. It was a comfy couch and I could tell by the feel of the material and the look that it was expensive. I sat their stirring in my thoughts and reflecting on how much my life had changed. After a few minutes, both my slaves appeared before me and stood with their hands crossed in front of them with their heads down. They seemed to be happy from the looks on their faces and I assumed it was the surprise they had for me and hoped I would like it.

"Is my surprise ready slaves?" I asked, eager to find out what it was and hungry enough to eat just about anything.

They both answered in unison, "Yes Master!" Then Allie spoke up alone, "Master, if you would please follow me, so we can get this party started?"

I stood up and followed Allie into the kitchen. It is oddly funny walking around someone else's house completely nude but something else when my two ladies were also completely nude the entire time as well. I was only glad I am comfortable enough in my own body that I didn't have to worry about hiding my erection or any parts of my body as well.

Once in the kitchen, we turned to the left and went through the kitchen to the dining room. There was a single place setting setup and Allie gestured me to sit. She even pulled out the chair for me and helped me in the seat. Once I was situated, Allie and Myra ran off and came back with my food and drink. Allie carried my main plate that had Eggs Benedict with breakfast potatoes and on the smaller plate was a banana and an orange. Myra had two glasses in her hand. One was a coffee cup that I assumed had coffee along with a glass of orange juice. Once it was set down, Allie ran back to the kitchen while Myra knelt to my left. Allie came back with some creamer and sugar, but I only needed the sugar.

"Master. With your approval, I would like to finish off your breakfast with a morning blowjob if you will allow this slave," Myra said with her head down and her hands on her knees.

I looked at her and then at Allie who had joined her on the floor but was on my right. "Are you two going to eat?" I asked curious as to why they weren't eating with me.

"Master," Allie spoke up this time, "Slaves are not permitted to eat with their Master. Once Master is finished, we will make sure to eat."

I thought for a minute how I wanted to relay my wishes and finally said, "I will allow this today, but from now on, the both of you will eat with me. Though I do expect to be served first. I am not some asshat that would force you to watch me eat knowing that you are both hungry yourselves."

Allie nodded, "Yes of course Master. You are a most generous Master and I look forward to serving you for years to come."

"And I look forward to your servitude," I replied as I ran my hands through her hair. It was almost as if I was petting her, but I wanted her to know that I appreciated everything she did. I then looked over to Myra and said, "Myra, you may worship your Master, but this is only a onetime thing. Though I may request this on special occasions in the future."

Myra nodded, "Yes of course Master. I'm yours to command, now and forever."

With that Myra crawled underneath the table and I felt only her lips and tongue on my cock as she began pleasuring me while I ate. When I was done with the first Eggs Benedict, I saw that Allie was still sitting on the floor and a thought came to mind. I set my napkin down and looked over at her. "I think we need some entertainment. What do you think Myra?"

"Mmmhmm," Myra replied while my cock was in her mouth. Knowing her, she would refuse to take it out of her mouth until she got what she was there for, a mouthful of my cum.

"Allie!" I said looking over at her though she didn't move or acknowledge that I'd said anything, yet, I knew that was most likely due to how she thought a slave should act. "Stand up and sit in that chair and face me," I said pointing to the dining room chair that was to the right of me. I was at the head of the table and it was the closest on that side.

Allie stood up and pulled the chair out and sat down as instructed so that the table didn't block her at all. "Open your legs and play with that pretty little pussy you have there."

She squealed in delight as she threw her legs over the arm rests on the chair and started to rub herself. I knew that both men and women know their own bodies and how to get off on their own, but there was something extremely sexy about watching a woman masturbate. Not just that, but a woman's "O" face is the hottest thing I have ever seen, even more so if I am the one giving her that orgasm.

When I had finally finished the main plate, Allie was now panting and putting on the most wonderful show, "Master! Master I'm close! Please let me cum Master!"

I ignored her and finished my main plate of food. I took a long sip of my coffee and a sip of OJ just for good measure. I then grabbed the banana and peeled it, my eyes glancing over at Allie as she tried to hold back her orgasm. I could see her toes were curled and her leg would occasionally shake but she kept putting on her show, playing with her clit and fingering herself. I finally decided to answer her, as I looked at the banana and had a wonderful idea, "You may cum my slave."

"TAK YUUUUUUUUU MMMMMMMM...!" she screamed as her orgasm overtook her.

I slid my chair back just a bit, causing Myra to crawl forward to keep my cock in her loving mouth. I leaned over so I was within reach of Allie and pushed the banana inside her pussy, twirling it around and getting it covered in her juices. Then I pulled the banana back and took a large bite from it. I was amazed at how great it made the banana taste. Maybe I just discovered a new recipe, pussy dipped banana, yummy! I dipped the banana back into her pussy and took another bite repeating the process once more to finish my banana.


She pulled my cock from her mouth with a plop, "Yes Master?"

"Clean up your sister and then I want you both to make your own breakfast and come join me at the table."

"Yes of course Master," she said with a delight to her voice. She gave my cock one last kiss and crawled over to Allie and started lapping up her juices.

I watched my sister eat out her friend, though it was supposed to be more of a cleaning and watched her ass wiggle at me. I scooted my chair back a little since she was closer than Allie had been. I didn't need to reach out as much as I put first one then two fingers insider her extremely wet pussy. Hearing her moaning as I began to finger her more, I stood up and pushed the chair back to give me enough room. I knelt behind Myra and positioned my cock at her entrance.

As I ran my cockhead through her slit, she twerked her ass at me, practically begging me to slide it deep within her depths. Taking one last feel of her slit on my cock, I pushed forward slowly at first, burying my cock deep within my sister slave. Myra moaned louder and I could see the vibrations of her moan was having an added effect on Allie.

I used my non-lubricated fingers and grabbed onto her hip and started with a steady pace of long hard thrusts. Myra's ass began to move back to meet my thrusts causing me to go as deep as possible. With my lubricated fingers, I slipped the first one into her puckering dark hole.

Myra's head shot up and as she yelped in surprise, "OHH GOD MASTER!" Her head shot back at me with a craziness to her eyes, "I didn't know you were that kinky Master," she said with a seductive smile.

"Well maybe there are things about me that you just don't know yet, slave," I replied as I slid the second finger in her ass.

"GOD FUCKING SHIT!" she screamed out. Her eyes were glazed over as she had a raw animalistic hunger to them.

I continued pounding her tight love hole as I could feel her walls clamping down on my cock as her orgasm got close. My fingers worked her anal passage but the angle I had with my two fingers was hurting my wrist. Thinking quickly, I pulled both fingers from her ass and lubricated up my thumb the best that I could and pushed it inside her. She yelped again but didn't turn around and instead started to eat her slave sister with a newly found ferocity.

Myra got close to the point of no return and begged me, "Please Master can I cum? Please I need this?"

"When you make your sister spray that pretty little face, then you can cum. Not a moment sooner," I replied, winking at Allie as she opened her lust filled eyes. I could almost see that she was wanted to purposefully force Myra to hold her orgasm back, but it didn't work as my sister was determined to make her slave sister cum as quickly as possible.

Myra licked, sucked and pulled at Allie's pussy lips and throbbing clit, making sure to get all sides of it and pleasure her in ways that only a woman could do to another woman. She had also added two fingers into Allie's sopping wet pussy causing Allie to pant as she tried to control her own orgasm. Myra, being a person who didn't know how to lose, took one of her lubricated fingers from Allie's pussy and slid it into her dark hole.

If Allie could have, she would have thrown her head back, but her position in the chair didn't allow that. Instead, she arched her back, pushing those lovely breasts of hers out as she moaned loudly, trying to control herself. However it was a losing battle as Myra was proving she knew exactly what she was doing.

Within a minute of her body shaking while she tried to stop her impending orgasm, Allie's will power was broken, "Master ... Master I'm close ... Please let me cum Master."

My own orgasm was still a ways off or else I would have made her hold it for my own. Instead, I allowed my slaves to have their release, "You may cum my slave."

"THANK YUUUUUUUUUUU!" she screamed. Anything afterwards came out in gibberish as her body shook uncontrollably. Her hands were going pale as she had gripped Myra's head and pulled her into her pussy as much as possible. I was almost worried Myra would not be able to breathe, but she showed no signs of it.

After a few minutes, Allie's body went limp as her grip on Myra released. After a few more licks, Myra turned her head around again. This time, she had a look of desperation in her eyes as she begged once again through ragged breaths, "Please... Master... can I... cum...?"

"Yes you may my good little slave."

I had barely finished saying 'Yes' when her orgasm hit her. I think she was trying to thank me for the orgasm but nothing she said made sense or was anywhere close to a word. Simultaneously, her ass and pussy contracted, gripping my thumb and cock like a vice. However, I was still able to pound her sweet pussy with my cock through her orgasm adding extra pleasure to her. My thumb on the other hand, was not able to move at all, so I left it and instead wiggled my finger around, pressing down on the thin membrane that separated my cock from my finger.

Myra shook uncontrollably as Allie did before her before losing the feeling in her arms and legs. I had to grip her hip even harder to hold her back-end upright. Her face fell onto the hardwood floor and I worried that she might have hurt herself. I bent down and whispered to her, "Myra? Myra are you okay?" while I was shaking her shoulder lightly.

She responded with a, "Mmmhmm!" so that I knew she did not hurt herself.

Seeing my two slaves riding out their orgasms helped to push me over the edge myself. I pounded into my sister hard, bringing myself to the breaking point and grunted loudly as I felt my balls contract as a surge of cum shot up my shaft and flooded my sister's womb in that precious sperm that she wanted. I even heard her moan rather loudly as I came deep within her.

I fell back on my ass, almost hitting the other chair as I hadn't moved it far enough away, while I panted trying to control my breathing. Allie slid off the chair and was careful not to step on Myra, who had curled into a ball on the floor as she shook feeling the after-effects of her orgasm riding through her. Once she was on her hands and knees, she crawled over to Myra's back-end, parted her legs and began to search for all the cum I had left inside my slave sister. Once she was done, she turned her attention to me and cleaned my cock quite expertly.

I gave the ladies enough time to gather up their strength as I got up and sat back in the chair, admiring my handy work. After a few minutes, I helped each one up, giving them a passionate kiss before swatting their asses and sending them back into the kitchen to make their own breakfasts, though Allie would not open her mouth for my tongue like Myra did. I headed to the back porch to get some fresh air and enjoy the morning sun.

Once I was done, I headed back inside and my slaves were just finishing up and taking their plates into the dining room. I took the chair I had been eating in and Allie was in the one she had cum all over. Myra didn't have a seat and waited for me. After I was sitting, I gestured her over to the seat to the left that was closest.

As the girls ate, I came up with the rules in my head. Once I had my thoughts gathered and they were about halfway through their meals, I spoke, "Please continue eating so that the both of you can regain your strength as you will need it," I started letting the innuendo soak into their minds. Both of my slaves were now looking over at me and had repositioned their chairs and plates so they could look at me and eat while I spoke.

"Now, I have come up with a set of rules I think the both of you will need to follow. As I may take other slaves, I will have to decide which of you will be in charge of making any new slaves I take understand my rules and handle their training."

"Master if you would allow this slave to speak a minute," Allie said as she spoke up.

"Go ahead," I replied, wondering if she was going to question every rule I gave them. Though I didn't mind, it would take longer than I expected it to.

"While I have truly enjoyed becoming your slave and will serve you proudly," she started. I knew there was a 'but' coming and I got worried that something I said had upset her or made her second guess her decision. "My main responsibility is to please my Master and though I would do so if you commanded me to, I would prefer it if my sister slave were to take on that role."

I thought for a second as to why Allie would not want that role. Was it because of her confidence in herself as she had always shown that she was confident? No! This was something else! Something in her mind had her wanting to serve and only to serve. Not to be the one that would give orders to another to make sure they followed them. "I will not force you to do this, but we will need to talk about this at a later time as to why you would not want to take on this task." She nodded. I looked to Myra, "Myra that means that you will be in charge of training any new slaves I take on. Later tonight when we are home, we will make a formal document that will have all my rules. Do you understand?"

"Yes Master. Thank you for allowing this slave to serve you in this way. I will make sure that they are trained to perfection and they serve you as Allie and I do," Myra said as she had a glow to her. I knew from her being a Mistress that she would be able to handle this better than Allie would and she was my main choice but had Allie not spoken up, I was going to offer it to both of my slaves so that they could both have a chance to show me if they deserved that job. Worst case scenario, I would have two that could help in training my new slaves. The rules would be the same for all of them, it would just be the person that is teaching those rules as to how effective they were.

"Excellent. I look forward to seeing how well you train them when and if the time comes. I still have not decided on if I will take any other slaves, but at least we have that part out of the way."

I paused for a few seconds and then continued with my rules, "For the first rule, this is the most important and I expect it to be followed to a tee. The rule is that I want all of my slaves to be completely honest with me. In that I mean that if you or any of my other slaves have any doubts about serving me, I want to be made aware of it immediately. I will not be upset if any of my slaves are having second thoughts. Another part of that rule is that if the two of you or any of my other future slaves decide that you no longer want to serve me, make sure to notify me immediately. Whether during the thralls of sex, while I am sleeping or any other time, it doesn't matter. I will willingly release any slave that I have under my control. I don't want any of you to feel like you are forced to be under me, no matter what."

Both ladies nodded their understanding before I continued, "Second rule is that I own your body's 100%. In that, I mean that I can do with you what I want and that I own your orgasms. You will only orgasm when I give you permission. If I want you to run a train or be part of a gangbang, then you will do it unconditionally and without question. Now, I won't mention this to my other slaves, but at least at this point, I have no wishes to share either of you with any other men. Though there may be times were I may have to change my thought or outlook on this, that is how I currently feel."

Again they nodded in their understanding before I continued, "The third rule is that when we are together as a group, such as we are today, without any other around, I expect my slaves to be nude and in their collars. As this is new to me, I haven't had a chance to get the collars just yet nor have I decided on anything else that I would want my slaves to wear as well, if anything. I also expect my slaves to not wear any underwear. The only exception to this would be if you are on your period and I am to be informed of this as soon as possible. I don't want to go to access my slave's pussy only to find something blocking me. To add to this rule, whenever I take my slaves on an outing, my slave's attire will need to be approved by me as well. If a time comes when my slaves live with me, then all of their clothing will need to be approved by me for anytime they leave my house."

Again they nodded in their understanding, this time giggling before I continued, "The fourth rule is that when the hair on your pussies does return, you will have it shaved so that there is an 'F' above them to symbolize that you belong to me. This will also show anyone who sees you naked that you are my property as well. The rest of the hair on your body, with the exception of your eyebrows and head hair, will be waxed or laser removed. That goes for your legs, arms, assholes, the lips of your pussies, and armpits."

Again they nodded in their understanding before I continued, "The fifth rule I have is that my slaves are to eat with me. To show their respect to me, I will be the first one served but I don't see a need to eat alone just to prove my dominance. My sixth and final rule is that all my commands are to be obeyed to the letter."

Again they both nodded in their understanding before I continued, "I may add others in the future as time progresses but that is it for now. Do you two have any questions or concerns about my rules?" I asked, curious to get their opinions.

Myra and Allie locked eyes for a moment and Allie nodded to Myra. "We don't have any questions but there is one thing that we thought we should bring up," Myra said as she looked at me trying to find the words she wanted to say.

"Please go on."

She thought for a moment, finishing gathering her thoughts and continued, "We talked about this a little this morning before you woke up and also in the kitchen while we were alone." She paused, delaying the inevitable but eventually continued, "Sometimes, as slaves, and occasionally as women, we need some humiliation and to be name called. I don't know if I am explaining this correctly..."

"So you want me to humiliate you and call you names?" I asked confused.

Allie then spoke up, "Yes but in a different sense. Do you remember the Usher song 'Yeah'?" she asked. I nodded hearing the song on the radio and knew it had come out a long while ago but was a fun dance song, though it wasn't particularly my forte. "In that song, Usher talks about a 'lady in the street but a freak in the bed'."

"Of course, that is what most men want and what most women strive to be for the most part, at least from what I'm led to believe," I answered.

"Good. Then what Myra is trying to say is we want you to call us things while we are in the bed." I looked at her confused still, not catching on to what she was trying to say. Allie sighed realizing I hadn't caught on, "We want you to call us sluts and sometimes even go as far as to call us whores. To a woman it is degrading, but it adds to the sexual experience for us as well."

"Ahh. I understand now," I responded realizing how much of a dumbass I was for not realizing this sooner. "Though I don't want to call the two of you names like that, I will respect your wishes. Then again, it may even be more fun for all of us," I smiled as I finished.

The both of them looked at each other and I saw a mix of sinister and seductiveness to their smiles as they both nodded. Both ladies got up to clear the table and handle the dishes. I headed to the living room to wait for them and collect my thoughts, wondering if there was anything else to add to the list of rules but I was still in awe that I had these two beautiful women willing to do just about anything for me. Part of my mind thought I was dreaming and that either I would wake up soon or they would come into the living room and ask to be released.

When they had finished, they joined me in the living room with Myra speaking up, "Master. I must head home as I have some things I need to handle before you come home."

"You may be dismissed. I had wanted to catch up with Allie and spend some time with her alone. Oh and one more thing. Since it would be odd for you and I to be showing any emotions towards each other that wouldn't be considered sibling affection, I have decided that to the outside world, Allie will be my girlfriend. But don't be discouraged as this in no way means that I have more affection towards her or that she is better than you. Please don't let jealousy cloud your minds and come talk to me if you are feeling any jealousy or feel that I am not showing you the affection that you both deserve."

They both nodded in agreement as Myra ascended the stairs. I looked over at Allie and said, "Though I don't have a change of clothes, I do believe a shower is in order and I expect for you to join me." I held out my hand to her and she took it. I made her go first so I could see her cute little ass shake as I followed her up.

Once we were at the top of the stairs, Myra was coming out of Allie's room with her dress back on. I guessed not having to wear underwear made getting dressed much quicker. She gave me a loving kiss as I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her dress up so I could put my hands on her meaty ass flesh. She moaned into my mouth as our tongues danced for a few minutes before she broke the kiss, biting her lip in the process.

"Master. If I don't go now, I will be begging you to pound my tight little pussy again and I won't be able to get the things done I need to," she whispered to me.

I was hard as a rock and was tempted to force her to stay, but relented, "I will allow you to leave my presence, but you pulled away from me. I may have to punish you for that later."

"Promises!" she replied as she kissed me once more before heading down the stairs as I swatted her ass, causing her to yelp. I watched her descend the stairs adding extra swing to her hips, knowing that I was watching her walk away.

Once she was out of view I headed back to the master bedroom and heard the front door close in the distance, knowing Allie and I were now alone for a while. I headed to the bathroom to find Allie kneeling on the floor. Two towels were folded on the bathroom sink and the giant walk-in shower was to my right and on as I looked at her. She was fully in the submissive position as she had her head down and her hands palm side down on her knees as she waited for instructions.

I knew that part of the whole submissive thing was giving complete control over to another and having trust in that person so that the person that controls the submissive will not hurt the submissive. I also knew another part of it was a way for the submissive to be free of stress as the submissive no longer has to make decisions. Those decisions would fall upon the dominant. So I could understand why Allie would do this but I was still curious as to how it happened. However at the moment, I needed a shower and was going to have a little fun with it.

"Well now. It seems we are both... dirty and need a good cleaning. You will join me in the shower slave."

Allie nodded, "Yes of course Master. It would be my pleasure to join you as my Master should not be doing such a mundane task as cleaning himself."

"That is true my slave, but I will take pleasure in having my hands all over your petite body," I replied with a sly smile.

Allie stood up with my help as I reached out my hand. She thanked me for the assistance. Once she was up, she opened the shower door and took my hand helping me in as I had helped her. Allie grabbed the loofah that was in the shower and what I could only assume was her father's body wash and soaped it up. Once I was good and wet from being under the water, Allie moved me to the opposite wall from the shower head and lathered me up from head to toe. She purposefully missed my cock and balls. Once she was done, as she had taken a good amount of time in lathering me up, she guided me back to the water as I couldn't see at this point due to the soap suds on my face.

Once all the soap was off my body, she knelt down and soaped up my cock and balls. Instead of using the loofah, she had used her bare hands and her small hands felt wonderful roaming all over the length of my cock in a massaging way along with my balls. As I was still under the water, I just had to lean back a bit as the water cascaded down my body to wash away the soap on my genitals.

When all the soap was cleared away, she stroked my cock a few times looking into my eyes with a seductiveness to hers. I knew exactly what she wanted but I had other ideas in mind. However I let her have her fun for a bit. I nodded my approval at what she was asking without using words as she rubbed my cockhead along the side of her face. When she saw my nod of approval, she squealed in delight as she took my cock deep into her throat in one go.

Allie bobbed up and down as her tongue swirled around the length of my cock. She was no longer looking at me; she was in her own world, making sweet love to the thing that was now her world. She would occasionally take my cock from her mouth and would kiss her way down to my ball sack and take each of them into her mouth, sucking on them softly before she worked her way back up to my cock engulfing it in one go. She even happened to deep throat me as well, which was amazing given her lack of experience.

I let her have her fun for about five minutes before stopping her, reluctantly pulling my cock from her mouth. She let out a whine when my cock left her lips and I saw her pouting. "Nah-uh slave. No pouting."

"But Master, how is this slave supposed to praise you if you don't allow me to pleasure you like this?" Allie asked as she looked up at me.

"I have better plans for you my sweet," I responded. I helped her up so that she was standing. Reaching behind her, I grabbed the loofah and soaped it up with the more feminine body wash, which was most likely her mother's.

I then directed her where I wanted her and started to soap her up. She looked at me confused and asked, "Master. Why are you doing this? I am capable of washing myself. And as such, my Master should not be washing me." I heard disdain in her voice as she said this.

"I know you are slave. I enjoy having my hands all over your body and this pleases me," I responded before giving her a quick kiss.

Allie looked like she wanted to say more, but the submissive side of her kept her mouth shut and told her not to say anything more. I used the loofah to soap up my hands before setting it down. Then I washed her whole body, purposefully ignoring her breasts, ass and pussy. When I moved her over to the shower head, I watched the water cascade down her body, washing the soap away.

I started drooling in awe of just how beautiful she was. No! Not beautiful. Words could not describe what I was seeing. This perfect being was in front of me and had given herself to me willingly. 'How could my life change so much in such a little amount of time?' I wondered, though at this point, it really didn't matter.

My mind was worried about what would happen if she and Myra were to decide they didn't want to serve me anymore. I would be devastated but I had also opened the door and allowed them to be able to break free from me if they so decided. Not that I would have it any other way as their happiness made me happy.

Once the soap was fully off her body, I guided her back to the other side of the wall and first worked on her breasts. I massaged her lovely small orbs, making sure to knead, pinch and pull at her nipples in the process. She moaned her pleasure and even gasped a couple times as I pulled her nipples a little too hard.

When I finished with her breasts I turned her around and knelt down. Soaping up my hands again, I massaged her ass cheeks. She started to gyrate her hips as my thumbs got closer and closer to her pussy. Instead of pushing my thumbs into her pussy, I pulled her ass cheeks apart and pushed part of one of my thumbs into her dark hole.

"OH SHIT!" she yelped out. "Master... Please be gentle back there as I have never had anything in there before."

I pulled my thumb back and instead inserted my pointer finger into her dark hole. I didn't want to cause her any pain and since the thumb is a lot thicker, I thought my other finger would be much better.

Her hips started to gyrate even more against the shower wall as I fingered her ass. She was in a full blown pant now as I could smell her juices were starting to flow. Just as I thought she was getting close, I pulled my finger from her anal cavity and washed off my hand.

"NOOO!" she whined.

"Sshh, my sweet slave," I said to her. She simply nodded, though the 'No' she said was probably more involuntarily than anything.

I gave her a minute to calm herself and after I could tell her breathing was back to normal, I turned her around and soaped up my fingers once again. This time I cleaned off her pussy, even making sure to rub her clit a little extra so she could get come pleasure from it. I then used the water behind me to get the soap off.

Allie reached out her hand to help me up, but I slapped it away. As I looked up at her with a wicked grin on my face. She looked confused as to why I wasn't getting up. Instead of explaining my intentions, I let my actions speak for me.

I pushed on her stomach, making sure her back was against the wall. I then lifted her right leg and let it rest over my shoulder. Kissing my way up her inner thigh, I eventually reached her soaking wet pussy. Slowly, I ran my tongue through her slit. She left her back against the wall, but her leg inched more to the side giving me better access to her sex. I put my arm around her thigh that was over my back so that my hand was on her ass as I moved her hips so I had even better access. I used my other hand to slip two fingers inside her pussy as my lips took her clit into my mouth.

"OH FUCK MASTER!" she yelled, "Make this slave's cunt squirm under your touch!" she begged.

I had always thought that women didn't like it when their sex was referred to as a cunt, but then again, that could have been part of the degrading/humiliating part that Myra and Allie were speaking about earlier. I released her pussy from my lips and said, "Whose cunt is this slut?"

"Yours Master!" she yelled.

"And who will you please, now and forever?"

"You Master! You and only you! This slave now lives only to serve and please you!" she yelled out.

"And I accept your servitude and look forward to you serving me faithfully for years to come. Now... I have something that needs my attention," I replied with a sly smirk.

I took her clit back in my lips and sucked on it, raking it over my teeth as I pulled on it. I also angled my fingers so that I hit her g-spot and her body reacted to my exploits. Her hips and legs started to shake. Her hands went to the back of my head to pull me as far as she could into her pussy.

"Yes Master! Yes! Make that cunt know who owns it! Show this slut that she belongs to you!" Allie yelled.

Her dirty talk was turning me on so much that my cock was starting to throb painfully. I had half a mind to release her and pound that sweet cunt to my heart's desire, but I wanted her to see how I could please her, and that I enjoyed it, which was true.

What did surprise me was that the right side of her clit made her squirm just a bit more than the top or left side. I decided to focus more on that side and within less than a minute, she was begging me again.

"Master please! Master please, please! Please let me cum Master!? I have been a good slut for you Master!" she begged.

I released her clit just for a moment, "Not yet slut. I want you to hold it like the good little slave you are."

"Yes Master! I will obey!" she yelled. I noticed her swallow hard as she tilted her head back, her eyes closing. She was doing her best to obey and her submissive side would rather her be in extreme pain than to disobey an order from her Master.

I went back to attacking her clit and did something that she wouldn't have expected. I took one of my other fingers and dipped it into her pussy getting it nice and wet. Then, I pulled that extra finger from her pussy and pushed it slowly into her dark hole. It was a little painful on my finger bending that way, but it was well worth it.

Allie started to really go ape shit. Her body was now shaking violently as I felt her nails digging into my skull. I was partially fearful she would either pull my hair out or scratch my head causing me to bleed but I wasn't about to stop.

Then I released her clit from my mouth and gave her instructions regarding her orgasm, "Count down from five slave and then you may cum for your Master."

"T-t-t-ank y-y-you M-M-M-Maser!" she yelled.

I added more pressure and suction to her clit while still trying to focus on fingering her backdoor.


I sucked harder on her clit, adding extra pleasure to the right side as much as I could.


I raked my teeth over her clit repeatedly, letting it pop back into place each time.


I felt her anal cavity and vaginal walls clamping down around my fingers. Luckily, they were a lot smaller than my cock was or it could have been painful.


I started to flick her clit even more with my tongue as her grip became deadly on my head. Her right thigh started to squeeze my head against the other one. I added a second finger in her dark hole making her shake even more. Her eyes also shot open before I saw them roll in the back of her head.


I released her clit and was able to pull my fingers from her pussy as I moved my lips further down her hole as I pushed my tongue into her canal. I did leave my fingers in her ass for added pleasure. My other fingers went around her thigh and added stimulation back to her clit.

She let out a roar that could have been deafening, but my ears were covered by her silky thighs. Her pussy was now rubbing up and down on my face, her cream was released onto my tongue. Then she squirted on my face, releasing a steady stream.

Her orgasm lasted at least a minute as her body looked like it went into convulsions. My hand, which had been in her ass, moved up to the small of her back as I finally pulled my finger from her ass and used my other hand to press on her stomach to help to keep her up. Just as I did this, her left leg began to wiggle as I knew she was losing her balance and would have fallen without my assistance.

After another minute, her grip on my head from both her hands and her thighs loosened as her body just about went limp. She was able to keep her head up still and had a huge smile on her face. He arms had fallen to her side as she stood there.

Once she finally opened her eyes, I removed my tongue from her canal, having felt like I drank a gallon of her female cum, though I wouldn't have had it any other way. Her leg was still shaky as she removed it from my shoulder and set it down in the shower, standing on both feet now. I stood up and took her in my arms, never letting go of her body as I rose.

We took a couple steps back as we kissed passionately as the water cascaded down both of our bodies. Standing there for far too long, we didn't separate until we felt the water start getting cold. "I think we should get out before we freeze, Master," Allie whispered to me.

I took her lips once more and then gave her a nod as we stepped out of the shower. Allie took the first towel and dried me off. Once she was done, she grabbed the second one but I snatched it from her with a smile and dried her off, paying extra attention to her pussy and breasts. She moaned in pleasure, but I didn't go too far for her to have another orgasm. Hell, I didn't even know if she could handle another one like I gave her just moments before.

Once we were done, we headed downstairs. I found us a movie to watch as Allie got us some drinks and something to snack on. When she joined me, I had her sit on the couch so that my right arm was around her. Her head snuggled against my chest as my right hand intertwined with hers.

Allie brought our intertwined hands to her lips as she kissed our hands, "This is true happiness," she whispered.

"That it is my sweet," I responded.

Since the movie was something we had both seen, I decided to bring up the topic of her background. "Allie. Tell me about your past and why you have decided to live your life as a submissive." I felt her tense up and reassured her, "Trust me that I will not look at you any differently nor will I harbor any bad feelings for you for whatever you say."

She nodded and then sighed before speaking, "Growing up, I always knew my parents were odd. My mom was a controlling bitch but my father seemed to obey her no matter how he told me he felt. I wondered why he did this and on my 16th birthday, I found out the truth."

She paused for a few seconds before continuing, possibly gathering her thoughts or still somehow afraid of how I would look at her after I hear her story, "My mother was a Mistress and my father was her main slave. She does have other slaves, but mostly does the sexual things with my father. After my 16th birthday, my mom started to train me as a Mistress as well, though she didn't make me do anything sexual with anyone until I turned 18. Most of the training happened after school and on the weekends. She made me have the slaves do things, commanding them to my own will. I never enjoyed it at all, even when they told me they enjoyed serving me. As time went on, I began to wonder what it was like to serve myself.

"Once I graduated high school, I had found a place in another state where I could be made a slave. I went there for a couple weeks, telling my parents I was going to a camp. When I got to the camp, I was asked what could be done to me. I provided them with rules for things that I would allow and what I wouldn't allow. For three weeks I served both men and women at the place. I was provided food and a bed, though the bed was hard and not well made. When I left the camp and while I was serving, I realized I was happier serving someone and letting my mind be free than to have someone else obey my own wishes. Though my parents are quite wealthy, I had never really asked for much growing up. Yes I do love shopping as any other woman does, but I don't have to shop all the time for myself or ask for money all the time to be happy.

"When I returned home a new person, I informed my mother of my feelings and how I didn't want to become a Mistress but instead was a submissive at heart. Let me tell you she was furious! She punished my father for about a week while I begged her to punish me instead. However, she wouldn't have it and instead forced me to watch while being restrained. I was so turned on by hoping that the next time she would punish me instead, but she never did. About a year later, I met Myra and let her know that I wanted to submit to her but also what I would and wouldn't do and became her slave and the rest is history I guess."

"Interesting," I replied.

She looked up at me and I noticed she also had tears in her eyes, "Please don't think any worse..."

"That is not what I found interesting, though I can understand why you turned out that way. And like I said, I would never look at you differently. What I found interesting is in both cases where you submitted, you gave them instructions on what you would allow and would not allow. Though with me, you have never given me any such instructions."

She smiled as she wiped her tears away, "That is because I can see in your heart that you are a good person and you would not do anything to hurt me. Plus, one of the main things that I asked to never have taken was my virginity, both vaginal and anal as that was something I had wanted to give to someone special. After I got to know Myra and all the tales she would tell me about you and how good a person you were and how sweet you treated me, even if only for a brief moment, I knew that I wanted to give it to you."

"WOW! I had thought you might have been attracted to me seeing as how you would flash that cute little smile and wave at me every time you saw me, but I would never think you would want me like that, especially when you denied others," I replied. I felt almost star struck as it sank in and I started to feel a little nervous. However, whatever nervousness was building inside of me had quickly dissipated when I felt her left hand grip my still quite erect cock.

Now, I could have just sat there and let my slave pleasure me or even forced her to her knees to blow me but for some reason, I thought that equal pleasure was in store for us. "Slave, stand before me!" I ordered her.

Allie quickly got to her feet and stood before me with her hands at her side and her head bowed. "How can I be of service Master?" she asked, quickly transitioning from the sweet woman who I was just talking to into a full submissive, ready to serve and please her Master in any way I saw fit.

I readjusted myself on the couch and then reached out with both hands and took her hands in mine as I pulled her closer to the couch. My hands ran down her arms, past her shoulders and over the sides of her breast and ribs before coming to rest on her hips. I pulled her to me so that she was kneeling on the couch, though my cock was currently pinned against us. "You are to take this cock and fuck yourself with it. I will not be satisfied until both of us cum. However," I said putting up a single finger to express my point, "I don't want this to be a fucking." She looked at me confused, "I want you to make love to this cock with that tight little cunt, the same way you did when you used your mouth earlier."

Her eyes lit up and she smiled a 10,000 watt smile as she nodded vehemently at me before answering, "Yes of course Master! It would be my... um our pleasure."

Allie lifted herself and positioned my cock so that it was right at her entrance. From my vantage point, I could see (and also feel) her juices dripping down, coating my engorged head. She ran my head through her slit, making it extra wet, before she sank down. Slowly she sank onto my cock as I felt her vaginal muscles clamp down around the intruding member that was invading her most sacred of places. She was able to relax her muscles just enough so that she could take more of me inside of her.

It took her a few tries but after about a minute of sliding up and down my cock, she did something that I didn't expect. Her last thrust downward had forced the entirety of my cock deep within her love pocket. She screamed out, though I don't know if it was in pain or pleasure as she more looked to be in pain than anything.

I had released her hips prior but when I put my hands back on her hips, she grabbed both my hands and spoke up, "Master please give me a few moments to get used to you. None of the toys Myra or I have used have been as big as you are." In truth I wasn't that large, at least I didn't think I was. When I would get sly glances at other guys, I knew I was about average, maybe a little above in length but I did know my cock was thicker than most other guys. However it wasn't like I was that big but then again, I had just taken her virginity, in a sense, last night and I hadn't pushed the entire length inside of her.

When she was ready, she began to move up slowly and then back down, making sure to take it almost completely out and then thrusting down slowly to take it all back in. She was trying to control her breathing as she did this but she was starting to pant and slowly lose control of it.

I had gone from holding her hips to rubbing from her silky thighs up to her perky little breasts and back down again. I wasn't doing it to add to her pleasure per se, but more to sooth her as she rode me slowly.

"One thing I forgot to ask my slave, are you on the pill?" I whispered to her.

"Yes Master," she answered back in a sweet whisper herself, "My mother put me on them when I turned 16 so I didn't do something foolish." I made a mental note that I would need to ask Myra about this as well along with add this as a rule to my list.

"Good. I'm not ready to be a father... just yet that is," I replied with a knowing smirk.

Allie's cheeks heated at my sly remark. Then I felt her pussy clamp down around my engorged member. As she made love to me, bouncing up and down with such sophistication and perfection. It was like she was born to ride me and sex was the profession she had perfected.

While she was in her own world, bringing pleasure to both me and herself, I decided to add to her pleasure as well. Without warning I grabbed hold of both her breasts and brought my lips to her right one, taking her nipple in my mouth.

"Yes Master. Enjoy my breasts," she cooed sweetly at me while she brought her hands up and put them behind my head.

I sucked on her right one while fondling her left with my other hand. Then I ran a trail of saliva to the left one, gently kissing her soft supple skin along the way and occasionally flicking my tongue along the way. When I got to the left one, I first kissed and sucked on the skin around her areola. I wanted to make the other one jealous as I gave it different treatment. When I felt I had covered her entire breast, I gently sucked her nipple into my mouth and lightly bit on it.

I felt her hand on the back of my head squeeze me harder into her soft fleshy mounds. When she felt my teeth clamp down on her she screamed out, "OH FUCK! That feels sooo good baby!"

This was the first time she had called me something other than Master. Though with the slow lovemaking we were doing, it felt more natural. A Master doesn't generally make love to his slave, he uses them for his own pleasure. Then again, I am not the typical type of Master that most slaves have.

As she continued to ride me, I felt her grinding her clitoris into my pelvis with each downward thrust and each time she would bring herself back up. My mouth gravitated over to her right breast again, giving it the same treatment. Instead of leaving my hand on her left breast, it journeyed down her side around to the small of her back and onto her ass. As I squeezed her tight flesh, I tried to help her in her riding of my cock, but she reached around and moved my hand back to her breast. Again I moved my hand back to her ass but this time, just as my hand was gripping her ass, she smacked my hand.

I instantly looked up at her, upset that she would strike me and I saw love and sadness in her eyes as she said, "Sorry Master, but I want you to truly enjoy how I make love to you."

Releasing her nipple from my mouth, I replied, "We will have to talk about that later slave. For now, I will allow you to control the tempo."

"Thank you Master. You won't regret this."

For the next ten minutes, she rode me with perfection. Her body moved with such grace as she pleasured both of us. I noticed a couple times where her breathing would increase and she would slow down and stop grinding. After about twenty or thirty seconds, she would resume her grinding as well as the pace that she had initially set.

I wondered why she kept doing this, but couldn't quite figure it out. She was fighting back her orgasm, but instead of asking for approval to have her orgasm, she would slow down and hold it back. What was her endgame? Why would she deny herself pleasure especially since I had allowed her and Myra to have their orgasms? They would just have to complete a small task that was easily accomplished at the time.

"Allie!" I said sternly getting her attention. "Why are you denying yourself your orgasm?" I asked.

She was now looking at me through glazed eyes. She had now stopped her orgasms four times but still had not asked for me to allow her to orgasm. Simply smiling in the cutest and sexiest way possible she responded, "You told me to make love to your cock like I did with my mouth earlier. Though I can't orgasm from sucking your... gorgeous tool, when two people make love, it is only made more special by when they orgasm together."

For the next ten minutes, Allie rode me. At moments she was really getting into it but would slow down to control her orgasm. When she did slow down, I could feel her pussy clamping down hard along my cock, massaging it in a way that I had never felt. With me already having two orgasms that morning, I knew this was going to take a long while and Allie would not be able to hold on that long.

So, instead of watching her fail and hating herself for it, I decided on option C. Releasing her breasts from my hands and wrapping my arms around her, I thrust upward to help myself off the couch. Allie looked down immediately and went to protest but the look in my eyes must have told her not to say anything. When I thrust again, I had enough room to be able to lift myself off the couch with only one arm.

I released one arm from around her waist and wrapped the other around as tight as I could so she wouldn't fall. Then I reached behind me and was able to push myself off the couch. Once I was standing, I wrapped my other arm around her and looked into her eyes. Noticing she was close to crying by the water that was puddling in her eyes, I spoke up, "Do not cry baby. You didn't fail."

"B-b-but I couldn't make my Master cum with my lovemaking. I'm not worthy of being..." she started to say as the tears started to run down her face.

She had stopped talking as she saw me kiss the tears that were streaming down her face on one side and lap up the tears on the other side. When I had cleaned up her tears and the waterworks stopped, she looked at me confused.

"Like I said, you didn't fail. And I hate seeing beautiful women cry, unless it is in extreme pleasure of course," I said with a wicked grin. My face turned to a look of anger, "And don't you ever, EVER say that you aren't worthy of me! Only I can decide that. Do you understand?"

"Yes Master," she whispered, though I don't think she believed that she had not failed.

"Know this my sweet. Had I not already had cum twice today, I would have painted your womb like I intend to do now."

Allie nodded believing in her Master, but still had doubts that she could fulfill her Master's wishes by pleasuring him with her inexperienced body, at least when sex was involved. "Perhaps when you stay the night, you will believe me when we make love in the morning and I have plenty pent up from the night before," I assured her. I knew that due to her lack of experience, she would have doubts that she could please me, especially against the likes of my sister, but I knew better than to think that she could not.

Laying her down on the couch, her legs kept themselves wrapped around my waist as our love making continued. However, with me being able to control the pace, I was able to get closer to my climax a lot quicker this way. Our lips met as our tongues battled. I made sweet love to her keeping up a steady pace as her hips came up to meet mine with each thrust.

Within a few minutes, I was getting close and knew it would be hard for me to hold it like she had been the whole time. I would need to think of some way to show my appreciation to her for doing this and following my commands to a 'T'. "I'm close sexy. Are you ready?" I asked as I broke our kiss and looked lovingly at her beautiful face.

Her eyes flew open and I saw those sexy eyes that could make just about any man her bitch. She smiled, "Yes baby. Let me know when you are about to cum."

With a few more, quicker, thrusts, I yelled out, "NOW!" My balls clenched as rope after rope of cum shot out and covered the walls and womb of my slave and yelled out without thinking, "GOD I LOVE YOU!"

The second I said 'NOW', her body arched, her eyes rolled back in her head, her nails dug into my skin like never before and I felt her body quake as her orgasm fired off. Without warning, she screamed out as her walls contracted, squeezing me like I had never felt before. It hurt a bit, but I would endure the pain to bring her pleasure like this. That was all that mattered, the pleasure. The pain was nothing to either of us.

Once my orgasm subsided, I collapsed on top of her body. She was still shaking, though it was getting weaker and weaker as she rode the aftereffects of her own orgasm. I rolled a bit to my right as much as the couch would let me so that my full weight was no longer on her and held her close. As we both tried to control our breathing so that it was back to normal, we must have passed out.

After about two hours, I awoke to the same position I was in prior. I knew that Allie was still napping as I could hear her soft snoring. Some of her blonde hair had covered her face either during our lovemaking or afterwards, as she slept, and I brought my right hand up to brush it away from her face. When I did this, her eyes opened, though partially glazed over, and she smiled lovingly at me. We kissed passionately as we held each other close. I hadn't realized until now, but I was not only hard again, but my cock was still buried deep within her sopping wet pussy.

When we finally broke our kiss, I stared back into those gorgeous eyes and rubbed her cheek with my right hand. How could I be so damn lucky to be able to not only have sex with, but also take the virginity of, such a goddess? This creature before me should have been able to get just about any guy in the world but she had chosen me to do this.

"God your beautiful. How did I get so lucky to have you?" I asked her.

"I should be asking you the same. You are the sexiest, kindest, sweetest, most caring and most handsome man I have met. Not to mention you can make me cum like no tomorrow. Add in the fact that you own me and I feel like I'm the lucky one between us."

"Well... I am a stud aren't I?" I asked feeling my confidence building enough to joke around with her as I shook my eyebrows at her in a goofy way.

She slapped my chest in response, "Asshole!"

I quickly grabbed her hand and let anger fill my eyes as I asked, "Do you want me to punish you for hitting your Master slave?"

Fear quickly hit her eyes as she stammered her words trying to apologize for hitting me before I broke out laughing. Realizing I was messing with her, she started hitting me repeatedly before I finally grabbed her arm and held her down mashing my lips into hers.

When we finally broke the kiss, we both laughed for a few minutes at all that happened. Though it would seem, something I said by mistake was heard by her ears, "Did you really mean what you said?"

I looked at her confused, "What are you referring to exactly, as I have said a couple things in the last few minutes?" I responded.

She shook her head, "Not that part. I know you meant that as I could see it in your eyes. I'm talking about when you said you loved me?"

Her look was one of sheer beauty at that moment. I could have lied through my teeth and said that I did love her but in truth I didn't. Not because I didn't have feelings for her, that part was true, but more that before last night, I had never talked to her and feeling love for someone was not something that just happens overnight. Though I did feel like we were moving in that direction, at least I hoped we were.

"Umm..." I said rubbing the back of my neck, "It just came out but I didn't mean it and I'm sorry to have said it."

"Oh!" she replied and I saw her eyes look away from me. I felt a sadness to her as those eyes wouldn't meet mine at the moment.

I reached down and turned her face to meet mine again, "Just cause I don't mean it now, doesn't mean I won't mean it later. Yes, I do like you and yes, I want us to continue to be close. No matter where this master/slave thing goes, I would like to be in your life. You are a wonderful person from what I have seen so far and I would like to get to know you better. I'm just not ready to really admit that I love you at this time. And if I did say I meant it, it would be a lie. Hell, I have only known you know for less than a day, so don't be sad."

She smiled, I guess realizing my words were true, "I'm sorry but I get emotional too quickly sometimes and being a slave helps me to remove some of that emotion. But being with you is different. Not just in that you are different type of dominant than I have ever seen, but also that I... never mind."

"What were you going to say?" I asked curious.

"I shouldn't..."

"Please say it or I will force you to," I replied sternly.

She took a deep breath and finished her thoughts, "It's just that I have liked you for a long time and for the last couple months, each time someone touches me... intimately, I picture it is you and have better orgasms thinking about you. I... I think I'm already in love with you."

I saw tears beginning to form in her eyes again, but didn't know if it was due to sadness that I didn't feel the same way or if it was her releasing a weight off her shoulders that she had for a long while, "But how could you feel that way if we just actually met last night?"

She smiled as she wiped her tears away before they could fall from her eyes, "Myra and I have been talking about you a lot. She knows that I have liked you for a long time. At first it was just me being curious about you. Yes, you were handsome when I first saw you, but you were also nice to me each time. When I asked Myra about bringing you into our... group, she told me it would never happen as she was protecting you from the cruelties of the world. She told me about how you protected her from some guys when she was younger and how close the two of you used to be. I could tell she had fallen for you as well and I could only feel the same. I was sad for a long time after she told me that but was determined that if you ever showed any interest in me, I would leave this life behind for a vanilla one just to give us a try."

She continued, "Then she called me yesterday and said she was coming over and that we would be having," using air quotes, "'Role play time'. This generally meant something like a teacher/student thing or something that excited her at the moment, but more often, she had been having me wear a strap on while I fucked her into multiple orgasms and she would scream out your name over and over again begging you to cum inside her. Then we would switch and I would do the same, though she always used her smallest strap on to ensure my pussy was as tight as possible. She was a strict Mistress, but not mean, and wanted to allow me to give my virginity to the man I wanted and to ensure I was as tight as possible when it happened. So you see, though we only actually met last night, I have loved you for a while now, and have felt these feelings the whole time. But please don't look at me or Myra any different now, that is my only request in this."

I was too stunned to speak. I had also found her attractive since I first saw her but from what I heard. She just about had a relationship with me vicariously through Myra. As I was trying to gather my thoughts to let it all sink in and come up with something, anything, to say, Allie spoke up again with tears in her eyes, "Please say something Master. Say you hate me, say you care about me, though I know you can't say you love me yet, say that what I told you means nothing, but please say something. I need to know what you are thinking."

Her words almost sounded desperate, like a woman who was losing her relationship and fighting to keep it going somehow. Finally, I spoke up needing to say something back, "I don't know what to say really," I responded with. I could see the sadness in her eyes but there was acceptance there as well, knowing that she just laid her heart out to me and she would have to deal with the outcome, whether it be in her favor or not.

Then I continued, "I mean I'm overwhelmed that you would feel that way about me. Myra, I can understand as we were close for so long, though at the time I thought it was just sibling closeness but now that I think about it, she was practically my girlfriend for years. But you, I mean I don't know what to say. You are just as beautiful as Myra is and as good of a person as I have ever seen and any man would be lucky to have you in any way. Do I deserve this, I don't know as I'm just me? I'm not a superhero or rich or famous or have a huge cock or all the muscles and tight abs that most women want. I don't know what I can offer you that can be better than the next average Joe, but I will promise you, I will do my best to care for you and make you as happy as possible."

She giggled at me. I on the other hand looked at her confused wondering why she was giggling, before she responded, "You don't give yourself enough credit. That could be why you are such a different type of Master than I have ever seen. Most men who take on the role of being a Master are self-centered, have some sort of agenda or believe that women live to serve them. But you are caring, loving and a true man in every sense of the word. I could not have found a better person to give my virginity to." She paused for a minute before continuing, "I'm just glad all the stories about you Myra told me were true." With that she pulled me into another kiss.

We made out for another hour or so before we decided it was time for me to leave, though I did state that we were going to stop for lunch so I could get to know her a little better. When I went upstairs to gather my clothing from the night before, I realized all my clothes were gone. In their place, was a bag with a note on it:


Thank you for the wonderful night and memorable morning. May we have many more so that I may please you like you deserve. I took the liberty of packing some of your new clothing and putting them into my care before we left yesterday so that you wouldn't be soiled by dirty clothing. I do hope you find your way home soon so that I may show you just how willing I am to please you in any way possible. Until we see each other again.

Your loyal slave and sister,


I could only smile at the note she had left me. The kiss next to her name was an added bonus as well. I could already start to feel my cock stirring as I thought about seeing my sexy sister slave again. Then I got dressed quickly, just finishing up as Allie made it into her room to dress herself. I gave her another kiss before I slapped her ass telling her to hurry and get dressed or she would be drenched in my cum yet again.

"Oh whatever would I do if that were to happen," she stated as she put her forearm across her forehead acting like it was a terrible thing to be covered in my cum.

"Don't push it now or you and I may never leave this house," I responded teasingly.

"Promises, promises," she replied with a sinful smirk as she bit her lip looking at my cock as it started to grow.

When she was finished dressing, she was wearing a jean skirt that came up a couple inches shorter than mid-thigh and a black tank top looking shirt that was open on the sides and had a crisscross pattern keeping the front and back together. The shirt came down just barely above her navel but showed no cleavage at the top. That saddened me, but then again, she did have smaller sized breasts and was probably subconscious about her chest. I on the other hand loved how her breasts looked and would be happy to look at them all day long. On her feet, she wore a pair of tan wedges that made her butt perk up even more than it already was. She had taken those golden silken strands of hair and weaved them into a single braid that snaked its way across her shoulder and down past her right breast. Even fully clothed, she was sexy as hell. I felt like fucking her right there again but had to keep my eye on what Myra had in store for me.

Once she was done, she walked over to me and gave me a quick kiss before heading towards the hall. I stopped her and lifted her skirt, noticing she wasn't wearing any panties and sunk my finger into her still wet snatch. She moaned in delight as I said, "Just had to make sure you were following my instructions of no underwear."

"You could have asked Master and I would have shown you," she replied in a seductive tone.

"True, but then I couldn't do this," I said pulling my finger from her pussy and plunging it into my mouth, loving the taste on my tongue. She moaned again knowing that I genuinely enjoyed her taste.

"Do you need to check to be sure I'm not wearing a bra either?" she asked, trying to seduce me as she played with the hem of her shirt, raising it a couple inches showing me her silky smooth skin.

I reached around her waist and grabbed her breast, tweaking her nipple in the process, "No, I was certain you weren't seeing how your nipples have been hard this whole time. But that doesn't mean I don't want to take a handful whenever I feel like it."

"Of course Master. My body is yours to use as you please." I kissed her once again, this time pressing my lips hard into hers before releasing her and directing her to leave.

She locked up her house and I brought the bag Myra had left me as we hopped into her car and headed out.

Lunch was a vanilla affair, compared to the rest of the morning. We talked about all sorts of things. From things we liked to do to what we were going to school for, well what I would be going to school for when I got to college. She was studying to be a nurse and was going for her B.S. first but would consider getting her Masters later if she had a chance. She told me she loved helping people and had even volunteered in high school, in what little free time she had, at a soup kitchen and at a local food harvest.

I let her know I was going to be a CPA but hadn't decided on whether or not I wanted my own business or if I wanted to work for a company. I also found out that she enjoyed running, like I did and enjoyed nature a lot and that she always wanted to travel. She had also told me she had never been outside of the country, and I committed that to memory as I would need to take her out of the country on a fun filled vacation.

Once lunch was over, we got back into her car and I held her hand as she had me drive home. When I pulled into the driveway, I reached over and gave her a loving kiss, and a quick grope of her breasts before I got out of the car. I slapped her ass once more causing her to yelp in surprise as she got into the driver's seat. I gave her one more kiss and she flashed me her pussy, which I quickly buried my finger inside to get another taste, before she headed on her way.

I stood there for a moment, tasting her pussy on my finger thinking about how my life had gotten to this point in such a short amount of time. Then I looked up to my house and wondered what Myra had in store for me next. Surely it couldn't top being with Allie or Allie and Myra.